NT00383-EN-00 - Quick Start T300

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MV electrical network management

Easergy range

MV substation control unit

Quick Start
Easergy T300 Contents

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................
................................ ..........................................3
RGY BUILDER................................................................................................
R ................................................................
50 IP ADDRESS ................................................................
O SC150 ................................................................................................
RGY T300 WEB SERVER ................................................................
........................................... 10
RGY BUILDER ................................................................
............................................................. 11
ILDER ................................................................................................
......................................... 12
RATION FROM EASERGY T300 IN EASERGY BUILDER .............................................
................................ 12
8.3 HOW TO CUSTOMIZE A EASERGY T300 CONFIGURATION IN EASERGY BUILDER..............................................
................................ 15
8.4 HOW TO SYNCHRONIZE THE RTU ................................................................................................
................................ ................................................ 21
RATION TO THE RTU ................................................................
............................................................ 22
TA POINTS IN COREDB ................................................................
................................................. 24
10 APPENDIX: GLOSSARY ................................................................................................
................................ .......................................................... 29
10.1 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................
................................ ......................................... 29
10.2 ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................
................................ .................................... 30

2 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 Introduction

1 Introduction
IMPORTANT NOTE This document gives initial instructions to start the unit.
This manual provides the following instructions:
Restricted liability • Installation of Easergy Builder
Electrical equipment should be serviced and • First connection to the unit
maintained only by qualified personnel. • Brief presentation of Easergy Builder and Easergy T300 Web server
No responsibility is assumed by Schneider • Importing a default configuration to Easergy Builder
Electric for any consequences arising out of the • Uploading the Easergy T300 configuration to Easergy Builder
use of this manual. This document is not • Creation of protocol mapping
intended as an instruction manual for untrained
• Creation of new event file and corresponding settings
• Setting the Easergy T300 RTU synchronization
Device operation • Sending the configuration to the unit
The user is responsible for checking that the
rated characteristics of the device are suitable for The Easergy T300 unit can be received from Schneider Electric in various
its application. The user is responsible for forms:
reading and following the device’s operating and o If received as a complete Easergy T300 cabinet, the unit is provided from
installation instructions before attempting to the factory with a default configuration that corresponds to the options of the
commission or maintain it. Failure to follow these unit ordered. In this case, the aim is simply to make a first connection to the unit
instructions can affect device operation and and to use the Easergy Builder configuration tool to upload the existing Easergy
constitute a hazard for people and property. T300 configuration, change the settings and personalize it to the customer
Protective grounding
The user is responsible for compliance with all o If received as separate modules (HU250, SC150, PS50, PS50 etc), they will be
the existing international and national electrical assembled later by an integrator.
codes concerning protective grounding of any No configuration is included in the unit, because it depends on the customer
device. application which is unknown at the time of supply by the factory.
So, in this case, the product includes only an empty configuration. This
configuration has to be generated from a separate tool called T300 Generator
which is dedicated only to experts.. Consult your local Schneider Electric
engineering center to obtain this configuration depending on the Easergy T300
RTU options and application.
This default configuration must then be imported to Easergy Builder and
personalized according to the customer application.

In both cases, once completed, the configuration must be downloaded to the

unit using Easergy Builder.

T300 including default configuration T300 without configuration


Easergy Builder configuration tool T300 Easergy Builder configuration tool T300 Generator


: Configuration imported into Easergy Builder

: Configuration customization in Easergy Builder:
o Creation of protocol mapping
o Creation of Sequence Of Events
o Configuration of T300 synchronization
: Configuration downloaded to the unit
NT00383-EN-00 3
Easergy T300 Installing Easergy Builder

2 Installation of Easergy Builder

The first step is to install the Easergy Builder software on the PC. Easergy
Builder will be used to personalize the configuration of the Easergy T300 unit.

Easergy Builder installation requirements include the followings:

• Windows XP, Windows
indows 7 or more recent version.
• Framework 2.0 (included by default in Windows 7).
• Screen resolution: 1024x768 or more (with screen scaling recommended
at 100%).
1. Easergy Builder "Setup.exe" file.
To install Easergy Builder, follow the instructions below:
1. Double-click the "Setup.exe" file to start the Setup Wizard.
2. Once started, click the "Next" button..
3. The default installation is made in the"..Program
the files\Schneider
electric\Easergy Builder" folder. Click "Next" or change the path if needed.
4. Click "Next" to start installation.
5. in installation list,
Once the system proposes a plug-in list select "All" and click
6. The core software installation is finished but the plug-ins
plug continue to be
installed via background tasks.
7. A message indicates that before starting
start Easergy Builder you must wait
until the end of the plug-in
in installation tasks.
8. Click "Ok" to acknowledge the message.
message The installation is finished once
all the plug-ins have been completely installed.
2. Easergy Builder Setup Wizard.
9. You can now start Easergy Builder (a shortcut is automatically created on
the PC desktop).

3. Default path for Easergy Builder installation.

5. Plug-in installation list.

7. Advertising message at the end of installation..

4 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 Connection to the Easergy T300

HU250 3 First local connection to Easergy

3.1.1 Initialization of local
ocal access via Ethernet
1. Power on the unit.
2. Wait until the HU250 operating LED is flashing. When the LED lights
steadily, connect the Ethernet cable between the PC and the local LAN
Connection Ethernet port of the HU250 (see drawing opposite).
of the PC
to the
3.1.2 Connection to the Easergy T300 Web
Ethernet server via Ethernet access
Note: For this connection, there is no need to change the IP setting of the PC,
because the Easergy T300 RTU includes a DHCP server that automatically
assigns an IP address to the computer once physically connected.

3. Start an Internet browser.

4. Enter the IP address (https://192.168. in the “Address” field, then
click “Ok”.
5. A message appears regarding the Security Certificate.
Certificate The Easergy T300
Website includes a self-signed
signed certificate not recognized. Follow the
instructions to override and continue to access the Easergy the T300 Web
6. The Start-up page of the embedded server
ser appears on screen. Select the
language and click "Ok".
7. Enter a “User name” and “Password” and click "Login".
The following default users are defined on the unit:

6. Language selection - Easergy T300 Web server.

server USERS Operator Engineer Installer Viewer SECADM
Login Operator Engineer Installer Viewer SecurityAdmin
Password Operator1! Engineer1! Installer1! Viewer1! Security1!

8. Access to the HTML pages is activated according

accordi to the rights relating to
the user type (see table below). Access rights

ights for each type of user



Object Description Action

RTUs database Read X X X X
CONF_DB (modem box, IP address, WI-
FI and ETH settings, etc) Write X X
System database Read X X X
CONF_SYS (Devices, CoreDB, Channel
7. Login access - Startup page of the Web server.
server settings, etc) Write X X
View X X X
FIRMWARE HU250 firmware Read X X
Write X X
WEBSERVICES Easergy T300 Web server Access X X X X X
SSH Easergy Builder, console Access X X
OS_SHELL Linux shell Access X
Blmon tools (trace
Access X
Read X X X
SYS_LOG System log files
Write X X
System Security Read X
RBAC (Users, password and rights
settings) Write X
RBAC_LOC Security log file Read X
Unit data Read X X X X
DATA (Indications, measures,
counters,etc) Write X X X
RESET Unit Reset Access X X

NT00383-EN-00 5
Easergy T300 Connection to the Easergy T300

3.1.3 Activation of local WI-FI

WI access
IMPORTANT: WI-FI access is disabled by configuration on the
Easergy T300 RTU when received from the factory.
n order to get a wireless connection with the unit, the first step is to
activate WI-FI access via the Easergy T300 Web server. To do this, an
Ethernet connection to the unit is required.
1. With the unit powered up, start an Ethernet connection to the Easergy
T300 Web server (see chapterss 3.1.1 and 3.1.2).
2. Once connected and logged in,, enter the "Maintenance/IP
configuration" web page.
3. In the WI-FI section, configure the following settings to activate WI-FI

3. WI-FI setting on Easergy T300 Web server. Setting By default To be Comment

WI-FI Disabled Enabled Enabled means WI-
FI activation
Hidden SSID No No
SSID EasergyT300 Personal It is recommended
name to set a unique
SSID for each T300.
IP The default settings
Subnet mask correspond to the
DHCP server Enabled Enabled most common use,
Start IP but they can be
End IP changed according
to the properties of
your LAN network.

