Shambhala Studies

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The document discusses Shambhala Buddhism and its meditation programs and retreat centers.

The five levels of The Heart of Warriorship program are Level I: The Art of Being Human, Level II: Birth of the Warrior, Level III: Warrior in the World, Level IV: Awakened Heart, and Level V: Open Sky.

The Sacred Path program introduces further warriorship practices that extend basic meditation training, including Great Eastern Sun, Drala, Windhorse, Meek, Perky, Outrageous and Inscrutable.

Name: Shambhala Buddhism

Leader: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Tradition: Tibetan Buddhism
Locations: Internationally

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche created a process by which one could become ordained and
endorsed for the purposes of requirements like the Association of Professional Chaplains. In
addition to completing the course work and seminaries mentioned below a Master of Divinity is
also required.

Please note that this degree can be obtained from Naropa University which Chogyam Trungpa
Rinpoche found.

The Heart of Warriorship

The Sacred Path
A Dathun (Tibetan for “month session”) is a one-month group meditation retreat lead by a senior
Warrior Assembly and Post Warrior Assembly Curriculum
Refuge and bodhisattva vows
Vajrayana Seminary
Sutrayana Seminary

See additional information below:

The Heart of Warriorship

Levels I-V provide a strong foundation in mindfulness-awareness meditation practice,
emphasizing the development of genuine confidence, humor, and personal dignity within the
complexity of daily life. The workshops are recommended for new and experienced meditators, as
well as for those looking to enrich their existing spiritual tradition.

These five workshops include meditation training and practice, talks by senior instructors,
personal interviews and group discussions.

Level I: The Art of Being Human

Discovering basic goodness in the world and ourselves.

Level II: Birth of the Warrior

Cultivating the willingness to observe our cocoon of habitual fear and defense mechanisms.

Level III: Warrior in the World

Developing the bravery to step outside our cocoons.

Level IV: Awakened Heart

Opening to increased awareness and inquisitiveness about the world, as it is.
Level V: Open Sky
Sharpening one’s awareness, one finds the open clear sky of mind—a delightful source of wisdom
and uplifted energy. Trusting our nature enough to let go into the present moment.

The Sacred Path

The Sacred Path program introduces further warriorship practices, that extend the basic
meditation training. These practices are based on a societal vision and aspiration to help the
world. This level of training cultivates one's dignity and natural gifts that are able to widen one's
sphere of compassionate and practical influence. During a series of visionary experiences that
took place between 1976 and 1980, Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche wrote down what became
known as the Shambhala texts. The Sacred Path of the Warrior is based on these texts and on the
extensive commentaries Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche gave on these teachings and on how to
practice them in modern times.

Great Eastern Sun

This weekend program teaches how to see the Great Eastern Sun, the primordial energy and
brilliance that is the basis of all that exists; an introduction to membership in Shambhala—a
living context for building a sane society.

Through exploring the depth of perception, one engages the elemental and magical strength
inherent in the world. The principle of drala refers to the sacred energy and power that exists
when we step beyond aggression.

One studies the text that gives the instruction for “raising windhorse,” which opens the heart and
refreshes one's confidence. The practice is a way to bring about skillful and heartfelt social
engagement, enabling the warrior to go forward in the midst of whatever challenges occur.

“The four dignities” are introduced as a path and a process, which describe a warrior's maturing
and widening sphere of benevolent engagement in the world. The training in the dignities allows
one to maintain awareness and delight at each stage. Meek is a study of the grounded, humble
and gentle beginning stages of a warrior's journey. Here one trains to overcome arrogance—the
primary obstacle to learning.

As the second of the four dignities, this level focuses on cultivating sharp, vibrant and uplifted
energy through natural discipline. Overcoming the trap of doubt, the warrior of perky is able to
accomplish his or her activities with a sense of nobility and ease.
Outrageous and Inscrutable
These fruitional dignities refer to the extraordinary skill of a practiced warrior. No longer afraid of
making mistakes, the unconventional and visionary perspective of the outrageous warrior
combines with the skill of spontaneous inscrutability to create benefit for others on a large scale.

Golden Key
This program is based on a Shambhala text that works with our relationship to the “material
world” and our sense perceptions. It teaches the practice of enriching presence—the ability to
instantly sense the inner wealth within oneself, phenomena, and the natural world.

