Advantages of Assessment Centre
Advantages of Assessment Centre
Advantages of Assessment Centre
5. Improved Communication:
In MBO, there is improved communication between the
management and the subordinates. This continuous two way
communication helps in clarifying any ambiguities, refining and
modifying any processes or any aspects of objectives.
6. Improved Organizational Structure:
In MBO, the whole of organizational structure is redesigned
because of the revision of job descriptions of various positions
as a result of resetting of the individual goals. All this helps in
improving the organizational structure as a result of location of
the problem and weak areas of the organization.
Limitations of MBO:
A system of MBO has certain weaknesses and limitations. Some
of these are inherent in the system while some arise when
introducing and implementing it.
7. Poor Integration:
Generally, the integration of the MBO with the other systems
such as forecasting and budgeting is very poor. This lack of
integration makes the overall functioning of the system very
8. Lack of Follow Up:
Under the system of MBO, the superior must get in touch with
the subordinate at the appropriate time and at that time, the
subordinate will inform the boss exactly what has been
accomplished and how. If the superior delays the meeting, it
will create hurdles in the successful implementation of MBO as
the subordinate will also start taking the programme casually.
10. Inflexibility:
MBO may make the organization rigid. As the goals are set after
every six months or one year, the manager may not like to
revise the goals in between, even if the need arises, due to fear
of resistance from the subordinates. The managers must learn
to handle this situation, because sometimes revision of short
term goals is necessary for the achievement of long range
11. Limited Application:
MBO is useful largely for the managerial and professional
employees. It is not appropriate for all levels and for everyone
because of the heavy demands made by it. It can be made
applicable only when both the subordinates and manages feel
comfortable with it and are willing to participate in it.
12. Long Gestation Period:
It takes a lot of time, sometimes 3-5 years to implement the
MBO programme properly and fully and some research studies
have shown that these programmes can lose their impact and
potency as a motivating force over a long period of time.
1. Specificity:
The objective in MBO should be clear and precise that can be
measured and evaluated. To state a desire to cut costs, for
example, may not be enough. Instead, to cut costs by 5 per
cent will be more clear, exact and measurable objective.
3. Explicit Time:
Each objective is to be completed within a specific time period,
be it three months, six months or a year.
4. Performance Feedbacks:
Advantages of MBO:
Following are the advantage of MBO:
1. The need to clarify objectives is stressed and suggestion for
improvement is obtained from all levels of management.
Disadvantages of MBO:
MBO suffers from the following disadvantages also: