Coriolis - Mercy of The Icons, PT 1 - Emissary Lost (Beta Version)
Coriolis - Mercy of The Icons, PT 1 - Emissary Lost (Beta Version)
Coriolis - Mercy of The Icons, PT 1 - Emissary Lost (Beta Version)
“I’m getting a signal.” Dalil’s voice crackled over the com. “We’re close.” The
navigator gazed into the darkness ahead, his face ghostly pale in the cold
glow from the tabula in his hands.
Radwa nodded silently for her comrades to advance, approaching the
strange ruins in the moonscape. The only sounds they could hear were their
own breathing through the air filters and the soft crunch under their boots.
The floodlights from the freighter Narzalus behind them cast long shadows
of the trio.
“Something is wrong, boss.” The sharp voice of Jhara broke the silence.
Her vulcan rifle hummed as the tall woman from Sadaal activated her weapon.
Without turning, Radwa raised her hand to still her friend.
“Easy, Jha,” she whispered over the com.
The explorers shone their suit-mounted flashlights over the ruins. Alien
signs were carved into the smooth dark surfaces. In the light, they seemed
to be glowing.
Something slowly unraveled before them. A darkness rose from the surface
of the dead moon, reaching towards the starry sky above them.
“Mercy of the Icons!” Radwa gasped, and felt a chill spread throughout
her body.
Coriolis – The Third Horizon is a science fiction role-playing game from the makers
of critically acclaimed Mutant: Year Zero (six-time nominee and winner of a Silver
ENnie for Best Rules 2015). Features:
emissary lost
◆◆ Create your unique player ◆◆ Experience thrilling spaceship
character – including skills, duels, using a game system
talents, gear, and relations- that puts all player characters
hips – in mere minutes. at the heart of the action.
◆◆ Fight fast and furious battles, ◆◆ Take part in the intrigue bet-
praying to the Icons to over- ween powerful factions on the
come your enemies. majestic space station Coriolis.
◆◆ Build and crew your own ◆◆ Uncover the mysteries of the
spaceship, to explore the Third Horizon, a rich tapestry
many star systems of the of cultures that have settled
Third Horizon. the stars.
ISBN 978-1-910132-72-2
Rickard Antroia, Mattias Johansson, Nils Karlén, Kosta Kostulas,
Mattias Lilja, Adam Palmqvist
Nils Karlén , Kosta Kostulas
Jonatan Ericsson, Joel Grimm, Johanna Håkansson, Petra, Medin, David Semark,
Mascoll Silverstolpe, Maja Thalén, Matthew Taylor-Jones
print isbn
Livonia, Riga 2018 978-1-912743-02-5
CORIOLIS™ Copyright© 2018 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.
INTRODUCTION Welcome to Emissary Lost, the first part of the epic Mercy
of the Icons campaign for Coriolis – The Third Horizon.
Emissary Lost tells the tragic tale of the Emissary on
Coriolis, the Horizon's growing mystic population, and the
deadly conspiracy targeting them both.
emissary lost is made up of two scenarios, The the Third Horizon for a swift take-over, ideally
Wake of the Martyr and The Kuan Connection. It without too much bloodshed. Hidden survivors
is a thrilling story full of intrigue and action, from the cult of Nazareem’s Sacrifice are to
leaving plenty of room for the group to make spread chaos and fear to destabilize the factions
it their own. They will gradually get to know the and local governments, after which the fleets of
Third Horizon as the campaign takes them far the First Horizon will show up to restore order,
from home to see new places and experience peace, and stability. A violent invasion will only
new things. Emissary Lost establishes the PCs' be necessary if the efforts of the Nazareem’s
involvement in the Mercy of the Icons arc and Sacrifice fail, and open hostilities would have to
introduces important NPCs, themes, and events be short and brutal – all of the Emperor's forces
that will return throughout the campaign. The are needed in the ever-raging war against the
background to the events in Mercy of the Icons Second Horizon and the Symmetry.
is described below, some of which will become
known to the PCs as they start to unravel the y THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE GHAZALI
secrets surrounding the abductions of the mys- The attack on the Taoan mining colony was
tics and the Emissary on Coriolis. a brilliant success except for one thing – the
colony managed to transmit a distress call. When
BACKGROUND the mining station had been converted, the
The story begins when infiltrators serving the invaders set out to find the surviving mem-
Eternal Emperor of the First Horizon finally break bers of Nazareem’s Sacrifice and ran into the
through to the Third Horizon via the portals in ships dispatched for the rescue mission. When
the Taoan system. the Legion destroyer Zaphira was entering the
portal fields in the Hamura system, she was
THE FALL OF TAOAN attacked by The White Butterfly in the dark-
The events that eventually warranted the ulti- ness between the portals. The destroyer was
mately unsuccessful rescue mission to Taoan defeated but managed to send a warning back
are at the core of the dark tide that is about to the repurposed cruise ship Ghazali before the
to wash over the Third Horizon once more. portal field detonated. A powerful energy blast
The portals between the First Horizon and the hit the Ghazali, knocking her off course, with a
Taoan system are not dead, only sleeping, and trajectory towards Hamura’s unforgiving star.
they are about to wake up. Their short windows
of stability are rare and unpredictable, but the THE ORDER'S PROPHECY
great enemy on the other side has launched The Order of the Pariah is an ancient cult, its
ship after ship into the darkness between the origins lost in time, but with many teachings
stars, until finally one vessel made it through – a and values that stem from long before the Portal
white, butterfly-shaped ship, sneaking up on the Wars isolated the Third Horizon. The devas-
unsuspecting Taoan mining colony. The goals tation caused by the Wars destroyed much of
of the First Horizon invaders are clear: prepare the Third Horizon's history. The Order hurled
everything they had against their enemies in the final battles A slightly more detailed breakdown of the conspiracy looks
in the Odacon system and won, but suffered terrible losses. like this:
The remnants of the victorious fleet rose from the ashes, ◆◆ The Zenithian Hegemony, headed by Abarren Quassar, are look-
celebrating the glorious dead and piecing together their ing to expand their influence in the Horizon, and particularly in
shattered history – much had been destroyed, insights that the Council of Factions. The Hegemony is torn and plagued by
should never have been forgotten were lost forever. in-fighting over how to do this.
The Order of today carves old prophecies and prayers on ◆◆ The neo-Zenithians favor negotiation and cooperation with the
temple walls and ship hulls – salvaged holy words from the other factions over aggressive expansion. The neo-Zenithians are
past to protect against future terrors. The messages are ruled by the Ariantites clan and control the faction's mighty fleet.
sometimes clear to those who can read them, but in other ◆◆ Their opponents are the hegemonists, under the leadership of
cases are obscure and dark, with only the prophet's name and captain Abarren Quassar himself. Together with his loyal spy chief
deeds vouching for their value. Contradicting the teachings Lenove Astir, captain Quassar has tasked the secret Astûrban police
of old matriarchs and patriarchs or doubting the visions of force with staging a spectacular operation onboard Coriolis to
faction martyrs is political suicide within the Order. One unify his faction and claim the title of ruler of the Third Horizon.
of the darker prophecies, spoken by a holy tongue during ◆◆ Through intermediaries and undercover agents, the Astûrban
the great final slaughter during the Portal Wars, is now have funded and encouraged an extremist cult known as The
demanding fulfilment, gruesome actions to be carried out Warriors of the Holy Light and their plans to go after the Coriolis
for the greater good. As the holy words are about to be put station's growing mystic population.
into action, some within the Order reach the limits of their ◆◆ The endgame for the Astûrban is to blame the Order of the Pariah
convictions and refuse to push on, while others are willing for the attacks and make sure they are portrayed as aggressive and
to become true martyrs for the cause – something which dangerous. When tensions eventually erupt and war breaks out,
will happen very soon on the Coriolis station. the Hegemony plan on winning a decisive victory and establishing
themselves as the new guardians of peace and stability in the
y DARK OMENS cluster.
One of the Order's holy warriors, Iria Urahuk, formulated a
holy statute while on the brink of death, staring into the void THE RETURN OF NAZAREEM'S SACRIFICE
beyond. It spoke of signs by which the devout will know that The White Butterfly and her crew of First Horizon infiltrators
the darkness is growing, signs that are now appearing all have been hard at work since their arrival. They have reached
across the Horizon, demanding actions without hesitation. out to ancient sleeper cells from Nazareem's Sacrifice with
long-awaited new orders. The White Butterfly is currently
THE CONSPIRACY making its way to the heart of the Third Horizon: Kua. The secret
The conspiracy threatening the lives of the mystics onboard cults of Nazareem’s Sacrifice, sworn to the darker aspects of
the Coriolis station is cruelly simple in all its complexity. It the Dancer Icon, have managed to place their spies within the
can be summarized as follows: Priot Chabaun and Deacon highest levels of the government of the Zenithian Hegemony
Salamah are high-ranking members of the martyr commando and its fearsome secret police, the Astûrban. The First Horizon
known as The Warriors of the Holy Light, a fanatical splinter agents, the vestals, have realized that the Hegemony is the
group from the Order. The commando has set up a secret perfect cover to use when preparing the Third Horizon for the
base on Kua and infiltrated Coriolis to kidnap and murder dawn of a new age. They have even managed to convert the
the station's new mystics. The reason for this is that the Priot of The Warriors of the Holy Light, and Astûrban’s false
commando believes the mystics to be heralds of a coming prophet, the agent placed in the martyr cell out in the Sultra
menace, the dark between the stars threatening to invade marshes. The elimination of the Emissaries in the Third Horizon,
the Third Horizon. and through that destabilizing the Second Horizon’s grasp,
is one of the crew of The White Butterfly's prime objectives.
The scenarios that make up the Mercy of the Icons: Emissary its deathbed. They see The White Butterfly take off and
Lost story are briefly described below. disappear into the night and the Emissary begs them to
protect its brothers and sisters – avatars for the Icons
THE WAKE OF THE MARTYR – P 9 themselves, risen from the depths of Xene, now spread
The first scenario throws the PCs into a wild hunt for the among the systems of the Third Horizon.
missing mystics and their captors after one of their close
friends or relatives goes missing. During the scenario, the AFTERMATH – P 188
Emissary on Coriolis disappears, and the group is contacted As the dust settles, the PCs and their employers know that
by a judge and a judicator who urge the PCs to also look both the Astûrban and the Order of the Pariah have been
for the missing Emissary. At the end of the scenario, the compromised. They also know that a number of Emissaries
clues point to the steaming jungles of Kua. are spread across the Horizon. The Aftermath section briefly
describes some tips for adventuring before starting part
THE KUAN CONNECTION – P 95 two of the Mercy of the Icons campaign. Coming scenarios
The search for the missing Emissary continues through published for Coriolis will contain suggestions on how to
the jungles to the base of the Monolith. In the sinking connect them with the overarching storyline.
city of Sultra, the PCs finally catch up with the last cell of
the Warriors of the Holy Light, and find the Emissary on
The Mercy of the Icons campaign is structured as a classic RPG of the starting scenes, the order of the scenes as they appear
epic, but you and your group are encouraged to tailor the below is not fixed and you are free to play them in any order.
scenarios to fit your playing style. The scenarios are pretty
straightforward, but you are free to alter the timelines and y NPCS
the order of the scenes as you please. The Important Facts Each scene description contains an overview of the situation,
and Ending sections contain suggestions of what the PCs the important events it contains, where it is located, what
should have figured out before moving forward. Your job as the important clues are, and a list of which NPCs the group
the GM is to make sure that both looking for and finding the will encounter. Several NPCs have talents or abilities that will
necessary clues are dramatic and rewarding tasks. cost Darkness Points to activate, but only if they are used
against the PCs – if the talents or abilities are used only for
SCENES the benefit of that particular NPC or if they are used to aid
Coriolis is played in scenes. This way of structuring the story the PCs, you could instead limit their use to one free acti-
enables you to skip long stretches of time or travel when vation per scene.
nothing of importance happens. The scenes in the scenarios
come in two forms – starting scenes and regular scenes – but y BOOKMARKS
they are all described in the same way. This should give you, The book contains bookmarks which you can use to mark
as the GM, a good enough understanding of the important where your players are in the story as well as provide easy
aspects of the scenes to enable you to modify them depending access to clues under Important Facts entries or to the NPC
on how your group tackles the scenario. With the exception lists.
Each scene contains a number of events that might happen
during it. These events are fuelled by DP, usually costing you
0 DP for small or mandatory events, but more for events
that pose new challenges for the PCs. The clues contained
in a scene are usually not linked to any particular skill check,
as a failed roll shouldn't slow down the story, only force the
players to choose a different path. Make sure that the clues
are available for the PCs to find and remind them of things
that a player might forget but that her PC would not.
You can let the disappearance of the Emissary affect mystic
PCs in your group. The mystic will experience fragments of
what has happened to the Emissary in the form of mystic
resonance, echoes left behind by the Emissary's powers.
Resonance events can be found throughout the campaign
but are of course optional.
We have arrived.
We are the answer to your prayers.
When the night is closing in, we are the light of peace.
INTRODUCTION The first chapter of the Mercy of the Icons campaign will
see events put in motion that threaten to change the future
of the entire Third Horizon. The players are drawn into a
mystery that shakes the Coriolis station to its core: the dis-
appearance of the enigmatic Emissary from Xene.
in the wake of the Martyr, the PCs stumble y THE WARRIORS OF THE HOLY LIGHT
upon a ruthless conspiracy against the mystics The truth of the matter is that a so-called martyr
of the Coriolis station. As the group is about commando from Zalos called The Warriors of
to meet up with an old friend, they end up in the Holy Light are orchestrating a cleansing
the middle of a bloody attack, and become of Coriolis, to purge the station of all mystics,
inescapably connected to the chain of events who they believe to be heretics and heralds
that eventually culminates with the Emissary's of darkness. The commando has split up into
disappearance. In the end, it is up to the PCs to two teams, secretly watching, kidnapping, and
discover the truth about the fate of the mystics sometimes murdering people they identify as
and the lost Emissary. mystics. Most victims are drugged and taken
to a secret vault in the Cellar where they are put
BACKGROUND in stasis and loaded onto drop pods for trans-
Ever since the first reports of their appearance, portation to the commando's secret base – an
the mystics have been the focus of intense debate abandoned hyper sickness research facility in
on Coriolis. From the gutter to the throne rooms, the Kuan jungles. The fate of the mystics who
everyone has an opinion about the people upon survive long enough to wake up at the secret
whom these strange and fearsome gifts have base is often one worse than death.
been bestowed – be it one of blind hate or The commando, led by Zalosian officer
pious jealousy. Hate crimes against mystics Salamah ach-Abaud, is preparing to strike
are on the rise and some have been so badly against their top priority target: the Emissary
persecuted that they have been forced to leave from Xene. Unbeknownst to the martyr war-
their families and flee Coriolis. Most mystics, riors, the Zenithian Hegemony have infiltrated
while they struggle to control their newfound the commando to further the faction's political
powers, have been able to live lives almost like interests, and it is the Hegemony's ambassador,
before their powers manifested – until now. Johar Quassar, who has arranged access to the
Recently, a wave of disappearances has befallen Emissary's residence for the warriors.
the mystic community. Just in the last segment, The commando's plans have been ruthlessly
over two dozen people have vanished without executed, and many of the station's residents
a trace, and another ten have turned up dead are secretly relieved to be rid of the mystics.
– murdered. The Guard, the Judicators, and The authorities' response is too weak and too
the Council have yet to address the issue with slow and when the Emissary is kidnapped, the
any real interest, but a few within their ranks game is over – the commando's mission has
have begun to realize that something very big been carried out and the balance of power in
and very strange is afoot in the shadows. Street the Third Horizon has changed forever. There
reporters have dubbed the bizarre crime wave is however one factor that neither the Warriors
”the Mysticides”. of the Holy Light nor the scheming politicians
secretly directing them have taken into account:
the PCs.
OVERVIEW the Sanatorium. The pieces are rapidly falling into place, and
Through the disappearance of a friend or relative, the PCs everything seems to point toward the Cellar.
end up in the middle of a bloody purge against the mystics
of Coriolis. The search for the missing friend and the people y ACT 3 – THE ABYSS (PAGE 63)
responsible will lead them toward the guilty parties: the In the final act of the scenario, the PCs descend into the dark-
Warriors of the Holy Light. The commando is a splinter group ness of the Cellar. They encounter Slummer Queen Elmeda
from the Order of the Pariah that is being manipulated by and other shady characters, who will challenge the PCs with
the Hegemony's secret police, the Astûrban, to carry out a difficult choices. Finally, they will make it to the forgotten
spectacular action onboard Coriolis. The Hegemony's endgame loading bay used as a base of operations by the commando
is to bring war and chaos to the Third Horizon – and to rise and there discover the fate of the missing mystics – they have
victorious from the ashes, conquerors of worlds. been sent down to the dark jungles of Kua.
The Samaritans: The Samaritan healer cult is quietly fading
away onboard Coriolis – the widespread anti-Zalosian sen-
◆◆ Akouba Kosha – Judicator loyal to the hegemonists (page timents on the station have made sure that only the poorest
XX) and most vulnerable in society seek medical treatment at the
◆◆ Althea – Mystic on the run (page XX) Sanatorium. The hospital is run calmly but firmly by Sister
◆◆ Aram Yafa – The commando's bait (page XX) Robwah, who secretly assists the Warriors of the Holy Light
◆◆ Brother Ramas – Samaritan with a guilty conscience with transporting those lost to the mystic's disease down to
(page XX) the Cellar for more “appropriate” care. No one except for
◆◆ Elmeda – Slummer Queen in the Cellar (page XX) Sister Robwah knows about these secret transports, neither
◆◆ Johar Quassar – Ambassador for the Zenithian in the Sanatorium nor in the various poorhouses run by the
Hegemony (page XX) Samaritans on the station. The most important Samaritan
◆◆ Nigelia Kurahan – Judge with a mission for the PCs (page in this scenario is Brother Ramas (page 54), since his qualms
XX) will lead to the unveiling of the commando’s operation.
◆◆ Lenove Astir – Cultural attaché and spymaster (page XX)
◆◆ Salamah ach-Abaud – Leader of the martyr commando y THE ZENITHIAN HEGEMONY
(page XX) The Order may appear to be the driving force in this scenario,
◆◆ Sister Robwah – Fundamentalist Samaritan Akbar (page but the Hegemony is hard at work in the shadows, plotting
XX) and deceiving. Under the leadership of the aging Abarren
Quassar – once the captain of the Zenith – the Hegemony
have taken it upon themselves to recapture their position
as the leading and uniting force of the Third Horizon. To
reach this goal, Quassar and a select few from the elite of
the faction's hierarchy have begun manipulating the Order
of the Pariah, their archnemeses, through the Warriors of
The Martyr the Holy Light. In this scenario, the PCs will interact with the
Hegemony through its ambassador Johar Quassar (page 52)
and its cultural attaché and spy chief Lenove Astir (page 53).
also controls the Judicators and neither the Judicators nor and even to force cell regrowth, but this is a slow process. If
the neo-Zenithians are involved in the conspiracy. At the start their host bodies become too damaged, the mind will have
of The Wake of the Martyr however, the PCs are unfortunate nothing to hold onto. The Emissaries' host bodies require
enough to encounter a judicator secretly loyal to the Quassars little to no maintenance – virtually no nutrition is needed
– Akouba Kosha, an undercover Astûrban agent (page 43). and no waste is produced. This means that the Emissary on
As per usual on Coriolis, nothing is what it appears to be. Coriolis really only uses one of the rooms in the residence,
the lounge. Nothing of this is known by anyone in the Third
y THE CONSORTIUM Horizon, and therefore not by the PCs nor the players either.
The Consortium dominates Coriolis, and thereby the entire As the GM however, you can use this knowledge to portray the
Horizon, through cunningly crafted trade agreements, Emissary as a mystical being that doesn't appear to function
exploitation and export of natural resources, and gunboat like a normal human.
diplomacy, backed by their loyal sister faction the Legion. What is known about the Emissaries however, is that the
In The Wake of the Martyr, the Consortium leadership is individual who remains on the Foundation's Xene research
slow to realize that a scheme is afoot: their main concern station has declared itself to be an incarnation of the Judge
is the growing conflict with the Order of the Pariah, and all Icon, or Hukim-mu-Qad. News of the arrival of the Emissaries
focus is directed toward trying to solve the problem once to the Third Horizon and the rumors linking them to the Icons
and for all. The Taoan debacle and the destruction of the have therefore resulted in pilgrims and mystics increasingly
Ghazali in the Hamura system appears to be the perfect referring to the Emissary on Coriolis as Nabi-mu-Qad, or
excuse for showing the Order who is really in charge. The just Nabi – the Messenger. As the GM, you can use this
faction is too busy with interstellar power games to spend expression when the PCs interact with mystics or very pious
adequate resources on finding out what actually happened. believers. The Zenithian factions use only the official title
Their political tunnel vision has made them blind to the “Emissary” and the Order refuses to acknowledge them
larger danger, which eventually gives them and their allies as anything more than the heretical monstrosities they
an uncomfortable surprise. Contact with the Consortium claim them to be.
in this scenario happens mainly through judge Kurahan
The Wake of the Martyr is at its core a story about investigat-
y NAZAREEM'S SACRIFICE ing a mystery. The PCs are tasked with finding out who is
In this scenario, the Astûrban are pulling most of the strings murdering and kidnapping mystics on Coriolis and will spend
by using the Warriors of the Holy Light and the Order to most of the scenario chasing down leads they believe will
weaken the Consortium and level the field for the hegemonists bring them closer to the truth. At the heart of the scenario
to rise to power. Later in the Mercy campaign however, the are the questions of what part the mystics are playing in the
Astûrban and several other factions will turn out to have been drama of the Third Horizon, and who is responsible for the
infiltrated and manipulated by Third Horizon agents from crimes committed against them, but this is also a story about
Nazareem's Sacrifice all along. the Coriolis station and the society found there. Each act is
focused on one part of the station: Act 1 (The Mysticides)
y THE EMISSARIES takes place mainly in the mid-levels of the station, with their
The Emissary on Coriolis is one of five mystics from the residential complexes, entertainment districts, and offices;
Symmetry, a faction in the Second Horizon. The spirit of Act 2 (High Stakes) brings the PCs up into the Spire to see the
the mystic inhabits the body of the Miran prospector Alam affluence and naked ambition of the station's elite, and Act
Dania, who participated in the Foundation's attempts to send 3 (The Abyss) is a nightmarish descent into the dark under-
a team of scientists to Xene to obtain sensor data from the world of the semi-abandoned Cellar, the dark underbelly of
depths of the gas giant. The Emissaries are powerful mystics, Coriolis, called home by only the poorest of the poor and
residing in human bodies. They have the power to stop aging, the most desperate.
There are many possible ways to involve the PCs in As the GM, you are free to place The Wake of the Martyr and
the plot of this scenario. They might have a relative the following suite of scenarios anywhere along the timeline
or protegé on Coriolis that has vanished, whom they of the Third Horizon, as long as the mystics have started to
know was affected by the strange mystic's disease. appear and the Emissary on Coriolis has taken its seat on
They could also have been hired by their patron the Council. However, below is the official timeline leading
or someone they have worked for in the past. The up to the disappearance of the Emissary:
opening scene, The Attack, described below, can ◆◆ The Ghosts from Xene: CC60, during the segment of the
also be used. If the group have played through the Traveler. The Emissaries arrive in the Kua system.
The Last Voyage of the Ghazali, the missing Khomina ◆◆ The Judge: During the celebration of the Cyclade, breaking
character can be used as well. news from the Bulletin reports that an Emissary onboard the
Foundation's Xene research station has declared itself the Judge
◆◆ The Messenger: The next day – the first day of the new year –
one of the Emissaries arrives at Coriolis onboard a Foundation
cruiser escorted by two Legion battleships. The Governor of
Coriolis makes an official statement inviting the Emissary to
the Council of Factions.
◆◆ The Mystic's Disease: Since the Emissaries' arrival on Xene,
people all across the Horizon have begun developing strange
For a really good session playing The Wake of the Martyr, powers, leading to accidents, fear, hate, and persecution. Many
we recommend some measure of preparation. You mystics have flocked to Coriolis for protection, and to be close
should have read the scenario in its entirety at least once. to the Messenger Emissary. A smaller group also gather at the
Regardless of whether this is the first scenario you play Xene station to be close to the Judge Emissary.
with your group or if you are already seasoned adventurers ◆◆ The Ghazali Incident: After a distress signal is picked up from a
in the Horizon, it is always good for you as the GM to spend mining colony owned by the Colonial Agency in the segment of
some time getting the PCs' entrance right. Think of the PCs' the Gambler, CC61, a rescue mission consisting of the enormous
different qualities and backgrounds to determine a suitable line cruiser Ghazali and Legion cruiser Zafirah is launched for
kind of entrance, both for individual characters and for the the Taoan system. Zafirah disappears and Ghazali is destroyed
group as a whole. The group concept can be very helpful under mysterious circumstances while traveling through the
here. Hamura system.
◆◆ The Mysticides: As CC61 nears its end, mystics begin disap-
Lastly, we wish to warn you that investigation stories can be pearing all over Coriolis, and some are later found murdered.
a tough affair for you as the GM. Players have an annoying The Cyclade and the festivities marking the new year are just a
tendency to overlook even the most obvious of clues, and week or so away. When the Emissary also goes missing, it might
there is nothing more boring than a murder mystery that prove to be the spark that lights the flame.
has hit a wall. Help them by making sure they organize
the clues they find and remind them of things that a player A good place to begin The Wake of the Martyr would be in the
might forget, but that her PC wouldn't. If they get stuck, use segment of the Faceless One, nine days before the Cyclade.
one of the events to get them back on track. If things are When the Emissary goes missing, judge Kurahan takes action
going really poorly, use one of the major NPCs to give the to try to solve the mystery before the new year and the anni-
group a push in the right direction. The correspondent Jeyla versary of the Emissary's arrival to Coriolis. If the matter is
Kuhari, Ahuro of the Guard, and judicator Akouba can serve not taken care of quickly, a major political disaster will be
as excellent sources for tips and leads for example. almost impossible to avoid.
◆◆ Bribes: If the situation escalates to include violence, the guards fountains. Travelers, peddlers, and stacks of smaller crates
at the post by the entrance to the waiting hall will not be able to share the space with travel agencies, exchange offices,
stand idly by. The real (bribed) guards under inspector Ahuro's and all sorts of shops. Many visitors choose to rest a bit
command will arrive on the scene, and the fake guards will exit in one of the many cantinas or in the courtesan salon to
immediately. The PCs should notice that inspector Ahuro seems get away from the crowds. The main exit takes you past
strangely disinclined to pursue the imposters. the customs station and the security checkpoint to the
◆◆ Behavior: If a fight breaks out, a strategically trained PC might bustle of the Spice Plaza and the market streets of the
spot certain patterns in the combat tactics of the guards. Passing Promenade.
a demanding (–1) COMMAND test allows a PC to determine that
the guards seem to have military training, rather than the usual NPCS
Coriolis Guard training. In this scene, the PCs will encounter Althea, the martyr
◆◆ Weapons: The guards are more heavily armed that what is normal commando, and possibly Merk Ahuro and his guards.
for a Ring patrol – Vulcan carbines and dura knives rather than
Vulcan pistols and shock sticks – something which a successful ALTHEA, ASPIRING PROXY STAR AND HUNTED MYSTIC
OBSERVATION or COMMAND test can tell the PCs.
