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Discharge Bypass Valves: For System Capacity Control

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March 2011 / BULLETIN 90-40

Discharge Bypass Valves

for System Capacity Control

System Capacity Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Direct Acting Valves – ADRI, ADRS, ADRP, ADRH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Pilot Operated Valve – SHGB(E)-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Pilot Operated Valve – SHGB(E)-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Adjustment Ranges/Pressure Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Adjustable Spring Heads on Direct Acting Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Adjustable Remote Bulb Heads on Direct Acting Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Pilot Operated Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Replacement Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Replacement Spring Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Materials and Construction Details/Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Selection Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Direct Acting Discharge Bypass Valve Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Adjustable “Remote Bulb” Discharge Bypass Valve Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Pilot Operated Discharge Bypass Valve Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Valve Designation/Ordering Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Hot Gas Solenoid Valve Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Desuperheating TEV Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Liquid Line Solenoid Valve Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Terms of Sale with Warrenty Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17


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Bulletin 90-40, March 2011, supersedes, Bulletin 90-40, January 2004, and all prior publications.
BULLETIN 90-40 / Page 1
-40°F to prevent a further decrease in suction pres-
SYSTEM CAPACITY CONTROL sure. Valve settings are discussed completely later in
On many air conditioning and refrigeration systems it this bulletin.
is desirable to limit the minimum evaporating pres-
sure during periods of low load either to prevent coil The discharge bypass valve is applied in a branch line,
icing or to avoid operating the compressor at a lower off the discharge line, as close to the compressor as
suction pressure than it was designed to operate. possible. The bypassed vapor can enter the low side at
Various methods have been used to achieve this result one of the following locations:
— integral cylinder unloading, gas engines with vari-
able speed control, or multiple smaller systems.
Compressor cylinder unloading is used extensively on
1. Evaporator inlet with distributor.

larger systems but is too costly on small equipment,

2. Evaporator inlet without distributor.

usually 10 hp and below. Cycling the compressor with

3. Suction line.

a low pressure cutout control is a method often used Each is illustrated and discussed below. While Figures
but is being re-evaluated for three reasons. 1, 2, and 3 show a specific type of discharge bypass
valve, all types can be used in place of the one shown.
1. On-off control on air conditioning systems is

This method of application, illustrated in Figure 1,

uncomfortable and does a poor job of humidity BYPASS TO EVAPORATOR INLET WITH DISTRIBUTOR

provides distinct advantages over the other methods,

and mold control.

especially for unitary or field built-up units where the

2. Compressor cycling reduces equipment life.

high and low side are close coupled.

3. In most cases, compressor cycling is not economical
because of peak load demand charges.

One method that offers a practical and economical solu- This method is also applicable on systems with remote
tion to the problem, is to bypass a portion of the hot dis- condensing units, especially when the evaporator is
charge gas directly into the low side. This is done by a located below the condensing unit, see discussion below.
modulating control valve — commonly called a
Discharge Bypass Valve (DBV). This valve, which opens
on a decrease in suction pressure, can be set to automat-
ically maintain a desired minimum evaporating pres-
Figure 1
External Equalizer

sure regardless of the decrease in evaporator load.

Solenoid Valve

Sporlan manufactures a complete line of Discharge

Bypass Valves including non-adjustable models, for spe-

cific customer requirements. Contact your Sporlan repre-

TEV See-All

sentative for assistance with special needs. External Side Connection

Equalizer Distributor or ASC

Sporlan Discharge Bypass Valves provide an economi-

Hot Gas Discharge

cal method of compressor capacity control in place of

Solenoid Valve Bypass Valve

cylinder unloaders or the handling of unloading

requirements below the last step of cylinder unloading.

On air conditioning systems, the minimum allowable

evaporating temperature that will avoid coil icing The primary advantage of this method is that the sys-
depends on evaporator design and the amount of air tem thermostatic expansion valve will respond to the
passing over the coil. The refrigerant temperature increased superheat of the vapor leaving the evaporator
may be below 32°F, but coil icing will not usually occur and will provide the liquid required for desuperheating.
with high air velocities since the external surface tem- Also the evaporator serves as an excellent mixing
perature of the tube will be above 32°F. For most air chamber for the bypassed hot gas and the
conditioning systems the minimum evaporating tem- liquid-vapor mixture from the expansion valve. This
perature is 20°F to 25°F. However, when air velocities ensures a dry vapor reaching the compressor. Oil return
are reduced considerably, the minimum evaporating from the evaporator is also improved since the velocity
temperature should be 26°F to 28°F. in the evaporator is kept high by the hot gas.
Sporlan Discharge Bypass Valves can be set so they Sporlan 1650R Series Distributor or ASC – Two refrig-
start to open at an evaporating pressure equivalent to erant distribution methods are available to introduce
32°F saturation temperature. Therefore, they would be hot gas in this manner:
at their rated capacity at 26°F evaporating temperature.

On refrigeration systems, discharge bypass valves are

1. Bypass to Sporlan 1650R series distributor with

used to prevent the suction pressure from going below

an auxiliary side connection.

the minimum value recommended by the compressor

2. Bypass to Sporlan ASC series Auxiliary Side


Method 1 is normally utilized on factory assembled or

A typical application would be a low temperature com- unitary systems where hot gas bypass is initially
pressor designed for operation at a minimum evapo- designed into the system. The 1650R series distribu-
rating temperature of -40°F on Refrigerant 22. The tor allows the hot gas to enter downstream of the dis-
required evaporating temperature at normal load con- tributor nozzle. Method 2 is applicable on field
ditions is -30°F. A discharge bypass valve would be built-up systems or on existing systems where the
selected which would start to open at the pressure standard refrigerant distributor is already installed
equivalent to -34°F, and bypass enough hot gas at on the evaporator.
Page 2 / BULLETIN 90-40
Some caution is necessary with either of these meth- to the evaporator inlet without a distributor.
ods. If the distributor circuits are sized properly for
normal cooling duty, the flow of hot gas through the BYPASS TO SUCTION LINE On many applications, it
circuits may cause excessive pressure drop and/or is necessary to bypass directly into the suction line.
noise. Therefore, it is recommended that the distribu- This is generally true of systems with multi-evapora-
tor circuits be selected one size larger than for straight tors or remote condensing units, as well as on existing
cooling duty. See Selection Procedures Section for systems where it is easier to connect to the suction
selection information on this method of hot gas line than the evaporator inlet. The latter situation
bypass. For complete technical details on the 1650R involves systems fed by TEVs or capillary tubes.
series distributor and the ASC series Auxiliary Side When hot gas is bypassed directly into the suction
Connector, refer to Bulletin 20-10. line, the danger exists of overheating the compressor
and trapping the oil in the evaporator. As the suction
Valve/Equipment Location and Piping – When the temperatures rise, the discharge temperature like-
evaporator is located below the compressor on a wise starts to increase. This can cause breakdown of
remote system, bypass to the evaporator inlet is still the oil and refrigerant with the possible result being a
the best method of hot gas bypass to ensure sufficient compressor burnout. On close-coupled systems, this
oil return to the compressor. In order for the bypass to can be eliminated by locating the main expansion
achieve rated capacity at the conditions for which it valve bulb downstream of the bypass connection as
was selected, the bypass valve and hot gas solenoid illustrated in Figure 2.
valve (if used) must be located at the compressor,
rather than at the evaporator. If the evaporator is Advantages and Disadvantages – The method illus-
above or on the same level as the compressor, this trated in Figure 2 allows the application of hot gas
valve location will also eliminate the possibility of hot bypass to an existing system with only minor piping
gas condensing in the long bypass line and running changes. And in most cases, the operation of the sys-
back into the compressor during the off cycle. tem will be satisfactory. However, on some systems
the interaction between the DBV and the TEV may
Whenever hot gas bypass to the evaporator inlet is nec- result in undesirable hunting and poor system per-
essary for a system with two or more evaporator sections, formance. Also, there may not be sufficient length of
each with its own TEV (no liquid line solenoid valves), suction line available to get good mixing of the hot gas
but handling the same load, two methods may be used to vapor and the cool evaporator vapor before reaching
avoid operating interference between sections: the bulb location. If at least 3 feet of suction line,
preferably with an elbow between the two locations, is
not available, the method in Figure 3 is strongly rec-
ommended instead. This method offers added flexibil-
1. Use a separate discharge bypass valve for each

ity for multi-evaporator systems or remote systems

evaporator section.

because the hot gas bypass components can be located

2. Use one discharge bypass valve to feed two bypass

at the condensing unit. However, neither method,

lines, each with a check valve between the bypass valve

Figure 2 or 3, ensures oil return unless special care is

and the evaporator section inlet.The check valves will

taken in the system piping to accomplish satisfactory

prevent interaction between theTEVs when the bypass

oil return to the compressor from the low side.

valve is closed.

Externally Equalized Bypass Valves – Since the pri-

mary function of the DBV is to maintain suction pres-
sure, the compressor suction pressure is the control
Figure 2
pressure and must be exerted on the underside of the
External Equalizer

valve diaphragm. When the DBV is applied as shown

Solenoid Valve

in Figure 1, where there is an appreciable pressure

drop between the valve outlet and the compressor suc-

tion, the externally equalized valve must be used. This

is true because when the valve opens, a sudden rise in
Return Air TEV See-All

pressure occurs at the valve outlet. This creates a

false control pressure, which causes the internally

equalized valve to close. Hot Gas Discharge Bypass Valve with

Caution – Introduction of the bypassed gas between

Solenoid Valve Adjustable Remote Bulb

the thermostatic expansion valve and the distributor


is not generally recommended because of the large


pressure drop caused by the hot gas flowing through


the distributor nozzle, or throat, and the tube circuits,

which have been sized for normal cooling flow rates. Desuperheating Thermostatic Expansion Valve – On
Careful evaluation and testing should precede any those applications where the hot gas must be
application where hot gas is bypassed between the bypassed directly into the suction line downstream of
TEV and the distributor. the main expansion valve’s bulb, an auxiliary thermo-
static expansion valve — commonly called a desuper-
heating TEV or a liquid injection valve — is required.
TRIBUTOR Many refrigeration systems and water

chillers do not use refrigerant distributors, but may The purpose of this valve is to supply enough liquid
require some method of compressor capacity control. refrigerant to cool the hot discharge gas to the recom-
This type of application provides the same advantages mended suction temperature. Most compressor manu-
as bypassing hot gas to the evaporator inlet with a dis- facturers specify a maximum suction gas temperature
tributor. All information relating to bypassing hot gas of 65°F. For these requirements, special desuper-
to the evaporator inlet with a distributor, except that heating thermostatic charges are available which will
concerning distributors or ASCs, also applies to bypassing control at the proper superheat to maintain the suction
BULLETIN 90-40 / Page 3
gas at or below 65°F. For applications requiring suc- (Figures 1 and 3), require externally equalized valves,
tion gas temperatures appreciably below 65°F, contact this model will be the most readily available one in the
Sporlan Valve Company or the compressor manufac- field. Therefore, it is suggested that in all cases, the
turer for assistance. In all cases the maximum permis- externally equalized DBV be applied.
compressor manufacturer must be followed. These spe- PARALLELING VALVES If the hot gas bypass require-
sible suction gas temperature published by the

