For Philhealth Use: Philhealth No. Employer Tin
For Philhealth Use: Philhealth No. Employer Tin
For Philhealth Use: Philhealth No. Employer Tin
Print names of Employees in alphabetical order; write Family Name first; Given Name and Middle Name as they pronounced. 20 23,000.00 to 23,999.99 23,000.00 575.00 287.50 287.50
For instance, the names JULIAN SALVADOR DELA CRUZ , LILIA BERNARDO DELOS SANTOS. and MARIA LAGDAMEO DE 21 24,000.00 to 24,999.99 24,000.00 600.00 300.00 300.00
GUIA should be written as DELA CRUZ, JULIAN SALVADOR; DELOS SANTOS LILIA BERNARDO; and DE GUIA MARIA 22 25,000.00 to 25,999.99 25,000.00 625.00 312.50 312.50
LAGDAMEO; also, names with suffixes such as Jr., Sr., III, etc. should always be written after the family name. Do not skip lines
23 26,000.00 to 26,999.99 26,000.00 650.00 325.00 325.00
when listing down theIr names. Write "NOTHING FOLLOWS" on the line immediately following the last listed employee.
24 27,000.00 to 27,999.99 27,000.00 675.00 337.50 337.50
BOX 7 Indicate the corresponding PhilHealth Identification No. (PIN) opposite the respective names of your employees. IF WITHOUT 25 28,000.00 to 28,999.99 28,000.00 700.00 350.00 350.00
PIN, The employer shall be required to attach the properly accomplished Registration Forms (M1a) including the 26 29,000.00 to 29,999.99 29,000.00 725.00 362.50 362.50
supporting document/s for declared dependent/s if any and ER2s to faciliate PIN issuance and registration.
27 30,000.00 and up 30,000.00 750.00 375.00 375.00
BOX 8 Indicate your employees' respective Monthly Salary Bracket (MSB) corresponding to the Monthly Salary Range where the
employee’s monthly salary falls. Please refer to the Monthly Premium Contribution Schedule for your reference. Corresponding
MSB left unaccomplished shall mean that the employee’s compensation for the particular period shall belong to the highest COPY DISTRIBUTION
bracket. st nd rd th
Form No. of Copies 1 2 3
BOX 9 Indicate the corresponding Personal Share (PS) and Employer Share (ES) on the boxes provided for each remittance. The total
premium contribution (PS + ES) for the month must fall within the prescribed bracket. RF-1 2 PHIC PAYOR X X
BOX 10 In the "Member Status" column indicate the "S" if the employee is separated, "NE" if with no earnings and "NH" if employee is
newly hired.
Supply needed information on the "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIPTS (ME-5/POR/OR/PAR)" boxes. Indicate in the DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION OF FORMS
BOX 11
corresponding box the acknowledgement receipts no. (i.e ME-5 Reconciliation No., found in the lower left portion of the ME-5 th
Every 15 day after the applicable month
form for the month. Total Monthly Premium to be indicated opposite the applicable month coverage in the ME-5/POR/OR/PAR
should also tally with the amount reflected in the RF-1).
BOX 12 Add all contribution in the Personal Share (PS) column and Employer Share (ES) column, for each month and reflect the sum in Submit Original Copy of this duly accomplished form with the corresponding copies of the validated ME-5/ OR/POR/
the "Subtotal" box for each page. Consequently, add all subtotals/page totals and reflect sum in the "Grand Total" box in the PAR to the Collection Section of the respective NCR-Service Offices for payors within the NCR or to Service Offices
last sheet of the accomplished RF-1 to indicate total amount of contributions paid for the applicable month. (SOs)/PhilHealth Regional Offices (PROs) for payors outside NCR. The Duplicate copy of this form shall be the
Payor’s Copy. Deadline of payment contributions shall be on the 10 day after the applicable month. Employers who
BOX 13 Affix signature and print complete name, designation and date of certification of authorized officer certifying the fail to comply with the above requirements shall be subjected to the penalties provided under Article X, R.A.7875
report. BOX 14 Always indicate page number and total number of pages at each of the form.