Pembentukan Kalkulus
Pembentukan Kalkulus
Pembentukan Kalkulus
Transformation Theory
Most noticeable hypothesis states that hydroxyapatite
need not arise exclusively via epitaxis or nucleation. Octa
calcium phosphate is formed by the transformation of
amorphous noncrystalline deposits and brushite and the lacunae of both supra- and subgingival calculus.
then transformed to hydroxyapatite (Eanes et al 1970). It Bacteria are not essential for calculus formation, but they
has been suggested that controlling mechanism in trans- enable its development. Hence, high amount of calculus
formation mechanism can be pyrophosphate (Fleisch indicates that oral hygiene has been poor for months or
et al 1968). even years.6
etiologic factor in the initiation and progression of peri- vs calculus and a higher degree of correlation for subgin-
odontal diseases. gival than for supragingival calculus.
In the decade of 1970s, the enhanced understanding Furthermore, Lennon and Clerehugh17 in a 2-year
of the microbiological contribution to periodontal disease longitudinal study elucidated the role of subgingival
decline interest in calculus as a specific etiologic agent. calculus in periodontal disease in teenagers. This inves-
The last decade has seen renewed interest in supra- and tigation included 229 children in the age group of 14
subgingival calculus effects on disease processes, on the to 16 and the authors concluded that the presence of
one hand, due to the commercial success of toothpastes subgingival calculus was the best predictor of future
sold for the control of supragingival calculus, and on attachment loss.
the other hand, due to the success of phase I periodontal Axelsson and Lindhe22 during a 6-year longitudinal
therapy (scaling and root planing, with subgingival study in 555 adults observed that whether occurrence
calculus debridement) in treating early periodontal of caries and periodontal disease progression can be
disease as documented by TEN CATE and MANDEL prevented by maintaining oral hygiene and repeated
and GAFFEN13 prophylaxis. Each prophylactic session is given every
Ainamo (1970) found a high positive correlation 2 months during the first 2 years, and every 3 months
between calculus (both supra- and subgingival and thereafter and included a complete scaling and root
gingivitis) in 154 army recruits between the ages of planing, combined with oral hygiene instructions. The
19 and 22. He employed the retention index (RI) which study concluded that subjects who utilized proper oral
hygiene techniques had negligible signs of gingivitis
discriminates between plaque associated with calculus
and periodontal tissue attachment loss and developed
and plaque associated with caries and noted a positive
no new carious lesions. Similar strategies of frequent
correlation between the RI and gingivitis. A higher
recalls are characteristic of all the adult plaque control
correlation was noted between gingivitis and calculus-
studies at Goteborg.18-21 All these studies highlighted that
related plaque than with cariogenic plaque. Ainamo14 also
the plaque control and professional oral prophylaxis had
spotted attention to his finding that there was increased
certainly played an important role in maintaining the
gingivitis as well as calculus deposits on oral than on
gingival and periodontal health.
facial surfaces of lower second premolars and first and
Tagge et al23 in 22 patients assessed clinically and
second molars. One possible justification is that this is
microscopically, the soft tissue response in suprabony
the area where the salivary influence is greatest, hence,
periodontal pockets after treatment by root planing and
supragingival calculus is most abundant and suggests
oral hygiene vs oral hygiene measures alone. All the
that the pathogenicity of calculus plus overlying plaque
therapies decreased the incidence and severity of gin-
may be greater than that of plaque alone. givitis along with pocket depth. However, root planing
Alexander (1971) observed the regional distribution combined with oral hygiene measures resulted in a
of bacterial plaque, supra- and subgingival calculus, statistically significant improvement when compared to
and gingival inflammation in 200 dental students and personal oral hygiene measures alone. This is because the
200 patients visiting a dental clinic. He noticed that the tooth brushing limited its effectiveness by the presence
prevalence of gingival inflammation is greatly exhibited of subgingival deposits on the nonroot-planed surfaces
in the papillary areas and the buccal margins the lowest that resulted in no significant pocket reduction and gain
which coincides with the greatest prevalence of sub- in attachment levels than in those treated by root planing
gingival calculus on the interproximal surface and the with oral hygiene prophylaxis.
buccal margins the lowest, concluding that the surfaces Hellden et al24 studied advanced periodontal disease
with calculus exhibited more gingivitis than the surfaces in 12 patients. The presence of plaque, gingival inflamma-
with plaque alone.15 tion, probing depths, and attachment levels was assessed
Buckley16 examined the prevalence of subgingival and for all teeth in 12 patients with chronic, advanced peri-
supragingival calculus among 300 teenagers, aged 15 to odontitis. After the initial examination, patients were
17, evenly distributed by age and sex. He found greater given detailed oral hygiene instructions and divided
prevalence of subgingival calculus when compared to into four groups.
supragingival but showed the same distribution pattern. Group 1: No treatment,
A strong correlation was found between the buccal and Group 2: Scaling and root planing alone,
lingual gingival indices and their respective plaque and Group 3: Administration of tetracycline alone, and
supra- and subgingival calculus indices. Pearson corre- scaling and
lation analysis indicated a higher degree of correlation Group 4: Root planing combined with the administration
for gingival indices vs plaque than for gingival indices of tetracycline.
