Class Book P.6-7 WORKBOOK p.2-3 Play The Smart Start Song
Class Book P.6-7 WORKBOOK p.2-3 Play The Smart Start Song
Class Book P.6-7 WORKBOOK p.2-3 Play The Smart Start Song
Recording 03: Introduce the situation “The first day of the school! The class
is playing the “Teacher says’ game…”.
Recording 04: Play audio, demonstrate the activity using the example. Have
students listen and do the actions.
Recording 05: Draw students’ attention to the structure box. Play audio and
have students listen and repeat.
Recording 06: Practice the structure. Play audio, have students listen and
point to the pictures in Part A. Have students sing the song as the whole class
and do the actions. Ask students to look at the book, listen and clap their hands.
Play the music many times and the class as a whole clap their hands and practice
Ex: T (play the music): stand up, please. Ss (clap hands and say): Stand up,
Recording 07: Draw attention to the pronunciation feature. Play audio. Have
students listen and repeat with a focus on the feature. Ask 2-3 students to come
before the class, point to the pictures in SB and practice the rhythm. Have the
class give the commands and do the actions.
Ex: S1 (point to the picture): Hands up, please; Ss (say and do): Hands up,
Controlled speaking practice: Have students call out the objects and words.
Have students draw lines, check answers as a whole class. Have them practice
asking and answering. Swap roles. Have some pairs demonstrate in front of the
Game: Robot
- Model the game: T gives many commands Ss do the actions as robots.
- Divide the class into many small groups of 4 or 5 students
- Ss in the group take turns to play the role of the robot and the others give
“Teacher says”: Divide class into two groups. Have one student in each group
be “teacher”. Students do the commands starting with “Teacher says …” and do
not do the commands not starting with “Teacher says …”
Workbook p.2-3
Have students do the exercises in WB