Samara University College of Engineering and Technology Computer Science Department

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Samara University

College of Engineering and Technology

Computer Science Department

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (CoSc3062)

Chapter One
Introduction to Wireless Communication

Multiple Access Techniques
 Reservation-based multiple access
 Random Access Methods

Overview of Cellular Communications from 1G to 4G

Wireless Communication System:
 Wireless communications is a type of data communication that
is performed and delivered wirelessly.
 Any electrical communication system that uses a naturally
occurring communication channel, such as air, water, earth.

 Cell phone, Radar, Sonar(system for detecting underwater
 Broadcast: (one way)
 Radio, TV, pagers, satellite TV, etc.
 Two Way:
 Walkie-talkie, cell phones, satellite phones, wireless local area
networks, etc.
 Wireless communications is the fastest growing segment of the
communications industry. 3
Multiple access schemes can be classified as
1. Reservation-based multiple access
 used if data traffic is continuous and a small transmission
delay is required, E.g. voice and video
 Types:
 Frequency Division Multiple Access(FDMA)
 Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA)
 Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA)

2. Random multiple access

 Communication channel is shared by many users and users
transmit their data in a random or partially coordinated fashion.
 Examples: ALOHA, CSMA

Reservation-based multiple access
 In a channelized system, the total spectrum is divided into
a large number of relatively narrow radio channels.
 Each radio channel consists of a pair of frequencies.
 Forward channel (downlink channel): the frequency used
for transmission from the base station to the mobile station.
 Reverse channel (uplink channel): the frequency used for
transmission from the mobile station to the base station.
 A user is assigned both frequencies for the duration of the
 The forward and reverse channels are assigned widely
separated frequencies to minimize interference
 Most systems use a combination of FDMA and TDMA.

Frequency Division Multiple Access
 It separates different users by assigning a different carrier
 FDMA divides the entire channel bandwidth into M equal sub
channels that are sufficiently separated to prevent co channel

 Advantages:
 Technological advances required for implementation are
 Hardware simplicity, because multiple users are isolated by
employing simple bandpass filters.
 Disadvantages:
 Inefficient use of spectrum, in FDMA if a channel is not in use,
it remains idle and cannot be used to enhance the system
 inflexible
 guard spaces

Frequency Division Multiple Access(cont’d)

Frequency Division Multiple Access

Time Division Multiple Access

In TDMA, the entire bandwidth is available to the user

but only for a finite period of time.
The available bandwidth is divided into fewer
channels compared to FDMA and the users are
allotted time slots during which they have the entire
channel bandwidth at their disposal.

Time Division Multiple Access(cont’d)

 Advantages:
 only one carrier in the medium at any
 throughput high even for many users

 Disadvantages:
 precise synchronization necessary. If
the time slot synchronization is lost, the
channels may collide with each other.

Time division multiple access

Code Division Multiple Access

Allow transmissions to occupy the channel at the

same time without interference.
Collisions are avoided through the use of special
coding techniques. As long as two nodes have
sufficiently different codes, their transmissions will not
interfere with one another.
problem is how to find “good” codes and how to
separate the signal from noise generated by other
signals and the environment.
CDMA systems require more sophisticated and costly
hardware, and are typically more difficult to manage.

Code Division Multiple Access(cont’d)
 Analogy
 In a large room with many peoples
 two people can talk in English if nobody else understand
 two people can talk in Chinese if they are the only ones
who understand Chinese
 so on

Code Division Multiple Access(cont’d)
 bandwidth efficient; all terminals can
use the same frequency
 no coordination and synchronization
 good protection against interference
and tapping

CDMA  more complex signal regeneration

Space Division Multiple Access
SDMA utilizes the spatial separation of the users in
order to optimize the use of the frequency spectrum.
SDMA serves different users by using spot beam
Segment space into sectors, use directed antennas.
Never used in isolation but always in combination with
one or more other schemes.

Space Division Multiple Access(cont’d)

Space-Division Multiple Access.