4. Click the "Save" button to apply the changes.

5. Click the "Change password" button and define a new personal
Note: For security reasons,, it is important to change default
7. Wireless network list. password so they are unique on each T300 RTU.
6. Put the unit in "Local mode" (by
by the corresponding button on the front
panel of the HU250).
NOTE: By default WI-FI access is activated on the unit only in
Local mode.
7. Click the Wireless icon on
n the Windows task bar of your computer's
8. Check that the wireless connection (with SSID defined previously)
appears in the Windows task bar and click it.
9. Connection to the WI-FI of Easergy T300 RTU.
9. Click the "Connect" button.
10. Enter WI-FI security key (password
password defined previously).
11. Windows will automatically connect to this WI-FI network and the
Easergy T300 SSID will appear as connected in the task bar. You can
disconnect the Ethernet cable from the unit.

3.1.4 Connection to Easergy T300 Web server

via WI-FI access
1. Start an Internet browser.

10. Entering WI-FI Security key. 2. Enter the following IP address (https://T300)
( in the “Address” field,
then click “Ok”.
3. A message appears regarding the Security Certificate. Follow the
instructions to override and continue to access the Easergy T300
Web site.
4. The Startup page of the embedded server appears on screen.
screen Select
the language to be used and click "Ok".
5. Enter a “User name” and “Password” as shown in the chapter
"Connection to the T300 Web server via Ethernet access".
6. Access to the HTML pages is activated according to the rights related
11. The WI-FI "Easergy_T300" is connected. to the user type (see "Access
ccess rights for type of user"
user table on the
previous page).

6 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 Configuration of SC150 IP address

4 Configuration of SC150 IP address

If the SC150 module is received as a separate module and is therefore not part
of a complete Easergy T300 enclosure, it is necessary to change the existing IP
ach SC150 delivered from the factory includes
include a default IP address (e.g.
If multiple SC150s are used and connected to the same LAN Ethernet network
of the Easergy T300 device, each SC150 device must have a different IP
address to avoid IP address conflicts on the LAN network.

The following explains how to change the SC150 IP address. The IP address
configured will depend on the position of the SC150 on the T300.
If the SC150 modules are received in a complete Easergy T300 enclosure, this
operation was already performed at factory.
factory In this case, there is no need to
follow this procedure.

2. Wireless network list. 4.1.1 Changing the IP address of the PC

To be able to change the IP address of an SC150 module, the computer musnt
be directly connected to the LAN Ethernet port of the SC150.
Unlike the HU250, the SC150 doesn't include a DHCP server.
So, to adapt the computer to the SC150 IP address,
address the IP address of the
computer must be changed as explained below:
1. Click the Wireless icon on the Windows task bar of your PC desktop.
2. Click the "Open
Open Network and Sharing Center"
Center link.
3. Click "Local Area Network".
4. A window appears on screen. Click "Properties".
5. In the "Network management" tab,, double-click
double "Internet Protocol Version
4 (TCP/IPv4)".
3. Access to the LAN parameters. 6. In the new window that appears, in the "General tab", click the "Use the
following IP address" option.
7. Enter "" in the "IP
IP address"
address field, then click "OK" twice to
apply the new IP address.
8. The IP address of the computer has now been changed and is compatible
with the IP address of SC150 for the Ethernet connection.

7. Entering new IP address for the PC.

NT00383-EN-00 7
Easergy T300 Configuration of SC150 IP address

4.1.2 Changing
hanging the IP address of SC150
The IP address of the computer has now been changed;
changed the next step is to
access the HTML pages of the SC150 device in order to change the IP address.
9. Connect the Ethernet cable between the PC and the local LAN Ethernet
port of the SC150 (see drawing opposite).

Connection of 10. Start an internet browser.

the PC to the 11. Enter the IP address (http://192.168.10.
http:// in the “Address” field, then click
SC150 LAN “Ok”.
Note: This access is not secure. So be careful, there is http and not https
Ethernet port
in the address field.
12. The HTML page of the SC150 module is displayed.
13. Go down the page until you reach the "IP
" Address" option.
14. In the "IP address" field, enter the new IP address using the following rule:
• 1st SC150: IP address=192.168.0.
• 2nd SC150: IP address=192.168.0.
• 3rd SC150: IP address=192.168.0.
• 4th SC150: IP address=192.168.0.
• Etc
15. Click "Submit' to save the new IP address.
16. Switch off and switch on the power supply of the SC150 module to apply
the new IP address (the
he IP address is only applied after restarting the unit).
17. The SC150 module is now ready to be installed on the HU250 LAN
Ethernet network of the Easergy T300.
18. Repeat the same process for all the SC150 modules.

12. SC150 HTML pages.

14. Changing the SC150 IP address.

8 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 Uploading firmware to SC150

5 Uploading firmware to SC150

Unlike the HU250 module, the SC150 device cannot be updated with regard to
There is no specific risk of uploading a new firmware from T300 Web server pages. This is why it is important to know this
firmware even if the device is in operation. The procedure and how to perform it for maintenance or for updating the SC150
system is only temporarily busy at the end of the device.
process during the unit restarts. The only way to upgrade the SC150 firmware is to use the SC150 HTML pages.
We will explain below how to proceed.
To avoid getting a corrupted firmware on the unit,
please respect the following instructions: First, the IP address of the computer must be changed.
changed Refer to the instructions
• Make sure the firmware to upload described in chapter Changing the IP address of the PC.
corresponds to HU250.
If it is not already done, refer to the previous chapter on Changing the IP
• Do not close the browser during the
address of SC150 modules to o configure the IP address of the S150 module you
process until the restart of the unit.
want to upgrade. Iff the SC150 modules are received in a complete Easergy
• Do not switch off the power supplyply until the
T300 enclosure, this operation has already been performed in the factory. There
device restarts.
is therefore no need to change the IP addresses
address of SC150 modules.
Note that if the firmware uploaded is detected as
corrupted, the HU250 switches automatically to
The next step is to access the HTML pages
page of the SC150 device to upload the
the old one.
new firmware:
So, there is no specific risk regarding the
functions of the product. 1. With the Ethernet cable connected between the PC and the LAN Ethernet
port of the SC150, start an Internet browser.
2. Define the IP address to be accessed
ed, according to the position of the
SC150 module in the Easergy T300 unit, i.e.:
• 1st SC150: IP address= http://
• 2nd SC150: IP address= http://
• 3rd SC150: IP address= http://
• 4th SC150: IP address= http://
• Etc
3. Enter the IP address in the “Address” field, then click “Ok”.
Note: This
his access is not secure. So be careful, there is http and not https
in the address field.
4. The HTML page of the SC150 module is displayed.
5. Go down the page until you reach the "Firmware"
" option.
6. In the "Firmware update" field,, select the new firmware to be upgraded.
The file to be uploaded has a .tar.gz extension.
extension You can select the file from
its location on the hard disk.
Note: To get the new version of the SC150 firmware, please contact your
local Schneider Electric engineering center.
4. SC150 HTML pages. 7. Click "Send" to send the file to the SC150 device.
8. Click "Apply", and the product will apply the file's content.
9. Wait for some time (less than one minute) until the SC150 restarts. Once
restarted, the status of the HU250 operating LED should be green. If this is
not the case, refer to the Checking issues
issue chapter.
10. After the SC150 has restarted, refresh
efresh the browser to check that the new
firmware version uploaded is indicated at the top of HTML pages.

6. Uploading the new SC150 firmware. 11. The SC150 module is now updated.

10. Checking firmware version at the top of HTML pages.


NT00383-EN-00 9
Easergy T300 Presentation of Easergy T300 Web server

6 Presentation of Easergy T300 Web

The Easergy T300 Web server is the remote and local user interface to consult
and monitor Easergy T300 data for operation, maintenance or for configuration
of Easergy T300 application parameters. The
T Web server can be accessed via
WAN or WI-FI from a PC, Smartphone or a tablet computer.
Once access to the embedded server has been identified by user name and
password, all the HTML pages can be consulted by simply clicking on the links
on the top banner.
There are five menus in the top banner:
• Home: Information relating to the substation and personal information:
o GPS coordinates of the substation (if connected to Internet).
o Map of the location automatically created and updated from the GPS
data (if connected to Internet).
Home page – Easergy T300 Web server. o Personal notes written by the user.

• Monitoring & control: Menu used to consult Easergy T300 states and to
monitor and control substation data:
o Physical view of the substation and switchgear with representation of
electrical symbols.
o Status view as a list of information with associated values for each type
of data (Status, Command, Analog,
nalog, Set point).
o Possibility of setting manually, from the Web server, the Command and
Set point data to a specific value (preset).
(preset) For safety reasons, each
control order must be confirmed by the user.
Note: User
ser may control data through Web server only:
- Through WI-FI access if Easergy T300 RTU is in Local mode.
- Through LAN or WAN access if Easergy T300 RTU is in remote mode.

