MacBAT-5 Data-Sheet EN V9-Publisher

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MacBAT 5.

Technical Book.

Gas volume and energy electronic conversion device with integrated

GSM 2G/3G/4G LTE modem

PLUM Sp. z.o.o. reserves the right to introduce amendments in construction of the devices, without prior notice. 12 20
05 20
Functions indicated above are for illustrative purpose only, they are adjusted depending on Manufacturer/Producer and software of system concerned.
Contracting entity is obliged to inform PLUM Sp. z.o.o. of required functionalities.

MacBAT 5 is a gas volume corrector that enables PTZ, PT or T

conversion. The device is designed to measure volume, energy and flow
of gas. Primarily battery powered with the possibility to connect external
power supply. The device converts the volume of gas counted by the gas
meter (turbine, rotary, ultrasonic) into the base conditions. Gas
compressibility factor is calculated with the use of algorithms SGERG-88,
MGERG-88, AGA8-92DC, AGA8-G1, AGA8-G2, AGA NX-19 mod or
constant value of relative compression factor. MacBAT 5 is an intrinsically
safe device ready to be installed in explosive hazardous zone 0.

Gas volume and energy

electronic conversion device
with integrated GSM
2G/3G/4G LTE modem.

+ Industrial housing cooperates with various types of gas meter

like turbine, rotary, ultrasonic directly by LF, HF, Namur,
Encoder, Wiegand

+ 4 independent serial transmission ports (2xRS485 + OPTICAL

INTERFACE 62056-21+ NFC IEC 14443)

+ Built-in GSM/GPRS modem (option)

+ Backlight graphic display

+ 6 configurable binary Ex inputs


+ 2 configurable binary NAMUR Ex inputs (operating

on battery mode)

+ Binary and frequency outputs

+ Internal or external pressure transducers available

+ More than 10 years of archive registered data

storage (with monthly sampling interval)
Technical data.
Dimensions / weight 206x194x76 mm / 1,3 kg

Housing material Polycarbonate enclosure (version 1) or metal (version 2)

Relative humidity Max 95% at temp. 70oC

Ambient temperature range -25°C up to 70°C

Housing protection class IP 66 (for outdoor installation)

Keyboard 6 pushbuttons (version 1) or 18 pushbuttons (version 2)

Display LCD - graphic 4” with backlight

Ex classification II 1 G Ex ia IIB T4 Ga Certificate FTZU 17 ATEX 0047X

Internal EVC supply D-size lithium battery 3,6V/17Ah (up to 3 batteries in version without modem), operating time: One battery: 5 years

Internal GSM supply Two D-size lithium batteries 3,6V/17Ah, operating time: 5 years (two communications per day)

External supply Intrinsically safe power supply and transmission interface INT-S3 (RS485, Supply output 5.7V, 2 digital inputs/outputs, Supply input 11÷30V DC)

Transmission protocols
Other protocols can be used on request.
Technical data.
• 2 independent serial transmission ports, speed up to 256 000 b/s: COM1, COM2 standard RS-485
• Optical Interface IEC 62056-21
Transmission ports
• NFC interface IEC 14443

Environment conditions class


Adjustable by authorized service personnel, available options:

• Base pressure (absolute) pb: range (1,00÷1,02) bar, default 1,01325 bar
Base conditions
• Base temperature Tb: range (270÷300) K, default 273,15K (0°C)
• Reference temperature for combustion process T1: range (270÷300) K, default 298,15K (25°C)

The maximum permissible error 0,5 % at reference conditions

(MPE) according to standard 1 % at nominal operating conditions
„EN 12405-1” typical error < 0,15%

The maximum permissible error

(MPE) according to standard ECD Class A
„EN 12405-2”

Used algorithms for calculations

SGERG-88, MGERG-88, AGA8-92 Detailed Composition, AGA8-G1, AGA8-G2, AGA NX-19 modconstant compression factor K1
of compression factor

• Data registered periodically: logging interval from 1 up to 60 minutes – 24000 records

• Hourly data: more than 2 years
Registration periods • Daily data: more than 3 years
• Monthly data: more than 10 years
• Events memory: approximately 4000 records (segmented for 2 sectors)
Technical data.
DE-19-MI002-PTB004 - PLUM PTZ converter
Meets the requirements of
DE-19-MI002-PTB005 - PLUM T converter
standard 2014/32/UE (MID)
DE-19-M-PTB-0032 - PLUM load recorder

