Feline Panleukopenia: ABCD Guidelines On Prevention and Management
Feline Panleukopenia: ABCD Guidelines On Prevention and Management
Feline Panleukopenia: ABCD Guidelines On Prevention and Management
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Clinical signs
The hallmark of FPV infection is diarrhoea,
caused by the shortening of the intestinal villi
due to a loss – sometimes complete – of
epithelial cells.17 The virus replicates in the
rapidly dividing cells of the crypts of
Lieberkühn, impairs regeneration of the
intestinal epithelium and the lesions described
above are the result (Figs 1 and 2). Their severity
correlates with the turnover rate of these cells,
and co-infection with enteric viruses such as
feline coronavirus may aggravate the disease.
Intrauterine or perinatal infection may affect
the central nervous system of the fetus, leading
to cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor in
affected kittens. The FPV feline ataxia syndrome
results from an impaired development of the
cerebellum due to lytic virus replication in the
Purkinje cells (Table 1).18,19 FIG 2 (a) Haemorrhagic enteritis is a common
Although FPV affects cats of all ages, kittens feature of feline panleukopenia, leading to the
hallmark clinical manifestation of haemorrhagic
are most susceptible. Mortality rates are high diarrhoea. Courtesy of (a) Marian C Horzinek;
– over 90% in kittens (Fig 3). (b) Albert Lloret
Va c c i n a t i o n r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
General considerations ✜ All kittens should receive FPV vaccines;
Both MLV and inactivated FPV vaccines are available for ✜ At least two doses of vaccine should be administered – the
administration by injection, and both provide solid immunity first at 8–9 weeks of age, and the second 3–4 weeks later (at a
against disease. In healthy cats, protection by MLV vaccines is minimum of 12 weeks of age);
more rapid [EBM grade II].47,48 However, a single dose of an ✜ If prophylactic administration of immunoglobulins is not
inactivated FPV vaccine may quickly induce good antibody possible, additional earlier vaccinations should be considered,
responses in naive cats.49,50 In the field, inactivated vaccines especially if MDA is known or suspected to be poor and/or the
are not popular and have all but disappeared from the market kitten is in a high-risk situation [EBM grade I]. If a kitten is
(eg, in Germany, they are only used in exotic felids). There are vaccinated at or before 4 weeks of age, only an inactivated
no data to suggest that particular vaccine brands are product should be used, and repeat vaccinations
more efficacious than others. can be given at 3–4 week intervals until 12 weeks
Core vaccine
The following considerations may influence the of age;
The ABCD considers
decision about the vaccine type: vaccines that protect against ✜ In circumstances where MDA may have
✜ Modified-live virus vaccines should not be FPV infections as being core. persisted beyond 12 weeks, vaccination at
used in pregnant queens because of the risk of 16–20 weeks of age should be considered. This
placental virus passage and damage to the may apply to kittens in catteries or shelters, and
fetus, especially to the developing to kittens from cats that had previously lived in a
cerebellum.50,51 Though inactivated FPV products low-exposure environment and moved into a high-
are licensed in some countries for use in pregnant risk situation [EBM grade I];23
queens, in general pregnant queens should not be ✜ Adult cats of unknown vaccination status should
vaccinated. receive a single MLV vaccine injection followed by a booster
✜ Modified-live virus vaccines should not be administered 1 year later.
