Movers Listening
Movers Listening
Movers Listening
Movers 27
Movers Listening
Part 1
– 5 questions –
3 Movers 29
Movers Listening
Part 3
– 5 questions –
Mrs Castle is telling Sally, about the people in her family and
about their different hobbies. Which is each person’s favourite
her parents H
her uncle
her son
her cousin
her brother
her daughter
Movers 31
Movers Listening
Part 4
– 5 questions –
A ✓ B C
Movers 33
Movers Listening
Part 5
– 5 questions –
1 B
Marking Key 2
4 B
( ) = Acceptable extra words are placed in 5 C
/ = A single slash is placed between Part 5 5 marks
acceptable alternative words within an
1 Colour rock on ground – blue
2 Colour cloud with sun behind it – pink
// = A double slash is placed between
acceptable alternative complete 3 Colour leaf at top of tree – red
4 Write ‘WINDY’ on kite
5 Colour boy’s sweater – brown
Part 1 5 marks
Part 2 5 marks
1 H-I-L-L
2 89/eighty-nine
3 parrot(s)
4 café
5 burger(s)/hamburger(s)
Part 3 5 marks
Her uncle G
Her son F
Her cousin D
Her brother B
Her daughter A
F = Female adult Mch = Male child Fch The woman who’s cleaning the table?
M Yes.
M = Male adult
Fch That’s right. Her name’s Mary.
M That table’s very dirty.
R Hello. This is the Cambridge English Movers Fch Yes. That’s because it’s always outside.
Listening sample test. PAUSE 00’05”
[MUSIC] R Five
Look at Part 1. M Look at that woman!
Now look at the picture. Fch Where?
Listen and look. M She’s putting something in the tree.
There is one example. Fch Oh, that’s Aunt Jane. She’s putting some lamps there
PAUSE 00’03” for this evening.
Fch Look, Grandpa. My friend’s family are in the garden. M What a nice party!
Fch It’s Sally. Can you see her? She’s got glasses. R Now listen to Part 1 again.
Fch That’s right. It’s her birthday today. [REPEAT PART 1 WITH ONLY 00’03” PAUSES]
M That boy’s carrying the birthday cake. It’s very big. F Come quickly, children. The train’s waiting to take us
to the zoo.
Fch That’s Nick.
Mch Great, Mrs White. It’s exciting going to the zoo.
M He’s not walking very carefully with it.
F Yes. And I love going by train.
Fch I know. Oh dear!
Mch Me too.
PAUSE 00’05”
PAUSE 00’03”
R Two
R Can you see the answer?
M Is that boy your friend’s brother?
Now you listen and write.
Fch Which boy?
PAUSE 00’03”
M He’s sitting on the mat.
Fch Oh, yes. And he’s playing with a toy truck.
R One
M That’s right.
Mch Is the zoo called ‘Jungle’ something?
Fch That boy’s name’s Ben. He’s Sally’s cousin.
F That’s right. It’s Jungle Hill.
PAUSE 00’05”
Mch Jungle what?
R Three
F Hill. That’s H-I-double L.
M I know that man. Look at his hat.
Mch OK.
Movers 37
Movers Listening
F Well, you can eat that at the zoo and then in the PAUSE 00’03’’
evening, on the train, we can buy burgers and Fch Have you got any brothers or sisters?
F I’ve got a brother.
Mch Burgers and lemonade. Great! My favourites.
Fch What’s his favourite hobby? Walking in the
PAUSE 00’08” mountains? I know you do that sometimes …
R Now listen to Part 2 again. F No. He loves dancing. He’s got lots of great music at
PAUSE 00’03” home. He goes to classes on Saturday evenings, too!
That is the end of Part 2. F I’ve got a cousin, too. I really like him. He makes me
laugh. He loves sport.
PAUSE 00’05”
Fch Does he.
Part 3
F Yes. He can swim really well … on his back or his
Listen and look. front. He goes to the pool in Hall Road. Do you go
There is one example. there sometimes?
R Mrs Castle is telling Sally about the people in her PAUSE 00’03”
family and about their different hobbies. Which is R Now listen to Part 3 again.
each person’s favourite hobby?
PAUSE 00’03”
PAUSE 00’03”
Fch Hello, Mrs Castle.
That is the end of Part 3.
Movers 39
Movers Listening
PAUSE 00’15”
R Two
Fch Can I colour a cloud now?
M All right. Colour the cloud that’s got the sun behind it.
Fch Can I colour it pink?
M Yes. That’s a very good idea.
Fch Great!
PAUSE 00’15”
R Three
Fch I love the panda! The girl looks really surprised to see it!
M Yes, she does! I’d like you to colour a leaf now.
Fch The one in the panda’s mouth?
M No. Colour the one at the top of the picture. It’s on
the tree. Make it red.
Fch OK.
PAUSE 00’15”
R Four
Fch Can I do some writing too?
M Yes. I’d like you to write the word ‘Windy’!
Fch Where? On the kite?
M Yes please! Kites like that kind of weather!
PAUSE 00’15”
R Five
M And now, colour the boy’s sweater.
Fch All right. Can I colour it yellow?
M That’s a nice colour but I’d like you to make it brown,
Fch Oh! OK.
M Thank you! Well done!
PAUSE 00’15”
R Now listen to Part 5 again.
PAUSE 00’03”
That is the end of the Movers Listening test.