On The Equivalence of Acoustic Impedance and Squeeze Film Impedance in Micromechanical Resonators
On The Equivalence of Acoustic Impedance and Squeeze Film Impedance in Micromechanical Resonators
On The Equivalence of Acoustic Impedance and Squeeze Film Impedance in Micromechanical Resonators
1 Introduction conditions can be found in the works of Darling et al. [5], Pandey
et al. [6], and Mohite et al. [7]. A comprehensive summary of the
A typical MEMS resonator comprises a top plate vibrating
progress in this field can be found in works of Bao and Yang [1]
transversely against a fixed substrate separated by an air gap (refer
and Pratap et al. [8]. If the geometry is complicated, the solution
to Fig. 1). Topologically, both the resonator as well as the bottom
can be obtained using FEM [9]. In the case of complex geome-
substrate can be with or without opening/cuts depending on the
tries, a numerical solution of Reynolds’ equation or Navier
type of application. The resonator has dominantly two modes of
Stokes’ equation can be carried out using commercial packages
dissipation, viz., the squeeze film damping due to the viscous
like ANSYS, COMSOL, etc. Numerical solutions lead to the determina-
shearing of the trapped air in between the vibrating member and
tion of pressure distribution on the face of the vibrating surface,
the fixed substrate, and the acoustic damping which is the energy
which is subsequently integrated to determine the damping and
carried away due to sound propagation from the top of the plate.
the stiffness components of the force. The so-obtained numerical
Both these effects play a significant role in modulating the
solution leads to discrete values of these forces at discrete fre-
dynamic response of an MEMS resonator. The degree of their
quencies. In order to convert these values into suitable expressions
individual influence depends on the geometry of the device as
(which may or may not be frequency dependent), it is required to
well as the frequency of vibration of the resonator.
do some form of curve fitting. The so-obtained expressions are
The movement of the air (generated due to the resonator push-
ing and pulling the trapped air) contributes to damping the motion
of the moving member as well as increasing the stiffness of the
system. The evaluation of this fluid damping and the spring char-
acteristics is critical in the design and analysis of dynamic MEMS
devices. The motion of a fluid trapped in narrow gaps can be ana-
lyzed using Navier Stokes’ or Reynolds’ equation [1]. Relatively
simple geometries like rectangular/circular plates, with or without
holes, are amenable to analytical solutions of Reynolds’ equation.
Significant contribution to this field in terms of reduction of com-
plex Navier Stokes’ equation to Reynolds’ equation and its solu-
tion can be found in Refs. [2–4] among many others. Analytical
solution of linear Reynolds’ equation for various boundary
Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division of ASME for Fig. 1 MEMS resonator with various zones of dissipation—
publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received April squeeze film action in between the resonator and fixed sub-
4, 2015; final manuscript received August 14, 2015; published online October 15, strate and energy dissipation in the infinite fluid on top of the
2015. Assoc. Editor: Sheryl M. Grace. resonator due to the acoustic waves
the mass in the sqd. In order to match the units of Ka =x2 to that Here, Ma, Ra1 ; Ra2 , and Ca are the elements which are derivable
of an impedance, Ka should be equal to jMs x3 . from the analysis for simple geometries [12], and s is the Laplace
Thus, the equivalence between the two domains, viz., the variable. For complex geometries, these expressions are obtained
acoustic and the squeeze film, is described by the following from curvefits on data generated from FEM analysis [13–15].