Warrior Assembly and Post Warrior Assembly

Warrior Assembly
The Warrior Assembly, the jewel of Shambhala Training and the culmination of the Sacred Path
program, is a living teaching in creating enlightened society. Participants receive the transmission
of advanced Shambhala warriorship practices and study the root text and commentary, The
Golden Sun of the Great East. This text describes the principles and practice of Ashe, a simple and
powerful practice that enables one to transform confusion and hesitation into wisdom and

Warrior Assembly

When [the mind of the warrior] grows older still,

Lead it to the archery range of the warriors.

—The Letter of the Black Ashe


Warrior Assembly is the culmination of the For additional information or to submit an

Shambhala Training Sacred Path program. This application for a particular program, follow the
nine-day retreat provides a living teaching in relevant link below:
creating enlightened society. Participants receive
transmission and training in the advanced • July 2006 Warrior Assembly
Shambhala practices of stroke and lungta, and of the June 30 - July 12, 2006
root text, The Golden Sun of the Great East, by the at Karme Choling
Dorje Dradül. Warrior Assembly is a prerequisite led by Frank Berliner and Shelley Pierce
for the Shambhala Vajrayana Seminary. Program is full.
View program information
PREPARATION Submit an application online
Submit a recommendation
The prerequisite to Warrior Assembly is completion Access additional resources
f h Sh bh l T i i S d P th
(including Golden Key) and membership in one's local SUBMITTING RECOMMENDATIONS
To submit a recommendation for a program
HOW TO APPLY applicant, select the program they are applying for
above and follow the instructions under
Filling out an application well in advance of the Recommenders.
program gives us the notification we need to gather
staff and prepare for the program. Students who FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE
apply for Warrior Assembly and have completed the
prerequisites will be accepted on a first-come, first- Shambhala International sets aside a portion of the
served basis. The application process for Warrior revenue from each of its programs for financial
Assembly is simple and can be done online (see assistance. Please note: In order to maintain
Scheduled Warrior Assemblies in the right-hand consistent policies between the programs when
column for links to applications). they're held at different locations, normal discounts
offered by the practice centers do not apply.

After you have applied for the program, you will be

provided a link to the Shambhala International
Program Financial Assistance Application. Financial
assistance awards will be determined based on
relative need.


Information on pricing, application requirements,

who to contact, etc., can be found in the program fact
sheets for the individual Warrior Assemblies. To
access the fact sheet, follow the link for the program
you are interested in under the section, "Scheduled
Warrior Assemblies" above.

Return to the Advanced Program Page.

Practice of Authentic Presence

At the heart of the course is the transmission of the sadhana The Windhorse of Authentic
Presence: Arousing the Confidence of Warrior-King Gesar by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

Kalapa Assembly
Kalapa Assembly is a fruition program for both the Shambhala Training as well of the Shambhala
Buddhist Path. Participation in this program is through an application process, and represents a
level of deep commitment to Shambhala and the work of creating enlightened society. It is in this
context that participants pledge with the Sakyong to work in any way that they are capable, in any
location in which they may be living, to bring pragmatic and compassionate ideals of enlightened
society down to earth.




The two-part Shambhala Seminary is The Warrior Assembly is the fruition of the
designed to deepen students' practice and Shambhala Training Sacred Path program.
understanding of the buddhist and During Warrior Assembly, students study
Shambhala teachings and to enter them the Shambhala terma text, The Golden Sun of
into the vajrayana practices of the the Great East, and receive the ashe practices
Shambhala Buddhist mandala. Part 1, of stroke and lungta. Warrior Assembly is a
Sutrayana Seminary, is led by a Shambhala pre-requisite for attending Shambhala
acharya and provides in-depth training and Vajrayana Seminary.
study of the hinayana, mahayana, and
Shambhala teachings. Part 2, Vajrayana • Warrior Assembly information
Seminary, is led by Sakyong Mipham and application
Rinpoche and authorizes students to begin o Karme Choling
their Shambhala ngöndro--the preliminary June 30 - July 12, 2006
practices for receiving the Rigden

