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Motor Operating Device UEMC 50: Installation, Operating and Recycling Guide

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Medium Voltage Products

Motor Operating Device UEMC 50

Installation, operating and recycling guide
2 UEMC50

1. Safety notice................................................................... 4
2. General ......................................................................... 5
3. Standards ..................................................................... 6
4. Transport and storage . .................................................. 6
5. Construction . ................................................................ 6
6. Installation of the motor operating devices ...................... 7
7. Installation of accessories ............................................ 11
8. Operating instructions . ................................................ 11
9. Service . ...................................................................... 11
10. Repairs ..................................................................... 11
11. Spare parts ............................................................... 12
12. Cable selection .......................................................... 12
13. Heating the operating device ...................................... 12
14. Selection of operating device . .................................... 13
15. Changing direction of rotation . ................................... 13
16. Circuit diagram key .................................................... 13
17. Accessories . ............................................................. 14
18. Range of models ....................................................... 20
19. Technical data ........................................................... 21
20. Instructions for recycling the product .......................... 22
21. Dimension drawings . ................................................. 25
22. Circuit diagrams ........................................................ 28

UEMC50 3
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

WARNING Detailed descriptions of standard repair procedures, safety
HAZARDUS VOLTAGE CAN SHOCK, BURN, principles, and service operations are not included. It is
OR CAUSE DEATH. important to note that this document contains some warn-
ings and cautions against some specific service methods
Do not attempt to handle, install, use or service this product that could cause personal injury to service personnel, or
before reading this installation guide. could damage equipment or render it unsafe. These warn-
ings do not cover every conceivable method in which service
(whether or not recommended by ABB) may be performed.
1. Safety Notices: Secondly, ABB cannot predict or investigate all potential haz-
Must always follow the directions in the manual and good ards resulting from all conceivable service methods. Anyone
engineering practice. using service procedures or tools, whether or not recom-
Dangerous voltage can cause electric shock and burns. mended by ABB, must satisfy himself thoroughly that either
– D o not perform any activity described in this document with personal safety nor equipment safety will be jeopardized
the switch energized. by the service method or tools selected.
– ALWAYS follow your company's or country's Safety proce- All information contained in this manual is based on the latest
dures before performing any work on this equipment. product information available at the time of printing. The right
– U EMC50 motor operating device should be installed only is reserved to make changes at any time without notice.
within the design limitation.
– All the activities listed on this document it must be per-
formed with the switch completely de-energized, isolated,
grounded and out of service.
– Must be observed appropriate guidance given in the manu-
als for all operations performed on the apparatus.
– T his product is intended to be installed, operated and main-
tained by qualified personel, thoroughly trained and knowl-
edgeable with the regards of the hazards involved. This
publication is written only for such qualified persons and is
not intended to be a substitute for adequate training and
experience in the safety procedures for this device.

4 UEMC50
2. General
Motor operating device type UEMC 50_ is intended for the
operation of outdoor pole mounted switches: NPS, Sectos,
ON. The device is available in two enclosure sizes and with
two different operating speeds.

2.1Type designation
UEMC 50 L 1 - 24VDC/1
Motor operating device
Construction type
L=Low speed, H=High speed
Enclosure size 1 or 5
Circuit diagram or specific model

2.2 Enclosure size:

Size 1:
Dimension drawing 135 UEMC 1_
Height 480 mm
Width 300 mm Fig. 2.1
Depth 205 mm
Material stainless steel AISI 304
Degree of protection IP 55
Refer to fig. 2.1.

Size 5:
Dimension drawing 135 UEMC 45
Height 620 mm
Width 500 mm
Depth 330 mm
Material stainless steel AISI 304
Degree of protection IP 55
Refer to fig. 2.2.

2.3.Operation speed:
Speed L:
– operation time 3 s
– high torque

Speed H:
– operation time 1,2 s
– low torque Fig. 2.2

UEMC50 5
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

3. Standards 170
The motor operating device complies with the following stan-
– IEC 62271‑1
– IEC 62271‑103
– SS 428 12 00
– voltage withstand test 2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min, except for the
motor 1,5 kV

4. Transport and storage

It is preferable to transport the motor operating device with
the door upwards. If the devices are to be stored for long
periods they should be kept in a dry room.

5. Construction

5.1 Power transfer mechanism
The mechanism consists of a gear wheel and a screw system.
The screw is self-locking, so that forces from the disconnector
do not affect the operating mechanism.
– frame and axle stainless steel
– nut and gear wheel bronze
– fork lever aluminium alloy (Al-Si)
– screw steel

Control torque and time depend on which of the two alterna-

tives is chosen.
UEMC 50 H_ fast operation 1,2 s and low torque
UEMC 50 L_ slow operation 3 s and high torque Fig. 5.1

5.2 Motor 5.4 Control lever and tube fixing elements

UEMC 50 H_ series wound motor DC voltage The effective length of the control lever can be adjusted
UEMC 50 L_ permanent magnet motor DC voltage by moving the pin to a suitable hole.
Tube clamp tube outside diameter 30 mm.
Alternative motor voltages see range of models point 18.
5.3 Relay sub-assembly – control lever stainless steel
– The relay sub-assembly is fixed with two screws to the – tube clamp hot dipped galvanized steel
power transfer mechanism and is easily changed. – pin and bolts stainless steel
– Components and contactor voltages used in the relay sub-
assembly are described in point 18. 5.5 Pole fixing elements
The pole fixing elements are intended for use with wooden
Material: stainless steel poles, but can easily be modified for other fixing arrange-
The power transfer mechanism, motor and relay subassem- ments due to the detachable parts used.
bly form a functioning unit independent of the enclosure. See fig. 6.2.
See fig. 5.1. Material: hot dipped galvanized steel

6 UEMC50
6. Installation of the motor operating devices

6.A Installation of the motor operating device to the pole

A.1 Place the motor operating device on the pole in a position
permitting an easy installation of the operating tube between
the disconnector and the operating device. See fig. 6.1.

Fig. 6.2

A.3.2 Install the operating device using screws a, washers b

and tube clamp c provided, type UEMZ 1065. Move the
clamping plates sideways if required so that the operat-
ing device fixing bracket does not rotate.
A.4 Installation on concrete pole (See fig. 6.3.)
A.4.1 Install suitable clamps for square or round pole. Keep
distance A between holes in the clamps.
A.4.2 Fix the operating device using M20 screws and nuts.
A.5 Make the electrical connections and earth the operating

Fig. 6.1

*) The correct position is given in the installation instruction of the disconnector.

