Text Readings Core Principles Assignments Learning Outcomes

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Lecture Text Core Principles Assignments Learning

Readings Outcomes
Lecture 1 Chapter 1 i.) consumer Chp.1 1. understand
Hawkins, behaviour the basics of
Consumer Mothersbaugh Questions: 4, consumer
Behavior and & Best 10th ii.) marketing 5, 13, 14, 15, behavior
Marketing strategy 18, 23, 25
Strategy 2. what is
iii.) customer customer
value value
Marketing iv.) market 3. relationship
Research analysis & between CB
Presentation segmentation & Marketing
and Bi-Weekly Strategy
Marketing v.) consumer
Analysis decision process 4. understand
the consumer

Lecture 2 Chapter 2 i.) culture in Chp.2 1. understand

Hawkins, consumer what culture is
Cross-Cultural Mothersbaugh behaviour Questions: 1,
Variation in & Best 10th 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 2. how does
Consume ii.) norms & 15, culture influence
Behavior cultural values behavior

Discuss iii.) variations 3. understand

Developing in the cultural values
Marketing communication
Plan system 4. understand
iv.) marketing variation
Designing a research
Questionair 5. develop a
Doing Market approach to
Research designing
Lecture 3 Chapter 3 & 4 i.) consumer Chp.3 & 4 1. understand
Hawkins, values and societies are
Values: Mothersbaugh behaviour Questions changing
Changing of the & Best 10th Chp. 3
Chinese Society ii.) green 2. understand that
marketing 1, 4, 8, 10, 17 societies are
Demographics multi-
and Social iii.) cause Chp. 4 dimensional
Stratification related
marketing 1, 2, 9, 11, 16, 3. the role society
18 plays in
iv.) using marketing
demographics strategy
for MS
4. understanding
v.) stratification demographics
of groups of influence in CB
5. understand
vi.) social class social

6. how social
class influences
Lecture 4 Chapter 5 & 6 i.) subcultures Chp. 5 & 6 1. understand
Hawkins, & groups subcultures
Subcultures: Mothersbaugh Questions within society
Changing of the & Best 10th ii.) ethnic Chp. 5
Chinese Society subgroups 2. how identify
1, 4, 7, 23 ethnic subgroups
Families and iii.) regional
Households subcultures & Chp. 6 3. understand the
ethnic groups ethnic groups in
2, 4, 6, 10, 15, China
Marketing iv.) household 17, 20
Analysis life cycle 4. importance of
Assignment household on CB
v.) family
decision making 5. know what a
vi.) consumer lifecycle is
socialization &
its influence on 6. role of
children households on
Lecture 5 &6 Chapter 7 i.) group Chp. 7 1. understand
Hawkins, formation reference group
Group Mothersbaugh Questions: 2, influence
Influences on & Best 10th ii.) conformity 3, 4, 7, 13, 20,
Consumer 22, 24, 26 2. subculture
Behavior iii.) consumptions
consumption influence on MS
3. group
Marketing iv.) communications
Research communication: influence on MS
Review group influence
4. influence of
v.) innovation opinion leaders
5. diffusion

6. develop MS
Lecture 7 & 8 Chapter 8 i.) perception Chp. 8 1. understand
Hawkins, exposure nature of
Perception Mothersbaugh Questions: 1, perception
& Best 10th ii.) attention & 2, 3, 5, 6, 9,
stimulus factors 14, 17, 18, 22, 2. understand
23, 25 nature of
iii.) individual & exposure
factors 3. understand
nature of
iv.) attention
cognitive & 4. understand
affective nature of
v.) consumer
inferences 5. developing
strategies base on
Lecture 9 & 10 Chapter 9 i.) consumer Chp. 9 1. know the
Hawkins, learning strengths of
Learning, Mothersbaugh Questions: learning
Memory and & Best 10th ii.) memory:
Product short-term/long- 2. Understand the
Positioning term theories of
iii.) low & high
involvement 3. role of low &
Marketing learning high involvement
Analysis Due learning
iv.) classical
conditioning 4. how memory
v.) operant
conditioning 5. competitive
vi.) cognitive
learning 6. how to develop
vii.) memory positioning
inferences strategies