• 6 Ex digital inputs - to cooperate with Potential-free junctions, shared with:

- 2 LF inputs, frequency 0÷60Hz, reed contact, WIEGAND
- 1 TS tamper protection switch (closed by default)
• 2 Ex digital inputs, NAMUR type, shared with:
- 2 HF inputs, frequency 0÷5000Hz EN60947-5-6, a possibility of temporary work on battery
- 1 ENCODER (NAMUR type)
• Pressure sensor p1 (internal or external) - measurement range in standard option - up to 6 bar. End of the sensor is a metric screw thread
M12 x 1.5 (Ermeto), pressure ranges: 0.8÷6 / 0.8÷10 / 2÷10 / 4÷20 / 7÷35 / 4÷70 / 10÷70 / 10÷100 / bar abs. Maximum permissible errors for
measurements of p
20 °C (± 3 °C) (-25 ÷ 55) °C

± 0,2 % of measured value ± 0,35 % of measured value

• Temperature sensor Pt1000 class A or B, 2-wire or 4-wire (with the cable length compensation), diameter 5,7 mm.

20 °C (± 3 °C) (-25 ÷ 70) °C

± 0,08 % ± 0,13 %

• Pressure sensor p2 (internal, optional) – absolute or gauge, ranges from 0÷100 mbar g to 10÷100 bar abs
• 2 digital pressure or temperature transducers (external, working on battery mode)

• 4 Ex digital outputs (separated):

Control outputs - 1x configurable - binary or frequency (0-5000Hz), Counters: Vb ,Vm , E
- 3x configurable binary
Technical scheme.
1. Direct transfer of data to system – Data readout through 2. Remote data readout – connection through communication interfaces INT-S3, RTU controller independen-
internal GSM/GPRS modem with the use of internal batteries tly

2. Local readout and configuration

Technical scheme.
4. Process of measurement using MacBAT 5 5. Process of measurement using MacBAT 5 and turbine gas meter
(with external pressure sensor) and rotary gas meter

poprzez interfejs komunikacyjny INT-S3 oraz moduł rozsze-

rzeń EM-1

INT-S3. EM-1. EM-2.

Transmission interface. Extension module. Extension module.

Performs as an external power supply to the Extends the functionality of MacBAT 5 by adding two Extends the functionality of the MacBAT 5 by adding
intrinsically safe measurement device (located in additional current outputs operating in 4-20mA eight additional digital inputs that operate as a
stationary telemetric systems supplied from 11-30V current loop and four binary relay type outputs. Can namur type or cooperate with Potential-free
DC or a battery that is located in explosive zone 0, 1, operate as a standalone device as it has its own connector. Can also operate as a standalone device as
or 2). Additionally, data is transmittable to a readout parameters that can be modified remotely using it has its own table of parameters for remote
device (i.e. computer) via RS485 port. MODBUS RTU transmission protocols. Data readout modification using MODBUS RTU transmission
and modification can be performed with the use of protocols. Data readout and modification can be
SCADA system. performed with the use of SCADA system.

OptoBTEx. ConfIT!. eWebTEL.

Optical-Bluetooth Interface. Software & mobile application. Software.

Communication interface OptoBTEx is a wireless ConfIT! Is a software designed for configuration and An online platform for Graphical visualization of
data transmitter with IEC 62056-21 compatible diagnostic of PLUM devices. The user-friendly aggregated data collected from monitored gas
devices. The transmission is performed via Bluetooth graphic interface allows basic and extended network (i.e. resolvers, manometers and recorders,
2.1+EDR Class 2 for Android devices (smartphones, configuration. Interface based on devices’ profiles geo-location of devices). Provides breakdown of
tablets). It also has ability to for wired USB can be easily adapted to customer requirements. recorded: history of consumption by each consumer,
communication via microUSB cable. Every modified value is highlighted so the end user is hourly peaks, time and quantity of failure
aware of every unsaved configuration. ConfIT! occurrences, history of parameter values that define
supports local firmware upgrade in PLUM devices the condition of gas network.
without additional interfaces. It also stores a list of
previously connected devices and allows for quick
navigation between them.
MacBAT 5.

PLUM Sp. z o.o.

ul. Wspolna 19, Ignatki
16-001 Kleosin

[email protected]

Version: MacBAT 5_data sheet_EN_v9-publisher, 12.05.2020

National Waste Database No.: 000009381

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