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Journal of Human Growth and Development.

2018; 28(3):356-360 Research methodology topics: Cross-sectional studies


Research methodology topics: Cross-

sectional studies
Juliana Zangirolami-Raimundo1, Jorge de Oliveira
Open acess Echeimberg1, Claudio Leone1

¹Laboratório de Delineamento de Abstract

Estudos e Escrita Científica. Centro
Universitário Faculdade de Medicina In health the most frequent researches are done in the
do ABC, Santo André, SP, Brazil.
form of observational studies. In this type of scientific
Corresponding author: research the researchers do not interfere with the
[email protected]
phenomena under study, only observe in a systematic
Manuscript received: June 2018 and standardized manner, collecting and recording
Manuscript accepted: October 2018
Version of record online: November 2018 information, data or materials that spontaneously occur
at a particular time of the health-disease process, or
along its natural evolution, and then proceed with its
description and/or analysis. In observational studies
normally four types of study design are used: case series
studies, cross-section studies, case-control studies
and cohort studies. Thus, cross-sectional studies are
very useful in descriptive studies when used in studies
that are proposed to be analytical, the results must be
interpreted by researchers with good experience in that
specific field of knowledge, using a lot of caution and
common sense.
Keywords: observational study, cross-sectional studies,
study design, prevalence.

In health, whether in public health or medicine, the are only about the detailed and organized description of one
most frequent surveys are done in the form of observational or more phenomena, the quality of data required for study
studies. In this type of scientific investigation researchers in addition to the systematization and standardization of
do not interfere in the phenomena under study, they only the collection methods, also the strategy adopted to obtain
observe them in a systematic and standardized way, them, which is called the design or, more correctly, the
collecting and registering information, data or materials study design.
(such as blood, biopsies and other examples) that occur In observational studies normally four types of
spontaneously at a given moment in the health-disease study design are used2:
process, or during its natural evolution, and then proceed - Series of cases,
to its description and/or analysis1. - Cross-Sectional,
The aim of cross-sectional studies is to obtain - Case-control and,
reliable data that make possible to generate, robust - Cohort Studies.
conclusions, and create new hypotheses that can be These designs, which has been used in early
investigated with new research. research, and also perhaps the most frequently used is the
Analytical studies seek to establish relationships cross-sectional study.
and associations between two or more phenomena (called The main characteristic of cross-sectional studies
variables in the analysis process), and descriptive studies is that the observation of variables, whether they are

Suggested citation: Zangirolami-Raimundo J, Echeimberg JO, Leone C. Research methodology

topics: Cross-sectional studies. Journal of Human Growth and Development. 2018; 28(3):356-360.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7322/jhgd.152198

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Research methodology topics: Cross-sectional studies Journal of Human Growth and Development. 2018; 28(3):356-360

cases, individuals, or other types of data, is performed in than the other designs1,3.
a single moment (the same), when the researcher records These characteristics make cross-sectional studies
a “photograph” of the facts (variables) of interest and not particularly useful for studying the prevalencea of a
the “movie” of its evolution1,2. Also called transversal, particular phenomenon, whether it is assumed to be the
sectional, or prevalence, the cross-sectional study has cause or the consequence, or both, in a defined population.
the advantages of allowing the direct observation by These studies, even if purely observational and descriptive,
the researcher of the phenomena to be investigated, of are very useful in the field of Public Health. Of course this
performing the information collection in a short time type of design is appropriate for problems with prolonged
(in public health is very frequent the use of collective or chronic evolution and is not generally suitable for the
effort), without the need for follow-up of the participants, study of acute situations, when the interest is the incidenceb
and to produce faster results, therefore, at a lower cost of new events.

Prevalence: is the proportion of a given population that
at the moment of the study presents a disease, risk
factor and/or other type of problem.

Beyond the pure description of phenomena, cross- Examples of cross-sectional studies, probably one of
sectional design is also useful in studies that investigate the most popular, are population censuses (demographic),
causal and effect relationships, which seek, at least systematically carried out by many countries in order to
preliminarily, to analyze the relationships between risk identify characteristics of their populations at a given
factors, determinants and what are supposed to be their time, analyze their evolution over time, and to establish
consequences or effects (outcomes), such as diseases, some relationships between these features that deserve to
sequelae and damages or even advantages (protection) of be analyzed3,4.
any kind.