• Diagnostic: This menu allows consultation of the logs recorded in real time
by the Easergy T300 RTU. Events are time stamped with 1 ms resolution.
The Sequence Of Events (SOE) records data changes in log files according
to configuration.
The recording mode must be configured via Easergy Builder:
Substation page - Easergy T300 Web server. o Up to 4 log files can be defined.
o The size and name of each log file is configurable.
o Any data from the database
base can be assigned to a log file.
Note: Byy default, only the Event log file is created with 2000 events.
The log files can be downloaded locally and remotely
o in .csv format from the Webeb server.
o in .xml format from SFTP.
For all logs,, when the storage capacity is reached, the most recent event
clears the oldest from the list.

• Maintenance: This menu can facilitate Easergy T300 maintenance, by

giving information or allows the setting of basic Easergy T300 applications:
o Clock: To synchronize
onize date and time of the unit.
o IP config: To define the IP address of LAN, WAN and WI-FI WI access or
router function of Easergy T300 RTU.
o Modems: To configure ure the modem dial-up
dial parameters.
o Software management: Information
nformation regarding all the software
embedded in the unit for each module (version, date and time).
o Configuration management: Informations
nformations regarding all the unit's
configuration files (xml files).
Event log page - Easergy T300 Web server.
• everal pages to configure (by module) the various functions of
Settings: Several
the Easergy T300 RTU:
o HU250: Parameters configured in HU250 module:
o SCADA (slave) protocol settings (IEC60870-5-101, IEC60870-
5-104, DNP3).
o Master protocol settings (Modbus master).
o Physical port settings (RS485 for PS50 link, modem box
RS232/485, etc).
o Synchronization parameters.
o SC0x: Parameters configured in each SC150 module:
o Current sensor settings.
o Switch control management settings.
o Current and voltage absence/presence settings.
o Fault indication and detection settings.
o PS50: Parameters configured in each PS50 module:
o Supply input supervision.
o Battery settings.
o Telecom output supervision.
o Backup management.
Switch control page - Easergy T300 Web server.

10 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 Presentation of Easergy builder

7 Presentation of Easergy Builder

Easergy Builder is the dedicated Easergy T300 configuration tool for engineers
to configure and customize advanced Easergy T300 functions that cannot be
configured on the Easergy T300 Web server.

As defined in the previous chapter, Easergy Builder is software that must be

installed on a computer. It is mainly an off -line tool that can be used without
connection to the product, except for uploading existing Easergy T300
configuration or downloading a new configuration to the product.
Connection to the Easergy T300 RTU is required to download the configuration
to the unit.
Connection to the unit can be established via WI-FI or wired connection or
remotely via the WAN with secure connection (follow the instructions in the
chapter 3 to initialize the WI-FI or Ethernet connection to the unit before using
Easergy Builder).
Easer Builder WorkSpace - RTU configuration with diagram.
Note that a project produced with Easergy Builder
B is saved to a computer hard
disk so it can be modified off -line (i.e.. without another connection to the

Easergy Builder includes two separate interfaces:


• WorkSpace:
The WorkSpace is the main configuration page for the user. It displays a
tree of all existing Easergy T300 RTU configurations and offers as a
diagram the architecture of each RTU application (architecture of the
different functional or communication blocks (called devices) included in
the configuration).

The default folder where the Workspace is saved is as follow:

To upload an existing Workspace, use
se the File-> Load WorkSpace menu

Each RTU configuration of the WorkSpace includes the following general

RTU configuration – Multiple devices page.
o IP parameters for LAN, WAN and WI-FI access (IP address, time
delays, etc). These IP addresses
es will be used to transfer configuration
files to the unit.
o Slot (modem) to be used for communication (RS232/485 or 3G)

• RTU configuration:
By clicking on the RTU configuration name on the left-hand panel of the
WorkSpace, the window changes to enter details about the RTU
Each of the following types of functional blocks
block (named devices or bin
controllers) can be included in a Easergy T300 RTU configuration:
• Supervision
• SOE (Sequence Of Events)
• Local acquisition (input/output)
• Command Management (Cilo)
• Master/Slave Protocol (IEC60870
IEC60870-5-104, IEC60870-5-101, DNP3)
• Modbus master protocol
• IsaGRAF project interface
RTU configuration – CoreDb page.
Clicking on the device name gives access to device configuration details.

To personalize the application, this RTU configuration interface provides 4

pages of settings:
• Devices page: Lets you define and adjust settings with one device for
each functionalal or communication block.
These settings can also be viewed or changed using the Easergy
T300 Web pages.
• Channels: One communication channel for each internal or external
communication link.. A channel is attached to a protocol device.
These settings can also be viewed or changed using the Easergy
T300 Web pages.
• CoreDb: Real-time database including,
including for each data object, labels
and mapping,, sources and destinations.
destinations These definitions are used to
uct the Monitoring and Control WebW pages for the RTU but
related settings can only be changed in Easergy Builder.
• Synchronization: Time ime synchronization settings.
RTU configuration – Synchronization page.

NT00383-EN-00 11
Easergy T300 How to import configuration from RTU

8 Work with Easergy Builder

8.1 How to import configuration from
Easergy T300 in Easergy Builder
Once the unit has been started and the connection established,
established the Easergy
T300 configuration must be personalized to make it correspond to the
customer's needs. To do this, thee configuration must first be uploaded from the
Easergy T300 unit to the Easergy Builder tool.
2. Adding new RTU to the WorkSpace (" " button).
button) This operation should be performed only by an engineer or an expert who has
sufficient product skills and knowledge of the Easergy Builder configuration tool.

In Easergy Builder, importing the configuration from the Easergy T300 RTU is
made up of two different steps:
• Importing the network parameters (LAN,
LAN, WAN and WI-FI IP addresses).
• Importing the RTU parameters (Easergy
Easergy T300 configuration).

We will explain these two processes in detail in the following instructions:

1. Start Easergy Builder.
2. You must create a new RTU device in the WorkSpace before uploading a
configuration. So, in
n the WorkSpace, click the " " button ("Add RTU").

3. Entering new RTU settings. 3. A "new RTU" window appears. Enter

nter the following settings and then click
"Ok" :
o Name of Easergy T300 unit (e.g.: T300-Demo).
o Type of device: Easergy T300.
o Type of modem box inn Slots
Slot 1 and 2 (must correspond to the
modem box installed on the HU250 module of the Easergy T300
4. The new settings are displayed in the WorkSpace. In the "Connection"
section, enter the IP address of the Easergy T300 unit according to the
type of connection:
o WI-FI: IP =
o Eth port (LAN): IP =

8.1.1 Importing the network parameters

5. If not already done, initialize the connection to the Easergy T300 RTU via
WI-FI or Ethernet access (see chapter 3).
4. IP address of the connection (e.g. WI-FI).
6. Click the "Read" button of the Network section to start importing the
network parameters to Easergy Builder.
7. Enter the login and password in the connection window and click "Ok".
Note: The
he default users are the same as those used for Web Server
access: But only the Engineer or Installer has sufficient rights to upload
Easergy the T300 configuration to Easergy Builder.

USERS Engineer Installer

Login Engineer Installer
Password Engineer1! Installer1!

8. The exchange between Easergy Builder

uilder and the Easergy T300 starts.
After a few seconds, the Easergy T300 Network parameters are displayed
on screen.
6. Button to read Network parameters from Easergy T300.

8. Easergy T300 network parameters displayed.

12 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 How to import configuration from RTU

8.1.2 Importing the RTU parameters

9. If not already done, initialize the connection to the Easergy T300 RTU via
WI-FI or Ethernet access (see chapter 3).
10. Click the "Read Configuration" button to start importing the Easergy T300
configuration to Easergy Builder.
11. Enter the login and password in the connection window and click "Ok".
Note: The default users are the same as those used for Web Server
access: But only the Engineer or Installer has sufficient rights to upload
Easergy the T300 configuration to Easergy Builder.
10. Button to read RTU Configuration from Easergy T300.
USERS Engineer Installer
Login Engineer Installer
Password Engineer1! Installer1!

12. Give a name to the new configuration that will be uploaded.

13. The exchange between Easergy Builderuilder and the Easergy T300 RTU
starts. After a few seconds, the uploading process is over and the
WorkSpace displays a diagram with all the items of this RTU configuration.
14. The Easergy T300 configuration is now imported intoin Easergy Builder. The
11. Login and password for connection. next step will be to modify and personalize this configuration (see chapter

12. Name of the configuration to upload.

NT00383-EN-00 13
Easergy T300 How to import default Easergy
T300 configuration

8.2 How to import the default Easergy

T300 configuration into
in Easergy
There are two possibilities for importing a configuration into Easergy Builder.
The first possibility is to upload the existing configuration from the Easergy T300
unit via a connection to it. This step is described in chapter 6.1.