to kittens under 4 weeks of age for the same reason:
the cerebellum is still developing in young neonates.50,51 Booster vaccinations
Cats that had responded to FPV vaccination have been shown
Primary course to maintain a solid immunity for 7 years (probably longer) in the
Kittens from immune queens are protected by MDA in the first absence of any booster vaccination or natural challenge [EBM
weeks of life. However, the time at which a kitten will become grade II].51,38 Nevertheless, the ABCD recommends the following
susceptible to infection and/or can respond to vaccination is revaccination protocol:
unknown; also, there is considerable variation between ✜ All cats should receive a first booster 12 months after
individuals. In general, MDA will have waned by 8–12 weeks of completion of the kitten vaccination course (this will ensure
age to a level that allows an immunological response, and an protection of cats that have not adequately responded to the
initial vaccination at 8–9 weeks of age followed by a second primary course);
injection 3–4 weeks later is commonly recommended. Many ✜ After this first booster, subsequent revaccinations are given
vaccines carry data sheet recommendations to this effect. at intervals of 3 years or longer, unless special conditions apply
However, kittens with poor MDA may be vulnerable (and capable [EBM grade II].
of responding to vaccination) at an earlier age, while others While most cases of panleukopenia are caused by infection
may possess MDA at such high titres that they are incapable of with FPV, the canine parvovirus variants CPV-2a, CPV-2b and
responding to vaccination until some time after 12 weeks of age. CPV-2c, discussed earlier, have infected cats and caused disease.
No single primary vaccination policy will therefore cover all Current FPV vaccines probably afford protection against these
potential situations. The ABCD recommends that: new variants [EBM grade II].52,53
the specific antibody titre, the volume Feline panleukopenia virus has re-emerged
administered, the relative importance of serum
antibodies in controlling the particular
as a major cause of mortality in cats in shelters
infection, and the timing of administration. and rescue homes.
Products containing highly concentrated
immunoglobulins are available in some
European countries for cats (horse antibodies Repeated treatment (at an interval of more than
directed against FPV, feline herpesvirus and 1 week) should be avoided, as cats may display
feline calicivirus). They are marketed for anaphylactic reactions.40
prophylactic and therapeutic use, with Immune serum (see box on page 544) may
protection lasting for about 3 weeks. During also be prepared in the veterinary practice by
this period, the cats cannot be vaccinated bleeding healthy donor cats (preferably groups
with a MLV product, because the of recovered animals). Hyperimmune serum
immunoglobulins will neutralise the would be obtained from animals that had been
attenuated virus. Although large amounts of repeatedly vaccinated. If such sera are used,
foreign (equine) protein are administered, their antibody content and consequently the
allergic reactions and side effects are rare. duration of protection are obviously unknown.
The European Advisory
Board on Cat Diseases ✜ Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) infects all felids as well as raccoons,
(ABCD) is indebted to mink and foxes.
Dr Karin de Lange for her
judicious assistance in ✜ FPV may survive in the environment for several months.
organising this special issue, ✜ Indirect contact is the most common route of infection.
her efforts at coordination,
✜ FPV affects cats of all ages but kittens are most susceptible.
and her friendly deadline-
keeping. The tireless ✜ FPV antigen is detected in faeces with commercial test kits that detect viral antigens.
editorial assistance of Specialised laboratories carry out PCR testing on whole blood or faeces.
Christina Espert-Sanchez ✜ Supportive therapy and good nursing significantly decrease mortality rates.
is gratefully acknowledged.
The groundwork for ✜ In cases of enteritis, parenteral administration of a broad-spectrum antibiotic
this series of guidelines is recommended.
would not have been ✜ Disinfectants containing sodium hypochlorite (bleach), peracetic acid, formaldehyde
possible without financial or sodium hydroxide are effective.
support from Merial.
The ABCD particularly ✜ All cats – including indoor cats – should be vaccinated.
appreciates the support ✜ Two injections of kittens, at 8–9 weeks of age and 3–4 weeks later, are recommended,
of Dr Jean-Christophe and a first booster 1 year later.
Thibault, who respected
the team’s insistence on ✜ A third vaccination at 16–20 weeks of age is recommended for kittens from environments
scientific independence. with a high infection pressure or from queens with high vaccine-induced antibody levels.
✜ The next booster vaccinations are given at intervals of 3 years or more.
✜ Although protection starts rapidly after injection of modified-live virus vaccines,
they should not be used in pregnant queens and in kittens less than 4 weeks of age.
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