Does Emotional Intelligence Buffer The Effects of Acute Stress? A Systematic Review

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published: 17 April 2019

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00810

Does Emotional Intelligence Buffer

the Effects of Acute Stress? A
Systematic Review
Rosanna G. Lea 1*, Sarah K. Davis 1 , Bérénice Mahoney 1 and Pamela Qualter 2
School of Psychology, College of Business, Psychology and Sport, University of Worcester, Worcester, United Kingdom,
School of Environment, Education and Development, Institute of Education, University of Manchester, Manchester,
United Kingdom

People with higher levels of emotional intelligence (EI: adaptive emotional traits, skills,
and abilities) typically achieve more positive life outcomes, such as psychological
wellbeing, educational attainment, and job-related success. Although the underpinning
mechanisms linking EI with those outcomes are largely unknown, it has been suggested
that EI may work as a “stress buffer.” Theoretically, when faced with a stressful situation,
emotionally intelligent individuals should show a more adaptive response than those with
low EI, such as reduced reactivity (less mood deterioration, less physiological arousal),
and faster recovery once the threat has passed. A growing number of studies have begun
to investigate that hypothesis in respect to EI measured as both an ability (AEI) and trait
(TEI), but results are unclear. To test the “stress-buffering” function of EI, we systematically
reviewed experimental studies that explored the relationship between both types of EI
Edited by:
Julia Vogt,
and acute stress reactivity or recovery. By searching four databases, we identified 45
University of Reading, United Kingdom eligible studies. Results indicated that EI was only adaptive in certain contexts, and that
Reviewed by: findings differed according to stressor type, and how EI was measured. In terms of stress
Sylvain Laborde,
reactivity, TEI related to less mood deterioration during sports-based stressors (e.g.,
German Sport University Cologne,
Germany competitions), physical discomfort (e.g., dental procedure), and cognitive stressors (e.g.,
Thomas Rockstuhl, memory tasks), but did not appear as helpful in other contexts (e.g., public speaking).
Nanyang Technological University,
Furthermore, effects of TEI on physiological stress responses, such as heart rate, were
inconsistent. Effects of AEI on subjective and objective stress reactivity were often
Rosanna G. Lea non-significant, with high levels detrimental in some cases. However, data suggest that
[email protected]
both higher AEI and TEI relate to faster recovery from acute stress. In conclusion, results
Specialty section:
provide mixed support for the stress-buffering effect of EI. Limitations and quality of
This article was submitted to studies are also discussed. Findings could have implications for EI training programmes.
Personality and Social Psychology,
a section of the journal Keywords: emotional intelligence, stress, reactivity, recovery, affect, physiology, mood
Frontiers in Psychology

Received: 03 December 2018

Accepted: 26 March 2019
Published: 17 April 2019
The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) has generated a high level of public and
scientific interest, and controversy, ever since its inception (Salovey and Mayer, 1990). EI is an
Lea RG, Davis SK, Mahoney B and
Qualter P (2019) Does Emotional
umbrella term that captures how we perceive, regulate, use, and understand our own emotions
Intelligence Buffer the Effects of Acute and the emotions of others (Zeidner et al., 2009). Two competing conceptualisations of EI exist:
Stress? A Systematic Review. trait EI (TEI) and ability EI (AEI). TEI refers to a collection of emotional perceptions and
Front. Psychol. 10:810. dispositions assessed through self-report questionnaires (Petrides et al., 2007). In contrast, AEI
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00810 is concerned with emotion-related cognitive abilities, measured using maximum performance

Frontiers in Psychology | 1 April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 810

Lea et al. EI and Acute Stress

tests in a similar manner to IQ (Mayer et al., 2008). Because Heopniemi et al., 2007; Chida and Steptoe, 2010). How quickly
both TEI and AEI predict good health, successful relationships, people recover, or “bounce back,” from acute stress is another
educational attainment, and work-related success, among other revealing aspect of the stress response (Linden et al., 1997). It is
positive life outcomes (Brackett et al., 2011; Petrides et al., 2016), well-established that recovering faster from stressful experiences
higher levels are generally regarded as beneficial. However, key is more adaptive in most contexts (e.g., Burke et al., 2005; Geurts
questions remain unanswered. We do not fully understand the and Sonnentag, 2006), as this limits unnecessary exposure to the
mechanisms linking EI to those positive outcomes—how and detrimental downstream effects of the “fight or flight” response
when is EI useful? While cross-sectional studies are useful for (i.e., cortisol, cardiac activity, neural activation; McEwen, 2017).
indicating potential relationships between EI and outcomes, they Taken together, evidence suggests that reduced reactivity, and
do not explain how EI might help us handle everyday challenges. faster recovery, can be thought of as the “adaptive” pattern of
Furthermore, while the incremental validity of EI is promising responding to an acutely stressful stimulus.
in some cases (Andrei et al., 2016; Miao et al., 2018), there are Because the stress pathway is complex, acute stress can be
concerns that EI may not predict other outcomes any better generated experimentally in many different ways. Common
than related constructs, such as personality and cognitive ability methods include the Velten technique (where participants read
(Schulte et al., 2004). Moreover, a growing literature also warns self-evaluative statements, such as “I’m discouraged and unhappy
that EI may have an unhelpful “dark side” (Davis and Nichols, about myself ”; Velten, 1968), or presenting participants with
2018). Given the substantial interest in training EI across the emotive video clips (e.g., Ramos et al., 2007). Other methods
lifespan (e.g., Nelis et al., 2011; Ruiz-Aranda et al., 2012), it is are more performance-based. Participants can be instructed
imperative that we understand more about how EI works, and to prepare and deliver an impromptu speech (e.g., the “gold
why it leads to its beneficial effects. To develop the “science” standard” Trier Social Stress Test; TSST; Kirschbaum et al.,
of EI, robust methodology is needed to assess how EI relates to 1993). While the above procedures typically take place in the
automatic, unconscious emotional processing (Fiori, 2009). laboratory, some experiments use naturalistic stressors, such
as an examination, or a competition (e.g., Lane et al., 2009).
The specific emotions and physiological outcomes that emerge
Significance of Acute Stress Reactivity and in a challenging situation are highly idiosyncratic, and depend
Recovery on many stressor characteristics (i.e., levels of social evaluative
One mechanism through which EI may lead to positive effects is threat, cognitive effort required; Denson et al., 2009). This
by acting as a “stress buffer” (Mikolajczak et al., 2009). EI may makes synthesizing findings from studies that have induced stress
minimize the (acute) stress experienced in demanding situations, differently is challenging.
or situations perceived as demanding. That hypothesis has been In addition to acute stress induction, researchers also disagree
used to explain a wealth of adaptive findings across educational on how best to measure our responses to acute stressors. The full
(e.g., transition to secondary school), clinical (e.g., suicidal body response to stress involves both arousal of the autonomic
behaviors), and occupational domains (e.g., burnout) (Day et al., nervous system (ANS), and the somewhat faster HPA axis, in
2005; Cha and Nock, 2009; Williams et al., 2009). When addition to the subjective experience (e.g., Baumann and Turpin,
confronted with a stressor, individuals need to initiate a “fight or 2010). Measurements can be broadly considered as either (1)
flight” response, and then shut off the response once the stressor “physiological”; endocrine (e.g., cortisol) and ANS activity (e.g.,
ceases (McEwen, 2006). The extent to which an individual heart rate, electrodermal activity, EEG), or (2) “psychological”;
responds to the stressor—stress reactivity—is an important individual’s perceptions of their mental state, assessed via self-
indicator of physiological and psychological functioning (Henze report questionnaire. While the former, objective measures are
et al., 2017). However, stress researchers disagree on whether free from self-report biases, the latter, subjective measures are
hypo (reduced) or hyper (elevated) reactivity is most adaptive also needed for context. For example, an increase in heart rate
in stressful situations (e.g., Phillips et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2016). can result from both negative (e.g., fear) and positive (e.g.,
Clearly, some reactivity (i.e., not entirely blunted) is necessary for excitement) mental states (Lane et al., 2009). Largely due to
survival. For non-clinical populations, however, hyperreactivity practicality, however, many studies focus only one aspect of the
to acute stress is detrimental in most cases. In the short term, stress response (i.e., objective or subjective stress), and rarely
high levels of acute stress can impair clinical decision-making consider more than one neuroendocrine system (i.e., ANS or
in health professionals (LeBlanc, 2009; Arora et al., 2010), and HPA-axis reactivity) (Campbell and Ehlert, 2012).
the performance of sports players (Van der Does et al., 2015;
Rano et al., 2018). Hyperreactivity can also adversely impact Acute Stress Responding: A Role for EI?
memory task performance in controlled experimental settings Researchers are increasingly turning to EI in the search for
(e.g., Kuhlmann et al., 2005; Tollenaar et al., 2009), though not individual differences that influence stress responding (Matthews
always (Nater et al., 2006). et al., 2017). If EI is adaptive in stressful situations, high EI
In the long term, dysregulated responses to everyday stressors scorers should resond more in line with the adaptive profile
can accumulate and cause “wear and tear” on the body (reduced reactivity, faster recovery), compared to low EI scorers.
(Chida and Hamer, 2008), which can sometimes manifest Much research so far has been correlational and/or cross-
into psychosomatic pathology. For example, individuals can sectional, often restricted to questionnaire-based studies that
develop hypertension and atherosclerosis (Matthews et al., 2004; test for associations between EI and dispositional stress. In