But if the Easergy T300 unit has only an empty configuration or if there is no
product available to connect to,, there is another possibility:
possibility importing a default
configuration off-line. This defaultt configuration must first be generated from a
specific tool (T300 Generator), dedicated to that purpose.

The T300 Generator configuration tool is suitable for engineers and experts.
Please consult your local Schneider Electric engineering
engineer center to get this
1. Copy of the RTU project folder in Easergy Builder default configuration project folder depending on the Easergy T300 RTU options and
project folder. application.

Follow these instructions to import this configuration project into Easergy

1. Copy the project folder to be imported in the default location of Easergy
Builder project. By default, the location for saving all Easergy Builder
project is:
C:\Users\my name\Documents\Workspace1
2. Easergy Builder will automatically detect the new project folder installed.
But there are two possibilities to take this new project folder into account:
• Easergy Builder is already started:
started Go to the WorkSpace interface
and click the "Reload Work Space" button. Easergy Builder refreshes
the workspace automatically and displays
display the new RTU configuration
project imported.
• Easergy Builder is stopped: Start Easergy Builder and the RTU
configuration project will automatically be imported and displayed in
the WorkSpace.
2. "Reload WorkSpace" button on Easergy Builder. 3. Double-click the name of the RTU configuration included in the RTU
project to open it.
4. The RTU configuration interface is loaded and opened in a new interface.
Click the "Save" button at the top of the screen. Easergy Builder will save
and definitively take into account all the RTU parameters.
5. Return to the WorkSpace by clicking on the "WorkSpace" button at the top
of the screen.
6. You will see now that if you click the RTU configuration name, a diagram is
displayed including all the devices defined in the RTU project.
7. The RTU configuration is now imported and functional in Easergy Builder.
The next step is to modify and personalize this Easergy T300 configuration
(see chapter 8.3).

3. Double-click the configuration name.

4. "Save" button on RTU configuration interface.

14 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 How to customize a Easergy T300

8.3 How to customize a Easergy T300

configuration in Easergy Builder
Before personalizing a Easergy T300 configuration, it must be uploaded to the
Easergy Builder tool (see previous chapter).

The operation described below should only be performed by an engineer or an

expert who has sufficient product skills and knowledge of the Easergy Builder
configuration tool.

From a default Easergy T300 configuration,

configuration the user must now personalize
some settings to make it correspond to the customer's
customer needs and application.

See below what kind of settings can be adapted

adapt and personalized.

From a default Easergy T300 configuration, two items must be customized:

o Sequence Of Events (SOE).
o Protocol mapping.

The other settings that correspond to the application can be directly changed on
the Easergy T300 Web Server.

8.3.1 How to create the communication protocol

1. From the RTU configuration interface on Easergy Builder, click the
"CoreDb" tab to enter the Easergy
asergy T300 database view.

• Description of CoreDb tab:

After clicking on the "CoreDb" tab, five spreadsheet views appear. The first
four are for the various types of data points included in the database:

Name Description
Status Integer type data points that can be sent to SCADA or an
event log. Typically 1 or 2 bit status or 32-bit
32 counters.
Command Integer commands typically received from SCADA or Web
Analog Floating data points that can be sent to SCADA either as
integers or floating-point
point numbers.
Set-point Analog commands typically received from SCADA or Web
CoreDb view in the first four types of data points spreadsheets.
dbNET dbNET enables multiple Easergy T300 RTUs to share their
databases within an IP network.

The basic columns for all the types of data points in the first four
spreadsheets are:
Field Description
Name Unique name used as database key – do not
Description Character string that appears on the monitoring
and control Web
W pages.
Source1 Device Name of the physical or logical device that the
data comes from.
Source1 Coordinates Text string that identifies the point type and
Example of columns in Status data points spreadsheet.
spreadsheet number within the source device.
Source1 Vmask Bit mask to select required value from the source.
Destination N Device Name of the physical or logical device that the
data is sent to.
Destination N Text string that identifies the point type and
CAUTION Coordinates number within the destination device.

RISK OF BAD FUNCTION TO THE PRODUCT Other columns are used to set initial values, analog scaling factors,
factors etc.
In the CoreDb tab, except for the Description field, all other
existing parameters should not be changed.
Failure to comply with this instruction can adversely
affect the proper functioning of the product.

NT00383-EN-00 15
Easergy T300 How to customize a Easergy T300

The current chapter details how to create mapping for the data points
depending on the type of protocol used.

2. In the CoreDb page, click the tab that corresponds

correspond to the type of point you
want to configure ("Status", "Command", Analog" or Set-point").
3. Each point in the spreadsheet has zero or one source and zero or more
destinations. Do not change the existing sources and destinations already
4. Command or Set-point type: Click the cell of the first empty "Source n
device" available.
5. Status or Analog type: Click the cell of the first empty "Destination n
device" available (n can be 1 to 4).
6. Select the Device in the proposed list that corresponds to the protocol
slave instance to be used for the transmission of this point status to the
SCADA. For instance:
6. Selection of Protocol in Destination Device cell.
cell "Dnp3S1": DNP3 Slave number 1. 1
"Dnp3S2": DNP3 Slave number 2. 2
"I104S1": IEC60870-5-104
104 Slave number 1.
Remark: The list of devices proposed depends on the communication
protocols and channels already defined in the RTU configuration.
7. Right-click the "Destination n coordinates" or "Source n coordinates"
(where n as the same number as the Destination or Source device).
8. Select Launch Point Wizard.
9. A window appears with configuration information for the Destination or
Source Coordinates. The type of configuration information depends on the
type of protocol. Use the following table to define what kind of setting to
DNP3 setting
8. Selection of "Launch Point Wizard" in Destination
Setting Description Comment
Index Index associated with Unique value for each point index in
the point (between 0 decimal value (e.g. 1)
and 65535)
Type Object type of the OB01: single bit input
point OB03: double bit input
OB10: binary outputs
OB12: digital outputs/commands
OB20: counters
OB21: frozen counters
OB30: analog inputs
OB41: analog outputs/commands
Class Class number Class 0: for static data (doesn’t'
Mask generate events).
Class 1 to 3: for dynamic data
(events on change)

IEC60870-5-104 setting
Setting Description Comment
9. Example of DNP3 data points setting for the Coordinates.
Coordinates Point Identifier of • For Input
I information:
type the type of MSP:: Single-Point information.
point MDP:: Double-Point Information.
MST:: Step position information.
MBO Bit string of 32 bits.
MMEA Measured value, normalized value.
MMEB Measured value, scaled value.
MMEC Measured value, short floating-point
MIT:: Integrated totals.
• For Commands
CSC:: Single command.
CDC:: Double command.
CRC:: Regulating step command.
CSEA Set-point command, normalized
CSEB Set-point command, scaled value.
CSEC Set-point command, short floating-
point number.
CBO:: Bit string of 32 bits.
Start Point address. IOA = Information Object Address.
IOA (from1 to Unique value for each point index in decimal
65535) value (e.g. 1)

9. Example of IEC60870-5-104 data points setting for the

16 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 How to customize a Easergy T300

It's also important for the configuration to know the correspondence between
the type of Coordinates to be configured d (depending on the protocol used) and
the type of object defined on SCADA side.
The following table shows this correspondence:

Point type correspondence

SCADA object type CoreDb Type IEC60870-5- DNP3
Digital input Status MSP OB01
Double digital input Status MDP OB03
Digital output Command CSC OB12
Double digital output Command CDC OB12
10. Format of the Device and Coordinates after configuration.
configuration Analog input Analog MMEB/MMEC/MIT OB30/OB20
Counter Status MIT OB20
Integer command Command CSEB OB40
Counter preset Command CSEB OB40
Boolean setting Set-point CSEC OB41
Float setting Set-point CSEC OB41
Integer setting Set-point CSEC OB41

You can consult the table in the appendix to have the complete list of all the
data points included in the CoreDb and the correspondence with the SCADA
object types.
12. Save button.
10. As shown in the tables above,, IEC and DNP3 have their own format for the
Coordinates. So, once defined, the Coordinate in CoreDb has the following

• For DNP3: the format is:

<point index>:<object type>:<class number> (e.g. 1:OB01:0).