Idea segment space into Segment sending segment the spread the spectrum
cells/sectors time into disjoint frequency band into using orthogonal codes
time-slots, demand disjoint sub-bands
driven or fixed
Terminals only one terminal can all terminals are every terminal has its all terminals can be active
be active in one active for short own frequency, at the same place at the
cell/one sector periods of time on uninterrupted same moment,
the same frequency uninterrupted
Signal cell structure, directed synchronization in filtering in the code plus special
separation antennas the time domain frequency domain receivers
Advantages very simple, increases established, fully simple, established, flexible, less frequency
capacity per km? digital, flexible robust planning needed, soft
Dis- inflexible, antennas guard space inflexible, complex receivers, needs
advantages typically fixed needed (multipath frequencies are a more complicated power
propagation), scarce resource control for senders
Comment only in combination standard in fixed typically combined still faces some problems,
with TDMA, FDMA or networks, together with TDMA higher complexity,
CDMA useful with FDMA/SDMA (frequency hopping lowered expectations; will
used in many patterns) and SDMA be integrated with
mobile networks (frequency reuse) TDMA/FDMA 16
Random Access Methods

Reading Assignment

Random Access Methods

Evolution of Cellular Networks

1G: First-generation wireless cellular

 It was introduced in 1979 in the United States.
 The 1G also called Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS),
was invented at Bell Labs and first installed in 1982.
 During the early 1980s, several incompatible cellular systems
(TACS, NMT, C450, etc.) were introduced in Western Europe.
 The deployment of these incompatible systems resulted in
mobile phones being designed for one system that could not
be used with another system, and
 roaming between the many countries of Europe was not
 The first-generation systems were designed for voice

 At the introduction of 1G services, the mobile device was large
in size, and would only fit in the trunk of a car.
 Use analog transmission, and are primarily intended for voice
service and low rate(about 9.6 kbps)circuit switched data
service . Analog cellular phones are insecure.
 These networks are very slow (less than 1 kilobits per
 The 1G systems used FDMA and analog Frequency

Evolution of Cellular Networks (cont’d)
2G: Second-generation wireless cellular
 Introduced in the late 1990s
 These systems use digital transmission and are also intended
primarily for speech.
 Groupe Special Mobile (GSM), renamed Global System for
Mobile communications, was established for harmonization.
 To solves incompatibility problems of 1G and
 roaming was possible with the use of Subscriber Identity
Module (SIM) roaming, between them and with all other
GSM-based systems.
 These systems, most prevalent at present, operate at 9.6
 The 2G systems based on TDMA and CDMA technologies

 The primary differences between 1G and 2G are:
 Digital traffic channels – 1G systems are almost purely analog;
2G systems are digital.
 Encryption – all 2G systems provide encryption to prevent
eavesdropping. Simple to encrypt digital traffic
 Error detection and correction – second-generation digital
traffic allows for detection and correction, giving clear voice
 Channel access – second-generation systems allow channels to
be dynamically shared by a number of users via TDMA and CDMA

Evolution of Cellular Networks (cont’d)
2.5G Systems
 Are essentially 2G systems that have evolved to medium-rate
(around 100 Kbps) data.
 2G systems with added data capabilities
 As part of the 2.5G initiative, GSM is being extended by the
General Packet Radio System (GPRS) to support data rates
up to a maximum of 160 Kbps.
 GPRS can be added to GSM infrastructures quite readily. It
doe not require new radio spectrum.
 GPRS basically overlays a packet-switching network on the
existing circuit switched GSM network.
 This gives the user an option to use a packet-based data
 The phase after GPRS is called Enhanced Data Rates for
GSM Evolution (EDGE), can deliver maximum data rates up to
500 Kbps

Evolution of Cellular Networks (cont’d)

3G Systems:
 Goal of 3G systems is:-
 to enable wireless service providers to offer services found
on today’s wire line networks: broadband Internet access,
interactive gaming, and high quality audio and video
 to provide fairly high-speed wireless communications to
support multimedia, data, and video in addition to voice.
 Can operate at 2 megabits per second.
 The best known example of 3G is the UMTS (Universal Mobile
Telecommunications System)/W-CDMA/CDMA2000
 3G networks use a connectionless (packet-switched)
communications mechanism.
 The dominant technology in 3G is CDMA and HSPA

Evolution of Cellular Networks (cont’d)

4G Cellular Networks

 Cellular data rates of 200 Mbps and beyond
 The high speed could allow users to watch high-resolution
movies and television programs on their cellular phones
 Many new technologies and techniques (multiplexing, smart
antennas, digital signal processing) are at the core of 4G
 IPv6 will be used at the network layer level
 Challenge: determining the frequency spectrum for 4G-
unused bandwidth(e.g.60 GHz band) vs. distance(range is
only 100m)
 The dominant technology in 4G is LTE




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