CSS322Y09S2E01 Midterm Exam Answers
CSS322Y09S2E01 Midterm Exam Answers
CSS322Y09S2E01 Midterm Exam Answers
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Questions [100 marks]
Question 1 [11 marks]
a) Given the ciphertext and key below, find the plaintext if the Playfair cipher was used. x is
the special character used for padding and i and j are treated as the same character. [4 marks]
C = eiioqoyldc
K = security
P = ______________________ (write your final answer here; show
your calculations below)
With K = security the Playfair matrix is:
s e c u r
i/j t y a b
d f g h k
l m n o p
q v w x z
Considering the ciphertext C, find the pairs of input plaintext:
C= ei io qo yl dc
P= st al xl in gs
P = stalxlings
As there are two l's separated by an x, remove the special padding character x to get the original
P = stallings
b) The following ciphertext was obtained by encrypting the original plaintext P with a
Rows/Column Transposition cipher using a key K. No padding was necessary. What is the
original plaintext and key K? (Hint: the 5th character of the plaintext is y; Note: this question
may take you a long time – complete other questions before attempting a brute force attack)
[7 marks]
K = ____________________
P = _____________________________________________________
(write your final answers above; show calculations below)
There are 25 characters. Since no padding is used that means the 25 characters must evenly be
divided across the columns. The practical option is only: 5 rows by 5 columns. Hence write
every 5 characters in a column.
r m y e r
a x a m s
a n a d h
y p e p n
e w r y a
Now we need to choose the correct ordering of columns. Consider the first 5 letters: rmyer.
How can they be arranged? The hint says the 5th character is an y. The possible arrangements
rmery rmrey rremy rrmey remry rermy
mrery mrrey merry
emrry ermry errmy
Of these, merry is the only word that makes sense, so lets try it. Possible ordering of columns
m e r r y
x m s a a
n d h a a
p p n y e
w y a e r
m e r r y
x m a s a
n d a h a
p p y n e
w y e a r
The second ordering gives a readable plaintext message: merry xmas and a happy new year.
The key is: 24153.
Question 2 [14 marks]
Consider a modified Vigenere cipher where the set of characters are the hexadecimal digits
(instead of letters from the English alphabet).
a) If Pi is the ith digit of the plaintext, Ci is the ith digit of the ciphertext, and Ki is the ith digit
of the key, write equations for the encryption and decryption operations: [4 marks]
E(Pi,Ki) = Ci = _________________________________________
D(Ci,Ki) = Pi = _________________________________________
E(Pi,Ki) = Ci = (Pi + Ki) mod 16
D(Ci,Ki) = Pi = (Ci - Ki) mod 16
C = ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (write final answer here; show calculations below)
P 3 A E 6 0 A 3
K 1 7 E 1 7 E 1
C 4 1 C 7 7 8 4
c) A polyalphabetic cipher such as the above Vigenere is stronger against letter frequency
analysis when compared to a monoalphabetic cipher like Caesar. Explain why (hint: the
answer in part (b) may help). [2 marks]
With a monoalphabetic cipher the same input plaintext character will always encrypt to the
same ciphertext letter. Hence it is easy to count the frequencies of letters in the ciphertext and
determine the mapping from the expected frequency of letters in the plaintext. With a
polyalphabetic cipher the same input plaintext letter often will not encrypt to the same
ciphertext letter. For example, above A encrypts to 1 and 8, because the key changes.
d) Despite being stronger than monoalphabetic ciphers, the Vigenere cipher is still subject to
letter frequency attacks. Explain why (hint: the answer in part (b) may help). [2 marks]
With long plaintext and short keys, repetitions in the key may lead to occurrences of the same
input plaintext character encrypting to the same ciphertext letter. For example, above 3 maps to
4 and because the the short, repeated key, 3 maps to 4 again at the end. This pattern can be
exploited for letter/diagram frequency analysis.
e) Can the modified Vigenere cipher in this question be used as a one-time pad. If yes, then
explain how. If no, then explain why not. [3 marks]
The key must be the same length as the input plaintext.
The key must be random.
The key must be changed for each encryption.
Question 3 [10 marks]
Consider a block cipher, called A, shown in the table below. The table gives the ciphertext C
produced when encrypting the plaintext P with one of the four keys.
