MODULE 2 PART 1 (Hydraulics)
MODULE 2 PART 1 (Hydraulics)
MODULE 2 PART 1 (Hydraulics)
1: Discuss the different liquid properties that are involved in the determina-
tion of pressure, forces, and flow.
ILO3: Calculate the hydrostatic pressure force on plane or curve submerged sur
faces and pressure variation in a fluid with rigid-body motion
When an object or surface is submerged in a fluid, forces eventually develop on the object’s sur-
face due to the fluid. The determination of these forces is important in the design of dams and
other hydraulic structures. This can be done by solving problems related to hydrostatic force on
plane and curved surfaces.
Although in the previous modules, we have been primarily concerned with fluids at rest or un-
der certain circumstances the particles of a fluid may have no relative motion between each
other yet the mass itself may be in motion. In this module, we will also learn to determine the
principles of relative equilibrium by solving fluids moving along a linear acceleration and rotat-
ing about a vertical axis at a constant angular speed.
From the figure, the Total Hydrostatic Force acting on the inclined plane:
Location of the Total Hydrostatic Force:
Value of eccentricity, e (distance between the center of pressure (cp) and the
center of gravity (C or cg):
Geometric Properties of Common Shapes.
F γhA
F . !" # . $# . $# 43,130 N or 43.13KN
Compute for the location, d of F from the bottom of the submerged object:
/ 12 0.367845°
y 17.27:
sin 45° 67845°
d y 0.3 D ;E 0.3:
Case 1: Liquid is above the curve surface Case 1: Liquid is below the curve surface
For both cases, the value of the Total Hydrostatic Force is the resultant of the horizontal
and vertical components acting on curved surfaces.
Note that the area is the vertical projection of the submerged curve.
• Horizontal reaction at A:
Pb Rd γhA
Rd 62.4# 0.80# 3# 6# 5#
e !! Z[ fg fhi Zijf#
• Vertical reaction at A:
R k PJ 5000
R k 5000 D 3529
em !n op (upward)
Dams are structures whose purpose is to raise the water level on the upstream side of river,
stream, or other waterway. The rising water will cause hydrostatic force which will tend the
dam to slide horizontally and overturn about its downstream edge or toe. The raised water level
on the upstream edge or heel will also cause the water to seep under the dam. The pressure due
to this seepage is commonly called hydrostatic uplift and will reduce the stability of the dam
against sliding and against overturning.
Types of Dams:
Foundation Pressure
If { |
•€ }ƒ
~ D •1 ‚ „
k k
If { w }
Sample Problem:
A dam triangular in shape has a height of 24m. and a base of 12m. Density of masonry is 2,500
kg/cu.m. If it is supporting was at a depth of 20m. Where is the location of the resultant vertical
force from the heel of the dam.
Compute for the weight of the dam:
ˆ KM
ˆ 24# 12# 1# 2500#
ˆ 360,000 kg
R = 360,000 kg