Althea is not even twenty years old, but has already faced problems
THE NEOPTRA SPACEPORT that make regular teen angst look like a flea bite. A year ago, her life
The starting scene takes place in the Neoptra spaceport and changed forever as hidden, supernatural powers began to manifest
possibly in the Stevedore Central underneath. Both locations with disastrous consequences: during an audition for the Stars of
are described in the Coriolis core rulebook on page 250. See Daleem game show, Althea became so nervous that she made an
also the map on the next page. entire balcony full of influential entertainment hosts collapse by
sheer force of will. With her dreams of a career in films shattered,
y THE HANGARS she has been working as a singer in shady bars, far from the glam-
The Neoptra is the largest of Coriolis' four commercial our of the entertainment palaces of the Mulukhad. Her parents are
spaceports, located adjacent to the Spice Plaza. It consists dead and she lives in a simple module near the Stevedore Central
of an enormous hall with hangar doors on many levels together with her uncle Len.
along the hull of the Ring. Armanite pillars support three Her life looks pretty dark at the moment, but she has managed
large, crescent-shaped balconies harboring docks and to stay hidden and learned to live with her affliction – she can con-
landing platforms. The lowest balcony and the floor of trol her powers most of the time now – but she has recently been
the hall house simpler docks where functionality trumps discovered by the agents of the martyr commando. This has made
aesthetics, and a vast network of loading cranes and grav Althea wake up to the facts of her situation, and if she survives the
shafts connect to the vents, corridors, and hangars of the Mysticides, she will focus all of her efforts on being accepted into
Stevedore Central below. These levels are reserved for the Lyceum of Propaganda and then spread the truth to the people
freighters coming in from reloading on the Net or that as a correspondent.
are transporting cargo from the bulk haulers that pass
through the system once every few weeks. The higher APPEARANCE: Curly brown hair, green eyes, and simple earrings
balconies are more adorned and used by tourists, traveling with a matching necklace that her father bought for her from a
merchants, and pilgrims. Dabaran merchant from Lotus. Dressed in a kameez with simple
embroideries and wide pants.
Before you get to the actual docks, you pass through the CHARACTERISTICS: Constantly looking over her shoulder and
waiting hall. The pillars here are decorated with beautiful moving around anxiously. Speaks clearly and with careful artic-
reliefs, the floors are white Kuan marble rather that steel ulation. Tries to give an impression of being richer than she
and concrete, and mosaics surround subtly splashing actually is.
10x10 meters
21 21 21
06 18 18 18 06
12 13
LEVEL 2 – 20 20
DOCKS 10 16 13
LEVEL 0 – 05
02 15
just might have a change of heart and become a valuable ally in the
PCs' investigation – or he might try to drown his sorrows in kohôl
and take out his aggressions on some unlucky street thug (or an
annoyingly inquisitive PC). Ahuro is usually accompanied by a few
MIND POINTS: 8 of his loyal guardsmen and can call for backup if the situation war-
REPUTATION: 0 rants it.
SKILLS: Manipulation 3, Mystic Powers 3, Dexterity 2
TALENT: Tunnel Child, Telekinetic Blast (Mystic power) APPEARANCE: Heavyset, with a uniform that is slightly too tight.
GEAR: Sugar globe, tools, tag with 54 birr, small scarab necklace. Usually a personal sensor covering one eye.
◆◆ TUNNEL CHILD: Althea grew up near the Stevedore Central and and has a fondness of bad puns. Describes in vivid detail what he
has kept away from the streets since the game show incident. will do to those who question his authority.
She can find quick shortcuts and secret passages under and
around the spaceport and in the station-wide network of mainte- ATTRIBUTES:
nance shafts. This gives her a +2 to DEXTERITY when hiding or a STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3
–2 to OBSERVATION for her opponent (1 DP). HIT POINTS: 7
◆◆ TELEKINETIC BLAST: At the cost of 1 DP, Althea can generate a MIND POINTS: 6
telekinetic blast that can knock over objects (weapon damage 3,
CRIT 2, Short range).
SKILLS: Manipulation 3, Melee Combat 3, Ranged Combat 2,
Dexterity 1, Mystic Powers 1
TALENT: Defensive, Gang Friend, Snitch Network, Dream Walker
(mystical power)
GEAR: Personal communicator, temple-mounted personal
sensor, arrash, one bottle of kohôl.
◆◆ GANG FRIEND: Ahuro is taking bribes from the Lama gang and lets THE CORIOLIS GUARD
them conduct their business in peace. He can call on brutal gang
members to attack someone when he is not there. Costs 1–3 DP. The typical station guard knows when to take a bribe and look the
◆◆ SNITCH NETWORK: Ahuro has access to several informants in the other way. They are used to people obeying their orders, and they
central areas of the station and can always find the PCs when themselves follow the commands of their squad captains and other
they are in the Ring. This costs 1 DP. higher-ranking officers without question.
◆◆ DREAM WALKER: If Ahuro goes to bed sober, he can temporarily
leave his body and move his mind 10 meters (slow action, 1 DP), ATTRIBUTES:
appearing as a dark shadow. His spirit cannot lift or touch any- STRENGTH 2, AGILITY 2, WITS 2, EMPATHY 2
thing in the physical world but can pass through thin physical HIT POINTS: 4
objects such as drywall or wood. To pass through stone or metal
he must pay another DP. If his physical body is harmed in any way,
his mind returns to it immediately.
SKILLS: Melee Combat 2, Observation 2, Ranged Combat 2
ARMOR: Armasuit 4
The small group of martyr warriors who are chasing Althea are
dressed as members of the Coriolis Guard, but their disguises
aren't perfect and they speak with a strange accent (see above). EVENTS
They are more heavily armed than regular guards as they carry The tempo in the opening scene is high, and the events for
Vulcan carbines. At first, they rely on the authority of their uniforms the scene are therefore quite few.
to get Althea to come with them, but if this fails, they will become
threatening and might even open fire. Read more about the martyr y THE FAKE GUARDS
commando in Act 2 (page 38). Immediately following Althea's stormy introduction at the PCs'
table, the angry, commanding voices of a group of guards are
ATTRIBUTES: heard as the uniformed imposters make their way through
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 2, EMPATHY 2 the crowd toward the chai house. They are unusually rough,
HIT POINTS: 6 pushing people in their way into kawah trolleys and fountains.
As the guards are approaching, Althea pleads with the PCs for
help, promising to tell them all she knows if they get her to
REPUTATION: 2 (0 if exposed as frauds)
safety. The fake guards will try to arrest her, and if the PCs get
SKILLS: Dexterity 2, Melee Combat 2, Observation 2, Ranged
Combat 2, Manipulation 1 in their way, a very heated argument will follow (that might
TALENT: Fanatics
turn into a gunfight if the martyr warriors feel threatened).
◆◆ The Survivor: Althea must survive this encounter, and if the
ARMOR: Armasuit 4
PCs cannot get the guards to back off, she will use her teleki-
WEAPONS: Vulcan carbine, stun gun, dura knife, stun grenade.
netic powers to clear an escape route for herself and head for
GEAR: Personal communicator with pulse function. the spaceport and the underlying network of tunnels at the
Stevedore Central.
◆◆ FANATICS: The martyr warriors' blind faith enables them to get ◆◆ Commotion: If Althea escapes, the guards will take out their
back up at 2 HPs after having been broken in combat. Costs 2 DP. aggressions on the PCs. If the PCs back down, they will shovethem
violently aside anyway, and pursue the fleeing Althea. If a fight
breaks out, or if the two groups get stuck in an angry discussion,
the real guards will have to intervene. Inspector Ahuro will head y THE STEVEDORE CENTRAL
for the chai house to resolve the conflict (see below). If the PCs don't help Althea with the guards, she will escape
Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory) from the waiting hall and disappear into the Stevedore
Central's maze of tunnels. After the incident at the chai
y INSPECTOR AHURO ARRIVES house is resolved, the PCs could try to find her there. If they
If the situation escalates – for example if a fight breaks out – did help her however, she will suggest that they head for a
the corrupt inspector Ahuro will feel forced to step in to sort more discreet location. She will lead the group through the
out what is going on. He has accepted a rather substantial spaceport and down into the service shafts that run inside the
bribe to stay away from the martyr commando's business, skeleton of the station. This is a dark, strange place of dripping
and will be reluctant to intervene. He will be smart about moisture and flickering lights. Big crates and containers are
balancing his split loyalties however, ordering his squad to transported through the tunnels by stevedores in loader exos
advance slowly and loudly toward the chai house. The fake or on ground loaders, working in focused silence under the
guards will hear Ahuro's squad coming, and everyone at the watchful gaze of grim-faced supervisors. Spirits are higher
chai house will see the crowds outside slowly being parted in the Free League's cantina however, located at the heart
by the shouting guardsmen. The martyr warriors will try to of the Stevedore Central. The establishment, which consists
escape, either by going after Althea or by getting away from of one big room, is a mix between a coffin hotel, kawahnio
the spaceport to regroup and find the PCs again at a later time. (small café), cantina, and day room. There is a kitchen running
◆◆ Surrounded: If the PCs have managed to surround or disarm along one of the sides of the room and tables, cots, and small
the fake guards, Ahuro will order the PCs to drop their weapons sleeping modules have been mounted on the beams and
and lay face down on the floor. In the commotion when Ahuro's pillars running from floor to ceiling. Cooking smells, tabak
squadron secures the chai house, the martyr commando will and arrash fumes, and the sweat of hundreds of stevedores
escape, and the real guards will let them, shooting a few carefully fill the room. When the ventilation systems are down, the
misdirected warning shots after them. pungent smell travels all the way up to the spaceport. The
◆◆ Arrested: If the PCs cause a scene, Ahuro will arrest them and corridors and recesses surrounding the central are full of
let them sweat in the cells at the nearby Guard point for a few secret, makeshift hideaways where stevedores sometimes
hours, insinuating all sorts of unpleasentness unless they pay sleep, or even live. Read more about the stevedore central
him a hefty bribe to release them and then stay out of trouble on page 250 in the Coriolis core rulebook. This is where the
for good. PCs need to go for information about the area, such as where
Cost: 1 DP the fleeing Althea has disappeared to, or details about Aram
Yafa later in the scenario. The PCs could, among others,
encounter the following NPCs here:
◆◆ Xiu Xichama (Stevedore Akbar): An aging Xinghur from Lubau
and one of the most respected and trustworthy akbars in the
central. Xiu is a member of the Free League and has access
to help from all League-affiliated stevedores and deckhands.
She is also close friends with several pilot akbars on the Net,
and can arrange transport there – secretly, if necessary. She
has not been involved in refugee smuggling, but has noticed
the increased demand, especially in the last segment. Unless
the PCs have working class backgrounds, she will be cold and
dismissive. She might be persuaded to let the PCs into the
Stevedore Central, but she will not tell them where Althea
went. They can come back here later for information about
Aram Yafa however.
◆◆ Rauw (Skavara): An unexpected inhabitant of the central is Rauw the time she made a balcony in the Mulukhad collapse by the
the skavara. The stevedores view the tiny semi-intelligence as a force of her will.
mascot and bringer of good fortune, and make sure to bring him ◆◆ The Kidnappings: A segment or so ago, the Bulletin started
food and shiny trinkets that the little creature quickly stashes away reporting about a wave of kidnappings and murders. When
somewhere secret deep below the docks. Rauw is not much of the rumors that the victims were all mystics were confirmed,
a talker, but if he likes the looks (or scent) of someone, he does Althea wanted to go underground.
his best to help, and no one knows the tunnels here like Rauw ◆◆ Like-Minded: Noor contacted her about a week ago, wanting
does. He can show the PCs the smuggler tunnels from the docks her to meet another mystic, Aram Yafa. Noor only told Althea
to the cellars underneath the Spice Plaza, be he doesn't know that Aram was a deckhand who lost his job when his powers
who uses them. If the PCs are kind to Rauw and give him food started to manifest.
or something shiny, he will happily show them where Althea is ◆◆ The Meeting: She never got to meet Aram. A couple of days
hiding (if she fled here). ago, Noor had arranged for the three to meet at the Ozone
If the PCs are taken to the Stevedore Central by Althea, Plaza outside Al-Said's Oporium, a well known tabakery, at the
both Xiu and Rauw will be friendly toward them and include beginning of the second watch (at lunch time). Instead of Noor
them in the worker community. They are welcome to use and Aram, a group of guards showed up and tried to arrest her.
the central as a hiding place whenever they are on Coriolis, ◆◆ The Escape: Althea used her powers to evade arrest and hid in
so as the GM you should let the central be a sanctuary a basement in Little Horizon, as far away from the Promenade
from guards and martyr warriors. and the Ozone Plaza as possible.
Cost: 0 DP ◆◆ The Search: This morning, she finally left her hiding place and
went to Noor's apartment in the student barracks near the
y ALTHEA'S CLUES Academy tube stop in the Student district. The room looked
When the PCs have exited the waiting hall, either through untouched, but the guards showed up again and she barely
the tunnels under the Neoptra or through the crowds on the made it out.
Spice Plaza, they will eventually find a more private place ◆◆ Help: Althea found Noor's communicator and saw several
where they can be alone with Althea. If she was forced to flee messages from Aram, as well as the message sent to the PCs.
the chai house to escape the fake guards, she will instead When guards showed up to search Noor’s apartment, Althea
wait until the heat has died down and then seek out the PCs saw no other option but to try to find Noor's friends. In the
again. If they didn't try to help with the fake guards, she will commotion, she accidentally dropped the com as she ran from
approach them cautiously. the apartment.
Nervously, Althea can tell them the following:
◆◆ The Friend: She is a close friend of Noor's. They met roughly a After the conversation, Althea will leave the PCs to go hide
year ago during the Cyclade celebrations and started hanging again. If they promise to keep her safe or can offer her some-
out more and more. Noor told her about nirs illness – visions place to hide, she will come with them instead.
and dreams showing nem where to find lost things (the mystical Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory)
talent Find) – which gave Althea the courage to tell nem about
◆◆ Look for Aram Yafa, Noor's mysterious friend who never showed
up to the meeting. Althea doesn't know where Aram lives, or
how and where he and Noor met. In addition to the missing friend, the commotion in the
◆◆ Investigate Noor's apartment. They will find clues pointing spaceport has brought more eyes on the PCs. Players
toward the Samaritan Sanatorium and clues that help them who aren’t willing to look for clues and try to solveThe
track down Aram Yafa. Mysticides will become a part of it whether they want to
◆◆ Ask around the Ozone Plaza, the Student district, the Guard or not. The Bulletin’s snooping journalist, Ahuro’s corrupt
point, or the Neoptra for information about the fake guards. guards, or the commando themselves may all be interested
in the PCs’ actions. However, if you find that it’s hard to
The martyr commando are continuing their search for Althea progress through Act 1 you can instead choose to escalate
and unless she is under the PCs' protection, there is a substantial the conflict to the disappearance of the Emissary and the
risk of her being kidnapped (see Events below). Wherever the start of Act 2.
PCs go, they will be met with suspicion if they ask questions
about mystics – people will be more helpful if they are asking
about a missing friend or relative. Tensions are running high on
the station, with fights and loud arguments breaking out here
and there in the streets. The Bulletin news shows are on in the
background in most shops and cantinas, and will feature the
PCs' investigation if they uncover something that would make
a dramatic headline.
The PCs must find the clues and pieces of information below in
order for the scene to end. Most of it is either leads pointing in ”Can't sleep. Don't dare to. I've got the curse,
the direction of the Sanatorium or more information about the it's me they are talking about. Everything
fake guards. It is not necessary for the PCs to find Aram Yafa, they're saying is happening to me.”
and as the GM you could choose to progress to the next scene --
as soon as the group's suspicions about the Sanatorium and
”Aram was right. The medicurgs at the
the fake guards have been firmly established. The goal of the
Sanatorium do really listen. Everything will be
scene is for them to carry these suspicions with them into Act 2.
fine they say.”
The PCs must find one or more of the following clues pointing
”It is contagious they say. Must keep it
them toward the Samaritan Sanatorium: within me, must not let anyone else be
◆◆ The Apartment: There is a pamphlet in Noor's apartment with infor- affected by this.”
mation about the mystic's disease and the Sanatorium. The date of a --
few days ago – before Noor disappeared – is scribbled on the back. ”I have received a gift. The Icons have blessed
◆◆ The Diary: Noor appears to have sought out the Sanatorium on me! The Emissary spoke to me in my dreams. A
Aram Yafa's recommendation to be cured from nirs illness. time of Change is soon here!”
◆◆ The Communicator: Noor's com contains information about two
appointments made with healers at the Sanatorium. Noor's Diary
◆◆ The Snitch: If Aram Yafa is found and threatened, he will divulge
that the fake guards probably will have taken the missing mystics
to the Samaritan Sanatorium in the Core.
y THE FAKE GUARDS A general theme for both the Ring and the Core is the
During the scene, it is important that the PCs start suspecting constant appearance of dusk. Streetlights, storefronts,
that they are dealing with a group of fake guards, although the and neon signs are the only lights here. The streets are
true identities of the martyr warriors should not be revealed crowded with people, and depending on where the PCs
yet. They must find one or more of the following clues: are, the air is either stale and sweaty or heavy with spices
◆◆ The Diary: A few diary entries describe that Noor has noticed and perfume. The residential modules by the Promenade
someone following nem. One of the stalkers is described as are especially busy.
“scarred, with a shaved head”.
◆◆ Witnesses: Clean shaven guards have been seen on the outskirts y NOOR'S APARTMENT
of the Ozone Plaza, which is unusual as it is the Legion who If you altered where the Noor character lives or who it is, the
normally keeps the peace there. paragraph below may need some changes. The location's
◆◆ The Guard Points/Ahuro: There is no squad of shaved guards clues are what is important.
working at any of the Guard points in the Neoptra or on the Noor lived in a dorm room in one of the student barracks
Ozone Plaza. by the Academy tube stop. The neighborhood is bustling
◆◆ The Snitch: Aram Yafa is himself a mystic and has been forced with every kind of student; Legion cadets in immaculate
to help the fake guards catch other mystics under threat of being uniforms, courtesans in light, intricately embroidered
taken away himself. burkanas, engineers crowding around tabulas, and tabak
smoking aspiring correspondents with piercing eyes and
y THE SNITCH flaming hearts. The different universities try to outshine one
Although catching Aram Yafa isn't strictly necessary, ques- another, constructing magnificent lecture halls and office
tioning the unlucky deckhand will provide the most obvious buildings, but the student dorms look more like a Colonial
grounds for suspecting the Sanatorium and the fake guards. Agency mass housing project on some distant frontier. Read
The following information should lead the PCs to Aram: more about the University and Student districts on page
◆◆ The Diary: Several meetings with Aram in the last couple of 262 in the Coriolis core rulebook.
weeks are mentioned here, in cantinas near to or on the Ozone Althea can show the PCs the way to Noor's room if they ask
Plaza, such as Wahib's and Al-Said's. her. Noor lived alone in a sparsely furnished room containing
◆◆ The Communicator: Noor's com has recently been wiped of most a bed, a desk covered in notes, and a shelf with a few paper
of its data, but apart from the message to the PCs, it also contains books on it. The room contains several important clues for
a message from Aram saying that he wants to meet Althea and the PCs to find – see the At Noor's event below. Althea also
Noor outside of Al-Said's Oporium by the Ozone Plaza. dropped Noor's communicator while fleeing from the fake
◆◆ Witnesses: Witnesses both around Noor's apartment and guards here. When searching the apartment, or while looking
around Wahib's and the Ozone Plaza can describe Aram Yafa for the missing communicator, the PCs can encounter the
to the PCs. following NPCs:
◆◆ The Infonet/the Stevedore Akbar: Aram Yafa is not difficult to ◆◆ Mimia Moridorah (First year student): Most people would
find as his address is listed in logs from previous employers in describe first year students as confused chainsmokers who
the spaceport. constantly misplace their tabulas and mix binge drinking with
bursts of intense studying. Mimia fits the bill perfectly, but she
THE RING AND CORE OF CORIOLIS is also a mystic – sometimes, she gets a vision of the answers to
As this is an open scene, there are a number of places the PCs an upcoming test, and is currently being accused of cheating.
could visit when searching for clues. Below are descriptions of As she is on a scholarship, the accusations have made her future
a few locations in the Ring and the Core the group might seek very uncertain. She lives in the same corridor as Noor and heard
out. You can read more about the different areas of the station in the guards search the area. She hid until they had left, and found
chapter 4 of the Coriolis core rulebook. Read up on the locations Noor's communicator going back to her room. She is low on
and then read the events associated with them below. birr and is considering selling it to afford next segment's rent.
200x200 meters
Locations of Interest: A1
O1 Student District
O2 The Samartian Sanatorium
O3 Guard Point #37 RT
K1 Madame Shari's Chai House
K2 Al-Said's Oporium O6
K3 Wahib's Cantina
Plazas and meeting places RT
P1: Ozone Plaza RT
P2: Spice Plaza
P3: Market Plaza
P4: Spring Plaza
P5: Core Plaza
P6: Garden of Seekers 100x100 meters
S3 O2
Avenues O1 T
A1 The Promenade T RT
A2 The Core Circle
S1 Neoptra
S2 Askerio-Val
S3 Vyapaar
S4 Mercanda
At the edge of the Ozone Plaza, where the haggling arms y OBSTACLES ALONG THE WAY
dealers, light-fingered cyber merchants, and rugs cov- The Samaritan Sanatorium should start to look really suspi-
ered in spare parts give way to simpler stalls and kawah cious during this scene, but the PCs should not investigate it
trolleys, one finds Al-Said's Oporium. The establishment until Act 2. If the group decides to visit the Sanatorium now,
began as a traditional tavern, and became a second home it is time to introduce one of the more threatening events.
for Legionnaires and merchants who needed food, drink, The martyr commando has been shadowing them and is
and somewhere to rest during the early hours of the fourth starting to realize that the PCs are getting a little too close
watch. Dark pillars made of Kuan hardwood draped in silk to the truth. If the group is wavering in their resolve to visit
hide the dirty beams in the ceiling and the dusty ventilation the Sanatorium, a warning might be enough (the threatening
system. The floors are covered in Sadaalian rugs and the message on their coms), but if they seem undeterred, they
small tables are lit by sugar globes floating in small pots should get attacked by the group of stevedores, and then
of syrup. The proprietor is the Sadaalian hedonist and con- hear the news about the disappearance of the Emissary.
noisseur of fine drugs Tahir Em Al-Said. He is an ex-Lama
member and has the gang's signature lip tattoo, framed y THE OZONE PLAZA AND AL-SAID'S
by a big beard decorated with pearls. His rough hands are Althea has told the PCs about the meeting that was supposed
covered in gold rings and his icy blue eyes are surrounded to have taken place at Al-Said's Oporium (a gambling den
by very tasteful face painting. Tahir is a respected man and tabakery) a couple of days ago, when the fake guards
despite his checkered past, and can count many merchants first tried to arrest her. This tip should lead the group to
and deckhands as well as Legionnaires and gang members the busy markets of the Ozone Plaza, the place where every
among his friends. The Oporium is a calm haven where the technological need can be satisfied – if a gadget or gizmo
guests leave their shoes at the door and their guns hol- cannot be found here, it probably doesn't exist. Among the
stered to come together over a purring hookah, a nice meal, tents and stalls brimming with goods, loud merchants scream
or a relaxed game of dice. out their prices and street urchins and thieves do their best
to empty the pockets of inexperienced shoppers. If the PCs
ask around the plaza they will find a number of people who
can help them, either for free or for a handful of birr (You
can use table 11.15 on page 256 of the Coriolis core rulebook
to generate additional NPCs if you like):
◆◆ Karoum (Peddler): Karoum is an old ship mechanic who was
able to leave the darkness of the void and become a peddler on
the Ozone Plaza after an unusually lucrative salvage job. He has
purchased all the right permits from the Judicators and has paid
off the local gangs to be left alone to conduct his business in
a small stall strategically close to Al-Said's. His main problem y GUARD POINT 37 – THE OZONE PLAZA
is the gangs of shoplifting children that roam around the area. In the encounter with the fake guards in the Neoptra, the PCs
Karoum dresses in a simple but stylishly purple gallabeya and might have suspected that something was wrong. Such suspi-
the loose opening shows a scarred chest covered in whitening cions could have been strengthened by Ahuro's intervention
hair. His hands are sinewy but strong, and he is as competent and the fact that the fake guards got away so easily. When the
with delicate soldering on stolen coms and tags as he is with PCs visit the Ozone Plaza police station, they notice that the
banging dents out of a Legion chestplate. Karoum can fix up stone front facade of Guard point 37 is cracked and riddled
almost anything (Wits 4, Technology/Science 4). He witnessed with holes from Vulcan fire. On the steps underneath the sigil
Althea being chased by guards a few days ago. of the Guard – a stylized diamond – lies a snoring drunk and
◆◆ iala, Tam, and Mahmo Janoun (Street Urchins): The streets around a guard leans casually against the door jamb, chewing tabak
the Ozone Plaza and the sacks of spices in the stalls outside of with her hair let down. These are the station's finest – the
Al-Said's are where the Janoun siblings call home. They roam Coriolis Guard. Guard point 37 is a typical neighborhood office,
the streets, taking what they can from unsuspecting visitors and or a karkolu as they are called on the station. It is located in
yelling merchants. The children are dirty and have dried snot the alleys by the Ozone Plaza and a lot of criminals, guards,
under their noses, but their eyes are clear and brown, ready to and Legionnaires pass through here. Inside, there is a large
tear up against gullible passersby. They wear simple and worn reception desk – staffed by sergeant Chima Ouros – a few
clothing – wide trousers and over-sized caftans that can hide a smaller desks where the guards handle their paperwork, a
surprising amount of loot. They have heard about the incident large jail, and a cellar containing a weapons locker and an
with Althea and the guards, and a few hours prior, they spotted evidence room. There is a constant smell of tabak, sweat,
the clean shaven guards meeting with a young man inside the and urine here, despite the hard work of Gelof the cleaner.
tabakery. The station is low on personnel and the few guards here
are either going somewhere or hunched over stacks of arrest y THE STEVEDORE CENTRAL
forms. If they put their minds to it, the PCs can meet the The group's investigations may lead them to the stevedore
following NPCs: central. If they have been here during a previous scene, the
◆◆ Chima Ouros (Sergeant): Chima towers behind her desk like a outcome of that will of course affect how they are received
stiff, enormous statue. She is responsible for logging all arrests, this time.
complaints, and reports. She wears her chestnut hair in a tight ◆◆ Aram Yafa: When asking around about Aram Yafa – by name
knot and her dark, unsettling stare makes sure that visitors to and profession or by com number – stevedore akbar Xiu
her office keep their conversations short. She wears a shoulder Xichama (page 23) might be persuaded (MANIPULATION –1) to look
holster containing a massive Vulcan pistol that looks to have through old employment records for information. In addition
seen extensive use. She is very reluctant to answer questions to the MANIPULATION roll, the PCs will have to also provide some
about alleged corruption in the Guard, but could be persuaded additional information about Aram, like his communicator
to reveal that they have no guards in service here that match the number, full name, or profession. Just his first name won’t be
descriptions of the fake guards from the spaceport. sufficient. The records contain an address – three residential
◆◆ Gelof (Cleaner): Gelof is Guard point 37's cleaner, and he never modules between Wahib's and the Ozone Plaza, just above
seems to leave the building, much like sergeant Ouros. Gelof the Promenade.
is a young man with a crooked back and curious eyes that ◆◆ After the Ambush: If the PCs have been attacked by the group
peek out from behind thick, black bangs. His tireless mopping of stevedores, they can try to find out more about this from
and scrubbing never quite seem to make a room clean – only Xiu. After some resistance, she promises to ask around, but
cleaner – but Gelof hears about everything that happens in if the martyr commando is the last missing link in the PCs'
the building and might pass on a whisper or two if there is investigation, you could have Xiu tell the PCs that a group of
birr to be made – with sergeant Ouros' silent approval, of guards paid the stevedores handsomely to teach the nosy PCs
course. He can tell the PCs that inspector Ahuro and some of a lesson. They didn't act like normal guards however, and if the
the guards have made some form of deal with some people group doesn't know this yet, Xiu can tell them that the guards
on the Ring. During the investigation of the Mysticides, the had a strange accent.
dirty guards have promised to stay away from certain places
at certain times. y THE YAFASES' MODULES
Laughing and squabbling neighbors, crying children, and
y GUARD POINT 13 – THE NEOPTRA barking dogs – the residential modules above the Promenade
The PCs could also choose to visit Guard point 13 in the are a constant whirl of noise and activity. The modules them-
Neoptra, which is not as busy as point 37. Here they will selves are made from different materials and painted in every
meet with inspector Ahuro (page 21). imaginable color, and the maze of balconies, canopies, and
◆◆ Bribes: Guards at several different posts around the Ring have crisscrossing clothes lines outside only add to the neighbor-
been ordered by Ahuro to accept bribes to ignore the fake guards. hood's chaotic appearance. The Promenade can be heard as
No ordinary guard would ever admit to this, and the PCs will a distant murmur from below.
only hear this information if they truly win over Ahuro to their The Yafases live in three conjoined residential modules –
side – something that requires both that they have figured out each of them made up of just a single room, forcing much
that he himself is a mystic and that the fake guards more than of the family life out onto the narrow terrace outside. The
likely are the ones responsible for the Mysticides. Promenade is located a few stories down, and the color-
◆◆ Previous Entanglements: If the PCs were arrested or yelled ful roofs of the merchant stalls below look like a strange,
at by inspector Ahuro in the starting scene, he will make it organic mosaic.
very clear that he never wishes to see them again in his life. If the PCs come here looking for Aram Yafa, his family will
A large enough bribe might sooth his wrath however, and if insist on them staying for baklava and kawah. Aram's father
the PCs promise him a drink or five, he might even be willing is a regular contestant in the highly prestigious baklava
to talk. competitions on the Spice Plaza. The pastries are served with
strong, black kawah, thick with sugar, and the conversation to new people – mainly about pastries though. He is of the
is framed by constant interruptions from four over-excited opinion that his son lacks motivation, but not that he is up to
children being chased around the PCs by the older siblings. something illegal.