• Shambhala Sutrayana Seminary The Vajrayogini Abhisheka is the formal

information and application entry into the practice of the Vajrayogini
o Shambhala Mountain Sadhana, and is open to graduates of
Center: Shambhala Vajrayana Seminary who have
June 9 - July 9, 2006 completed the Kagyü ngöndro practices.
o Dorje Denma Ling:
July 1 - July 30, 2006 • Vajrayogini Abhisheka
information and application
• Shambhala Sutrayana-Vajrayana o Information on coming
Seminary programs is forthcoming.
o Information on coming
programs is forthcoming. C HAKRASAMVARA
• Shambhala Vajrayana Seminary
information and application
The Abhisheka of Chakrasamvara
o Dechen Choling
introduces the student into the mandala of
August 4 - September 2,
Chakrasamvara. It is open to graduates of
Shambhala Vajrayana Seminary who have
completed their Vajrayogini practice.
• Chakrasamvara Abhisheka
The Rigden Abhisheka enters the student information and application
into the practice of the Werma Sadhana. It o Information on coming
is open to graduates of Shambhala programs is forthcoming.
Vajrayana Seminary who have completed
their Shambhala ngöndro and to students
who have already received the Werma
Sadhana and completed their Kagyü

• Rigden Abhisheka information

and application
o Dechen Choling
September 5 - September
13, 2006
o Karme Choling
October 24 - November 1,


"It's very helpful to realize that being here, sitting in meditation, doing simple
everyday things like working, walking outside, talking with people, bathing,
using the toilet, and eating, is actually all that we need to be fully awake, fully
alive, fully human. While we are sitting in meditation, we are simply exploring
humanity and all of creation in the form of ourselves. We can become the
world's greatest experts on anger, jealousy, and self-deprecation, as well as on
joyfulness, clarity, and insight, Everything that human beings feel, we feel. We
can become extremely wise and sensitive to all of humanity and the whole
universe simply by knowing ourselves, just as we are."
- Pema Chödrön, teaching on day two of a dathün

Dathün (Tibetan for "month session") is a one-month group meditation retreat lead by a senior teacher. It is
open to anyone and is a very powerful introduction and deepening of mindfulness-awareness meditation.
Each day consists of alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation with time for talks, study, and a
short work period. Silence and functional talking are observed throughout the day. Meals are served in the
shrine room oryoki-style, a practice of mindful eating taken from the Zen tradition. There is regular
individual instruction with trained meditation instructors.
An example of a day in the dathün:

6:30 am Wake up

7:00 am Morning chants

Practice: sitting & walking meditation

8:00 am Breakfast (in the shrine room)

9:00 am Practice: sitting & walking meditation

12:00 pm Lunch (in the shrine room)

1:00 pm Work period

2:30 pm Practice: sitting & walking meditation

4:00 pm Tea

4:30 pm Practice: sitting & walking meditation

5:30 pm Talk

Evening chants

7:00 pm Dinner (in the shrine room)

8:00 pm Practice: sitting & walking meditation

Closing chants

9:00 End of day

In general, the daily schedule is quite full, and there is not much time for personal activities. One day in the
middle of the dathün is open with no scheduled practice.

Although there is a shrine with Buddhist and Shambhala symbols as well as chants at certain points of the
day, one does not need to be a Buddhist nor even be interested in becoming a Buddhist to take part. All the
symbols and chants are oriented toward arousing our natural wakefulness and compassion and are
provided as methods for realizing the nature of our minds.

In the Shambhala Buddhist tradition, dathün is one of our most important training programs. There is a real
power and depth to practicing with a group for a month, and for many people, it is a big step on their path
of meditation. In terms of the teachings, there are different kinds of dathüns, with some of them
emphasizing the Buddhist teachings, the Shambhala teachings, the teachings of lojong ("mind training"), or
the creative arts. Yet all dathüns are alike in being grounded in intensive sitting practice of mindfulness and
Anyone is welcome to come to a dathün. If possible, it is good if you have already had meditation
instruction and some experience and understanding of meditation beforehand. There are 165 Shambhala
Centers worldwide, where you can receive free meditation instruction and can take part in meditation
classes and programs for reasonable fees. Please see our Shambhala Center guide for the center closest to

Since dathün is such a central part of our training, it is a requirement for those people planning to take
Sutrayana and Vajrayana Seminary, as well as for becoming a meditation instructor. It is also required to do
at least a weekthün before doing a solitary retreat. For more information on retreats, click on retreats.