P K 00 01 10 11
0000 1111 0000 0101 0001
0001 0001 0010 1001 0111
0010 1010 0101 0111 1000
0011 0111 1010 0010 1111
0100 1000 1001 1100 0101
0101 1100 1110 1011 1010
0110 1011 0111 1110 0100
0111 0000 1111 0001 1110
1000 1110 0001 1101 0110
1001 1001 0011 1000 1011
1010 0100 1100 0000 1101
1011 0110 1101 0100 1001
1100 0101 0100 0110 0010
1101 1101 0110 1111 0000
1110 0010 1000 0011 1100
1111 0011 1011 1010 0011
Using cipher A and one of the following modes of operation, decrypt the ciphertext C with key K:
C 1101 0100 1100 0100
K 00
In all cases assume any initial values are 0. Write your answers below and show the calculations
in the space provided:
a) Counter: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
b) CBC: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
= 0010
Block 2: E(0001,00) = 0001
P2 = C2 XOR 0001
= 0101
Block 3: E(0010,00) = 1010
P3 = C3 XOR 1010
= 0110
Block 4: E(0011,00) = 0111
P4 = C4 XOR 0111
= 0011
P = 0010 0101 0110 0011
Question 4 [12 marks]
In all parts of this question assume an attacker can identify the correct plaintext when performing
Consider a block cipher B with n-bit plaintext input and a k-bit key. Assume an encrypt operation
takes 1µs and a decrypt operation takes 1µs.
a) In the worst case, how many microseconds (µs) will it take an attacker to find the
plaintext/key if a brute force attack is applied on cipher B? [2 marks]
2k µs
Consider a block cipher, Double-B, which involves applying the block cipher B two times (e.g.
encrypt the plaintext to obtain a temporary value, then encrypt the temporary value to obtain the
ciphertext), each time using a potentially different k-bit key.
b) In the worst case, how many microseconds (µs) will it take an attacker to find the
plaintext/key if a brute force attack is applied on cipher Double-B? [2 marks]
22k µs
d) Show how the meet-in-the-middle attack works by applying it against Double-A, where
cipher A is given in Question 3. Use the attack to find the key used if the attacker already
knows the (plaintext, ciphertext) pairs:
(1110, 0111)
(0100, 1101)
Explain clearly the steps applied by the attacker and how the key is identified. [6 marks]
Using the first known (plaintext, ciphertext) pair, the attacker attempts a brute force on the input
1110 K=00 => X1p =0010
1110 K=01 => X2p =1000
1110 K=10 => X3p =0011
1110 K=11 => X4p =1100
Then using the output ciphertext the attacker decrypts:
1101 K=00 => X1c = 0011
1101 K=01 => X2c = 0110
1101 K=10 => X3c = 0010
1101 K=11 => X4c = 0001
There are two values of X that match: X1p and X3c (K = 0010); and X3p and X1c (K = 1000).
The attacker can try again with the second (plaintext, ciphertext) pair, considering those
possible keys:
0100 K=00 => X =1000 1101 K=10 => X = 1000
0100 K=10 => X =1100 1101 K=00 => X = 1101
Only K = 0010 produces a correct value of X and hence this is the key.
Question 5 [9 marks]
Assuming the output of the first application (round) of fK of S-DES is 00101011 and K2 is
10111001, what is the output ciphertext? You may use the information below (note: you need to
determine IP-1 yourself).
C = ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(write your final answer above; show calculations on next page)
IP: 2 6 3 1 4 8 5 7 E/P: 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 P4: 2 4 3 1
[ ] [ ]
01 00 11 10 00 01 10 11
11 10 01 00 10 00 01 11
S0= S1=
00 10 01 11 11 00 01 00
11 01 11 10 10 01 00 11
00101011 K2: 10111001
Swap halves: 10110010
E/P on right half: 00010100
XOR with K2: 10101101
Output of S0: 10
Output of S1: 00
P4: 0001
XOR with left half: 1010
IP-1 [4 1 3 5 7 2 8 6]: 01101000
Ciphertext: 01101000
Question 6 [16 marks]
Consider a network containing 100 hosts. Each host runs 3 network applications (a file sharing
application, voice call application, and instant messaging application), and each application
should be able to communicate with the corresponding application on any other host (e.g. voice
on host 1 with voice on host 2; but not voice on host 1 with file sharing on host 2).
a) If host-level symmetric key security is required in the network, what is the maximum
number of session keys needed? [2 marks]
Each host must have a session key with every other host. Total session keys = 100 x 99 / 2 =
4950 keys.