cial charges, along with the correct selection methods, ment on any system is greater than the capacity of the
are given in the Selection Procedures Section. largest discharge bypass valve, these valves can be
applied in parallel. The pressure settings of the paral-
Figure 3 illustrates an externally equalized desuper- leled valves should be the same to get the most sensi-
heating TEV. And in most cases it is the recommend- tive performance, and the piping to each valve should
ed selection. However, if the outlet piping from the be identical to keep the pressure drop across each
expansion valve and the bypass valve is adequately valve the same.
sized and the distance from the connection where the
bypass line enters the suction line to the compressor is PIPING SUGGESTIONS Figures 1, 2, and 3 are piping
close coupled, the internally equalized type may be schematics only to illustrate the general location of
used. If there is any doubt, use the externally equalized the discharge bypass valves in the system. Sporlan
valve. See Bulletin 10-9 for a complete analysis on this recommends that recognized piping references, such
subject. as equipment manufacturers’ literature and the
ASHRAE Handbook, be consulted for assistance.
Valve/Equipment Location and Piping – As indicated Sporlan is not responsible for system design, any dam-
earlier, the bypass valve and hot gas solenoid valve (if age arising from faulty system design, or for misappli-
used) must be located as near to the compressor as cation of its products. If these valves are applied in
possible to ensure rated capacity is obtained from the any manner other than as described in this bulletin,
DBV at the conditions for which it was selected. On the Sporlan warranty is void. Actual system piping
some systems with remote condensing units, the evap- must be done so as to protect the compressor at all
orator will be located below the compressor. When this times. This includes protection against overheating,
is the case, serious consideration should be given to slugging with liquid refrigerant, and trapping of oil in
bypassing the hot gas to the evaporator inlet to keep various system locations.
the compressor oil from being trapped in the evapora-
tor or suction line. Consult with the compressor man- The inlet connection on the discharge bypass valve
ufacturer for additional application data. should be sized to match system piping requirements.
If a hot gas solenoid valve is used, its connection size
One of the most important points to remember when will help determine the necessary connections on the
piping the discharge bypass valve and the desuper- bypass valve. Whether piping the hot gas to the evap-
heating thermostatic expansion valve is that a homog- orator inlet or the suction line, matching connections
enous mixture of liquid and gas must be obtained is easy if all components are reviewed in light of the
before reaching the bulb location. Otherwise, the sys- most efficient system operation: side connection on
tem operation may become unstable and the thermo- distributor or ASC, hot gas solenoid valve, discharge
static expansion valve will hunt. Mixing can be line, suction line, desuperheating TEV, etc.
accomplished two ways: use a suction line accumula-
tor downstream of both connections with the auxiliary Inlet strainers are available for all solder type bypass
thermostatic expansion valve bulb downstream of the valves. The need for an inlet strainer is a function of
accumulator; tee the liquid-vapor mixture from the system cleanliness. Moisture and particles too small
thermostatic expansion valve and the hot gas from the for the strainer are harmful to the system and must
bypass valve together before connecting a common also be removed. Therefore, it is recommended that a
line to the suction line. The latter method is illustrat- Catch-All Filter-Drier be applied in the liquid line and
ed in Figure 3. suction line (if required). See Bulletin 40-10.
Externally Equalized DBV – While an internally equal- HOT GAS SOLENOID VALVE Each of the schematic
ized bypass valve can be used for most applications as drawings in this application section shows a solenoid
illustrated in Figure 2, the final selection depends on valve in a hot gas bypass line. Systems that operate on
the specific system. The deciding factor is the amount a pump down cycle require a solenoid valve in the hot
of pressure drop between the bypass valve outlet and gas bypass line in addition to the liquid line solenoid
the compressor suction. Since most applications, valve, since the bypass valve will open as the suction
pressure is reduced. The two solenoid valves, hot gas
and liquid line, should be wired in parallel so they are
de-energized by a thermostat or any of the compressor
Figure 3 External Equalizer

safety devices, after which the compressor will shut


Even if the system is not on a pump down cycle, it is


usually best to have a shut-off valve in the hot gas


bypass line so the system can be pumped down for

Discharge Distributor
Bypass Valve

Desuperheating TEV

When the hot gas is bypassed into the suction line, a

Hot Gas
Solenoid Valve Valve

hot gas solenoid valve is also needed if the compressor

does not have an integral temperature protection


device. The valve serves as a safety measure against


an extremely high superheat condition at the com-

External Equalizers

pressor suction. This condition can occur if the system

Page 4 / BULLETIN 90-40
experiences a malfunction of the thermostatic expan-
sion valve, which is serving to desuperheat the Figure 4
bypassed hot gas; or, if the system is short of refriger-
ant. The hot gas solenoid valve is wired in series with ADRHE-6
a bi-metal thermostat fastened to the discharge line
close to the compressor. This causes the solenoid valve

to close if the discharge line temperature becomes



Complete selection information is given in the

Selection Procedures Section.

A discharge bypass valve can be applied on any sys-


tem that experiences undesirable compressor cycling


during periods of low load. However, when other pres-


sure regulating valves are also used, some considera-


tion should be given to prevent undesirable operation.


For example, when the bypass valve is required on a

system with an evaporator pressure regulating valve
(ORIT or other type), less hunting will probably occur evaporator temperature change from closed position
if the hot gas is bypassed directly to the suction line to rated opening. A 6°F change is considered normal
along with a desuperheating TEV. However, this may for most applications and is the basis of our capacity
leave oil trapped in the evaporator due to the low ratings. Multipliers for other temperature changes are
velocity flow when the ORIT is throttled. Therefore, given in the Selection Procedures section.
depending on the specific system involved, the hot gas
may be bypassed either to the evaporator inlet or These factors must be considered in the application
directly to the suction line. and selection of all DBV’s. Therefore, the following
sections completely explain how the various factors
If the discharge bypass valve is required on a system are utilized in determining the proper valve to use,
with a crankcase pressure regulating valve (CRO or and the correct method of application.
other type), the DBV can bypass to the low side at any PILOT OPERATED VALVE – SHGB(E)-8 During normal
one of the locations shown in Figures 1, 2, or 3, and system operation, the solenoid coil is energized, which
the decision on whether an internal or external valve allows the SHGB(E)-8 to modulate in response to
is required will depend on the method used. The pres- changes in its outlet pressure or suction pressure, see
sure setting of the DBV must be lower than the CRO Figure 5. De-energizing the solenoid coil will cause the
valve setting for each valve to function properly. valve to close so that no discharge gas is bypassed, see
Figure 6.
Normally, when hot gas bypass is used for capacity
control during periods of low load, the outdoor ambi- As illustrated in Figure 5, the main piston of this
ent drops below 70°F. Therefore, all air cooled systems valve is controlled by a pilot valve. The outlet pressure
that utilize hot gas bypass for capacity control should or suction pressure (P1) acts as a closing force on the
have some type of head pressure control to maintain pilot valve and is opposed by the adjustment spring
satisfactory performance. which acts in an opening direction. High pressure gas
(P2) bleeds into the chamber above the main piston
For information on other Sporlan pressure regulating through a restrictor in the piston. The pilot valve con-
valves refer to the following bulletins: 90-10 trols the position of the main piston by regulating the
Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valves, 90-20 amount of gas that bleeds out of the chamber. As this
Evaporator Pressure Regulating Valves, and 90-30 pressure on top of the main piston (P3) increases and
Head Pressure Control Valves. decreases, it causes the main piston to modulate
closed and open.

As the suction pressure (P1) falls below the pilot

valve’s setting, the pilot port modulates open. This
ADRH Sporlan DBVs respond to changes in down- bleeds refrigerant from the chamber above the piston

stream or suction pressure. See Figure 4. When the through the pilot valve at a faster rate than it is enter-
evaporating pressure is above the valve setting, the ing, so the pressure decreases. As this pressure (P3)
valve remains closed. As the suction pressure drops plus the pressure from the spring (Ps) falls below the
below the valve setting, the valve responds and begins inlet pressure (P2), the inlet pressure pushes the pis-
to open. As with all modulating type valves, the ton up, modulating the valve open. As the suction
amount of opening is proportional to the change in the pressure rises above the setting of the pilot valve, the
variable being controlled — in this case the suction pilot port modulates closed. This allows pressure to
pressure. As the suction pressure continues to drop, build on top of the main piston. As this pressure (P3)
the valve continues to open until the limit of the valve approaches the inlet pressure (P2), the force combined
stroke is reached. However, on normal applications with the force from the spring (Ps) pushes the piston
there is not sufficient pressure change to open these down, modulating the valve closed.
valves to the limit of their stroke. The amount of pres-
sure change from the point at which it is desired to To close the valve, the solenoid coil is de-energized. As
have the valve closed, to the point at which it is to illustrated in Figure 6, when the solenoid coil is
open, varies widely with the type of refrigerant used de-energized, the solenoid plunger closes the port to
and the evaporating temperature. For this reason the pilot valve, which prevents refrigerant from
Sporlan DBVs are rated on the basis of allowable leaving the piston chamber. The incoming hot gas (P2)
BULLETIN 90-40 / Page 5
pilot valve, the pilot port modulates closed. This
Figure 5 Solenoid Coil Energized Valve Modulating
allows pressure to build on top of the main piston. As
this pressure (P3) approaches the inlet pressure (P2),
the force, combined with the force from the spring
(P4), pushes the piston down, modulating the valve

As illustrated in Figure 8, when the solenoid coil is de-

energized, the solenoid plunger closes the port to the

pilot valve, which prevents refrigerant from leaving

the piston chamber. Since this incoming hot gas (P2)

cannot be bled out through the pilot valve, the pres-


sure on top of the main piston (P3) increases, driving

the piston down and closing the main port.