equations: In order to model suitable expressions for the four elements, the
behavior of the circuit is evaluated in the extreme high- and low-
R a ¼ Ks (4) frequency regimes. This is done to eliminate some of the elements
which become ineffective in the extreme high- or low-frequency
Ma ¼ Rs (5) regimes. The elements which remain active in these regimes are
shown in Fig. 3. It can be reasoned out as follows. At very low-
Ka ¼ jMs x3 (6) frequency, the capacitor’s impedance, 1=jxC, is very high. So
it offers a high resistance path and hence is removed from the
3 Acoustic Modeling With Equivalent Circuit Table 1 Equivalence between the acoustic (Za) and the modi-
fied acoustic domain ðZa =jxÞ LP and the corresponding units
Figure 3 shows the electrical circuit that approximates the
behavior of the radiation impedance over a frequency range [12]. Acoustics (units) ðAcoustics=jxÞ (units)
It uses four electrical elements in the acoustic domain, viz., an
inductor representing the mass loading of the air, two resistors Ra (N s/m) Ra
representing the dissipative behavior of the air in the low- and jx
high-frequency domains, and a capacitor that represents the com- Resistance Stiffness
pliance behavior of the air in the high-frequency domain. jxMa (N s2/m) Ma (N s/m)
In the Laplace domain, the radiation impedance of the acoustic Inductance Resistance
circuit as seen at the end terminal can be calculated as
jKa Ka
(N/m) (N s2/m)
x x2
Ma sðRa1 þ Ra2 þ Ra1 Ra2 Ca sÞ
Za ¼ (7) Stiffness Inductance
ðCa Ma Ra1 Þs2 þ ðMa þ Ca Ra1 Ra2 Þs þ Ra1 þ Ra2
Freq. C one FLUID138 K one FLUID138 C multiple K multiple %error in %error
(Hz) (N s/m) (1) (N/m) (2) FLUID138 (N s/m) (3) FLUID138 (N/m) (4) C ð1Þð3Þ in K ð2Þð4Þ
1 2
150 1.95 105 1.10 106 1.88 105 1.03 106 3.59 5.85
25,000 1.95 105 3.06 102 1.884 105 2.88 102 3.53 5.84
150,000 1.94 105 1.09 1.87 105 1.03 3.54 5.79
300,000 1.92 105 4.34 1.85 105 4.08 3.56 5.82
Table 3 Calculations of various quantities for ANSYS simulation From the curvefit shown in Fig. 9
results, the modified acoustics, and sqds
xMa ¼ 6:7 102 r þ 0:12 (9)
Quantity ANSYS Acoustics sqd
6:7 102 r þ 0:12
Normalized force F Za V Zsqd V Ma ¼ (10)
P A x P A P A x
F Za In the high-frequency regime, since the resistance dominates, the
Impedance Zsqd
V x entire contribution of the real part of the impedance can be attrib-
F x uted to Ra2 . Hence, the value of Ra2 is determined from the high-
Impedance x Za Zsqd x frequency real impedance values
Fig. 8 Various steps in determining the expressions for the equivalent elements of the sqd
using the circuit valid in acoustic domain
x2 Ma2 Ka
ImagðZlow Þ ¼ (15) xRealðZsqd Þ ¼ (17)
Rtotal x
Ra2 þ Ra1 ¼ 41r2 þ 1:2 104 (16) We carry out similar curvefit analysis for a simple case of a cir-
cular plate open on all sides for the fluid boundary condition. The
Finally, we determine the coefficient for Ca, which has an analytical solution for this is available in Ref. [5]. For this simple
impact only in the transition region. It is the determination of this case, we analyzed the behavior up to 384 kHz frequency which
corresponds to a squeeze number (r) of 117. Our region of low
frequency is assumed from 10 Hz to 3500 Hz which ends up at the
squeeze number (r) of 1.06. On the other extreme, our high-
frequency regime is assumed from 364 kHz to 384 kHz which
amounts to a squeeze number (r) of 110.7 to 117. These ranges of
simulations are clearly shown in Fig. 12 presented in Sec. 8 for
the case of plate without slits. It is worth mentioning here that the
curvefit process on analytical solution is done only for demonstra-
tion purpose here.
Table 4 shows a summary of the various coefficients obtained
from the analysis for both the cases, i.e., a plate with and without
slits. It must be noted that since acoustic circuit is used for simu-
lating sqd impedance, Ma which is the mass in the acoustic do-
main will represent the damping Rs in the sqd. Similar relations
can be derived for the remaining quantities as per Table 1.