D My Man Blood Oath
D My Man Blood Oath
D My Man Blood Oath
time), a blood oath to love Love with all my heart, mind, and soul. as I love my
neighbor as myself, because I know that what we all as Lovers of Love and Lovers of
our neighbor share in common is that we all bleed blood.
and I Promise To hold you When you're cold and cry at night
and also I Promise To run to the kiosk Late at night when you ask
I Promise To kiss you When you come outta class, teach you Everything I know and
, and I Promise To love our children Even when the times get hard.
I Promise To take you on dates And carry you to bed every night
I Promise I won't let you go As long as I'm with you in spirit tonight Darling.
I Love You.
From now we will be and exixt in each other's heart. And if we try to or leave each
other or disobey this rules and words of the oath we will die. All this we swear in
the name of love and in the almighty name God.