Incidence: corresponds to the proportion of new cases


(disease, risk or any problem) that occur in the study

population over a defined period of time and not just in
a single moment.

A census involves a lot of time and resources As a consequence, to reduce the cost and time of
because it covers the collection of data from the entire conducting the survey it is often necessary to use samples
population (the universe) that is to be evaluated and, (from the universe) that, based on statistical analyzes,
therefore, makes its routine use practically unfeasible in produce results and estimates capable of producing
most scientific research. generalizable conclusions, even with some limitations4.

Accurate: is the result obtained from a sample,


provides a very close value to the one to be estimated

in a given population. The accuracy does not depend
on a greater or lesser precision of the estimated value,
but on the sample representativeness and reliability of
the data collected.

For this to be possible it is necessary that the accurate. The ideal condition is to obtain from the sample
sample used in the research be as representative as an accurate result that, at the same time, is also precision3.
possible the study universe, be accuratec, and that its size Unfortunately, in many research situations it is
(n) is sufficient to guarantee results with the necessary impossible to obtain a representative sample, so when this
precisiond. Accuracy and precision are not equivalent, is the case, one uses the best sample that can be obtained,
because depending on the sample type and its size (n), it always seeking to have a minimum of representativeness.
can be accurate but very precise or imprecise, but little This type of sample is named the convenience sample.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7322/jhgd.152198 357

Journal of Human Growth and Development. 2018; 28(3):356-360 Research methodology topics: Cross-sectional studies

In those circumstances, despite the fact that The study populations (or universes) can either
the use of a convenience sample does not completely be a population of a city, a state or a country as a whole,
prevents the conduct of a study, it should be in mind that as the population of certain subgroups, for example the
this situation imposes limitations on the interpretation of female or child population, or the population with a certain
results, particularly with regard to the generalization of its health problem, such as the population of diabetics or
findings, because it is practically impossible to assess its hypertensives, or with exposure to risks such as smokers,
accuracy. sedentary and so on. Researchers must define, from their

Precision correspond to the variation that a result
would have if it were calculated from several samples
(from the same population) selected in the same way.
The confidence interval (CI) is the one way to represent
its precision. The smaller the difference between
the extremes of the CI, the greater the precision of
the result. Precision does not have to do with the
representativeness of the sample, but it depends very
much on the size of the sample, that is, on the number
of subjects that compose it.

research hypothesis, which population is to be studied, aspects, seeking to identify relationships that may exist
that is, the one from which a sample will be selected. between study variables, such as the relationship between
Whenever it is not possible to obtain a representative risk factors and their possible consequences, such as
sample, the researcher will be analyzing data of what is diseases, damages, sequelae, etc., the cross-sectional is
called the hypothetical populatione. considered analytical, establishing comparisons between
When it is desired to go beyond purely descriptive subjects of the sample exposed to a certain risk factor and

Hypothetical population: the one to which the study’s
conclusions apply, in other words, if there are populations
similar to those in the sample, the conclusions will be
valid for them.
those not exposed, whether or not they have a particular The distribution of the research subjects is used to
disease. Conversely, the study also allows comparisons make this evaluation, according to the absolute and relative
between patients and non-patients, who were exposed to frequency with which they are classified in relation to the
an alleged risk factor5. two characteristics (risk factor and outcome), in tables
Thus, for this analysis it is possible to divide the named of contingency (Table 1), or association, which are
subjects of the sample, according to the risk factor and always structured this way:
outcome (disease), into four distinct groups:
Table 1: Two by two contingency table
- those who have the risk factor and have the
outcome; Outcome Outcome Totals
- those who have the risk factor and do not have Present Absent
the outcome; Risk a b a+b
- those who do not have the risk factor and have the Present
outcome and; Risk c d c+d
- those who do not have the risk factor and do not Absent
have the outcome.
In addition, it is possible to divide them into four Totals a+c b+d a+b+c+d
subgroups based on the disease: In these tables, the data of the boxes (a, b, c and
- those who have the outcome and have the risk d) are compared with those expected from a distribution
factor; that is totally determined by chance. The less divergent the
- those who have the outcome and do not have the values obtained in the research under analysis from those
risk factor; expected by chance, the lower the probability that there is
- those who do not have the outcome and have the an association between risk and disease. On the contrary,
risk factor; the greater the divergence of the observed than the
- those that do not have the outcome and do not expected by chance, the greater the probability that there
have the risk factor. is an association between the risk factor and the outcome.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7322/jhgd.152198 358