The Yafases' modules are a packed mess of bunk beds, stoves ◆◆ Yohara Yafa (Family Matriarch): The actual decision-maker
and cheap furniture. The family will gladly entertain their in the clan is Yohara, Aram's mother. She makes sure that
guests until their son comes home, and as the GM you are there are always dates, hot kawah, and big trays of Cheram's
free to determine if you want to end the scene in this location pastries on the table. She is more worried than Cheram about
(see Events below). Aram's lack of direction, but doesn't know any details about
◆◆ Cheram Yafa (Master Baklava Chef): Aram's father and “head” her son's affairs.
of the family. Cheram is a multiple baklava tournament winner
with a big belly and an even bigger laugh who loves to talk NPCS
In this scene, the PCs could encounter the independent actor
Jeyla Kuhari (see Events) as well as numerous other characters
who can provide them with the clues described above. The
NPCs that are tied to specific locations are less detailed.
Should you need their attribute or skill levels, use the NPC
list on page 343 in the Coriolis core rulebook. Finally, the
PCs might find Aram Yafa, who can give them some much
needed answers (see Important facts).
Aram Yafa is deeply miserable, but he doesn't show it. From the
outside, he looks like any other temporarily unemployed deck-
hand, spending his days in cantinas such as Wahib's around the
spaceport or the Ozone Plaza. He is part of large family with
their roots on Amedo, represented on the station by four gener-
ations of Yafases sharing three residential modules just above
the Promenade.
His loving family notwithstanding, Aram is deeply unhappy – he
has been afflicted by the mystic's disease and battles a serious
gambling problem, something which the martyr commando
used as leverage when they confronted him. By paying him
enough to keep up his gambling (the carrot) and threatening
to tell his family about his illness (the stick), the martyr com-
mando has coerced Aram into helping them track down other
mystics, whom they then send away for “treatment”. Aram is
not sure about what happens to the mystics after he has played
his part, and he fights hard to keep his suspicions at bay.
Aram's last refuge is his family, and he will only come home
when he sees no other option. Through his family's connec-
tions, he can get help with most kinds of problems, as long as it
isn't illegal.
APPEARANCE: Short hair, shy eyes. Wears a stevedore's overalls APPEARANCE: Short black hair and glasses where one of the eyes
with fluorescent symbols on it, the kind common in spaceports. is covered by a micro camera. Dresses in a long, anonymously pat-
terned djellaba.
CHARACTERISTICS: Bites his nails when he thinks no one is watch-
ing. Almost a little too kind. Talks a lot about his big family. CHARACTERISTICS: Constantly sniffing her smelling tabak.
GEAR: Personal communicator, tag with 3,500 birr, gambling SKILLS: Manipulation 4, Culture 3, Observation 2
◆◆ TELEPATHY: Aram has the supernatural power of mind reading GEAR: Communicator with an advanced recording upgrade,
which enables him to hear other people's thoughts (not every- holograph mounted on her glasses, tabula, tag with birr for
thing, only “strong” thoughts). He can also transmit short tele-
pathic messages. When he is stressed, his thoughts sometimes
spill over into the heads of those nearby, especially other mystics ◆◆ C ONTACTS: Kuhari has several trusted informants on the station
(no DP cost). that can help her for something in return. At the cost of 1 DP,
Kuhari can obtain information about or access to places, events
etc. This enables her to show up where the PCs are without
word out that she is looking to sell the com for 100 birr.
◆◆ Messages in the Communicator: The communicator contains
several conversations between Noor and Aram, and a message
from Aram asking Noor to show up an hour early to the meeting whatever they can to escape – promising to help the PCs,
with Althea so they can talk before she arrives. The last message steal for them, sell them secrets – anything they can think
is followed by several unanswered calls from Althea (Noor left of. If the PCs let them go before they have revealed the
the com at home). The last message from Aram can be used to promised information, they will slither away without another
contact him, or to find out where he lives. word. They can be questioned for clues as long as they are
◆◆ The Dorm Supervisor: If Ekvias can be convinced that the in captivity, however.
PCs aren't burglars, he will share with them that he has spent ◆◆ The Children's Story: If one of the Janouns is captured or bribed,
many late nights drinking with Noor, who has seemed scared they can tell the PCs about the guards who chased that poor
and nervous lately. He has also heard about a com for sale woman through the spice stands outside Al-Said's. The Coriolis
in the building. Earlier today, he encountered a group of Guard usually stay away from the Ozone Plaza, and the children
guards turning Noor's apartment upside down (after Althea mainly have to worry about Legionnaires and judicators. A few
had escaped them). hours before the spectacle at the oporium, Mahmo (one of the
◆◆ The Guards: Ekvias can reveal that today wasn't the first time brothers) saw the guards talking to a young man standing outside
he saw these particular guards – two of them visited the Al-Said's (he describes Aram Yafa). A little later, Liala saw another
corridor in plain clothes about a week ago, but he shooed person (Noor) meet up with Aram, after which they both slipped
them out. into one of the alleys next to the plaza. In the alley, the children
Cost: 0 DP saw three bald guards threaten one of the visitors (Noor) with
guns and lead nem away.
y THIEVES AND SPICES ◆◆ The Merchant: The old tech pusher and repairman Karoum
If the PCs visit the Ozone Plaza or Al-Said's, chances are good has a stall close to Al-Said’s, and will offer his sincere sympa-
that they will run into the Janoun children. A young girl in thies if the PCs where pickpocketed by the Janouns. For a nice
simple clothes but with an embroidered, red dupatta tugs at chat and some birr to go with it, he can also tell them about a
the sleeve of one of the PCs (the one with the lowest Empathy strange thing he witnessed a few days ago. A young woman
score). She looks up with tears in her eyes and stretches out came to Al-Said's, obviously looking for something, but she
a shaking, empty hand. suddenly started pushing people and ran out with a group of
◆◆ The Thieves: At the cost of 1 DP, you can have the Janouns angry guards chasing her.
steal something from the PCs. Unless a PC makes an active ◆◆ The Gambler: If you want to, you can let the regular crowds at
attempt to spot the crime (OBSERVATION –1), Liala's two brothers Wahib's or Al-Said's recognize a description of Aram Yafa and
will try to steal one thing each from someone in the group and recall his frequent visits, sometimes together with others, but
then run in opposite directions. Liala ducks under Karoun's usually alone and with money on his mind. Just recently, he
tool stand and disappears into the crowd, leaving only her has begun betting larger sums than before, and has paid off
red shawl behind. The PCs might try to catch the thieves some old debts.
and can apprehend one of the kids by successfully testing Cost: 0–1 DP
◆◆ The Janoun Humanites: Older sister Liala lives with her two y FOLLOWED
younger brothers, twins Tam and Mahmo, in the alleys Someone is following the PCs. Use this scene to let them
around the Ozone Plaza. The are humanite descendents attempt an OBSERVATION roll or to make them aware that
of the Krahin, workers from the Marfik system brought to someone knows about their investigation. Depending on
work on Coriolis under slavelike conditions. Their humanite who the followers are, this scene could also introduce an
talent is equivalent of the Regenerate sculpt (see page 77 independent actor such as Kuhari the correspondent or
of the Coriolis core rulebook), and also slows down their inspector Ahuro. The main goal of the scene is to create
aging. The kids look significantly younger than they actually suspense, but a captured follower could of course provide
are, and have learned to use this to their advantage. If one clues of great value.
or more of the siblings are caught by the PCs, they will do Cost: 0 DP
y A CURIOUS REPORTER worried. His father grins at him and says that some friends
“Weren't you involved in that spectacle in the spaceport?” asks of his have stopped by and that everyone is having a great
a woman in discreet but exclusive clothes. She holds up a com time, but Aram's nervous smile disappears in an instant and
set to record and continues: “What are you doing here? Maybe he rushes out into the street to try to disappear into the
a short interview, ne?” crowds on the Promenade below.
◆◆ The PCs could either try to catch him now or seek him
Jeyla Kuhari, the disgraced reporter, recognizes the PCs out later (see below). If they chase Aram now, let it be a
and tries to get an interview to find out what they are desperate scene where they clearly have the upper hand.
up to. She is looking into the Mysticides and has been As they are starting to either catch up with or surround
tipped off about the PCs’ investigation. If the actions of him, one or a few of the PCs receive telepathic visions of
the PCs cause further disturbances, Jeyla might show up his cries for help.
again and be even more insistent in her attempts to find If the PCs catch Aram, he will admit to what he has
out what is going on. done and tell them all he knows (see below).
Cost: 0 DP Cost: 0 DP
y ARAM'S DEATH ◆◆ Only a few hours before the news of the disappearance of the
If the PCs choose to let Aram go after they have questioned Emissary break, the Bulletin reports that yet another body
him – or if you as the GM think that the hunt for the bait has been found, but that the Coriolis Guard are unsure of
should have a darker ending – use the following event: whether it has got anything to do with the so-called Mysticides
◆◆ The leader of the martyr commando, Salamah ach-Abaud, or not. Inspector Merk Ahuro of the Guard releases a short
starts to regard Aram as a security risk, a loose end. When the statement soon after saying that the murder of deckhand
kidnapping of the Emissary draws closer, Salamah decides to tie Aram Yafa looks to be gang-related, in light of the deceased's
up all such loose ends. She sends three of her warriors to kidnap massive gambling debts.
and murder Aram. Cost: 2 DP
“Thank you Mafra. Reports or coming in from all around the “Well, it's all because of these new mystics, they siphon
station from people claiming to have seen the Emissary – energy off the Emissaries you see... They channel the Dark
just recently we heard from a very agitated slummer saying and the wrath of the Icons and...”
that the Emissary just “ f loated” past him in a corridor in “Eh, thank you Mafra, that's just about all the time we
the Cellar. The situation is likely to be chaotic for some have...”
time in regard to what has actually happened, isn't that
“Yes, the opor fumes in the Cellar have already produced some On a larger plaza or avenue somewhere, the PCs suddenly
rather fantastical eyewitness reports about the so-called find themselves in the path of a marching crowd, venting
“new mystics”, and one could expect more of the same to the population's boiling discontent by taking to the streets.
follow now... The crowds wash over and surround the PCs. Suddenly,
“What will the disappearance of the Emissary mean for something goes wrong, fighting breaks out, and people
the Third Horizon? I now have Boro Bruhari, noted Icon start running. The PCs might get attacked by rioters
scholar, with me to answer that question. What is your (equivalent of the stevedore thugs, 2 DP) or even by the
opinion about this mister Bruhari? Guard (3 DP). If there is no fighting, this event costs 0 DP.
“Well, right now it is hard to say what will come out of it Cost: 0, 2–3 DP
– people are undoubtedly in shock over what has happened
– many viewed the arrival of the Emissaries as a sign that y RESONANCE – A SUDDEN SONG
the return of the Icons was close at hand.” Before you introduce the disappearance of the Emissary,
“You are referring here to the myths about how the Icons, you could throw in the following event. An hour or so
after teaching mankind how to travel the void, promised before the news breaks, all mystic PCs suddenly experience
to return in humanity's darkest hour, correct?” a crushing headache and a ringing in the ears.
“Yes, but that is only one of the many apocryphal stories They become disoriented for two turns and feel as if
about the Icons that f lourishes within the Church and...” they can hear a short, repetitive sequence of notes, or a
“Thank you mister Bruhari, we will now go back to Mafra fragment of a song. After the two turns, they feel normal
Sarmin, our reporter on the streets, who has been asking again. If this happens during a fight (when chasing Aram
passersby on the Ring what they think about today's events Yafa or during the stevedore ambush for example), the
– over to you, Mafra.” event will cost you 2 DP. This event occurs at the same
“Thank you Jabal, I am standing here with Sarai Namaran time as the attack on the Emissary's residence (see Act 2).
– what does the disappearance of the Emissary mean Cost: 0 or 2 DP
to you?”
At the end of the first act, the PCs will most likely have fig- The event that ties Act 1 and 2 together is the disappearance
ured out the following: of the Emissary. Mightier forces intervene to help the inves-
◆◆ A group of fake guards are kidnapping and murdering mystics tigation through the action of judge Kurahan who hires the
◆◆ They are aided by a person acting as bait, Aram Yafa PCs to find the Emissary and who gives the group access to
◆◆ Where the fake guards come from is not known the Emissary's residence in the Spire.
◆◆ Where the kidnapped mystics are taken is not known either
◆◆ The Samaritan Sanatorium seems to be connected to the dis-
appearances somehow
HIGH STAKES During High Stakes, the PCs will discover that some of the
factions seem to be involved in the conspiracy against the
mystics. As indicated by the pun in the name, Act 2 takes
place mainly in the Spire.
act 2 is described in the same way as Act 1, with ◆◆ Samaritan Brother Ramas helps the PCs find a way
a suggested starting scene, a chain of subsequent down into the Cellar and gives them information
scenes, and descriptions of all the important about what is going on inside the Sanatorium.
NPCs. The chapter ends with a summary of what ◆◆ The Hegemony's ambassador appears to be
the PCs should have figured out before Act 3. involved in the disappearance of the Emissary.
ACT The second act begins in the luxury restaurant
Alkamaar's in the Spire. At some point after the
The invitation doesn't arrive as a com message
When the PCs arrive at Alkamaar's, they are asked to leave unique skills of the group and their actions during Act 1, as
their weapons, armor, and whatever gear they can't hide well as any previous scenarios you have played. When every-
under their caftans in a special room in the foyer. Unless one is sitting down comfortably, the judge begins to speak:
they are smartly dressed, the other guests will frown and ◆◆ The PCs: She knows a lot about them and can describe their
sigh as they enter. PCs who work as courtesans, who move backgrounds in detail.
in social circles such as this, or who have the right kind of ◆◆ The Investigation: She knows about their investigation, even
connections will know how to dress to blend in. Read this as things that haven't become public knowledge.
the group is shown in: ◆◆ The Conspiracy: The last segments have been plagued by
A low, soothing baria hangs gently in the air above Alkamaar's kidnappings, murders, and rioting, and she suspects that this
luxurious decor and refined conversations. Waiters in white is all part of a single conspiracy. The Coriolis Guard have tried
uniforms, courtesans in richly embroidered dresses, and tasteful, to do something about it, but failed. Judge Kurahan sees the
discreet laughter from the guests form a sophisticated pot pourri disappearance of the Emissary as an escalation that could carry
around you as you are escorted to a corner table facing the glit- catastrophical consequences as the Cyclade celebrations are just
tering darkness of the void outside. The emerald green sphere about a week away. The festivities coincide with the one-year
of Kua shines at you from the other side of the glass dome in anniversary of when the Emissary at the Xene station declared
the ceiling, but despite the splendor around you, your attention itself to be the Judge incarnate. The first day of the new year is
is immediately drawn to your dinner companion at the table: also the anniversary of when the so-called Messenger Emissary
a large, imposing woman on a divan, a silent, stern-looking arrived at Coriolis, which makes the timing of its disappearance
warrior in full combat dress behind her – one of the judicators unlikely to be coincidental. Judge Kurahan believes that all these
by the looks of it – and a beautiful, well-dressed hijra – probably events are linked and asks the PCs to investigate them both
a courtesan – on a cushion on the floor. effectively and discreetly.
The people at the table are judge Kurahan, judicator Akouba
Kosha, and Apion, the judge's courtesan for the evening. During the conversation, the judge tries to get as much
After a short introduction, the PCs are offered hot towels information from the PCs as she can without them noticing
by Apion to rub their faces, hands and feet with, after which it. She doesn't share her motivations for launching a private
the dinner can begin. Judicator Akouba remains standing investigation alongside the official one unless she is pressed
throughout the dinner until a deal has been struck between about it and the PCs somehow find out about her mystic son.
the PCs and judge Kurahan. She concludes by saying:
◆◆ She is interested in speeding up the investigation into the disap-
y JUDGE KURAHAN'S MISSION pearance of the Emissary as much as she can, officially because
The PCs are offered comfortable divans across the table she is worried about the potential societal consequences – but
from the judge. Apion rises in one perfectly choreographed unofficially because she worries about the safety of her son Arlain.
motion and supplies the PCs with hot towels and rose water. ◆◆ Through judicator Akouba, she has arranged access for the PCs
They offer to take care of any heavy clothing, shoes, or other to the Emissary's residence.
gear. Gentle but precise hands move softly across tired limbs ◆◆ Judicator Akouba can be of assistance if the PCs need any help
and tense shoulders. The stress of the last few days seems from the station's law enforcement.
to melt away in the blink of an eye. Judge Kurahan smiles ◆◆ The PCs are expected to report their findings to the judge via
at the PCs and waits for Apion to sit back down before she Akouba (they are given a pulse com set to reach the judicator).
starts to speak. ◆◆ The group is also given a direct link to the judge's private com-
The authoritative, obviously Zenithian, woman is friendly municator, but it is only to be used in emergencies.
and well-mannered and seems to know a lot about the PCs,
but not in an unsettling way. She makes it clear that she has IMPORTANT FACTS
chosen the group precisely for their background. As the GM, In this scene, it is important to establish judge Kurahan as
you should prepare her speech and take into account both the a reliable patron and that cooperating with her could prove
Handout #2: The Judge's Invitation extremely beneficial. The scene should also introduce the
mysterious judicator Akouba Kosha, although no details
about her are presented yet.
◆◆ The Emissary: At the end of the scene, it should be clear to the
PCs that going to the Emissary's residence by Lake Abhrra is the
next step in their investigation.
Food and drink are integral parts of most cultures in the
I look forward to discussing our Third Horizon – most evidently displayed by the different
common concerns tonight at elites who use certain forms of eating and drinking as a way
Alkamaar's. I would like to assist to distance themselves from the common people and – even
you in your current undertaking. more so – each other. Whether it is a craving for flower
May the Gambler smile on your extracts from the Monolith or a ravaging hunger for the
efforts, Sadaalian lugal mollusk, one place in the Horizon has it all,
a treat for every imaginable appetite – Alkamaar's, at the top
of the Spire. You can find a short description of Alkamaar's
at page 265 in the Coriolis core rulebook.
her excellency,
One's first visit to Alkamaar's is an unforgettable experience.
Judge Nigelia Kurahan-dol-Fahsra Before entering the circular main room, spanning 120 meters
in diameter, one has to wait in the foyer, surrounded by the
restaurant's legendary gallery of stone statues. The foyer is
full of sensors and discreet guards who make sure that no
weapons or other forbidden gear is brought into the main hall.
The first thing that strikes a visitor as she strides through
the doorway with a courtesan on her arm, is the awe-inspiring,
all-encompassing sinister beauty of the nothingness as it is
revealed through the transparent dome above the restaurant.
The walls lean inward and meld seamlessly with the ceiling to
form an enormous window toward space, and contrasted by
the darkness outside, the light in the faces of one's friends,
in the food and drink, and in the song, the dance, and the
laughter seems to burn that much brighter. When the visitor
Investigation into the mysterious judge Kurahan before the is reclining comfortably on the divan she has been shown to,
meeting using the infonet (the Coriolis core rulebook page waiters approach to describe tonight's menu as they offer her
228), CULTURE , or the Faction Standing: The Consortium a refreshing bowl of rose water to wash her hands in. After
talent will provide some general information: judge that, the hours rush by at the speed of light, the evening
Kurahan is a Zenithian who has risen quickly in her career leaving the visitor profoundly moved – and wanting more.
after ruling in a series of high-profile cases at the station.
This scene introduces the judge and the judicator who will
act as valuable contacts for the PCs during this and coming
Akouba Kosha is an experienced judicator, something which has SKILLS: Dexterity 2, Force 3, Manipulation 3, Observation 2,
made her more inclined to prioritize results rather than nitpicking Ranged Combat 3, Command 2
about jurisdiction. She gladly passes on minor offences and the TALENTS: Tough, Hardened, Codex of the Judicators, Astûrban
punishment thereof to younger, less experienced judicators, or even
ARMOR: Judicator armor 7
to the incompetent fools in the Guard. Unlike other judicators who
WEAPONS: Judicator model accelerator pistol (Initiative +1), dura
uphold neo-Zenithian ideals, Akouba has actually been an Astûrban
sword, shock stick
mole since her first day at the Judicators' Forensics Institute and
GEAR: Personal communicator with pulse function, sensor visor.
has worked toward strengthening the power of the hegemonists on
Coriolis and to the detriment of the Consortium for many years. ◆◆ TOUGH: Akouba has survived the relentless elite training of the
Her cunning knows no bounds. She has purposely gotten herself judicators and gets 2 additional HPs.
indebted to judge Kurahan to make sure she is asked for favors, in ◆◆ H ARDENED: Long years of danger and conflict have hardened
the hopes that the judge would appoint her to the Mysticides. Her Akouba, who gets 2 additional MPs.
plan worked, and she now plans to expose the martyr commando, ◆◆ C ODEX OF THE JUDICATORS: As a judicator, Akouba has contacts
thereby forcing the Consortium and the Order into open confron- within her organization both on Coriolis and on Kua. She also
tation. Her mission objectives also include making sure that the keeps up appearances that she is adhering to the Codex of the
martyr commando is taken care of after they have played their part. Judicators, meaning that she works to fight and prevent crime
quickly and effectively, usually acting as police, judge, and execu-
APPEARANCE: Always in the armor of the judicators and never show- tioner at the same time.
ing her face. Only the eyes are visible when she opens her visor. ◆◆ A STÛRBAN LACKEY: Akouba has a whole ring of secret agents at
her command, although the communication goes through cour-
CHARACTERISTICS: Stern voice but doesn't speak much. Maintains tesan houses and kawah stands using coded slips of paper, and
eye contact in conversations to stare down her opponent. the whole thing takes time. It can often take up to a whole day for
her orders to be carried out. Akouba can receive reinforcements
The apartment consists of three rooms and a small kitchen the PCs investigate on their own and let Akouba fill in the
alcove. The kitchen is dusty and doesn't appear to have been blanks afterward.
used in a long time. The bathroom is spotless and empty
except for a few meticulously folded pairs of undergarments. IMPORTANT FACTS
The bedroom is perfectly ordered. The bed is made and a In this scene, the PCs are expected to investigate the Emissary's
beautiful caftan hangs neatly folded over a chair next to it. residence and combine their new findings with the clues they
The wardrobe contains about a dozen expensive, modern found in Act 1. Judicator Akouba makes herself available to the
outfits complete with many layers of shawls and veils that PCs so that she – in her capacity as an Astûrban agent – can
the Emissary has been seen in when it has been captured on tailor the leads to point more obviously toward the martyr
a Bulletin show or attended the Council. An exquisite hand commando, and by extension – the Order of the Pariah. She
fan lies next to the bed. is also there to make sure none of the other factions become
The sitting room is more interesting – there has clearly been suspects, especially not the Hegemony.
fighting here: overturned furniture, a shattered music station,
and torn books strewn across the floor. A mosaic depicting men y THE RESIDENCE
and women descending from the Zenith to Kua covers most A small group has obviously managed to bypass the security
of one of the walls, but it is riddled with bullet holes – dotted systems in the Emissary's residence and then leave the Abhrra
black lines pointing toward a large pool of dark, dried blood on again without being noticed, carrying at least one body. The
the floor. There are several other pools of blood and tracks that PCs should have figured out this much before they leave the
lead into the hallway – tracks made by bodies being dragged. scene, and if they don't find the clues themselves, let judicator
Judicator Akouba can provide the PCs with the information Akouba give them the following information (as she has been
that the crime scene technicians have found, or you could let instructed to do by ambassador Johar Quassar):
◆◆ The Security System: Motion detectors and cameras covering ◆◆ The Data Meme: Investigating the surveillance and alarm systems
the path outside the residence were disabled at the time of the will show that they were disabled by a locally introduced data
break-in. In the basement, there is a security central for the entire meme. Passing a hard (–2) DATA DJINN test reveals that the code
complex where the PCs can investigate the system’s previously appears to resemble the memes used on the Order's monastery
stored data. The last one to visit before the system was shut off cruisers, and thus appears to be of Zalosian origin.
was none other than the Zenithian Hegemony's ambassador
to the Council, Johar Quassar, and there is no footage of him THE EMISSARY
leaving the residence. Akouba can inform the PCs that Johar It is important that the PCs don't find out too much about
Quassar has not been interviewed about the case yet as he has the life of the Emissary, but you could give them something
factionary immunity. See the info about the data meme below. – be mindful not to confuse them however.
◆◆ The Blood: Fighting broke out in the residence and at least one ◆◆ The Bowls: In the midst of the chaos in the sitting room, there
person was injured. There is blood that can be analyzed in the are four overturned bowls on the floor – one with water, one
next scene (Zalosian blood from five different individuals and with incense that has burned the rug on the floor, one with
Miran blood from one person). There are blood stains around the couscous and one with a small candle. The four bowls are reli-
door, on some of the books on the floor, and in the colonnade gious symbols used in a prayer ritual. PCs who are preachers,
outside (Zalosian). The prayer rug on the floor has a rather clear come from Algol or Mira, or who have the Faction Standing:
imprint of a bloody right hand (Miran). The Church of the Icons talent will know this with no dice rolls
◆◆ The Weapons: The weaponry used in the house consisted of needed – otherwise they must pass a CULTURE test where each
Vulcan carbines (which can be determined by examining the bonus success will provide an additional clue about the bowls
hole patterns in the mosaic by testing COMMAND normally, or (see The Four Transformations). This clue says nothing about
OBSERVATION at –1). The damage to some of the books on the floor the attackers, but hints at the Emissary's faith sharing roots with
appears to come from the vibrating blade of a dura weapon. If that of the Firstcome of the Third Horizon.
the PCs noticed the fake guards' weapons in the opening scene ◆◆ THE BOOKS: The book collection now strewn across half the room
in the spaceport, they should be able to connect the dots by now. is made up of holy scriptures, legends, and songs from many of
the Third Horizon's original settlers or from old nomad swarms.