Figure 7 Solenoid Coil Energized Valve Modulating

Figure 6 Solenoid Coil De-Energized Valve Closed


Figure 8 Solenoid Coil De-Energized Valve Closed


bleeds through the piston to the chamber above the

piston. However, since the hot gas cannot bleed
through the pilot valve, the pressure on top of the
main piston (P3) increases, driving the piston down
and closing the main port.


operation the solenoid coil is energized which allows ADJUSTMENT RANGES
the SHGB(E)-15 to modulate in response to changes in
its outlet or suction pressure, see Figure 7. De-ener-
gizing the solenoid coil will close the valve so that no
hot gas is bypassed, see Figure 8. VALVES The fully adjustable type utilizes a spring

assembly which can be fixed at the desired pressure

As illustrated in Figure 7, the main piston of this valve setting (opening pressure). This setting will not be
is controlled by a pilot valve. The outlet pressure or affected by other factors such as ambient or hot gas
suction pressure (P1) acts as a closing force on the pilot temperatures. The ADRP(E)-3 and ADRH(E)-6 are
valve and is opposed by the adjustment spring that available with two adjustment ranges — 0/30 and 0/80
acts in an opening direction. High pressure gas (P2) psig. The ADRI(E) is available with a 0/55 psig, 0/75
bleeds into the main valve through a restrictor to the psig and 0/100 psig adjustment ranges. The standard
top of the main piston. The pilot valve controls the factory settings for all the fully adjustable types are
position of this piston by regulating the amount of gas listed in the table below.
that bleeds out of the main valve, thus varying the
pressure on top of the main piston (P3). As this pres-
sure on top of the main piston increases and decreases, STANDARD FACTORY SETTINGS FOR FULLY ADJUSTABLE VALVES
it causes the main piston to modulate closed and open. VALVE MODEL ADJUSTMENT RANGE STANDARD SETTING

As the suction pressure (P1) falls below the pilot

0/55 28

valve's setting, the pilot port modulates open. This

ADRI(E) 0/75 38

bleeds refrigerant from the piston chamber at a faster

0/100 50

rate than it is entering, so the pressure decreases. As


this pressure (P3) plus the pressure from the spring

ADRP(E)-3 0/30 20

(P4) falls below the inlet pressure (P2), the inlet pres-

sure pushes the piston up, modulating the valve open.


As the suction pressure rises above the setting of the

ADRP(E)-3 0/80 60
Page 6 / BULLETIN 90-40
The 0/30 range on the ADRS(E), ADRP(E) and ADRHE load on the system must be decreased to lower the
models is intended primarily for refrigeration applica- suction pressure so that the valve can control. The
tions, while the 0/80 range is generally required for air valve should then be adjusted to maintain the desired
conditioning systems. The capacity table shows the pressure. The load on the system should then be
evaporating temperatures at which each range can be increased to raise the suction pressure above the valve
applied. Where capacities are given for both the 0/30 setting to close the valve. Once this is accomplished,
and 0/80, the 0/30 psig range should be used because of the valve setting can be checked by slowly decreasing
its greater capacity. There is generally a small differ- the load until the discharge bypass valve begins to
ence in capacity on the ADRI(E) valves with the 0/55, open (a hissing sound and/or an accompanying pres-
0/75 and 0/100 psig adjustment ranges. Due to the dif- sure rise at the outlet connection will indicate that the
ference in gradient among the ADRI(E) adjustment bypass valve has opened).
ranges and greater capacity, it is best to choose the
lowest adjustment range that provides the desired set SPECIFICATIONS
point. Sporlan Discharge Bypass Valves utilize many of the
proven construction features of our line of thermosta-
ACTING VALVES This type of adjustable head is gener- tic expansion valves. The valves are constructed of the

ally applied only on air conditioning systems, and has finest materials — those best suited for the specific
limited adjustment ranges of 10 psi for Refrigerant purpose intended for each valve component. This
134a and 15 psi for other refrigerants. It utilizes an ensures long life and dependable service.
adjustable bellows assembly in the remote bulb of an
air charged “cap tube/remote bulb” element. By chang- Since there are numerous models available, valve des-
ing the volume of the remote bulb, pressure settings ignations have been made distinctly different to aid in
within the adjustment ranges can be set. Because of specifying each type properly. Refer to the Ordering
the air charge, these models are affected by ambient Instructions on Page 11 for an explanation of the
temperatures at the remote bulb. (Although the valve designations.
remote bulb is affected by ambient temperature, it is ELEMENT DESIGNATIONS The table below lists the
strictly a pressure regulating valve and not a temper- element and spring part numbers for each valve type.
ature control device.) Therefore, it is necessary to When ordering any element, the adjustment range
locate the remote bulb in as nearly constant ambient and the valve type must be specified.
as possible to maintain a constant pressure setting.
Figure 2 shows the remote bulb located in the return
air. Any other location that has a nearly constant
ambient temperature year-round can also be used.
Since these models are set in 80°F ambient, any appre-
ciable variation from this temperature will cause the
pressure setting to vary. The actual pressure setting
RANGES – psig

change is 1 psi for every 7°F increase or decrease in the

D-8-1 DRS-2
ambient temperature.
D-3P-1 DRP-3 Non-Adjustable
Dome Type

The table below lists the standard pressure settings

D-3H-1 DRH-6

and adjustment ranges for these valves.

*Non-Adjustable R-8-1 DRS-2
Remote Bulb R-3P-1 DRP-3 Non-Adjustable
Type R-3H-1 DRH-6
For Adjustable Remote Bulb Type on Air Conditioning Systems B-3P-1AR DRP-3 25/35, 32/44
Remote Bulb
– psig – psi
Adjustable A-8-1 ADRS-2
22, 407C 60 55-70 0/30
Spring Type A-3-1 ADRP-3
134a 30 25-35 0/80
A-3-1 ADRH-6
401A 38 32-44
1 Specify desired Pressure Setting or Range of Adjustment.
404A 70 65-80 *Remote bulb element has 0.88” OD x 4.5” bulb with 5’ of capillary tubing. Other lengths
*Normal factory setting for a valve selected to start bypassing at an evaporator rating are available on special order and are priced the same as for special length TEV cap-
temperature of 32°F - 34°F.

The fully adjustable type has the definite advantage of

illary tubing.

being more flexible than the adjustable remote bulb

type. However, the capacity ratings of the ADRHE-6

are considerably less than the ratings of the DRHE-6


adjustable remote bulb type. Therefore, when apply-


ing discharge bypass valves, the specific system

VALVE TYPE (Include Standard
Adjustment Ranges)

involved will help determine which valve type is the

ADRS-2 A-8-0/30 K-1800E-1 .156"
best one for the job.
ADRSE-2 A-8-0/80 K-1800E-2 .112" and .178"


ADRP-3 A-3-0/30 K-1800E-1 .156"

SHGB(E)-15 are adjustable from 0 to 100 psig. The

ADRHE-6 A-3-0/80 K-1800E-2 .112" and .178"

standard factory setting is 69 psig. Adjustment is

made by turning the adjustment screw on the pilot The fully adjustable elements for the ADRS(E)-2,
valve. Turning this screw clockwise will increase the ADRP(E)-3, and ADRHE-6 are available with a choice
valve’s setting and a counterclockwise rotation will of two adjustment ranges, 0/30 or 0/80 psig. By mere-
decrease the valve’s setting. ly changing the adjustment spring in the element,
either adjustment range can be obtained from one ele-
Adjusting these valves can be complicated because the ment. The adjustable element for the ADRI(E)-1-1/4
load must be varied during the setting procedure. The must be replaced if a different range of adjustment is
BULLETIN 90-40 / Page 7
required. However prior to 1994, the element was conditions only. However, special adjustment ranges
integral and is not replaceable. In this case, the entire will be considered on special order. Contact your
valve must be replaced. Sporlan Representative or Sporlan, Washington,
The adjustable “remote bulb” elements contain a
charge of dry air as the operating pressure. The The fully adjustable spring elements, A3-0/80 and A3-
adjustability feature is a valve assembly built into the 0/30, are interchangeable between the ADRPE and
remote bulb. Since the adjustment range is limited by ADRHE valve models. The air charged elements are not
the air pressure in the element and bulb assembly, interchangeable between the DRPE and DRHE valve
standard valves have been set up for “air conditioning” models.
Inches and MATERIAL Type Material MATERIAL
ADRI(E)-1-1/4 5/32 Solder Copper
Solder Copper
ADRS(E)-2 1/4
Flare Brass Metal-to-Metal
Diaphragm - Knife Edge
Solder Copper Brass
ADRP(E)-3 3/8 Stainless Steel Metal-to-Metal
Flare Brass
3/4 Solder Copper Synthetic-to-Metal
The (A)DRI(E), (A)DRS(E), (A)DRP(E) and (A)DRHE valves are all recognized components under Underwriter’s Laboratories Guide Number SFJQ2, File Number SA5460. The maximum
rated pressure for all models is 500 psig (3448 kPa).


Internally Externally Socket STRAINER
Standard Connections A B C D E F Net Shipping
Equalized Equalized1 Depth Part Number
ADRI-1-1/4 ADRIE-1-1/4 3/8 ODF3 1.79 1.38 1.69 1.33 1.94 0.31 1.25 1.50 1524-000
3/8 ODF 1.44 0.31 877-3
1/2 ODF 1.37 0.37 2.00 2.25 877-4
5/8 ODF 1.50 0.50 877-5
ADRS-2 ADRSE-2 6.44 2.50 1.94 2.75
3/8 SAE 1.69 1.75 --
1/2 SAE 1.87 1.94 -- 2.25 2.50 Not Available
5/8 SAE 2.06 2.12 --
1/2 ODF 1.69 1.62 0.37 877-4
2.75 3.00
5/8 ODF 1.81 1.75 0.50 877-5
ADRP-3 ADRPE-3 6.94 2.81 2.06 2.75
1/2 SAE 2.06 --
3.25 3.50 Not Available
5/8 SAE 2.19 --
5/8 ODF 0.50 877-5
Not Available ADRHE-6 7/8 ODF 7.06 2.88 1.88 4.62 2.75 0.75 3.50 4.00 877-7
1-1/8 ODF 0.91 825-9
5/8 ODF 0.50 877-5
Not Available DRHE-6 7/8 ODF 4.88 2.88 1.88 4.62 3.62 0.75 3.50 4.00 877-7
1-1/8 ODF 0.91 825-9
1 Standard External Equalizer connection is 1/4” ODF. 1/4” SAE Flare connection is available on request.
2 The DRP(E)-3 adjustable remote bulb model is obsolete. It may be replaced by the ADRP(E)-3 adjustable model.
3 Multiple combinations of straight through and angle configurations are available. Specify connection sizes and body configurations if other than standard.
4 Air charges 0.88” OD x 4.50” bulb with 5’ of capillary tubing. Other lengths are available on special order and are priced the same as for special length TEV capillary tubing.


C 4.50 A


Page 8 / BULLETIN 90-40


Inches SAE – pounds – pounds
SHGB-8 7/8 x 7/8 .75
0.43 0/100 Brass 1/4" MKC-1 3.3 3.8
SHGBE-8 1-1/8 x 1-1/8 Synthetic .91
SHGB-15 1-1/8 INLET 1-1/8 OUTLET to Metal .91
1 0/75 Cast Steel – MKC-2 5.75 6.25
SHGBE-15 1-3/8 INLET 1-3/8 OUTLET 1.00
SHGB(E)-8 valves are listed by Underwriters Laboratories UL and ULC (UL Guide Number YIOZ, File Number MH4576) for a maximum working pressure of 450 psig, MOPD = 300 psi,
Maximum Fluid Temperature = 240°F, and Maximum Ambient Temperature = 120°F. For use with common refrigerants excluding ammonia.
SHGB(E)-15 valves are listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL File Number MH4576) and Canadian Standards Association (CSA File No. LR19953-24 and LR81662-2) for a Safe
Working Pressure of 450 psig Maximum Operating Pressure Differential of 300 psig. Maximum fluid temperature = 240°F, Maximum Ambient Temperature = 120°F.



