Chapter 8 Others
Chapter 8 Others
Chapter 8 Others
QUESTION *: “Please explain what "ROGER" means and what "WILCO"means?” (20
On the screen: ROGER and WILCO
ANSWER-*: ROGER means (that) I have received all of your last transmission.
QUESTION *: “Please explain what "AFFIRM" means and what "CONFIRM" means?”
(20 sec)
On the screen: AFFIRM and CONFIRM
Chapter 8
QUESTION *:(1) “Give minimum of two medical mayday situation example for both
cabin and flight crew to divert?” (20 sec)
ANSWER *:(1) Heart attack, severe allergic reaction and asthma are examples of
medical mayday situations to divert.
QUESTION *:(2) “Sağlık sebebi ile 2 tane mayday örneği ver.Semptomları neler?”
ANSWER-*: (2) First one is heart (hart)attack and its symptoms are pain on the
left side of the chest and numb feeling on the left arm,
the other one is severe allergic reaction and its symptoms are
difficult breathing(breth) and loss(los) of consciousness.
QUESTION *: “Please report one of these medical situations to ATC?” (20 sec)
Chapter 8
Two of them aligning north and the third crosses like north
QUESTION 122: İyi bildiğiniz bir havaalanın yolcular ve crewe sağladığı avantajlar ve
olanaklar nelerdir? (30 sec)
ANSWER 122 : If the airport is familiar for the passengers and crew, the standard
procedures will be much easier to complete in a short time.
Chapter 8
QUESTION *: “During a taxi you were informed that one of your passengers is
missing but his baggage is still on board. You have to turn back to gate
and you will have a delay because of this situation. Make an
announcement to passengers?” (30 sec)
Chapter 8
QUESTION 133: Atlantik üzerinde yolcu hastalandı ilk olarak ne yaparsınız mayday
örneği ver (Okyanus üzerinde uçarken seriously ill yolcu var. Ne
yaparsın. Nasıl bir anons yaparsın. ATC ye durumu rapor et.)
ANSWER 133 (1) : First, I would make an announcement for a doctor or a medical
personell on board.
If there isn’t any doctor on board and the patient needs immediate
medical care, I should report the situation to the ATC and divert to
the nearest suitable airport and request medical assistance after
Chapter 8
QUESTIONS *: Kötü hava şartlarında uçan pilotlar nelere karşı hazırlıklı olmalıdır.
-severe turbulence,
-lightning strike or
QUESTION-136: Bir meydanda windshear var, bu durumda neler yaparsınız? (30 sec)
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
QUESTION 137 : Which fire extinguisher not only it use on the ground but also use in the
air? (30 sec)
ANSWER 137 : There are four types of fire extinguishers used in an aircrafts as
For aircraft, portable types can be found in the cockpit and cabin.
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
ANSWER-141: The aircraft should be checked before each flight for the safety of
all passengers and crew.
- Leaking fuel,
is found,
QUESTION-142: Uçak başına geldin ve uçakta arıza var ne yaparsın? (30 sec)
This list tell us whether flight crew can continue the flight or not.
Otherwise the captain can not accept the aircraft for flight.
Chapter 8
QUESTION-144: Uçuştan önce bir arıza olursa nasıl hareket edersin? (30 sec)
This list tell us whether flight crew can continue the flight or not.
QUESTION-145: Yaşayabileceğin bir arıza söyle neler olabilir veya kalkıştan sonra olan
bir arızayı anlat, ne yaparsın?
After take-off any failed please describe what action is? (30 sec)
Chapter 8
For the failure systems, we can follow the Flight Manual items
Chapter 8
QUESTION-149: Dağlık arazideki çukur pozisyonda bir meydanın ne gibi zorlukları vardır?
(High terrain area) (80 sec)
Chapter 8
QUESTION-151: Your aircraft is on short final for Runway 09. You have been given
landing clearance, when you see an aircraft which has just landed and
that has not vacated the runway in use. What action do you take? (30
QUESTION-152: Describe some of the possible actions which ATC may take when an
airline passenger aircraft declares a low fuel emergency? (30 sec)
First of all, ATC should give the priority for landing and
clear the landing area,
Chapter 8
Eskilere İlaveler
3: High terrain areada kalkış ve inişte nelere dikkat edilmeli, potential riskkler nedir?