A.2 D
 efine the installation height H (Recommended
H = 1400 mm)
A.3 Installation on wooden pole (See fig. 6.2.)
A.3.1 Drill 2 fixing holes in the pole, diameter 12 mm depth
75 mm
Dimension A
UEMC 50 H1_ and L1_: 525 ± 5 mm
UEMC 50 H5_ and L5_: 665 ± 5 mm Fig. 6.3

UEMC50 7
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

6.B Installation of UEMC 50_ to drive NPS disconnector B.4 P lace the lower end of the control tube clamp on the mo-
This section describes the installation method for the motor tor operating device without tightening the screws so that
operating device control lever, operating tubes, and adjust- the tube still moves freely.
ment of the tubes. B.5 Drive the disconnector to the fully closed position
The operating tubes are to be adjusted so that there is a small by pushing the control tube upwards against the limiter.
pretension. The pretension is to be in the form of a upwardly Remove any free-play by pushing the control tube up-
directed force on the operating tubes which will ensure that wards and pulling the lever downwards. Mark on the tube
the disconnector closes when operated, and compensates for with a felt-tip pen, the position of the upper edge of the
the changes in dimensions, looseness or flexibility. tube clamp. Refer to fig. 6.8.
Pretension of the tubes is important to safeguard long trouble B.6 O perate the motor operating device in the opening direc-
free operation of the disconnector. tion with the crank until the mark on the tube moves
about 20 mm upwards, Y = 20 mm. Tighten the tube
B.1 F
 it the control lever and tube fixing elements, type UEMZ clamp screw to a torque of 20 Nm. Refer to fig. 6.4.
590, taking note of aligning the marks on the lever and B.7 Check the minimum opening gap of the disconnector
shaft, see the mounting of washers fig. 6.6. when it is in the open position. Refer to the disconnectors
Remarks: If the tube is distinctly tilted from the vertical posi- installation instructions.
tion, it could be necessary to rotate UEMZ590 lever on the B.8 Test operate electrically.
main shaft from the standard position (factory marks). B.9 Cut the tube leaving at least 20 mm for adjustment.
Unscrew M12 screw, take off the lever from the shaft. Rotate
the shaft, attach it to the shaft and tighten the M12 screw 6.C Installation of UEMC 50_ to drive
with torque 70Nm Fig 6.6. SECTOS type NXA_A1
The installation of the control levers and operation tube is
B.2 U
 sing the hand crank move the operating device to the described in this chapter. Adjustment is made by marking the
closed position, i.e. the power transfer mechanism nut is fully closed and open end positions and then adjusting the
at the bottom and the control lever at about 45° upwards. operating tube.
B.3 F it the pin and tube clamp in the correct hole. For NPS C.1 Fit the cast metal lever to the SECTOS-switch taking note
disconnectors: of aligning the marks on the lever and shaft. Fit the pin
R110 mm NPS 24 A2 to the outer hole, R = 155 mm. See fig. 6.5.
NPS 24 B1
NPS 24_-K4
NPS 24_-K5
NPS 36_
R155 mm NPS 24 A2-K2
Refer to fig. F6.4 R 155
Tighten the nut of the pin with torque 110 Nm

M 8 / 2 0 Nm
Fig. 6.5

C.2 F
 it the operating lever and tube fixing elements, type
UEMZ 590, to the motor operating device taking note of
aligning the marks on the lever and shaft. See the mount-
ing of washers fig. 6.6.
Remarks: If the tube is distinctly tilted from the vertical
position, it could be necessary to rotate UEMZ590 lever
on the main shaft from the standard position (factory
marks). Unscrew M12 screw, take off the lever from the
shaft. Rotate the shaft, attach it to the shaft and tighten
the M12 screw with torque 70Nm Fig 6.6.
Fit the pin to the hole in the lever, R = 190 mm. See fig.6.6.
Fig. 6.4 Tighten the nut of the pin with torque 110 Nm

8 UEMC50
C.8 K
 eep the operating tube pushed upwards against the
stop and simultaneously pull the operating lever down-
wards. In this position make a second mark onto the tube
on top of the clamp.
70 Nm See fig. 6.8.

110 Nm
Fig. F6.6

C.3 Insert the control tube into the tube clamp of the switch,
and tighten the screws to 20 Nm (14.7 lbf ft).
Install the insulator and tube guides according to the
installation instructions of the switch.
C.4 C heck that both the switch and motor operating device
are in open positions and the operating levers are point-
ing inclined downwards. See fig. 6.5 and 6.6 Fig. 6.8
C.5 Put the control tube into the tube clamp of the lever of the
motor operating device, but do not tighten the screws. C.9 M
 easure the distance between the two marks. If the
The tube shall easyly slide inside the clamp. distance is more than 22 mm, increase the lever lenght
C.6 P ull the control tube downwards against the end position by changing the pin to the next hole outwards, and repeat
of the open switch, and simultaneously push the lever the points C.6...C.9. If the first mark stays inside the tube
on the motor operating device upwards. In this position, clamp, reduce the lever lenght by changing the pin to the
make a mark onto the tube on top of the tube clamp e.g. next hole inwards.
a felt-tip pen. See fig. 6.7. C.10 Make a third mark in the middle of the two marks. Adjust
the operating tube until this mark is in line with the top
of the tube clamp and tighten the screws to 20 Nm
(14.7 lbf ft). See fig. 6.9.


Fig. 6.9

C.11 C ut the operating tube leaving min. 20 mm adjustment

Fig. 6.7 area.
C.12 Test the operation by using the hand crank, and check
C.7 T
 urn the motor operating device to closed position by the the function of the switch. The switch should open and
hand crank, letting the tube slide inside the tube clamp. close with some margin of operating angle in the operat-
Move also the switch to closed position by pushing the ing device, and the operating device should easily reach
tube upwards. its end positions. Finally test operate by the motor.

UEMC50 9
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

6.D Installation of UEMC 50_ to drive aligning the marks on the lever and shaft. See the mount-
SECTOS types ing of washers fig. 6.11.
NXA_A3, NXA_A4 Remarks: If the tube is distinctly tilted from the vertical
NXB_A3, NXB_A4 position, it could be necessary to rotate UEMZ590 lever
NXBD_A3, NXBD_A4 on the main shaft from the standard position (factory
marks). Unscrew M12 screw, take off the lever from the
D.1 F
 it the shaft and the cast metal lever to the switch with shaft. Rotate the shaft, attach it to the shaft and tighten
the screw M12*100 mm, so that the arrow on the lever the M12 screw with torque 70Nm Fig 6.11
is pointing to about 40°, when the free-play is removed Fit the pin to the hole in the lever, R = 190 mm.
by pushing the lever upwards. See fig. 6.11.
NOTE! The lenght of the screw should not exeed 100 mm.
Fit the pin to the outer hole, R = 155 mm.
See fig. 6.10.

D.2 F
 it the operating lever and tube fixing elements, type 70 Nm
UEMZ 590, to the motor operating device taking note of

90 12
0 60
110 Nm

0 30

Fig. 6.11

D.3 Insert the control tube into the tube clamp of the switch,
33 0

and tighten the screws to 20 Nm (14.7 lbf ft).

30 Install the insulator and tube guides according to the
installation instructions of the switch.
D.4 Check that both the switch and motor operating device
are in open positions and the operating levers are pointing
inclined downwards.
R 155 See fig. 6.10 and 6.11.
D.5 Put the control tube into the tube clamp of the lever of the
motor operating device, but do not tighten the screws.
The tube shall easyly slide inside the clamp.
D.6 Make a mark on the tube at 30 mm above the top of the
tube clamp, with a felt tip pen. Check that the tube can
be pulled down by hand until this mark is in line with the
top of the tube clamp. Operate by using the hand crank
until the mark is in line with the top of the tube clamp and
Fig. 6.10 tighten the screws to 20 Nm (14.7 lbf ft).
D.7 Cut the operating tube leaving min. 20 mm adjustment
D.8 Test the operation by using the hand crank, and check
the function of the switch. The switch should open and
close with some margin of operating angle in the operat-
ing device, and the operating device should easily reach
its end positions. Finally test operate by the motor.

