MG309p Course Outline s2 2020
MG309p Course Outline s2 2020
MG309p Course Outline s2 2020
Strategic Management
Developing countries in the South Pacific, such as Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, and others, are now
beginning to assert themselves in the global markets. Many of the island states lack the
competitive environment and resources to bring about innovative strategies.
G01 Creativity: Graduates will generate new ideas and approaches to solve problems.
G03 Critical thinking: Graduates will evaluate ideas and opinions before forming a
G04 Ethics: Graduates will apply ethical reasoning to their actions and decision-making.
G05 Pacific consciousness: Graduates will recognize the cultural heritage and diversity of
Pacific societies.
G06 Professionalism: Graduates will apply professional principles, values, and ethics to
their work.
G07 Teamwork: Graduates will collaborate with people from diverse perspectives to achieve
Acquisition and Restructuring:
• acquisition strategies •Read Unit 6 section of
Week 8 • seven problems that work against developing a your Course Book
competitive advantage when using an
& acquisition strategy •Read relevant sections
• short- and long-term outcomes of the different of Chapters 7 & 8 of your
Week 9 textbook
types of restructuring strategies.
Week 11
Controls, Innovation & Strategic Managers • Read Unit 8 section of
& • corporate governance your Course Book
• ownership and its separation managerial
Week 12 • Read relevant sections
control in the modern corporation
• agency relationship and managerial of Chapters 10, 11 & 12
opportunism of your textbook
• organisational structure and controls
• strategy and structure
• functional structures
• strategic leadership
• top management teams
•Prepare for discussion Unit 8 Activities left over from Week 12 tutorial
Week 14 • Review for Final Exam – Check for any additional tutorial or review session
in the Moodle announcements
• Prepare for discussion of Activities done in Unit 8 and not discussed in
earlier tutorial
Hanson, D., Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., and Hoskisson, R.E. (2011). Strategic Management:
Competitiveness and Globalization, Pacific Rim 6th Edition, Cengage Learning, Australia.
Reading list:
1. Crossan, M.M., Bansal, P., Fry, J., Killing, P., Nicholls-Nixon, C., and White, R. (2011).
Strategic Management: A Case Book. Toronto: Prentice Hall.
2. Dallas, H. (2005). Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalisation (2nd Ed.).
Pacific Rim. Melbourne: Thomson Learning.
Referencing guide:
Use Harvard referencing style see here:
• Strategic Management Journal
• Journal of Management Studies
• Academy of Management Journal
• Academy of Management Review
• Pacific Islands Monthly
• The Fiji Times & The Fiji Sun
The following table demonstrates the alignment of the course learning outcomes to appropriate activities and assessments and the links to
programme and USP graduate outcomes.
Associated Teaching and
Course Learning Outcome Assessment Programme Outcomes USP Graduate Outcomes
Learning Activities
Explain the need for strategic thinking Recorded lecturers, satellite Assignments, mid PO1, PO2, PO3 GO1, GO2, GO3, GO4.
and management tutorials and online semester and final exam
Analyze external and internal Recorded lecturers, satellite Assignments, mid PO4, PO5, PO6 GO2, GO2, GO3, GO4.
environment tutorials and online semester and final exam
discussions GO7
Discuss competitive dynamics and Recorded lecturers, satellite Assignments, mid PO4, PO5, PO6 GO2, GO3, GO4, GO5,
formulate different enterprise specific tutorials and online semester and final exam
strategies discussions
Implement business strategies and Recorded lecturers, satellite Assignments, mid PO1, PO2, PO3 GO2, GO2, GO3, GO4.
strategic control tutorials and online semester and final exam
Evaluate the concepts of corporate Recorded lecturers, satellite Assignments, mid PO1, PO2, PO3 GO2, GO3, GO4, GO5,
governance, strategic leadership and tutorials and online semester and final exam
social responsibility discussions
Assignment 1:
‘Explain the importance of analyzing and understanding the firm’s external environment’.
*Also keep in mind the marking rubric. Pay attention to each criterion as per the rubric. Research
methodology will be based on secondary data sources.
Assignment 2:
‘A strategic plan is a helpful document that helps to communicate to the members of the organization
the actions needed to achieve organizations goals and all critical elements of the planning exercise.’
This is an individual assignment whereby students are required to prepare a strategic plan for an
organization that does not have a strategic plan.
References (wherever in the Assignment – references have been made to course material or any other
current practice or research cite the full bibliographical details)
*Also keep in mind the marking rubric. Pay attention to each criterion as per the rubric. Research
methodology will be based on secondary data sources.
Final Examination:
The material covered during the semester will be included in the final examination. Reminder:
You MUST obtain at least a total of 20/50 marks for your course work AND at least a total of
20/50 marks for your final examination and an overall aggregate of 50 marks to pass this
course. The exam is based on lectures and materials covered during the semester. The exact
coverage for the final exam will be announced later via Moodle. Remember that your final
examination may differ in content and structure from the past year sample papers
A+ A B+ B C+ C D E
85-100 78-84 71-77 64-70 57-63 50-56 40-49 0-39
For detailed regulations, please refer to the USP Handbook and Calendar.
Plagiarism, copying materials from other sources without proper referencing, and
acknowledge the source is a serious offense and will be dealt with severely. In the Regulations
Governing Academic Misconduct section of the USP Handbook & Calendar, plagiarism is
defined as “the copying of another person’s creative work and using it as one’s own – without
explicitly giving credit to the original creator. Work copied without acknowledgment from a
book, from another student’s work, from the internet or any other source”. If the lecturer is
satisfied that plagiarism has occurred, they will report the matter to the Head of School. They
can reduce marks appropriately. If the matter is seen as serious enough, it can be taken to
the Student Disciplinary Committee by the Head of School.
Assignment 1 4 15
Assignment 2 10 15
Mid Semester
Test 8 20
Tutorials are not compulsory in this course, but students are encouraged to attend
satellite and face to face tutorials organised for Laucala and regional students.
Students are urged to make maximum use of the grade books located on their moodle
platform. Your grade books will be updated periodically by the course coordinator to
ensure that you keep track of your performance throughout the semester. You need
to send your assignments at scheduled due dates to ensure regular and consistent
feedback in your grade books. If you have any queries, please send a message directly
to the course coordinator or the tutor.
There are a number of workshops and other services provided by the SLS. Please
refer to the following website for more information:
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