In addition to the above, you should make sure that the PCs There are books from almost all known systems and several of
have found at least one of the following clues before the them where written during the golden age before the Portal
scene ends: Wars. Such books are rarities that aren't given away, and only
◆◆ The Vulcan Bullet: One of the holes in the mosaic contains a someone with impressive influence could ever hope to buy one.
bullet that is intact enough to be examined in the next scene. The
rifling pattern on the bullet shows that the bullet was handmade THE EMISSARY'S RESIDENCE
by a gunsmith from a duramite/copper alloy to create almost Beautiful skylights with cubist mosaics paint kaleidoscopic
noiseless vibro ammunition. This kind of bullet is not available rainbows on the white floors. Brush strokes of blood on the
on the open market and not produced by any of the Consortium walls disrupt the symmetry. The stairs leading up from the
companies, but is rather popular among rebels and shady weapon hallway hint at the chaos further in.
dealers. The Emissary's residence is located on the Abhrra floor, right
◆◆ The Cracks: The walls around the door in the sitting room as on the slope by the man-made lake. The residence is a three-
well as parts of the floor around several of the pools of blood are room apartment in a large, luxury complex reserved solely for
shot through with a fine mesh of tiny cracks. The cracks seem to the Emissary by the Council. The surrounding buildings are
emanate from a point on the floor near the door and disappear also kept empty. Narrow paths run between the buildings,
a few meters from the prayer rug before reaching the mosaic allowing for passage on foot or by palanquin only. The main
on the wall. It looks almost as if the cracks have been caused house is reached through a semi-covered, sandstone gallery
by concentrated soundwaves (see the description of the attack with klefsi vines on trellises climbing up to form a ceiling. The
below and of the Emissary's mystic powers). fallen leaves form a soft, blue carpet around the door.
To give you as the GM a better understanding of the crime scene, the kidnapping is described in detail below. The description also hints at some of the
Emissary's mystical powers, such as its ability to manipulate sound waves.
◆◆ The Commando: One of Salamah ach-Abaud's s groups of warriors leave their base in the Cellar after lengthy preparations. They enter the Spire via a
secret passage leading directly to the Abhrra.
◆◆ False Support: Not knowing that the martyr commando is being manipulated by the Zenithian Hegemony through spy chief Lenove Astir, Salamah accepts
the help offered by Johar Quassar who makes sure that the security systems are turned off for the attack. The commando is also unaware that Astir has
made sure that the meme used can be traced back to the Order.
◆◆ The Attack: Five members of the Warriors of the Holy Light enter the Emissary's residence through the main door. The Emissary has seen a vision of the attack and
is prepared, so as the door opens, three of the attackers are hit by a powerful sonic blast – a high frequency scream beyond human hearing that pounds organs,
shatters eardrums, and breaks bone, marble, and stone. Two of the warriors are thrown sideways across the room and the third backwards out into the gallery.
◆◆ Mind Over Matter: The two unharmed warriors open fire with their Vulcan carbines against the Emissary who stands calmly on the rug in the middle of the
room. The first salvo of the silent vibro rounds are pushed away from the target as the air in the room begins to vibrate. The stray shots hit the mosaic and
knock over a few of the book piles. The guns quiet and the two attackers pale as they watch their hands turn the guns toward each other – forced by the will
of the Emissary who has taken a few steps toward them. Shots are fired and the two warriors stagger out of the apartment, severely wounded.
◆◆ For the Martyr: The martyr warriors have minds of steel and two of those wounded in the Emissary’s initial attack spring from the ground again, blood
running from their noses, ears, and a myriad of tiny cuts. One of them charges at the Emissary with a dura knife. Several of the holy texts on the floor
suddenly float up to form a swirling shield around the Emissary, withstanding the warrior's ferocious attacks.
◆◆ Wounding an Icon: The Emissary's head suddenly twitches and slumps forward – it looks down at the hilt of a dura knife sticking out from its chest through
the dark blue cape. The second warrior who got back up after the sonic attack stands in the corner of the room, now with empty hands.
◆◆ Overwhelmed: The warrior who threw the knife approaches the Emissary and fires several shots with a stun gun into its neck, after which it collapses to
the floor. It grabs at the edge of the rug with a bloody hand and kicks over the stool with the Miran bowls as it falls.
◆◆ The Kidnapping: Two of the martyr warriors now have gunshot wounds, two have been badly damaged by the sonic pulse and one lies dead in the gallery
outside the door, killed by brain haemorrhages caused by the sound waves. The four survivors put the Emissary in a bag with grav units attached to it, col-
lect their dead comrade and leave the scene. They use the Abhrra floor's air vents and maintenance shafts to get back down to the Cellar through the hull
of the Spire. The group lose their dead brother in the ventilation shafts and the two warriors with gunshot wounds seek out the Samaritan Sanatorium for
emergency care under Brother Ramas and Sister Robwah. The last two survivors bring the Emissary to their base in the Cellar.
◆◆ The kidnappers have left the Abhrra level without being picked pressure over the temples and forehead and spotty vision.
up by any other active surveillance systems, such as those by Non-mystic PCs feel nothing.
the vertilane station. ◆◆ The affected mystic PC must pass a demanding (–1) MYSTIC
POWERS test or suffer 2 mind points of stress. She can feel her
Other than the above, the PCs could find more clues that heart racing as if she is about to have a panic attack, lasting until
reveal further details about the attack or about the Emissary. she leaves the Abhrra.
Let them use SCIENCE , OBSERVATION , CULTURE , or relevant expe- ◆◆ If she passes the test, she will hear the echo of a song – a
riences from their backgrounds to find more clues. Examining repeating series of notes that appear to come from the music
a clue more closely can also reveal more information, but this station's speakers. If someone in the group thinks of analyzing
might take until the next scene – see the Important Facts the radiowaves in the room (TECHNOLOGY –1) with the proper gear,
above for details about the clues in the scene. they will pick up a weak but curious pattern of high frequency
Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory) radio waves. This is the echo caused by the Emissary's use of
its powers, although that is unknown to the PCs. It is also the
y RESONANCE – CHILDREN OF THE SONG same sound pattern as any mystic PCs might have heard at the
A mystic PC will feel uneasy as soon as she enters the end of Act 1.
Emissary's residence. The air is thick with the smell of ozone Cost: 1 DP
and the PC experiences a migraine-like episode, with heavy
y THE SANATORIUM The entrance to the palace lies at the top of thirty-meter-wide
◆◆ The ties to the Order make the Sanatorium a good place to go staircase made from white Kuan marble. The dimensions of the
next as it is the faction's only official business onboard the station. stairs are a bit over-the-top, both because they are on a space
◆◆ Aram's confession coupled with the clues found at Noor's point station and because of the tremendous amount of birr it cost
to the Sanatorium. to transport all the marble up from Kua. Visitors are greeted
◆◆ If the PCs manage to track the warriors from the Abhrra, the by palace guards from the so-called peacock troops, guarding
two shot martyrs will lead them to the Sanatorium. the gates. Underneath their garish uniforms, the guards are all
business, equipped with the latest in acc tech and advanced heavy
LOCATIONS, QUESTIONS, ANSWERS armor. The large audience hall behind the security corridor is a
There are several places the PCs might visit to investigate deep, open room with high ceilings, paintings and mosaics on
leads found in previous scenes. Suggestions are named in the walls, and fancifully fashioned flowerbeds containing the Kuan
the clue descriptions, but the two locations they are more jungles' most beautiful flora. Meetings are usually held in small
likely to visit are: alcoves in the walls where visitors are treated to comfortable
◆◆ The Palace of the Hegemony divans around small, round tables and served anything from
◆◆ The Samaritan Sanatorium steaming kawah to chilled honey wines by master courtesans.
Special guests are sometimes brought in to see the inner parts of
You could encourage the group to revisit some locations and the palace through winding corridors and staircases and up into
contacts from Act 1, such as: the Icon towers (as in the Captain's Orders event below). When
◆◆ The Stevedore Central the PCs visit the palace, they are greeted by court hostess Vivera:
◆◆ The tech pusher on the Ozone Plaza ◆◆ Vivera Ariadnes (Court Hostess): One way to hone one's diplo-
◆◆ Althea or Aram, if they are still alive matic skills is to serve as court hostess at one of the Hegemony's
many consulates or embassies – usually called palaces. Vivera is
y THE PALACE OF THE HEGEMONY relatively new in her position, but makes up for it by being from
The Palace of the Hegemony is a located on the Therr floor, an excellent bloodline. She wears classical makeup and ties her
almost at the top of the Spire, with only Alkamaar's dome hair in a high knot as per the fashion in the Monolith, with a veil
above it. Enormous holo screens cover the ceiling and walls, on top covered in her family's patterns and glyphs. She is always
projecting the view of the sun-drenched jungles and the polite, smiling, and interested when greeting new people, while
delta around the Conglomerate as seen from the top of the at the same time subtly pumping them for information to pass
Monolith, complete with a small dot – the Coriolis station – in on to the delegate or dignitary they have come to meet.
the sky high above. The hegemony’s revered locale is meant
to be perceived as the highest point, on Kua as well as the y THE HULL OF THE SPIRE
Coriolis station. The building at the heart of the Therr is a Despite many attempts to hide the duralite beams, oxygen
revelation and blasphemy at the same time – its eight towers regulators, and air pumps, some aspects of the station's
rise twenty meters into the air, reaching almost all the way life support systems are still visible along the outer walls of
up the screens, reminding visitors of the Zenithian legend of the Abhrra. Along the edges of the park, behind low walls
the Therr-Aybbalon, the monolith on Ardha smitten by the and hidden behind floral arrangements, one can find con-
gods for its masters' hubris a long, long time ago. trol panels and hatches leading to service points along the
The whitewashed palace is crowned by a sky blue dome power and irrigation grids, maintenance shafts, trash chutes,
with eight Icon towers placed octagonally around it. The and vents. In here, the workings of the station's internal
geometric perfection between the dome and the octagon organs produce a constant buzz and the framework of the
and the ratio between the towers and the dome demands hull groans under the pressure of the grav projectors. The
respect even from Dabaran architects. Small jungle oases corridors are warm and humid and everything is covered in
with Kuan flora surround the palace and special ED fields some unnameable greenish grey film – probably algae, or
keep temperature and humidity high. some strange form of fungus.
The Sanatorium is briefly described on page 264 in the
Coriolis core rulebook. It is located in the Core, opposite the
Infotheca, just a short walk from the Student and University
districts. When entering the main gate, one find oneself
in a large foyer where one must state one's business to
be allowed further into the building. The marble floors,
white walls, and high, arched ceilings give the place an
atmosphere of peace and purity, which is further aided by
the hospitable Samaritan staff.
Two archways lead from the first hall to the courtyard,
surrounded by the open galleries and balconies of the
higher floors. The courtyard is a beautiful place of peace,
with green, flowing hills and serpentine mosaic paths in
blue and white – a place of rest and meditation where
one's heart can heal and where the air is easier to breath
than anywhere else in the Core. There are several low,
white buildings in the courtyard, made from Kuan clay.
They contain the Samaritans' lodgings, several treatment
centers, and a central chapel devoted to the Martyr. Stairs
connect the courtyard with the upper floors as well as with
the basement levels. When the PCs visit the Sanatorium,
they will meet Sister Robwah, Brother Ramas and a few of
the establishment's current patients:
◆◆ Sana Tohrm (Mystic): Near the door in the foyer stands a young
woman with golden brown skin and Zenithian gold makeup on
her forehead. Her hair is long and tightly knotted high on her
head. Her knee-length, freshly ironed kameez held together
by a simple Algolan silk shawl makes it obvious that she comes
from money. She fingers nervously a tabula of the kind usually
given to students at the Bulletin's Lyceum of Propaganda. About
a week ago, she was contacted by a young man (Aram Yafa), who
told her to seek treatment for her issues at the Sanatorium, but
now she is getting cold feet. Her mystic powers, which are only
in the early stages of manifestation, give her short flashes of
future events, and it is one such flash, full of pain and anxiety,
that causes her to hesitate. When the PCs encounter her here,
she is very insecure about what to do next.
◆◆ Brother Jarmis (Samaritan): Young Brother Jarmis is a quiet, kind is male or female.
man who works in the reception at the Sanatorium. He refuses ◆◆ Damaged Apartment: Judicator Akouba, or even spy chief
to speak about any of the “guests” with strangers or call for Lenove Astir, can tell the PCs that the damage to the mosaic
Brother Ramas if the PCs ask about him. After some persuasion on the wall seems to come from a Vulcan carbine and that the
or outright threats, he will summon his stern supervisor, Sister torn books have been cut with an activated dura knife. The PCs
Robwah. His reluctance to call for Brother Ramas is due to the can figure this out for themselves by passing a COMMAND test,
fact that Ramas is in the middle of operating on the two shot or OBSERVATION at –1. The arms dealers on the Ozone Plaza, or
martyr warriors when the PCs arrive. one of criminal street gangs, could also provide them with the
◆◆ Melko Iamas (Patient): “Part of the furniture” is how Melko info if they have enough birr or the right contacts,
describes himself – he has been treated here for several cycles ◆◆ The Vulcan Round: The recovered Vulcan round can be examined
for a bad case of lung mold after a visit to the Dabaran spore at the Judcators' forensics lab, or the PCs could do it themselves
deserts, which – although not transmittable – has proven hard to using SCIENCE . Alternatively, they could ask a gunsmith on the
cure. Between coughing spells and breathing into his nebulizer, Ozone Plaza. The details revealed by an examination are that
the curious and bored mister Iamas is more than willing to talk the round is soundless, has been hand-made from a duramite/
to anyone visiting the Sanatorium – if they can bear to listen to copper alloy, and that none of the Zenithian companies or fac-
him. He knows most things that go on in the open areas of the tions manufacture ammunition like this. It is used extensively
complex. by terrorists and rebels, however. The tests also show that the
round has been deformed mid-flight: one of its sides has been
y INVESTIGATING THE DIFFERENT LEADS flattened and it has been pushed off course to hit the mosaic
Below are a few examples of locations and methods to visit instead of its intended target. (As the GM, you know that this
or use when looking for answers to some of the complex was caused by the Emissary's mystic powers pushing the rounds
questions posed by the intricate case so far. The locations away). The round has been deformed twice – first lengthwise
and their accompanying events can of course be switched by a shock wave and then frontally when hitting the mosaic.
out or improvised instead: ◆◆ Smuggling: The PCs might start suspecting that this is an advanced
◆◆ The Data Meme: Apart from the evidence pointing at ambas- operation that would have required a lot of illegal gear to pull
sador Quasar, the PCs could also choose to analyze the meme off, which might lead them to ask around with the Birbasils' foot
used to disable the Emissary's security protocols. Using a tabula, soldiers in the Lama gang. The Lama controls the Ozone Plaza
the PCs could do this themselves by passing a DATA DJINN test and the smuggling of much of the station's unregistered firearms.
at –2, or at –1 if they use a ship computer. They could also pay The PCs could also ask around in the Stevedore Central. Using
Karoum, the old ship mechanic outside of Al-Said's, 500 birr to the proper contacts or after passing a hard (–2) MANIPULATION
help them, or ask judge Kurahan who can make sure the analyses test, the PCs eventually find out that the gear and weapons they
are performed (in this case, Akouba will forward the results to are asking about have been smuggled onboard during the last
the PCs after about a day). segment. If they scored an extra six on the roll, they will also
◆◆ Blood Analysis: The bio code analysis of the blood splatter at find out that the objects were brought onboard and then put
the Emissary's residence reveals that the DNA from five of the into boxes containing medical supplies. After the Consortium,
individuals present indicates that they were from Zalos, home the Samaritans are the largest importers of medical supplies
system of the Order of the Pariah. It belongs to three males on the station. A Critical success tells them that the operation
and two females and these persons are treated as the main was handled by a Sadaalian mercenary – Dara Hirsha. She has
suspects in the official investigation. The last DNA profile (from made a career of moving illegal goods between Kua and the
the hand print on the prayer rug) reads as Miran blood, but with Coriolis station, mainly with the help of her connections within
an incredible regenerative rate – many times that of the Krahin the Syndicate and the Lama gang. (The GM should know that
humanites from Marfik, known for their fast healing, or any of she has been the contractor handling all transportation for the
the bionic sculpts available in the Horizon. The bio data seems Warriors of the Holy Light and additional clues may appear in
partially corrupt and it cannot be determined whether the code the second adventure –The Kuan Connection.)
This scene introduces several members of the Zenithian
Hegemony as well as from the Order of the Pariah that may
return in later scenarios within the Mercy campaign.
Flattery is the way to stay on his good side and avoid being the REPUTATION: 9
a stylized exo helmet and a long robe covered in geometrical known ambassador on Coriolis, but his status on the station
patterns. comes mainly from his last name. Through the influence of his
father and the Quassar clan, he acts with the entire Hegemony
CHARACTERISTICS: Clicks lips. Chews grapes with his mouth open. behind him, both hegemonists and neo-Zenithians. He gets a +2 to
Smiles arrogantly. MANIPULATION .
Lenove grew up as the youngest in her family and have always
had to fight to get noticed. In her teens, she applied to the MIND POINTS: 8
Astûrban's secret school, to which very few are accepted – and REPUTATION: 7
even fewer live to graduate. Lenove made it through of course, SKILLS: Command 5, Melee Combat 5, Manipulation 4, Ranged
Combat 4, Observation 3, Infiltration 2
and the experience made her cold and hardened. Her goals are
completely in line with those of the Hegemony, but she regards TALENTS: Executioner, Faction Standing: The Zenithian Hegemony
the Astûrban as the true rulers of the faction. Her enormous ARMOR: Armasuit 3
arrogance is only overshadowed by her world-class intelligence WEAPONS: Astûrban-issued mercurium sword (weapon damage
4), superb acc pistol (weapon damage 3)
and a complete lack of empathy. No one can shake or seduce her,
GEAR: Dress uniform with sown-in armasuit, personal communi-
except maybe for the love of her youth, Yivon din Hrama, whom
cator with pulse function, tag with 20,000 birr.
she has tried to put behind her.
◆◆ E XECUTIONER: Lenove is ice cold and always on guard. She is a
APPEARANCE: Short hair worn in an asymmetric knot. Factionary blade ready to strike down the enemies of the Astûrban and the
forehead makeup and a slick, black uniform. The handle of a cere- Hegemony and can subdue her opponent with just one hit. Unless
monial mercurium sword hangs clearly visible from her belt. her target has the Nine Lives talent, whenever Lenove inflicts a
critical injury, she can choose which of the dice to read first for
CHARACTERISTICS: Keeps her hands behind her back. Bows at the maximum damage. This effect applies to extra dice if she spent
beginning of every conversation. Piercing eyes. more sixes on the critical injury as well.
is incredibly powerful and through the Astûrban, Lenove has
access to the full force of the secret police, as well as countless
contacts among elite hegemonists. Whenever she intimidates or
threatens someone, Lenove gets a +2 to MANIPULATION
CHARACTERISTICS: Stolid face. Soft, quiet voice. Scratches neck ◆◆ JUDGE OF CHARACTER: Through her long service at the
when nervous. Sanatorium, Sister Robwah has become very good at read-
ing patients and visitors. At the cost of 1 DP, she can tell if
HIT POINTS: 4 ◆◆ THE BLESSING OF THE MARTYR: Through her calm voice and
collected composure, Sister Robwah can bestow the
Blessing of the Martyr on another person. This can only be
done once per act in the scenario and gives the recipient
SKILLS: Medicurgy 4, Culture 3, Manipulation 3
+1 to an action of their choice. At the cost of 1 DP, Sister
TALENTS: Judge of Character, Blessing of the Martyr
Robwah can recite a holy song instead and test EMPATHY. If
GEAR: The Martyr Scrolls hanging from her belt.
she passes, the bonus provided by the blessing increases to
+1 per six on Sister Robwah's roll. The test may be re-rolled
for 1 additional DP. The blessed may use the modifier all on
one dice roll, or divide it between several actions.
In this open scene, the associated events are like tiny scenes
themselves. Examination of clues found in earlier scenes and
events is left up to you as the GM to improvise.
There are several ways to acquire an audience with ambassador
Johar Quassar. The PCs could ask judge Kurahan for help, use
the Faction Standing talent if they have it, or simply turn up at
the embassy and state their business at the reception. Either
way, they will be granted a meeting, but only after waiting
a long time in a foyer outside. Judicator Akouba will not be
allowed to participate in the meeting. They will eventually
be called upon and taken to an audience chamber at the top
of one of the Icon towers of the palace. Here, they will have
the opportunity to speak freely and off-the-record with the
ambassador who – given the circumstances – is surprisingly
eager to help.
The room where ambassador Quassar receives you is
exquisitely furnished, with dark draperies covering the walls.
There are servants in black robes posted around the chamber,
almost invisible against the dark background. Each of them
carries a small ornate pot containing a jungle vine whose
red petals match the servants' makeup, a red line running
from forehead to chin. The holo screen above you projects
the night sky over the Monolith. The ambassador sits on a
crimson divan at the back of the room, bathed in starlight
but shadowed by a dark figure standing behind him.
The audience begins as the PCs sit down on cushions on
the floor before the ambassador's throne. The servants place
ATTRIBUTES: their jungle vines on hidden shelves in the walls and serve the
STRENGTH 2, AGILITY 2, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3 group Kuan fruits and nuts, small pastries, and sweet, hot
HIT POINTS: 4 wine, after which they return to their posts. A knowledgeable
PC (CULTURE) will identify the vines as pelicosa armantum, a
poisonous plant with razor-sharp leaves – even the smallest
cut can be fatal. The servants obviously carry these lethal
SKILLS: Culture 4, Medicurgy 4, Manipulation 2
burdens as a display of the ambassador's power.
TALENTS: Blessing of the Martyr
When the meeting starts, the dark figure behind the throne
GEAR: Martyr talisman, tag with information (see below), three
steps out into the light and introduces herself as Lenove
M-doses, one T-dose, one P-dose (Coriolis core rulebook page
113). Astir, cultural attaché, after which she returns to the shadows
and remains silent for the rest of the audience, although
◆◆ BLESSING OF THE MARTYR: See Sister Robwah above. she occasionally whispers something in the ambassador's
ear. The talent Faction Standing: The Zenithian Hegemony/
The Consortium or a successful CULTURE test will tell the PCs
that the Astir clan belongs to the hegemonist wing within y RENDEVOUZ WITH RAMAS
the faction. The PCs might visit the Sanatorium to look for Noor, or
◆◆ The Meeting: The ambassador confirms that he met with the they might be here following up the leads given to them
Emissary on his father's orders, but cannot divulge the exact by ambassador Quassar. Whenever they arrive, they soon
nature of the meeting. discover that getting answers or a meeting with someone
◆◆ The Security System: The security systems and locks were all is easier said than done. Brother Jarmis at the front desk
functional when the ambassador arrived. Using MANIPULATION or the is friendly, but adamant in his refusal to speak about any
Judge of Character talent, the PCs will note that the ambassador of the “guests” with strangers or call Brother Ramas if
seems nervous, especially when talking about the security systems. the PCs ask for him. His unwillingness to call for Brother
◆◆ The Threats: After some persuasive questions from the PCs and Ramas is due to the fact that the wavering Samaritan is
discreet whispers from cultural attaché Astir, the ambassador currently operating on the two martyr warriors that got
confesses to having deactivated the alarms using a tag given to shot during the attack on the Emissary.
him by an agent who approached him at Alkamaar's, but that he Using MANIPULATION , the PCs could get Jarmis to call on his
acted under duress as the agent had threatened his family. Using supervisor, Sister Robwah. Although stern in appearance,
MANIPULATION , MYSTIC POWERS , or Judge of Character, the PCs can Sister Robwah can quite easily be persuaded to give them
spot that he appears to be lying regarding the details of his confes- the information below or to call Ramas (MANIPULATION +1).
sion. Ambassador Quassar is actually trying to point them in the When Ramas arrives, he nods silently to the PCs if they
direction of the martyr commando – no threats against him have met before on the Ghazali, otherwise he makes a more
been made. When pressured for information, he describes the formal introduction. Sister Robwah remains present for
agent who threatened him as one of the waiters at the restaurant, the conversation, which can provide the group with the
but with a shaved face and head. The Hegemony's agents have following information:
not been able to identify or track down the waiter afterwards. ◆◆ The Mystics: The Samaritans take care of several victims of
◆◆ The Tag: If they ask for it, the PCs will be given the tag in question. the mystic's disease. Their names are of course kept secret
It is of the anonymous sort that can be purchased on every street due to the Samaritan’s oath, and their medical records are
corner on the Ring. The software – which requires a successful not shared with anyone outside the Sanatorium, but if the
DATA DJINN test and a few hours of work to analyze – is a meme PCs apply some additional pressure, or go as far as threats,
with sophisticated spy and kill code capable of deactivating security Brother Ramas will make an exception.
systems. The code signature looks like that of the Order of the ◆◆ Noor's Symptoms: Noor sought out the Sanatorium after
Pariah. The PCs might already have extracted this information suffering from sleep deprivation and strange visions. Brother
from the Emissary's residence, in which case they will see that the Ramas was treating Noor and appears genuinely sad to hear
data meme on the tag is identical with the one at the apartment. that ne is missing.
◆◆ The Order: The ambassador cannot tell them anything about ◆◆ Conversations with Noor: The topics discussed during their
the Order of the Pariah outside of common knowledge – the treatment sessions were mainly existential, concerning the
only known members on the station are the Samaritans at the Icons, fate, and being chosen. Noor became increasingly
Sanatorium in the Core. convinced that ne had been chosen by the Icons – and the
Martyr specifically – to perform great deeds. CULTURE or a
After the meeting, the PCs will have clues implicating the relevant background will tell the PCs that the Martyr is the
Order and the Sanatorium in the conspiracy. If you played name given to the Judge Icon by the Order of the Pariah.
The Last Voyage of the Ghazali, they might already have a ◆◆ The Last Visit: Noor was supposed to have shown up for an
contact at the Sanatorium, Brother Ramas. The Hegemony's appointment about a week ago, but never came – instead, ne
plans to put the blame on the Order are set in motion, but passed through the Sanatorium in the hands of nirs captors
the PCs might have sensed that the ambassador was lying on the way to the Cellar. Both Ramas and Robwah are aware
about something. of this.
Cost: 0 DP
When the conversation is over, the Samaritans will bid the EXPLOSIVE DECOMPRESSION
PCs a hasty farewell.
◆◆ The Message: Brother Ramas will shake hands with the PCs When the chute is vented, all loose objects are pulled
and discreetly pass a note to one of them. The note has the toward the opening. If you want to move during the venting,
code of his personal com written on it, and he seems very you must first pass a hard (–2) DEXTERITY test. If you just
careful not to let Sister Robwah see the hand-over. The PCs want to grab onto something for dear life, test FORCE at –1.
can then try to contact Brother Ramas but will not succeed Both tests count as a slow action (3 APs). If you wear an
until just before the A Dance of Blood scene. Until then, exo, both tests are unmodified instead. A critical success
a neutral voice at the other end will inform them that the is required to help someone else as well, or to save a loose
person they are trying to reach is unavailable and will get object (within Close range if you test FORCE or Short range
back to them at their earliest convenience. if you test DEXTERITY). These rules can also be used if the
Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory) hull is breached during space combat or a violent firefight
near the hull of a ship (for example during the attack on the
y A DANGEROUS CLIMB martyr commando's base in Act 3).
If the PCs try to figure out how the martyr warriors exited
the Abhrra without being seen, this will take them into the
slimy vents inside the hull:
◆◆ Following the Blood: If someone in the group has a talent
that allows her to find the kidnappers' tracks (or if someone
passes an OBSERVATION test at –2), they will find the warriors'
escape route – through the damp maintenance shafts in the
hull of the station. The tracks end by a service hatch in the
core, straight into the Sanatorium’s lower levels.