10 UEMC50
7. Installation of accessories NOTE! R
 emember to switch the m.c.b. to the I-position when
Normally the manufacturer installs all accessories. removing the padlock.
How-ever if the client wishes to complete the assembly refer
to: The door of the enclosure can also be locked with a padlock.
– 31 UEMC 129 (Point 22)
– 31 UEMC 130 (”) 9. Service
– 31 UEMC 138 (”) Grease the power transfer mechanism screw and gears every
– accessories (Point 17) 5 years or after 1000 operations.

8. Operating instructions Grease: Isoflex Topas NCA 52.

8.1 Electrical control Check the functioning of the heater.

OPEN, CLOSED Push buttons – for local control
Charging batteries for UEMC 50_1 (small enclosure):
MOTOR Miniature circuit breaker – loosen battery charger and fixing bracket
I and O  – for motor protection – move the battery to the upper corner and then it can be
pulled out
REMOTE Remote selector switch
I and O  – functions as remote control switch 10. Repairs
– can affect local control see point 16.2 for The operating device is assembled from several
details modules which can be easily changed or removed for repair.

8.2 Manual operation NOTE! Isolate the supply voltage to the heater and motor
The operating device is equipped with a hand crank for before commencing repair work.
manual operation. Method of manual operation:
– switch the m.c.b. „MOTOR“ to the 0-position 10.1 Relay sub-assembly
– fit the crank to the bottom of the operating device and oper- The relay sub-assembly is attached to the power
ate transfer mechanism by two screws and connected to the mo-
– t he operation is complete when the nut presses against the tor via a plug and socket.
limit switch and the crank becomes heavy to turn When fitting the relay sub-assembly as a spare part:
– return the m.c.b. „MOTOR“ to the I-position UEMC 50 H_ relay sub-assembly fits directly
UEMC 50 L_ limit switches S1 and S2 are to be moved
Blocking switch S3 will open the electrical operating circuit outwards to the next fixing holes
automatically when the device is being manually operated
to increase safety. 10.2 Motor
Changing the motor
8.3 Interlocking a) Remove the relay sub-assembly and motor plug.
The operating device can be mechanically locked with a pad- b) Remove the motor‘s fixing base – 2 pcs M8-bolts.
lock to prevent both the motor and the manual operation c) Transfer the motor‘s fixing base and gear wheel to the new
mechanism being used. Method of locking: motor. Drill diameter 2,5 mm for the gear wheel on the mo-
– switch the m.c.b. „MOTOR“ to the 0-position tor axle.
– fit a padlock to the locking flap under the operating device, d) Fit the motor and relay sub-assembly.
see fig. 2.1. e) Check the motor‘s direction of rotation as follows:
– using the hand crank move the operating device to the
Blocking switch S3 will open the control circuit automatically middle position
when the unit is padlocked. – press the „0“ push button. The nut should then move
To ensure additional safety it is suggested that the m.c.b. is upwards.
also open. – if it does not, immediately switch off the „MOTOR“ m.c.b.
and swap the motor‘s anchor circuit wiring (red wires on
The locking point is also designed to withstand the motor‘s the motor in the UEMC 50 H_ device).
torque if the motor should start.

UEMC50 11
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

10.3 Power transfer mechanism 12. Cable selection

If the power source is outside the operating device, choose
Removal and repairs the cross sectional area of the supply cables in accordance
– remove the relay sub-assembly and motor plug. with the following list:
– remove the operating lever L = distance from to operating device to power source
– remove the power transfer mechanisms fixing bolts M8 and a = min. cable cross-sectional area
then the whole power transfer mechanism.
24 V 48 V 60 V 110 V 220 V
If the power transfer mechanism is disassembled a/mm2 a/mm2 a/mm2 a/mm2 a/mm2
– n ote the use of spring washers. The outer washers are to be 5 2,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
turned so that they press onto the outer rings of the bear- 10 6,0 2,5 2,5 1,5 1,5
ings. 20 10,0 4,0 4,0 1,5 1,5
– gear wheel tightening torque 60 Nm. 40 10,0 6,0 1,5 1,5
80 2,5 1,5
11. Spare parts 150 4,0 1,5
When ordering spare parts, all details on the rating plate are 300 6,0 1,5
to be mentioned. 500 2,5

Typical spare parts: For 24 V voltages, we recommend the use of battery and
Spare part Type Notes charger in each operating device, for longer distances.
Relay sub-assembly UEZJ N/U N = circuit diag. eg. 121
complete U = voltage 13. Heating the operating device
eg. 24 VDC The motor operating device includes heater which prevents
Motor + gear UEZM2/U/1 UEMC 50 H_ condensation in the box and increases the reliability of the
Wheel UEZM5/U1 UEMC 50 L_ electric components. Therefore it‘s important that heater is
U = voltage electrically connected!
eg. 24 VDC – Heater 20 W, 220 VDC/230 VAC, for all types, except
Power transfer UEZA7 UEMC 50 H_ for types UEMC 50 H5_/11, L5_/11 and for voltage
mechanism UEZA6 UEMC 50 L_ 110VDC/VAC
Contactor K1+K2 – ABB VBC6- 30‑01/U U = Voltage for DC – Heater 20W, 110VDC/110VAC when motor voltage
– ABB VB6- 30‑01/U U = Voltage for AC 110VDC/VAC
Micro switch – OMR Z-15GW22-B7 – Self-regulating heater 45 W,
S1, S2 110...250 V AC/DC, only for types UEMC 50 H5_/11 and
Diode SK 1/16 UEMC L5/11
Heater UEZR1 -220V 230 VAC
220 VDC It is also important to note that the life time of the batteries is
Heater UEZR1 -110V 110 VAC reduced with increased temperature.
110 VDC
Heater – TEG HG45 45 W, A thermostat is available for disconnecting the heater at
110...250 V AC/DC higher temperatures. See section 17.9.
Rectifier – REC 36 MB 160 A

