This document provides guidelines for symptomatic treatment of cough and cold including medications, dosages, and formulations. It discusses over-the-counter and prescription medications for both adults and pediatrics, including pseudoephedrine, antihistamines, expectorants, proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and laxatives. Specific formulations and dosages are provided for many of the medications.
This document provides guidelines for symptomatic treatment of cough and cold including medications, dosages, and formulations. It discusses over-the-counter and prescription medications for both adults and pediatrics, including pseudoephedrine, antihistamines, expectorants, proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and laxatives. Specific formulations and dosages are provided for many of the medications.
This document provides guidelines for symptomatic treatment of cough and cold including medications, dosages, and formulations. It discusses over-the-counter and prescription medications for both adults and pediatrics, including pseudoephedrine, antihistamines, expectorants, proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and laxatives. Specific formulations and dosages are provided for many of the medications.
This document provides guidelines for symptomatic treatment of cough and cold including medications, dosages, and formulations. It discusses over-the-counter and prescription medications for both adults and pediatrics, including pseudoephedrine, antihistamines, expectorants, proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and laxatives. Specific formulations and dosages are provided for many of the medications.
Kombinasi bolus IV dengan Ketorolac 30 mL, tab 0.5 mg. mg/mL sangat ampuh untuk penanganan pasien-pasien yg datang dengan "Colic Dosis pediatri utk sesak : 0.1 abdomen" (etiologinya masih ga yakin), mg/kgbb/dose, maks 0.3 mg/kgbb/dose. apalagi klo pasien "bapak jajang" (BPJS). Ini terapi yg biasa dipake SpA klo pasiennya Prinsipnya: suntik -> observasi -> membaik BP berat, yg aku liat sih, mereka biasanya -> resepin analgetik (tanya MOD nya mau nembak dosis maksimal. Tpi pengalaman ditambahin antibiotik juga apa ngga) -> pribadi berkata lain, next time coba di 0.5 suruh kontrol ke faskes I atau ke poli. mg/kgbb/dose, deh!
Catatan: Untuk pulver: 0.01 - 0.03 mg/kgbb/dose
- Klo suspek Colic nya akibat App, jangan ditembak Rani-Keto katanya..., kata MOD- 16) Diphenhydramine IM inj. (injeksi pada nya itu menyebabkan gejala nyerinya jadi Ventrogluteal site atau Deltoid) tidak saru ('shadowing'), jadi klo seandainya dianjurkan pada kondisi hipotensi, mengarah ke perforasi, ga bakal ketauan, SBP/DBP <90/60. karena pasiennya ga ngeluh nyeri lagi. Bisa-bisa peritonitis yang udah di depan 17) Bisacodyl (pencahar) sediaan tab 5 mg. mata malah di overlook, akibat efek >12 thn: 5 mg PO bedtime Ketorolacnya. 6-12 : 0.3mg/kgbb bedtime atau before - Klinis colic abdomen yg mengarah ke breakfast gastritis akut juga JANGAN ditembak Rani- Keto, soalnya efek NSAID Ketorolac udh 18) Cefadroxil 12.5 mg/kgbb/day bagi 2 kontraindikasi. Klo MOD sih biasanya dosis nyuruh suntik Rani-Ondan & minumin Cefadroxil 125/5ml & 250 /5 ml Antasida (Acitral/Antasida Doen) sirup 1sdm Amoxicilin 15 mg/kgbb/dose dulu lalu diobs. Klo ga membaik, baru dikonsul. 19) l bio buat bpjs 11) Sukralfat 3xcI (ac), Acitral 3xcI (pc)