• For IEC60870-5-101/IEC60870
IEC60870-5-104: the format is:
<Start IOA>:<point type> (e.g. 00001:MSP).
11. Repeat the setting for all the data points of CoreDb that must include the
protocol address.
12. Don't forget to save all the changes made by clicking on the "Save" button
at the top of the RTU configuration page.
13. Communication protocol mapping is now completed.

NT00383-EN-00 17
Easergy T300 How to customize a Easergy T300

8.3.2 How to create a Sequence Of Events (SOE)

An "Event" device is automatically created in default Easergy T300
configuration as SOE device type.. This Event device corresponds to basic
use. It includes some of the Easergy T300 data points that seem
appropriate to integrate the application.
In the event of a signal change, these data points are configured to
register related changes in the Event file (Event.xml) with specific
predefined labels for each state
e or measurement unit.
All the corresponding settings are made to the parameters of the SOE
device and to the CoreDb spreadsheet.

The next sections in this chapter show how to change default settings,
1. "+" button to add an Event file to SOE.
how to add data points to this SOE device or delete them and how to
create new SOE devices. Creation of a new SOE device

1. In the RTU configuration interface, select
s the "Sequence of events"
device in the left-hand
hand panel and then click the "+" button.
2. In the Device Wizard window that appears,
appear select the "Sequence of
events" type and give a name to the Event
E file you want to create
(e.g. Alarm), and click "Ok".
3. The new "Alarm" file is created in the SOE device.
4. Double-click the "Alarm" device to enter the settings of this SOE file.
2. Device Wizard window to create a new Event
vent file.
file 5. On the new screen, if required,, you can change the default settings
in the "Configuration" part. For
or instance,
instance changing the "Log file"
name, the "Max.
ax. events logged"
logged settings, etc.
6. In the "Status" and "Analog" section,
section two lists of IDs are defined by
default. Each ID corresponds to an identifier for a list of strings used
to format the information of the logger output.
Depending on the nature of the point (Status or Analog) the list is
• Status: This represents the string list which will replace the
values of the logical point to make it more descriptive with
personal labels for each status (e.g. OFF, ON instead of 0,1).
These labels are displayed ed in the log file and in the Web server
By clicking on an ID list, some tags appear on screen with a
specific label for each value of the logical point. You can change
the existing labels. You can also create
creat new IDs and the
associated labels by clicking on the "+" button near the ID list.
• Analog: This represents (by means of a string) the unit which is
transmitted associated with an analog value and displayed in the
log file and in the Web server page. (e.g. 250 V or 50 Hz)
By clicking on an ID list, some tags appear on screen with
specific labels corresponding to the unit of the analog point. You
5. Settings of new SOE file. can change the existing label if necessary. You can also create
new IDs and the associated labels
label by clicking on the "+" button
near the ID list.
7. Once the IDs and the associated tags are modified or created, click
the "Ok" button to take the change in the SOE file into account.

18 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 How to customize a Easergy T300
configuration Activation off Event on CoreDb

We will now describe in detail how to configure the use of events for a point in
CoreDb spreadsheet.

1. In the CoreDb page, click the tab corresponding

correspond to the type of point you
want to configure ("Status", "Command", "Analog" or "Set-point").
2. Each point in the spreadsheet has zero or one source and zero or more
destinations. Do not change the existing destinations already defined.
3. Click the cell of the first empty "Destination n device" available (n can be 1
to 4).
4. Select the Device in the proposed list that corresponds to the name of the
Event file you want to associate with this point. For instance, "Event" or the
5. Selection of Event List
ist in Destination Device cell.
cell name of the new Eventvent file you have created in the previous chapter.
Note that the filename will determine the labels that will be used for the
event indication. Also note that changes in given data may be tracked in
several SOE devices if several destinations are defined.
5. Right-click the "Destination n coordinates" (where
(w n as the same number
as the Destination device).
6. Select Launch Point Wizard.
7. An SOE Points Wizard window appears with information to be configured
for the coordinates:

6. Selection of "Launch Point Wizard" in Destination SOE Points

Point Wizard
Coordinates. Setting Description Comment
Names Label used as event By default, the point name is
name for the point automatically proposed as the event
value change. This name. You can change this name if
label is indicated in you want to use another label.
the Event file, or Note that the point description (more
displayed in the Web significant for the application) is also
server. indicated in the Event file and in the
Web server.
ID Type of ID that must Three choices for the ID:
be used. None: No ID used. For example, the
default labels (0,1) are used for a
logical point.
Status: Use of a status ID list. If
used, the status ID list must be
defined (see next setting).
Analog: Use of analog ID list. If
used, the analog ID list must be
defined (see next setting).
Status ID list that must be The proposed list corresponds to the
ID or used for the indication existing ID lists defined in the Event
Analog of event labels (text file used.
ID indicated for each
7. Example of SOE Data Points settings for the Coordinates.
status of the point or
unit associated with
an analog value)
It is important to know the correspondence between the ID type to be
configured (and the associated ID list) and the type of object defined on SCADA
The following table shows this correspondence.

You can consult the table in the appendix for the complete list of all the data
points included in the CoreDb and the correspondence with SCADA object type.
Point type correspondence
SCADA object type Default ID type Possible ID list
Digital input Status All (except Position)
Double digital input Status Position
Digital output Status Command
Double digital output Status Position
Analog input Analog All
Integer command Status Command
Counter preset

NT00383-EN-00 19
Easergy T300 How to customize a Easergy T300

The following table shows for each ID list the various tags (labels) that will be
indicated in the Event file (and in Web server pages) for each logical point
status (0, 1, 2, 3):
ID List 0 1 2 3
Position Intermediate Open Closed Invalid
Alarm No Yes
SPS Inactive Active
Local_Remote Remote Local
Status OFF ON
Default Normal Default
Normal Default Normal
B_setting Disabled Enabled
Command OFF ON

s) that will be associated with the

The following table shows the tags (units)
analog value for display in the Web server or for the log file, depending on the
ID list chosen:
IDs List Tags
Voltage V
Current A
Frequency Hz
Temperature °C
Resistance Ohm

8. Once the setting is defined, the Coordinate in CoreDb has the following
(e.g. SC01_MvSVPI1_Prs_general:Position).
9. Repeat the setting for all the data points of CoreDb that must include
10. Don't forget to save all changes by clicking on the "Save" button at the top
of the RTU configuration page.
11. SOE configuration is now completed. d.
8. Format of the Device and Coordinates after configuration.

20 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 How to synchronize the RTU

8.4 How to synchronize the RTU

One of the RTU project customizationss consists of defining the way to
synchronize the unit automatically.

There are two possibilities for synchronizing the RTU:

• Automatically via the communication protocol (via the SCADA).
Synchronization period.
• Through an SNTP server, if the RTU is connected to an IP network.

You have the ability to define two channels of synchronization, the primary
device and the secondary device.
The secondary device will be used if the primary device is unavailable.

To configure the synchronization settings,, follow these

the instructions:

In the RTU configuration interface of Easergy Builder, enter the

"Synchronization" page.
In the "Synchronization" section,, define the following settings:
• Define the primary device and the secondary device: can be a
PROTOCOL or SNTP server but not simultaneously for both devices. device
o PROTOCOL device: In n the proposed list, select the protocol
device sources from which the unit will receive the
synchronization date and time via communication
com with SCADA.
You can select more than oneon protocol (e.g. I101S1, Dnp3S1,
Protocol as Primary Device for synchronization.
o SNTP server: If you define the server as active ("Passive" option
not checked), enter the period that corresponds to the time delay
before asking
ing the server for a new synchronization. Also enter
the IP address of this SNTP server. This period is not used in
passive mode because in thatth mode the HU250 merely waits to
be synchronized by the server.
Note: there is no need to define the Synchronization period. This
parameter is not used by HU250.
• Define a timeout for the primary and secondary devices. This timeout is
the time delay before declaring the active device faulty and switching
switch to
the other device.
• If your region zone uses summerr time settings (depending on your
country) you can activate the "summer time" settings
setting and the Start date
and End date to be applied for summer time. Various methods are
available for defining the Start and End dates.
da Choose the one that best
corresponds best to the method used by your country.
• Define the "Local time zone" that corresponds to the time difference
SNTP server as Secondary Device
evice for synchronization. between your local zone and GMT time.



Do not change the default setting of the "Synchronization server" section.
This setting is reserved for internal communication and synchronization
between the HU250 and the SC150 modules.
Failure to comply with this instruction can adversely affect the
proper functioning of the RTU.

Use of summer time adjustment and corresponding settings.