12 UEMC50
14. Selection of operating device This circuit diagram is recommended if the motor operat-
a) for NPS disconnectors UEMC 50 L_ slow operation ing device is to be equipped with remote monitoring and
– NPS 24 kV disconnectors control device REC601/603 or REC 523.
– NPS 36 kV disconnectors Other circuit diagrams are also available.
See section 18 and 22.
UEMC 50 H_ fast operation
– NPS 24kV switch disconnectors with wips and NPAK4 15. Changing direction of rotation
chamber (making capacity 5kA) Sometimes it is necessary to change the direction of rotation:
– NPS 24kV switch disconnectors with NPAK5 chamber – swap I and O push-buttons
(making capacity 12kA) – swap I and O labels of push-buttons
– swap position indication labels on enclosure outside.
b) for Sectos disconnectors – swap terminals X1:7 and X1:8 incoming I and O control
UEMC 50 L_ slow operation impulse signals.
– NXB 16. Circuit diagram key
16.1 Alarm function
UEMC 50 H_ fast operation Terminal block X1:3 is live under normal conditions.
– NXA_A1 disconnectors if fast operation is needed During an alarm, the voltage to terminal block X1:3 is inter-
rupted, the reason being:
c) for ON disconnectors – F1 has tripped
UEMC50 L_ slow operation – S6 is open
– ONI 20, ONI 30 – voltage supply to operating device is interrupted Refer
– ONIII 20. ONIII 30 to circuit diagram for respective type.
See also points 17.7 and 17.12.
d) Enclosure size
The enclosure can be delivered in two different sizes and 16.2 Remote control
can be chosen according to the space requirements for the CLOSE Impulse to terminal X1:7
different accessories to be installed. OPEN Impulse to terminal X1:8
See dimension drawings in section 21 and range of models
section 18. The voltage for the impulse can be taken from
a) terminal X1:3 via the relay contact
The smallest type UEMC 50_1_ is usually big enough, if no b) directly from the remote control unit
other accessories are to be installed besides the batteries
and charger. 16.3 Separate motor and control circuits
Type UEMC 50_ UU/1
If a remote control unit and radio are to be installed the Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 166
bigger enclosure may have to be used UEMC 50_5 For this type, the voltage for the motor and control circuit can
be different, however if separate circuits are required for the
e) Electrical components motor and control with the same voltage then this
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 121 type will be delivered.
Included in types UEMC 50 _/1
UEMC 50_/21 A zero-voltage relay is required so that the standard alarm
circuit will give an alarm when the m.c.b. operates, or when
This is the recommended circuit diagram for most applica- the motor voltage is interrupted. Refer to point 17.14.
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 311
Included in types UEMC 50 H1_/11
UEMC 50 L5_/11

UEMC50 13
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

17. Accessories
Accessories are to be ordered separately using the type numbers given.
Accessories Type number Description Suitable for
17.1 Extra aux. Contact UEZS 2/S10 3NC/NO UEMC 50 L_
UEZS 3/S10 ” UEMC 50 H_
UEZS 2/S11 6NC/NO UEMC 50 L_
UEZS 3/S11 ” UEMC 50 H_
UEZS 2/S12 4NC/NO+1NC/C+1NO/D UEMC 50 L_
UEZS 3/S12 ” UEMC 50 H_
17.2 Batteries (B1, B2)
AGM types UEZGP 17 Ah-24 V AGM 24VDC 17Ah All models
(standard) UEZGL 24 Ah-24 V AGM 24VDC 24Ah Only UEMC50_5
UEZGL 38 Ah-24 V AGM 24VDC 38Ah Only UEMC50_5
Gel types UEZGG 18 Ah-24 V Gel 24VDC 18Ah All models
UEZGG 26 Ah-24 V Gel 24VDC 26Ah Only UEMC50_5
UEZGG 44 Ah-24 V Gel 24VDC 44Ah Only UEMC50_5
Spare parts 1YMU000113m0001 AGM 12VDC 17Ah All models
(single batteries) 1YMU000113m0002 AGM 12VDC 24Ah Only UEMC50_5
1YMU000113m0003 AGM 12VDC 38Ah Only UEMC50_5
1YMU000282M0001 Gel 12VDC 18Ah All models
1YMU000282M0002 Gel 12VDC 26Ah Only UEMC50_5
1YMU000282M0003 Gel 12VDC 44Ah Only UEMC50_5
17.3 Charger (G1) – set UEZGC 24V/3A/230 VAC 24V, 3A, 230VAC All models
UEZGC 24V/3A/110VAC 24V, 3A, 110VAC ”
Spare part charger 1YMU000124M0001 24V, 3A, 230VAC All models
1YMU000124M0002 24V, 3A, 110VAC ”
Charger (G2) – set POL PWS-100RB2 230VAC 24V, 3.5A, 230VAC All models
POL PWS-100RB2 110VAC 24V, 3.5A, 110VAC ”
Spare part charger 1YMU000252MP001 24V, 3,5A, 230VAC All models
1YMU000252MP002 24V, 3,5A, 110VAC ”
17.4 Heater switch (S7) UEMZ 199 HEATING All models
17.5 Charg. and heat. UEMZ 200 CHARG. AND HEAT. All models
Switch (S8) I O
17.6 Heater UEZR 1 – 110 V 20W Spare part Standard in UEMC50___110V models
UEZR 1 – 220 V 20W ” Standard in all other models
17.7 Voltage free alarm circuit UEMZ 247 Closing circuit All models
17.8 Interlocking coil UEZY 2/U U = Voltage All models
(Y1) All models
17.9 Thermostat (T1) UEMZ 318 Thermostat for heater All models
17.10 M .c.b. for charging heater circuit UEMZ 319 All models
17.11 M.c.b. for heater (F2) UEMZ 376 All models
17.12 Separate alarm ciruits UEMZ 450 Opening circuits All models
17.13 Counter UEMZ 444 Mechanical All models
17.14 Zero voltage relay (K4) UEZK 2/U U = Voltage UEMC 50_UU/1
17.15 Lifting hook UEMZ 1010 UEMC50_5
17.16 Ice protection for doorknob and UEMZ 1144 All models
17.17 Door-retainer UEMZ 1276 UEMC50_5

14 UEMC50
17.18 Service light UEMZ 1191/24 VDC 24 VDC UEMC50_5
UEMZ 1191/110 VAC 110 VAC UEMC50_5
UEMZ 1191/230 VAC 230 VAC UEMC50_5
17.19 F
 ixing bracket for rectangular UEMZ 1066 up to 300x300 All models
concrete or steel pole UEMZ 1146 up to 500x680 ”
17.20 Fixing bracket for circular 1YMU000054M0003 Diameter up to 400mm All models
concrete or steel pole 1YMU000128M0001 Diameter 400‑550mm ”
17.21 Surge voltage UEMZ 1263/230 VAC For 230 VAC supplies UEMC 50 _5_/11 (with REC)
17.22 Safety socket outlet with UEMZ 1249 For 230 VAC supplies UEMC 50 _5_/11 (with REC)
integrated residua current device
17.23 Service socket 1YMU000139M0001 Modular socket with pin All models
1YMU000139M0002 Modular socket Schuko type ”
17.24 Three point lock 1YMU000161M0001 If ordered separately, also special UEMC50_5
door is needed.

17.1 Extra auxiliary contacts The expected life of batteries depends on ambient tempera-
Type UEZS_ ture:
Extra auxiliary contacts can not be wired to terminal blocks.
Each contact is 3-way, and the user can choose the contact Designed life for NPL batteries (information by YUASA Battery
function for example NC or NO. Gmbh).
See circuit diagram no 31 UEMC 129.

 ll models already have 1NC + 1NO contacts as
designed life (year)

floating voltage: 2,27 V/cell

standard. Refer to table of models, point 18.

Charger can not be fitted in models UEMC 50 _1_ when using

extra auxiliary contacts.

