Aerospace - Developing A Minimum Equipment List
Aerospace - Developing A Minimum Equipment List
Aerospace - Developing A Minimum Equipment List
Development of the Minimum Equipment List:
Current Practice and the Need for Standardisation
Solomon O. Obadimu 1 , Nektarios Karanikas 2 and Kyriakos I. Kourousis 1, *
1 School of Engineering, University of Limerick, V94 T9PX Limerick, Ireland; [email protected]
2 School of Public Health and Social Work, Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +353-61-202-217
Received: 10 December 2019; Accepted: 15 January 2020; Published: 17 January 2020
1. Introduction
Airworthiness relates to the ability of an aircraft to conduct safe operations, and aircraft
maintenance activities comprise its backbone [1]. Aircraft must be maintained and certified under
regulatory standards published by regional authorities to ensure airworthiness in every private or
commercial aircraft operation and achieve acceptable flight and ground safety levels while ensuring
dispatch reliability. Under this mandate, in collaboration with aircraft manufacturers and aviation
regulatory bodies, the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) and Minimum Equipment List
(MEL) were introduced in the late 1960s [2]. The MMEL and MEL are documents with a list of aircraft
components or systems that may be inoperative for aircraft dispatch [3,4]. The former is developed
by the aircraft manufacturer, and the latter is based on the MMEL but further customised by each
airline depending on its distinct operational characteristics and needs. MMEL and MEL are reviewed,
rejected or approved by the corresponding National Aviation Authority (NAA).
However, although several parties and professionals are involved in the development and review
of the MMEL, the MEL still lacks a similarly standardised process. Typically, the MEL per operator and
aircraft type is approved by the respective competent authority after it has been compiled according to
generic guidelines [3–5] which describe what must be achieved but provide only a little guidance on
how to develop a MEL. Although the MMEL can serve as the basis to build MEL, under a systems
approach, the existence and performance of each component, as well as the combined effects of various
malfunctioning components or systems, can resonate and lead to adverse situations that had not been
anticipated when examining the performance of the former separately from their environment [6].
Thus, mere reliance on MMEL, which typically refers to behaviours of individual components and
subsystems under assumed conditions, might not suffice to publish a MEL proper for the operational
environment of each air carrier.
Considering the above, the overall aim of our study was to examine the current situation around
MEL and suggest whether a more standardised framework is necessary. In the next section of the paper,
we present an overview of the current MMEL/MEL development process and respective standards,
and we refer to the associated topics of reliability, safety/acceptable level of safety, environment
and human factors. The paper continues with a review of MEL-related studies and an analysis of
MEL-related accidents and incidents to detect the types of relevant problems/issues and identify
possible gaps in the MEL development and application process. After a discussion of the overall
picture, our paper concludes with recommendations about the application of system engineering and
socio-technical system approaches to the development of MELs.
• The MEL is based on the MMEL, but the former must be more restrictive than the latter because
MMEL is generic.
• The MEL must be produced by the operators and approved by the respective NAA.
• The MEL must be customised/tailored to account for various environmental conditions and
operational contexts. This means that approving NAAs consider the environmental conditions
(e.g., operating temperature and humidity) as well as the operators’ scheduled destinations before
a MEL is approved. For example, the MEL for an airline operator in the United Kingdom (UK)
will be different from airlines in China who operate the same aircraft (e.g., prolonged exposure to
cold of aircraft systems/components in the UK compared to exposure to dust and sand in China).
Aerospace 2020, 7, 7 3 of 16
• The MEL allows operators to optimise aircraft dispatch reliability. The use of a MEL reduces
aircraft downtime and increases airlines’ profit without compromising safety.
• Each of the item/equipment in the MEL has conditions for dispatch. An aircraft cannot be
dispatched until the category of the equipment/item in question is confirmed from the MEL.
• Equipment not listed in the MEL are automatically required to be operative for the dispatch of
an aircraft.
Various professionals are involved in the process of MMEL [3,5]. Interactions within and
across (sub)systems are extensively analysed, ensuring that multiple failures would not lead to an
unsatisfactory level of safety by considering the impacts of critical failures and/or unserviceable
items on flight safety, crew workload and operations. Table 1 illustrates the differences in the MMEL
approval process between the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA).