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Lea et al. EI and Acute Stress

most instances, higher levels of EI, especially TEI, correspond METHODS

with lower levels of perceived occupational or life stress (e.g.,
Mikolajczak et al., 2006; Extremera et al., 2007). However, to Search Strategy
substantiate claims of EI as a stress buffer, the process needs to be This review followed the PRISMA protocol (Moher et al., 2009).
demonstrated “in action,” using controlled, experimental stress PsycInfo, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Academic Search Complete were
paradigms. While responses to laboratory-induced stress are not searched exhaustively for studies investigating EI and stress
of clinical importance on their own, they represent the way reactivity. The term emotional intelligence was used, combined
that individuals ordinarily respond to everyday challenges, which with any of the following keywords: stress, mood, affect, emotion∗
has implications for adaptation (Henze et al., 2017). Identifying state, emotion regulat∗ , coping, heart rate, heart rate variability,
the types of stressful situations in which EI relates to stress blood pressure, cortisol, skin conductance, electrodermal activity,
responding is the next step in helping us to understand how EEG, reactivity, or recovery. Reference lists of full text articles
EI works. were also manually searched. Searches focused on studies
TEI and AEI are conceptually distinct (Pérez et al., published between 1990 and the present day, to correspond with
2005), supported by the weak correlations between self-report the advent of Salovey and Mayer’s paper where the EI concept
questionnaires and objective testing for EI (e.g., Brackett et al., was first introduced into the scientific psychological literature
2006; Brannick et al., 2009). Generally, TEI is more strongly (Salovey and Mayer, 1990). Database searching took place during
linked to adaptive outcomes than AEI (Harms and Credé, 2010; July 2018.
Martins et al., 2010). However, one school of thought suggests
that TEI and AEI may work together to achieve positive life Eligibility Criteria
outcomes (e.g., Davis and Humphrey, 2012). Emotional skills Studies were included in the review if they met four inclusion
(AEI) may be insufficient on their own. Individuals must also feel criteria. First, only primary empirical quantitative research
confident in those skills (TEI) for them to translate into behavior was included (i.e., not reviews, theoretical papers, or meta-
(Keefer et al., 2018). TEI and AEI may therefore influence stress- analyses). Second, articles were required to define and measure
related processes differently, or be useful in different contexts. We EI explicitly using established models of EI, rather than just a
might expect TEI to be especially useful for buffering reactivity single related facet (e.g., emotion regulation). We focused on
in cognitive or psychosocial stress tasks, based on findings overall EI to represent how EI is typically conceptualized with
from experimental stress studies concerning self-efficacy, self- relation to life outcomes (Brackett et al., 2011), and within
esteem, and happiness- positive traits that TEI maps onto (e.g., training programmes (e.g., Nelis et al., 2011). Examples of
O’Donnell et al., 2008; Panagi et al., 2018). Research on AEI and commonly used, acceptable TEI measures include the Trait
stressor-activated processes is comparably scarce. However, links Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue; Petrides, 2009),
between AEI and selection of adaptive coping strategies (Davis comprised of emotionality, sociability, self-control, and wellbeing
and Humphrey, 2012) could suggest a role for AEI in stress subscales, and the Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS; Salovey
reactivity and recovery. Constructs allied to AEI, such as emotion et al., 1995), formed of clarity, repair, and attention subscales.
regulation ability, have also been linked to more adaptive affective Fewer AEI measures are available, the most popular tool
responses to acute stress (e.g., Krkovic et al., 2018), but the role of being the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test
other AEI competencies, as measured according to the AEI model (MSCEIT; Mayer et al., 2002), which provides a four-branch
(e.g., emotion perception; emotion understanding), are relatively assessment: perceiving emotions, using emotions to facilitate
unexplored. Besides EI conceptualization, other methodological thought, understanding emotions, and managing emotions.
factors are important to consider when determining the role Third, the outcome of interest was restricted to acute stress
of EI in stress processes. It is necessary to consider how reactivity (i.e., a response to a situational stressor or mood
studies induce stress, and how they measure stress reactivity induction). Outcomes could be either psychological (e.g., self-
and recovery. reported negative affect, or perceived stress), or physiological
(e.g., cortisol, HR, EDA), or a combination. Fourth, participants
were limited to non-clinical populations, to counteract the
The Current Review confounding influence that clinical symptomology can have
To test the hypothesis that EI buffers the effects of acute stress, all on the stress response (Burke et al., 2005; De Rooij et al.,
relevant experimental studies need to be systematically sourced 2010), but the participant sample could be of any age. Articles
and evaluated. The primary aim of the present systematic review, were also required to be available in full, and in the English
is, therefore, to identify emerging patterns regarding EI and stress language. If articles were unavailable, authors were contacted
reactivity and recovery in experimental studies. In particular, we to request access. Studies were excluded if they did not
aim to highlight types of stressful situation in which EI might be meet all criteria. Many studies were excluded because they
especially pertinent. Second, the review aims to examine aspects only included a measure of general perceived stress (e.g.,
of methodological variation upon which the relationship between work stress, life stress), rather than stress levels following
EI and reactivity may depend: EI measurement (TEI; AEI), stress a stress manipulation, or because they measured outcomes
induction paradigms, and stress measurement. Study quality other than stress reactivity or recovery (e.g., task performance,
will also be assessed to identify any common methodological coping). The first and second author independently screened
study limitations. the abstracts for suitability, and no inclusion discrepancies

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Lea et al. EI and Acute Stress

were identified. For details of the screening and selection EI Instruments

process, see the PRISMA flow chart (Figure 1). Individual Thirty-four studies (78%) measured TEI, seven (16%) measured
studies were appraised using an adapted version of the Effective AEI, but only three (7%) measured both TEI and AEI.
Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool for The TEIQue and MSCEIT were the most common tools for
Quantitative Studies (Table 1; Effective Public Health Practice assessing TEI, and AEI, respectively. Half of the studies explored
Project, 1998), owing to its excellent psychometric properties contributions from EI from a subscale level, in addition to the
(e.g., Armijo-Olivo et al., 2012). global score. Three studies by Papousek et al. (2008, samples
1 and 2; 2011) used only select subscales from a TEI measure
(Self Report Emotional Ability Scale; SEAS: “perception of
RESULTS the emotions of others” and “regulation of one’s emotions”).
Study Characteristics Table 2 details the breadth of tools utilized to measure EI across
The search identified 40 papers (45 studies) for inclusion in the review.
the review. Publication location spanned 14 countries. Of
the included studies, 42 used an adult sample, most of which Types of Stressors Used
consisted of university undergraduate students. Only three As expected, methods of stress induction varied between studies
studies conducted research with younger populations: one (see Figure 2 for examples of stressors used). Fifteen (33%) of
with adolescents ages 13–15 years, and two with children ages the 45 studies in the review used passive methods of mood
7–12 years. Studies varied in terms of EI instrumentation, induction, in which participants viewed, read, or listened to,
stress induction procedure, and stress measurement. emotive material, but were not required to actively perform
Figure 2 provides an overview of the stress reactivity a task. The remaining 30 (67%) studies used either cognitive
studies identified. tasks (12 studies), psychosocial stress (9 studies), or more

FIGURE 1 | PRISMA 2009 flow diagram of search results (Moher et al., 2009).

