Arduino and PLC Communication: Designed and Written By: Jason Eddrief

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Arduino and PLC Communication

Designed and written by: Jason Eddrief

Table of Contents
System Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 3
Communication Protocol .............................................................................................................................. 5
Arduino ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Sending Data: ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Receiving Data: ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Communicating: ........................................................................................................................................ 8
S7-200 ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Communications setup ............................................................................................................................. 9
Receive Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Receiving (RCV) Data............................................................................................................................... 11
Transmitting (XMT) data ......................................................................................................................... 11
Data Interpretation ................................................................................................................................. 13
The “Washing Machine” ............................................................................................................................. 15

System Introduction

In this system the Arduino functions as both the master controller and as the HMI (LCD shield)
and the S7-200 is the slave. This system communicates on a basic command protocol when the Arduino
sends a command the PLC will reply (regardless of what is sent but more on this later). Because this
system is built to control a motor the plc sends back a speed in RPM that can be displayed on the LCD

The Arduino and the PLC have two ways of communication first is a simple I/O connection and
second Serial. This manual will focus on the later. The S7-200 and the Arduino have a common way of
communicating and that is through serial but requires signal conditioning the s7-200’s single
communication port operates on PPI or also known as RS-485 but they come with a cable (see fig 1.) to
convert the signal to RS-232.

Figure 1

The Arduino communicates in serial but at TTL voltage levels so it also requires either a module (fig.3)
(as will be used in this manual) or a full shield. Take note that a RS-485 can also be used just omitting the
above cable and connecting the RS-485 RX+ to pin 3 and TX- to pin 8 and ground to pin 1 (see fig .2).

Figure 3
Figure 2

The preferred Arduino to use for this system is the Arduino Mega because it has 4 Serial communication
headers. The Uno can be used but is not preferred because the RX0 and TX0 (digital pins 0 and 1
respectively) are hogged by the USB FTDI chip while connected to a computer.

For the s7-200 to communicate properly with the Arduino the PC/PPI cable (see fig. 1) to be set
as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Table 1

And to communicate with a pc, it needs to be in this configuration:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Table 2

Communication Protocol

The communication in this system is done with start and end character detection and

In this system the “A” character (41 in hexadecimal) is used as a start character and the “B” character
(42 in hexadecimal) these are used to send a string of data to the PLC only (however with adjustment to
the code it can be used to send information back to the Arduino as well). The commands in this system
are as follows:

u Increases the speed of the motor by 1000 bits.

d Decreases the speed of the motor by 1000 bits.

s Stops the motor.

i turns the test light on

o turns the test light off

The Arduino will send the PLC a command that looks like this: “AsB” the PLC will first see the “A” and
start paying attention to the serial port, and begin recording what it receives in its buffer. Once it
receives the “B” it will stop recording. The PLC can receive a maximum of 255 characters including the
start and end character during any one communication once the end character is received, it will be
loaded into a user specified table in the order it received. The first position in the table will be the
number of characters received and the subsequent positions will be the message so a 4 byte string will
look like this:

4 A h I B
VB100 101 102 103 104
Table 3

Using this it can be assumed that VB102 will always be a command character more on this in the PLC

The Arduino works a little bit differently than the PLC in that It will always receive the serial
string and it’s the users job to catch the string and manipulate it, So it can be useful the code that is in
this manual uses the serialEvent() function to detect the start of a communication and will store each
byte in an array until it receives its stop character which is “;” (like the PLC, this is user defined and can
be changed) once that happens it will compile the array into a string.


Sending Data:
Because of the protocol that was established sending data is fairly simple because the DFRobot
LCD shield has 4 buttons on it the system can be controlled directly with the push buttons like so:

If ( button ==’s’)



Because this system is designed with the Mega it uses Serial1 which uses pins 18 and 19 (Tx and Rx
respectively) and Serial is occupied by the USB the code is also written in such a way that it will
retransmit an instruction sent from the PC to the PLC using the same method in which it receives data
from the plc in a terminal you would type “s;” to send a stop command to the PLC.

This part of the code takes the compiled string received from the PC and adds the start and stop
characters then transmits the data and clears the string for the next command:

if (pcStringComplete) {

pcString ='A'+ pcString;

pcString +='B';


pcString = "";

pcStringComplete = false;

Receiving Data:
When the Arduino receives data whether it be on Serial or Serial1 it will trigger a serial event.
This happens between code scans and will receive data in a buffer during the scan. The code for when it
receives a serial event works like this: When a serial event happens it will hold the program in a loop
with Serial1.available() (which means the Rx pin is active). It will then add each character in an
incrementing array. Once the “;” stop character is received it will take each element of the array and
add it to the end of the plcString, it also stops 3 positions early because first there is 1 character extra
that the plc sends. Second because of the stop character needs to be removed, and third there is an
extra spot because the plcCnt++ happens before the for loop. It then trims any extra blank characters
that may have been added before or after the string. (Note: the pcString is generated in the same way)

void serialEvent1() {

while (Serial1.available()) {

char plcInChar = (char);