1.97 1.97
6.05 6.05

3.00 3.00

.58 .58
4.66 4.66 4.66 4.66


Pilot tube from pilot valve to outlet
connection is on SHGB model only.

2.84 2.84
SHGBE model requires a field installed
external equalizer line from suction line
to pilot valve.


5.00 5.00

.88 .88
5.50 (1-1/8 ODF) 5.50 (1-1/8 ODF) 5.50 (1-1/8 ODF) 5.50 (1-1/8 ODF)
5.53 (1-3/8 ODF) 5.53 (1-3/8 ODF) 5.53 (1-3/8 ODF) 5.53 (1-3/8 ODF)
BULLETIN 90-40 / Page 9

of whether the liquid is fed through the system TEV or the

auxiliary desuperheating TEV. The capacities are based
The selection of a discharge bypass valve, and the neces- on an evaporator temperature change of 6°F from a closed
sary companion devices, is simplified if complete system position to the rated opening. This is a nominal rating
information is available. This will result in the most eco- value based on years of application experience. Since a dis-
nomical selection because the components will match the charge bypass valve is actually a pressure regulating
system requirements. valve, it should be pointed out that the capacity ratings
based on a 6°F evaporator temperature change take into
Besides the discharge bypass valve, a specific application account that a 6°F change @ 40°F on Refrigerant 22 is a
may require a hot gas solenoid valve, an auxiliary side 9.1 psi change, while on Refrigerant 12 it is only 5.7 psi.
connection distributor or ASC adapter, and a desuper- The 6°F nominal change is used so all the various pressure
heating TEV with a companion liquid line solenoid valve. changes do not need to be shown in the table. If addition-
Once the type of application (review Application Section) al capacity is required and a greater evaporator tempera-
is determined, the necessary valves can be selected from ture change can be tolerated, these valves are capable of
the information discussed in this section. opening further. The following table lists various capacity
DISCHARGE BYPASS VALVES The selection of a Sporlan multipliers for this purpose. For example, an ADRHE-6-
Discharge Bypass Valve involves five basic items: 0/80 rated for 9.58 tons at a 26°F evaporating temperature
will start to open at 32°F (26° + 6°); and, when the evapo-
rating temperature has dropped to 26°F, the valve will be
1. Refrigerant - valve capacities vary considerably for
open far enough to bypass 9.9 tons of hot gas. If a temper-
different refrigerants.
ature change of 8°F can be tolerated, the valve would start
2. Minimum allowable evaporating temperature at the
reduced load condition - depending on the system,
opening at 34°F (26° + 8°) and be open far enough to
this value must be set to prevent coil icing and/or bypass 9.9 times 1.15 or 11.39 tons of hot gas.
Occasionally, a bypass valve is selected for an evaporator
compressor short cycling. For example, this may be

temperature change of less than 6°F. Multipliers for

32°F - 34°F for a water chiller; 26°F - 28°F for a normal

those situations are also given in the table below.

air conditioning system; and, the freezing tempera-
ture of the specific product for a refrigeration system.
3. Compressor capacity (tons) at minimum allowable CAPACITY MULTIPLIERS
evaporating temperature - consult compressor for Evaporator Temperature Changes Other Than 6°F Nominal Change
capacity ratings for this value. EVAPORATOR TEMPERATURE – °F
4. Minimum evaporator load (tons) at which the sys- TEMPERATURE REFRIGERANT 0 and
tem is to be operated - most systems are not CHANGE – °F 40 26 20 below
required to operate down to zero load but this value 134a, 401A 0.65 0.65 0.65
will depend on the type of system. For example, 2 22, 402A, 404A, 0.65
most air conditioning systems only need to operate 0 . 7 2 0 . 7 0 0 .70
407C, 507
down to 15-25% of full load. However, air condition- 134a, 401A 0.80 0.80 0.80
ing systems for data processing and “white” rooms, 4 22, 402A, 404A, 0.74
0 . 8 7 0 . 8 5 0 .85
and most refrigeration systems may be required to 407C, 507
bypass to zero load conditions. 134a, 401A 1.11 1.11
5. Condensing temperature when minimum load 8 22, 402A, 404A, 1.11 1.09
1 . 1 7 1.15
407C, 507
exists - since the capacity ratings of the bypass valves
134a, 401A 1.22 1.20 1.19
are a function of condensing temperature, it is vital 10 1.11
22, 402A, 404A,
that proper head pressure is maintained, especially 1. 3 4 1 . 2 7 1 .25
407C, 507
Example – Select a discharge bypass valve for a 30 ton
during low load operation. As the capacity table indi-

Refrigerant 22 air conditioning system with 67% cylinder

cates, a condensing temperature of 80°F is considered

unloading (4 of 6 cylinders unloaded). Normal operating

the minimum allowable for satisfactory system opera-
conditions are 45°F evaporating temperature and 120°F
tion. See Bulletin 90-30 for information on Sporlan’s
condensing temperature with a minimum condensing
Head Pressure Control Valves.
The discharge bypass valve must be selected to handle temperature of 80°F due to head pressure control.
the difference between items 3 and 4 above. If the mini-
mum evaporator load (item 4) is zero, the hot gas bypass When the evaporator load drops below the last step of
requirement is simply the compressor capacity at the cylinder unloading, it is necessary to keep the system on-
minimum allowable evaporating temperature (item 3). the-line to maintain proper space temperatures, and
The following discussion on Capacity Ratings and the avoid frosting of the coil. From the compressor manufac-
Example show how these factors affect a selection on a turer’s capacity table, the compressor capacity in tons at
typical air conditioning system. the minimum allowable evaporating temperature is
approximately 10 tons. If the system had to be on-the-
Capacity Ratings – As the Discharge Bypass Valve line down to zero load, the bypass valve would have to
Capacity Table indicates, valve ratings are dependent on bypass 10 tons of hot gas. With the necessary system fac-
the evaporating and condensing temperature at the reduced tors — R-22, 26°F evaporating temperature at the
load condition and the refrigerant used. Therefore, once this reduced load condition, and 80°F condensing tempera-
information and the hot gas bypass requirement in tons is ture — the capacity table is checked for a valve which
determined, a discharge bypass valve can be selected. can handle the 10 tons bypass capacity:
Where two valve capacities are shown for the same con- The DRHE-6-55/70 AR has a capacity of 13.1 tons at
ditions — one for the 0/30 adjustment range and another these conditions. Therefore, if the system must operate to
for the 0/80 adjustment range — the “0/30 psig” valve zero load, this would be the proper selection.
should be used because of its greater capacity. Both val-
ues are listed as an aid in selecting a valve for a system However, if the minimum evaporator load is 4.5 tons
with operating conditions between those shown. (15% of total system capacity), an ADRPE-3-0/80 would
be the proper selection (valve capacity of 4.86 tons).
As the capacity table heading indicates, these are valve The only additional information necessary is the valve
capacities, not the system capacity on which the valve is connections. While various connections are available,
applied. The ratings are the sum of the hot gas bypassed the proper valve connections must be selected to
and the liquid refrigerant for desuperheating, regardless match the system’s piping requirements.
Page 10 / BULLETIN 90-40