Following initial therapy all patients were reexamined of the same dimension as the filamentous organisms were
at 8 and 25 weeks. Both plaque index (PI) and gingival found penetrating into the calculus.
index (GI) scores were recorded which decreased signifi- Friskopp30 in a further study also noted cavities of
cantly in all groups. In group 2 the GI scores were signifi- noncalcified material of the ultrastructure of supragin-
cantly lowered and also there was significant reduction gival calculus, and subgingival deposits tended to be
in probing depth. It was also observed that there was more homogeneous.
a trend to gain of attachment in the treated areas, sug- Shirato et al31 reported the presence of tubular holes
gesting that removal of calculus led to improvement in in calculus. These holes appeared to be areas of uncalci-
gingival health.24 fied bacteria which is surrounded by calcified matrix.
Morrison et al25 in their 90 subjects examined the There were also areas where the bacteria were calcified
effects of initial, nonsurgical, periodontal treatment (the but were surrounded by a noncalcified space. All of the
hygienic phase) on the clinical severity of periodontitis in morphologic studies attest to the porous nature of the
pockets varying from l to >7 mm. The results showed that calculus deposits.
there is a significant reduction in inflammation follow- Patters et al32 assayed the bone resorbing activity
ing removal of the plaque and calculus deposits and the (using an organ culture system) and the presence of
improvement was great enough to call for reassessment antigens of Bacteroides gingivalis in plaque, calculus,
of the need for surgery in some instances. In evaluating cementum, and dentin obtained from roots of extracted
the various factors involved in the hygienic phase, it was teeth from patients with severe periodontitis. Significant
eminent that the changes in plaque scores could not be stimulation of bone resorption was found in the prepara-
correlated with attachment level gain and pocket depth tions from periodontally involved cementum and in all
reduction and the authors considered a very important samples of calculus. The levels of bone resorbing activity
to the success of the hygienic process is the significant were higher. This study provides the strongest evidence to
reduction in subgingival calculus. date of the pathogenic potential of subgingival calculus.32
Chawla et al26 investigated the effect of various dental An experimental study to know the permeability of
prophylaxis regimens in 1,605 subjects between the age human and rat dental calculus is done by Baumhammers
group of 12 and 26 over a period of 2 years. The results et al 28 in which they used a series of dyes, titrated
showed that scaling along with oral hygiene instructions endotoxin, and titrated glycine. The results showed that
at 6-month intervals provided the maximum benefit. the human calculus was partially permeated in one
Concluding, that the removal of bacterial plaque alone did hour and completely permeated by the dyes in 24 hours.
not show significant improvement in periodontal health Radioautographs showed progressive penetration
but the removal of calculus was directly correlated with of the titrated glycine and endotoxin with time. This
the improvement in periodontal health. They also spotted led to hypothesis that dental calculus can act as a reser-
out that this did not mean that regular oral hygiene mea- voir for irritating substances from microbial plaque and
sures are not important, but rather that “viable bacterial tissue lysis.
plaque, retained on and around the retention areas pro-
vided by calculus, unless removed, may not obviously INDICES USED FOR CALCULUS DETECTION33
be as effective.”
Oral Calculus Index (OCI) (Greene and
A morphologic study by Jones27 and Bauhammers
Vermilion, 1964)
et al 28 in their scanning electron microscopic (SEM)
studies observed the marked roughness of the outer It is the component of the oral hygiene index. An explorer
surface of calculus leading to retention of bacterial is used to estimate the surface area covered by supragin-
plaque. gival calculus and to probe for the subgingival calculus.33
A comparative st udy done by Friskopp and Scores are assigned according to the following criteria:
Hammarstrom29 used SEM in their study of supra- and • No calculus
subgingival calculus. The morphology of supra- and sub- • Supragingival calculus covering more than one-third
gingival calculus on extracted teeth was studied using of the exposed tooth surface
SEM. The differences were observed in the nature of • Supragingival calculus covering more than one-third
microbial coverings. Supragingival calculus is dominated but not more than two-thirds of tooth surface
by filamentous organisms, oriented at right angles to the • Supragingival calculus covering more than one-third
surface whereas subgingival calculus was covered by but not more than two-thirds of tooth surface and/or
cocci, rods, and filaments with no distinct pattern of ori- a continuous band of subgingival calculus.
entation. When sodium hypochlorite was used in some of After the scores for debris and calculus are recorded,
the specimens they lost their soft covering and channels the index values are calculated. For each individual, the
Journal of Health Sciences & Research, July-December 2016;7(2):42-50 47
Suchetha Aghanashini et al
debris scores are totaled and divided by the number of CALCULUS DETECTION
surfaces scored.