Recommended Readings

Pema Chödrön:
The Wisdom of No Escape
Start Where You Are
(These books are teachings she gave during two particular dathüns.)

Chögyam Trungpa:
The Heart of the Buddha
The Path is the Goal

Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche:

Turning the Mind Into an Ally

Where to Go, Who to Contact

There are four practice centers in the Shambhala mandala that offer dathüns at different times of the year.

Dechen Chöling, Mas Marvent, France

Dorje Denma Ling, Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia
Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont
Shambhala Mountain Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

Shambhala Sutrayana Seminary


Sutrayana Seminary deepens and expands the For additional information or to submit an
practice and study students undertook in the application for a particular program, follow the
Shambhala School of Buddhist Studies, dathün, and relevant link below:
the Shambhala Training Heart of Warriorship
D i thi th l db J 2006 Sh bh l S t
Shambhala Acharya, students live in a Shambhala Seminary
environment, alternating periods of intensive June 9 - July 9, 2006
meditation practice with classes in Buddhist and at Shambhala Mountain Center
Shambhala view and practice. led by Acharya Judith Simmer-Brown
Still accepting applications.
PREPARATION View program information
Submit an application online
Students applying to Sutrayana Seminary should Submit a recommendation
have completed the following before the program : Access additional resources
• July 2006 Shambhala Sutrayana
• A dathün. Seminary
• The Shambhala School of Buddhist July 1 - July 30, 2006
Studies, or an equivalent, intermediate at Dorje Denma Ling
level of Buddhist study, including study of led by Acharya Moh Hardin
the 1999 and 2000 Shambhala Sutrayana Still accepting applications.
Seminary Transcripts. View program information
• The Shambhala Training Heart of Submit an application online
Warriorship program. This is a new Submit a recommendation
requirement. In this transition year, if you Access additional resources
were planning to attend Sutrayana
Seminary but will not be able to complete SUBMITTING RECOMMENDATIONS
the Heart of Warriorship before the
program, please talk to your Shambhala To submit a recommendation for a program
Training Resident Director to discuss ways applicant, select the program they are applying for
of covering this material before the above and follow the instructions under
program. Recommenders.

As always, we are willing to be somewhat flexible FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND PROGRAM

with these pre-requisites, particularly for those who
live in remote areas or in smaller centers.

Shambhala International sets aside a portion of the

HOW TO APPLY revenue from each of its programs for financial
assistance. Please note: In order to maintain
Acceptance to Sutrayana Seminary is determined consistent policies between the programs when
based on the student's level of practice, study and they're held at different locations, normal discounts
development. To submit an application, follow the offered by the practice centers do not apply.
link for the Sutrayana Seminary you are interested in
under the following section, "Scheduled Seminaries." After you have applied for the program, you will be
provided a link to the Shambhala International
Program Financial Assistance Application. Financial
assistance awards will be determined based on
relative need.


Information on pricing, application requirements,
who to contact, etc., can be found in the program fact
sheets for the individual Sutrayana Seminaries. To
access the fact sheet, follow the link for the program
you are interested in under the section, "Scheduled
Seminaries" above.

June 2006 Shambhala Sutrayana Seminary

Fact Sheet

Location: Shambhala Mountain Center

Arrival Date: June 9, 2006

Departure Date: July 9, 2006

Program price: $2150.00 USD

Required $50.00 USD

materials fee: Please note that this amount is an estimate and will be
refined as we get closer to the program.

Laundry fee: $45.00 USD

Payment If you will be requesting upgraded housing, the 3 installment

comments: payment plan is as follows:

1- 50% upon registration


Contact: Faradee Rudy

[email protected]
970-881-2184 ext. 238

Deadline for 1st 1 April 2006


Deadline for 2nd 1 May 2006

applications and Shambhala Mountain Center
accompanying 4921 County Road 68C
materials to: Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545


Contact: Cliff Lindsay

[email protected]
1 (970) 881-2184 x236

Send printed Sutrayana Seminary Registration

registration Shambhala Mountain Center
forms to: 4921 County Road 68C
Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545

forms can be
found here:


Contact: Keith Dubin

[email protected]
1 (970) 881-2184 x298


Contact: Keith Dubin

[email protected]
1 (970) 881-2184 x298


Contact: Cliff Lindsay

[email protected]
1 (970) 881-2184 x 236

Make cheques to: Shambhala Mountain Center

(Please note that we can accept checks drawn on US and
Canadian banks only.)