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TABLE 1 | Adapted EPHPP tool for methodological quality of studies (Effective TEI studies indicated that TEI increased reactivity, but others
Public Health Practice Project, 1998). found a negative relationship. AEI did not significantly predict
Component Description
reactivity in either direction.

Study design Refers to whether studies comprised discrete Psychological reactivity

control/experimental groups, and whether The relationship between TEI and psychological stress was
allocation to these was randomized assessed in many studies. TEI increased reactivity when watching
Confounders Refers to whether authors controlled for a holocaust documentary (Petrides and Furnham, 2003), and
confounding variables in the study design or
analyses, and whether groups are balanced
an apartheid clip (Fernández-Berrocal and Extremera, 2006).
with respect to confounders However, only the clarity subscale of the TMMS (which
Data collection methods Refers to whether measures used were reliable represents a perceived ability to discriminate clearly between
and valid emotions) was significant. Similarly, when participants were
Analysis appropriate to question Refers to whether statistical methods were asked to recall a regrettable life decision, high TEI individuals
appropriate for the study design and research presented a stronger emotional reaction (Sevdalis et al., 2007,
question Study 1). TEI also decreased reactivity in some cases, however.
Other components of the EPHPP were removed as they were not applicable to the studies Ramos et al. (2007), Zysberg (2012), and Schutte et al. (2002,
included in the review. study 3) showed that high TEI scorers were less reactive
to emotive video, images, and negative written statements,
naturalistic stressors, such as a sporting task (6 studies) or respectively. The only study to use an adolescent sample in the
physical discomfort (3 studies). review (Ciarrochi et al., 2001) found no relationship between TEI
and mood changes while watching a negative film.
Stress Measurement Findings were more complicated when studies considered TEI
Twenty-nine studies (64%) examined subjective (self-reported) “profiles”- differing levels of multiple subscales, rather than global
reactivity, eleven examined objective (physiological) reactivity TEI or single subscales. Papousek et al. (2008, sample 1) found
(24%), and six examined both types of reactivity within that individuals scoring low on emotion perception, but high
the same experiment (12%). Generally, participants’ acute on emotion regulation, showed reduced psychological reactivity
psychological stress was conceptualized as the change in after viewing a sad emotional video clip. The reverse pattern
negative affect (NA) from baseline, for which the most popular was found for high perception but low on regulation. In essence,
mood assessment tool was the Positive and Negative Affect individuals who could perceive their emotions accurately, but not
Schedule (PANAS; Watson et al., 1988), selected by 11 studies. regulate them, were affected by the sad film to a greater extent.
Physiological stress was measured in a number of ways, Gohm (2003, study 1) took a different approach, combining items
including: cardiac measures (10 studies), cortisol secretion (6 from several TEI scales to form four “clusters” of participants
studies), electro-dermal activity (EDA) (4 studies), or EEG (“hot,” “overwhelmed,” “cool,” “cerebral”). Of those clusters,
(1 study). Depending on whether EI was conceptualized as “Hot” individuals (scoring high on attention, intensity, and
a categorical or continuous variable, the principal measure clarity) were more reactive than the three other types when
was either the difference in mean reactivity/recovery between recalling an emotional event. That finding was replicated in a
high-EI and low-EI individuals, or the relationship between EI subsequent study (Gohm, 2003, study 3).
and reactivity/recovery. Two studies examined links between AEI and psychological
reactivity to emotional images. In both cases, AEI had no effect
Synthesized Findings on responses (Zysberg, 2012; Limonero et al., 2015).
Studies in the review were principally classified according to the
stressor context. Studies were further evaluated according to the Physiological or mixed reactivity
type of EI model employed, and the type of stress reactivity As before, findings were complex when TEI profiles were
assessment. Thus, the results section consists of: (1) Exposure considered. When viewing sadness-inducing video clips,
to emotive material, (2) Psychosocial stress, (3) Cognitive tasks, individuals scoring high on emotion perception, but low
and (4) Naturalistic stress and pain. Study findings relating on emotion regulation subscales, showed increased cardiac
to recovery from acute stress are considered separately (5). reactivity (Papousek et al., 2008, sample 2). In contrast,
Because some studies explored multiple stress contexts, studies low perception and high regulation scorers showed reduced
may appear under more than one heading. Where sufficient reactivity. The same research group (Papousek et al., 2011) also
studies allowed, sections were further divided into subheadings: found a relationship between subscales of the TEI and EEG
psychological reactivity, and physiological or mixed reactivity. outputs. After watching an anxiety-inducing clip, only those
Here, “mixed” refers to studies that included assessment of both with both high emotion perception and high emotion regulation
psychological and physiological reactivity. showed the expected EEG pattern (a shift of PFC asymmetry
to the right). Individuals with low scores on these branches
1. Exposure to Emotive Material (Table 3) showed the most pronounced atypical response (a shift to the
Neither TEI nor AEI robustly predicted reactivity when exposed left), suggesting greater emotional arousal and poorer emotional
to visual, mentally recalled, or written emotive material. Some regulation. Rash and Prkachin (2013) instead focused on AEI

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FIGURE 2 | Overview of stress reactivity studies included in the review. AEI, ability emotional intelligence; TEI, trait emotional intelligence; both, measurement of both
TEI and AEI; psychological stress reactivity, subjective measurements of reactivity (e.g., affect, mood, self-reported stress); physiological/mixed stress reactivity,
objective measurements of stress reactivity (e.g., heart rate, cortisol, electrodermal activity), either alone or used alongside a psychological measure.

and physiological reactivity to recalling a sad memory. During TSST. However, in a group version of the same task, Thomas
the recall, individuals scoring highly on the perceiving emotion et al. (2018) found the opposite: TEI predicted increased cortisol
branch of AEI showed more extreme increases in HR than their reactivity, but had no impact on HR. Another study showed that
low scoring counterparts. the TEI attention to emotion subscale (with items including, “I
Only one study (Zysberg, 2012) examined the role of both TEI pay a lot of attention to how I feel”) exacerbated both cortisol and
and AEI in the context of both psychological and physiological HR reactivity (Salovey et al., 2002, Study 3). With regards to AEI,
reactivity. Findings identified different roles for TEI and AEI. higher levels represented greater cortisol secretion (Bechtoldt
When viewing negatively-valenced images, AEI (but not TEI) and Schneider, 2016) and EDA reactivity (Ling et al., 2018) to
buffered EDA reactivity, whereas TEI (but not AEI) buffered speech performances. Schneider et al. (2013) also focused on
emotional responses. AEI, but with a particular emphasis on sex differences. Emotional
understanding was associated with less mood deterioration in
2. Psychosocial Stress (Table 4) males, whereas emotion management was associated with greater
Studies in this section induced stress through social evaluation. cardiac reactivity in females.
Most stressors were based on the highly standardized TSST
protocol, where participants perform public speaking and mental 3. Cognitive Tasks (Table 5)
arithmetic tasks in front of an audience (Kirschbaum et al., Stressors were classified as cognitive if they primarily assessed
1993). No clear pattern emerged concerning TEI and reactivity to a mental process (e.g., attention, memory). Stress was typically
psychosocial stressors. Though studies were limited in number, induced from the difficulty of the task, and in some cases,
physiological reactivity appeared to increase as a function of it was impossible for the participant to perform well due to
overall AEI. unrealistic time restraints, for example. The vast majority of
these studies assessed the role of TEI, with most of those limited
Psychological reactivity to psychological reactivity. While TEI buffered psychological
In a small-sample study by Sevdalis et al. (2007, study 2, n reactivity in some computerized tasks, AEI was unrelated
= 24), participants took part in a negotiation task, where all to reactivity.
failed by default. TEI failed to predict feelings of regret and
disappointment, as assessed via two 5-point rating scales. Psychological reactivity
TEI buffered the effects of psychological stress in some cases.
Physiological or mixed reactivity
For example, global TEI score dampened the psychological
Findings were inconsistent with regard to TEI and physiological
stress induced by written examinations (Laborde et al., 2010).
reactivity. Mikolajczak et al. (2009, study 3)1 showed that TEI
A similar pattern of findings also applied to multiple laboratory
attenuated both cortisol reactivity and mood reactivity to the
tasks. TEI predicted less mood deterioration following a
1 Database searching revealed another paper of interest (Mikolajczak et al., 2007).
facial perception task (Matthews et al., 2015), a mathematical
However, the data from that paper was also reported in Mikolajczak et al. (2009) puzzle (O’Connor et al., 2016), and a difficult IQ test
Study 3. Thus, the latter paper was included in lieu. (Mikolajczak et al., 2009, studies 1 and 2). In contrast, TEI

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TABLE 2 | EI measurement tools used in the review.