◆◆ A Martyred Warrior: If the PCs pass the initial OBSERVATION test
with more than one six, you could let them find the dead
warrior. The climb down was very difficult for the warriors
and in one of the more hazardous shafts, the group dropped
their dead brother. The body fell to the bottom and was torn
apart by a fan. Temporarily disabling the fan to get to the
remains requires a successful TECHNOLOGY test.
◆◆ A Difficult Descent: The PCs might need to test DEXTERITY
when climbing down the narrow, slippery chutes. If they
have climbing equipment, exos, or some equivalent gear, At the Sanatorium, the PCs can follow the blood trail
no tests are needed. to one of Brother Ramas’ operating rooms, but also
◆◆ A Lethal Draft: At the cost of 2 DP, you could have the vent onwards down into the Cellar (as the commandos
system perform routine cleaning with the PCs still inside. split up). This is achieved by a successful roll of
This means that shaft is closed off and opened to space. OBSERVATION at –1. (As a GM you can now decide if
This has the same effects as an explosive decompression, you want to skip ahead and go straight to Act 3 on
pulling the PCs out through the vent hatch and into space. page XX. If the PCs have enough evidence or feel
After two turns, the hatch is closed again and the system pressured for time it may be better to just keep up
turns back online, with a lot less algae dregs and trash (and the pace.)
PCs) to block the airflow.
Cost: 0, 2 DP
y BREAKING NEWS of the new mystics choose to leave their old lives behind, which
This event can be used at any point during Act 2. The PCs could be a factor contributing to the reported disappearances.”
see a newscast featuring judicator Akouba Kosha. Use the “What is your comment on the rumor that only Firstcome people
following text as it is or improvise based on it: have been affected by the mystic's disease?”
People have gathered around a holo screen showing the “I cannot comment on that.”
latest news from the Bulletin. Proud dignitaries, beautiful “Can't, won't – or aren't allowed to?”
courtesans, and wealthy merchants discuss the event in “Can't, as I don't know the answer.”
low voices. “Going back to the six victims you have examined so far, what
can you say about their backgrounds?”
Correspondent Jeyla Kuhari is standing on the Promenade outside “That it would appear on the surface that your rumor might
Wahib's. Next to her stands judicator Akouba Kosha, shifting hold up so far, but that doesn't mean...”
uncomfortably in the limelight. “Thank you, judicator Kosha – back to you, Jalab.”
“Over to our correspondent Jeyla who has more information “Thank you, Jeyla. With us for commentary here in the studio are...”
about the shooting at Wahib's.” A group of serious experts from different factions and organi-
“Thank you Jalab, that is correct. I have with me judicator Kosha zations sit around a table in the studio. They all talk a lot and
who is in charge of the investigation. My sources tell me that with earnest dedication, but no new facts are added.
the victim of the shooting in the cantina here behind us is not
the first so-called mystic that has been killed recently. Is that The events at Wahib's are directly linked to the martyr
true, judicator?” commando – they have hunted down and killed an escaped
“That is correct.” mystic from the Cellar. The victim might be a mystic from
“Is it true that you have linked the events of today to seven the Ghazali such as Khomina, or someone that the PCs
other murders?” have met during the scenario so far, such as Althea, if they
“That is correct.” haven't made sure she is protected. Alternatively, you could
“And isn't it probable that more bodies will surface during your let this be the end of Aram Yafa, unless you had him killed
investigation, as over a dozen new mystics have been reported earlier. The name of the victim can be found out through
missing?” judicator Akouba.
“We will not speculate about the investigation at this time. Many Cost: 1 DP
In this scene, the PCs are contacted by Brother Ramas who the point, without time for questions, and ask for a meeting
tells them that the Samaritans have helped the martyr warriors time the following day. Unbeknownst to Ramas, the call is
and tells the group of a way down to the Cellar. being monitored by the martyr commando who now decide
to get rid of both Ramas and the PCs with one swift blow.
It is up to you as the GM to decide when Brother Ramas acti- It is early evening and the holo light from the ceiling in the
vates the communicator he gave the PCs during the Rendevouz park is slowly fading. The green garden changes into evening
with Ramas scene. He will wait until he is alone and sure that dress, cycling through blue and grey, reaching black just when
no one is listening, which may take a while in the crowded, the last visitors start to leave. A group of tarrabs and artists
somewhat technophobic Sanatorium. Ramas will contact linger, practicing their acrobatics, singing, and juggling torches
the PCs and ask them to meet him in the Garden of Seekers in the dark, but they eventually pack up as well. Their voices
during the evening watch. He will keep the call short and to fade as they exit and you are alone – where is Brother Ramas?
Let the PCs find their own way to the Garden and describe THE GARDEN OF SEEKERS
it using the text above and the one below. It is important The Garden of Seekers is open to anyone: the guard who
that the PCs watch the other visitors leave and spot the beat a troublemaker one time too many; the spice merchant
tarrab group (wandering storytellers) practicing. Ramas mourning his stillborn daughter; the couple who have loved
will show up late, and when he finally arrives, he is inter- each other since before the station was constructed; the
rupted before he can tell his story. The martyr commando, deckhand who needs to get out of her family's cramped
disguised as tarrabs, attacks! apartment to eat a quiet picnic in the grass – the Garden
welcomes them all. By tradition, and out of respect for the
IMPORTANT FACTS Seekers, the calm is seldom broken here and violent inten-
This is the last scene of Act 2 and the most important pieces tions are left at the gate.
of information for the PCs to bring into Act 3 are: The Garden of Seekers consists of around twenty miniature
◆◆ The martyr commando, a splinter group of the Order of landscapes centered around the Seeker cult's strange temple
the Pariah, are behind the kidnappings and murders of the in the middle. The place is a collage of beautiful environments
station's mystics. They have a temporary base in the Cellar from across the Horizon. The Garden of Seekers is described
to which they bring their victims. on page 263 in the Coriolis core rulebook.
◆◆ The commando is divided into several strike teams, one of ◆◆ Wahira (Almond Peddler): The bent, old Wahira pushes her small
which focused on the mystics and another of which carried trolley around the least hilly parts of the Garden, and wherever
out the attack against the Emissary. she goes, people gather to get a taste of her roasted, salted
◆◆ The Emissary has been brought to the Cellar. almonds, sold in cones of old newspaper. Wahira is, despite
her age, sharp as a knife and knows the Garden like the back
of her hand.
1. Meeting Place
2. Artist's Tent
3. Statue
4. Walking Bridge
5. Pond
6. Waterfall
2x2 meters
◆◆ Iouri Binti Saad (Tarrab): A searcher and tarrab from Algol who ◆◆ FANATICS: The martyr warriors' blind faith enables them to get
just recently arrived on Coriolis. He has the mystic's disease but back up at 2 HP after having been broken in combat. Costs 2 DP.
hides it well, and has sought out the Garden to visit the temple ◆◆ E XECUTIONER: The martyr's are trained to always be on guard.
at the center. While waiting to be allowed inside, he spends his They can subdue their opponents with just one hit. Unless the
days at a pond where circus performers and other tarrabs gather, target has the Nine Lives talent, whenever the martyr warrior
making a living off of their art. inflicts a critical injury, she can choose which of the dice to read
first for maximum damage. This effect applies to extra dice if
Use the map to the left to make the fight in the park dra- more sixes are spent on the critical injury as well. Costs 2 DP.
matic, turning into a deadly game of cat and mouse among ◆◆ THE HASSASSIN'S THRUST: The Warriors of the Holy Light are
the dark trees. specially trained to carry out kidnappings and assassinations.
When they perform a sneak attack (page 85 in the Coriolis core
NPCS rulebook) with a Small weapon, they get a +2 to MELEE COMBAT.
The martyr commando has sent some of their best warriors to Costs 2 DP.
the Garden of the Seekers in order to eliminate the PCs and ◆◆ TOUGH: Some of the warriors are extra hardened to withstand
Brother Ramas. However, none of the warriors are equipped torture. These warriors have 2 extra HP.
with any of the Order's secret faction tech.
The warriors have come to the park to silence the PCs once and for EVENTS
all. They will use lethal force, but prefer to do it quietly and will use The main event in the scene is the ambush performed by
vibro ammunition for their Vulcan carbines. If they can, they will the commandos at the Garden of Seekers.
sneak up close and aim carefully before firing concentrated bursts.
They are not afraid to die, only to disappoint their fellow martyrs. y THE AMBUSH
The PCs spend the evening watch waiting by a beautiful
APPEARANCE: Dressed in anonymous djellabas which they throw off stone bridge, surrounded by a small lake with exotic
when the fight begins. They wear black, hooded outfits underneath. Menkar lillies in full bloom. Artists and tarrabs entertain
passersby along the neatly raked paths and walkways
CHARACTERISTICS: Silent and precise. around them. Four members of the martyr commando
are hiding among the tarrabs, waiting to strike when
ATTRIBUTES: Brother Ramas arrives. A successful OBSERVATION test can
STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 3, WITS 2, EMPATHY 3 alert the PCs to the attack a few seconds before it begins,
HIT POINTS: 7 (9) and they can also avoid being surprised if they explicitly
say that they keep an eye on the entertainers.
◆◆ Brother Ramas shows up late and is notably shaken, walking
quickly across the bridge. He looks around nervously and
SKILLS: Ranged Combat 4, Dexterity 3, Infiltration 3, Melee
Combat 3, Observation 3 nods to the PCs while taking a tag from his pocket, handing
TALENTS: Fanatics and Executioner, or The Hassasin's Thrust and
it to them.
ARMOR: Armasuit 4 This is when the martyrs attack. One of the jugglers approaches
Ramas from behind and fires a Vulcan burst into his back.
WEAPONS: Vulcan carbine (vibro), dura knife, stun grenade
Unless the PCs are prepared and try to stop the gunman,
GEAR: Personal communicator with pulse function, expensive
Ramas will stumble bleeding toward the railing and fall down
into the shallow lake. Make sure that the PCs either see him
holding the tag in his hand as he falls, or that he has just show itself to him as well. Brother Ramas didn't understand if
given it to one of the PCs. It is important that the PCs acquire Noor meant the Emissary on Coriolis or the one at the Xene
the tag before they leave the Garden. Unless they focus on station, the heretical self-proclaimed “Judge.” (Ramas cannot hide
helping Ramas, you could let him live long enough to grab his anger at the heresy of the false Icon’s claim, which becomes
onto one of the PCs, hand over the tag and say ”I am so sorry apparent in his wavering voice and clenched jaw.) When Ramas
for letting it happen...” before drawing his last breath. As a asked Noor to explain nemself, the answer was cryptic: “There
GM you can use Darkness Points to bring in reinforcements will come a time when the darkness in invited in, when people
for the commandos (see the rules on page 57). Vigilant PCs speak without mouths, when sister betrays sister. Only they who
may also anticipate the ambush and can thereby get the tag live in the darkness will see the light.”
and escape combat. ◆◆ Kidnapped: Shortly thereafter, Noor was removed from Ramas'
Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory) ward and taken down through the restricted areas of the
Sanatorium to the Cellar. This is the last time Ramas saw nem.
y THE TAG ◆◆ The Cellar: The tag contains a map showing the way to the Cellar
After escaping or defeating the warriors, the PCs will need through the lower levels of the Sanatorium. It can guide the PCs
to hide from the judicators and the Guard who quickly arrive through the lower levels of Coriolis and will also give a +2 bonus
at the scene. Judge Kurahan and judicator Akouba can vouch to any INFILTRATION rolls relating to finding a way through the
for the PCs' story and loyalty. Sanatorium undetected.
Once in a safe place, the tag containing the following ◆◆ The Recording: The newest file on the tag is a holo recording:
information can be examined:
◆◆ The Chosen: Noor could never rid nemself of the feeling that ne “I don't know what you have found, and I guess I never will.
had been given nirs powers for some higher purpose, instead But I must speak up, even if doing so means betraying my
of them just being a side effect of the arrival of the Emissaries, order. Before the Icons, there is no room for lies. A martyr
although they started to manifest around that time (as is true commando from Zalos is operating on the station with a man-
for many other new mystics). date to wipe out all new mystics. They take them to a place
◆◆ Captured: As revealed by Robwah and Ramas at the Sanatorium, they call “the real sanatorium”. I know that it must be some-
Noor visited only a few times. The last time ne showed up, ne where in the Cellar, but not exactly where. You will have to
had fire in nirs eyes and was being escorted by members of the find it yourselves. Maybe there are others who can help you.”
Guard after having been arrested on the Ozone Plaza.
◆◆ The Vision: Noor claimed to have received a vision from the Brother Ramas turns to the side as if he heard a
Emissary at the Xene station, and preached violently about the noise. He leans forward to terminate the recording.
imminent end of the Third Horizon. Ne promised Ramas that he “Remember me in your prayers.”
would also come to see “the real change” – the Emissary would Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory)
When the second act ends, the PCs have almost all the How they relay the information to judge Kurahan is not
pieces: important. Unless they decide to do so on their own, the judge
◆◆ They should have figured out that martyr warriors from the will immediately instruct them to try to find the Emissary and
Order of the Pariah are responsible for both the Mysticides and the missing mystics. The judge will not want to lend them
the abduction of the Emissary. judicator Akouba even if they ask for it, or implicate herself
◆◆ They have a map showing them the way down to the Cellar. by giving them official clearance to enter the Cellar. The PCs
will have to enter the station’s lower levels discreetly.
THE ABYSS The final act of The Wake of the Martyr brings the PCs
down into the winding darkness of the Cellar. They find the
heart of the mystery, but the final truth eludes them.
the way down to the Cellar is difficult and martyr commando (page 88)
ends with the PCs finding out that the mystics ◆◆ The Beast – Creature preying on those who wander
have been taken down to Kua. The act ends into the Labyrinth (page 79)
with a scene that ties in with the next sce-
nario of the campaign. Important characters, There are also a few independent actors that you
a starting scene, and a string of following as the GM can use as informants and helpers
scenes and events are described as in the to the PCs:
previous acts. ◆◆ Frax – Disgruntled nekatra in queen Elmeda's
service (page 73)
OVERVIEW ◆◆ Awl – Skavara market entrepreneur and rival to
The PCs enter the upper Cellar through the queen (page 74)
the Sanatorium and f ind themselves in ◆◆ Goba the Lame – Beggar who also barters with
The Third Sphere, the domains of Slummer smugglers seeking to pass through the Cellar
Queen Elmeda. The queen demands tribute (page 73)
to give them a map showing the way to the ◆◆ Bathos – Mad poet and self-proclaimed champion
lower Cellar via the Labyrinth and the Slum of the light, fighting the Beast in the Labyrinth
Cemetery. In the lower Cellar, they finally find (page 79)
the martyr warriors' secret base.
KEY INSIGHTS In the final act, it might be wise to pool some
◆◆ The Slummer Queen can give the PCs the map DP to make the confrontation in the secret
they need. base the grand finale it deserves to be. You
◆◆ In the commando's secret base, the PCs will could of course also spend DP to activate
learn that they are from the Order and called events or enhance the other inhabitants in the
The Warriors of the Holy Light, but not that Cellar. When the PCs leave the sub-basement
they are a splinter group. of the Sanatorium and enter the machinery
◆◆ Stasis beds and drop pods show that the of the Coriolis station – the Cellar – they all
mystics are put on ice and them dropped feel shivers running down their spines. You
down to Kua. get 4 DP, and you can use the Shivers event
◆◆ Similar tracks as those found in the Abhrra below if you like.
show that the Emissary has been in the com-
mando’s secret base before being shipped
down to Kua.
The final act is mainly focused on the hunt for
ACT the missing mystics and the NPCs who stand
in the PCs' way:
It is absolutely pitch black around you, and the only sounds come from the ventilation and from condensation dripping off
ancient cooling systems. In front of you, something moves in the darkness, slithering softly across the floor – a native resi-
dent of the Cellar, far from lights and civilization.
The Cellar is the dark undercarriage of Coriolis, a twisted, shadowed, reflection of the world above: dark, damp, and
haunted by creatures whose existence is denied by the station's official representatives. The decay and hostility increases
the further down one goes. Despite the spatial proximity to safety, ships, and other things that make life bearable, the
Cellar might as well be light years away and travelers here are left to fend for themselves. Corridors full of leaking pipes
lead to giant, empty halls with creaking fans and wailing vents where rusted service platforms and staircases moan unner-
vingly, suspended above bottomless, black pits.
gering atmosphere of fear and pain. The stairs and ladders NPCS
leading down to the Cellar can be found on basement level Use the preacher stats (page 343 of the Coriolis core Coriolis
5. The door to the staircase is locked but can be opened with core rulebook) when dealing with the Samaritans in the scene.
a security tablet and a successful TECHNOLOGY test. From
there, the stairs will take the PCs straight down to the Cellar. PURGE PATROL
THE GUARD'S ELEVATORS The purge patrols consist of senior members of the Guard, with heavier
In the headquarters of the Coriolis Guard, located at the Core weapons and better discipline. A respectable level of corruption is still
Plaza, two elevators connect the Cellar with civilization. This present of course. They are used to the residents of the Cellar running
is the way down used by service personnel and Guard patrols. at the mere sight of them and will be surprised if this doesn't happen.
The Judicators' offices are in the same complex, and their status The follow the orders of sergeant Gamila (COMMAND 2) without question.
in the building makes the guards posted at the elevators step
aside immediately as judicator Akouba approaches with the ATTRIBUTES:
PCs in tow. The elevator cars are slow and only relatively safe STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 2, WITS 2, EMPATHY 3
– the railing has come loose and the controls are rusted. The HIT POINTS: 5
two shafts run through the spine of the station together with MIND POINTS: 5
the central lines of power and water. The two guards insist on
accompanying the car down but stay silent, glaring angrily
SKILLS: Ranged combat 3, Melee combat 2, Observation 2
at Akouba standing in the front with her back turned on the
ARMOR: Armasuit 4
other passengers.
WEAPONS: Vulcan carbine, dura knife
The platform groans tiredly and starts its slow descent
into the darkness. The two guards keep a respectful distance GEAR: Personal communicator, tag for accepting bribes.
PCs will climb stairs along the walls that shake and creak from ◆◆ Falling Elevator: The mag locks on the elevator are unfortu-
the vibrations caused by the enormous turbines. Some halls are nately broken. The ride starts out fine, but the car starts to
somewhat sheltered from the vibrations and wind, and contain pick up speed as it moves through the Cellar. The emergency
dripping condensation and swarms of odd-looking fireflies. From brakes are unresponsive. The PCs must pass a difficult (–2)
seeing the decrepit state of the station's life support systems, TECHNOLOGY test to short-circuit the emergency brakes and
one would be hard pressed not to view the fact that the station is stop the car. If the PCs fail to stop the car, certain death
functioning at all as miracle. At the cost of 1 DP, you could collapse will be avoided only by the decreasing gravity slowing the
or block a staircase, forcing the PCs to climb or jump to continue. acceleration, but riding the car all the way down is certainly
Don't forget the negative modifiers caused by the low gravity. not a healthy pastime! Passengers in the elevator will receive
Cost: 0–1 DP fall damage equivalent to an 8-meter fall (see Coriolis core
rulebook page 97). Gravity is low at the bottom of the elevator
y RESONANCE – SHIVERS shaft, and exiting the crushed car requires passing a difficult
The closed-off corridors and welded-up doors make the journey (–2) DEXTERITY or FORCE test. After one PC has climbed out, the
through the darkness appear as a winding maze, full of dead others can follow without rolling dice.
ends. When the group reaches the central shaft, mystic PCs Cost: 2 DP
might suddenly feel a strange uneasiness followed by a throbbing
headache. They hear the crack of stun gun in their heads and y PURGE PATROL
smell ozone in the air. Only mystic PCs can feel it, however. If A Guard patrol is on a purge of the Cellar. They open fire
the PCs pass a demanding (–1) OBSERVATION test, they can spot a on anything that moves and shoot to kill. They have found
Vulcan carbine pinned to a beam a few meters up in the middle a camp made by slummers and beggars and are just about
of the shaft. If there are no mystics in the group, they will all to execute the prisoners when the PCs arrive. The group
just feel anxious and uneasy instead. can choose to intervene or sneak past.
◆◆ The Emissary Wakes Up: On the way down through the central The patrol could also be sneaking around, which would
shaft, the Emissary suddenly woke up (the warriors had underesti- require a successful OBSERVATION test from the PCs to spot
mated its resistance to shock weapons). A powerful sonic blast threw them and a successful INFILTRATION test to avoid them. If the
one of the warriors over the railings to be mangled by the fans in PCs are spotted, a firefight is unavoidable if they cannot
the neck above. The sonic impulse is still partly active, changing persuade the guards using MANIPULATION , contacts or the
the direction of the air coming from below. The martyr warrior Faction Standing talent.
dropped his carbine in the fall, which got stuck under a beam in Cost: 2 DP
the shaft, held in place by residual winds from the Emissary’s sonic
impulse. The last warrior managed to subdue the Emissary once UPPER CELLAR AMBIANCE
more, using a stun gun, before continuing down toward the secret
base far below. ◆◆ Echoes of gunfire come drifting through the corridor from far
away. Weak voices cry and whimper. Then silence.
Unless the PCs pray to the Icons, asking for their favors, the GM ◆◆ Repair work is being done. Welding sparks shoot across the
receives 4 DP (see Darkness Points at the beginning of Act 3). floor. The workers shout profanities at each other. Bored
Cost: 0 DP (GM gain 4 DP) guards oversee the work but will ignore the PCs unless they
make contact.
y THE FREE FALLING ELEVATOR ◆◆ Two mysterious figures haggle over something, but slip into
The climb down is tiring and slow. Every now and then, the PCs the shadows as the PCs approach.
reach floors that don't seem to allow further passage down. At ◆◆ A monitor suddenly comes to life, showing a Bulletin show. It
one such floor, they come across an elevator room with three seems old. Then the monitor goes dark again.
seemingly functional elevators. One of them can be activated
using TECHNOLOGY and looks to be in decent condition.
daze and woke in slavery as a courtesan to an exiled Sadaalian mer-
chant. She employed her natural, hegemonist cunning and escaped,
In The Third Sphere, the PCs can find the following rumors fleeing into the depths of the Cellar. The only things she has left from
(some true, some not): her old life are a few pieces of jewelry and her bionic cobra Kahnara.
◆◆ The Slum Cemetery is the place where the slummers of She has created a new society in the darkness, ruling a rather large
old buried their dead. and unusually well-organized group of slummers. She is once again
◆◆ At the heart of the Cellar lives a terrible ”beast” that a person of status, with power over others – but this is just a stepping
devours both bodies and souls. stone to something better. Elmeda plans on returning to the surface
◆◆ Smugglers use the Labyrinth for storing and transport- to seek vengeance on both her family and the treacherous Vasilev.
ing contraband.
◆◆ A mad prophet wanders the Labyrinth. His prophecies APPEARANCE: Dresses in an impressive, slightly outdated hege-
always come true. monistic ball gown. Her oiled hair is woven into a hat with gold
◆◆ The skavara have a whole village in the Cellar where they embroidery. Her cobra is always by her side as she holds court in
grow crops in the light from the central reactor. one of her four make-shift pavilions.
◆◆ With the guidance of “The Savior” the people of The Third
Sphere are about to march down into the darkness to CHARACTERISTICS: Sneers and moves her hands in soft circles as
seek a new life, without hardship and sickness. she speaks. Wrinkles her forehead when she tries to hide her anger
◆◆ Danthë has contacts within the the council of factions, or frustration.
and has promised that soon The Third Sphere will be rec-
ognized and its people shall rise from the abyss and take ATTRIBUTES:
their rightful place in the Spire. STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 5, EMPATHY 5
◆◆ PURE BLOOD: The Parnasso clan have pure, Zenithian blood and want to slit her throat. Frax will take the first opportunity he sees to
are closely related to the Quassar family. This makes Elmeda get out, for example, if he is sent along with the PCs as their guide
strong, resilient, and healthy, and slows down her aging. She is on the mission to kill Awl the skavara. Frax is one of Elmeda's four
much older than she looks. The talent counts as equivalent to nekatra. They all have the same stats.
the Regeneration sculpt (doubling her recovery rate after being
injured) and gives her 2 extra HP. APPEARANCE: Black fur with streaks of grey. Differently colored
◆◆ M ALICIOUS: Elmeda is charismatic, but more importantly eyes. No clothes except for a bandolier with bottles and bags.
extremely persistent when it comes to long negotiations. She will
do anything to get her way, and if she passes a MANIPULATION test, CHARACTERISTICS: Growls at the beginning of a sentence. Scratches
she can choose to inflict 2 extra mind points of stress to her oppo- an old scar on the neck. Squints.
nent for each additional success on the roll.
◆◆ FAMILIAR: Elmeda has a bionic snake familiar. It will protect her ATTRIBUTES:
from enemies (see Kahnara below). STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 5, WITS 2, EMPATHY 3
KAHNARA, LARGE BIONIC COBRA SKILLS: Melee Combat 4, Observation 3, Infiltration 1
ARMOR: Fur 1
The Parnasso clan's sigil is a snake. Several family members
have snake familiars of different sorts. Kahnara is a bionically WEAPONS: Bite (weapon damage 3, CRIT 2), claws (weapon
damage 2, CRIT 4)
enhanced cobra with heigthened intelligence, stronger muscles,
GEAR: Water bottle, one day's worth of dried meat.
and a larger body.
◆◆ NEKATRA ABILITIES: See Throat Attack and Feral Hunger on page
APPEARANCE: Dressed in worn-out layers of fabrics that loosely
Frax has seen it all and survived it all, first as a scout for the Legion resemble a caftan. A long, spotty beard bears witness to the mal-
and then as a gladiator in the Mulukhad. Now, it is time for another nourishment and hardships of life in the Cellar. His knuckles are
new chapter, to leave the Cellar behind – serving as Elmeda's body- bony and twisted from pain, and his tired eyes are bloodshot.
guard is easy but tiring, and the queen's privileged ways make Frax
CHARACTERISTICS: Pulls his bony fingers as he thinks. Clicks his lips
and fixes his burning eyes on the person he is speaking with.
REPUTATION: 3 (due to a growing network of contacts)
SKILLS: Infiltration 3, Observation 3, Manipulation 1, Melee Combat 1,
Ranged Combat 1
TALENT: Stench, Sniff (see Skavara, page 318 of the Coriolis core
REPUTATION: 4 rulebook)
SKILLS: Manipulation 4, Technology 3, Culture 2, Ranged Combat 2 WEAPONS: Vulcan pistol
TALENT: Nine Lives GEAR: Medallion with the Foundation's seal on it, goods to trade
(see above), bric-a-brac.
WEAPONS: Sawed-off grape rifle (hidden under his caftan,
weapon damage 2, CRIT 3)
GEAR: Tool belt, cane, worn tag with 9 birr
◆◆ NINE LIVES: Goba is in bad shape, but has a strange knack for
survival. Whether his luck comes from the Icons or from an alli- EVENTS
ance with something unholy is not known. Regardless, Goba can Suggestion for events in The Third Sphere.
choose which of the dice to read first, and which dice to use, when
he suffers a critical injury. The more dice rolled, the greater are y AFTERNOON MARKET
his chances of making it. Every afternoon, there is a market outside the queen's tent.
