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LESSON PLAN Listening Narrative Text

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Class : XI
Subject : English
Time allocation : 2 x 45 minutes
Aspect/skill : Listening
Theme : Narrative Text

I. Standard Competence
Responding the meaning of short functional text in the form of narrative, spoof and
hortatory exposition in daily life context.

II. Basic Competence

Responding the meaning of text using variety of spoken language accurately, fluently and
communicatively in daily life context in the form of: narrative, hortatory exposition, and
spoof text.

III. Indicator
 Identify the meaning of narrative text
 Responding the meaning of narrative text

IV. Learning Objectives

The students are expected to be able to:
 Identify the meaning of narrative text
 Responding the meaning of narrative text

V. Teaching Methodology
KWL Technique

VI. Teaching Material

a). Sources :
 INTERLANGUAGE_ English for Senior High School Students XI.
 PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 Gemilang
b). Tools : Whiteboard, board marker, handout, recorder, and speaker.
VII. Teaching Procedures:

Activity Teacher Activities Students Activities Time

Pre Activity  Teacher greets students.  Students greet teacher. 10
 Teacher checks the students’  Students listen theirs name minutes
attendance list by calling that is being called by
students’ name. teacher and answer it after.
 Teacher reviews the  Students respond and
previous material by asking explain about the previous
the students related to the material.
previous topic.
 Teacher comes up the  Students give feedback
student’s schema about the toward the teacher’s clues.
topic that will be learned.
Main Activity  Teacher introduces the topic to  Students pay attention to the 70
the students. teacher minutes
 Teacher shares the KWL  Students read the worksheet
worksheet to the students  Students do the instruction
 Teacher asks students to write from the teacher
what they know about the
topic in column K. then, write
down what they want to know
about the topic in column W.
 Teacher sounds off one  Students listen to the
example of narrative text to narrative text from the
the students twice. recorder/ tape.
 Teacher asks students to write  Students write down what
what they have gotten from they have heard in column L.
the tape/ recorder in column L.
 Teacher asks students to relate  Students compare and relate
what they want to know and the column W and K.
what they have learned about
the topic.
 Teacher gives question to the  Students answer questions
students related to the text that from the teacher.
they heard.
Post Activity  Teacher gives feedback and  Students listen to the 10
suggestion to the students’ feedback and suggestion that Minutes
works. is being given by teacher.
 Teacher points some students  Students take a note relate to
to conclude the material the material that concluded.
 Teacher gives homework to  Students pay attention to the
the students related to the teacher instruction.
VIII. Scoring
Number of Description

3 If the answer is correct

2 If the answer is not correct enough
1- 5
1 If the answer is incorrect
0 If there is no answer
Max. score 15

Student’s Score
Final Score = -------------------------------x 100
Maximal Score
Kendari, March , 2013

Tutor Teacher English Teacher

F a t m a, S.Pd. Dewi Atikah

NIP. 19800720 200604 2 035 A1D209055

Known by:

Head master of SMAN 2 KENDARI

Drs. H. Muh. Ali, M.Si.

NIP. 19651231 19898903 1
Attachement 1: KWL Worksheet

Rabbit and Crocodile


Attachment 2: Listening Section, Question, and Key Answer

Rabbit and Crocodile

Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an idea.
He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of crocodile, “How
many crocodiles are there in the river?” the boss of crocodile answered, “We are twenty here.”
“Where are they?” the rabbit asked for the second time. “What is it for?” the boss of crocodile

“All of you are good, nice, and gentle and kind, so I want to make a line in order. Later I
will know how kind you are,” said the rabbit. Then, the boss of crocodile called all his friends
and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river. Just then, the
rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another, one… two… three… four…
until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodiles because he had crossed the river.


1. What happened in the beginning of the story?

2. What happened in the middle of the story?
3. What happened in the end of the story?
4. Who were the main characters of the story?
5. How was the conflict resolved?

Key answer:
1. The rabbit wanted to cross the river, but he did not know the way to cross it.
2. The rabbit lied to the crocodiles
3. The rabbit success to cross the river by lying to the crocodile.
4. Rabbit and crocodile boss
5. By lying to the crocodile.

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