• Visual examination
– Gentle air blast
Calculus Index – CI (Ramfjord, 1959)
– Transillumination
The scores on calculus for each individual tooth examined – Gingival tissue color change
are added and the sum divided by the number of the teeth • Tactile examination
examined to yield the index on calculus. The following – Probe
teeth were selected as indicators 16, 21, 24, 36, 41, and 44. – Explorer
Calculus recorded as follows: • Radiographs
• No calculus
• Supragingival calculus extending only slightly below Visual Examination
the free gingival margin (not more than 1 mm)
Good lighting helps us to easily visualize supra- and
• Supragingival calculus covering more than one-third
subgingival calculus just below the gingival margin.
but not more than two-thirds of tooth surfaces
When light deposits of supragingival calculus are wet
• Supragingival calculus covering more than two-thirds
with saliva they are frequently difficult to visualize.
of exposed tooth surfaces.
Supragingival calculus can be dried using compressed
air until it is readily visible and chalky white. Air may
Calculus Surface Severity Index (CSI)
also be directed into the pocket in steady stream to visu-
(Ennener et al, 1961)
alize the subgingival deposits by deflection of gingival
The CSI assesses the presence or absence of calculus on margin away from the tooth surface.
the four surfaces of the four mandibular incisors. Each
surface is given a score of 1 for the presence of calculus Tactile Exploration
or 0 for the absence of calculus. Maximum score for each
Requires the skilled use of fine pointed explorer or probe.
subject is 16. In applying the scoring method, calculus was
The explorer is held with light but stable modified pen
considered to be present in any amount, supragingival
grasp. The pads of the thumb and the middle finger
or subgingival, and it could be detected either visually
should perceive the slight vibration conducted through
or by touch. If the examiner was uncertain about the
the shank.
presence of calculus on a given surface, the surface was
Fine-pointed explorer or probe is used for tactile
called calculus free.
sensation and is held with light but stable modified pen
grasp. Slight vibrations are perceived by pads of the
Calculus Rating (Volpe and Manhold, 1962)
thumb and the middle fingers through the shank.
Calculus formation in vivo is performed using a colored Method: First, a stable finger rest is established and
periodontal probe placed against the lingual surface of then the instrument tip is inserted to the pocket depth.
the anterior tooth that will be scored with the probe and In a vertical direction light exploratory strokes are acti-
placed at the most inferior border of any calculus present. vated. On contact with the calculus, the tip of probe is
When the different colors at the probe end represent units, advanced more apically till the termination of calculus is
the amount of calculus present can be measured: felt on root surface. Generally, 0.2 to 1.0 mm is the distance
• U – No calculus appreciated between apical edge of calculus and bottom
• U – 1 mm of calculus of the pocket. Proximal surfaces when explored with an
• U – 2 mm of calculus instrument tip, it should be extended at least halfway
• U – 3 mm of calculus across the surface past the contact area.
• U – 4 mm of calculus
Marginal Line Calculus Index (MLC-I)
Interproximal calculus, a highly calcified deposit, can
(Muhlanann and Villa, 1967)
readily be detected as radiopaque projections protruding
• No calculus into the interdental space. The apical location of plaque is
• Calculus observable, but less than 0.5 mm in width not sufficiently calcified to be visible on radiograph, so the
and/or thickness calculus location does not indicate bottom of periodon-
• Calculus not exceeding 1 mm in width and/or tal pocket. Hence, conventional oral radiography was
thickness a poor diagnostic method for the detection of calculus
• Calculus exceeding 1 mm in width and/or thickness. (Buchanan et al, 1987).
30. Friskopp J. Ultrastructure of nondecalcified supragingival resorbing activity in root surface fractions of periodontally
and subgingival calculus. J Periodontol 1983 Sep;54(9): involved teeth. J Periodontal Res1982 Mar;17(2):122-130.
542-550. 33. Soben Peter. Text book of public health dentistry. 5th ed.
31. Shirato M, Kamishikiryo K, Itoh A, Kado H, Maeda Y, Chapter 4. p. 126.
Sekiguchi T, Fukui K, Takezawa T. Observations of the surface 34. Kamath DG, Nayak SU. Detection, removal and prevention
of dental calculus using scanning electron microscopy. of calculus: Literature review. Saudi Dent J 2014 Jan;26(1):
J Nihon Univ School Dent 1981;23:179-187. 7-13.
32. Patters MR, Landesberg RL, Johansson LA, Trummcl CL, 35. Archana V. Calculus detection technologies: Where do we
Robertson PB. Bacteroides gingivalis antigens and bone stand now? J Med Life 2014;7(Spec Issue 2):18-23.