NT00383-EN-00 21
Easergy T300 How to send configuration to the
Easergy T300

8.5 How to send a configuration to the

Once the configuration has been personalized in Easergy Builder, the next step
is to download this configuration to the Easergy T300 RTU.
Note that there is no risk of downloading a configuration in the unit even if the
unit is in operation.
2. The "Completely configure RTU" button on
n the WorkSpace.
The configuration is ready to be transferred,
rred, follow
f the instructions below to
download the configuration to the RTU.
There are two possibilities for downloading
ing the configuration to the Easergy
T300 RTU (Workspace or RTU project download).

8.5.1 Workspace download

In this mode, the user can choose the configuration part to download to the
Easergy T300 RTU (each option can be selected individually):
- Network parameters (LAN, WAN, WI-FI)
- Modems (2G, 3G dial-upup settings)
- PPP parameters (IP address)
- A selected RTU project configuration (all the device settings)
This download is useful when you want to send the system and application
3. Choice of type of configuration downloaded. configuration at the same time.
1. If this has not already been done, initialize the connection to the Easergy
T300 RTU via WI-FI or Ethernet access (see chapter 3).
2. From the WorkSpace, click the "Completely configure RTU" button.
3. Click the proposed options depending on the WorkSpace parameters you
want to download to the Easergy T300 RTU. If the "Configuration" field
6. Button to send configuration to RTU. stays empty, the RTU configuration will not be downloaded.
4. Then, follow the instructions in the "Downloading the configuration"

8.5.2 RTU Project download

In this mode, you cannot choose the download mode. The RTU configuration
(and only that) will be downloaded to the Easergy T300 RTU.
5. If this has not already been done,, initialize the connection to the Easergy
T300 RTU via WI-FI or Ethernet access (see chapter 3). 3)
6. From
rom the RTU configuration interface,
interface click the "Send Configuration to
RTU" button.
8. Login and password for connection. 7. Follow the instructions in the "Downloading the configuration" section.

8.5.3 Downloading the configuration

8. In
n the Connection window that appears, enter
e the login and password and
click "Ok".
Note: The default users are the same as those
th used for Web server
access. But only the Engineer or Installer has sufficient rights to
download the configuration to the RTU.

USERS Engineer Installer

9. Activation of RTU reboot. Login Engineer Installer

Password Engineer1! Installer1!

9. The configuration is then downloaded

loaded into the unit. The Easergy T300 RTU
needs to reboot in order to apply the new configuration. Click "Yes" to
reboot the RTU.
10. The system confirms that the RTU is rebooting. Click "Ok" to close the
11. In less than one minute, the RTU should have restarted. Once it has
restarted, the status of the HU250 operating LED should be green. If this is
not the case, refer to the next chapter "Checking
" issues".

10. RTU rebooting indication.

22 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 How to send configuration to the
Easergy T300

8.5.4 Checking issues

After the RTU has restarted, it is important to check its status; the status LED
on the front panel of the HU250 should be green. If a fault occurs, the LED
displays a different color:
• Orange: Internal
ernal communication fault (e.g. with SC150 module).
• Red: Configuration is faulty, RTU fault, SC150 fault.

In case of a faulty situation, there are different

differ ways to identify the issue.It is
preferable however to first consult the Physical view where the overall error
situation is shown:
• Consult the Physical view of the Web W server: Enter the Monitoring
RTU Sys Console in Easergy Builder. & Control/Physical view page of the Web server after being logged in
to the unit. The physical view helps distinguish between the type of
issue showing if it is a configuration error or an a RTU fault. The
description of the fault will be indicated. If it is a configuration error,
the root cause is also indicated in the System view. In this case,
consult the System log (see below).
• Consult Web eb server System log: Enter the Maintenance/System
page of the Web server. Iff there is an issue,
issue an error should be
present in the System log contents displayed,
displayed making it possible to
identify the issue.
• Consult the Syslog: In n Easergy Builder,
Builder click the "Syslog" button in
the WorkSpace to download the Syslog file from the RTU and display
its contents in the Log console at the bottom of the Workspace (after
being logged in to the unit). An error should be present in the "RTU
Sys console" content displayed,, making it possible to identify the
Note that the contents of the "System
System log"
log page in the Web server and the
contents of the "RTU sys console" of Easergy Builder are
a the same but
displayed differently.
Physical view page of Easergy T300 Web server containing a
configuration error.

System log page of Easergy T300 Web server containing a

configuration error.

NT00383-EN-00 23
Easergy T300 Appendix

9 Appendix: List of data points in CoreDb

CoreDb type Point name Point description Unit Scada Object
HU01_LLN0_CfgHealth_stVal_Fail Head unit configuration error Digital Input
HU01_LLN0_BinHealth_stVal_Fail Head unit error Digital Input
HU01_LLN0_Health_stVal_Fail General health error Digital Input
HU01_LLN0_Health_stVal_Warn General health warning Digital Input
HU01_LLN0_ComHealth_stVal_Fail Internal communication fault Digital input
HU01_GenGAPC1_Health_stVal_Warn PLC warning Digital Input
HU01_GenGAPC1_Health_stVal_Fail PLC error Digital Input
HU01_LTMS1_TmChErr_stVal Time synchronization failure source 1 Digital Input
HU01_LTMS2_TmChErr_stVal Time synchronization failure source 2 Digital Input
HU01_WiFiLCCH1_ChLiv_stVal WI-FI on/off Status Digital Input
HU01_WiFiLCCH1_Health_stVal_Fail WI-FI health error Digital Input
HU01_WiFiLCCH1_Health_stVal_Warn WI-FI health warning Digital Input
HU01_LPHD1_PwrUpCnt_stVal Cold reset counter Counter
HU01_LLN0_Loc_stVal System local / remote Status Digital Input
HU01_SysGAPC1_AutoLocked_stVal System automation locked Digital Input
HU01_SysGAPC1_Op_general System automation operated Digital Input
HU01_SysGAPC1_Auto_stVal System automation operation Status (on/off) Digital Input
HU01_SysCILO1_OpStr_stVal System switch command in progress Digital Input
HU01_SysCILO1_OpTmAlm_stVal System switch command failure Digital Input
Head Unit Human presence detected (button
HU01_HPrsISAF1_Alm_stVal pressed) Digital Input
HU01_FeaGGIO1_Ind1_stVal Digital input 1 Digital Input
HU01_FeaGGIO1_Ind2_stVal Digital input 2 Digital Input
HU01_FeaGGIO1_Ind3_stVal Digital input 3 Digital Input
HU01_FeaGGIO1_Ind4_stVal Digital input 4 Digital Input
HU01_AcSVPI1_Prs_general AC voltage presence - Digital input 5 Digital Input
HU01_DoorISAF1_Alm_stVal Door open - Digital input 6 Digital Input
HU01_FeaGGIO1_Ind7_stVal Digital input 7 Digital Input
HU01_FeaGGIO1_Ind8_stVal Digital input 8 Digital Input
HU01_FeaGGIO1_SPSSO1_stVal Digital output 1 Status Digital Input
HU01_FeaGGIO1_SPSSO2_stVal Digital output 2 Status Digital Input
HU01_WiFiLCCH1_ChEna_stVal WI-FI on/off command Digital Output
System automation operation control
HU01_SysGAPC1_AutoOn_stVal enable/disable Digital Output
HU01_SysGAPC1_AutoReset_stVal System automation reset command Digital Output
HU01_LLN0_FltIndRs_stVal System reset FPI indicators (all modules) Digital Output
HU01_LLN0_FltCntRs_stVal System reset FPI counters (all modules) Digital Output
HU01_SysIHMI1_TstLed_stVal System led test (all modules) Digital Output
HU01_SysIHMI1_TstMod_stVal System commissioning test (all modules) Digital Output
HU01_FeaGGIO1_SPCSO1_stVal Digital output 1 command Digital Output
HU01_FeaGGIO1_SPCSO2_stVal Digital output 2 command Digital Output
HU01_LPHD1_CpuRate_mag CPU usage % Analog Input
HU01_SysSTMP1_Tmp_mag Temperature °C Analog Input

24 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 Appendix

CoreDb type Point name Point description Scada Object Type
SC0x_VolLSVS1_St_stVal Sampled value subscription Status Digital Input

SC0x_MainXSWI1_Pos_stVal Main switch position Status Double Digital Input

SC0x_MainCSWI1_Pos_stVal Main switch filtered position Status Double Digital Input

SC0x_MainCSWI1_OpStr_stVal Switch operation started (command request / in progress) Digital Input

SC0x_EarthXSWI1_Pos_stVal Earth disconnecting switch position Double Digital Input