17.2 Batteries
The batteries are hermetically sealed, with suspension electro-
lytes, maintenance-free and usable in any position.
Temperature (°C)
For special request UEMC50 control cabinet can be equipped
with gel type batteries.
Designed battery life (20ºC)
AGM types: AGM types:
type NPL 24‑12 (long life type) NP 17‑12 5years
NPL 38‑12 (long life type) NPL 24‑12, NPL 38‑12 10years
NP 17‑12 Gel types:
Operating temperature -15°C to +50°C – HZY12‑18, HZY12‑26, HZY12‑44 12years

Gel types: The battery voltage chosen is to be 24 V.

type HZY12‑18 The battery capacity is dependent on what type of radio and
HZY12‑26 remote control system is to be supplied, and how long the
HZY12‑44 station is to operate after battery charging voltage is removed.
Operating temperature -20ºC to +50ºC Without other loading a 24 V-17 Ah battery can be used
to operate a motor operating device open-closed 800 times
When ordering batteries from ABB, please use the type desig- without needing recharging.
nations mentioned in points a...e.

UEMC50 15
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

a. NPL batteries for 24V Type – HZY12‑18 - 1YMU000282M0001

Type UEZGL 24Ah-24V Dimensions 181 x 76 x 167 mm
Includes 2 pcs NPL batteries connected in series and (length, width, height)
fixing components Weight 5.5 kg/pc
Suitable for UEMC 50_5
Type – HZY12‑26 - 1YMU000282M0002
Type UEZGL 38Ah-24V Dimensions 178 x 168 x 124 mm
Includes 2 pcs NPL batteries connected in series and (length, width, height)
fixing components Weight 8,8 kg/pc
Suitable for UEMC 50_5
Type – HZY12‑44 - 1YMU000282M0003
b. NP batteries for 24V Dimensions 198 x 167 x 157 mm
Type UEZGP 17Ah-24V (length, width, height)
Includes 2 pcs. NP batteries connected in series and Weight 13.5 kg/pc
fixing components
Suitable for All models 17.3 Chargers
Standard types G1:
c. HZY batteries for 24V UEZGC 24V/3A/110VAC
Type UEZGG 18Ah-24V UEZGC 24V/3A/230VAC
Includes 2 pcs. HZY batteries connected in series
and fixing components With additional functions G2:
Suitable for All models – voltage supply monitoring
– battery condition monitoring
Type UEZGG 26Ah-24V – deep battery discharge protection
Includes 2 pcs. HZY batteries connected in series – additional 12VDC for radio
and fixing components POL PWS-100RB2 230VAC
Suitable for UEMC 50_5 POL PWS-100RB2 110VAC

Type UEZGG 44Ah-24V Includes 1 pc charger and fixing components

Includes 2 pcs. HZY batteries connected in series
and fixing components Spare part chargers
Suitable for UEMC 50_5 a. Type G1 1YMU000124M0001
Charging current 3A
d. Spare part batteries Charging voltage 28,8 V
NOTE! The types do not include fixing components and Maintenance voltage 27,6 V
cables. Supply voltage 170–260 VAC, 40–60 Hz
Operating temperature range -40°C – +45°C
Type -YUA NP17‑12 - 1YMU000113m0001 Circuit diagram no 31 UEMC 130
Dimensions 181 x 76 x 167 mm Suitable for all models *)
(length, width, height)
Weight 5.6 kg/pc b. Type G1 1YMU000124M0002
Charging current 3A
Type -YUA NPL24‑12 - 1YMU000113m0002 Charging voltage 28,8 V
Dimensions 166 x 175 x 125 mm Maintenance voltage 27,6 V
(length, width, height) Supply voltage 87–132 VAC,
Weight 9 kg/pc 40–60 Hz
Operating temperature range -40°C – +45°C
Type -YUA NPL38‑12 - 1YMU000113m0003 Circuit diagram no 31 UEMC 130
Dimensions 197 x 165 x 170 mm Suitable for all models *)
(length, width, height)
Weight 13.8 kg/pc

16 UEMC50
c. Type G2 1YMU000252MP001 17.8 Interlocking coil
Charging current 3.5 A Type UEZY 2/U
Charging voltage 28,8 V Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 138
Maintenance voltage 27,3 V Suitable for all models except for small enclosure
Supply voltage 180–265 VAC, UEMC50_1 equipped with batteries.
Operating temperature range -10°C – +55°C
Circuit diagram no 31 UEMC 130 17.9 Thermostat
Suitable for all models *) Type UEMZ 318
Setting value
d. Type G2 1YMU000252MP002 (not adjustable) +30 °C
Charging current 3.5 A Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 138
Charging voltage 28,8 V Function The thermostat disconnects the heater if the
Maintenance voltage 27,3 V temperature rises above the set value.
Supply voltage 87–132 VAC, See also chapter 13.
Operating temperature range -10°C – +55°C Suitable for all models except
Circuit diagram no 31 UEMC 130 UEMC 50 ___/11
Suitable for all models *)
17.10 M.c.b for charging and heater circuits
*) C
 harger can not be fitted in models UEMC 50 _1_ when using extra auxiliary
Type UEMZ 319
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 138
17.4 Heater switch (S7) Rated current 2 A
Type UEMZ 199 Suitable for all models

– label text I O 17.11 M.c.b. for heater
Type UEMZ 376
– circuit diagram 31 UEMC 130 Rated current 2A
Suitable for all models Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 138
Suitable for all models
17.5 Charging and heating switch (S8)
Type UEMZ 200 17.12 Separate alarm circuits
– label text HEATING Function The circuit open when the alarm function
I O Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 138
– circuit diagram 31 UEMC 130 Suitable for all models *)
Suitable for all models
*) Alarm circuits only from components according to order. Refer to detailed descrip-
tion of normal alarm circuit, point 16.1.
17.6 Heater 20 W, 110 V
Type UEZR 1‑110 V 17.13 Counter
Power 20 W Type UEMZ 444
Voltage 110 V Function mechanical
Suitable for all models Suitable for all models

17.7 Voltage free alarm circuit

Type UEMZ 247
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 130
Suitable for UEMC50_/1
UEMC 50_/2 *)

*) Alarm circuit from S6 omitted.

Refer to detailed description of operating devices normal

alarm circuit, point 16.

UEMC50 17
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

17.14 Zero-voltage relay (K4) 17.17 Door-retainer

Type UEZK 2/U Type UEMZ 1276
Circuit 31 UEMC 166 Suitable for UEMC 50 _5 models
Suitable for UEMC 50_ UU/1 The zero-voltage relay interrupts
the contactor holding voltage
when the motor voltage is broken.
This prevents the motor operat-
ing device from responding to an
earlier operating impulse and from
automatically starting the motor
when the voltage returns. The 17.18 Service light
power required by the zero-volt- Type UEMZ 1191/24 VDC
age relay is 3 W continuous. Refer UEMZ 1191/110 VAC
to point 16.3 UEMZ 1191/230 VAC
Function Suitable for UEMC 50_5 models
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 410
NOTE! The zero-relay is required only for separate motor and
control circuits, for types UEMC50_UU/1. 17.19 Fixing bracket for concrete or steel pole
Type UEMZ 1066
17.15 Lifting hook Measure A <300 mm
Type UEMZ 1010 Measure B 200...300 mm
Suitable for UEMC 50 _5 models Suitable for All models

