RHC Performance Evaluation Form Original11.18.20
RHC Performance Evaluation Form Original11.18.20
RHC Performance Evaluation Form Original11.18.20
Traits Factor – traits or qualities such as leadership, cooperation, etc. rated according
to the rater’s judgment
Job Goals/Target Factor – actual output, set and defined according to measurable
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NAME: _______________________ JOB TITLE: _____________ DEPT.:__________
EVALUATION PERIOD FROM: ____________ TO: ____________
2. JUDGMENT .12 1 2 3 4 5
7. INITIATIVE .09 1 2 3 4 5
8. DEPENDABILITY .09 1 2 3 4 5
9. COOPERATION .07 1 2 3 4 5
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1. Specify the goals/description and describe the performance for columns 1 & 2.
2. Decide/write the weight factor (in percentage or in proportion) of each job goal
description for column. The highest weight should be the most important task,
second highest the second most important task and so on. The total weight factor
should be 100 for percentage or 1 for proportion of all job factors.
3. Write the numerical rating, from 1 to 5 for column 4.
1 – poor 2 – fair 3 – good 4 – very good 5 – excellent
4. Multiply the number in column 3 & 4 to obtain the weighted rating in column 5.
5. Add the weighted rating of all job goals then divide it by 5 to obtain the total
weighted rating.
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Explain reason or support with specific incidents:
3. Identify skills, training, education and experience required of the job position that the
employee have or possess.
4. Identify skills, training, education and experience required of the job position that the
employee needs or lacks.
5. Identify or suggest training that you feel the employee needs to fill his inadequacy in
item 4.
6. Identify employee’s strengths and weaknesses that are not related to training.
7. Suggest ways for worker’s growth and development other than training.
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Job Goals Rating --------------- % X 0.8 = _______________
Overall Rating -------------------- = _______________
___________________________ _________________
Rater’s Signature over Printed Name Date
Employee Remarks:
___________________________ _________________
Employee Signature Date
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