Sign and Symptoms of Anemia
Sign and Symptoms of Anemia
Sign and Symptoms of Anemia
Decreased energy
shortness of breath
Palpitations (feeling of the heart racing or beating irregularly) and
Looking pale.
Some of the signs that may indicate anemia in an individual may include:
Change in stool color, including black and tarry stools (sticky and
foul smelling), maroon-colored, or visibly bloody stools if the anemia is due
to blood loss through the gastrointestinal tract :
rapid heart rate
Low blood pressure
Rapid breathing
Pale or cold skin;
Yellow skin called jaundice if anemia is due to red blood cell
Heart murmur and
Enlargement of the spleen with certain causes of anemia.
General fatigue
Pale skin
Shortness of breath
Strange cravings to eat items that aren’t food, such as dirt, ice, or
A tingling or crawling feeling in the legs
Tongue swelling or soreness
Cold hands and feet
Fast or irregular heartbeat
Brittle nails
Symptoms of Megaloblastic Anemia
Shortness of breath
Muscle weakness
Abnormal paleness of the skin
Glossitis (swollen tongue)
Loss of appetite/weight loss
Fast heartbeat
Smooth or tender tongue
Tingling in hands and feet
Numbness in extremities
chest pain
weight loss
an unsteady gait
spasticity, which is stiffness and tightness in the muscles
peripheral neuropathy, which is numbness in the arms and legs
progressive lesions of the spinal cord
memory loss
Signs And Symptoms Of Anemia In Toddlers
There are several signs of iron deficiency in toddlers, but the most
common symptoms are :
Look for paleness in your baby’s skin, lips or nail beds. Paleness
tells you that not enough red blood cells and oxygen are circulating in your
baby's blood. Some babies can even take on a gray or blue tone in very
serious cases. You may not be able to notice paleness in infants until they
have significant anemia, typically hemoglobin levels greater than 7 grams
per deciliter (g/dL). Schedule an appointment for your baby to see his
pediatrician if you notice paleness.
Decreased Appetite
Babies with anemia become tired easily and may be too weak to
properly suck. If you notice your baby has a decreased appetite, begin
taking notes of how often and for how long your baby nurses. Or, if your
baby drinks formula, make note of the volume of formula your baby drinks
at each feeding. Share this information with your pediatrician.
Excessive Sleeping or Fatigue
Does your baby seem unusually cranky when she is awake? If she
has anemia, your infant may be over-tired, or hungry but too weak to eat.
This can make a baby become more irritable than normal. Ask your doctor
if your baby’s irritability maybe a sign of underlying anemia.
Fatigue easily
Appear pale
Develop palpitations (feeling of heart racing)
Become short of breath
Hair loss
Malaise (general sense of feeling unwell)
Worsening of heart problems
It is worth noting that if anemia is longstanding (chronic anemia),
the body may adjust to low oxygen levels and the individual may not feel
different unless the anemia becomes severe. On the other hand, if the
anemia occurs rapidly (acute anemia), the patient may experience
significant symptoms relatively quickly, and even with relative mild
fluctuations of hemoglobin levels.
shortness of breath
muscle weakness
abnormal paleness of the skin
glossitis (swollen tongue)
loss of appetite/weight loss
fast heartbeat
smooth or tender tongue
tingling in hands and feet
numbness in extremities