Type UEMZ 1146

Measure A <500 mm
Measure B 520...680 mm
Suitable for All models


17.16 Iceprotection for doorknob and padlock

Type UEMZ 1144
Suitable for all models (only with standard lock)

18 UEMC50
17.19 Fixing bracket for circular concrete or steel pole 17.22 S afety socket outlet with intergrated residual
Type 1YMU000054M0003 current device
Diameter up to 400mm Type UEMZ 1249
Suitable for All models Used for 230 V AC supplies
Suitable for UEMC 50 ___/11
Type 1YMU000128M0001 Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 420
Diameter 400‑550mm
Suitable for All models

17.23 Service socket

Used for 230/110 V AC supplies
1YMU000139M0001 1YMU000139M0002
Modular socket with pin Modular socket Schuko

Suitable for All models

Circuit diagram 1YMU000278P0001

17.24 Three point lock

17.21 Surge voltage protection Type 1YMU000161M0001
Type UEMZ 1263/230 VAC Suitable for UEMC 50 _5 models
Used for 230 V AC supplies
Suitable for UEMC 50 ___/11 Suitable for installation:
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 410 – padlock <10,5mm
– standard door cylinder

NOTE! If ordered separately, also special door is needed.

UEMC50 19
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

18. Range of models

1 NC + 1 NO aux. contacts

Remote control selector

I- and O-push buttons
Operating contactors
Fast operation (1,2 s)

Slow operation (3 s)

Blocking switch
Enclosure no. 1

Enclosure no. 5

Limit switches

31 UEMC 121

31 UEMC 122

31 UEMC 126

31 UEMC 127

31 UEMC 128

31 UEMC 165

31 UEMC 166

31 UEMC 311

UEMC 50 H1‑24 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-48 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-60 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-110 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X
-125 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-220 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-110 VAC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-230 VAC/1 xx) X X X X X X X X X X X
-UU/! *) X X X X X X X X X X X
UEMC 50 H1‑24 VDC/2 X X X X X X X X X X X
-24 VDC/3 X X X X X X X X
-24 VDC/4 X X X X X X X
UEMC 50 H5‑24 VDC/21 X X X X X X X X X X X
UEMC 50 H5‑230 VAC/21 X X X X X X X X X X X
UEMC 50 H5‑24 VDC/11 X X X X X X X X X X X
UEMC 50 L1 -12 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-24 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-48 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-60 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-110 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-125 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-220 VDC/1 X X X X X X X X X X
-110 VAC/1 X X X X X X X X X X X
-230 VAC/1 **) X X X X X X X X X X X
-UU/1 *) X X X X X X X X X X X
UEMC 50 L1 -24 VDC/2 X X X X X X X X X X
-24 VDC/3 X X X X X X X X
-24 VDC/4 X X X X X X X
UEMC 50 L5 -24 VDC/21 X X X X X X X X X X X
UEMC 50 L5 -230 VAC/21 X X X X X X X X X X X
UEMC 50 L5 -24 VDC/11 X X X X X X X X X X

*) Type _UU/1 for device with different motor and auxiliary voltages. Voltages to be specified when ordering.
**) For voltage 220...240 VAC

20 UEMC50
19. Technical data

Weight Operating time

UEMC 50 H1 22 kg 1,2 s
L1 22 kg 3s
UEMC 50 H5 36 kg 1,2 s
L5 36 kg 3s

Contactors, power
consumption 3W
Min. operating impulse 0,1 s
Terminals Motor + heater = 10 mm2,
others = 6 mm 2
Aux. contacts S1.2 and S2.2
norm. voltage/current 380 VAC/15 A, 125 VDC/0,5 A,
220 VDC/0,25 A
Nom. voltage Nom. current Max. current M.c.b
24 VDC 12 A 40 A - S201 K8
48 VDC 6A 20 A - S202 K4
60 VDC 5A 17 A - S202 K4
110 VDC 2A 5,5 A - S202 K2
220 VDC 1A 3A - S282 UCK 1
110 VAC 2A 6A - S202 K2
230 VAC 1A 3A - S202 K1

Energy consumtion: 0.01 Ah/operation

equivalent to 800 OPEN- CLOSE
operations with 24V- 17Ah battery
without recharging.

UEMC50 21
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

20. Instruction for recycling the product 20.1 Introduction

This document includes instructions for recycling the pro-
Contents duct UEMC 50. The document includes which material that
20.1 Introduction ............................................................. 22 are used in the products and handling instructions when the
20.2 The products casing ................................................ 22 product is taking out of use. The document is to be used
20.3 Material of the product ............................................. 22 together with the installation- and operating guide.
20.3.1 Material of the main components ................... 23
20.3.2 Spare parts and accessories ......................... 23 The environment regulation varies from country to country and
20.4 Possible recycling methods ...................................... 23 develops fast. Due to this it is recommended to contact the local
waste handler who is authorized and specialized in disposing
electronic waste including lead-acid batteries. These handlers
can sort the material by using dedicated sorting processes and
dispose of the product according to the local requirements.

Together with this document it should be given information

to the local customers about returning of the product that is
taking out of use.

Information that is in this document is not part of an extract or

deal, it supposes to be the most correct and trustful and can
be changed without notice. The publisher will not take any
responsibility for the consequences.

20.2 The products casing

The product is cased in cardboard, paper and foamplastic.
The cardboard and the paper can be recycled normally. The
foamplastic can be i.e. used for energy production in a facility
build for this purpose.

To avoid pollution when making unnecessary transports the

manufacturer will not accept used package. Recycling has
to be arranged locally according to local instructions.

Recycling is recommended when it saves raw material and

reduces the waste.

20.3 Material of the product

Information about the construction, main parts and their
material can be found in the installation- and operating guide,
point 5. Construction on page 5.

20.3.1 Material of the main parts

Power transfer mechanism

Parts Material Weight
Frame, screw and axle Stainless steel 3,9 kg
Nut and gear wheel Bronze 0,5 kg
Operating lever Aluminium (Al-Si) 2,3 kg

The materials depend on the type of the motor. Usually it con-
sists of iron, copper, sink and aluminium.

22 UEMC50
Relay unit 20.4 Possible recycling method
Material Stainless steel
Weight 1,0 kg The mentioned way to recycle is one possible method but
there are also many other methods:
Control lever and tube fixing elements – stainless steel recycles as material
Parts Material Weight – steel recycles as material
Operating lever Stainless steel 0,7 kg – bronze recycles as material
Tube fixing element Hotgalvanized steel 0,7 kg – plastic burns for energy production
Pin and bolt Stainless steel – cables to cable granulating facility
– electronics to facility specially made for recycling elec-
Pole fixing elements tronics
Material Hot dip galvanized steel – batteries to facility specially made for recycling batte-
Weight 3,5 – 6,5 kg (depending on the model) ries
– other to be burnt or is transported to a dumping
Box ground
Material Stainless steel AlSi 304
Weight 8,3 – 19,2 kg (depending on the model)

20.3.2 Spare parts and accessories

Part Description Material Weight

1. Contactor Several
2. Micro switch Several
3. Diode Several
4. Heating resistor Several
5. Rectifier Several
6. Auxiliary contacts Several
7. Batteries Several*)
8. Charger Several*)
9. M.c.b. Several
10. Interlocking magnet Several
11. Thermostat Several
12. Counter Several
13. 0 voltage relay Several

*) More information under point 20.4.3.