Capacities based on discharge temperatures 50°F above isentropic compression, 25°F superheat at the compressor,
10°F subcooling, and includes both the hot gas bypassed and liquid refrigerant for desuperheating, regardless of whether the
liquid is fed through the system thermostatic expansion valves or an auxiliary desuperheating thermostatic expansion valve.
REFRIG- MENT 40 26 20 0 -20 -40
psig 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120
0/55 – – – 0.34 0.44 0.56 0.41 0.52 0.66 0.49 0.63 0.79 0.46 0.59 0.75 0.43 0.56 0.70
0/75 0.45 0.58 0.73 0.50 0.64 0.81 0.50 0.65 0.81 0.47 0.60 0.76 0.39 0.50 0.63 0.33 0.42 0.54
0/100 0.41 0.53 0.67 0.42 0.54 0.67 0.41 0.53 0.66 0.38 0.49 0.62 0.34 0.44 0.56 0.31 0.40 0.50
ADRS-2 0/30 – – – – – – – – – 3.02 3.90 4.91 2.91 3.75 4.74 2.81 3.63 4.58
22 ADRSE-2 0/80 2.73 3.51 4.42 2.77 3.57 4.50 2.79 3.59 4.53 2.84 3.66 4.61 2.83 3.65 4.60 2.71 3.50 4.42
ADRP-3 0/30 – – – – – – – – – 5.73 7.38 9.31 5.78 7.45 9.41 5.47 7.07 8.94
ADRPE-3 0/80 4.65 5.99 7.54 4.86 6.26 7.88 4.95 6.37 8.03 5.13 6.61 8.34 5.14 6.64 8.38 4.98 6.43 8.13
0/30 – – – – – – – – – 10.8 13.9 17.6 10.9 14.1 17.8 10.5 13.5 17.1
0/80 7.12 9.16 11.5 7.69 9.90 12.5 7.92 10.2 12.8 8.44 10.9 13.7 8.55 11.0 13.9 8.24 10.6 13.5
0/55 0.30 0.40 0.51 0.31 0.41 0.53 0.31 0.41 0.53 0.29 0.38 0.49 – – – – – –
0/75 0.32 0.43 0.55 0.30 0.39 0.50 0.28 0.37 0.48 0.23 0.31 0.40 – – – – – –
0/100 0.26 0.34 0.44 0.24 0.32 0.41 0.24 0.31 0.40 0.21 0.28 0.36 – – – – – –
ADRS-2 0/30 – – – 1.97 2.60 3.34 1.94 2.56 3.30 1.87 2.46 3.18 – – – – – –
134a ADRSE-2 0/80 2.02 2.67 3.43 1.85 2.44 3.15 1.85 2.44 3.15 – – – – – – – – –
ADRP-3 0/30 – – – 3.75 4.95 6.38 3.76 4.96 6.39 3.70 4.89 6.31 – – – – – –
ADRPE-3 0/80 3.74 4.94 6.37 3.35 4.42 5.70 3.36 4.43 5.71 – – – – – – – – –
0/30 – – – 7.09 9.36 12.1 7.09 9.37 12.1 7.12 9.41 12.1 – – – – – –
0/80 7.07 9.34 12.0 5.50 7.26 9.36 5.53 7.31 9.41 – – – – – – – – –
0/55 0.34 0.45 0.57 0.36 0.47 0.60 0.36 0.47 0.59 0.34 0.44 0.56 – – – – – –
0/75 0.37 0.48 0.61 0.34 0.45 0.57 0.33 0.42 0.54 0.27 0.36 0.45 – – – – – –
0/100 0.30 0.39 0.49 0.28 0.37 0.47 0.27 0.36 0.45 0.25 0.32 0.41 – – – – – –
ADRS-2 0/30 – – – 2.28 2.97 3.77 2.26 2.93 3.72 2.18 2.83 3.59 – – – – – –
401A ADRSE-2 0/80 2.12 2.76 3.50 2.14 2.79 3.54 2.15 2.79 3.54 2.11 2.74 3.48 – – – – – –
ADRP-3 0/30 – – – 4.36 5.66 7.19 4.36 5.67 7.20 4.32 5.62 7.14 – – – – – –
ADRPE-3 0/80 3.81 4.95 6.28 3.88 5.04 6.40 3.90 5.06 6.43 3.85 5.01 6.36 – – – – – –
0/30 – – – 8.23 10.7 13.6 8.24 10.7 13.6 8.30 10.8 13.7 – – – – – –
0/80 6.15 7.99 10.1 6.36 8.26 10.5 6.41 8.32 10.6 6.40 8.32 10.6 – – – – – –
0/55 – – – – – – – – – 0.52 0.66 0.81 0.55 0.69 0.85 0.51 0.64 0.78
0/75 – – – 0.52 0.65 0.80 0.55 0.70 0.85 0.57 0.72 0.88 0.50 0.63 0.77 0.41 0.52 0.63
0/100 0.43 0.54 0.65 0.47 0.60 0.73 0.48 0.60 0.74 0.46 0.57 0.70 0.41 0.52 0.64 0.37 0.47 0.57
ADRS-2 0/30 – – – – – – – – – – – – 3.35 4.22 5.17 3.22 4.06 4.98
402A ADRSE-2 0/80 – – – 3.10 3.91 4.79 3.12 3.93 4.81 3.18 4.00 4.90 3.21 4.04 4.96 3.14 3.96 4.85
ADRP-3 0/30 – – – – – – – – – – – – 6.44 8.11 9.94 6.41 8.08 9.91
ADRPE-3 0/80 – – – 5.29 6.66 8.16 5.38 6.78 8.30 5.69 7.16 8.77 5.82 7.33 8.98 5.73 7.23 8.86
0/30 – – – – – – – – – – – – 12.2 15.3 18.6 12.3 15.5 18.8
0/80 – – – 8.16 10.3 12.6 8.43 10.6 13.0 9.26 11.7 14.3 9.65 12.2 14.9 9.59 12.1 14.8
0/55 – – – – – – – – – 0.53 0.67 0.83 0.54 0.68 0.84 0.49 0.63 0.77
0/75 – – – 0.53 0.67 0.83 0.55 0.71 0.87 0.56 0.71 0.87 0.48 0.61 0.75 0.39 0.50 0.62
0/100 0.43 0.55 0.68 0.47 0.60 0.74 0.47 0.60 0.74 0.44 0.56 0.70 0.40 0.51 0.63 0.36 0.45 0.56
ADRS-2 0/30 – – – – – – – – – – – – 3.29 4.17 5.15 3.16 4.01 4.95
404A & 507 ADRSE-2 0/80 – – – 3.08 3.91 4.82 3.10 3.93 4.85 3.15 4.00 4.93 3.17 4.02 4.96 3.08 3.90 4.82
ADRP-3 0/30 – – – – – – – – – – – – 6.38 8.08 9.97 6.27 7.95 9.81
ADRPE-3 0/80 – – – 5.28 6.70 8.26 5.38 6.81 8.41 5.65 7.16 8.84 5.75 7.28 9.00 5.63 7.13 8.80
0/30 – – – – – – – – – – – – 12.0 15.3 18.7 12.1 15.4 18.9
0/80 – – – 8.19 10.4 12.8 8.45 10.7 13.2 9.23 11.7 14.4 9.53 12.1 14.9 9.4 11.9 14.7
0/55 – – – 0.48 0.61 0.77 0.54 0.69 0.86 0.58 0.74 0.93 0.53 0.68 0.85 – – –
0/75 0.61 0.78 0.97 0.61 0.78 0.97 0.60 0.77 0.96 0.53 0.68 0.85 0.43 0.56 0.69 – – –
0/100 0.51 0.65 0.81 0.50 0.63 0.79 0.48 0.62 0.77 0.44 0.56 0.70 0.39 0.50 0.62 – – –
ADRS-2 0/30 – – – – – – – – – 3.52 4.51 5.63 3.38 4.33 5.41 – – –
407C ADRSE-2 0/80 3.32 4.25 5.30 3.32 4.25 5.30 3.33 4.27 5.32 3.36 4.31 5.38 3.30 4.23 5.28 – – –
ADRP-3 0/30 – – – – – – – – – 6.74 8.63 10.8 6.74 8.64 10.8 – – –
ADRPE-3 0/80 5.86 7.50 9.36 5.86 7.50 9.36 5.95 7.61 9.50 6.10 7.81 9.75 6.02 7.71 9.63 – – –
0/30 – – – – – – – – – 12.7 16.3 20.3 12.8 16.5 20.5 – – –
0/80 9.43 12.1 15.1 9.43 12.1 15.1 9.67 12.4 15.5 10.1 13.0 16.2 10.1 12.9 16.1 – – –
BULLETIN 90-40 / Page 11


Capacities based on discharge temperatures 50°F above isentropic compression, 25°F superheat at the compressor,
10°F subcooling, and includes both the hot gas bypassed and liquid refrigerant for desuperheating, regardless of whether the
liquid is fed through the system thermostatic expansion valves or an auxiliary desuperheating thermostatic expansion valve.
REFRIG- MENT 40 26 20 0 -20 -40
psig 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120
22 DRHE-6 55/70 14.9 19.8 24.6 13.1 16.9 21.2
134a DRHE-6 25/35 7.30 9.64 12.4 6.29 8.31 10.7
401A DRHE-6 32/44 8.43 11.0 13.9 7.30 9.49 12.0 These models are recommended for air
404A DRHE-6 65/80 – – – 16.9 21.4 25.3 conditioning temperature ranges only.
55/70 or
407C DRHE-6 17.7 22.9 27.9 15.1 19.3 23.9
*The DRP(E) adjustable remote bulb is obsolete. It may be replaced with the ADRP(E) adjustable model.


Capacities based on discharge temperatures 50°F above isentropic compression, 25°F superheat at the compressor, 10°F subcooling, and
includes both the hot gas bypassed and liquid refrigerant for desuperheating, regardless of whether the liquid is fed through the system
thermostatic expansion valves or an auxiliary desuperheating thermostatic expansion valve. Valve capacity is based on the valve stroked fully open.
40 26 20 0 -20 -40
80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120
SHGB-8 11.5 15.5 19.9 12.1 15.8 20.1 12.2 15.9 20.1 12.4 16.1 20.3 12.5 16.2 20.5 12.7 16.4 20.8
SHGB-15 43.0 61.0 80.9 47.4 64.7 84.5 48.7 65.9 85.6 52.6 69.6 89.3 55.3 72.5 92.3 57.4 74.9 95.1
SHGB-8 7.9 10.8 14.0 8.2 10.9 14.0 8.2 10.9 14.0 8.3 11.0 14.1 – – – – – –
SHGB-15 30.6 44.2 59.5 33.2 46.4 61.3 34.1 47.1 62.0 36.4 49.2 64.1 – – – – – –
SHGB-8 7.8 10.6 13.8 8.0 10.7 13.9 8.1 10.7 13.9 8.2 10.8 14.0 – – – – – –
SHGB-15 29.6 42.9 58.1 32.4 45.4 60.2 33.3 46.1 60.9 35.7 48.3 63.3 – – – – – –
SHGB-8 12.7 16.9 21.1 13.4 17.2 21.2 13.5 17.2 21.2 13.6 17.3 21.4 13.8 17.4 21.5 13.9 17.6 21.7
SHGB-15 47.6 66.6 85.8 52.5 70.4 88.8 54.0 71.6 90.1 57.7 75.2 93.8 60.8 77.9 96.5 62.9 80.1 98.9
SHGB-8 13.0 17.2 21.5 13.5 17.5 21.6 13.6 17.5 21.6 13.8 17.6 21.8 13.9 17.6 21.8 14.0 17.7 22.0
404A & 507
SHGB-15 48.6 67.9 87.8 53.2 71.6 90.9 54.8 72.9 91.9 58.8 76.6 95.5 61.5 78.9 97.7 63.4 80.8 100.0
SHGB-8 11.7 15.9 20.5 12.2 16.1 20.6 12.2 16.1 20.6 12.4 16.3 20.8 12.5 16.4 21.0 – – –
SHGB-15 44.6 64.0 85.5 48.8 67.7 88.8 50.1 68.8 89.7 53.8 72.1 93.3 56.3 74.7 96.1 – – –


When ordering any Discharge Bypass Valve, completely specify the valve by including all the applicable information:


A DR H E 6 0/80 AR 7/8” ODF
Fully Valve Type Body Style External Port Size Adjustment Adjustable Connections
Adjustable Discharge I, S, P or H Equalizer in Eighths Range Remote Bulb Solder or
0/30 or 0/80 psig Regulating Omit if of an Inch 0/30, 0/80, SAE Flare
or 0/55 psig Internally 55/70, etc.
(ADRI) Equalized


S HGB E –8 – 0/100 – 7/8"
Solenoid Stop Valve Type - External Valve Size Adjustment Connections -
Feature Hot Gas Equalizer - Range - psi ODF Solder
Bypass 1/4" SAE 7/8” ODF
Omit if 1-1/8" ODF
Page 12 / BULLETIN 90-40
HOT GAS SOLENOID VALVES The selection of a the one which keeps the pressure drop as low as pos-
Sporlan Hot Gas Solenoid Valve involves some of the sible while matching the solenoid valve and bypass
same basic items already determined for the selection valve connections.
of the discharge bypass valve plus one additional
factor: Example – Based on the data for the earlier DBV
selection: Refrigerant 22, 26°F minimum allowable
evaporating temperature at the reduced load condi-
tion, and either 10 tons or 4.5 tons as the hot gas
1. Refrigerant.

bypass requirement, the best solenoid valve selection

2. Minimum allowable evaporating temperature at the

for each case would be:

reduced load condition.
3. Hot gas bypass requirement in tons - this is not the

For 10 tons: MB25S2, 7/8” or 1-1/8” ODF connections,

bypass valve capacity.

and the necessary voltage and cycles.

4. Allowable pressure drop across valve port - since
excessive pressure drop across the solenoid valve

For 4.5 tons: MB14S2, 5/8” ODF connections, and the

reduces the capacity of the DBV, the maximum pres-

necessary voltage and cycles.

sure drop for a Refrigerant 134a system should be
approximately 5 psi and for a Refrigerant 22 system

The MB25S2 and MB14S2 would have a pressure

approximately 10 psi.

Capacity Ratings – Once the data listed above is drop of less than 5 psi. Both selections depend on
determined, the appropriate solenoid valve can be eas- whether adequate condensing pressure is maintained
ily selected from the capacity table. Since the capaci- year round with some form of head pressure control.
ties for a given solenoid valve vary considerably with See Bulletin 90-30 for Sporlan’s Head Pressure
a slight change in pressure drop, the best selection is Control Systems.