Table 1. Differences between the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA) MMEL development and approval [5,9–11].
Final MMEL is developed by FAA MMEL is developed by the manufacturer
Flight Operations Evaluation Board is the
Flight Standards Department is the primary point of contact
primary point of contact
Proposed Master Minimum Equipment List is
A full MMEL is submitted for review
submitted for review
Recommended by EASA’s Operations Evaluations Board,
Approved and published by FAA
approved by the NAA and published by the manufacturer
safety would be maintained. If the functions of the system/item under assessment can be substituted
by an alternative system/item with similar functions, then, it would be accepted for MMEL inclusion
on a redundancy basis. The condition is that the alternative system would provide an acceptable level
of safety as long it is confirmed operative. However, redundancy cannot be claimed for the inclusion
of an item in the MMEL if all items/equipment are required to be operative based on the aircraft’s type
certificate. For instance, in Bell 412, two air data interference units are installed on the aircraft where
one may be inoperative provided the second unit is fully operative for flight [17].
In cases that MMEL allows inoperative items, the aircraft can be dispatched to prevent aircraft
grounding situations subject to maintenance or replacement of the affected component or system
within the time frame specified in the MMEL. Nonetheless, to maintain the same level of reliability
certain restrictions might apply (e.g., transferring functions to another fully operative system, flight
limitations, night/day operations restrictions) to ensure that safety is not compromised.
Advantages Limitations
FMEA provides a systematic approach in assessing FMEA does not guarantee the identification of all
the performance of relatively simple critical failure modes of a component/system under
systems/components as it provides a systematic assessment when there is a lack of
approach to system safety analysis. information/knowledge/experience.
FMEA offers flexibility in system safety analysis
FMEA does not consider the human factors element;
because of its ability to examine a system’s failure
therefore, it cannot be used as a stand-alone safety
modes and their safety impacts on a
system analysis tool.
system/subsystem level or on a component level.
FMEA complements other safety assessment tools While the FMEA can be very thorough, it does not
(e.g., Fault Tree Analysis and Markov Analysis) as it consider external system/component threats during
provides source data for critical items/components of analysis (e.g., multiple failures and common
a system. cause failures).
FMEA considers all possible failure modes and
FMEA needs continuous management to keep it up to
impacts on system operation, reliability, safety, and
date. It takes time and is expensive to generate.
FMEA identifies both critical single failure events and FMEA does not consider multiple failure analysis
latent failures. within a system.
Advantages Limitations
FTA identifies all basic events and describes FTA requires a thorough understanding of the design, and
their relationship within a system. this might be a challenge especially when the design is new.
FTA is tailored to a top event; thus, it includes only
FTA permits the evaluation of hypothetical
failures/events concerning the top event. Besides, the
events to determine their potential impacts on
contributing events are not exhaustive as they are based
the top event.
mainly on the analyst’s judgement.
FTA forecasts potential failures in a system’s FTA is not 100% accurate because it is based on an
design, thus identifying areas of improvement estimate/perception of reality. In addition, it does not
within a system and enabling safety consider maintenance and periodic testing of a
improvements. system/subsystem.
FTA can be used during the design and FTA depends mainly on the top event; thus, if incorrectly
operational phase of a system. defined, the FTA will be incomplete/incorrect.
Aerospace 2020, 7, 7 5 of 16
2.2.1. Reliability
Despite the technological advancements over time, the demand for highly reliable and
performing systems has increased due to the complexity of modern systems [18,19]. Reliability
of a component/system plays a key role during the MMEL development process as it helps to analyse
and predict possible failure causes through the application of engineering knowledge [19]. Reliability
plays a role in both MMEL and MEL. Reliability analysis is performed during the MMEL development
and justification by using the tools and techniques mentioned in Section 2.1 above, and sufficient
reliability must also be ensured for MEL items during operations.
According to Airbus [3], the MMEL contributes to the operational reliability of airline operators
as it optimises dispatch reliability by reducing aircraft downtime. To maintain a MEL item’s reliability,
servicing/scheduled maintenance is required [20], and MEL items must be inspected at predetermined
time intervals prescribed by the manufacturer or regulator.