Send payment to: Sutrayana Seminary Finance

Shambhala Mountain Center
4921 County Road 68C
Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545

1st payment 15 March 2006: $753 USD (35%)


2nd payment 15 April 2006: $753 USD (35%)


3rd payment 15 May 2006: $645 USD (30%)


Financial Assistance

Financial Christine Brotherson

assistance [email protected]
t t 1 (970) 881 2184 357
contact: 1 (970) 881-2184 x357

Financial 1 April 2006


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Sakyong Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche

Shambhala Vajrayana Seminary

The Shambhala Vajrayana Seminary introduces the For additional information or to submit an
student into the vajrayana teachings and practices of application for a particular program, follow the
our Shambhala and Buddhist lineages. During this relevant link below:
program, students will receive authorization and
training in the Shambhala ngöndro practices under • 2006 Shambhala Vajrayana Seminary
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche's personal guidance. In August 4 - September 2, 2006
applying for Vajrayana Seminary, students are at Dechen Choling
requesting to be accepted as his vajrayana students. led by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Acharya
Thus, attendance in this program requires a personal Simon Luna, Acharya Fenja Heupers
connection and commitment to Sakyong Mipham Still accepting applications.
Rinpoche, the teachings of the Vidyadhara, View program information
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and the Shambhala Submit an application online
Buddhist mandala. Submit a recommendation
Access additional resources
Please note: If you have already attended Vajrayana
Seminary and want to attend the Rigden abhisheka, SUBMITTING RECOMMENDATIONS
please refer to the Rigden abhisheka page for
information on attending the abhisheka and group To submit a recommendation for a program
ngöndro retreat. applicant, select the program they are applying for
above and follow the instructions under
PREPARATION Recommenders.

Students applying to Vajrayana Seminary will need FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE

to have completed the following in advance of the
program: Shambhala International sets aside a portion of the
revenue from each of its programs for financial
• Shambhala Sutrayana Seminary (or the assistance. Please note: In order to maintain
hinayana and mahayana sections of the consistent policies between the programs when
former Vajradhatu Seminary) and its pre- they're held at different locations, normal discounts
requisites. offered by the practice centers do not apply.
• Refuge and bodhisattva vows, which are
required before receiving vajrayana Af h li d f h ill b
transmission. Please note that these vows provided a link to the Shambhala International
will not be offered Vajrayana Seminary. Program Financial Assistance Application. Financial
• The Shambhala Training Sacred Path assistance awards will be determined based on
program through Warrior Assembly. This relative need.
is a new requirement. In this transition year,
if you were planning to attend Vajrayana FOR MORE INFORMATION
Seminary but will not be able to complete
these requirements before the program, Information on pricing, application requirements,
please speak with your Shambhala Training who to contact, etc., can be found in the program fact
Resident Director to discuss ways of sheets for the individual Vajrayana Seminaries. To
completing at least the Sacred Path material access the fact sheet, follow the link for the program
before the program. If accepted, you would you are interested in under the section, "Scheduled
then commit to attend Warrior Assembly as Seminaries" above.
soon as possible after Seminary.
• The preparatory class, Entering the Vajra Return to the Advanced Program Page.
World. You should plan to attend this after
being accepted to Vajrayana Seminary.
Contact your local center's Dharmadhatu
Coordinator or Head of Study for
information on having this program
scheduled in your centre.
• Membership in your local Shambhala
Meditation Center or Group is expected
unless you live in a remote area where this
is not possible. Exposure and
familiarization with the Shambhala
community is important.
• A shamatha-vipashyana retreat is strongly
recommended, though not required.


The application process for Vajrayana Seminary is

managed by Shambhala International. Applications
are reviewed by the Seminary Application Review
Committee, under the direction of Sakyong Mipham
Rinpoche. Acceptance is determined based on the
student's level of preparation and understanding of
basic dharmic principles, and their readiness to
undertake the further commitment inherent in
becoming a vajrayana student.

Applications for this year's Vajrayana Seminary can

be filled out online in the box to the right.
A li i ill b i d l f ll
of the application have been received:

1. The completed application form.

2. At least two completed recommendation
forms (submitted separately from the
application) from the following people:
1. Your meditation instructor
2. The Director, Head of Practice, or
Head of Study from your local
Shambhala Center or a Shambhala
3. A $25 US application fee.