Capacities based on 100°F condensing temperature, isentropic compression plus 50°F, 40°F evaporator and 65°F suction gas.
For other evaporator conditions use the multipliers in the table below.
"E" Series C O N N EC T I O N S 22 1 3 4 a 4 0 1 A 402A 404A 407C 507
"A" & "B" Inches
Connections 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10
A3F1 – 1/4 SAE
0.38 0.52 0.31 0.42 0.34 0.47 0.33 0.47 0.34 0.48 0.39 0.54 0.33 0.46
A3S1 – 1/4 or 3/8 ODF
– E5S120 1/4 ODF
0.89 1.25 0.74 1.02 0.80 1.12 0.79 1.12 0.81 1.14 0.75 1.07 0.79 1.10
– E5S130 3/8 ODF
MB6F1 – 3/8 SAE
MB6S1 ME6S130 3/8 ODF 1.55 2.15 1.27 1.74 1.39 1.91 1.38 1.92 1.41 1.96 1.38 1.94 1.37 1.90
MB6S1 ME6S140 1/2 ODF
MB9F2 – 3/8 SAE
– ME9S230 3/8 ODF 2.22 3.11 1.84 2.55 2.00 2.79 1.97 2.77 2.02 2.83 2.24 3.16 1.95 2.74
MB9S2 ME9S240 1/2 ODF
MB10F2 – 1/2 SAE
– ME10S240 1/2 ODF 3.45 4.81 2.84 3.92 3.10 4.29 3.07 4.28 3.13 4.38 3.05 4.31 3.04 4.24
MB10S2 ME10S250 5/8 ODF
MB14S2 ME14S250 5/8 ODF 4.69 6.55 3.87 5.36 4.22 5.86 4.17 5.83 4.26 5.96 4.34 6.13 4.13 5.78
MB19S2 ME19S250 5/8 ODF
6.93 9.69 5.72 7.93 6.24 8.68 6.15 8.62 6.29 8.81 6.57 9.31 6.10 8.54
MB25S2 ME19S270 7/8 ODF
MB25S2 ME25S270 7/8 ODF
11.1 15.5 9.14 12.7 9.96 13.9 9.83 13.8 10.1 14.1 11.3 15.9 9.74 13.6
MB25S2 ME25S290 1-1/8 ODF

for evaporator temperatures at the reduced load condition
EVAPORATOR 40 26 20 0 -20 -40
MULTIPLIER 1.00 .95 .93 .87 .81 .75
For complete specifications on these solenoid valves, refer to Bulletin 30-10.
BULLETIN 90-40 / Page 13
applicable over the range of evaporating temperatures
VALVES The proper selection procedure for a Sporlan shown in the table for various refrigerants.

Desuperheating TEV involves some of the same items

already determined for the selection of the discharge Capacity Ratings – As the TEV capacity table shows,
bypass valve plus one additional item: valve ratings are based on the evaporating tempera-
ture at the reduced load condition and the pressure
drop that exists across the valve. The actual pressure
drop available is a function of the condensing pressure
1. Refrigerant.

and the equivalent evaporating pressure, plus any

2. Minimum allowable evaporating temperature at the

pressure losses in the liquid line. Or, the difference

reduced load condition.

between the inlet pressure of the TEV and the pres-

3. Hot gas bypass requirement in tons - this is not the

sure equivalent to the evaporating temperature at the

bypass valve capacity.

reduced load condition.

4. Capacity multiplier from bottom of DBV capacity table
- Since a small amount of liquid refrigerant controlled

The condensed capacity table on pages 14 and 15 cov-

by the TEV can desuperheat the bypassed hot gas, this

ers the air conditioning temperature range only with

multiplier determines the amount necessary for the

models having both SAE and ODF connections (G and

specific operating conditions.

The required capacity of the desuperheating TEV is C valves have SAE connections and EG and S valves
item 3 multiplied by item 4. Once this capacity is have ODF connections). The models shown are appli-
determined, the valve can be selected from the capaci- cable to the majority of hot gas bypass requirements.
ty table on pages 14 and 15. The proper thermostatic For applications beyond the temperature range and
charge is selected from the table below. Each charge is capacity sizes, refer to Bulletin 10-10.


40 26 20 0 -20 -40
80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120
22 0.19 0.24 0.28 0.22 0.26 0.31 0.23 0.27 0.32 0.27 0.31 0.36 0.31 0.36 0.41 0.35 0.40 0.45
134a & 401A 0.21 0.26 0.31 0.24 0.29 0.33 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.29 0.34 0.39 – – – – – –
402A, 404A & 507 0.24 0.30 0.37 0.28 0.34 0.42 0.29 0.35 0.43 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.38 0.44 0.53 0.43 0.49 0.58
407C 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.28 0.33 0.38 0.29 0.34 0.39 0.33 0.38 0.43 0.37 0.42 0.48 – – –

Example – Based on the data for the DBV selection

example: Refrigerant 22, 26°F minimum allowable

evaporating temperature at the reduced load condi-

for desuperheating thermostatic expansion valves

tion (50 psig), 80°F condensing temperature (144


psig), and either 10 tons or 4.5 tons as the hot gas


bypass requirement, the following selection proce-

REFRIGERANT SUPERHEAT at Reduced Load Condition °F

dures are used:

40 thru -15 -16 thru -40
25 L1

For 10 tons: Required TEV capacity is 10 tons times

134a, 401A 35

.22 (capacity multiplier from bottom of DBV

45 L3
Capacities Table) or 2.2 tons. The pressure drop
across valve would be approximately 144 minus 50 or
L1 L1
22, 407C 35
94 psi. 45 L2 L2

Assuming the system required an externally equal-

402A, 404A, 507 L1 L1

ized, solder type valve, the best selection is the SVE-


2. On systems bypassing to zero load, it is better to use

*For suction gas temperatures that require superheats other that those listed above, con-

the valve that has a capacity nearest to the desuper-

tact Sporlan, or the compressor manufacturer for assistance.

heating requirement rather than the larger model.

Bulb Size for desuperheating thermostatic expansion valve types G, EG, C, and S is 1/2” x

From the Thermostatic Charge Selection Table, an L1 Liquid Line Solenoid Valve – On some systems it may
3-1/2” for thermostatic charges L1, L2, and L3.

charge is selected for Refrigerant 22 at 26°F evaporat- be necessary to add a small solenoid valve ahead of
ing temperature and 25°F suction gas superheat. the desuperheating TEV for pump down control. This
Therefore, the complete valve specification is SVE-2- occurs when the main liquid line solenoid valve is
L1, 1/2” x 5/8” ODF - 5’. located near the system TEV, and it is impractical to
connect the liquid line for the desuperheating TEV
For 4.5 tons: Required capacity is 4.5 tons times .22 or downstream of the main solenoid valve. In these cases
.99 tons. The pressure drop would be approximately the small solenoid valve can be selected from the table
the same as for 10 ton requirement, 94 psi. Therefore, on page 16 by matching the connections with the inlet
the complete valve specification is EGVE-1-L1, 3/8” x connection of the desuperheating TEV. Complete
1/2” ODF - 5’. details on solenoid valves are given in Bulletin 30-10.
Page 14 / BULLETIN 90-40


times the distributor with an auxiliary side connec- ASC CONNECTION SIZES Inches
tion (Series 1650R) is selected and installed by the

original equipment manufacturer. When it is applied


in the field, its selection depends on the system’s main


thermostatic expansion valve and the evaporator coil.

1620, 1622 ASC-5-4 5/8 5/8 1/2

This is discussed in the Application Section.

1112, 1113 ASC-7-4 7/8 7/8 1/2
1115, 1116 ASC-9-5 1-1/8 1-1/8 5/8

The ASC is normally selected and applied in the field.

1117, 1126, 1128 ASC-11-7 1-3/8 1-3/8 7/8

The basic requirement is that it match the TEV and

1125, 1127, 1143 ASC-13-9 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-1/8

the distributor on the system. If the part number of

the refrigerant distributor is available, the ASC can
be selected from the table to the right by matching the
appropriate numbers.


GV-1/5 EGV-1/5 GVE-1/5 EGVE-1/5 0.20 0.22
1/4 X 1/2
GV-1/3 EGV-1/3 GVE-1/3 EGVE-1/3 0.35 0.38
GV-1/2 EGV-1/2 GVE-1/2 EGVE-1/2 0.45 0.49
3/8 X 1/2
GV-3/4 EGV-3/4 GVE-3/4 EGVE-3/4 0.75 0.82
GV-1 EGV-1 GVE-1 EGVE-1 1.00 1.09
GV-1-1/2 EGV-1-1/2 GVE-1-1/2 EGVE-1-1/2 1.60 1.74
3/8 X 1/2
CV-2 SV-2 GVE-2 SVE-2 2.00 2.18
1/2 X 5/8
CV-3 SV-3 GVE-3 SVE-3 3.20 3.49
CV-4 SV-4 CVE-4 SVE-4 4.50 4.90
1/2 X 7/8
CV-5 SV-5 CVE-5 SVE-5 5.20 5.67
– – CVE-8 SVE-8 8.00 8.72 1/2 X 5/8 5/8 X 7/8
GJ-1/8 EGJ-1/8 GJE-1/8 EGJE-1/8 0.15 0.15
GJ-1/6 EGJ-1/6 GJE-1/6 EGJE-1/6 0.25 0.28 1/4 X 1/2
GJ-1/4 EGJ-1/4 GJE-1/4 EGJE-1/4 0.31 0.35
3/8 X 1/2
GJ-1/2 EGJ-1/2 GJE-1/2 EGJE-1/2 0.60 0.60
GJ-1 EGJ-1 GJE-1 EGJE-1 1.21 1.20
GJ-1-1/2 EGJ-1-1/2 GJE-1-1/2 EGJE-1-1/2 1.93 1.91
3/8 X 1/2
CJ-2 SJ-2 GJE-2 SJE-2 2.41 2.39 1/2 X 5/8
CJ-2-1/2 SJ-2-1/2 CJE-2-1/2 SJE-2-1/2 3.01 2.99
1/2 X 7/8
CJ-3 SJ-3 CJE-3 SJE-3 3.62 3.59
– – CJE-5 SJE-5 6.03 4.98 1/2 X 5/8
5/8 X 7/8
– – – SJE-6 7.23 5.98 –
GX-1/8 EGX-1/8 GXE-1/8 EGXE-1/8 0.16 0.16
GX-1/6 EGX-1/6 GXE-1/6 EGXE-1/6 0.27 0.30 1/4 X 1/2
GX-1/4 EGX-1/4 GXE-1/4 EGXE-1/4 0.34 0.37
3/8 X 1/2
GX-1/2 EGX-1/2 GXE-1/2 EGXE-1/2 0.65 0.65
GX-1 EGX-1 GXE-1 EGXE-1 1.29 1.29
GX-1-1/2 EGX-1-1/2 GXE-1-1/2 EGXE-1-1/2 2.07 2.07
3/8 X 1/2
CX-2 SX-2 CXE-2 SXE-2 2.59 2.59 1/2 X 5/8
CX-2-1/2 SX-2-1/2 CXE-2-1/2 SXE-2-1/2 3.23 3.24
1/2 X 7/8
CX-3 SX-3 CXE-3 SXE-3 3.88 3.88
– – CXE-5 SXE-5 6.47 5.39 1/2 X 5/8
5/8 X 7/8
– – – SXE-6 7.76 6.47 –
GL-1/8 EGL-1/8 GLE-1/8 EGLE-1/8 0.15 0.16
GL-1/6 EGL-1/6 GLE-1/6 EGLE-1/6 0.23 0.24 1/4 X 1/2
GL-1/4 EGL-1/4 GLE-1/4 EGLE-1/4 0.29 0.31
3/8 X 1/2
GL-1/2 EGL-1/2 GLE-1/2 EGLE-1/2 0.56 0.59
GL-1 EGL-1 GLE-1 EGLE-1 1.02 1.10
GL-1-1/2 EGL-1-1/2 GLE-1-1/2 EGLE-1-1/2 1.52 1.61
3/8 X 1/2
CL-2 SL-2 GLE-2 SLE-2 2.03 2.14 1/2 X 5/8
CL-3 SL-3 CLE-3 SLE-3 2.85 3.00
1/2 X 7/8
CL-4 SL-4 CLE-4 SLE-4 4.07 4.28
– SL-6 CLE-6 SLE-6 5.59 5.12 1/2 X 5/8
5/8 X 7/8
– – – SLE-7 7.12 6.51 –
BULLETIN 90-40 / Page 15