3. Literature Review
in these regions. In Canada, both business and commercial operators can operate without an approved
MEL, and the decision to fly is ultimately based on the pilot in command by considering, amongst
other factors, applicable Airworthiness Directives and aircraft equipment/systems required for the
intended flight route and conditions (e.g., day or night flight, operating under visual flight rules or
instrument flight rules) [34,35]. Even where there is an approved MEL, the ultimate dispatch decision
is still made by the pilot in command [33,34].
However, in the United States, non-commercial, business/corporate operators (a.k.a. Part
91 operators) are not permitted to operate an aircraft without a MEL [33]. Nonetheless, compared to their
commercial counterparts, Part 91 operators enjoy some leniency. For example, commercial operators or
operators with MELs approved under the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 135, 129, 125 or 121 must
comply with the repair intervals specified in MMEL/MEL, whereas Part 91 operators are not obligated
similarly. Hertzler [29,30] compared the use of MEL under two distinct types of regulations, FAR Part
135 and 91, and, amongst others, found that MEL is not a technically approved document for Part
91 operators because they are authorised to use the MMEL as MEL, subject to FAA approval. Moreover,
for the same category of operators concerned, compliance with deferral categories/repair intervals
specified in MMEL was not mandatory. It is noted that, according to the advisory circular published by
FAA [36], MELs approved under Part 135 apply even when the operator conducts operations under
Part 91. According to FAA [36] “to provide relief to operators under the MEL concept, some operators
may find it less burdensome or less complicated to operate under the provisions of FAR 5 91.213(d)”.
On the other hand, in Australia, aircraft are not allowed to operate without an approved MEL
or a manual for permissibly unserviceable components/systems under the provisions of CAR 37 [37].
In addition, in the United Kingdom (UK), aircraft are not permitted to commence a flight with
inoperative equipment governed by Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 [5,38]. Therefore,
although the institutionalisation of MMEL/MEL has been promoted since the 1960s [2], some countries
still exempt operators from the scheme and the aviation industry lacks a uniform approach.
The overall conclusion of the FAA airworthiness inspectors was that there was a need for
MEL compliance training as management personnel were not familiar with the MEL. Interestingly,
over 30 years later, similar concerns were raised by Airbus [8] whose report restated the correct
application/use of the MEL with a focus on compliance with its provisions as well as the principles and
best practices when deferring and dispatching aircraft according to MEL. Furthermore, Pierobon [27]
stressed the need for pilots and engineers to have prior knowledge and experience in airworthiness
management for proper interpretation of the MEL document because the short familiarisation training
received by pilots is insufficient. For instance, as part of the MEL application process in Canada and
Australia, there is a requirement for operators to have MEL training programmes in place before
Aerospace 2020, 7, 7 8 of 16
approval and commencing operations with the MEL [37,40]. On the other hand, in the USA and UK,
MEL training requirements are not defined in their respective guidance documents [5,36,41].
Similar findings were revealed by the study of Munro and Kanki [26], who reviewed
1140 maintenance reports issued between 1996 and 2002 and detected 143 reports relevant or related
to the use of MELs. Their research identified improper deferral of MEL defects, failure to accomplish
MEL specified tasks due to errors of omission, placarding issues and unrecorded MEL defects in
technical logbooks. However, Munro and Kanki [26] also revealed contributory factors to MEL-related
incidents including time pressure, unclear MELs, lack of familiarity, misinterpretation of the MEL, and
communication flaws regarding the applicability of the MEL to aircraft status.
Moreover, Pierobon [27] stated that there is no standard MEL development methodology. After
collecting opinions from industry professionals, especially those experienced in the MMEL/MEL
process, he concluded in the necessity for NAAs to publish more specified guidelines to help air
operators develop their MELs. This position and urge agree with the work of Feeler [33]—as presented
in Section 3.2 above, the concerns of Hertzler [29] about the difficulty in interpreting the FAR Part
91.213 MEL regulations, and the observations of Yodice [42] regarding the ambiguity in FAA MEL
regulations. To overcome these inherent challenges, the professionals interviewed by Pierobon [27]
recommended the following improvement points:
• Delegating the MEL responsibility to persons experienced in MEL development and understanding
the methodologies behind the development and justification of the MMEL.