To an outsider, it will probably appear pathetic. The villagers
lucky enough to have found something that neither the queen
nor themselves need spread out their frayed blankets on the
ground and put out the goods on display. Edible goods are
Awl – pronounced as a growl – is an entrepreneurial skavara rare, and common items include a handful of bolts or nuts,
who wishes to trade her scratched and broken things for shiny tabak butts, or clothes stolen off the back of a fellow slum-
trinkets or pieces of the PCs' clothes and gear. The trade will be mer – dead from starvation or murdered for the sake of the
most disadvantageous to the PCs, but Awl knows things about market. About ten artists have for some reason decided to
the martyr commando and their camp that could be of great help join The Third Sphere, and they offer their creations at the
to them. Like most skavara, Awl has a very limited vocabulary, market, made mostly from what can be found nearby – metal
and can only bark out the occasional word in Zeni, handling the scraps, cables, Styrofoam, and wood wool.
rest of the conversation with sign language and gurgling. She Cost: 0 DP
understands Zeni quite well, but long sentences and subtleties
such as irony or jokes are lost on her. Awl's biggest dream is to y AUDIENCE WITH THE QUEEN
get away from the Cellar – help her with that and you'll have a The PCs reach the village and Elmeda's court via one of the
friend for life. security doors. After climbing down through the central shaft
or surviving the falling elevator, they finally find the hidden
APPEARANCE: Dressed in a caftan made from semi-transparent settlement. It is surrounded by lights in many colors, and the
plastic held together by a girdle fashioned from copper wire. walls are fancifully decorated (testing CULTURE can reveal that
Greying fur. the art celebrates Zenithians, primarily hegemonistic ideals).
Knocking on the door will eventually lead to two slummers
CHARACTERISTICS: Growls and moves around constantly. Has a ner- opening it. They are wiry but muscular women with pale,
vous tic that makes her show her teeth. chapped skin, and their hair in tight, oiled knots. Both are
armed with makeshift spears made from duralite plates and
pipes. Their tone is stern, but the PCs are welcomed to The to be extra reliable, she will also tell them that the smugglers
Third Sphere and the domains of queen Elmeda. What is their recently installed security systems in the corridors around the
business here? Do they have something to trade with, or have base (see the The Martyr's Embrace scene below). Possible
they come to offer their services and loyalty to the queen? rewards for the murder of Awl include:
The PCs are instructed to hand over their weapons. If they ◆◆ Knowledge of the exit behind Elmeda’s throne, leading down
obey, or instead manage to threaten the guards, they are then straight into the Labyrinth.
taken through the colorful hall, down a few steps and shown ◆◆ Elmeda's map showing the way through the Labyrinth, all the
to Elmeda's tents. More armed slummers show up along way down to the commando’s secret base.
the way, blocking the PCs' way back to the door as they are ◆◆ A locket with the dol-Parnasso seal (gives a +2 to MANIPULATION
presented to the queen. She is wearing perfect makeup and against Algolan servants and Zenithians in the Monolith).
her presence exudes cruelty and power. The audience takes ◆◆ Frax as nekatra escort.
place in her tent with her nekatra guard present, plus a few ◆◆ Information about the commando's security systems.
unwashed servants and Kahnara, her bionic cobra. ◆◆ A holy talisman to ward of the Beast in the Labyrinth (gives a +2
to INFILTRATION when hiding from the Beast)
During the audience, the PCs will come to know the following:
◆◆ Elmeda claims to know everything about the Cellar and its roads, Awl is described in the The Skavara Market event below. As
smugglers, and lunatics. the GM, you could also choose to alter the target of the PCs'
◆◆ She knows the Labyrinth and the Slum Cemetery, and about mission – they could be asked to kill Frax, or perhaps Goba
the mad poet Bathos. (Elmeda knows that he has made a deal with the martyr
◆◆ She confirms that a group of smugglers have transported warriors behind her back). Regardless of who they are sent
sedated people downward through the Cellar (Goba the Lame to kill, their target will turn out to be far from the ”wicked
has handled the details). beast” described by Elmeda and, on top of that, also capable
◆◆ She knows where these smugglers have their base. of showing them the way through the Labyrinth.
◆◆ She can share the location with the PCs for something in return. Cost: 0 DP
Elmeda is not interested in birr, jewelry, or guns in return for y REJECTING THE QUEEN'S OFFER
giving up he location of the martyr commando's base. She If the PCs refuse to carry out Elmeda's mission, she won't
wants the PCs to do her a favor: kill Awl the skavara, whom tell them how to find the smuggler base and the audience
she describes as a feral beast, more nekatra than skavara. Awl ends. She chooses to keep their confiscated weapons and if
can be found in the Skavara Market and Elmeda can provide they ask for them back, they will be removed from the village
the group with a guide to find their way, such as Frax the at knife-point. If the PCs linger too long in the village, the
nekatra (see NPCs above). nekatra guard will come and take them to one of the three
◆◆ The Guide: The real reason for offering the PCs a guide is that doors. They won't be let back in and will have to find their
the queen needs eyes and ears at the scene to see if they actually way further down on their own. You could let the events in
carry out her bidding. She suspects that Awl may try to persuade the Through the Labyrinth scene give the group clues as to
the PCs otherwise. where they can find the martyr warriors.
◆◆ The Nekatra Guide: If Frax is sent along with the group, chances By spending 3 DP, you could have the queen's slummer
are good that the PCs might sway the loyalties of the bitter guards attack the PCs and throw their unconscious bodies
nekatra. into the Labyrinth as food for the Beast if they lose.
Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory) Cost: 0, 3 DP
each afternoon in what for outsiders may look like a pathetic This scene can be used when the PCs need somewhere to rest,
parody of the markets held up in the Ring and at the Core. The when they have gotten lost, or if they have accepted Elmeda's
slummers who have found or stolen something not worth keep- mission to kill Awl. You could decide that the market contains
ing for themselves, or not already confiscated “for the glory of something of value, stuff left behind by the Guard or the Syndicate
the third sphere,” place their wares on damp blankets, lined up during an expedition: half-empty cells or Vulcan clips, M-doses,
along the cold metal floor. Eatable food is practically unheard of, bandages, or tools. Such things may not always be of use to
and mostly the “goods” offered are random spare parts, trinkets slummers and could be traded away.
and cigarette butts. Sometimes decent, or even fancy clothes Awl will quickly notice the PCs' arrival, and will try to talk with
can be on offer, taken from a murdered or diseased slummer them, trade with them, and perhaps even try to join them, trad-
colleague. A small group of artists, who’ve for some reason or ing passage upwards for loyal service. Awl can offer them much
other joined The Third Sphere, show off and sell their creations, valuable information – depending on how well the PCs negotiate
most often built out of the scarce materials found here in the with her (MANIPULATION), she will share more or less of the following:
station’s belly – cables, metal debris, or packaging materials. ◆◆ Trade: She has things to trade: 1 T-dose, 1 Vulcan clip, and a gyro
Cost: 0 DP driver (tool that gives a +1 TECHNOLOGY).
◆◆ Guide: She knows the Cellar inside and out and can give the
y THE SKAVARA MARKET group various skill bonuses and make sure they don't get lost.
An old hangar near the hull contains a market where skavara She has also stolen a small sensor from the commando's camp
and slummers meet and trade scavenged objects. It is close (which looks like a glass orb) and can show them the way.
to The Third Sphere, above the Labyrinth. The following text ◆◆ Scout: She can keep a lookout and warn them of hostile slum-
can be used when describing the market: mers (such as in the Slummer Attack event) and knows how to
scare them off (she demonstrates with a few bites and snarls).
Below the steps, you hear growls, yaps and whining – a group of ◆◆ The Medallion: She can sell them a small medallion with the
skavara by the sound of it. The open hall, supported by duralite Foundation's symbol – a stylized galaxy – on it, stolen from a
beams thick as shuttles, contains a group of tents reminding a warrior who has been at the martyr warriors' camp down on Kua.
learned traveler of the nomad camps on Amedo. Blankets, sheets ◆◆ The Sensors: She knows about the security systems around the
of cardboard, and plastic bags are spread out everywhere, covered commando's base and can describe how to find them, as well
with junk. Skavara scuttlet back and forth between the market as point out where the blindspots in the system are – two of the
and the tents, and a few slummers can also be seen. “eyes” are missing (she closes one eye to explain what she means).
A meaningful conversation with a skavara requires a CULTURE test. Cost: 0 DP
Docks Docks
Bottleneck #1
Illegal Docks
Illegal Docks
Broken Elevator
Bottleneck #2
Skavara Village
Fusion Reactors
they will find out that the Beast is real, and something they long staff and armed with a lighter, a flashlight, and an enhanced
should attempt to avoid. If the group left the previous scene humanite immune system and night vision, Joubas is perfectly
without any knowledge of the location for the commandos’ suited for life in the darkness, but he sometimes misses the
secret base, or without knowing about the sensors around the company of the living – speaking with the souls of the dead is
base, you should use The Mad Poet event, and have Bathos just not the same thing.
tell them what they need to know. ◆◆ Hima Iamas (Syndicate Cleaner): Dragging bodies down to the
Slum Cemetery – from the Sewers or from gangfights higher up – is
THE LABYRINTH very dirty buisness. Luckily for Hima, she is only required to bring
The Labyrinth is an area encompassing several floors sep- people important enough for a “clean” burial down here – those
arating The Third Sphere from the lower Cellar. It is almost
impossible to find the way through without a map or a guide.
The floors in the Labyrinth range from large open spaces
shot through with black pits to thick forests of beams and
cables. A maze of stairs, elevator shafts, vents, and pipes
surround the group on all sides. It is not always possible
to keep climbing down – to find the right way, one must
sometimes turn back and head up or sideways to find the
right passage. The lighting is poor and groups of potentially
dangerous slummers wander the area, either lost or living
here. Rumors say that sarcofagoi have found their way here
from the deepest darkness between the stars.
whose spirits one wishes to put to rest. The biggest problem its way to the Slum Cemetery where food was plentiful in the
with her job is that most of her predecessors have ended up here form of the recently departed. Slowly and gradually, the dark
themselves, and she fears the same fate – spending eternity in between the stars twisted the creature into something new, a
the company of those she has buried here. dark monstrosity.
The Beast doesn't have Yal-shir's ability to bend time, but can
trash. There were short texts scribbled on the walls, eulogies tor, with a withers height of three meters. Some say that it looks
to slummers buried here. like a bear, others that it must be some form of large cat. It is
completely black and has no visible eyes. It growls and snarls like
y THE LAIR OF THE BEAST a jungle beast.
At the center of the Labyrinth, in the very heart of the Cellar,
the corridors are empty. They range from regular height to CHARACTERISTICS: Whispers softly before it attacks, the sound
massive chasms, narrow but many stories high. Pipes that resembling wind through the corridors, rattling loose object and
used to carry power, gases and water run along the walls cables.
but everything is long since silent and dark here. Black
holes in the walls lead to cramped crawlways and old service ATTRIBUTES:
stations. Slummers who get lost down here tell stories of STRENGTH 12, AGILITY 5
corridors that move around and change direction without HIT POINTS: 17
you noticing. Some claim to have heard the fearsome howls SKILLS: Force 5, Dexterity 4, Melee Combat 3
of the Beast echo through the central shaft, or to have seen
its shadow in the twisted corridors of the Labyrinth: “The
WEAPONS: Dark talons (weapon damage 5, CRIT 2)
savage sentinel – a black shadow that can move through
walls, locking its victim in a fatal embrace and sucking out ◆◆ DARK EMBRACE (1–3 DP): The Beast can embrace a victim within
their souls.” Short range, enshrouding it in shadows. The victims must pass
an Empathy or MYSTIC POWERS test or suffer 2 mind points of
NPCS stress per DP spent by the GM on the attack. A maximum of 3
The residents of the Labyrinth consist of withered, old DP may be spent on each attack.
slummers, lunatics, and the Beast.
The Beast is quite similar to the being called Yal-shir, or The
Ensnarer, in other parts of the Horizon (page 331 of the Coriolis The lanky Bathos is dressed in torn rags and armor he has
core rulebook) but has different origins. It used to be a bioni- patched together from scrap metal. He is armed with a “light
cally sculpted animal dumped here by its masters who thought whip,” which – despite its impressive-sounding name – is
it dead after a fight in the Mulukhad Arena. It managed to hide nothing more than a bundle of fiber optic cables, and he has
away and heal, feeding on slummers, and eventually found run out of cells, so there is no actual light involved. Bathos
is a grandiose, hyperbolic person, greeting the PCs with a
challenge: “Are you the children of the light, or warriors of the
darkness?”. He has no plans to leave the Cellar before it has
been cleansed of darkness once and for all. MIND POINTS: 2
If you need stats for Bathos, use the preacher archetype on REPUTATION: 0
GEAR: Some opor and scavenged materials worth 2D6 birr (fiber
optics or scrap metal) to trade for more opor.
Skinny and wrapped in rags, living their life in the Cellar for many
different reasons, all equally tragic. The refuse of human civilization
with only one thing in common – desperation. They will gang up (2–4 EVENTS
individuals per group, depending on how dangerous you want to These events could take place on the way to the Labyrinth, inside it,
make it) and attack individual PCs. or when the PCs leave The Third Sphere.
but promised me everything was going to be fine. I felt calm ventilation. A horde of slummers suddenly emerges, a brown
and relieved by their words.” mass of worn scraps and broken bodies.
◆◆ Mystics: Bathos has seen unconscious or drugged mystics being The hungry and opor sick slummers surround the PCs. They
dragged through the Labyrinth, to the newcomers' temple, which are desperate and calculate their chances to steal the PCs' gear
is what he calls the commando's base. “Not just the Emissary and chew the supple flesh off their bones. How it all plays out is
has been claimed by the Cellar.” up to the PCs – they can either try to use MANIPULATION or fight
◆◆ Sensors: The commando's base is surrounded by sensors. “The for their lives. If a fight breaks out, the slummers in the front
jailors' gaze reaches outside the prison.” will fight to the death, and those in the back will run away with
equal conviction. It will be a short battle. If the PCs try to keep
If the PCs manage to sift through Bathos' ramblings, his them away and run, they will follow, unless the chase takes them
eyes will clear for a second and he will say in a calm voice: somewhere they are afraid to go, such as close to the Beast, deep
“You won't be able to save the living Icon, but you must find shafts, the Skavara Market, or the martyr commando's base.
them – so that they instead may save you.” Cost: 3 DP
Cost: 0 DP
y SLUMMER ATTACK This event can be used multiple times and includes accidents
This floor appears to be in use. Signs of human habitation are and dangers in the Cellar not relating to NPCs – it could be
scattered all over the place – tattered clothes, boxes, blankets, collapsing beams and floors or lights that go out. Use table
and garbage. It is very quiet however, abandoned and forgotten. 15.2 on page 346 in the Coriolis core rulebook for examples.
If the PCs pass an OBSERVATION –1 test, they will hear a sudden The threat level you want to enforce defines the DP cost.
scratching noise around a corner, a little too loud to be the Cost: 1–3 DP
THE SITUATION During and after the fight with commando, the PCs have
The PCs arrive at the base just as the commando is prepar- their suspicions about the warriors' backgrounds confirmed:
ing a group of drop pods for the journey to Kua. Some of ◆◆ The Order: Many items in the base as well as a few temporary
the station's few remaining mystics are forced into stasis altars are clearly Zalosian, confirming that it is the Order of the
beds and then loaded onto the pods. The Emissary is long Pariah that are responsible for the kidnappings (see the Personal
since gone, sent to Kua and taken through the jungles to Effects event below).
the commando's headquarters by the Monolith (see The ◆◆ Kidnapped Victims: The prisoners in the hangar are marked
Kuan Connection). The same goes for Noor, or whomever with either a black or a white cross on their foreheads – black
it is the PCs are trying to rescue. The PCs might have been means mystic, white means non-mystic.
given clues or tips by the residents of the Cellar on the way
down that could make breaking into the commando's base You should let one of the drop pods remain in the hangar to
easier (see below). give the PCs a chance to examine it for clues:
The scene is open and it is up to you as the GM to improvise ◆◆ The Destination: The pods are all programmed with a specific
depending on how the PCs plan their attack, how they move course and crash vector. DATA DJINN is required to extract the
around (see the map below), and how the martyrs and their coordinates from the pod, and SCIENCE is required to cross-ref-
leader Salamah ach-Abaud act. erence it with Kua’s land mass to pinpoint the destination – a
dense jungle canyon on the Verkâna ridge situated in Kua’s
y THE COMMANDO'S ORDERS southern hemisphere.
The martyr commando has strict orders on how to act if their
base is discovered. The first response should of course be to THE MARTYR COMMANDO'S BASE
neutralize the attackers, while shipping out the remaining The commando have set up camp in an abandoned freighter
mystics, regardless of whether they have received unmoni- hangar. The docking mechanisms are broken, and the com-
tored entry clearance to Kua from the Guard or not. If they mando have installed their own ejection ramp that they use
are unable to defend the base, the hangar is to be blown. when sending the drop pods to Kua. An old service airlock has
Explosives are already in place. been repaired to allow them to receive new pods manually.
The rest of the base is sparsely furnished, containing only a
IMPORTANT FACTS row of cages, an open bed chamber, a Martyr chapel, and a
The most important information in this scene is that drop small kitchen. The hangar is used for storage of mystics in
pods are sent to Kua from the ejection ramp in the hangar. stasis awaiting transportation. A “blink” – an unmonitored
Make sure that when the PCs get their first glimpse of the entry vector – is delivered via encrypted coms when it is time
hangar from the inside (or the dock if they approach from to make a delivery.
the outside), a pod is just being launched and another one
The base is surrounded by multiple sensors, placed in the corridor
that runs outside the hangar. The sensors' coverage areas overlap
The PCs will find the warriors' personal effects if they and an alarm is triggered if they are disabled or disrupted. The
search the base, or the bodies of the martyr warriors. Some only way for the PCs to pass them unnoticed is to hack them
examples of what they might find are described below: without interrupting the feed, and then program a sensor loop.
◆◆ Prayer Beads: A set of prayer beads in the shapes of This requires a successful TECHNOLOGY test at –2 or a DATA DJINN
tiny skulls, made from different kinds of wood, stone, test at –3. Critical success, or prior knowledge from The Third
and metal. The wearer counts the beads while praying. Sphere, also gives them the knowledge of how to move past the
CULTURE can reveal that this particular necklace is a cameras without being seen. Failure means that the guard in the
made as a reminder of death, keeping the devout aware guard room spots them and sounds a silent alarm, shortly after
that everything, no matter how solid and eternal it may which a group of warriors storm the corridor. The commando
appear, will one day crumble and disappear. don't patrol the corridor, choosing to rely on their sensors.
◆◆ A Holy Book: A Zalosian prayer book, honoring the Martyr If the PCs manage to fool the security system, there will be
and the prophecy of “The Return of Darkness” (a more between one and four warriors is the guard room depending
complete version than the one recited by Bathos, the Mad on the time of day.
“There will come a time when mankind turns to darkness The Security System: If the group chooses to hack the sensor
once more grid and the computers they are linked to using DATA DJINN , they
When the unworthy speak without tongues will discover that there are cameras inside the hangar as well,
When sister betrays sister and that one of them is online. Through the camera feed they
When the light of peace nourishes the servants of dark- can see some stasis beds and part of a drop pod on an ejection
ness ramp. By passing another DATA DJINN test (or scoring a critical
When brother kills brother success on the first roll), they can see a localized communication
Only they who live in the darkness will see the light” system in the hangar, which only appears to be able to receive,
◆◆ Talisman of the Martyr: A meteoric iron pendant, shaped not send. The receivers are placed on two pillars near the main
like a serpent. CULTURE reveals it to be Ourbos, the eter- hangar door and the pod ejection ramp. This is the rigging set up
nity aspect of the Martyr, worn by soldiers for protection. by Salamah ach-Abaud to trigger, remotely by voice command,
The talisman is blessed and provides a +2 bonus when the two explosives mounted on the main supporting pillars
praying to reroll, but only when the act is to avoid direct, (if things should turn ugly). The PCs cannot tamper with the
physical damage, or when performing a self-sacrificing com system from the outside as Salamah’s voice command is
test. required to set off the charges. They won't be able to blow the
◆◆ Dagger: A dagger with Zalosian writing on it. A PC with base up – deliberately or by accident.
CULTURE can read the inscription: “Righteous Leveller.”
◆◆ Prayer Rug: Personal prayer rug with stylized space- y THE MODIFIED HANGAR
ships on it. Small ships and torpedoes (PILOT will reveal The map describes the different places of interest in the
them to be injectors) approach a strange-looking craft hangar but not the locations of the martyr warriors or any
with crenelated wings. A successful CULTURE test reveals specific objects. The NPCs section describes the warriors and
that the patterns appear to be from Zalos-B, the system their gear, as well their potential posts throughout the base.
of the heretics. ◆◆ Transport Shaft: A deep transport shaft spanning several floors.
There is no gravity in the shaft and the airlocks to each floor
open inwards and upwards. Most airlocks are broken or, as on
the commando's floor, welded shut. Ladders run the length of
the shaft along the walls.
2x2 meters
Area Covered by
03 04
01 08
◆◆ Ladder and Access Tunnel: There is a small ledge on each floor A difficult (–2) TECHNOLOGY test will reveal that it is a portable
connecting to a narrow corridor leading to the wider corridor. thermal reactor made by the Order of the Pariah.
The doors between the corridors are not locked and look like ◆◆ Temple: A makeshift temple celebrating the Martyr containing half
they are used regularly. a dozen whips, haircaftans, and cilices – spiked ribbons worn inside
◆◆ Wide Corridor: A corridor wide enough for two ground loaders out to inflict pain in honor of the Martyr. A single Icon figure looms
to pass each other, connecting the different freighter hangars on above an altar in the back of the room, identifiable as the Martyr,
this level. The martyr commando has mounted multiple sensors the name given to the Judge Icon by the Order of the Pariah. There
along the walls. The two sensors outside the bed chamber are are simple prayer rugs on the floor (the patterns contain typical
broken. Awl the skavara knows about the broken sensors (see Order motifs, something which CULTURE can reveal). Below the Icon
the The Skavara Market scene on page 76). statue, a parchment containing Urahuk's Statutes has been affixed
◆◆ Guard Room: A large gateway toward the wide corridor, with to the wall. The text is in old Zalosian which requires a successful
sides of corrugated duralite. The door is suspended from rails in CULTURE test to read. The parchment looks to be at least a century
the ceiling. The wall on the other side of the room is one huge old. MEDICURGY reveals that the text is written on human skin rather
airlock, kept open. There are tables to the right in the room where than paper – tattooed on a living martyr most likely, and cut from the
a computer and a few old monitors are hooked up to ancient body after her death. The text resembles the words Noor, the PCs’
cables coming out of the wall. The guard is usually sitting by the friend, said to brother Ramas at the Sanatorium (see the prophecy
screen but will approach the door if it is opened. under Personal Effects above.)
◆◆ Bunkroom and Kitchen: An old store room made into a bed ◆◆ Hangar: A large hangar, with an open airlock inwards at one
chamber, containing military style bunkbeds. There is a small end, and a closed gate toward space on the other. Large signs
kitchen unit in the far corner, a small table, and a small refrig- with writing in Zeni on the walls warn about decompression and
eration unit, hooked up to a portable reactor of foreign make. arrows describe the direction of the movement of the airlock
doors. Duralite beams support the ceiling. An old crane hangs THE INJECTOR
from rails in the ceiling by the closed gate. There are three dark
pods parked on loaders – also on rails – by the gate. Most of the The injector is an armored space scooter carrying one pilot
hangar is open and tidy, but along the walls are piles or debris, a and a passenger, or a metric ton of extra cargo. It’s almost
row of cages, the stasis beds, and one launch-ready drop pod. impossible to open without the deacon's permission and
◆◆ Cages: Tiny, rectangular cages, made from duralite plates and is fitted with a security mechanism that makes the ship
steel bars. There are no toilets in the cages, and the whole area explode if someone tries to break into it. This has the same
around the cells reeks of excrement. When the PCs arrive, only effect as an antimatter torpedo. The self-destruct mecha-
six of the prisoners are still alive, three of which are mystics. Five nism is linked to the injector's kinetic intelligence and will
corpses are spread out across the cages, some of them sharing warn any would-be burglars of their imminent death if they
a cell with a living prisoner: continue their attempts. Breaking into the ship is hard, but
1. Kiran – Arrash pusher from the Spice Plaza, middle-aged not impossible. It requires an insane (–3) DATA DJINN test,
woman (mystic) while another PC performs a hard (–2) TECHNOLOGY test
2. Saira – Student from Ahlam's Courtesan Academy, young at the same time. Success with both tests will disarm the
woman security mechanism and antimatter bomb, while rebooting
3. Farrukh – Stevedore from the Saltaara spaceport, mid- the kinetic intelligence to give access to the pilot’s seat.
dle-aged man
4. Aisha – Apathetic child, girl (mystic) CLASS: I (Karrmerruk shipyards, Zalos)
5. Dipa – Terrified child, girl EP: 3
6. Arif Shamoun – Heir to wealthy merchant, sad boy (mystic) HP: 2
The prisoners are very weak and hardly react when the PCs
arrive. They will follow direct orders as long as it doesn't
require strength or willpower.
◆◆ Stasis Beds: Empty stasis beds, stacked on top of each other,
two by five along the wall. The crane railing runs just above. SPEED: 4
◆◆ Drop Pods: Three oval pods of the Heirmat model on load- MODULES: Cargo Hold (1 ton, or extra passenger),
Torpedo System (1 Antimatter torpedo, 1 ion torpedo, 4
ers. A successful PILOT test reveals that they were made at the mines)
Hegemony's dockyards. Using the crane (PILOT test), one can
FEATURES: Atmospheric Entry, Stealth Technology,
move a pod to the ejection ramp. This takes a few minutes. Precise Thrusters (+2 to PILOT when docking or taking
◆◆ Ejection Ramp: A ramp made by the martyr commando. It con- evasive action in space combat), Ship Intelligence (attri-
butes 1, skills 3)
tains a pod ready for launch. The ramp ends at a circular iris gate
in the wall. The gate has ED technology and can be opened to let
a pod through without having to go through an airlock cycle.
◆◆ Airlock: A regular airlock large enough for four people in exos.
A cycle (to move through the airlock) takes a few minutes.
◆◆ Hangar Gate: A hangar gate for spacecraft, repaired but welded
shut. It was originally designed to fit shuttles, small freighters, and
scooters but the hangar was condemned by Station Maintenance Several of the factions in the Third Horizon have per-
after an accident, thus allowing the martyr commando to claim formed specialized research and investigations of
it without any trouble from the Guard or the judicators. the remnant weapon systems and mystical artifacts
◆◆ Salamah's Ship: Salamah ach-Abaud's injector is docked with left behind and forgotten after the devastation of the
magnet clamps outside the airlock. It is black and very hard to Portal Wars. In the Atlas Compendium module, you
spot unless one knows where to search for it. can read more about these technological wonders,
and use them in your own adventures.
with a tattoo of the Snake of the Martyr, the Ourbos. Wears a black
suit of heavy, armanite armor covered in inscriptions and strange MARTYR WARRIORS
grooves. No helmet.
The warriors' orders are clear when the PCs arrive – exterminate the
CHARACTERISTICS: Fixes her eyes slightly above the head of people enemies of the Order by any means necessary. They work as a team,
she speaks to. Always in motion, even when talking. Bursts into loud use actions like overwatch and full automatic fire and utilize the different
prayer during both combat and conversation. cover available in the hangar. They have no reason to be discreet any-
more and use the full potential of their deadly arsenal – homing ammuni- a closer look reveals that the welding has been cut open with a
tion and concussion grenades. Like all members of the commando, they plasma torch and that cables from the ceiling in the corridor has
aren't afraid to die, only to disappoint their fellow warriors or the Martyr. been diverted through the ventilation and into the hangar.
Unless they gain the upper hand in the first turn, they will start using their The martyr commando has repaired the hangar using
extra sixes for critical injuries to kill the PCs as fast as possible. material brought to them by the smuggler Dara Hirsha, from
Kua. This has allowed them to repurpose it for their needs.
APPEARANCE: Men and women in black caftans with armasuits As it only has one point of entry, it is easily defendable and
underneath. the sensors outside warn of intruders.
◆◆ The Martyr Warriors: There are seven warriors in the hangar
CHARACTERISTICS: Silent except when giving orders. Preaches when the PCs arrive, including deacon Salamah. More could
about the glory of the Martyr if captured and interrogated. show up if the GM spends DP (see Reinforcements, page 57 of
the Coriolis core rulebook), or if the PCs fail to pass through the
ATTRIBUTES: Sanatorium without being detected by the Samaritans.