EI type Scale Number of studies using

Trait Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Full or Short Form (TEIQue; Petrides, 2009) 16
Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS)/Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT; Schutte et al., 8
Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS; Salovey et al., 1995) 6
Self-Report Emotional Ability Scale (SEAS; Freudenthaler and Neubauer, 2005) 3
Bespoke questionnaires using items from multiple TEI instruments 3
Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (Youth Version) (EQi-YV; Bar-On and Parker, 2000) 2
Swinborne University Emotional Intelligence Test (SUEIT; Palmer et al., 2001) 1
Ability Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT; Mayer et al., 2002) 7
Audio-Visual Test of Emotional Intelligence (AVEI; Zysberg et al., 2010) 1
Situational Judgement Test of Emotional Abilities (Roberts et al., 2013) 1
Situational Test of Emotion Management (STEM; MacCann and Roberts, 2008) 1
Situational Test of Emotion Understanding (STEU; MacCann and Roberts, 2008) 1

Some studies measured EI using more than one instrument.

was associated with increased distress during a terrorism- Psychological reactivity

themed discrimination task (Fellner et al., 2012). In a computer Higher TEI levels were strongly linked to more positive affect
game where participants received bogus negative feedback (and less negative affect) in sport-based stressors. A series of
on a computerized task, TEI was unrelated to self-reported studies by Lane et al. showed that TEI promoted positive mood
stress (Agnoli et al., 2015). states during sports events, including a competition (Lane et al.,
AEI was not significantly associated with psychological 2009), a 10-mile running race (Lane et al., 2010), and a 175-mile
reactivity to a range of cognitive stressors, including tasks of marathon (Lane and Wilson, 2011). In each case, the high TEI
working memory, vigilance, and impossible anagrams (Matthews participants had lower levels of negative emotions (e.g., anger,
et al., 2006). Two studies explored the role of both TEI tension), and higher levels of positive emotions (e.g., happiness,
and AEI in responding to cognitive stressors. The failure calmness), a pattern associated with optimum performance (Lane
task paradigm employed by Davis (2018) indicated non- et al., 2009). Higher employee TEI was also associated with a
significant effects for both TEI and AEI on mood changes. greater likelihood of experiencing positive emotions following a
However, Fallon et al. (2014) identified that effects of EI on performance review discussion with a manager (Salminen and
reactivity to a decision-making task were dependent on EI Ravaja, 2017).
type. While the clarity (e.g., “I am rarely confused about Three studies examined the role of EI when responding to
how I feel”) and repair (e.g., “I try to think good thoughts a painful stimulus. Two of those examined reactivity within a
no matter how badly I feel”) subscales of the TMMS TEI dental setting. During a dental procedure, children with higher
measure predicted less psychological stress, AEI was unrelated TEI were less likely to display negative behavioral responses
to reactivity. (e.g., crying, sudden body movements), than low TEI children
(Aminabadi et al., 2011, 2013). The other study found that higher
Physiological or mixed reactivity levels of AEI predicted less self-reported negative affect and pain
TEI did not predict physiological reactivity in two studies that during a cold pressor task, where the participant immerses their
used a computer game to induce stress. On both occasions, EDA hand in freezing cold water (Ruiz-Aranda et al., 2011).
and HR reactivity was unrelated to TEI (Singh and Sharma,
2012; Pittarello et al., 2018). However, the latter study also Physiological or mixed reactivity
considered TEI/IQ combinations, and found that a high TEI/low As with psychological reactivity, findings were promising
IQ combination was the most detrimental to cortisol reactivity. In regarding TEI and physiological reactivity in a sporting context.
that same study, TEI was associated with lower levels of perceived During a pressurized sports activity, near-professional tennis
stress. Thus, while high TEI levels were protective on their own, players secreted less cortisol if they had higher TEI (Laborde
they became harmful when paired with low IQ. et al., 2014). The same research group found similar findings
with a different approach. Handball players were exposed to an
4. Naturalistic Stress and Pain (Table 6) auditory stressor that included negative sports-related sounds,
Naturalistic stressors were defined as challenges that occurred such as crowds hissing (Laborde et al., 2011). When listening, the
naturally in the participants’ everyday life (e.g., a sporting high TEI athletes experienced less cardiac reactivity compared to
competition), or challenges that were generated to closely their low TEI counterparts.
resemble such as situation. Evidence supported a protective role TEI was less effective in other naturalistic settings. During
for TEI and AEI in stressful sports and pain-related contexts. an assessed presentation as part of an undergraduate psychology

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TABLE 3 | Studies that measured EI and reactivity during exposure to emotive material.

Study Sample EI tool Stressor Outcome variable(s) Quality Relevant findings

Lea et al.

Ciarrochi et al., 2001 131 adolescents (58 SEIS Watching emotional Mood ratings Weak TEI was not related to mood following the stressor.
females). M = 13.8, SD video clips
Fernández-Berrocal 155 university students TMMS Watching emotional PANAS Strong Clarity subscale was positively correlated with reactivity
and Extremera, 2006 (123 females). M = 22, video clips to anger mood induction, but also with recovery from
SD = 2.66 sad mood induction. Repair was associated with greater
affective balance, and faster recovery in all mood
Gohm, 2003, Study 1 250 university students TMMS; MAS; AIM; EIS Recall of emotional Life event inventory reactions form Moderate “Hot” individuals (scoring high on Attention, Intensity,

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(123 females). Mdn = (scales from all indexed event Clarity) were more reactive, and showed a more delayed
18.36 to form four “clusters” recovery, than the other three types of individuals
of participants (“Overwhelmed,” “Cool,” “Cerebral”), in all mood
Study 3 236 university students TMMS; MAS; AIM; EIS Recall of emotional Life event inventory reactions form Moderate “Hot” individuals (scoring high on Attention, Intensity,
(113 females). Mdn = scales from all indexed event Clarity) were more reactive than the other three types of
18 to form four “clusters” individuals (“Overwhelmed,” “Cool,” “Cerebral”), in all
of participants mood conditions.
Laborde et al., 2011 30 handball players (all TEIQue Listening to sport HR variability Moderate TEI was negatively correlated with HR variability.
male). M = 22.5, SD = competition-like stressor
1.7 (e.g., crowd hissing,
negative imagery)
Limonero et al., 2015 64 undergraduate MSCEIT Viewing images from STAI-S; POMS Moderate Emotion Facilitation and Emotion Understanding

students (50 females). IAPS positively correlated with mood recovery, but were
M = 22.32, SD = 4.3 unrelated to reactivity. Emotion Perception and
Management branches had no effect on reactivity or
Papousek et al., 2008, 67 students (all female) SEAS Viewing emotional video Affective rating scales for Weak Three-way interaction between Perception, Regulation
Sample 1 clips cheerfulness and happiness and condition on affect. Together, low Perception and
high Regulation were associated with reduced reactivity
to the sad film, whereas high Perception and low
Regulation were associated with increased reactivity to
the cheerful film.
Papousek et al., 2008, 56 students (all female). SEAS Viewing emotional video HR; HRV Weak Three-way interaction between Perception, Regulation
Sample 2 M = 23.9, SD = 4.4 clips and condition on HR. Together, low Perception and high
Regulation were associated with weak physiological
responses to the sad film, whereas high Perception and
low Regulation were associated with strong physiological
Papousek et al., 2011 86 adults (42 females). SEAS (Perception and Listening to emotional EEG (changes in dorsolateral Weak Three-way interaction between Perception, Regulation,
M = 23.5, SD = 4.8 Regulation only) sound clips asymmetry in the PFC used as an and mood condition, on changes in PFC asymmetry.
indicator of emotional arousal) After watching the anxiety-inducing clip, only individuals
with high Perception and high Regulation showed the
expected pattern (a shift of PFC asymmetry to the right,
followed by recovery to baseline). Individuals low on both
Perception and Regulation showed most pronounced
atypical responses (a shift to the left).