//put the input bytes into an array

plcArray[plcCnt] = plcInChar;


//check for end char

if (plcInChar == ';') {

//make a string with the array and remove the end char

for (int i=0; i <= plcCnt-3; i++)

plcString += plcArray[i];

//trim off extra whitespace from the string



plcStringComplete = true;

Above it was demonstrated how the Arduino sends and receives data. The system is designed in
such a way that it increments and decrements speed by 1000 bits (on the PLC side) because of how the
PLC is setup (this will be covered in the next section), the PLC will return the RPM information it has
whenever it gets a full command string i.e. “AsB”. Once it gets the command it will drop everything and
send “ 1234 ;” to the Arduino which converts it to an ASCII string ready to be displayed on the LCD (fig.

if (plcStringComplete)


lcd.print(" ");


lcd.print (" ");

plcString = "";

plcStringComplete = false;

Figure 4


The S7-200 communicates with the Arduino on Freeport mode at 9600 baud in this system. An
important note: The PLC must be in stop mode to communicate with the PC when Freeport is enabled.
The Arduino is connected to the PLC via the PPI/PC cable on Com0. The analog output (AQW0) is
connected to the TFU on the washing machine and the analog input (AIW0) is connected to the speed
output from the dynamo. The PLC will always transmit speed information when it receives any kind of
data from the Arduino

Communications setup

The Freeport memory settings location is SMB30

The system uses Freeport, 9600 baud, 8bit per character and no parity

The s7-200 can accept either 2#01010000 or 16#50 for this configuration

0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Protocol bits Baud rate bits Data bit Parity
Table 4

Figure 5

Receive Setup

For this system the receive settings are as follows:

Figure 6

1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Receive Detect Detect Detect Char Message Enable extra
enabled start char end char line idle timeout timeout break
Table 5

Start character:
SMB88, 16#41 (A)

Stop character:
SMB89, 16#42 (B)

Max characters that are expected to be received:

SMB 94, 100

Figure 7

Receiving (RCV) Data

Figure 8

The PLC can receive a maximum of 255 characters including the start and end character during any one
communication. Once the end character is received it will be loaded into a user specified table, in the
order it was received. The first position in the table will be the number of characters received, and the
subsequent positions will be the value so a 3 byte instruction will look like this:

3 A S B
VB200 201 202 203
Table 6

Transmitting (XMT) data

Figure 9

The XMT instruction is fairly simple. It only requires that the Freeport communication be setup properly,
a table with the number of characters to send (first position of the table), and the message itself in the
table. Once an enable signal is sent to the command, it will transmit the message in the table during the
communications step of the cycle. However this is only true when the system is not receiving. So for this
system to be able to transmit, the PLC detects that it has received data, then it will wait for the message
to be complete, wait 10ms (this is to give time for the PPI/PC cables’ buffer to empty), then it will
transmit the data in VB100, and re-enable the RCV instruction.


4 1 2 3 4
Vb100 101 102 103 104
Table 7

The PLC transmits the contents of VB100 which was collected speed information from AIW0 or AIW2
(whichever is working on the PLC)

Figure 10

The table is created by predefining the number of characters to transmit (10), then filling the table using
the ITA (integer to ASCII) command (see fig. 10) in Format ‘0’. Meaning it outputs whole numbers with
no decimal or comma, it will always output 8 Characters. The Arduino stop character “;” is added to the
last position of the table (this is done in the data block of the program).

10 1 2 3 4 ;
VB100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

Data Interpretation

When the PLC receives data on the serial port it stores it in a table specified by the programmer (as
stated before). To interpret this command the system needs to know what to look for and where. Here
the system uses ==B on VB202 because it is know that the command character will always be at this
location. In fig. 11 the system is checks VB202 if it is an “I” then it enables Q0.1 (the test light). If VB202
is an “o” then it disables the test light.

Figure 11

In fig. 12 the program uses an up/ down counter to set the speed of the motor. So if the PLC gets an “u”
it will increase the count, if it gets a “d” it will decrease the count, and if it gets the “s” command it will
set the counter to 0 which will stop the motor, VB202 is cleared later in the code (fig.13).

Figure 12

To create an appropriate output range (+32000 to -32000) the program uses the number from the
counter. It subtracts the count by 32, inverts that number, then multiplies it by 1000 then sends it to
AQW0 (not shown here). When it finishes that it clears VB202 with an unused command character (in
this case ‘n’) so the system doesn’t repeatedly increment the counter on each scan.

Figure 13

The “Washing Machine”

The washing machine is setup using the DC motor module (the SCIM can also be used), the prime
mover/dynamo module, the thyristor module, and the thyristor firing unit and optionally a DC ammeter
to set the current in the field windings.

The motor is setup as in a separately excited configuration with the field winding connected directly to
120V DC output and the armature is connected to the thyristors (see fig. 14) which is connected to the
variable 120VAC.

Figure 14


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