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 2, EMPATHY 3 ◆◆ Guards on Duty: The commando observes Kuan time during the
HIT POINTS: 7 mission, and more of them will be awake during the morning,
day, and evening watches than during the night watch.
◆◆ The Temple: Praying to the Martyr is traditionally done in the
morning and at the beginning of the evening watch (CULTURE
SKILLS: Melee Combat 4, Infiltration 3, Medicurgy 3, Observation
3, Ranged Combat 3, Manipulation 1 or a Zalosian background will tell the PCs this). During the day,
TALENT: Fanatics
the warriors train in the hangar, interrogate and torture their
prisoners, or prepare captured mystics for transportation to Kua.
ARMOR: Armasuit 3
combat. Costs 2 DP. the sensors the main thing to worry about. If the power to the hangar
is cut, forcing the door open requires a successful FORCE test at –1.
◆◆ The Sensors: See the description of the sensor grid under Security
Systems and Guards above. If the power is cut, the sensors stop working.
EVENTS ◆◆ Spacewalk: The PCs could cut a hole in the hull on one of the
The final battle between the PCs and the martyr warriors is floors above or below the base and then spacewalk the rest of the
the main event in the scene, but you could use the following way. The main hangar gate is welded shut and cannot be opened.
events as well to spice up the end of the scenario. The iris gate by the ejection ramp requires a successful TECHNOLGY
test at –2 to open from the outside. If the roll is successful and
y ATTACKING THE MARTYRS there were extra sixes, the PCs could also tamper with the ramp
The abandoned hangar used to be a loading dock during the con- to make sure the last pods are stuck in the hangar. The security
struction of the station after which it has only been used a couple protocols on the regular airlock can be overridden with a DATA
of times when reactor parts were brought onboard. A few cycles DJINN test, forcing them to open without activating the cycle and
ago, there was an accident in the hangar that tore up the hangar thereby causing explosive decompression in the hangar (page
gate and vented the room. The unit was condemned and the doors 84). The ED fields are no longer working and everyone in the
inward were sealed. It still looks as if the hangar is sealed up, but hangar will be affected, including the prisoners. The cell bars
will stop them from being sucked into space, but they will be
subjected to the vacuum (test FORCE, or choose who lives and
who dies). Youths and adults have a Strength score of 2 and 5
HP, children have Strength 1 and 3 HP. None of the prisoners
have a FORCE score.
◆◆ The Cables: When the hangar was being repaired by the com-
mando, they hooked it up to the power grid in the Cellar. As
they are so close to the reactor, the stability is rather decent
despite the years of neglected service. The PCs can cut the
power to the hangar by passing a TECHNOLGY test, but they
must first pass an INFILTRATION test at –1 to sneak up through
the ventilation shaft in the ceiling without the guards inside
hearing them.
◆◆ The Ventilation Shaft: The opened vent shaft leads to the
commando's temple. Passing a DEXTERITY test enables a small
person – such as a child or an adult with a Strength score of no
more than 2 – to crawl inside.
Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory)
If deacon Salamah is cornered or captured, she can set off the
explosives in the hangar remotely. Two medium size breach
charges are fastened to the supporting beams closest to the
hangar gate. At the cost of 2 DP, Salamah can activate the
detonation sequence by speaking a code sentence into her
throat link: ”For righteous victory, in the shadow of the Martyr!”
◆◆ If the PCs discover the charges before they blow (a test for
OBSERVATION in the hangar, or a critical success on the previous
◆◆ Each charge weighs about 10 kilos (blast effect 8, CRIT 2). When
they blow, they will destroy the airlock and the hangar gate, but
spare at least one of the remaining pods (so the PCs can use it
for the next adventure).
◆◆ As per the normal explosion damage rules, anyone standing
within Close range of the support beams is hit by an eight dice
explosion attack. Everyone else in the hangar each suffers a two
dice explosion attack and the entire area is hit by an explosive
decompression (page 57). The broken hull can be repaired using
a slow action and a demanding (–1) TECHNOLOGY test.
Cost: 2 DP
The third act of The Wake of the Martyr ends at the bottom of
the Cellar. The PCs have seen the true face of the Order of the
Pariah – just as the Astûrban and the Hegemony planned it
(page 5). The PCs may have succeeded in defeating the martyr
commando, but their victory is not complete. They might have
been able to save some of the mystics, but far from all – and
they have found neither Noor nor the Emissary. How the next
scenario begins depends on the actions of the PCs at the end
of this act and how the confrontation with the commando
ends. If any of the warriors survived and are interrogated, they
won't say a thing – unless they are tortured. How far are the
PCs prepared to go in their search for the truth?
◆◆ They don't know where the Kuan base is located, as it is handled ◆◆ Clues in the hangar make it obvious that the commando is
by another cell controlled by the priot Chabaun Kheml (see The from Zalos, which by extension means the Order of the Pariah.
Kuan Connection, page 163).
◆◆ They know that some of the captives aren't mystics and that The PCs could choose to track down the drop pods – possibly
these prisoners are used as payment for access to the smuggling by using the remaining pod or pods themselves? Or will they
route used on Kua. return to the Core to report back to judge Kurahan first? This
◆◆ They don't know that the Syndicate are involved in the smuggling. choice will affect how the next scenario starts, and whether
or not the trail goes cold before their chase begins.
How the scenario ends will of course have political consequences Cyclade, and still hope of finding the Emissary.
– if the PCs report their findings to judge Kurahan, that is.
y THE CYCLADE CELEBRATIONS The Bulletin reports about the events in the Cellar will cause
If the PCs return to the Core, they arrive just as the celebra- an uproar in the Core and the Sanatorium will be surrounded
tions of the Cyclade are beginning. Shopkeepers decorate by an angry mob. The Guard will reluctantly act as human
their storefronts, religious processions slowly walk the Ring, shields to protect the Order's embassy and the Spire resi-
crowds gather to pray together at the Core Plaza. Since dences of the faction's ambassador. Rumors will start going
the disappearances of both the station's mystics and the around saying that a group of ”external specialists” (the PCs)
Emissary, people are desperately turning to the Icons for were hired to deal with the situation, regardless of whether
guidance. New pilgrims arrive every day and the station is the Guard have stolen the credit for the raid or not.
beyond overcrowded. As the cycle nears its end, people fear
the dark times ahead. There are still demonstrations almost y THE OTHER FACTIONS
every day and tensions between different groups onboard The news that the Order of the Pariah were behind the kid-
have increased even more during the PCs' absence. napping of the Emissary will cause other factions to act:
◆◆ The Consortium: The Consortium's Special Branch will start
y JUDGE KURAHAN TAKES OVER looking for the Emissary, first on Coriolis and then down on
Judge Kurahan will present the PCs' report about the commando's Kua.
base to the Guard, and leak it to the Bulletin. Her motivation ◆◆ The Order of the Pariah: The Order will deny having anything
is purely to increase her own power within the Consortium’s to do with abducting the Emissary, but that is all. Behind the
ranks and her actions have nothing to do with the Hegemony's curtains, an internal investigation will be launched to try to find
conspiracy, but it ties in perfectly with the plans of the hege- out who sponsored The Warriors of the Holy Light.
monists. Kurahan will also suggest that the PCs continue their ◆◆ The Draconites: The faction's agents on the station will secretly
hunt by going to Kua, unless they have already decided to do so start investigating the affair.
themselves. Through judicator Akouba, she will stall the official ◆◆ The Church of the Icons: The Church wants nothing to do
investigation for as long as she can, even withholding the coor- with religious extremism and their representative on Coriolis,
dinates of the landing site if necessary, to ensure that all credit council member Wasimah Umm, will issue a statement saying
for finding the Emissary will belong to her alone – there is still that the Emissaries are recognized by the church as the envoys
time. Depending on how quick the PCs have been to complete of the Icons – mankind's honored guests – and should not be
the scenario, there may be one or more days left before the harmed under any circumstances.
The Kuan jungles are full of wonders – from healing herbs and bushes to
towering trees, from tiny insects to the mythical Azaëleans. Explorers still
have a long way to go in this strange, steaming world, but a curious traveler
will surely be satisfied after a visit to the Hegemony's impressive nature
cabinet, containing vast collections of insects, molluscs, amphibians and
stuffed jungle beasts.
INTRODUCTION The second scenario of Emissary Lost takes the PCs to the home
of the Zenithians – planet Kua – where they attempt to find out
what has happened to the abducted Emissary. The story begins
in the steaming, hot jungles, continues into the Conglomerate,
and ends at the foot of the Monolith.
the kuan connection is a scenario in three y POLITICAL SCHEMING
open acts where the PCs can choose many dif- Since it came out that the Order of the
ferent paths toward their goal. Each act has a Pariah were responsible for the chaos on
starting and ending scene, but just as in the Coriolis, their diplomatic mission to the sta-
Wake of the Martyr scenario, you are free to play tion has been under severe pressure. The
the rest of the scenes in any order. The Kuan Order has responded by flexing its muscles
Connection should be played immediately after – the Bulletin recently reported that the two
In the Footsteps of the Martyr. cathedral cruisers Nimbus and Burana have
performed weapons tests of their enormous
BACKGROUND antimatter missile systems. The escalation
The Warriors of the Holy Light and their samar- is a key part in the Astûrban's – or really the
itan allies quickly realized that it would be Nazareem's Sacrifice's – plans to provoke their
impossible to interrogate and examine all of old enemy into open war with the Legion and
their mystic prisoners onboard Coriolis, espe- the Consortium.
cially after the disappearance of the Emissary.
They hired the help of Syndicate-affiliated sla- OVERVIEW
vers to set up a secret method of shipping their The three acts of The Kuan Connection are briefly
prisoners from the Cellar down to Kua using summarized below.
old escape pods. On the ground, the stasis
pods are collected by smugglers working for y ACT 1 – LOST IN THE JUNGLE (PAGE XX)
shipping akbar Artyr Ghôlam and transported The first act takes place in the wilderness –
down the Ramishah river to the Conglomerate. in the hot, humid, and treacherous jungles
When the pods arrive in Little Algol, they are of the Verkâna Ridge. The PCs' survival and
inspected by smuggler prince dol-Quassar and negotiation skills will be tested as they follow
sent to the Sultra marshes. The ruined city in the footsteps of the Emissary's kidnappers.
of Sultra has been abandoned since the CC57
flood, which makes it a perfect location for all y ACT 2 – BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE ALGOL
sorts of shady business. Gaddar-e-Abrar – a (PAGE XX)
false preacher inserted into the martyr com- The second act begins when the adventures in
mando by the Astûrban – helped the martyr the jungles are dealt with. The PCs enter the
warriors secure an abandoned Foundation Conglomerate and continue to look for the
hyper-sickness research facility and turn it Emissary, but an assassin sent by the Order of
into their base of operations. Prisoners who the Pariah gets in their way. Their investigation
survive the perilous journey and make it to begins in the labyrinthine blocks of the Khabal
the marshes are interrogated, tortured, and docks and ends with a visit to the palace of the
executed – a fate that eventually also befalls Dabaran noble dol-Quassar.
the Emissary.
In the third act, the PCs reach the sunken city of Sultra where The key characters in this scenario are divided between
the martyr commando is keeping the Emissary prisoner in an several different groups with agendas that all put them in
abandoned Foundation installation. Here, the group experi- the PCs' way. The central group is the smuggler ring hired
ences dreams and visions of the future of the Third Horizon. by the martyr commando:
◆◆ ARTYR GHOLÂM – shipping akbar and smuggler (page XX)
FACTIONS AND GROUPS ◆◆ RAMSES – leader of the smuggler group Ramses' Jackals
Many different groups and factions struggle for power on (page XX)
Kua and in the jungles. In The Kuan Connection, the main ◆◆ TUBRA GHUTAN – foreman for Artyr's operations in Little
faction involved is the Zenithian Hegemony through the Algol (page XX)
Astûrban. Some of the smaller organizations include the ◆◆ LEOD DOL-QUASSAR – Dabaran noble and smuggler living
Shaukar guerilla and the Nestera defense forces. in Little Algol (page XX)
◆◆ JARJA DOUGHA – gun smith and engineer in the dol-Quas-
y THE ASTÛRBAN sar slum palace (page XX)
The Astûrban are behind the plot to vilify Zalos and the
Order of the Pariah in order to create chaos on Coriolis. The The martyr commando themselves are relatively absent
Zenithian Hegemony is trying to increase tensions between from the story until the PCs close in on their base:
the Consortium and the Order and use the uncertain polit- ◆◆ CHABAUN KHEML – leader of the martyr commando (page
ical situation to seize the Coriolis station and spearhead a XX)
campaign for peace and stability. The Astûrban agents in the ◆◆ ATAIA – agent for the Order of the Pariah activated to
scenario are Gaddar-e-Abrar, the false prophet in the martyr clean up in Little Algol (page XX)
commando's base in the Sultra (see Act III), and Akouba Kosha, ◆◆ KEZIAH-VEN – Vestal onboard The White Butterfly and
a judicator working for judge Nigelia Kurahan. Kosha is sent agent for the Emperor of the First Horizon (page XX)
to Kua to secure the allegiance (or silence) of dol-Quassar
while at the same time making sure that the PCs' suspicions OTHER CHARACTERS:
continue to focus on the Order and the martyr warriors (see The Astûrban have agents in place to make sure the blame
Acts II and III). for the events on Kua and Coriolis falls on the martyr war-
riors and the Order:
y THE MARTYR COMMANDO ◆◆ GADDAR-E-ABRAR – Astûrban agent inside The Warriors of
The martyr commando act mainly through intermediaries on the Holy Light (page XX)
Kua and will not interact with the PCs until they are closing in ◆◆ AKOUBA KOSHA – judicator and double agent for the
on their base. Their leader on Kua, priot Chabaun Kheml, is Astûrban (page XX)
responsible for the ground operations and it was on his orders
that the cell on Coriolis acted. He will never give up any of this A few characters of slightly less importance also feature in
information however, not even under torture. Chabaun set the scenario:
up the whole operation via the leader of the cell on Coriolis, ◆◆ RAQUIN BIRBASIL – Syndicate representative in the jungle
Salamah ach-Abaud, who in turn hired Artyr Gholâm and the settlement of Baybasin (page XX)
Dabaran noble Leod dol-Quassar. The latter two therefore ◆◆ HAQUIM AND AQUEDA – scouts for the Shaukar guerilla at
believe that the whole thing is run from Coriolis. Artyr's job Verkâna Ridge (page XX)
was to collect the pods and bring them to dol-Quassar, who ◆◆ DALI OSMAN – officer in the Shaukar guerilla (page XX)
was free to take as many of the non-mystic prisoners as he
liked and use them for his own profit as long as he made sure
all the marked mystic prisoners were shipped to a certain
location in the Sultra marshes.
The CC61 incident in the Hamura system resulted in the loss
of both the Ghazali line cruiser and a Legion destroyer named
Zafirah when the portal from Hamura to Taoan released a massive
burst of energy (which is further explored in the stand-alone
scenario The Last Voyage of the Ghazali). The portal leading
from Hamura to Taoan is now closed, but what no one in the
Horizon knows is that the incident marked the return of the
forces of the First Horizon into the cluster. For many years,
the leaders of Ardha have sent their most trusted agents – the
Vestals, high-ranking members of the imperial clergy, as well
as mighty warriors – into the void to try to find a way into the
Third Horizon, and at Taoan, they finally found one. The Vestals
who made it through are now traveling around activating old ALTERNATIVE INTRODUCTION
sleeper cells of Nazareem's Sacrifice and infiltrating the fac-
tions to destabilize the Third Horizon. They usually stay hidden, ◆◆ The PCs might have opted for their own ship over the
but in this scenario, as it involves something as crucial to their commando's drop pods at the end of the previous sce-
plans as the abduction of an Emissary, they reveal themselves, nario. If they did, they will arrive much later than the
arriving at Kua in their white, buterfly-shaped ship. The arrival cargo they are chasing, but the Icons are smiling on them
of the Vestals is what connects Emissary Lost to the upcoming – a terrible storm has ravaged Verkâna Ridge and the
scenarios in the campaign. pods have not yet been collected. The Shaukar guerilla
are on the warpath however, and will fire on the PCs on
BEFORE YOU BEGIN approach, either shoting them down or forcing them to
Unlike In the Footsteps of the Martyr, The Kuan Connection land in the jungles. Regardless, they will be forced to
will feature more action and conflicts. The PCs are chasing the undertake the long trek through the jungles described
missing mystics and must survive the dangers of the jungles, in Act I. Spare parts for their ship can only be found at
a rebel uprising, and street fighting in the Conglomerate. the market in Baybasin (page XX). This might feel a bit
The final showdown features both the remaining members forced, but it will give the PCs a chance to interact with
of the martyr commando and a darkmorph spawned by the the residents of the Ridge, which will affect later events
actions of the First Horizon agents. To keep the pace up, in Little Algol. As the GM, you could of course skip this
provide the PCs with a clear course to follow. The first scene part, but be prepared to alter the rest of the scenario
(Blood on the Leaves) contains clues that will help the PCs accordingly if you do.
find their way through the rest of the scenario.
By now, the PCs should be firmly invested in the hunt for the
missing mystics and the kidnapped Emissary. Before you start
this scenario, spend some time preparing the different antagonist
groups featured in the story and make sure that there are more
ways than the Vulcan method to resolve the conflicts ahead.
There are some investigative elements in the scenario, and
the tips provided on page XX of In the Footsteps of the Martyr
can be used here as well. Remember to help the players keep
track of important details that their characters wouldn't forget.
LOST IN THE JUNGLE The heat and humidity of the jungles are an overarch-
ing theme for the first part of the scenario. The journey
through the wilderness and the encounters there will
carry consequences later in the story.
Ordinary people have also been abducted and
act i is set in the Kuan jungles and describes sent to the jungles.
the PCs' landing on the planet, their trek ◆◆ The stasis pods are shipped to Little Algol in
across the Verkâna toward the Baybasin out- the Conglomerate via Verkâna Ridge to avoid
post, and the complications they face when faction import fees and customs inspections.
they arrive. ◆◆ The martyr commandoes are now covering their
tracks as they are finishing up their business
OVERVIEW with local contacts such as Artyr Gholâm.
The PCs are attempting to catch up with the
kidnapped mystics after leaving the turmoil IMPORTANT CHARACTERS
of the Coriolis Core behind them. After a ◆◆ Ramses – leader of the smuggler group Ramses’
bumpy (crash) landing in the jungles, they Jackals (page 104)
run into the smugglers who have come to ◆◆ Artyr Gholâm – shipping akbar and smuggler
collect the stasis pods. This encounter brings hired by Salamah ach-Abaud (page 117)
the PCs to Baybasin where they find the smug- ◆◆ Raquin Birbasil – Syndicate representative and
glers' employer, Artyr Gholâm. Suddenly, the ruler of Baybasin (page 118)
Shaukar guerilla attacks and in the midst of
the fighting, the PCs realize that the pods are INDEPENDENT CHARACTERS
already en route to the Conglomerate. The ◆◆ Haquim and Aqueda – scouts for the Shaukar
hunt continues. guerilla shadowing the PCs (page 104)
◆◆ Dali Osman – officer in the Shaukar guerilla
KEY INSIGHTS (page 119)
When the PCs finally catch up with the smug-
glers and make it out of the jungles, they DARKNESS POINTS
should have learned the following: Darkness Points can be used to animate the
◆◆ The martyr commandoes are not acting alone. jungles and make them a dangerous place,
Several groups, such as Ramses' Jackals, assist as well as to have the different antagonists in
with transporting the kidnapped prisoners the scenario call for backup. The GM will start
from Coriolis. this scenario with more DP than usual – one
◆◆ Not only mystics are smuggled down to Kua. per PC plus two extras.
Akbar Artyr, I humbly extend my sincerest gratitude to you for the excellent partnership between our two
organizations in the recent segments. Sadly, pressing matters warrant an end to our arrangement with imme-
diate effect. Complications onboard the station have made going forward a hazardous affair. The accompanying
cargo will be the last shipment, to be handled as usual. We shall settle our outstanding debt in full upon com-
pletion and by our mutual acquaintance’s verification of delivery. You have a reputation for keeping your books
in excellent order, thus I feel obliged to remind you that all transcripts regarding our business, in Baybasin or
the Conglomerate, must be destroyed. These precautions apply to all parties, yourself as well as the recipient
and inspector of the cargo. Discretion is paramount, for all our safety.
I wish you the very best of luck in future endeavours,
the trees. The area is littered with debris and mangled across their chests. The Sogoi are barechested and carry little gear.
trees and plants.
CHARACTERISTICS: Shouting orders to each other in combat, other-
There are currently two unopened pods at the crash site.
SKILLS: Survival 5 (Sogoi), Infiltration 2 / 4 (Sogoi), Observation 4
One sits in a clearing in the middle of the valley, but the (Sogoi), Ranged Combat 3, Melee Combat 2, Pilot 2
other has slid down the slope toward one of the ditches ARMOR: Primitive armor 1 (Sogoi), armasuit 3 (Algolan)
and become entangled in a thick net of branches and vines, WEAPONS: Long rifle (Sogoi), Vulcan carbine (Algolan), knife
making it harder to reach. Passing a demanding (–1) SURVIVAL
GEAR: Herbal remedy, jungle Icon talisman, waterskin with D6
or DEXTERITY test allows the PCs to clear a path down the water rations, D6 food rations, D6 Vulcan carbine reloads (only
slope to the drop pod, and two people may then test FORCE roll if the Jackal is searched by the PCs).
10x10 meters
Ramses Scouts
cent pattern.
GEAR: Bite (weapon damage 1, CRIT 3), Mangle (weapon damage ◆◆ BATTLE-TESTED: Ramses is a seasoned soldier and rolls two dice
1, CRIT 2) when determining Initiative score, choosing the best result.
◆◆ TOUGH: The life of a smuggler is tough, but Ramses is tougher. He
has 2 extra HP.
the guerilla's campaign against the oppressors of the Kuan peo- ◆◆ BATTLE-TESTED: Haquim was born a slave and participated in the
ples. They have witnessed firsthand how the Firstcome settlers uprising during the floods a couple of cycles ago. He has sharp
are forced into slave-like employment on the plantations, or in the reflexes and a tactical mind and rolls two dice when determining
Consortium factories. Haquim is an Algolan descendent born on his initiative score, choosing the best one,
one of the plantations that were flooded by Iconic intervention in ◆◆ ARCHER: Aqueda is a master marksman and can reload as a free
CC59 when the Ramishah river rose in anger to stop the exploitation action once per turn, both arrows and grenades. Further reloads
of the delta's inhabitants. Aqueda is Meliki, a former deckhand from counts as fast actions.
a bulk hauler on the Dabaran circle who one day left for a week's
leave on Coriolis and never looked back. She harbors a flaming
hatred for Ramses, the smuggler leader.
APPEARANCE: Haquim has a dark beard and chapped lips and EVENTS IN BLOOD ON THE LEAVES
dresses in a frayed and patched chameleon suit. A dark dupatta As the GM, make sure that the PCs have a chance to find
covers the green sensor visor. Aqueda wears a dirty kameez tucked clues and information about the pods, but keep the tempo
into a dhoti. She is wrapped in leather belts and bandoliers covered rapid. For further drama, you could decide not to give them
in grenades, supplies, and recon equipment. enough time to search all the stasis pods. They might catch
a glimpse of someone they believe tp be the Emissary just
CHARACTERISTICS: Both are taciturn and guarded, but Haquim licks as they are interrupted by the arrival of the Jackals. Below is
his lips when he is thinking and Aqueda touches her right eyebrow a list of events to use in the scene.
– where she has an old scar that healed badly – when she becomes
angry or worked up. y DROP PODS
The PCs get to search the area around the crash site briefly
ATTRIBUTES: before the Jackals arrive (see the crash site map).
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 4, EMPATHY 2 ◆◆ The Beacons: The pods have built-in beacons that flash red
and transmit coordinates and a message. An effortless (+2)
DATA DJINN test is required to extract the coordinates and read
the message on a computer, communicator, or pod monitor.
REPUTATION: 1 (+3 among the slaves in the Conglomerate)
Shutting off the beacon is also very easy (TECHNOLOGY +2). Apart
SKILLS: Infiltration 5, Dexterity 4, Observation 4, Ranged Combat
3, Survival 3, Melee Combat 1 from getting the coordinates, the PCs can also read Salamah
ach-Abaud's last message to Artyr Gholâm (see the description
TALENT: Jungle Dweller, Battle-Tested (Haquim), Archer (Aqueda)
of the crash site above).
◆◆ Loading Area: The area around the crashed pods has been used
WEAPONS: Long rifle, missile launcher, combat bow, frag by the smugglers on several occasions, and is covered in tracks
from vehicles, animals, and people. Tracks lead from here to the
GEAR: Chameleon suit (+2 to INFILTRATION), personal sensor
two ditches. Hidden in the ditches are scraps and remains of
and long rifle (Haquim), Legion issue rocket launcher (one-shot,
equivalent of a missile launcher, weapon damage 6, CRIT 1, broken pods, covered in fast-growing vines and bushes.
Extreme range), simple binoculars, combat bow and 5 frag gre- ◆◆ The Stasis Pods: Both drop pods contain stasis units. The pod
nades (Aqueda).
in the clearing is occupied by five people on ice – three mystics
and two non-mystics (destined for the slave markets). The pod
◆◆ JUNGLE DWELLER: The guerilla lives and trains in the jungles in the ditch was the last one out and its coordinates were some-
alongside Sogoi hunters and its members are well versed in what hastily calculated, which explains the unlucky landing. It
jungle survival. Shaukar soldiers have an armor rating of 2 contains four beds, three of which contain mystics and one with
against the heat and humidity of the jungle and can always find a non-mystic occupant.
food or shelter there without testing SURVIVAL . ◆◆ Marked Cargo: The stasis units in the pods are marked with
black and white numbers. Most of them (six pods) have black
numbers – denoting mystic cargo – and three have white
numbers (non-mystics). The markings are there to guide the
stevedores in Baybasin and Little Algol.
◆◆ Stasis Profiles: The beds have their own batteries with
rather unique energy signatures. If the PCs have some form
of sensor equipment, they can detect the energy signatures
with a successful TECHNOLGY test (see box below).
A prisoner in one of the stasis beds wakes up, but the lid won't
open. She starts to panic and pounds the glass, screaming,
but the sounds are muffled and barely audible. Will the PCs
save the person? Will the frightened prisoner activate her
mystical powers? At the cost of 1 DP, you can decide to have
the freshly thawed abductee attack the PCs with a mystic
power, or wander off, possibly alerting the smugglers that
something has gone wrong.