EI and Acute Stress

April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 810

TABLE 3 | Continued
Lea et al.

Study Sample EI tool Stressor Outcome variable(s) Quality Relevant findings

Petrides and Furnham, Study 2: 30 psychology TEIQue Viewing emotional video POMS Moderate TEI correlated positively with reactivity to the sad mood
2003 undergraduates (22 clips induction.
females). M = 20.69,
SD = 2.95
Ramos et al., 2007 144 students (all TMMS Watching a video POMS- short form Weak Clarity correlated negatively with reactivity, and higher
females). M = 19.5, SD depicting sexual assault Repair was related to adaptation to the stressor.
= 2.8 on two consecutive

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Rash and Prkachin, 56 university students MSCEIT Personal recall paradigm HR; RSA Weak The emotion perception scale was positively associated
2013 (28 females). M = with cardiac reactivity when re-experiencing sadness,
26.38, SD = 9.36 and promoted recovery.
Schutte et al., 47 students (35 SEIS Velten mood induction PANAS Moderate TEI was associated with reduced PA deterioration after
2002, Study 3 females). M = 37.44, (reading statements reading the negative statements.
SD = 14.01 about mood and
Sevdalis et al., 2007, 60 students (43 TEIQue-SF Recall of negative life PANAS Weak TEI negatively correlated with PA and positively with NA
Study 1 females). M = 25.24, decision following the stressor.
SD = 9.69
Zysberg, 2012 84 university students SEIS; AVEI Viewing emotional Subjective emotional responses; EDA Weak AEI predicted reduced EDA responses to both positive
(66 females). M = images and negative stimuli. TEI did not predict EDA responses,
but was negatively correlated with subjective emotional

23.69, SD = 1.79
NB. Subjective responses were negatively correlated
with EDA responses.

SEIS, Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale; TMMS, Trait Meta Mood Scale; DSSQ, Dundee Stress State Questionnaire; PANAS, Positive Negative Affect Schedule; PA, positive affect; NA, negative affect; MAS, Mood Awareness Scale;
AIM, Affect Intensity Measure; EIS, Emotional Intensity Scale; BRUMS, Brunel Mood Scale; TEIQue-SF, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire—Short Form; WLEIS, Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale; TAS-20, Twenty-Item
Toronto Alexithymia Scale; MAS, Mood Awareness Scale; PANAS-X, Positive Affect Negative Affect Schedule—Expanded Form; POMS, Profile of Mood States.
EI and Acute Stress

April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 810

TABLE 4 | Studies that measured EI and reactivity to psychosocial stress.
Lea et al.

Study Sample EI tool Stressor Outcome variable(s) Quality Relevant findings

Bechtoldt and 157 university students (all MSCEIT TSST Cortisol secretion; basal Moderate AEI was positively correlated with cortisol reactivity, but
Schneider, 2016 male). M = 21.20, SD = 3.2 testosterone this effect was moderated by basal testosterone levels.
Laborde et al., 2014 28 near-expert tennis TEIQue Tennis serving task, then Cortisol secretion Moderate TEI was negatively correlated with overall cortisol
players (13 females). M = arithmetic task from TSST secretion during the task.
23.88, range = 16–36
Ling et al., 2018 156 adults (all male). M = MSCEIT Preparing and delivering a SCL; HR Moderate Skin conductance level was positively associated with
35.72, SD = 8.61 speech overall AEI.
Mikolajczak et al., 2009 56 students (all male). M = TEIQue TSST PANAS; cortisol secretion Strong TEI was associated with less self-reported mood
Study 3 deterioration and reduced cortisol secretion.

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20.18, SD = 2.02
Salovey et al., 2002, 60 psychology students (all TMMS TSST Cortisol; POMS Moderate Clarity was associated with reduced mood reactivity, but
Study 2 female) reduced cortisol secretion. Attention was positively
associated with habituation to stressors.
Salovey et al., 2002, 48 psychology students (27 TMMS Achievement condition Cortisol; BP Moderate Attention was positively associated with attenuated
Study 3 females). Age range = (arithmetic test and recitation of cortisol and systolic BP reactivity.
17–23 difficult passage) or interpersonal
condition (social rejection
Schneider et al., 2013 126 psychology students MSCEIT Arithmetic and speech tasks PANAS; cardiac output; Moderate Emotion understanding was associated with higher PA
(76 females). M = 20, SD = total peripheral resistance and lower NA following the task, but in males only. In
4.6 (indicator of BP) females, Emotion Management was associated with
greater physiological reactivity.

Sevdalis et al., 2007, 24 adults (14 females). M = TEIQue- Failed negotiation task Post-negotiation regret and Weak TEI was not related to immediate affect following the
Study 2 22.21, SD = 2.81 SF disappointment failed negotiation, but was negatively associated with
regret and disappointment experienced 5 days later.
Thomas et al., 2018 110 males. M = 46.9, SD = TEIQue TSST-Group version Cortisol; HRV Weak High TEI individuals showed greater cortisol (but not
10.4 HRV) reactivity than low TEI individuals. TEI did not
influence physiological recovery.

Mikolajczak et al. (2007) was not included, as that study’s data is reported in Mikolajczak et al. (2009) Study 3. TEIQue, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire; HR, heart rate; TSST, Trier Social Stress Test; SEAS, Self-Report Emotional
Ability Scale; EEG, electroencephalogram; PFC, prefrontal cortex; SCL, skin conductance level; TMMS, Trait Meta Mood Scale.
EI and Acute Stress

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TABLE 5 | Studies that measured EI and reactivity to cognitive tasks.

Study Sample EI tool Stressor Outcome variable(s) Quality Relevant findings

Lea et al.

Agnoli et al., 2015 66 adults (35 females). M = TEIQue-SF Bogus negative feedback in PANAS Moderate Intensity of affective reaction to negative
24.1, SD = 2.2 a timed helping behavior feedback did not differ by TEI.
Davis, 2018 161 adults (121 females). M = TEIQue-SF Failure task PANAS Strong Experience of NA across the task did not vary
25.24, SD = 8.81 STEM as a function of either TEI or AEI.
Fallon et al., 2014 167 adults (110 female). M = TMMS; SJTEA Decision-making task DSSQ Moderate SJTEA (AEI) did not predict task distress, worry,
19.9, R = 18–33 or task engagement. However, task distress
was significantly negatively correlated with

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clarity and repair subcscales. Task worry was
negative correlated with the Clarity subscale.
Fellner et al., 2012 180 university students (111 TMMS Task discriminating terrorists DSSQ Moderate TEI was positively correlated with post-task
females). M = 19.4, SD = 2.1 from non-terrorists distress, but not post-task worry.
Laborde et al., 2010 219 undergraduates (51 TEIQue A lecture, followed by a PANAS Weak TEI was positively correlated with PA and
females). M(males) = 19.7 years, written examination negatively with NA following the stressor.
range = 18–25). M(females) =
19.5, range = 18–25)
Matthews et al., 2006 200 psychology students (132 MSCEIT High workload vigilance DSSQ Strong AEI was not related to reactivity in any of the
females). M = 19.7, SD = 3.1 task; working memory task; tasks.
impossible anagrams task
Matthews et al., 2015 129 psychology students (79 TEIQue; WLEIS; Facial emotion perception DSSQ Moderate Clarity negatively correlated with post-task

females). M = 20.8, SD = 3.8 TAS-20; MAS; tasks distress and worry. Attention was not related to
TMMS (scales reactivity.
from all indexed to
form 2 factors:
clarity and
Mikolajczak et al., Study 1: 67 students (26 TEIQue Failure task (taken from PANAS Moderate TEI negatively correlated with stress reactivity.
2009, Study 1 females). M = 21.23, SD = 2.01 Raven progressive matrices)
Study 2 62 students (47 females). M = TEIQue Failure task (taken from PANAS; STAI TEI marginally negatively correlated with stress
18.69, SD = 1.05 Raven progressive matrices) reactivity.
O’Connor et al., 2016 225 adults (136 females). M = TEIQue-SF Timed Tower of Hanoi PANAS-X Moderate TEI indirectly predicted lower post-task NA via
23.54, range = 18–50 emotion-focused coping, but directly predicted
greater post-task PA.
Pittarello et al., 2018 67 university students (53 TEIQue-SF Playing a computer game HR; SCL Weak TEI was not related to HR or SCL reactivity.
female). M = 22.37, SD = 4.98 with an ethical dilemma
Singh and Sharma, 34 participants (all male). M = SEIS Playing a computer game SASRQ; HR; GSR; Weak TEI was not associated with HR or GSR
2012 24.4, SD = 3.2 with significant repeated cortisol responses, but was positively correlated with
defeats/constraints perceived stress during the task. Individuals
with higher EI and low IQ had significantly
higher post-stressor cortisol levels than other
combinations of EI/IQ.

EQ-I YV, Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory—Youth Version; TEIQue-SF, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire—Short Form; STAI, State Trait Anxiety Inventory; HR, heart rate; TSST, Trier Social Stress Test; PANAS, Positive
Negative Affect Schedule; SEAS, Self-Report Emotional Ability Scale; HRV, heart rate variability; TMMS, Trait Meta Mood Scale; POMS, Profile of Mood States; BP, blood pressure; SEIS, Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale; SASRQ,
Stanford Acute Stress Reaction Questionnaire; GSR, galvanic skin response; SUEIT, Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test.
EI and Acute Stress

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TABLE 6 | Studies that measured EI and reactivity to naturalistic stressors.
Lea et al.

Study Sample EI tool Stressor Outcome variable(s) Quality Relevant findings

Aminabadi et al., 2011 117 children (53 females). Age EQ-I YV Undergoing a dental Sound eye motor scale; modified Moderate During the dental procedure, TEI was related to
range = 7–12 years procedure dental anxiety scale less negative emotional behavioral responses,
but not to self-reported anxiety.
Aminabadi et al., 2013 100 children (53 females). M = EQ-I YV Undergoing a dental Frankl behavioral rating scale; Moderate Children with higher TEI were less anxious, and
8.48, SD = 1.41 procedure clinical anxiety rating scale more cooperative, during the dental procedure.
Arora et al., 2011 16 medical students (6 females). TEIQue- Performing an unfamiliar STAI; HR Weak TEI was positively correlated with self-reported
M = 21.33, SD = 1.14 SF surgical task (laparoscopy) stress, but also with faster recovery. TEI was
in a virtual reality simulator not associated with HR during the task.

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Lane et al., 2009 436 student athletes (223 SEIS Sporting competition; BRUMS Weak TEI was associated with optimal mood states
females). M = 20.94, SD = 2.58 academic examination (i.e., vigor, low anger, low tension), but only for
Appraisal of own Emotions, Optimism, and
Utilization of Emotions subscales.
Lane et al., 2010 98 runners (23 females). M = SEIS 10 mile running race BRUMS Weak TEI predicted higher levels of pleasant
25.02, SD = 2.46 post-race emotions (happiness, calmness) and
lower levels of unpleasant post-race emotions
(anger, confusion, depression, fatigue, tension).
Lane and Wilson, 2011 34 runners (8 females). Range = SEIS Marathon of Britain Race BRUMS Weak TEI was associated with more pleasant
23–59 (175 miles, divided into 6 emotions and less unpleasant emotions
races) following the race.
Salminen and Ravaja, 2017 44 manager-subordinate dyads SEIS Performance review Self-assessment manikin Weak TEI was associated with more positive valence
(18 female managers, 24 female discussion ratings for both managers and subordinates

subordinates). M (managers) = following the interaction.
43, (SD = 8.5. M (subordinates)
= 41.9, SD = 9.0
Ruiz-Aranda et al., 2011 67 university students (57 MSCEIT Cold pressor task Negative affect; affective pain Weak AEI negatively correlated with NA, sensory
females). M = 21.58, SD =.76 (unpleasantness of stimulus); pain, and affective pain.
sensory pain (strength of
Wilbraham et al., 2018 89 undergraduates in either SUEIT 20 min oral presentation as Cortisol; Activation deactivation Moderate There were no main effects of TEI (or
stressful (n=57, 42 female, M = part of coursework adjective checklist subscales) on cortisol levels or mood.
19.91, SD = 4.23) or control (n
= 32, 27 female, M = 18.59, SD
=0.18) conditions

MSCEIT, Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test; IAPS, International Affective Picture System; STAI-S, State Trait Anxiety Inventory—Short Form; POMS, Profile of Mood States; DSSQ, Dundee Stress State Questionnaire;
NA, negative affect.
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Lea et al. EI and Acute Stress

course, TEI neither increased nor decreased participants’ cortisol Stress Reactivity: The Role of TEI
levels (Wilbraham et al., 2018). Arora et al. (2011) focused on the Overall, evidence concerning the role of TEI in psychological
capacity of TEI to buffer situational stress for medical students or physiological reactivity was mixed. Depending on the
performing unfamiliar surgical tasks. While TEI was unrelated context, TEI increased reactivity, decreased reactivity, or had
to HR reactivity, higher TEI was associated with increased no significant effects. TEI appeared especially useful in sport.
psychological stress. High TEI buffered reactivity to both passive (e.g., crowd
hissing) and active (e.g., competition) sports-based stressors,
5. Stress Recovery a finding that was applicable to both psychological (e.g.,
A small number of studies (n = 6) included some assessment Lane et al., 2010) and physiological stress (Laborde et al.,
of stress recovery. In four of those cases, high EI individuals 2014). The pertinence of TEI to sports-based stressors may
recovered faster than low EI individuals. For example, despite reside in the structural basis of the construct. TEI can be
showing greater reactivity initially, high TEI individuals showed conceptualized as “emotional self-efficacy”: one’s self-confidence
faster psychological recovery 15 min after watching an anger- and belief in their emotional abilities (Petrides et al., 2007).
provoking video (Fernández-Berrocal and Extremera, 2006), and Self-efficacy is one of the most influential determinants of sport
after completing an unfamiliar task (Arora et al., 2011). However, performance, (Feltz et al., 2008), a phenomena that could be
Thomas et al. (2018) found no link between TEI and recovery attributable to the many “rewards” available for performing
7 min after the group version of the TSST. TEI was related to well in sports contexts (e.g., winning a competition, beating
stronger feelings of regret and disappointment 5 days after a failed a personal best, etc.). Incentives are deemed necessary for
negotiation (Sevdalis et al., 2007), a recovery period considerably the “activation” of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977). One could
longer than that used in the other studies. TEI was associated with speculate that, as a related construct, TEI could work similarly
stressor habituation (reduced reactivity upon extended/repeated by actively dampening the stress response in situations where
exposure). Female university students that scored high on the “doing well” greatly benefits the individual (e.g., a marathon).
emotional regulation TEI scale were less reactive when re- Similarly, high TEI buffered affective responses in other “at risk”
watching a distressing video depicting sexual assault that they had naturalistic settings where the individual was at risk of pain or
seen 2 days previously (Ramos et al., 2007). Another TEI scale— physical discomfort.
attention to emotions—also promoted habituation to the TSST TEI was unrelated to physiological responding when
(Salovey et al., 2002, Study 2). completing cognitive tasks under controlled conditions.
AEI facilitated stress recovery in two studies. Limonero However, the intensity of affective responses was buffered by
et al. (2015), assessed mood 15 min after exposure to emotional TEI in most cases. Perhaps, during times of cognitive challenge,
images. Mood returned to baseline faster for participants TEI facilitates deployment of adaptive cognitive mechanisms
with higher scores on facilitation and understanding branches. to regulate emotional responses. There has been relatively little
Similarly, after recalling a sad memory, mood repair was faster evidence in the context of state coping (i.e., coping during the
when individuals had higher scores on the perception branch stressor). However, the limited body of work suggests that TEI
(Rash and Prkachin, 2013). facilitates coping strategy selection under acute stress (Salovey
et al., 2002; Matthews et al., 2006; O’Connor et al., 2016).
High TEI individuals typically select more adaptive, active
DISCUSSION methods of coping (e.g., problem-solving) over maladaptive,
passive methods (e.g., avoidance coping; Austin et al., 2010).
The final review identified 45 studies from 14 countries, Furthermore, high TEI individuals appraise tasks as a challenge,
from diverse settings including healthcare (e.g., Arora et al., rather than a threat (Mikolajczak and Luminet, 2008). This
2011), sport (e.g., Lane and Wilson, 2011), organizational cognitive appraisal pattern fosters adaptive levels of reactivity,
psychology (e.g., Salminen and Ravaja, 2017), and education (e.g., and enhances task performance (Maier et al., 2003). TEI is
Wilbraham et al., 2018). This highlights that EI has cross-cultural also associated with an attentional bias for positive emotions
and cross-disciplinary pertinence. The discussion section will (1) (Szczygieł and Mikolajczak, 2017; Lea et al., 2018), which could
summarize the main findings, (2) discuss the measurement of be helpful during demanding situations. For example: during
EI across the studies reviewed, (3) identify study limitations, a written exam, a student with greater TEI may experience less
(4) discuss the limitations of this review, and, (5) suggest negative affect, allowing them to invest more mental resources
implications for EI in terms of adaptation, and propose future in answering the exam questions, thus potentially resulting in
research directions. greater academic achievement than a student with low TEI.
What is less clear, is why high TEI did not protect individuals
Summary of Main Findings from socially evaluative stressors. TEI only reduced cortisol
The first aim of the review was to examine the relationship and mood reactivity in one study (Mikolajczak et al., 2009,
between TEI, AEI, and stress reactivity and recovery. If EI is study 3). In other studies, TEI or its component subscales either
truly adaptive in acutely stressful conditions, high EI scorers had no effect, or increased reactivity. Notably, when students
should show the adaptive stress responding profile (i.e., reduced delivered a presentation as part of their coursework (i.e., in a
reactivity, faster recovery; Keefer et al., 2018). As expected, naturalistic setting), TEI failed to produce any effects on mood
findings differed according to the EI type and stressor used. or cortisol reactivity (Wilbraham et al., 2018). Considering that