viii.) brand 7. importance of

equity brand equity

Lecture 11 & Chapter 10 i.) consumer Chp. 10 1. understand

12 Hawkins, motivation nature of
Mothersbaugh theories Questions: motivation
Motivation, & Best 10th
Personality, and ii.) consumer 2. motivation for
Emotion needs purchasing
iii.) consumer
personality 3. understand
nature of
iv.) brand personality
4. understand
v.) emotion nature of emotion

vi.) consumption 5. role all play in

process the consumption

Lecture 13 Chapter 11 i.) attitudes & Chp. 11 1. Understanding

Hawkins, lifestyles attitudes & how
Attitudes and Mothersbaugh they function
Influencing & Best 10th ii.) components:
Attitudes cognitive, 2. know
affective, components of
behavioral attitude

iii.) source 3. how

credibility communication
can be influenced
iv.) emotional by attitudes
4. how attitudes
Tutorial Test v.) message can segment
Chap, 1 -- 10 effectiveness markets

5. how to develop

6. how to
analysis attitudes
and make
Lecture 14 Chapter 12 i.) self-concept: Chp. 12 1. understand
Hawkins, belief oneself nature of self-
Self-Concept Mothersbaugh concept
and Lifestyle & Best 10th ii.) lifestyles
2. relationship
iii.) self-concept &
psychographics lifestyle

iv.) VALS 3. lifestyle

influence on
v.) geo- purchases
Marketing demographics
Analysis 4. understand
Assignment #2 psychographics

5. nature of
Lecture 15 Chapter 13 i.) situational Chp. 13 1. understand the
Hawkins, influences influences of
Situational Mothersbaugh situational
Influences & Best 10th ii.) situational influences on the
characteristics consumer

iii.) individual 2. know the

characteristics characteristics of
iv.) marketing
activities 3. how marketing
is influenced by
v.) consumption consumer
responses characteristics

4. how to develop
a situational
based marketing

Lecture 16 Chapter 14 i.) types of Chp. 14 1. understand the
Hawkins, consumer different types of
Consumer Mothersbaugh decisions consumer
Decision & Best 10th decisions
Process and ii.) problem
Problem recognition 2. how
Recognition consumers
iii.) types of recognize a need
problems 3. what the types
of consumer
iv.) problems are
determinants 4. what are
v.) decision determinants in
making problem

5. determining
decision making

Lecture 17 Chapter 15 i.) nature of Chp. 15 1. what is the

Hawkins, information value of
Information Mothersbaugh information
Search & Best 10th ii.) type of
information 2. understanding
the types of
iii.) sources of information
3. where to find
iv.) internal & information
information 4. cost vs. benefit
of searching for
v.) cost of info
search 5. know the
various strategies
vi.) strategies for information
for searching searching

Lecture 18 Chapter 16 i.) consumer Chp. 16 1. how

Hawkins, decision making consumers make
Alternative Mothersbaugh process choices
Evaluation and & Best 10th
Selection ii.) evaluating 2. how to
criteria consumers
evaluate criteria
iii.) individual
judgement 3. understanding
iv.) decision judgement
4. know the
v.) scientific various decision
approach to rules of CB
analysis of
consumer 5. understand the
decision making research into the
behaviour of

Lecture 19 Chapter 17 i.) outlet vs. Chp. 17 1. understand the

Hawkins, product choice concept of outlet
Outlet Selection Mothersbaugh and product
and Purchases & Best 10th ii.) retailing choice

iii.) attributes of 2. how retailing

retailing influences
Marketing customers
Analysis #2 iv.) consumer
Due characteristics 3. understand
and outlet what attributes
choice influence
retailing image
v.) in-store and
online 4. how consumer
influences characteristics
influence outlet

5. understand
what in-store and
influence CB

Lecture 20 Chapter 18 i.) post purchace Chp. 18 1. what is

Hawkins, dissonance cognitive
Post Purchase Mothersbaugh dissonance
Process, & Best 10th ii.) product use
Customer and non use 2. disposition of
Satisfaction and consumers
Customer iii.) disposition
Commitiment 3. how
iv.) purchase consumers
evaluation evaluate products

v.) customer 4. understand the

Marketing satisfaction & reasons for
Analysis Due dissatisfaction satisfaction and
vi.) repeat
purchase and 5. why
commitment consumers by

