Pathology Question Bank
Pathology Question Bank
Pathology Question Bank
12. Which of the following statements is true about giant cells in inflammation:
A) They are most commonly seen in suppurative inflammation.
B) They have a weaker phagocytic capacity than macrophages.
C) They are more commonly seen in granulomas than in chronic nonspecific
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
3 Pathology BMS2
C) Fibroblasts
D) Nerve cells
E) None of the above
4 Pathology BMS2
17. Which of the following factors may adversely affect healing of bone:
A) Glucocoricoid (cortisone) therapy
B) Old age
C) Soft tissue interposition between the fracture ends.
D) All of the above
E) None of the above.
1 B 11 A
2 A 12 C
3 D 13 A
4 C 14 D
5 D 15 E
6 B 16 B
7 D 17 D
8 A 18 E
9 C
10 C
Prepared by the Pathology team, Ferdows Ahmad Omer & Jonathan Nabil
Yousef, under the supervision of the scientific committee student Union.