And there are several hazards during taking off or landing on high terrain areas.
During landing, the aircraft needs an increased glide slope that affects the stop
Worn-out tire can negatively affect the braking action and directional control.
If I encounter a blown or punctured tire situation, The major problem may be the
directional control.
It is easier to control the aircraft with a blown tire at slower speeds.
5: Uçuşta ikinci pilotun kafası yarılmış pilot olarak ne yaparsın, ATC’e ne dersin?
After that I inform the ATC about this situation and divert to nearest suitable airport.
Chapter 8
I would decide to abort the take-off, and retard the power levers and apply brakes
At the same time, I would inform the tower about this situation.
For the failure systems, we can follow the Flight Manual items and divert to the
nearest, suitable airport.
Since both engines are inoperative, I should maintain optimum gliding speed.
Chapter 8
After landing I would let the security forces handle the situation.
And than set the transponder code as 7700, and inform the ATC about this situation
for emergency descent for landing.
Question TK-15:
You are the pilot of a twin engine airplane. While you were flying, one of the
passengers said that it looked like fuel was leaking. You checked your fuel gauge but
you could not find anything unusual. What will you do in this situation?
If I were in doubt after their report, I would send the co-pilot to check visually.
If I believed that the fuel is leaking, I would follow the checklist items,
After that I would inform the ATC about this situation for emergency descent for
Chapter 8
12: Kalkış rulesinde V1 süratine yaklaşıyorsun, görüş kısıtlı, co-pilot karşıdan gelen
bir ışık gördüğünü ikaz ediyor,tersten muhtemel gelen uçak var. Ne yaparsın ve kuleye
ne dersin? Question TK-15:
I would decide to abort the take-off,and retard the power levers and apply brakes
At the same time, I would inform the tower about this situation.
13: Uçuş esnasında aynı uçakta olan baban kalp krizi geçirdi,hemen inmek istediğin
meydanda havadurumu senin kategorinin altında, ne yaparsın.
Question TK-6:
You are the pilot of an aircraft with 80 passengers, including your parents. During the
flight, your father suffers a heart attack, so you decide to execute an emergency
landing to save his life. When you approach the runway, you find out that the ceiling is
less than 400ft, which is below the minimum for your aircraft. Meanwhile, your father’s
condition continues to deteriorate. What would you do in this situation? Provide a
sample of the message you will give to the appropriate party to communicate your
I would never violate the rules and take risk on people for my father.
(Şakirden ilaveler)
I would inform the ATC about this situation and divert to the nearest airport.
Chapter 8
I should fly the aircraft, and then continue to navigate , and finally
communicate with ATC.
For bomb, I would inform the ATC about this situation and divert to the nearest
suitable airport.
15: Tek ana dikme içerde hareket tarzı ve emc deklere et?
I should fly the aircraft, and then continue to navigate the aircraft, and finally
communicate with ATC.
I would inform the ATC about this situation and divert to the nearest suitable airport.
I would notify the ATC and request low pass and visual inspection
If tower confirms the situation, I would try to execute the checklist items and follow
emergency procedures.
Then I would proceed to land.If not corrected, I would consider to retract the others
and carry out belly landing.
Chapter 8
Question TK-13:
If you are the first officer of KS 505 with a captain nearing your destination, the air
traffic controller informed you that the weather at the airport was rainy with strong
winds and poor visibility. The captain decided to continue to land. During the initial
descent, the captain became incapacitated, leaving you alone at the controls.
Learning about the situation, the senior flight attendant informed you that one of your
passengers is a qualified airline pilot who is willing to help. Are you going to allow the
passenger to help you land the airplane? Provide a sample of your message and
intention to the controller.
I should fly the aircraft, and then continue to navigate, and finally communicate with
First of all, I would decide to go-around, and execute missed approach procedures
I would inform the ATC about this situation and divert to the nearest suitable airport.
For the captain, I would make an announcement for a doctor or a medical personnel
on board.
If the runway's meteorological conditions are OK, I would make a landing plan,