Lecture Text Core Principles Assignments Learning

Readings Outcomes
Lecture 21 Chapter 19 i.) Chp.19 1. understand
Hawkins, organizational how
Organizational Mothersbaugh purchase organizations
Buyer Behavior & Best 10th process make purchasing
organizational 2. what influence
culture organization
culture has on the
iii.) external purchase
factors decision
influencing org
culture 3. understand the
influences of
iv.) internal external and
factors internal factors in
influencing org the org. culture
Lecture 22 Chapter 20 i.) regulations Chp.20 1. understand
Hawkins, for children why we need to
Marketing Mothersbaugh regulate
Regulation and & Best 10th ii.) ability of marketing to
Consumer children to children
Behavior comprehend
2. what activities
iii.) are allowed and
controversial not allowed for
marketing to marketing to
children children

iv.) marketing to 3. understand

adults why we need to
marketing to

Lecture 23 Chapter 1. understand the

Summary Class review of need for
Discuss Hawkins, Consumer consumer
Marketing Plan, Mothersbaugh Behavior behaviour
the Consumer & Best 10th research
Process and 2. understand
Development role CB plays in
marketing plans

3. the role CB
plays in

4. understanding
influence in CB
5. understand the
need for

Lecture 24 Chapter
Marketing Mothersbaugh
Paper & Best 10th

Final Exam
Chapters 11-20

Consumer Behavior – Course Outline and Schedule

Instructor: Dean Kruger, MBA, Ph.D.

Start Date: April, 2008

End: May, 2008

Course Detail: The course Consumer Behavior is intended to present students with the
basic principles and strategies of Consumer Behavior and Research. Some understanding
of business and marketing will be needed as a pre-requisite or at least a co-requisite. The
course will use a combination of lectures, tutorials, group assignments/presentations,
tests, quizzes, directed readings, and other media to educate the student. The evaluation
methods will be as present below. The text for the course will be Hawkins,
Mothersbaugh and Bests’ Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy 10th edition.
Additional readings and problems will be directed as required. All lectures will be for
two hours with class discussion, student presentation, or other forms of media such as

Evaluation Methods:
Tutorial Participation – 5% (Personal Consumption Journal)
Assigned Consumer Behavior Analysis Papers (2) – 10 %
Group Presentation – 5%
Final Consumer Behavior Analysis Paper -- 20%
Exams (2) – 60% (20%, 40%)

You are required to attend the weekly tutorials as ALL Quizzes and Exams will be
given during the tutorial sessions. You will be given a set of questions and problems for
each tutorial relevant to the chapters covered in class. You are asked to complete as
many as you can as they will assist you in your Consumer Behavior Analysis and
Research Papers. Some questions will ask for Decision-Making answers. This will
require you to write a short paragraph on your decision. I will grade you on the content,
not the grammar, but if your written papers are to hard to read, I will deduct points.

Assigned Consumer Behavior Analysis Papers:

You will be asked prepare a brief consumer behavior analysis based topics given in class.
You are to use the chapter topics discussed in class to prepare your analysis. You will be
required to turn in a brief two or three page marketing report on your analysis.

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to:

1. Explain the importance of consumer behavior in order to plan marketing strategy

that better satisfies customer needs and wants.
2. Identify the internal or individual factors that affect consumer behavior, needs and
motivation, personality, psychographics, perception, learning and involvement,
and attitudes.
3. Explain the impact of external or group influences on consumer behavior,
reference groups, family, social class, culture and subculture.
4. Explain the steps in consumer purchase decision making and the various
environmental factors that influence this process.
5. Analyze and explain the importance of social responsibility in the marketing
application of consumer behavior theory and the role of ethical marketing conduct
in customer relations.

Content Outline & Competencies:

I. Overview of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy
A. Explain the importance of understanding consumer behavior
B. Describe the methods of consumer analysis

II. Analyzing Internal Influences on Consumer Behavior

A. List and define the steps in consumer problem recognition
B. Illustrate examples of consumer motivation
C. List and explain types of consumer personality and behavior
D. List and explain consumer perceptions
E. Describe product/service development & communications

III. Analyzing External Influences on Consumer Behavior

A. Define and illustrate social class influences
B. Explain the impact of reference groups and family influences
C. Explain the influence of culture and its diversity
D. Illustrate subculture influences
E. Explain cross-cultural (international) influences
F. Define distribution and promotional strategies

IV. Evaluating the Consumer Purchase Decision Making Process

A. List and explain the elements of consumer decision making
B. Illustrate and explain alternative options
C. Define the steps of post-purchase assessment