• Appointing and training staff to specialise in the MEL authoring and review processes.
• Outsourcing MEL to knowledgeable and experienced professionals to ensure consistency in the
MEL development and review process.
• Mandating the customisation of MELs to each operator per different aircraft model (i.e., reject
mere duplications from the MMEL).
• Provision of adequate guidance from NAAs through a clear and detailed framework
or methodology.
even with the MEL, pilots need advanced troubleshooting skills to tackle failures/defects under the
provisions of the document. This is because flight crews are more aware of the type of operation and
condition ahead of them (weather, terrain, region, etc.) as well as the required components/systems for
aircraft dispatch.
Pierobon [27] analysed the Air Canada Boeing 767 event in 1983 where the aircraft was dispatched
with inoperative fuel tank gauges and ran out of fuel while airborne [44]. Although the aircraft landed
safely, the investigation report states that the captain had “consulted the MEL in a very cursory way”
before the flight [44], suggesting that the MEL was not thoroughly reviewed by the pilot. Another
concern raised by the investigators was the fact that the maintenance control centre on another occasion
had granted an aircraft release against the restrictions of the approved MEL. However, the MMEL
should not be consulted once a MEL has been customised for an aircraft; before this accident, an illegal
relief had been granted based on the MMEL [44]. Pierobon [27] believes that the dispatch was based
on (mis)perception rather than the use of the MEL, which must be the ultimate decision-making tool
for aircraft dispatch for both pilots and engineers.
Time Period Number of Reports Number of Reports MEL-Related Issues MEL-Related Issues Indirect
Investigation Agency Search Strategy
Covered Identified/Analysed Relevant to This Research (Contributory) (Non-Contributory) MEL-Related Issues
Accidents Investigation Keyword: ‘Minimum Equipment List’ 2004–2018 106 5 5 0 0
Branch, UK (AAIB)
Keyword: ‘Maintenance’ 2002–2018 179 8 1 0 7
National Transportation Keyword: Minimum Equipment List 1982–2016 83 26 19 6 1
Safety Board (NTSB)
Keyword: Maintenance
1994–2019 155 0 0 0 0
Report status: Factual
Transportation Safety 400 most recently published
2005–2018 400 9 1 6 2
Board of Canada (TSBC) incident/accident final reports
Australian Transport 400 most recently published
2012–2018 400 4 3 1 0
Safety Bureau (ATSB) incident/accident final reports
Total 1323 52 29 13 10
5. Discussion
Overall, the literature reviewed suggests that aviation professionals are concerned about the
current state and application of MELs. Notably, all positions highlighted the importance of MELs
and point to the utility of the MEL as a balancing factor between safety and operations where aircraft
can be dispatched with inoperative equipment as long as safety is not compromised. However,
it has been postulated that a holistic approach is required to streamline the development of a
framework/methodology to support the development, maintenance and monitoring of MELs [27,32].
Regulatory authorities and aircraft manufacturers are expected to offer to operators more detailed
MEL-related guidance and specific tools along with requirements for respective training programmes.
Given the increasing complexity of aircraft systems, coupled with issues identified in the
literature such as different MEL standards worldwide and cases of MEL mismanagement and
misapplication [26,29,33], it is important to reinstate the need for standardisation and reinforcement.
The issues identified in the literature and revealed through our review of the accidents and incidents
above could pose a serious problem and are still prevalent despite MEL was introduced in the
1960s. The urge for MEL standardisation followed by targeted interventions to ensure its consistent
and substantive application has become quite undeniable according to aviation researchers and
professionals such as Pierobon [27], Hertzler [29] and Yodice [42]. Although literature and previous
studies do not argue that the MEL framework should be entirely reformed, its standardisation is
expected to ameliorate current issues and support proper and justified customisation of MEL to
the operational profile and needs of airlines, minimisation of ambiguity in its implementation and
enrichment of respective training. Furthermore, harmonisation of MEL development will allow valid
comparisons of practices followed across regions and operators and offer to airlines and NAAs a
common reference baseline for knowledge exchange as well as possibilities for continuous review,
update and improvement of shared MEL-related processes.