SC0x_FeaGGIO1_Ind5_stVal Digital input 5 or Switch interlock input Digital Input

SC0x_MainSSWI1_OpTmAlm_stVal Main switchgear control failure Digital Input

SC0x_MainXSWI1_OpCnt_stVal Main switch, number of operations Counter

SC0x_LPHD1_PhyHealth_stVal_Fail Module physical health error Digital Input

SC0x_LLN0_Health_stVal_Fail Module health error Digital Input

SC0x_LLN0_Beh_stVal_On Module Enabled (Device Behaviour On/Off) Digital Input

SC0x_LTMS1_TmSynErr_stVal Time not synchronised Digital Input

SC0x_LTMS1_TmChErr_stVal Time synchronisation source failure Digital Input

SC0x_LCCH1_ChLiv_stVal Module communication Status Digital Input

SC0x_SimXSWI1_Pos_stVal Simulated position Status Double Digital Input

SC0x_FeaGGIO1_Ind7_stVal Digital input 7 Digital Input

SC0x_FeaGGIO1_Ind8_stVal Digital input 8 Digital Input

SC0x_HPrsISAF2_Alm_stVal Module Human presence detected (button pressed) Digital Input

SC0x_ExtSVPI1_Prs_general Digital input 6 or Voltage presence Digital Input

SC0x_SvSVPI1_Abs_general Voltage absence from measured values Digital Input

SC0x_SvSVPI1_Prs_general Voltage presence from measured values Digital Input
SC0x_MvSVPI1_Prs_general Voltage presence (from measured values or digital input) Digital Input
SC0x_NeutPTOV1_Op_general Voltage neutral displacement indication Digital Input
SC0x_SvSCPI1_Prs_general Current presence from CT Digital Input
SC0x_SvSCPI1_Abs_general Current absence from CT Digital Input
SC0x_GenGAPC1_AutoLocked_stVal Module automation locked Digital Input
SC0x_GenGAPC1_Op_general Module automation operated Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_FltInd_general General fault indication Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_FltInd_phsA Fault indication on phase A Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_FltInd_phsB Fault indication on phase B Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_FltInd_phsC Fault indication on phase C Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_FltInd_dirGen Fault direction: unknown | forward | backward | both Double Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_FltInd_dirGen_Fwd Fault direction - forward Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_FltInd_dirGen_Bwd Fault direction - backward Digital Input
SC0x_PhSFPI1_FltInd_general Phase fault detected Digital Input
SC0x_EfSFPI1_FltInd_general Earth fault detected Digital Input
SC0x_XcSFPI1_FltInd_general Cross-country fault detected Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_InsNum_stVal PTOC instance number for fault Analog Input
SC0x_CbrRREC1_RecCyc_stVal Calculated breaker reclose cycle count Analog Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_TrFltInd_general Transient fault Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_SpFltInd_general Semi-permanent fault Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_PmFltInd_general Permanent fault Digital Input
SC0x_GenSFPI1_TrFltCnt_stVal General transient fault count Counter
SC0x_GenSFPI1_SpFltCnt_stVal General semi-permanent fault count Counter
SC0x_GenSFPI1_PmFltCnt_stVal General permanent fault count Counter
SC0x_PhSFPI1_TrFltCnt_stVal Phase transient fault count Counter
SC0x_PhSFPI1_SpFltCnt_stVal Phase semi-permanent fault count Counter
SC0x_PhSFPI1_PmFltCnt_stVal Phase permanent fault count Counter
SC0x_EfSFPI1_TrFltCnt_stVal Earth transient fault count Counter
SC0x_EfSFPI1_SpFltCnt_stVal Earth semi-permanent fault count Counter
SC0x_EfSFPI1_PmFltCnt_stVal Earth permanent fault count Counter
SC0x_XcSFPI1_TrFltCnt_stVal Cross-country transient fault count Counter

NT00383-EN-00 25
Easergy T300 Appendix

CoreDb type Point name Point description Scada Object Type
SC0x_XcSFPI1_SpFltCnt_stVal Cross-country semi-permanent fault count Counter
Status SC0x_XcSFPI1_PmFltCnt_stVal Cross-country permanent fault count Counter
SC0x_LLN0_ActSG_stVal Active settings group Analog Input
SC0x_MainCSWI1_PosCtlVal_stVal Switch position requested via Head Unit DB Digital Output
SC0x_MainCSWI1_EnaOp_stVal Enable operation from Head Unit Digital Output
SC0x_MainCSWI1_BlkOp_stVal Block operation from Head Unit Digital Output
SC0x_MainXSWI1_OpCntRs_stVal Number of operations preset Counter Preset
SC0x_LLN0_Mod_stVal_On Module Enable command (Device Behaviour On/Off) Digital Output
SC0x_SimCSWI1_PosCtlVal_stVal Simulated position control DB Digital Output
SC0x_GenGAPC1_PosCtlVal_stVal Switch position requested from Head Unit automation DB Digital Output
SC0x_GenSFPI1_TrFltCntRs_stVal General transient fault counter reset command Counter Preset
SC0x_GenSFPI1_SpFltCntRs_stVal General semi-permanent
permanent fault counter reset command Counter Preset
SC0x_GenSFPI1_PmFltCntRs_stVal General permanent fault counter reset command Counter Preset
SC0x_PhSFPI1_TrFltCntRs_stVal Phase transient fault counter preset command Counter Preset
SC0x_PhSFPI1_SpFltCntRs_stVal Phase semi-permanent fault counter preset command Counter Preset
Command SC0x_PhSFPI1_PmFltCntRs_stVal Phase permanent fault counter preset command Counter Preset
SC0x_EfSFPI1_TrFltCntRs_stVal Earth transient fault counter preset command Counter Preset
SC0x_EfSFPI1_SpFltCntRs_stVal Earth semi-permanent
permanent fault counter preset command Counter Preset
SC0x_EfSFPI1_PmFltCntRs_stVal Earth permanent fault counter preset command Counter Preset
SC0x_XcSFPI1_TrFltCntRs_stVal Cross-country
country transient fault counter preset command Counter Preset
permanent fault counter preset
Cross-country semi-permanent
SC0x_XcSFPI1_SpFltCntRs_stVal command Counter Preset
SC0x_XcSFPI1_PmFltCntRs_stVal Cross-country
country permanent fault counter preset command Counter Preset
SC0x_LLN0_ActSG1_stVal Module select settings group 1 Digital Output
SC0x_LLN0_ActSG2_stVal Module select settings group 2 Digital Output
SC0x_SysIHMI1_GenRs_stVal General reset: reset FPIs and Automation Digital Output
SC0x_UserIHMI1_LedCtl1_stVal LED 1 command Integer Command
SC0x_UserIHMI1_LedCtl2_stVal LED 2 command Integer Command
SC0x_UserIHMI1_LedCtl3_stVal LED 3 command Integer Command
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_A_phsA RMS current phase A Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_A_phsB RMS current phase B Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_A_phsC RMS current phase C Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_A_res RMS current residual (computed) Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_IoA_mag RMS current residual (measured) Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_AvAPhs_mag Mean RMS phase current Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_PhV_phsA RMS voltage phase A Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_PhV_phsB RMS voltage phase B Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_PhV_phsC RMS voltage phase C Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_PhV_neut RMS voltage neutral Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_AvPhVPhs_mag Mean RMS voltage phase-N Analog Input
SC0x_PMr_MMXU1_Hz_mag Frequency Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_A_phsA Pre-fault RMS current phase A Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_A_phsB Pre-fault RMS current phase B Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_A_phsC Pre-fault RMS current phase C Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_A_res Pre-fault RMS current residual Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_AvAPhs_mag Pre-fault mean RMS phase current Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_PhV_phsA Pre-fault RMS voltage phase A Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_PhV_phsB Pre-fault RMS voltage phase B Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_PhV_phsC Pre-fault RMS voltage phase C Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_PhV_neut Pre-fault RMS voltage neutral Analog Input
SC0x_PreFltMMXU1_AvPhVPhs_mag Pre-fault mean RMS phase voltage Analog Input