V. Examining Consumer Behavior and Social Responsibility

A. List and explain the steps in consumer behavior analysis
B. Explain the impact of attitudes and social influences on CB
Consumer Behavior Presentation Outline
DECISION: You will form teams of five students for this project. Once your group has
been established, identify a consumer purchase decision that you will analyze throughout
this project.  For instance, purchasing furniture, cell phone, MP3 player, bicycle, etc, . 
Your work throughout the module will be to analyze the consumer behavior related to
this purchase process and to develop an understanding of the consumers making this kind
of purchase.  Your analysis will require a thorough understanding of consumer behavior
concepts. This knowledge base will grow gradually during the module as we cover new
material.  The project will also require that you seek input from secondary research
sources - CB articles, websites, books, as well as, primary data sources - feedback from
consumers who have engaged in your particular purchase process, input from marketers
involved in the product category and its purchase, and your own firsthand observations
and insights.
The attached project outline provides some probing questions that may be helpful as you
analyze the purchase process and the typical consumer decision making related to that
type of purchase.
Groups will be asked to share feedback with the rest of the class at regular intervals
throughout the term as we cover relevant material and chapters.  At the end of the term
each group will be asked to write a final paper, not to exceed 20 pages, covering key
findings and insights about the purchase process and the consumers engaging in this
process, and an executive summary that focuses on what marketers should know about
consumers and how they approach the purchase.
Each group will then have 20 minutes to present their executive summary and key
findings to the class. 
Groups must be formed by Wed., April 9th.  A project proposal is due Mon., April
14th.  Your group will turn in four rough drafts throughout the term. 
The final paper is due in May at the beginning of our final session.    
Class Presentation        5%         (of final grade)        
Final Paper                  20%        (of final grade)  
Project Total:              25%        (of final grade)                 
Final Project Portfolio must include:
                -final paper with citations in APA form
                -rough drafts of paper with my feedback
                -transcripts of interviews, if used
                -copies of any visuals used in presentation, including PPT slides  
PERSONAL CONSUMPTION JOURNAL(5%): This is an incremental three-part
assignment.  Part One requires that you keep a personal consumption journal for one
week. Parts Two and Three will require you to analyze the data collected in your journal
entries.  Details will be posted on the HHU Edulink website.  Due dates are allocated as
                Part One                 40%  April 17th
                Part Two                April 28th
                Part Three              60 % May 19th

CASES AND EXERCISES (10%):  We will be utilizing a number of end-of-chapter

assignments-questions, cases, activities, as well as, supplemental cases to apply
conceptual material.  As assigned, prepare the case/activity and be ready to discuss it in
class and in some instances, hand in the assignment.   Points will vary.

Grading of Final Paper: total grade is made of two parts:

Total Grade = 30% * Progress Book Grade + 70% * Final Paper Grade
Progress Book Grade. This must be hand-written and will show the progress of
your research. The grade will be out of 100%
Weekly Evaluations. At the end of each week your progress book will be
marked by your tutor. You will be given a grade out of 100% which
 did you meet the week´s goals in terms of progress?
 does the notebook represent research you have done? does it show
the sources you consulted, and are you able to discuss these
sources with your tutor?
 is it written by hand?
You will be given targets of content and volume which will be required to
be met each week.

Final Paper Grade.. You will be given a grade out of 100% for your mini-
marketing plan paper based upon the following:

Content: Your paper must apply relevant topics discussed in class to the
analysis of your chosen product. You should demonstrate proper
integration of reference material and material from appropriate text books.
Each section should contain the elements specified in the assignment
Originality: Originality and creativity that goes beyond the basic course
Style & Presentation: Fluent style, framework is clear, well organized,
Referencing: All sources used in your research and analysis must be
referenced properly. Please only use the Harvard Reference System for
your references and citations.

Relevance of This Paper to Your Overall Grade for the Module.

Part 1: Total 40%

 This paper will be 20% of your final grade.
 This paper will also be the basis for an in-class presentation which will contribute
a further 5% to your grade.
 Class Assignments & Tutorial Participation will be 15% of your final grade.
Part 2: Total 60%
 A mid-class exam will be worth 20% of your grade and a final examination will
be worth 40% of your final grade for the module.
YOU MUST PASS (I.e., get a minimum of 40%) BOTH PARTS in order to pass the
module overall. If you do not pass both parts you will fail, and will be required to
re-do any part that you failed.

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