Furthermore, it seems that there is an assumption that the factors/parameters considered during
the MMEL development are directly applicable to the MEL, while this may be valid to some extent
as MMELs are developed for operators to use as a guide for their MEL development, it is important
to note that the MMEL alone might not be entirely suitable and adequate for every operator. MMEL
professionals attempt to anticipate the worst possible effect of systems failure, but they may not
anticipate all probable scenarios and failure modes that can emerge during operations and stem from
the complexity of aircraft systems and their interactions with humans and the environment [28].
The above was also confirmed during our analysis of MMEL/MEL related events under the
category UNAMEL where professionals sometimes did not consider the history of failure of an
equipment/system during the justification phase. Although it can be argued that the events under
this category were random, their occurrence highlights the need for operators to customise their
MELs to their environment and type of operations that can affect system/component performance
rather than just duplicating the master MMEL document which is based on different datasets of
failures and performance. In addition, despite most of the events analysed in our study were not
fatal or catastrophic, the outcome severity of any future event cannot be guaranteed, especially
when flight crews are unaware or unfamiliar with the problem and cannot exert full control over the
unfolding situation [45]. The Spanair’s crash studied by Grüninger and Norgren [28] was linked to an
unanticipated MEL failure.
Moreover, it is interesting that, even under the current regulatory mandates around MEL,
the importance of the latter might not have been understood completely across the aviation industry
as indicated by the high frequency of non-compliant cases. For operators with approved MELs, it was
observed that, in several instances, aircraft were dispatched with known inoperative equipment or
defects even though the operators had MELs in place (category UNJMEL). In addition, all the events
where operators dispatched aircraft without an approved MEL (category OPWMEL) regarded the US
region. Most of the operators falling under the latter category were FAR 91 operators or regarded
operations conducted under FAR 91. This confirms Hertzler’s [29,30] call to operators to apply for
Aerospace 2020, 7, 7 13 of 16
MELs under FAR 135 because FAR 91 operators are the most neglected in terms of MEL oversight. The
latter enjoy some leniency and do not utilise the MEL concept compared to FAR 135 operators where
compliance with MEL and applicable MEL intervals are mandatory as mentioned in Section 3.2 above.
Another issue identified during the review of MEL events was the late rectification of MEL items
(category LMEL). Indeed, EASA [4] and Airbus [3] stress the importance of repairing or replacing an
inoperative item at the earliest opportunity and not at the most convenient time for an airline. However,
although someone could argue a possible relationship of these cases with human error (e.g., lapses or
slips) and non-compliance, these events can also be attributed to a lack of understanding of operators
about the intended objectives and philosophy of MEL. The latter, instead of being approached as a
constraint to operations, should be viewed as a risk management tool that can help in evaluating
operational risks and specifying procedures in maintaining safety margins. Nonetheless, we did not
identify literature suggesting any direct links between the MEL and the risk management framework
of companies.
Furthermore, the cases associated with misinterpretations of MELs (category UNSCMEL) accord
with the findings of FAA cited in Pope [39] and Munro and Kanki [26]. As stressed in the literature
reviewed, the clarity of MELs and their related regulations along with MEL designated roles within
airlines would facilitate the MEL review and development process and improve the reliability of MEL
application [27,29,42]. Additionally, air operators need to train their pilots, engineers and aircraft
dispatchers on MEL-related operational and maintenance requirements. Based on the nature of events
under the specific category, it can be argued that adequate training could have led to anticipation
of scenarios within the operator’s operational environment and could have played a positive role.
Furthermore, those currently involved in the MEL process might have little or no experience in
airworthiness management or competencies and skills in MMEL/MEL. Being type-rated on an aircraft
does not necessarily mean that an engineer or pilot is able to fully understand the parameters/factors
surrounding the development and application of the MEL and interpret it correctly. Such a situation
might lead to adverse events like the ones studied by Grüninger and Norgren [28] and Pierobon [27].