26 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 Appendix

CoreDb type Point name Point description Scada Object Type
PS01_LCCH1_ChLiv_stVal Module communication status Digital Input
PS01_LPHD1_PhyHealth_stVal_Warn Module health warning Digital Input
PS01_LPHD1_PhyHealth_stVal_Fail Module health error Digital Input
PS01_AcZAXN1_PwrSupAlm_stVal Immediate AC supply OFF Digital Input
PS01_AcZAXN1_PwrSupOn_stVal Supply input indication Digital Input
PS01_AcZAXN1_PwrSupOv_stVal Supply input overvoltage Digital Input
PS01_AcZAXN1_PwrShtDwn_stVal Power supply shutdown Digital Input
PS01_LLN0_CfgHealth_stVal_Fail Configuration fault Digital Input
PS01_STMP1_Alm_stVal Overtemperature fault Digital Input
PS01_DevZAXN1_PwrSupAlm_stVal IED output fault Digital Input
PS01_ComZAXN1_PwrSupAlm_stVal Telecom output fault Digital Input
PS01_MotZAXN1_PwrSupAlm_stVal Motor output fault Digital Input
PS01_DevZAXN1_PwrSupSc_stVal IED output short circuit Digital Input
PS01_DevZAXN1_PwrSupOl_stVal IED output overload Digital Input
PS01_DevZAXN1_PwrSupUv_stVal IED output undervoltage Digital Input
PS01_DevZAXN1_PwrSupOv_stVal IED output overvoltage Digital Input
PS01_ComZAXN1_PwrSupSc_stVal Telecom output short circuit Digital Input
Status PS01_ComZAXN1_PwrSupOl_stVal Telecom output overload Digital Input
PS01_ComZAXN1_PwrSupOc_stVal Telecom output overcurrent Digital Input
PS01_ComZAXN1_PwrSupUv_stVal Telecom output undervoltage Digital Input
PS01_ComZAXN1_PwrSupOv_stVal Telecom output overvoltage Digital Input
PS01_MotZAXN1_PwrSupSc_stVal Motor output short circuit Digital Input
PS01_MotZAXN1_PwrSupOl_stVal Motor output overload Digital Input
PS01_MotZAXN1_PwrSupOc_stVal Motor output overcurrent Digital Input
PS01_MotZAXN1_PwrSupUv_stVal Motor output undervoltage Digital Input
PS01_MotZAXN1_PwrSupOv_stVal Motor output overvoltage Digital Input
PS01_MotZAXN1_PwrSupLok_stVal Motor output lock out Digital Input
PS01_ZBAT1_BatHealth_stVal Battery fault Digital Input
PS01_ZBAT1_BatIso_stVal Battery disconnected Digital Input
PS01_ZBAT1_Cha_stVal Battery charging Digital Input
PS01_ZBAT1_FltInd_general Battery charger floating Digital Input
PS01_ZBAT1_Dsch_stVal Battery discharging Digital Input
PS01_ZBAT1_BatLo_stVal Battery low Digital Input
PS01_ZBAT1_DDschInd_stVal Battery deep discharge Digital Input
PS01_ZBAT1_ChaFlt_stVal Battery charger fault Digital Input
PS01_LLN0_PwrShtDwn_stVal General shutdown Digital Output
PS01_ZBAT1_BatSetup_stVal Battery set-up Digital Output
PS01_LLN0_Restart_stVal Restart all Output Digital Output
PS01_LLN0_Reboot_stVal Reboot PS50 Digital Output
PS01_LLN0_RsTmpMnMx_stVal Reset temperature statistics Digital Output
PS01_LLN0_CfgDef_stVal Reload default settings Digital Output
PS01_DevZAXN1_PwrSupOff_stVal IED output power Off Digital Output
PS01_DevZAXN1_PwrSupOn_stVal IED output power On Digital Output
PS01_ComZAXN1_PwrSupOff_stVal Telecom power output Off Digital Output
PS01_ComZAXN1_PwrSupOn_stVal Telecom power output On Digital Output
PS01_MotZAXN1_PwrSupOff_stVal Motor output Power Off Digital Output
PS01_MotZAXN1_PwrSupOn_stVal Motor output power On Digital Output

NT00383-EN-00 27
Easergy T300 Appendix

CoreDb type Point name Point description Unit Scada Object Type
PS01_AcZAXN1_Vol_mag Supply Input RMS voltage V Analog Input
PS01_DevZAXN1_Vol_mag IED output voltage V Analog Input
PS01_DevZAXN1_Amp_mag IED output current A Analog Input
PS01_ComZAXN1_Vol_mag Telecom output voltage V Analog Input
PS01_ComZAXN1_Amp_mag Telecom output current A Analog Input
PS01_MotZAXN1_Vol_mag Motor output voltage V Analog Input
PS01_MotZAXN1_Amp_mag Motor output current A Analog Input
PS01_ZBAT1_Vol_mag Battery voltage V Analog Input
PS01_ZBAT1_Amp_mag Battery current A Analog Input
PS01_ZBAT1_ChaLevInd_mag Battery charge level indicator Analog Input
PS01_STMP1_Tmp_mag Battery temperature °C Analog Input
PS01_STMP1_TmpMin_mag Battery temperature min °C Analog Input
PS01_STMP1_TmpMax_mag Battery temperature max °C Analog Input
PS01_ZBAT1_CapDsch_mag Last battery capacity discharge (A/h) A/h Analog Input
PS01_ZBAT1_IntRMes_mag Battery actual internal resistance (mOhm) moHm Analog Input
PS01_ZBAT1_ChaTms_mag Last battery charging time sec Analog Input
PS01_ZBAT1_DschTms_mag Last battery discharging time sec Analog Input
PS01_ZBAT1_BakUpTms_mag Back up time left sec Analog Input

28 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 Appendix

10 Appendix: Glossary
10.1 Definitions
Easergy Builder: Easergy Builder is the official configuration tool for the Easergy T300 unit. This tool permits the configuration of all the advanced
RTU functions (database, protocol mapping, events, etc) and equipment maintenance tasks.

CoreDB: CoreDb performs real-time

time management of RTU signals. It is the real-time database of the RTU.

DbNET: DbNET allows multiple databases to be share among RTUs within an IP network. DbNET is a part of the database configuration in Easergy
Builder and includes a specific page for that purpose in CoreDb.

Bin: This is a set of Input/output signals with a common source. For example, a Bin could be the representation of an IED, which communicates with
the Easergy T300 RTU, or the representation of a SCADA which receives or generates information acquired or generated in the platform.

Bin Controller: Bin Controllers are the various data acquisition and processing application software programs that accesses CoreDb. Each Bin
Controller acts as a producer and/or consumer of the
th information managed by CoreDb.

Source and Destination:: Origin and target of the value of a CoreDb signal. As source and/or destination of a CoreDb signal we can find a Bin
Controller signal (usual case) or even another
other CoreDb signal. Any CoreDb
CoreDb signal can have one or more sources (in one or several Bins) and one or
more destinations (in one or several Bins).

SSID: Stands for "Service Set IDentifier."

." An SSID is a unique ID that consists of 32 characters and is used for naming wireless networks. When
multiple wireless networks overlap in a certain location, SSIDs ensure that data is sent to the correct destination.

Coordinate. Signal identification within a Bin. It is unique for each signal and has a different structure for each Bin Controller. It is described in detail
in the appropriate section of the “Bin Controllers” manual.

Channels: The channels are used for communications

nications between the Bins and CoreDb. The ports used to communicate with field devices are
configured as communication channels. The communication channels configuration manager is accessed through the “Channels"
“Channels menu of RTU
project configuration.

SOE (Sequence of Events): SOE is the registration and storage of events and signal changes in the RTU which manages data in real-time.

SSH client: An SSH client is a software program that uses the secure shell protocol to connect to a remote computer.
computer Putty is an example of a typical
SSH client, free and open-source
source terminal emulator, serial console and network
net file transfer application.

Blmon: Base Line Monitoring tool is a dedicated shell for monitoring the various application parts of the software. For example, the various
communication channels can be monitored for diagnostic purposes.

nctional part of the Easergy T300 (e.g.: SC150, HU250 and PS50 are Easergy T300 modules).
Module: Hardware device that is a functional

NT00383-EN-00 29
Easergy T300 Appendix

10.2 Abbreviations
DB: DataBase

AI: Analog Input

AO: Analog Output

DI: Digital Input

DO: Digital Output

I/O: Input/Output

IED: Intelligent Electronic Device

IP: Internet Protocol

LAN: Local Area Network

OS: Operating System

PC: Personal Computer

PLC: Programmable Logic Controller

RTU: Remote Terminal Unit

SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol

FPI: Fault passage Indicator

CT: Current Transformer

PTOC: Protection Time Over Current

IED: Intelligent Electronic Device

LED: Light Emitting Diode

RMS: Root Mean Square

CPU: Central Processing Unit

30 NT00383-EN-00
Easergy T300 Personal notes

NT00383-EN-00 31
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NT00383-EN-00 12/2015 Printing: Schneider Electric Telecontrol - Made in France

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