Historically, retreat practice has been central in the practice lineages of the Kagyü and Nyingma. As
Milarepa has sung:
The kindness of the father guru is repaid by practice.
Lord guru, please keep me in your kind heart.
Grant your blessings so that this lowly one may keep to retreat.

In his early days of teaching in North American, the Vidyadhara placed considerable emphasis on
individual shamatha retreats. This was often a student's first exposure to extended shamatha practice.
Retreat cabins were built at all the practice centers, and regular retreat practice was encouraged. This was
before the establishment of the dathün and weekthün (month and week long group retreats) and the
introduction of vajrayana practices.

Over time, the dathün and weekthün replaced retreat practice as most students' first introduction to
intensive practice. However, the dathün was not designed to replace the solitary retreat, but to provide a
powerful and supportive group situation to enter new students into intensive practice. At this point, dathün
is required before doing a retreat.

Solitary retreats are still highly encouraged for shamatha students, as well as for ngöndro and sadhana
practitioners. In the new Buddhist curriculum, a 7 day solitary retreat is one of the requirements for
Vajrayana Seminary, and for some vajrayana practices, extensive retreat is necessary. It is also extremely
important that teachers and meditation instructors have a regular retreat practice to deepen their
understanding. Though retreat is not required on the Shambhala Training path, many students have found
it very powerful to do Shambhala practices such as stroke and Werma in retreat. In any case, whether
required or not, retreat can be one of the most powerful and inspiring experiences that practitioners can

It is best to do a retreat at a practice center offering guidance as well as dedicated retreat cabins in beautiful
locations. Visits by an experienced retreat master are included. In-house retreats at major practice centers are
another option.


Some centers can accommodate experienced retreatants who would like to do a longer solitary retreat of
several months or longer. Other centers have a limit of one month or so for retreats.

Three Year Retreat

One unique retreat is the traditional three year retreat, which is an advanced vajrayana retreat of practicing
both by oneself and with a group. This retreat takes place at Gampo Abbey in its three year retreat center,
Söpa Chöling (Dharma Place of Patience), which is a separate building isolated by a fence.

The retreat practices are based on the Karma Kagyu (Kamtsang) tradition, and all participants take
temporary ordination for the duration of each segment. The segments are one year in, one year out. In this
way two groups of 16 people alternate in participating in the retreat which takes a total of six years.

To enter the retreat one must complete the vajrayana preparatory (ngöndro) and deity practices.


In-house retreats only:

A small program center in the

2280 Balmoral Rd.
Cobequid Mountains of Nova Scotia, 1
The Falls, NS B0K 1V0
Dorje 1/2 hours northwest of Halifax. It is
902/657-9085 FAX: 902/657-
Denma Ling located on 400 acres of meadowland
and forest overlooking the
[email protected]
Northumberland Strait.

4921 County Rd. 68-C

A large and growing program center
Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545-
Shambhala on 600 acres of a mountain valley in
Mountain northern Colorado. It is located about
970/881-2184 FAX: 970/881-
Center 2 hours from Denver.
[email protected]

A small monastic center with a 3-year

Pleasant Bay, NS B0E 2P0
retreat center. Remote location in the
Gampo 902/224-2752 FAX: 902/224-
highlands of Cape Breton island, Nova
Abbey 1521
[email protected]

Solitary and in-house retreats:

369 Patneaude Lane
A busy program center with strong retreat
Barnet, VT 05821
Karmê- facilities as well. There are 7 cabins in the
Chöling wooded hills in secluded locations on their
540 acres.
[email protected]

Solitary retreats only:

P.O. Box 131

This is a dedicated retreat center that has 7
Dorje Gardner, CO 81040
cabins on 400 acres of secluded forest in the
Khyung 719/746-2264 FAX:
mountains of southern Colorado.
Dzong 719/746-2997
[email protected]

c/o Gregg and Connie This is a dedicated retreat center about 1

Clause hour south of Halifax, Nova Scotia. There
Ötso R.R.1 are 3 large, comfortable cabins next to a lake.
Shingsa Italy Cross, NS B0J 1V0 Not as isolated, but very quiet and well
(Milk Lake) 902/543-1417 situated.
[email protected]

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