The weight for the light parts are not printed, the operating
device also contains screws, nuts, washes and rivets of steel
and also some parts that are not important
when recycling.
70 – 90% of the weight of the product are big metal parts,
which are easy to recycle (4.1 metal parts). The motor is 7 –
11% of the weight and it is also easy to recycle.

UEMC50 23
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

21. Dimension drawings 135 UEMC 1 G

UEMC 50 H1_
UEMC 50 L1_

22 30
1x B


R 238
R 222
525 R 206 480
12 R 190
R 174
R 155
R1 10

min. 230
118 90
M1 2

90 52 70

205 20

3x Pg 16 +1 xP g2 1
3x Pk 16 +1 xP k2 1
3x Pr 22 ,5 +1 xP r2 8, 3

24 UEMC50
Dimension drawings 135 UEMC 45 A

UEMC 50_5-__/21...24

Ø 22 Ø 30
1x B


Ø 9,5
R 238
665 620
R 222
12 R 206
R 190
R 174
R 155
153 R 110

30 25
16 190
95 52 70
3 x Pg 16 + 1 x Pg 21
480 *) 3 x Pk 16 + 1 x Pk 21 330 20
370 *) 3 x Pr 22,5 + 1 x P r 28,3
Open door

170 *)
474 300 *)
Charger Charger Charger r


100 *) *) Free space

200 10 315 *)
Batteries 24 V 17 Ah
Batteries 24 V 24 Ah
Batteries 24 V 38 Ah

UEMC50 25
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

Dimension drawings 135 UEMC 36 E

UEMC 50 H5_/11
UEMC 50 L5_/11

Ø 22 Ø 30


R 238
665 620
R 222
R 206
R 190
R 175
R 155
153 R 110

min. 230
16 190 0

95 52 70

330 20

3 x Pg 16 + 1 x Pg 21
3 x Pk 16 + 1 x Pk 21
3 x Pr 22,5 + 1 x Pr 28,3

26 UEMC50
22. Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 121 G


I E- O E-
(+) (NC) (+/L1)
7 11 20
X1 1 3 8 9
2 14 34 44
F1 S6
1 13 33 43

S4 S5 14
I E- O E-
13 13
4 4
K1 K2
3 3

6 6
K1 K2
5 5

1 1
K2 K1
2 2
1 1 1 1
S1.1 S2.1 S1.2 S2.2 R1
X2 4 2 2 3 3
2 1 3

K1 A1 K2 A1
M1 M1
A2 A2
X1 10 12 21
UEMC 50 H_ 2 (–/N)

X1 2 4
UEMC 50 L_

Motor operating device UEMC 50_ - 24 VDC/1 S1.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch open)
UEMC 50_ - 24 VDC/21 S2.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch closed)
S3 = Blocking switch for hand operating and locking
M1 = Motor S4, S5 = Push buttons
K1, K2 = Operating contactors F1 = M.c.b.
S1.1 = Limit switch R1 = Heater
S2.1 = Limit switch S6 = Remote control switch

UEMC50 27
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 122 D


I E- O E-
(+) (NO) (NC) (+/L1)
8 9 11 20
X1 1 3 7
F1 1

S4 14
14 S5
I E- O E-
4 13 13
K1 K2
6 6
K1 K2
5 5

1 1
K2 K1
2 2
1 1 1
S1.1 S1.2 S2.1 S2.2 R1
4 2 1 3 2 2 3 3
A1 K2 A1
M1 M1 K1
A2 A2
X1 10 12 21
2 (–/N)
UEMC 50 H_

X1 2 4
UEMC 50 L_

Motor operating device UEMC 50_ - 24 VDC/2

M1 = Motor
K1, K2 = Operating contactors
S1.1 = Limit switch
S2.1 = Limit switch
S1.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch open)
S2.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch closed)
S3 = Blocking switch for hand operating and locking
S4, S5 = Push buttons
F1 = M.c.b.
R1 = Heater

28 UEMC50
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 126 D

I E- O E-
(+) (NO) (NC) (+/L1)
1 3 7 8 9 11 20

4 4
K1 K2
3 3

6 6
K1 K2
5 5

1 1
2 2
1 1 1
S1.1 S2.1 S1.2 S2.2 R1
2 2 3 3
X2 4 2 1 3

A1 K2 A1
M1 M1 K1
A2 A2
X1 10 12 21
UEMC 50 H_ 2 (–/N)

X1 2 4
UEMC 50 L_

Motor operating device UEMC 50_ – 24 VDC/3

M1 = Motor
K1, K2 = Operating contactors
S1.1 = Limit switch
S2.1 = Limit switch
S1.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch open)
S2.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch closed)
S3 = Blocking switch for hand operating and locking
R1 = Heater

UEMC50 29
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 127 C

(NO) (NC) (+/L1)

X1: 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 12 13 15 17 20

X2: 4 2 1 3

M1 M1 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3

S1.1 .2 S2.1 .2 S3 R1
1 1 1 1 1
UEMC 50 H_

X1: 6 9 11 14 16 21


UEMC 50 L_

Motor operating device UEMC 50_ – 24 VDC/4

M1 = Motor
S1.1 = Limit switch for closed position X1:5‑6
S2.1 = Limit switch for open position X1:10‑11
S3 = Blocking switch for hand operating and locking X1:15‑16
R1 = Heater

30 UEMC50
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 128 G


I E- O E-
(+) (NO) (NC) (+/L1)
X1: 1 3 7 8 9 11 20

2 14 34 44
F1 S6
1 13 33 43

S4 S5
14 14
O E- O E-
13 13
4 4
K1 K2
3 3 12 22
A1 K3 K3
K3 11 6 21
A2 K1 K2
5 5
1 1
K2 K1
2 2

1 1 1
X2: 4 2 1 3 S1.1 S2.1 S1.2 S2.2 R1
2 2 3 3

M1 A1 K2 A1
A2 A2 X1: 10 12 21
UEMC 5 H_ (-/N)
3 S3
F1 1
M1 4
X1: 2 4
UEMC 0 L_ (-)

Motor operating device UEMC 50_ - 48 VDC/1 S2.1 = Limit switch

- 60 VDC/1 S1.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch open)
- 110 VDC/1 S2.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch closed)
- 125 VDC/1 S3 = Blocking switch for hand operating and locking
- 220 VDC/1 S4, S5 = Push buttons
F1 = M.c.b.
M1 = Motor R1 = Heater
K1, K2 = Operating contactors S6 = Remote control selector
S1.1 = Limit switch K3 = Relay, only for UEMC 50 L_

UEMC50 31
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 165 F


I E- O E-
(NO) (NC) (+/L1)
X1: 1 3 7 8 9 11 20
2 14 34 44
F1 S6
1 13 33 43

V5 S4 S5 14
I E- O E-
13 13
4 4
K1 K2
3 3 12 22
A1 K3 K3
K3 11 6 6 21
A2 K1 K2
5 5
1 1
K2 K1
2 2
1 1
1 1
X2: 4 2 1 3 S1.1 S2.1 S2.1 S2.2 R1
2 2 3 3
M1 M1 A1 A1
K1 K2
A2 A2 X1: 10 12 21
UEMC 50 H_ (–/N)
X1: 2 4
UEMC 50 L_ (N)