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Lea et al. EI and Acute Stress

enhanced emotional and social functioning should constitute a in one case (Fallon et al., 2014). Even when studies used
core hallmark of TEI (Fiori, 2009), findings challenge the claim the same stress induction paradigm (TSST), and measurement
that TEI buffers stress in all social contexts. (cortisol secretion), divergent findings were identified for TEI
Many studies showed that TEI intensified emotional reactivity (less reactive; Mikolajczak et al., 2009) and AEI (more reactive;
to material designed to evoke negative emotion (e.g., Petrides Bechtoldt and Schneider, 2016). This suggests that TEI and AEI
and Furnham, 2003, study 2). This could suggest that compared may operate differently in stressor-activated processes. However,
to their low TEI peers, high TEI individuals are more likely more studies evaluating respective roles of both TEI and AEI
to notice their negative emotions and pay attention to them. in stressful situations are clearly needed. Considering TEI/AEI
Alternatively, rather than being the result of maladaptive “profiles” (high TEI/low AEI, high AEI/low TEI etc.), could prove
psychological processing of the stressor, it could be that on a fruitful approach for future studies to take. It could be that
those occasions, high TEI individuals believed they should be the effects of AEI on stress reactivity (which were often negative
impacted negatively by negatively valenced material. They could or non-significant in the present review) depend on the level of
have then over-reported this via subjective reports of mood TEI. For example, having high levels of emotional skill (AEI) can
change. Evidence exploring TEI and physiological reactions be deleterious for psychological adaptation if the individual does
(free from demand bias) supports that hypothesis, since high not possess a sufficient level of emotional self-confidence (TEI)
TEI individuals did not necessarily show adaptive physiological (Davis and Humphrey, 2014).
responses to emotive material. However, the balance between TEI
facets appeared important. For maximum benefit, individuals Stress Recovery: The Roles of TEI and AEI
needed to score highly on their perceived ability to both perceive Recovery from acute stress is sometimes viewed an empirically
and regulate emotion. neglected “conceptual sibling” of reactivity (Linden et al., 1997).
A capacity to recover quickly from stress generally affords long
Stress Reactivity: The Role of AEI term health benefits, by preventing exaggerated or prolonged
A dearth of AEI studies was apparent across all stressor activation of the sympathetic and HPA axis response systems
types. However, based on the pool of evidence available within (e.g., Burke et al., 2005; Geurts and Sonnentag, 2006). Few
the review, findings were much less supportive of a role for studies examined the role of EI in the stress recovery process.
AEI than TEI. AEI was either non-significant or detrimental However, both TEI and AEI generally conveyed advantages for
in most cases. Notably, AEI was related to maladaptive a range of stressful experiences. The mechanisms linking TEI
physiological responses in intra-personal settings (e.g., Bechtoldt and AEI to enhanced recovery are unknown, but the wider
and Schneider, 2016). This contradicts suggestions that AEI literature provides nascent support for the role of two related
should strongly predict adaptive criteria in such environments cognitive processes: post-stressor rumination (dwelling on the
(Matthews et al., 2017). AEI also failed to predict reactivity negative experience of the stressor after its end), and post-stressor
to cognitive tasks (e.g., Matthews et al., 2006), and when intrusive thoughts (involuntary, unwelcome thoughts or images
confronted with emotive stimuli, findings were conflicted. In about the stressful experience). Lanciano et al. (2010) found
general, explanatory pathways with regard to AEI are less that individuals that scored highly on the emotion management
straight-forward, and it is difficult to speculate how and why AEI branch of AEI ruminated less about their stressful experiences.
might implicate (or not implicate) the stress response pathway. It Similarly, people with high TEI (clarity of emotions subscale)
has been suggested by Ciarrochi et al. (2002) that maladaptive experienced less intrusive thoughts (e.g., “I thought about [the
effects of AEI could stem from one of two possible accounts, stressor] when I didn’t mean to”) post-stressor (Fernández-
where emotion perception skill plays a key role. First, emotionally Berrocal and Extremera, 2006). Since rumination and intrusive
perceptive people might be hypersensitive to emotion, and thoughts can hinder the stress recovery process (LeMoult et al.,
therefore less likely to try and repress the mental and physical 2013), it could follow that TEI and/or AEI might inhibit the
sensations associated with negative experiences. Second, highly focus on one’s distress after the immediate threat has passed.
perceptive individuals might be less confused about what they Perhaps, via increased attendance to positive emotions (Szczygieł
are feeling, and are thus more aware of the meaning of such and Mikolajczak, 2017; Lea et al., 2018). More studies examining
sensations. Taken together, findings align with contemporary both TEI and AEI, using shared methodology, are required before
concerns that high levels of AEI may not always be optimal for conclusions about their roles with respect to acute stress recovery
adaptation (Davis and Nichols, 2018). can be confidently drawn.
The roles of both TEI and AEI in facilitating outcomes
(i.e., stress reactivity) need to be understood (Davis and Measurement of TEI and AEI
Humphrey, 2012). However, the vast majority of studies in A second aim of the review concerned the typical methodology
the review explored the effects of TEI only, and only three (e.g., EI instrumentation) used when exploring the effects of EI
studies examined both TEI and AEI simultaneously. Zysberg on acute stress responding. A considerable problem in the field of
(2012) identified different roles for TEI and AEI (TEI; buffers EI is that there is no clear definition or “gold standard” measures.
psychological reactivity; AEI buffers physiological reactivity). This has resulted in a plethora of measures, particularly for TEI,
The other two studies only examined effects on psychological which differ in their theoretical assumptions and factor structures
reactivity. While both identified no benefit for high AEI (Fallon (Zeidner and Matthews, 2018). For example, unlike other popular
et al., 2014; Davis, 2018), TEI helped maintain positive mood TEI measures such as the TEIQue, the TMMS does not yield a