Research methodology topics: Cross-sectional studies Journal of Human Growth and Development. 2018; 28(3):356-360

The Chi-square methods and the Fisher’s exact When the phenomena to be studied (risk and
test are used in this association analysis because they are outcome) are quantitative (numerical) variables, it is also
based on the diference between the expected values and possible to analyze their relations by means of comparisons
those observed in the research to define their statistical of means or medians using parametric statistical tests
significance6. (Student’s T, Fisher’s Exact) or non-parametric (Mann-
In this sense it is important to remember that a Whitney). In these conditions it is also possible to calculate
statistically significant association simply means that there correlation coefficients (Pearson or Spearman) and,
is a probability of being associated, not absolute certainty. possibly, linear regression models and even to evaluate
In addition, the presence of this probable association does sensitivity, specificity and predictive values (+ or -) using
not necessarily imply a relation of determination, that is, of ROC Curves (Receiver Operating Characteristics Curves).
the cause/effect type. An example of this may be the finding, Despite the potential advantages: faster realization,
based on a sample of adults, of a statistically significant lower cost, lower losses and the possibility of direct
association between overweight and hypertension. Can observation of phenomena to be analyzed (avoiding the
obesity lead to hypertension? It may seem true, however bias due to memory leaks or inadequate recording or
there may be another cause, or risk factor, that may be the absent stunted information), and enable a wide variety of
cause of both: anxiety. An anxious individual may manifest alternative methods that can be used to statistically analyze
hypertension and become obese, making these two data, cross- sectional design (such as the Del Ciampo et al7,
outcomes appear to be one cause and the other the outcome. Lucena et al8 study) presents some important drawbacks
If the sample is not raised also considering the presence that make it difficult to interpret association results.
or not of anxiety in the patients , at leastthere is a risck of The disadvantages are fundamentally due to the fact
concluding that hipertension is a case of obesity. of collecting information about risk factors and outcomes
In addition to statistical associations, this type of are collected in a single moment (the same), which makes
analysis also allows us to calculate the Prevalence Ratio it difficult to analyze associations to assess possible cause /
(PR), defining whether and in which group it is higher. effect relationships.
Assuming that it was the same, the result of the division The coexistence of the possibilities of association
(ratio) of the prevalence of the risk group by that of the between risk and outcome, previously described, at the same
risk-free group would be “1”. Any significant result other time (that of the research) nullify the temporal relation that
than “1” may indicate that there is an association. If the must exist between cause and effect, since it is a sine qua non
association is of risk the quotient will be greater than “1”, or condition that the cause always precedes the outcome, for
if it is a protection factor it will be less than “1”. Because it this to occur. This can result in the phenomenon of reverse
is an analysis from a sample, it is difficult to obtain an exact causality. Supposing a sample of the population to observe
value of “1”, which is why the confidence interval (CI) of an association between obesity and joint pain in the lower
the obtained value is also estimated. When the value “1” limbs, it would be valid to suppose that the overload of the
does not fall within the limits of the CI, it means that there weight on the joints would be causing lesions, even if small
is a difference (statistic) between the two groups and, when ones, that would cause the pains. However, it would not be
the value “1” is part of the possible results described by wrong to hypothesize also that chronic joint problems with
the CI, it is admitted that there is no significant difference major pain could condition a reduction in daily activities
between the two groups, exposed and not exposed to the and a sedentary lifestyle that could lead to obesity.
possible risk factor5,6. Another disadvantage also arising from the design is
In this model it is also possible to analyze from the almost impossibility of applying it when it is desired to
the outcome, calculating the ratio (quotient) between the approach situations in which the outcome or the risk factor
proportions of individuals who have exposure to the risk or both are rare in the population, since it would require a
factor in the group with the outcome, the disease, for very large sample to obtain the number of carriers of the
example, and the group that does not have the outcome. The disease required to perform the association analyzes, which
calculated result is called Odds Ratio (OR), an estimator at least would increase the time and also the costs for its
that is used as an approximation to Relative Risk (RR). realization5.
When the proportions of the two groups are equal, the result As the whole, despite the difficulties, remain as final
of the OR will be “1”, indicating that there is no association considerations that the cross-sectional, design can be very
between the disease and the exposure to the factor that was useful to assess the frequency of risk behaviors and / or
supposed to be at risk. The interpretation of other OR values exposure to risks, necessary for the development of public
follows exactly the same logic described for PR, now based health policies, can also serve as a basis for calculating
on the calculated CI for OR. sample size in the planning of future analytical research with
The cross-sectional design can also be used for more robust designs to assess cause and effect hypotheses,
multi-variable analyzes, such as binary logistic regression, such as cohort or case-control1.
in order to simultaneously calculate the ORs of several risk
factors and their statistical significance, ranking them by FINAL CONSIDERATION
order of influence on the outcome under analysis. Moreover, Cross-sectional studies have their great use in
in this analysis it is also possible to calculate the significance descriptive studies, while used in studies that are proposed to
and explanatory capacity of the model generated by the set be analytical, the results must be interpreted by researchers
of factors that evidenced statistically significant ORs in the with good experience in that specific field of knowledge,
binary logistic regression analysis. using a lot of caution and common sense.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7322/jhgd.152198 359

