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How to be a rational voter

by Justin Evans on April 25,20 21

Stanford Article
theories of the rationality of voting hold that
When I first looked into how to be a
it can be rational to vote when the voter’s
rational voter I went and looked up the
goal is to influence or change the outcome
question itself. The first thing I found was
of an election, including the “mandate” the
an article called, The Ethics and Rationality
winning candidate receives.” I really liked
of Voting, it was published by Stanford
the part where it says that rational voting
Encyclopedia of Philosophy on Thursday
depends on what the voter is trying to do. If
July 28, 2016 and had a revision on Friday
the voter is voting for a candidate because
December 4, 2020. The article starts off by
they don’t like the other one that is not a
listing the six questions that they will be
very rational way of voting. I feel like that is
addressing. The questions were, Is it rational
a big issue with voting right now, the voter
for an individual citizen to vote?, Is there a
won’t like what one candidate says so they
moral duty to vote?, Are there moral
decide to vote for the other candidate
obligations regarding how citizens vote?, Is
without knowing anything about them.
it justifiable for governments to compel
While I was reading about the second
citizens to vote? Is it permissible to buy,
question I found this, “For instance, one
trade, and sell votes? And who ought to
might argue that there is a duty to vote
have the right to vote, and should every
because there is a duty to protect oneself, a
citizen have an equal vote? Some of the
duty to help others, or to produce good
questions that caught my attention were, is it
government, or the like.” I chose to include
rational for an individual citizen to vote and
and talk about this because it talks about
is there a moral duty to vote. In the first
voters voting to protect themselves, I feel
section it says this, “However, whether
that many voters do vote that way. They
voting is rational or not depends on just
really think about the things the candidate is
what voters are trying to do. Instrumental
wanting to do and how that will affect them
and the people and things around them. I about how things are and about your rights
think that is a good way of voting and that it and how those might be affected or taken
is fairly rational because you are thinking from you.

I found another article titled, How example of what it means to be a rational
America Decides. It was published to Time voter, someone who is finding reliable
and has a section called, The Rational Voter. sources and looking at both candidates to
The first little paragraph in it says this, “You see what they are really saying and whether
actively seek as much information as or not it is true. They are really putting time
possible about all candidates, consider the into their research and not just believing
positives and negatives and evaluate them everything they hear and see, if something
against your personal interests.” This is a doesn’t sound right to them they will look
very good description of what is considered into it and see if it is true.
a rational voter, someone who isn’t just
looking at it for themselves, they’re looking
at both candidates and what their positives
and negatives are. This to me is a perfect
Being Informed
voter is just as important as voting itself.” I
I wanted to look into what it meant to be
never really thought of it this way but as
informed and how much of an effect that has
soon as I read that it had me thinking about
on being a rational voter and I was able to
the importance of being informed. We can’t
find an article on the Pacific University
just go into elections blindly or we are
Oregon page and it was called, Making
basically going to sign up for something we
Informed Voting Decisions. I knew from the
didn’t even know about.
first line this would be a good article to look
at. The first line says, “Being an informed
The Importance of Voting

be heard, so in the next election when I can

One main thing that people need to
vote I will know to do real research and not
understand is how important voting in itself
just believe everything that I hear. I also
really is. Everyone’s vote matters no matter
know that my voice is very important and
who you vote for. Obviously there's some
should be heard.
people who if you vote for them it would be
pointless, however your voice needs to be
heard. The easiest and best way for that to
happen is by voting. This most recent
election was huge on getting out and voting
or mailing in your ballots because people
wanted everyone's voices to be heard no
matter what you believed or who you voted
for. The most important thing was just
voting. I wasn’t able to vote in this previous
election however I was able to see how
important it is to vote and have your voice

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