Motor operating device UEMC 50_ - 110 VAC/1 S1.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch open)
- 110 VAC/21 S2.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch closed)
- 230 VAC/1 S3 = Blocking switch for hand operating and locking
- 230 VAC/21 S4, S5 = Push buttons
F1 = M.c.b.
M1 = Motor R1 = Heater
K1, K2 = Operating contactors S6 = Remote control selector
S1.1 = Limit switch K3 = Relay, only for UEMC 50 L_
S2.1 = Limit switch V5 = Rectifier

32 UEMC50
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 166 E

I E- O E-
(+/L1) (+/L1) (NO) (NC) (+/L1)
X1: 1 5 3 7 8 9 11 20
F1 A1 1 14 34 44
1 K4 S6
A2 2 13 43
S4 S5 14
4 I E- O E-
4 13 13
K1 K2
3 3
A1 12 22
K3 K3 6 6 K3
A2 11 K1 K2 21
5 5
1 1
K2 K1
2 2
1 1 1
X2: 4 2 1 3 S1.1 S2.1 S2.1 S2.2 R1
2 2 3 3
M1 A1 K2 A1
V5 K1
A2 A2 X1: 10 12 21
UEMC 50 H_ (–/N)
3 1
M1 F1
X1: 2 4
UEMC 50 L_ (–/N) (–/N)

Motor operating device UEMC 50_ – UU/1 UU Voltage to be specified when ordering

M1 = Motor R1 = Heater
K1, K2 = Operating contactors F1 = M.c.b.
S1.1 = Limit switch S6 = Remote control selector
S2.1 = Limit switch K3 = Relay for UEMC 50 L_, 48‑230 V
S1.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch open) V5 = Rectifier only for AC
S2.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch closed) K4 = Zero voltage relay, to be ordered separately
S3 = Blocking switch for hand operating and locking V1, V2 = Diodes only for DC
S4, S5 = Push buttons R2 = Resistor 110‑230 V

UEMC50 33
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 311 B

A l a rm
H ä lytys

I E- E-
( +) (NO) ( NC) (L)
X1: 1 5 3 7 8 9 11 16 18 20

2 1 14 33 44
F1 F6 S6 2
1 2 13 34 43 F7

S4 14 S5 24
I E- O E-
13 23

K1 K2
6 6
K1 K2
5 5
1 1
K2 K1
2 2
1 1 1 1
S 1 .1 S 2 .1 S 1 .2 S 2 .2 F7 R1
X2: 4 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 4

K1 A1 K2 A1
M1 M1
A2 A2
X 1: 10 12 17 19 21
U E MC 50 H _ 2 (N)
X1: 2 4
( )
UE MC 50 L_

Motor operating device UEMC 50_ - 24 VDC/11

M1 = Motor
K1, K2 = Operating contactors
S1.1 = Limit switch
S2.1 = Limit switch
S1.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch open)
S2.2 = Aux. contact NO (switch closed)
S3 = Blocking switch for hand operating and locking
S4, S5 = Push buttons
F1 = M.c.b. for motor
R1 = Heater
S6 = Remote control selector
F6 = M.c.b. for remote control
F7 = M.c.b. for power supply

34 UEMC50
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 129 C



0 0

1 NC 1
NO 2 3 NO 2 3
1 4 4
NO 2 5 6 5 6
4 7 7
5 6 8 9 8 9
7 10 10
8 9 11 12 11 12
13 41
14 15 C- 42 43
16 D- 61
17 18 NO 62 63


Function of aux. contacts Nominal voltage 500 V

Nominal current 16 A
Breaking capacity (L/R = 40 ms)

Disconnector 24 VDC = 16 A
48 VDC = 10 A
60 VDC = 10 A
NC 110 VDC = 5A
220 VDC = 2A
C 230 VAC = 16 A

Cont. open

Cont. closed

UEMC50 35
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 130 F

1 2 (+)
X1:1 X1:1
(L1) (L1)
X1:20 X1:20

F10 F10
G1 B1 G2 B1
~ ~
(R1) (R1) M
B2 B2
- -
M U1

X1:21 X1:21
(N) (N)
X1:2 X1:2
(-) (-)
U1 -24VDC deep discharge protected output
for the radio or telemechanics

3 4 (L1) (N)
X1:20 21
13 23

11 21 N.O.
14 24
F1 S6 S3

12 22 C


(L1) (N)
X1:20 21 G1 Charger
13 23 G2 Charger Polwat
B1, B2 Batteries
R1 Heater
14 24 S3 Blocking switch for hand operating and
(G1 or G2)
~ S6 Remote control selector switch
(R1) S7 Heating switch
- S8 Charging and heater switch
F1 M.c.b.
F10 Fuse

36 UEMC50
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 138 G

(L1) (N)
X1: 1 3 20 21 22 23

2 14 2 4 11
(F1) (S6) F2 F2 M.c.b. for charging and heating
1 13 1 3 14
(G1) UEMZ 319


T1 Thermostat

UEMZ 318

(L1) (N) 2
X1: 20 21 1

2 4 Y1 Interlocking coil
X1: 24 26
1 3 S9 Aux.contact
Y1: S9
X1: 25 27
F2 M.c.b. for heater

X1: 4 UEZY 2/U

UEMZ 376

X1: 22 23 28 29 30 31 32 33

2 Seperate alarm circuits

11 11 23
(F2) (F1) (S6) (S3)
14 14 24 1

UEMZ 450

F1 = M.c.b. for motor

F2 = M.c.b. for heater
R1 = Heater
S6 = Remote control selector
S3 = Blocking switch for hand operating and locking
G1 = Charger

UEMC50 37
Motor Operating Device UEMC 50
Installation, operating and recycling guide

Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 410 C

110 VAC 24 VDC

(L1) (+)
230 VAC

X1: 20 X1: 1

3 1 3 1
S11 S11
4 2 4 2

E1 E1

X1: 21 X1: 2

(N) (-)

Type: U
 EMZ 1191/110 VAC Type: UEMZ 1191/24 VDC
UEMZ 1191/230 VAC

X1: 16 (UEMC 50H5 and L5)

X10: 1

5 (L) (L)

12 }
1 (N) (N)
4 Alarm NC
3 (PE) (PE)
Unprotected Protected

X1: 17 (UEMC 50H5 and L5)

Type: U
 EMZ 1263/230 VAC X10: 2

S11 = Door switch

E1 = Service light
F20 = Surge voltage protection

38 UEMC50
Circuit diagram 31 UEMC 420 B (L)


X26 = S
 afety socket outlet with
integrated current device
X26 PE N L


Type: UEMZ 1249

Circuit diagram 1YMU000278P0001

(N) (L)
21 20

Circuit breaker A201 B10




Socket ABB type M1174 (with pln)

or ABB type F1175 (Schuko)


UEMC50 39
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