Identify The Following Elements of Poetry. 2. Describe Each Element of Poetry
Identify The Following Elements of Poetry. 2. Describe Each Element of Poetry
Identify The Following Elements of Poetry. 2. Describe Each Element of Poetry
2. RHYTHM this is
the music made by the
statements of the
poem, which includes
the syllables in the
3. METER this is the
basic structural make –
up of the poem. The
unit of rhythm in
poetry, the pattern of
the beats.
4. RHYME is literary
device, featured
particularly in poetry,
in which identical or
similar concluding
syllables in different
words are repeated.
5. STANZA smaller unit or
group of lines or a paragraph
in a poem. A particular stanza
has a specific meter, rhyme
scheme, etc.
a. Couplet – 2 lines
b. Tercet – 3 lines
c. Quatrain – 4 lines
d. Cinquain – 5 lines
e. Sestet – 6 lines
f. Septet – 7 lines
g. Octave – 8 lines
pattern of rhyme. Either
the last word of the first
and second lines rhyme
with each other, or the
first and the third, etc.
7. THEME this is what the
poem is all about. The theme
of the poem is the idea that
the poet wants to convey. It
can be a story, or a thought,
or a description of
something or someone;
anything that the poem is
stand for many things at
one time and leads the
reader out of a systematic
and structured method of
looking at things. It is used
to create such as an effect.
9. IMAGERY this device is
used by the poet for readers to
create an image in their
imagination. Imagery appeals to
all the five senses. For example,
when the poet describes. “the
flower is bright red”, an image
of a red flower is immediately
created in the reader’s mind.
a. Used by the poet for readers to create an image
in their imagination.
1. Mood b. Is the atmosphere, or emotion, in the poem
2. Theme created by the poet.
c. It is used to create such as an effect.
3. Stanza
d. The idea that the poet wants to convey.
4. Rhythm
e. Pattern of rhyme.
5. Rhyme f. The repetition of initial sounds on the same line or
6. Rhyme Scheme
G. This is the music made by the statements of the
7. Symbolism poem, which includes the syllables in the lines.
8. Meter h. Smaller unit or group of lines.
b. Type :
c. Mood:
d. Theme:
e. Rhyme Scheme:
f: Imagery:
g: Symbolism:
h. Number of Stanza: