Text Readings Core Principles Assignments Learning Outcomes
Text Readings Core Principles Assignments Learning Outcomes
Text Readings Core Principles Assignments Learning Outcomes
Readings Outcomes
Lecture 1 Chapter 1 i.) consumer Chp.1 1. understand
Hawkins, behaviour the basics of
Consumer Mothersbaugh Questions: 4, consumer
Behavior and & Best 10th ii.) marketing 5, 13, 14, 15, behavior
Marketing strategy 18, 23, 25
Strategy 2. what is
iii.) customer customer
value value
Marketing iv.) market 3. relationship
Research analysis & between CB
Presentation segmentation & Marketing
and Bi-Weekly Strategy
Marketing v.) consumer
Analysis decision process 4. understand
the consumer
6. how social
class influences
Lecture 4 Chapter 5 & 6 i.) subcultures Chp. 5 & 6 1. understand
Hawkins, & groups subcultures
Subcultures: Mothersbaugh Questions within society
Changing of the & Best 10th ii.) ethnic Chp. 5
Chinese Society subgroups 2. how identify
1, 4, 7, 23 ethnic subgroups
Families and iii.) regional
Households subcultures & Chp. 6 3. understand the
ethnic groups ethnic groups in
2, 4, 6, 10, 15, China
Marketing iv.) household 17, 20
Analysis life cycle 4. importance of
Assignment household on CB
v.) family
decision making 5. know what a
vi.) consumer lifecycle is
socialization &
its influence on 6. role of
children households on
Lecture 5 &6 Chapter 7 i.) group Chp. 7 1. understand
Hawkins, formation reference group
Group Mothersbaugh Questions: 2, influence
Influences on & Best 10th ii.) conformity 3, 4, 7, 13, 20,
Consumer 22, 24, 26 2. subculture
Behavior iii.) consumptions
consumption influence on MS
3. group
Marketing iv.) communications
Research communication: influence on MS
Review group influence
4. influence of
v.) innovation opinion leaders
5. diffusion
6. develop MS
Lecture 7 & 8 Chapter 8 i.) perception Chp. 8 1. understand
Hawkins, exposure nature of
Perception Mothersbaugh Questions: 1, perception
& Best 10th ii.) attention & 2, 3, 5, 6, 9,
stimulus factors 14, 17, 18, 22, 2. understand
23, 25 nature of
iii.) individual & exposure
factors 3. understand
nature of
iv.) attention
cognitive & 4. understand
affective nature of
v.) consumer
inferences 5. developing
strategies base on
Lecture 9 & 10 Chapter 9 i.) consumer Chp. 9 1. know the
Hawkins, learning strengths of
Learning, Mothersbaugh Questions: learning
Memory and & Best 10th ii.) memory:
Product short-term/long- 2. Understand the
Positioning term theories of
iii.) low & high
involvement 3. role of low &
Marketing learning high involvement
Analysis Due learning
iv.) classical
conditioning 4. how memory
v.) operant
conditioning 5. competitive
vi.) cognitive
learning 6. how to develop
vii.) memory positioning
inferences strategies
5. how to develop
6. how to
analysis attitudes
and make
Lecture 14 Chapter 12 i.) self-concept: Chp. 12 1. understand
Hawkins, belief oneself nature of self-
Self-Concept Mothersbaugh concept
and Lifestyle & Best 10th ii.) lifestyles
2. relationship
iii.) self-concept &
psychographics lifestyle
5. nature of
Lecture 15 Chapter 13 i.) situational Chp. 13 1. understand the
Hawkins, influences influences of
Situational Mothersbaugh situational
Influences & Best 10th ii.) situational influences on the
characteristics consumer
4. how to develop
a situational
based marketing
Lecture 16 Chapter 14 i.) types of Chp. 14 1. understand the
Hawkins, consumer different types of
Consumer Mothersbaugh decisions consumer
Decision & Best 10th decisions
Process and ii.) problem
Problem recognition 2. how
Recognition consumers
iii.) types of recognize a need
problems 3. what the types
of consumer
iv.) problems are
determinants 4. what are
v.) decision determinants in
making problem
5. determining
decision making
5. understand
what in-store and
influence CB
3. the role CB
plays in
4. understanding
influence in CB
5. understand the
need for
Lecture 24 Chapter
Marketing Mothersbaugh
Paper & Best 10th
Final Exam
Chapters 11-20
Course Detail: The course Consumer Behavior is intended to present students with the
basic principles and strategies of Consumer Behavior and Research. Some understanding
of business and marketing will be needed as a pre-requisite or at least a co-requisite. The
course will use a combination of lectures, tutorials, group assignments/presentations,
tests, quizzes, directed readings, and other media to educate the student. The evaluation
methods will be as present below. The text for the course will be Hawkins,
Mothersbaugh and Bests’ Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy 10th edition.
Additional readings and problems will be directed as required. All lectures will be for
two hours with class discussion, student presentation, or other forms of media such as
Evaluation Methods:
Tutorial Participation – 5% (Personal Consumption Journal)
Assigned Consumer Behavior Analysis Papers (2) – 10 %
Group Presentation – 5%
Final Consumer Behavior Analysis Paper -- 20%
Exams (2) – 60% (20%, 40%)
You are required to attend the weekly tutorials as ALL Quizzes and Exams will be
given during the tutorial sessions. You will be given a set of questions and problems for
each tutorial relevant to the chapters covered in class. You are asked to complete as
many as you can as they will assist you in your Consumer Behavior Analysis and
Research Papers. Some questions will ask for Decision-Making answers. This will
require you to write a short paragraph on your decision. I will grade you on the content,
not the grammar, but if your written papers are to hard to read, I will deduct points.
You will be asked prepare a brief consumer behavior analysis based topics given in class.
You are to use the chapter topics discussed in class to prepare your analysis. You will be
required to turn in a brief two or three page marketing report on your analysis.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to:
Total Grade = 30% * Progress Book Grade + 70% * Final Paper Grade
Progress Book Grade. This must be hand-written and will show the progress of
your research. The grade will be out of 100%
Weekly Evaluations. At the end of each week your progress book will be
marked by your tutor. You will be given a grade out of 100% which
did you meet the week´s goals in terms of progress?
does the notebook represent research you have done? does it show
the sources you consulted, and are you able to discuss these
sources with your tutor?
is it written by hand?
You will be given targets of content and volume which will be required to
be met each week.
Final Paper Grade.. You will be given a grade out of 100% for your mini-
marketing plan paper based upon the following:
Content: Your paper must apply relevant topics discussed in class to the
analysis of your chosen product. You should demonstrate proper
integration of reference material and material from appropriate text books.
Each section should contain the elements specified in the assignment
Originality: Originality and creativity that goes beyond the basic course
Style & Presentation: Fluent style, framework is clear, well organized,
Referencing: All sources used in your research and analysis must be
referenced properly. Please only use the Harvard Reference System for
your references and citations.