Journal of Human Growth and Development. 2018; 28(3):356-360 Research methodology topics: Cross-sectional studies


1. Kramer M.S. Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.

2. Katz M.H. Study Design and Statistical Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
3. Hennekens C.H. and Buring J.E. Epidemiology in Medicine. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1987.
4. Porta M. A Dictionary of Epidemiology 5th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
5. Friis R.H. and Sellers T.A. Epidemiology for Public Health Practice 4th ed. Sudbury Massachussetts, 2009.
6. Kirkwood B.R. and Sterne A.C. Essential Medical Statistics 2nd ed. Malden, Massachusetts, 2006.
7. Del Ciampo LA, Louro AL, Del Ciampo IRL, Ferraz IS. Characteristics of sleep habitsamong
adolescents living in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP). J Hum Growth Dev. 2017; 27(3): 307-314.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7322/jhgd.107097
8. Lucena KDT, Deninger LSC, Coelho HFC, Monteiro ACC, Vianna RPT, Nascimento JA.
Analysis of the cycle of domestic violence against women. J Hum Growth Dev. 2016; 26(1): 139-146.

No campo da saúde as pesquisas mais frequentes são feitas na forma de estudos
observacionais. Nesse tipo de investigação científica os pesquisadores não
interferem nos fenômenos em estudo, apenas os observam de maneira sistemática e
padronizada, coletando e registrando informações, dados ou materiais que ocorrem
espontaneamente num determinado momento do processo saúde-doença, ou ao
longo de sua evolução natural, para posteriormente proceder à sua descrição e/ou
análise. Nos Estudos observacionais normalmente quatro tipos de desenho de estudo
são passíveis de utilização: estudos de series de casos, estudos de corte transversal.
estudos de caso-controle e estudos de coorte. Assim, salienta-se que os estudos de
corte transversal têm sua grande utilidade em estudos descritivos ao mesmo tempo
que, quando utilizados em estudos que se propõem a serem analíticos, os resultados
devem ser interpretados por pesquisadores com boa experiência naquele campo
específico de conhecimento, valendo-se de muita cautela e bom senso.
Palavras-chave: estudo observacional, estudos transversais, desenho dos estudos,

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7322/jhgd.152198 360

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