The figure below shows a typical key distribution protocol when using a Key Distribution Centre
(KDC). Assume the nonce values, N1 and N2, are chosen randomly by the sender.
c) Considering only host-level symmetric key security, how many master keys are needed for
the network of 100 hosts? [2 marks]
Each host must exchange a master key with the KDC. Therefore 100 master keys.
d) In the key distribution protocol, what information must be known by the KDC before step 1
can occur? [2 marks]
KDC must know the IDs and master keys of A and B: IDA, IDB, Ka, Kb.
e) Explain why an attacker, after intercepting message (2), does not know the value of Ks. [2
The first instance of Ks is encrypted with Ka and the second instance is encrypted with Kb. The
attacker does not know either Ka or Kb and therefore cannot determine Ks.
f) Explain the purposes of messages (4) and (5), including what type of attack they can
prevent, how they can be used to prevent an attack (e.g. how the attack is detected), and
what is an appropriate function F. [4 marks]
The messages are used to prevent an attacker replaying message (3), masquerading as A. If the
attacker replays (3) then B will respond with a nonce value encrypted with Ks. B expects a
reply containing the function F of the nonce value, where the function may be incrementing the
value by 1. Since the attacker cannot determine the nonce value, it cannot send back the valid
g) Explain an advantage of using the KDC based approach for key distribution. [1 mark]
Automates the distribution of session keys, so that only Master keys need to exchanged
h) Explain a disadvantage of using the KDC based approach for key distribution. [1 mark]
Requires the KDC to be trusted. If the KDC is compromised then the security of the system
fails. The KDC can be a performance bottleneck in the system.
Question 7 [10 marks]
The following information may (or may not) be useful in this question:
Fermat's theorem: ap ≡ a (mod p) if p is prime
Euler's theorem: aФ(n)+1 ≡ a (mod n)
First 20 prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71
a) Find the answer of 543433 mod 3551. Show your calculations (e.g. explain which theorem(s)
can be used and why; do not use a calculator). [5 marks]
Using Euler's theorem, if n is 3551, then find Ф(3551). It is difficult to find this manually, but
if we notice that 3551 is in fact 53x67 (multiplication of 2 prime numbers) then Ф(3551). =
52x66 = 3432. Therefore the statement is in the form of Euler's theorem which says the answer
is 54.
b) Show that 760 ≡ 34 (mod 47). Show your calculations (e.g. do not use a calculator). [5
760 mod 47 = (72 mod 47)30 mod 47
= 230 mod 47
= (26 mod 47)5 mod 47
= (17 mod 47)(289 mod 47)(289 mod 47) mod 47
= 17 x (7 x 7 mod 47) mod 47
= 34 mod 47
= 34
Question 8 [8 marks]
a) List the names of five security services desired in computer networks. For each service,
explain what the service means. [5 marks]
Authentication: assure message and communicating parties are authenticate.
Confidentiality: keep message contents private/secret.
Integrity: assure data is not modified during transmission.
Non-repudiation: prevent sender or receiver from denying communications took place.
Access control: limit and control access to resources.
Availability: assure that the system is available to users.
b) Describe one passive and one active attack that can occur in computer networks. [3 marks]
Active attack
Passive attack
Authentication: masquerade – attacker pretends to be someone else (active)
Confidentiality: release message contents – an attacker intercepts messages and reads their
contents (passive)
Integrity: modification – attacker modifies messages (active)
Non-repudiation: modification – an attacker modifies a message after being received to be able
to deny receiving a particular message (active)
Access control: masquerade attacker pretends to be someone else in order to avoid access
control mechanisms (active)
Availability: denial of service – an attacker overloads the computer system so it is no longer
available (active).
Question 9 [10 marks]
Suppose A and B want to confirm that they are both in possession of the same secret key.
Consider this scheme to provide such confirmation: A creates a random sequence of bits the
length of the key, XORs the random bits with the key, and sends the result over the network to B.
B XORs the received bits with B's key (which is supposed to be the same as A's key) and sends
back the result. A compares the received result with the original random bits to determine if the
keys held by A and B are the same. In this scheme, neither A nor B transmit the key over the
a) Prove that the scheme works. (that is, if the keys held by A and B are the same, then A can
confirm this; and if they are different, A will detect this). [6 marks]
Lets define:
R = random bits
Ka = key held by A
Kb = key held by B
Mab = message sent by A to B
Mba = message sent by B to A
The scheme works as follows:
At A: Mab = R ⊕ Ka
A sends Mab to B
At B: Mba = Mab ⊕ Kb
B sends Mba to A
At A: A compares Mba with R; if they are equal, then Ka = Kb. Why?
The property of ⊕ is: if A ⊕ B = C then A = B ⊕ C
So if Ka = Kb, then Mab = R ⊕ Ka and Mba = Mab ⊕ Ka = R ⊕ Ka ⊕ Ka = R ⊕ 0 = R
b) Show how an attacker can take advantage of this scheme to discover the secret key. [4
If the attacker intercepts the two messages, they can find Ka (assuming keys are the same):
Mab = R ⊕ Ka and Mba = Mab ⊕ Ka = R
Mab ⊕ Mba = R ⊕ Ka ⊕ R = Ka