GS-1/8 EGS-1/8 GSE-1/8 EGSE-1/8 0.15 0.16
GS-1/6 EGS-1/6 GSE-1/6 EGSE-1/6 0.23 0.24 1/4 X 1/2
GS-1/4 EGS-1/4 GSE-1/4 EGSE-1/4 0.29 0.31
3/8 X 1/2
GS-1/2 EGS-1/2 GSE-1/2 EGSE-1/2 0.56 0.59
GS-1 EGS-1 GSE-1 EGSE-1 1.02 1.10
GS-1-1/2 EGS-1-1/2 GSE-1-1/2 EGSE-1-1/2 1.53 1.60
3/8 X 1/2
CS-2 SS-2 GSE-2 SSE-2 2.04 2.14 1/2 X 5/8
CS-3 SS-3 CSE-3 SSE-3 2.86 3.00
1/2 X 7/8
CS-4 SS-4 CSE-4 SSE-4 4.08 4.28
– SS-6 CSE-6 SSE-6 5.61 5.11 1/2 X 5/8
5/8 X 7/8
– – – SSE-7 7.14 6.51 –
GN-1/5 EGN-1/5 GNE-1/5 EGNE-1/5 0.18 0.20
1/4 X 1/2
GN-1/3 EGN-1/3 GNE-1/3 EGNE-1/3 0.32 0.35
GN-1/2 EGN-1/2 GNE-1/2 EGNE-1/2 0.41 0.44
3/8 X 1/2
GN-3/4 EGN-3/4 GNE-3/4 EGNE-3/4 0.69 0.74
GN-1 EGN-1 GNE-1 EGNE-1 0.92 0.99
GN-1-1/2 EGN-1-1/2 GNE-1-1/2 EGNE-1-1/2 1.47 1.58
3/8 X 1/2
CN-2 SN-2 GNE-2 SNE-2 1.84 1.97
1/2 X 5/8
CN-3 SN-3 GNE-3 SNE-3 2.94 3.16
CN-4 SN-4 CNE-4 SNE-4 4.14 4.44
1/2 X 7/8
CN-5 SN-5 CNE-5 SNE-5 4.78 5.13
– – CNE-8 SNE-8 7.35 7.89 1/2 X 5/8 5/8 X 7/8
GP-1/8 EGP-1/8 GPE-1/8 EGPE-1/8 0.14 0.15
GP-1/6 EGP-1/6 GPE-1/6 EGPE-1/6 0.22 0.24 1/4 X 1/2
GP-1/4 EGP-1/4 GPE-1/4 EGPE-1/4 0.29 0.30
3/8 X 1/2
GP-1/2 EGP-1/2 GPE-1/2 EGPE-1/2 0.55 0.58
GP-1 EGP-1 GPE-1 EGPE-1 1.00 1.08
GP-1-1/2 EGP-1-1/2 GPE-1-1/2 EGPE-1-1/2 1.50 1.57
3/8 X 1/2
CP-2 SP-2 GPE-2 SPE-2 2.00 2.09 1/2 X 5/8
CP-3 SP-3 CPE-3 SPE-3 2.79 2.93
1/2 X 7/8
CP-4 SP-4 CPE-4 SPE-4 3.99 4.19
– SP-6 CPE-6 SPE-6 5.49 5.00 1/2 X 5/8
5/8 X 7/8
– – – SPE-7 6.99 6.36 –


REFRIGERANT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
22 1.56 1.51 1.45 1.40 1.34 1.29 1.23 1.17 1.12 1.06 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.82 0.76
134a 1.70 1.63 1.56 1.49 1.42 1.36 1.29 1.21 1.14 1.07 1.00 0.93 0.85 0.78 0.71
401A 1.60 1.54 1.48 1.43 1.36 1.31 1.25 1.19 1.13 1.06 1.00 0.94 0.87 0.80 0.74
402A 2.01 1.91 1.82 1.72 1.62 1.52 1.42 1.32 1.22 1.11 1.00 0.89 0.77 0.65 0.53
404A 2.04 1.94 1.84 1.74 1.64 1.54 1.43 1.33 1.22 1.11 1.00 0.89 0.77 0.65 0.53
407C 1.69 1.62 1.55 1.49 1.42 1.35 1.28 1.21 1.14 1.07 1.00 0.93 0.85 0.77 0.69
507 1.99 1.89 1.79 1.69 1.59 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.89 0.78 0.66 0.51
These factors include corrections for liquid refrigerant density and net refrigerating effect and are based on an evaporator temperature of 0°F. However, they may be used for any evap-
orator temperature from -40°F to 40°F since the variation in the actual factors across this range is insignificant.


PRESSURE DROP ACROSS TEV – psi TEV capacity = TEV rating x CF liquid temperature x CF pressure drop—Example:
EVAPORATOR Actual capacity of a nominal 2 ton R-22 Type S valve at 20°F evaporator, 100 psi
TEMPERATURE 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 pressure drop across the TEV, and 90°F liquid temperature entering the TEV =
°F 2.18 (from rating chart) x 1.06 (CF liquid temperature) x 0.89 (CF pressure drop) =
40 0.58 0.82 1.00 1.15 1.29 1.41 1.53 1.63
20 & 0 0.50 0.71 0.87 1.00 1.12 1.22 1.32 1.41

FOR REFRIGERANTS 22, 401A, 404A, 407C, 507

PRESSURE DROP ACROSS TEV – psi TEV capacity = TEV rating x CF liquid temperature x CF pressure drop—Example:
EVAPORATOR Actual capacity of a nominal 1-1/2 ton R-404A Type EG valve at -20°F evaporator,
TEMPERATURE 30 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 125 psi pressure drop across the TEV, and 60°F liquid temperature entering the
°F CORRECTION FACTOR, CF PRESSURE DROP TEV = 1.26 (from rating chart) x 1.43 (CF liquid temperature) x 0.91 (CF pressure
drop) = 1.64 tons.
40 0.55 0.71 0.87 1.00 1.12 1.22 1.32 1.41 1.50 1.58 1.66 1.73
20 & 0 0.49 0.63 0.77 0.89 1.00 1.10 1.18 1.26 1.34 1.41 1.48 1.55
Page 16 / BULLETIN 90-40


NORMALLY CLOSED 22 134a 401A 402A 404A 407C 507
A3P1 – – – 3/8 NPT Female
A3F1 – – – 1/4 SAE Flare
.101 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6
A3S1 – E3S120 – 1/4 ODF Solder
A3S1 – E3S130 – 3/8 ODF Solder
– – E5S120 – 1/4 ODF Solder
.150 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0
– – E5S130 – 3/8 ODF Solder
– MB6P1 – – 3/8 NPT Female
– MB6F1 – – 3/8 SAE Flare
3/16 2.9 2.7 2.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 1.9
– MB6S1 – ME6S130 3/8 ODF Solder
– MB6S1 – ME6S140 1/2 ODF Solder
– MB9P2 – – 3/8 NPT Female
– MB9F2 – – 3/8 SAE Flare
9/32 4.7 4.4 4.7 3.1 3.1 4.3 3.0
– – – ME9S230 3/8 ODF Solder
– MB9S2 – ME9S240 1/2 ODF Solder
A3P1 – – – 3/8 NPT Female
A3F1 – – – 1/4 SAE Flare
.101 1.3 1.2 1.3 0.9 0.9 1.2 0.8
A3S1 – E3S120 – 1/4 ODF Solder
A3S1 – E3S130 – 3/8 ODF Solder
– – E5S120 – 1/4 ODF Solder
.150 2.3 2.1 2.3 1.5 1.5 2.1 1.5
– – E5S130 – 3/8 ODF Solder
– MB6P1 – – 3/8 NPT Female
– MB6F1 – – 3/8 SAE Flare
3/16 4.1 3.8 4.1 2.7 2.7 3.7 2.6
– MB6S1 – ME6S130 3/8 ODF Solder
– MB6S1 – ME6S140 1/2 ODF Solder
– MB9P2 – – 3/8 NPT Female
– MB9F2 – – 3/8 SAE Flare
9/32 6.6 6.2 6.6 4.4 4.4 6.1 4.3
– – – ME9S230 3/8 ODF Solder
– MB9S2 – ME9S240 1/2 ODF Solder
A3P1 – – – 3/8 NPT Female
A3F1 – – – 1/4 SAE Flare
.101 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.0
A3S1 – E3S120 – 1/4 ODF Solder
A3S1 – E3S130 – 3/8 ODF Solder
– – E5S120 – 1/4 ODF Solder
.150 2.8 2.6 2.8 1.7 1.7 2.6 1.8
– – E5S130 – 3/8 ODF Solder
– MB6P1 – – 3/8 NPT Female
– MB6F1 – – 3/8 SAE Flare
3/16 4.9 4.6 5.0 3.3 3.3 4.5 3.2
– MB6S1 – ME6S130 3/8 ODF Solder
– MB6S1 – ME6S140 1/2 ODF Solder
– MB9P2 – – 3/8 NPT Female
– MB9F2 – – 3/8 SAE Flare
9/32 8.1 7.5 8.1 5.4 5.4 7.4 5.2
– – – ME9S230 3/8 ODF Solder
– MB9S2 – ME9S240 1/2 ODF Solder
BULLETIN 90-40 / Page 17

The items described in this document and other documents and descriptions provided by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors
(“Seller”) are hereby offered for sale at prices to be established by Seller. This offer and its acceptance by any customer (“Buyer”) shall be governed by all of the fol-
lowing Terms and Conditions. Buyer’s order for any item described in its document, when communicated to Seller verbally, or in writing, shall constitute acceptance
of this offer. All goods or work described will be referred to as “Products”.