Regarding the ten cases indirectly related to MEL (category DHIS), Airbus [8] highlighted
that a logbook entry is the starting point for assessing MEL-related defects/deficiencies. Perhaps,
in conjunction with the remarks stated above about proper training, engineers and pilots might not have
understood the criticality of registering technical works and problems in logbooks. Undocumented
maintenance, unrecorded/unreported defects and improper handover will reduce the information
available to pilots, maintenance staff and engineers in making informed decisions about the status and
serviceability of aircraft.
Finally, the traditional approaches highlighted in Section 2.1 above have been criticised because
they do not consider visibly and methodologically the human interactions with systems [6,46] which
are inextricable parts of aircraft operations and are closely related to the development and application
of MEL. Due to the interconnectedness of elements and processes that increase the complexity of
modern systems, there is a need for more holistic and nonlinear frameworks to system safety analysis.
Recent socio-technical systems engineering approaches, which are built upon systems theory, consider
the interactions and interdependencies between human and technology [6,47] and have introduced
tools and techniques to tackle the limitations of traditional approaches. For example, Leveson [6] has
proposed the Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) technique, Hughes et. al. [46] recommends
the Systems Scenarios Tool (SST), while Mumford [48] introduced the Effective Technical and Human
Implementation of Computer based System (ETHICS) tool. Although each approach is accompanied
by limitations in its endeavour to understand and deal with complexity, these tools suggest a more
structured path to socio-technical systems modelling and offer a dynamic approach to systems safety
engineering. While such techniques are relatively new compared to FMEA and FTA and perhaps more
resource-demanding in their application, they are promising in overcoming the limitations highlighted
in Tables 2 and 3 above and, apart from the proximal technical and human components of aircraft
operation systems, could also account for various complex roles aviation stakeholders hold in the MEL
Aerospace 2020, 7, 7 14 of 16
development process and consider contextual parameters (e.g., specific NAAs policies and strategies,
cultural and societal factors).
6. Conclusions
In this study, we reviewed the current situation around the development and application of MEL
as well as literature referring to respective challenges, and we performed an analysis of MEL-related
events. Overall, the results of our analysis as presented in Table 5 agree with previous work and suggest
the need to revisit the processes related to MEL as demonstrated by the several issues mentioned in the
safety investigation reports reviewed and related to unauthorised MEL dispatch, ambiguous MELs
and airlines operating without a MEL. The lack of a systematic and uniform approach to MEL, apart
from depriving the aviation industry of a standardised and reliable application of MEL, might have led
to an underestimation of its importance and criticality for safe operations. The ambiguity detected in
MEL-related standards along with the diversity of approaches to MEL in various regions might have
contributed to building perceptions which suggest, on the hand, that the MEL is a quick-to-achieve
compliance requirement by solely replicating or slightly changing MMELs, and, on the other hand,
that individual defects emerging in day-to-day operations can be dealt only subjectively.
However, MEL is not just about the aircraft; it is about the aircraft in service operated by humans
within a specific environment. While manufacturers try to anticipate varying environment conditions
when compiling MMELs, the latter alone are usually inadequate for the development of MELs.
As stressed by Leveson [6], system failures do not occur only as a result of random and individual
component malfunctions; instead, we must consider interactions between socio-technical system
agents (i.e., technology, end-users, organisations, regulators, society and environment) within and
across system levels, which are often neglected during current MEL practice. Therefore, in line with
the views of Leveson [6], the MEL development process should be viewed as a dynamic process
involving the NAAs, air operators, pilots, engineers and flight dispatchers. The work of Karanikas and
Chatzimichailidou [49] who suggested a combined qualitative and quantitative approach to compare
system configurations encapsulates the newly introduced Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA)
technique [6] and is an example of how system analysis could consider (1) non-binary behaviours of
system agents, (2) the degree of influence of each agent on system performance, and (3) the criticality
of each agent. The particular approach, as well as any other approach that encompasses systems
engineering and socio-technical principles, could comprise the basis for a holistic and systematic
methodology for MEL development and application and address the weaknesses of currently used
techniques as presented in Section 2.1 of this paper.
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