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Lea et al. EI and Acute Stress

global score, and lacks many core facets of the TEI construct, researchers in the review tended to select subjective measures
such as sociability (Pérez et al., 2005). Thus, synthesizing findings (i.e., TEI) over objective measures (i.e., AEI). Assessment of
that relate to different TEI conceptualisations may not be valid. physiology in reactivity experiments could prove particularly
Eventually, with more studies, and replication of methods, a insightful, given that the physiological aspects of reactivity are
meta-analysis could determine strength of effects according to EI strongly associated with adverse health outcomes (e.g., Lopez-
instrumentation and stressor type. Studies also differed in their Duran et al., 2015). Using physiological measures also reduces
analytic strategy. Heterogeneity of methodology means that at the risk of methodological “contamination” occurring from
present, testing for a “common effect” in this way would not be an overreliance on self-report (described above). Furthermore,
possible. While half of the studies only performed analyses at the we cannot assume that perceived stress adequately represents
global level (i.e., total score), the rest followed a promising line of physiology, since the literature often indicates negligible
enquiry by performing sub-analyses with EI components, which associations (Oldehinkel et al., 2011). Indeed, one meta-analysis
helps to pinpoint effects at the sub-facet level. In those studies, concluded that significant correlations between perceived stress
significant effects were often restricted to certain subscales (e.g., and physiological stress are only found in approximately 25%
clarity scale of the TMMS; Fernández-Berrocal and Extremera, of cases (Campbell and Ehlert, 2012). Of the few studies in
2006), supporting that strategy. In addition, subscale analysis the review that captured both types of stress measurement,
would help address the extent to which certain EI subscales effects were rarely consistent across both. The degree and
(e.g., the wellbeing scale of the TEIQue) confound with stress strength of concordance can depend on many factors, such
outcomes. What is problematic, however, is when studies only as age, gender, and body composition (Föhr et al., 2015). For
measured/reported select subscales from a broader measure (e.g., those reasons, multi-method approaches (i.e., using physiological
Papousek et al., 2008, 2011), as this makes it more difficult to methods alongside questionnaires) are preferred (Andrews et al.,
elucidate EI’s role. 2013). Some also argue that to truly understand the full body
A large number of studies examined the relationship between response, both ANS (e.g., HR) and HPA-axis (e.g., cortisol)
TEI (i.e., self-reported EI) and psychological reactivity (i.e., self- markers should be measured, since these systems are highly
reported stress). When both predictors and criterion measures coordinated and interconnected (Rotenberg and McGrath, 2016).
are self-reported, there is the risk that findings may have arisen Future work should continue to evaluate the respective roles of
due to shared measurement error, rather than true associations TEI and AEI in stressful situations using both psychological and
(“contamination”; Keefer et al., 2018). Thus, the effects of physiological measurements.
TEI on health indices tend to be weaker when outcomes are Another key issue relates to the robustness of stress induction
measured objectively, as shown in the present review. In addition, paradigms used. A broad range of stress induction procedures
self-report behavioral trait questionnaires assume individuals were identified in the review (see Figure 2). Only 10 studies
have sufficient insight into their own emotional functioning, (22%) included an explicit control group (i.e., high stress vs.
and are thus susceptible to socially desirable responding (Day low stress conditions). The remaining 34 studies had either no
and Carroll, 2008; Tett et al., 2012). It is therefore important control group at all (n = 25), used intrasubject control (e.g.,
to consider TEI findings alongside those for AEI, a more consecutive conditions; n = 5), or had multiple conditions (e.g.,
objective index of emotional skills and abilities. However, as happy mood; sad mood) without a neutral condition (n = 5).
discussed, few studies examined AEI. In those few studies, a Experimental control is a crucial component of the scientific
narrow breadth were used, with the majority of studies using method (Bowling, 2009) that reduces the risk of bias arising
the MSCEIT. Commentators argue that implementation of from environmental influences. Moreover, two thirds of the
alternative measurement tools is required to fully differentiate studies did not control for any additional variables that might
test effects from construct effects and avoid “mono-method bias” have confounded with EI to influence reactivity or recovery
(Matthews et al., 2007). In other words, researchers should use variables, such as personality, cognitive ability, or mental health.
a range of AEI tools to demonstrate that effects are not merely Considering TEI is widely acknowledged as a lower order
a product of the way in which the MSCEIT measures emotional personality trait (Petrides et al., 2007), it is concerning that TEI
skills. Non-commercial alternatives have since been developed to studies do not routinely account for personality. Similarly, only
address this need (e.g., STEM and STEU; MacCann and Roberts, two AEI studies controlled for cognitive ability, a closely linked
2008), though these are not often used, as reflected by present construct to AEI (Mayer et al., 2008). Acute stress responding
review (see Table 2). can also be influenced by clinical symptomology. For example,
individuals with depression (Burke et al., 2005) or anxiety (De
Study Limitations Rooij et al., 2010), often show blunted stress reactivity, and
The quality appraisal process showed that of the 45 studies, most impaired stress recovery, compared to controls. Levels of trait
conferred a weak (n = 18) or moderate (n = 21) rating. A strong anxiety and depression were only accounted for in one study
rating was only received by four studies (see Tables 3–6). The (Mikolajczak et al., 2009, study 2). It is difficult to clearly
main issues—the dearth of evidence for physiological reactivity define the relationship between EI and stress responding when
studies, stress induction robustness, and, lack of consideration for the effects of confounding influences are not controlled for.
confounding influences—will now be discussed. Although the incremental validity of EI in a wide range of
Only a third of studies assessed physiological stress. This criteria is promising (Andrei et al., 2016; Miao et al., 2018),
is congruent with the findings relating to EI measurement: to further establish the contribution of EI toward outcomes,

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Lea et al. EI and Acute Stress

researchers should aim to include measurement of emotion- strongly to a stressor, they do seem to recover more quickly from
related constructs in EI studies. Differences in methodological the ordeal, regardless of how EI or stress is measured.
robustness could help to explain conflicting findings identified The review also identified some core limitations, which
in the review. For example, Mikolajczak et al. (2009, study 3, researchers should attempt to address in future studies.
which identified decreased reactivity) and Thomas et al. (2018, First, research concerning EI and reactivity should strive
which identified increased reactivity), used variants of the same for experimental rigor. While some high quality studies
stressful task (TSST), the same TEI measure (TEIQue), and stress (e.g., Mikolajczak et al., 2009, study 3) used effective stress
measurement (cortisol secretion). However, unlike the latter manipulations (with appropriate controls), controlled for
study, the former employed a control group, and controlled for confounding constructs, and considered multiple indices of
confounding variables. reactivity, these were scarce. Second, it would be beneficial for
the field for more studies to examine the contribution of both
Limitations of the Review actual emotional skills (AEI) in addition to trait emotional self-
At the review level, publication bias emerged. Two unpublished efficacy (TEI). Importantly, it is also not possible to generalize
theses of potential relevance could not be obtained despite findings to other populations (e.g., adolescents), given that
attempts to contact the authors. most study samples were restricted to University students.
Considering the drive to train or improve EI in children and
young people, a third recommendation would be for future
Conclusions and Future Directions studies to examine the relationship between EI and stress
Over the last two decades, EI has been claimed to hold a reactivity in those populations. Alternatively, a novel approach
pivotal role with regards to many intrapersonal and interpersonal would be to utilize virtual reality technology, exploring the
adaptive life outcomes. A key hypothesis suggests that EI leads role of EI when responding to a wide range of naturalistic
to those positive outcomes by acting as an acute stress buffer. stimuli and scenarios, without the practical restraints of current
The present systematic review provides a timely overview of the laboratory-based research. Overall, the findings of the review
experimental literature concerning EI and acute stress reactivity call into question some central assumptions about the stress-
and recovery, bringing together relevant work from a vast array buffering effect of EI, and suggest that EI may only be useful in
of disciplines. The hypothesis was only partially supported by the certain circumstances.
results of the present review. Findings suggested that whether
EI is useful under acute stress is highly dependent on the stress
context, and how EI is measured. TEI was significantly associated
with reduced stress reactivity in two contexts: sports-based RL was the primary researcher of this study, responsible for
stressors (e.g., a sports competition), and cognitive stressors (e.g., collecting and analyzing the data, and writing the first draft of
a memory task), but not others (psychosocial stress; emotive the paper. SD was responsible for analyzing data and editing the
stimuli). Furthermore, relationships between EI and self-reported paper. BM and PQ were also responsible for editing the paper. All
stress generally occurred more often than with physiological authors contributed to the conceptualization of the review.
stress (a more reliable index of reactivity). It was also unclear
whether AEI, a more objective index of emotional skill, was FUNDING
adaptive, since relatively few studies measured this construct,
and some indicated a deleterious effect of AEI. However, while The research did not receive any specific grant from funding
emotionally intelligent individuals may or may not react more agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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