1. Terms and Conditions. Seller’s willingness to offer NEGLIGENT, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR expression of the terms of the agreement. All prior
Products, or accept an order for Products, to or from OTHER LEGAL THEORY. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELL- or contemporaneous written or oral agreements or
Buyer is expressly conditioned on Buyer’s assent to ER’S LIABILITY UNDER ANY CLAIM MADE BY negotiations with respect to the subject matter are
these Terms and Conditions and to the terms and con- BUYER EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE herein merged.
ditions found on-line at www.parker.com/saleterms/. PRODUCTS. 16. Waiver and Severability. Failure to enforce any
Seller objects to any contrary or additional term or 7. Contingencies. Seller shall not be liable for any provision of this agreement will not waive that pro-
condition of Buyer’s order or any other document default or delay in performance if caused by circum- vision nor will any such failure prejudice Seller’s
issued by Buyer. stances beyond the reasonable control of Seller. right to enforce that provision in the future.
2. Price Adjustments; Payments. Prices stated on 8. User Responsibility. The user, through its own Invalidation of any provision of this agreement by
the reverse side or preceding pages of this docu- analysis and testing, is solely responsible for mak- legislation or other rule of law shall not invalidate
ment are valid for 30 days. After 30 days, Seller may ing the final selection of the system and Product and any other provision herein. The remaining provi-
change prices to reflect any increase in its costs assuring that all performance, endurance, mainte- sions of this agreement will remain in full force and
resulting from state, federal or local legislation, nance, safety and warning requirements of the effect.
price increases from its suppliers, or any change in application are met. The user must analyze all 17. Termination. This agreement may be terminated
the rate, charge, or classification of any carrier. The aspects of the application and follow applicable by Seller for any reason and at any time by giving
prices stated on the reverse or preceding pages of industry standards and Product information. If Seller Buyer thirty (30) days written notice of termination.
this document do not include any sales, use, or provides Product or system options, the user is In addition, Seller may by written notice immediate-
other taxes unless so stated specifically. Unless oth- responsible for determining that such data and ly terminate this agreement for the following: (a)
erwise specified by Seller, all prices are F.O.B. specifications are suitable and sufficient for all appli- Buyer commits a breach of any provision of this
Seller’s facility, and payment is due 30 days from cations and reasonably foreseeable uses of the agreement (b) the appointment of a trustee, receiver
the date of invoice. After 30 days, Buyer shall pay Products or systems. or custodian for all or any part of Buyer’s property
interest on any unpaid invoices at the rate of 1.5% 9. Loss to Buyer’s Property. Any designs, tools, pat- (c) the filing of a petition for relief in bankruptcy of
per month or the maximum allowable rate under terns, materials, drawings, confidential information the other Party on its own behalf, or by a third party
applicable law. or equipment furnished by Buyer or any other items (d) an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or (e)
3. Delivery Dates; Title and Risk; Shipment. All which become Buyer’s property, may be considered the dissolution or liquidation of the Buyer.
delivery dates are approximate and Seller shall not obsolete and may be destroyed by Seller after two 18. Governing Law. This agreement and the sale
be responsible for any damages resulting from any consecutive years have elapsed without Buyer plac- and delivery of all Products hereunder shall be
delay. Regardless of the manner of shipment, title to ing an order for the items which are manufactured deemed to have taken place in and shall be gov-
any products and risk of loss or damage shall pass using such property. Seller shall not be responsible erned and construed in accordance with the laws of
to Buyer upon tender to the carrier at Seller’s facility for any loss or damage to such property while it is the State of Ohio, as applicable to contracts execut-
(i.e., when it’s on the truck, it’s yours). Unless other- in Seller’s possession or control. ed and wholly performed therein and without regard
wise stated, Seller may exercise its judgment in 10. Special Tooling. A tooling charge may be to conflicts of laws principles. Buyer irrevocably
choosing the carrier and means of delivery. No imposed for any special tooling, including without agrees and consents to the exclusive jurisdiction
deferment of shipment at Buyers’ request beyond limitation, dies, fixtures, molds and patterns, and venue of the courts of Cuyahoga County, Ohio
the respective dates indicated will be made except acquired to manufacture Products. Such special with respect to any dispute, controversy or claim
on terms that will indemnify, defend and hold Seller tooling shall be and remain Seller’s property arising out of or relating to this agreement. Disputes
harmless against all loss and additional expense. notwithstanding payment of any charges by Buyer. between the parties shall not be settled by arbitra-
Buyer shall be responsible for any additional ship- In no event will Buyer acquire any interest in appa- tion unless, after a dispute has arisen, both parties
ping charges incurred by Seller due to Buyer’s ratus belonging to Seller which is utilized in the expressly agree in writing to arbitrate the dispute.
changes in shipping, product specifications or in manufacture of the Products, even if such apparatus 19. Indemnity for Infringement of Intellectual
accordance with Section 13, herein. has been specially converted or adapted for such Property Rights. Seller shall have no liability for
4. Warranty. Seller warrants that the Products sold manufacture and notwithstanding any charges paid infringement of any patents, trademarks, copyrights,
hereunder shall be free from defects in material or by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed, Seller shall have trade dress, trade secrets or similar rights except as
workmanship for a period of twelve months from the the right to alter, discard or otherwise dispose of provided in this Section. Seller will defend and
date of delivery to Buyer or 2,000 hours of normal any special tooling or other property in its sole dis- indemnify Buyer against allegations of infringement
use, whichever occurs first. This warranty is made cretion at any time. of U.S. patents, U.S. trademarks, copyrights, trade
only to Buyer and does not extend to anyone to 11. Buyer’s Obligation; Rights of Seller. To secure dress and trade secrets (“Intellectual Property
whom Products are sold after purchased from Seller. payment of all sums due or otherwise, Seller shall Rights”). Seller will defend at its expense and will
The prices charged for Seller’s products are based retain a security interest in the goods delivered and pay the cost of any settlement or damages awarded
upon the exclusive limited warranty stated above, this agreement shall be deemed a Security in an action brought against Buyer based on an alle-
and upon the following disclaimer: DISCLAIMER OF Agreement under the Uniform Commercial Code. gation that a Product sold pursuant to this
WARRANTY: THIS WARRANTY COMPRISES THE Buyer authorizes Seller as its attorney to execute Agreement infringes the Intellectual Property Rights
SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAINING TO and file on Buyer’s behalf all documents Seller of a third party. Seller’s obligation to defend and
PRODUCTS PROVIDED HEREUNDER. SELLER DIS- deems necessary to perfect its security interest. indemnify Buyer is contingent on Buyer notifying
CLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND Seller shall have a security interest in, and lien Seller within ten (10) days after Buyer becomes
IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- upon, any property of Buyer in Seller’s possession aware of such allegations of infringement, and
NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. as security for the payment of any amounts owed to Seller having sole control over the defense of any
5. Claims; Commencement of Actions. Buyer shall Seller by Buyer. allegations or actions including all negotiations for
promptly inspect all Products upon delivery. No 12. Improper use and Indemnity. Buyer shall settlement or compromise. If a Product is subject to
claims for shortages will be allowed unless reported indemnify, defend, and hold Seller harmless from a claim that it infringes the Intellectual Property
to the Seller within 10 days of delivery. No other any claim, liability, damages, lawsuits, and costs Rights of a third party, Seller may, at its sole
claims against Seller will be allowed unless asserted (including attorney fees), whether for personal expense and option, procure for Buyer the right to
in writing within 60 days after delivery or, in the injury, property damage, patent, trademark or copy- continue using the Product, replace or modify the
case of an alleged breach of warranty, within 30 right infringement or any other claim, brought by or Product so as to make it noninfringing, or offer to
days after the date within the warranty period on incurred by Buyer, Buyer’s employees, or any other accept return of the Product and return the purchase
which the defect is or should have been discovered person, arising out of: (a) improper selection, price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation.
by Buyer. Any action based upon breach of this improper application or other misuse of Products Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall have no
agreement or upon any other claim arising out of purchased by Buyer from Seller; (b) any act or omis- liability for claims of infringement based on infor-
this sale (other than an action by Seller for any sion, negligent or otherwise, of Buyer; (c) Seller’s mation provided by Buyer, or directed to Products
amount due to Seller from Buyer) must be com- use of patterns, plans, drawings, or specifications delivered hereunder for which the designs are speci-
menced within thirteen months from the date of ten- furnished by Buyer to manufacture Product; or (d) fied in whole or part by Buyer, or infringements
der of delivery by Seller or, for a cause of action Buyer’s failure to comply with these terms and con- resulting from the modification, combination or use
based upon an alleged breach of warranty, within ditions. Seller shall not indemnify Buyer under any in a system of any Product sold hereunder. The fore-
thirteen months from the date within the warranty circumstance except as otherwise provided. going provisions of this Section shall constitute
period on which the defect is or should have been 13. Cancellations and Changes. Orders shall not be Seller’s sole and exclusive liability and Buyer’s sole
discovered by Buyer. subject to cancellation or change by Buyer for any and exclusive remedy for infringement of
6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. UPON NOTIFICATION, reason, except with Seller’s written consent and Intellectual Property Rights.
SELLER WILL, AT ITS OPTION, REPAIR OR REPLACE upon terms that will indemnify, defend and hold 20. Taxes. Unless otherwise indicated, all prices
A DEFECTIVE PRODUCT, OR REFUND THE PUR- Seller harmless against all direct, incidental and and charges are exclusive of excise, sales, use,
CHASE PRICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE consequential loss or damage. Seller may change property, occupational or like taxes which may be
LIABLE TO BUYER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, product features, specifications, designs and avail- imposed by any taxing authority upon the manufac-
INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARIS- ability with notice to Buyer. ture, sale or delivery of Products.
ING OUT OF, OR AS THE RESULT OF, THE SALE, 14. Limitation on Assignment. Buyer may not 21. Equal Opportunity Clause. For the performance
DELIVERY, NON-DELIVERY, SERVICING, USE OR assign its rights or obligations under this agreement of government contracts and where dollar value of
LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCTS OR ANY PART without the prior written consent of Seller. the Products exceed $10,000, the equal employment
THEREOF, OR FOR ANY CHARGES OR EXPENSES 15. Entire Agreement. This agreement contains the opportunity clauses in Executive Order 11246,
OF ANY NATURE INCURRED WITHOUT SELLER’S entire agreement between the Buyer and Seller and VEVRAA, and 41 C.F.R. §§ 60-1.4(a), 60-741.5(a), and
WRITTEN CONSENT, EVEN IF SELLER HAS BEEN constitutes the final, complete and exclusive 60-250.4, are hereby incorporated.
7 2011 Parker Hannifin Corporation 2011 Bulletin 90-40

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Sporlan Di)ision
20 ange rive 5 ashington, MO 090 S
phone 2 9 1111 5 fax 2 9 91 0

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