Cost: 0, 1 DP
If Ramses discovers the PCs at the crash site before the
smugglers themselves are spotted, he may choose to stage
an ambush. He instructs the Algolans to closely surround
the PCs and cover the clearing with a Vulcan crossfire while
he delivers the killshots with his acc rifle from Long range
(shots from farther away are impossible due to the topog- SLAVES IN STASIS
raphy of the area). He will climb the ridge opposite to the
Shaukar scouts. If the PCs defeated Ramses and his soldiers, they
Cost: 3 DP will be in control of the nine stasis beds and a total
of six mystic and three non-mystic prisoners,
y THE SHAUKAR SCOUTS probably very scared and confused. The prisoners
The Shaukar scouts are hiding nearby but the PCs just might come from all corners of the Horizon, and traveled
spot them anyhow, which should tell them that the smugglers to Kua with dreams of a better life on Coriolis,
aren't the only active group in the area. As the scouts are only to be drugged and abducted when they got
well hidden on a hill at Long range from the pods, spotting there. If they are questioned, three of the prisoners
them requires a successful OBSERVATION test at –3. marked with black crosses will reluctantly admit
◆◆ Haquim and Aqueda, scouts: Haquim is the more patient of to having experienced symptoms of the so-called
the two, hidden under his chameleon suit (+2 to INFILTRATION) mystic's disease. If the PCs are fair to the prisoners
and equipped with a personal sensor and his father's long rifle. and treat them with respect, it is possible that the
Aqueda is older, but driven by a flaming devotion to the cause Shaukar scouts reveal themselves and offer their
and with a soft spot for explosives and sabotage. She has a Legion assistance, for example by showing them the way
rocket launcher that can be used to shoot down incoming ships to Baybasin or by offering to take the prisoners to a
and a combat bow with both arrows and frag grenades. secret guerilla camp on the ridge to enable the PCs
Cost: 0 DP to continue their hunt.
y RESONANCE – A WAYWARD SONG and that the character falls to the ground, caught in a violent sei-
Mystic PCs who have experienced resonance from the zure for D6 minutes. If you instead spend 2 DP, this happens just
Emissary's mystic powers before might do so again. You as the PCs hear the engines of the Jackals' vehicles approaching.
can use this resonance event to show the PCs that they ◆◆ In the deafening darkness, the affected PC notices faint
are on the right track. singing. The song consists of repeated lines in Miri full of
◆◆ Before the Jackals arrive, as the PCs are examining the pods, the loss and loneliness. The singing eventually slows down and
mystic PC is suddenly overcome with anxiety and nausea. The fades away.
sounds of the jungle fade to white noise. Her vision blurs and The PC is experiencing the effects of stasis on the Emissary.
goes dark. She feels cold and begins to shake uncontrollably. The episode ends after a few minutes and all symptoms
◆◆ At the cost of 1 DP, have the mystic PC test MYSTIC POWERS to remain disappear.
in control of herself. Failure means 1 point of damage and stress Cost: 0–2 DP
On the edge of the giant sinkhole now occupying the place beds go after Baybasin. They will return with information
where the Hyderas spaceport used to be, the PCs find from the spaceport, or with a tortured Jackal. Alternatively,
the the Baybasin outpost. The junk town is a cluttered if you let Artyr escape (see below), the guerilla might have
amalgamation of small corporations and criminal gangs apprehended him and will deliver him, beaten to a pulp, to
trying to make it on the fringes of the Conglomerate. the PCs for them to treat as they please. If this is the case,
The town is built from jungle wood, steel scraps, and the disregard his reputation score when he is interrogated by
sweat of honest hands. Its residents make their living the PCs, and he might even tell them what he knows about
from logging, prospecting, and farming. This is where the Salamah ach-Abaud's involvement.
PCs must try to find out what has happened to the stasis
pods, either through persuasion, manipulation, stealth, y THE BIRBASILS' GRATITUDE
or brute force. Shortly after the PCs' arrival, the Shaukar If the PCs accept and carry out Raquin Birbasil's mission to
guerilla attacks the outpost in order to free the hands escort Artyr and protect her from the guerilla attack, she will
living there in bondage. provide them with the information they need from the late
merchant's office or from a Jackal with sufficient respect
THE SITUATION and fear for the Syndicate. The PCs are invited to Raquin's
The Baybasin outpost is the first glimpse of civilization the mansion and shown to a room in the basement, tiled in blue
PCs get as they exit the jungle. Have the PCs arrive at dusk to and white, with a miniature delta of tiny canals flowing along
establish the settlement as a dark, dirty place whose residents the walls. Either Ramses or one of his Jackals is tied up in the
work around the clock. Artyr Gholâm is preparing to leave room, and the PCs are left to carry out their interrogation
town. Through clues found in earlier scenes, the PCs may however they please.
have figured out that he is the stasis beds' intended recipient
and very likely to know their final destination. Artyr can be IMPORTANT FACTS
found in his residence on the north side of the settlement. The journey through the jungle has taken the PCs to the
As the PCs arrive, the Shaukar guerilla launch an attack mining outpost of Baybasin. This is where Ramses' Jackals
on the town to liberate its people. The exact timing of their deliver the stasis beds to Artyr Gholâm for transportation
attack is up to you as the GM to decide. Information about down the Ramishah. The following details are important for
Artyr and the stasis beds' final destination can be obtained you as the GM to convey to the PCs before they leave for
from several different sources to make the transition to Act the Conglomerate:
II smooth and easy: ◆◆ The Smugglers: Ramses' Jackals are a known group in town
and they have been hired by Artyr Gholâm.
y ARTYR UNDER PRESSURE ◆◆ The Merchant: Artyr Gholâm runs a small shipping company
By either manipulating or burgling and threatening Artyr, he working the river to the Conglomerate. His office and warehouse
can be made to give up information about the stasis pods is located on the factory island by the river, near the spaceport
(from his shipping manifest and tag). This information can (see Places in Baybasin below).
also be obtained by threatening or torturing Ramses or one ◆◆ The Stasis Pods: The units are loaded onto river barges at Artyr's
of his Jackals. office, which local stevedores can testify to. According to Artyr
(and his minutely detailed manifest), the barges carry the cargo to
y HEROES OF THE PEOPLE the Khabal district in Little Algol, in the shadow of the Monolith.
If the PCs assist the guerilla in their dawn raid and manage The last shipment departed almost immediately after arriving at
to overthrow Raquin Birbasil, Shaukar officer Dali Osman Artyr's warehouse. No stasis beds remain in Baybasin.
will send out scouts and spies to find out where the stasis
y FURTHER INFORMATION through the city, separating the clean, well-constructed north side
Inquisitive PCs may also find out some of the following during – home to various entrepreneurs and business akbars – from the
their stay in Baybasin: southern shantytowns where the hands and slaves live. Baybasin is
◆◆ Local Rulers: Baybasin in under the control of the Birbasil family, so remote that practically none of the slaves are in chains – escaping
one of the major Syndicate families. into the wilderness would almost certainly mean death. Criticizing
◆◆ Bad Blood: Artyr has gotten on bad terms with Raquin Birbasil the rulers here is dangerous and pointless. Hands who raise their
after dumping a shipment of opor in the river to avoid arrest, voices have a tendency to go missing. That being said, the population
and rumors have it that Raquin is planning to replace the current is far from broken – under the calm surface, rebellion is brewing.
shipping company with a more loyal one.
◆◆ Payment: Bars of neodym can be found in Artyr's home which y INDUSTRY
he has received as payment for his services from Salamah ach- All business in the outpost is connected to the Birbasil family in
Abaud and that he has used to pay Ramses' Jackals. one way or another. There is a small coltan mine on the slopes
◆◆ Employer: If Artyr is beaten or tortured, he will reveal that underneath Verkâna Ridge, a coal mine half a day's journey
Salamah ach-Abaud is the one who hired him, but that payment to the east, and several large poppy plantations to the north.
was handled by intermediaries in Little Algol. The outskirts on all sides are swidden farmlands-to-be, with
the occasional clearcut and tabak or palm oil plantations here
BIRBASIL TERRITORY and there. In the central bazaar in the shantytown, one finds
Baybasin is a textbook example of a class society with rampant peddlers of scavenged or stolen tech, jungle game or fish
inequality. The living conditions of the common people are abysmal from the river or the deep, dark sinkhole lake. Slavetrading
and the divide between government and the governed is oceans is done more or less in the open here, fronted by Algolans
wide. The social divide is manifested by the Ramishah that runs secretly working for wealthy Zenithian families.
Verkâna Ridge survived. The sinkhole exposed a large natu- y BASIL BRIDGE
ral cave system and an underground river coming from the The bridge that connects the spaceport to the Birbasil domains was
plateau above. Old technology and several large spaceships constructed by the Colonial Engineers when the faction founded
are buried deep in the muddy waters, making the hole a their outpost and the sturdy colossus looks as reliable today as
veritable goldmine for the bold divers who dare explore the it did ten cycles ago. A handful of militia members are always
caves underneath the town. around to keep watch, with at least one exo soldier as backup.
04 05
20x20 meters
1. The Hyderas Sinkhole 10
2. The Coltan Mine
3. The Poppy Fields
4. Basil Bridge 09 ha
5. Birbasil's HQ or
6. Gholâm's Office s
7. Free League Offices
8. The New Space Port
9. The Harbor Souk 01
10. Meesan's Cantina
11. Dakh's Opor Den
y THE OFFICES OF THE FREE LEAGUE A high head on the eastern side of the ridge is now home
A modest warehouse constructed when the area was repopu- to a flat area paved with stones that functions as a landing
lated houses the offices of the Free League. After the Syndicate strip, surrounded on three sides by the green waters of
took over Baybasin a few segments ago – after which trade the Ramishah.
has increased in the region – the Free League acquired some
limited trading rights, exporting raw materials and scavenged y THE HARBOR SOUK
goods. The faction organizes the stevedore force in the At the center of the settlement – between South Town,
spaceport as well as on the barges in the docks. They have the factory island, and the spaceport – we find Baybasin's
made a deal with the Birbasils to supply the Syndicate with heart, the harbor souk. Most local business goes through
workers for the poppy fields. The League's local administra- here one way or another. Food, produce, and opor milk
tor, ex-customs officer Tanam ed-Garaam, is working hard are sold in various stalls here and scavenged treasures
to improve labor conditions for workers in Baybasin but has from Hashema's divers are displayed on dirty rugs on the
little leverage to speak of when dealing with Raquin Birbasil. ground, with indentured Sogoi or orphans hunched over
the piles, scrubbing the mud off the merchandise. Coltan
y THE NEW SPACE PORT ore and coal can also be bought here, but the quality for
Rather than repeating old mistakes, the Colonial Agency sale is usually stray pieces found in the river.
chose to build the new spaceport on more solid ground.
The group of shacks crowding the edge of the sinkhole,
between the noisy souk and the busy spaceport, houses
entertainment establishments catering to worn-out pros-
pectors and miners. The largest den of sin on the block is
Meesan's Cantina, known as the Scales by its patrons. The
Menkar humanite sisters Ana and Mandri Meesan run the
place, usually hiding their forked, highly sensitive tongues
by speaking as little as possible. They are extremely good at
reading their customers however, and have honed their skills
to almost eerie perfection after Ana was blessed by the Icons
and developed empathic mystic powers when the Emissaries
arrived at the Xene station.
dividing the inheritance, he soon figured out that any success in his Steers all conversations toward making a deal. Keeps his hands in
life he would have to create on his own. With the winds of commerce his lap, but starts to pull his ear lobe when nervous.
Raquin is far down on the Birbasil hierarchy, and has ended up in
Baybasin because her more powerful sister decided that the family
should take control over more of the planet's raw material exports.
Raquin had no say in the matter and was forced to move with her
two sons to Baybasin to oversee the new operation. She hates her
sister bitterly and thinks of Baybasin as a living nightmare. Her two SKILLS:Manipulation 4, Melee Combat 4, Command 3,
Observation 3, Ranged Combat 3
sons are constantly getting into trouble – Aulus* is an avid opor
TALENT: Faction standing: The Syndicate
smoker and Oto's* bad temper makes him unfit to handle even the
ARMOR: Protective vest 1 (equivalent of a short armasuit)´
most basic level of criminal administration. The local merchants
are always complaining and Raquin wishes that the Birbasils would WEAPONS: Vulcan pistol, dura knife
just buy them all – that would get her the respect she deserves. GEAR: Transactor with 5 000 birr, jewelled sheath (Birbasil
To top it all off, it would seem as if a local shiping akbar, one Artyr heirloom, worth 7 000 birr), personal communicator with pulse
Gholâm, is refusing to get in line and do as he is told. A tangible
assertion of authority might be in order, and the fawning Free ◆◆ FACTION STANDING: THE SYNDICATE: Despite her low position in
League representative Tanam might make a good replacement. the family, Raquin still has access to much of the family's assets
and their violent street gangs. She controls Baybasin and gets a
APPEARANCE: Black hair with a grey highlight. Dresses in a black +2 to MANIPULATION when threatening or intimidating someone.
djellaba with the Birbasil family pattern embroidered on hems and ◆◆ * AULUS AND OTO: Raquin's sons have the following attri-
collar. Wears a curved dura knife in a jewelled sheath strapped butes: Strength 3, Agility 3, Wits 2, Empathy 2 (HIT POINTS: 6,
across her chest. MIND POINTS: 4). Skills: Ranged Combat 3, Melee Combat 2,
Manipulation 1. They live off their mother's reputation and can
CHARACTERISTICS: Keeps her sentences short. Looks disappointed. use Raquin's Faction standing talent, although only at +1.
Sighs a lot.
arrash. APPEARANCE: Wears simple, grey green overalls and a red dupatta
ATTRIBUTES: his right arm that refuses to heal in the humid heat.
CHARACTERISTICS: Sharp brown eyes and a white beard that he
twirls around his left index finger when thinking. Rests his wounded
right hand on a Vulcan pistol in a chest holster. Unbuttons the hol-
ster and strokes the ornamented pistol when suspicious.
SKILLS: Melee Combat 3, Ranged Combat 2, Observation 2,
Infiltration 1, Pilot 3 (exo squadron)
ARMOR: Protective vest 1 or Exo 2 ATTRIBUTES:
WEAPONS: Vulcan carbine, dura knife or scrapyard exo (see
below). HIT POINTS: 7
GEAR: Bottle of palm wine, Baybasin arrash (very strong), Icon MIND POINTS: 6 (Dali 7)
pendant, tag with (D6)00 birr. REPUTATION: 3 (+3 among hands)
y THE WEAKEST LINK shack, where they can spend the night and wait for the
The PCs might use Ramses and the Jackals to get to Artyr arrival of Dali Osman. The PCs are thoroughly questioned
or to get information about the stasis beds. Ramses usually about their motivations for helping the guerilla, and then
keeps to himself, busy fighting inner demons in a thick opor briefed on the plan of attack. The guerilla aim to fan the
haze on the floors of Dakh’s. The other Jackals are more out flames of the working hands’ shame and anger, seize the
and about, spending most days in the cantinas drinking factory island and the spaceport, and kidnap or kill Raquin
themselves blind. The nights tend to end with them paying Birbasil and her sons.
or threatening unlucky passersby to carry them home after If the PCs choose to aid the guerilla, their relationship with
they pass out. Kidnapping a drunk Jackal is easy, but if the the Syndicate will be significantly affected (–2 in all dealings
other smugglers figure out what is going on, they will fight with the faction in the Kua system). The PCs can help the
for their comrade. guerilla in a number of ways, for example by helping with
◆◆ Aeza, kidnapped smuggler: She will not tell the PCs anything the preparations below:
about Ramses or her comrades even if the PCs successfully ◆◆ Popular Support: The guerilla cannot take Baybasin without
interrogate her using MANIPULATION, but if they achieve a critical the support of its residents. Jasmina has instructed demagogue
success on the roll, she will point them in the direction of Little Sirwan Rusar to rally the people behind the Shaukar banner,
Algol. If the PCs use torture, they get a +2 to their roll, but this but many are still on the fence. If the PCs pass a demanding
generates 1 DP for the GM. (–1) MANIPULATION test, they can get the doubters onboard. If
Cost: 0 DP (May generate 1 DP) they fail, you could play the Mounting Unrest event above, but
without it costing you a DP.
y THE BIRBASILS INTERVENE ◆◆ Levelling the Field: The Birbasils’ stranglehold on Baybasin can
If one of the PCs have the Faction standing: The Syndicate be broken by convincing their allies to switch sides. The PCs
talent, or if they either helped the militia in the Eyes and Ears might be sent to recruit either ex-Legionnaire Hashema Behari,
scene or fought the militia in the Mounting Unrest event stevedore akbar Tanam ed-Garaam, or mining akbar Mori Dakka
above, they will be called to the Birbasil headquarters. They to the cause. Each of the three require a –2 MANIPULATION test to
will be slipped a tag by a street urchin containing a short convince, but for every one of them to switch sides, the PCs get
message instructing them to come to the Birbasil manor on a +1 when convincing those remaining. A failed roll means that
the other side of Basil Bridge. They will have to leave their the person warns Raquin Birbasil and threatens their workforce,
weapons with the guards at the door before they are allowed which leads to a –1 modifier for the Popular Support roll above
in to see Raquin Birbasil. She is very upfront – she wants and that both the bridge and the Birbasil manor are reinforced.
the PCs to kill Artyr Gholâm for her. In return, they will get Raquin will also dispatch a militia squad to take care of the PCs
his ledger, 2,000 birr, and the Syndicate’s gratitude. If they (See the Daggers in the Dark event below). Each of the recruiting
decline, Raquin will instead try to have the PCs murdered attempts count as separate preparation actions.
to keep them from warning Artyr about her intentions (see ◆◆ Arming the Struggle: The PCs can help the guerilla smuggling
the Daggers in the Dark event below). arms and explosives into the settlement. Have them test
Cost: 0 DP OBSERVATION , INFILTRATION , and MANIPULATION , and a failed roll
◆◆ Sabotage: The exo squad should be taken care of (or at the ◆◆ The Exo Squad Attacks: Two soldiers in exos attack the PCs.
very least decimated) before the attack begins. It can be The battle lasts for three turns before the surrounding chaos
handled either by sabotaging the exos or by incapacitating separates the parties.
the pilots. Failure means that the militia is made aware ◆◆ Massacre: The PCs witness members of the militia starting
of the danger and extra protection is added around the to shoot at unarmed civilians. Unless they intervene, 1 DP is
Birbasil manor. generated for the GM.
◆◆ A Call to Arms: If the PCs successfully recruited at least one of
Each of the preparation actions above should take a few the Birbasils’ allies during Levelling the Field above, they call on
hours, so the PCs will have time for three actions before the reinforcements during the attack in the form of three hands
attack begins. In addition to what is described above, each loyal to either Hashema (scavengers), Mori (miners), or Tanam
failure also means that the preparation in question takes (stevedores). Use the stevedore stats found on page 32 of In the
twice as long (two failures automatically starts the attack) Wake of the Martyr. They can call on reinforcements once for
and generates 2 DP for the GM. each of the three akbars they successfully recruited, and each
Should the PCs need it, the guerilla can supply them use generates 1 DP for the GM.
with some basic gear (one weapon and one piece of gear
per PC): If the guerilla (and/or the PCs) manages to reach the Birbasil
◆◆ Weapons: Vulcan carbine with 2 reloads or Vulcan pistol with manor and kidnap or kill Raquin and her sons, the militia will
4 reloads surrender and the battle is won. The guerilla is temporarily
◆◆ Gear: Frag grenade, ordinary tools, or medkit in control of Baybasin, but for how long is uncertain. If the
Cost: 0 DP (Generates 2 DP per failed preparation) attack fails, the militia begins a vicious purge of the city to
find and deal with Shaukar sympathizers. Regardless, the
y DAGGERS IN THE DARK PCs must find the information they need about the fate of
Ramses’ Jackals or the Birbasil militia stages an ambush in the prisoners in stasis and then either chase Artyr down the
an alley in Baybasin to silence the PCs for good. river, or set off for Little Algol.
Cost: 2 DP Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory, may generate DP)
When the act ends, the PCs will have figured out that they THE JOURNEY TO THE MONOLITH
should head for the Conglomerate. They should know by now How the PCs make their way to the Conglomerate is up to
that the stasis pods are shipped to Little Algol and unloaded the group to decide. If the uprising failed, shuttles can be
on pier 58 in the Khabal district. If they have acquired Artyr’s chartered from Baybasin for about 2,000 birr per person. They
manifest, they will know that the Hassam shipping company could also return to their own ship in the jungle, repair it and
picks up the cargo in Little Algol and that their offices are then fly straight to Little Algol. The cheapest and simplest
located by Souk Habra. way is to travel down the Ramishah by river barge. 100 birr
per person gets them all the way to the Conglomerate, or
it might be free altogether if either Raquin Birbasil or the
guerilla was impressed by the PCs’ actions in Baybasin.
We made our way through the outskirts a few hours ago and are nearing proper civilization.
Traffic in the delta has been more intense around the trading hubs further up, and is now slowing
down and evening out – a steady stream of fishing boats, river peddlers, and barges are now
accompanying us down the Ramishah toward our shared destination.
At first only a small dot on the horizon, it now towers, a mighty pylon pointing to the heavens –
the Monolith. Space – and aircraft of all imaginable makes and models swarm around it like bees
around a hive. As the shadow of the colossus falls over us, the river narrows and the surrounding
wilderness gives way to human settlement. A mixture of smells – cooking, spices, sewage,
incense, soap, cremation – greet us, carried on the evening breeze.
We have arrived in the shantytowns that surround the Spear of the Icons, the bustling
microcosm known as the Conglomerate.
My Journey Down the River – a Traveler’s Account – Jiana dol-Hrana
BIGTROUBLEINLITTLEALGOL The second act of The Kuan connection takes the PCs to
the foot of the Monolith and the rundown Little Algol dis-
trict. The act contains floating markets, dark alleys, and the
memories of golden days past in Dignitary City.
the starting scene is written as if it takes Gholâm, and Leod dol-Quassar names Jarja as
place as soon as the PCs arrive in Little Algol the person responsible for inspecting the pods
or at the Khabal docks in search of the stasis before Artyr gets paid.
pods. The rest of the act is open and revolves
around the mystery of where the stasis units Clever PCs may also uncover parts of the deeper
have gone. The act ends with the PCs planning levels of the intrigue:
and carrying out a daring heist, breaking into ◆◆ Leod dol-Quassar is compensated for his partic-
an old palace in Dignitary City. ipation by the smuggling of fresh slaves – he is
free to help himself to any non-mystic prisoners
OVERVIEW in the pods. Emptied pods can be found in Jarja’s
The PCs arrive in Little Algol searching for the workshop as evidence of this.
abducted mystics and explore the Khabal dis- ◆◆ On his deathbed, Leod dol-Quassar reveals
trict and the floating Souk Habra. They soon that the Astûrban are involved and that they are
discover that time is running out as an Order controlling the martyr commando through a
assassin has been activated to take care of all double agent.
loose ends having to do with the martyr com-
mando’s operations. Potential survivors will lead IMPORTANT CHARACTRS
the PCs to the palace of Dabaran noble Leod ◆◆ Tubra Ghutan – foreman employed by Artyr’s
dol-Quassar in Dignitary City. In the palace, the companion Niobe Hassam in Little Algol (page 131)
PCs learn the final destination of the abductees ◆◆ Leod dol-Quassar – Dabaran nobleman and
and Leod dol-Quassar dies by the hands of a smuggler based in Dignitary City (page 142)
mysterious assailant. ◆◆ Jarja Dougha – gunsmith and engineer working
in Leod dol-Quassar’s palace (page 142)
During their search for the truth in Little Algol, y AGENTS
the PCs will find out the following: The act also contains two secret agents that
◆◆ The stasis pods have been handled by stevedores might become major headaches for the PCs:
employed by a shipping company called Hassam. ◆◆ Akouba Kosha – judicator and double agent
The prisoners have been brought to dol-Quassar’s working for the Astûrban (page 143)
palace as per Hassam’s agreement with Artyr ◆◆ Ataia – assassin employed by the Order of the
Gholâm. Pariah activated to clean house in Little Algol
◆◆ Someone (an Order assassin) appears to be killing (page 132)
everyone involved with the martyr commando’s
operation on Kua. DARKNESS POINTS
◆◆ The final destination of the pods is known by engi- In Act II, Darkness Points can be spent on put-
ACT neer Jarja Dougha and her benefactor, nobleman
Leod dol-Quassar.
ting additional obstacles in the PCs’ way – the
Nestera defense forces, the Slummer Brigade,
y PIER 58
Where the green waters of the Ramishah first meet the
debris and filth of the Little Algol shantytowns, we find the "They think they are the masters. That their
piers – jetties on piles held together by frayed ropes and old white towers are the ones ruling Kua.
chains. Both river barges and small canoes moor here to
unload their cargo at the pier warehouses awaiting further But they are just dried corpses under a
transportation. Pier 58 is on the edge of the docks, a massive merciless sun. They are already dead."
jungle wood construction housing two warehouses.
Yjala Bakou, Freedom Fighter
The pillar of smoke is visible from far away, accompanied
by the nauseating smell of fire. Pier 58 now houses two
smoldering ruins instead of its warehouses and several of
the moored watercraft nearby have also been destroyed.
Stevedores are putting out the last flames as the PCs arrive
and the local slummers have already started to gather, hoping
to plunder the ruins.
the Hassam shipping company. The entrance to Hassam is The building is constructed around an atrium with a mosaic
anonymous and easy to miss – only a small hexagonal stained skylight in the middle depicting the constellations in the night
glass window faces the street next to a narrow door with no sky above the Icon City on Mira. The soft light from above
sign above it. Hassam’s warehouses at the docks are rented makes the shallow pools below shine like silver, illuminating
out to the highest bidder and they also supply their clients a beautiful Deckhand statue in the middle. The statue is
with reliable stevedore crews. The company have no boats of a small child with short hair hunched over a stone bowl
or hovercraft of their own, instead preferring to rent space with a rag in its hand, as if just about to polish the surface
onboard barges or in the convoys to Ara-Ara. of the water. Both the statue and the walls of the atrium are
covered in lush, green vines.
y HAMAM TAMINA Tamina receives all new visitors in person and remembers
The Hamam Tamina can be found at the edge of the Souk Habra, the face of everyone who has ever bathed here. Already on
near Dignitary City. Merchants who have had a good day at the your second visit, she will greet you by name, offer you your
markets flock to Tamina’s, as well as wealthy tourists from near favorite kawah, and ask how that aunt of yours back on Algol
and far. In the golden age of Dignitary City, when Little Algol is doing. For about the price of a night out, she supplies you
grew to become a district of its own and not just a nameless with fresh towels, soap, and a copper washbowl after which
part of Ara-Ara, this used to be a bathhouse for diplomats and one of her employees guides you to a room referred to by the
royalty. Today, none of its former customers would dare to cross regulars as the Water Temple – a room with high ceilings on
the dangerous slums to get here, but Tamina has managed to fluted columns where small waterfalls shoot from cracks in
find a new clientele base among the upper classes of Little Algol. the walls high above. The next room in is the steam sauna,
followed by the central bath chamber with its three larger y NATURE’S MIGHT
pools and corridors leading to private rooms where a more The Conglomerate is not miraculously shielded from nature’s
intimate bath experience is offered, along with rose tea and wrath, despite popular beliefs to the contrary. When the yearly
massages, for a few extra birr. These back rooms are where monsoon comes sweeping in from the Gyrides ocean south
trade agreements are finalized, marriages negotiated, and of the equator, large parts of the delta around which much of
deals struck. When you leave, your clothes are freshly washed the city is constructed risk flooding. Gigantic dams – called
and ironed and Tamina wishes you the Icons’ grace with a the Cataracts – keep the waters at bay, but should they fail,
conspiratorial wink. whole districts and islands could be swept away. The latest
Cataract failure happened during the Mibea offensive where
LIVING IN THE SHADOW OF THE the flooding of Lake Ytamara enabled the Nestera defense
MONOLITH forces to halt the Queen Slummer’s advancing armies. Word
A common misconception is that the Conglomerate is an on the street is that Nestera intentionally opened Cataract
eternal city spanning most of Kua’s equator, but this is not 7, not caring about the countless innocent lives lost in the
the case. The city is actually not that big – the residential process. The monsoons are not the only natural hazard in
districts, factory islands, and slums cover large areas, yes, but the area. Wild storms, stronger than hurricanes, some-
are mostly made up of abandoned and forgotten buildings times strike without warning. Much of the higher levels of
slowly being reclaimed by the jungles. Countless rivers snake the districts are destroyed and abandoned, or undergoing
their way through the urban wasteland and are used as roads constant repairs.
for most of the local trade. The buildings in the Conglomerate
range from enormous skyscrapers to low, hangar-like ware- y CIVIL UNREST
houses and decrepit shantytowns. As one gets closer to the Both in the Khabal shantytowns and in the Souk Habra, the
Monolith, jungles and farmlands are replaced by outposts, hottest topic is currently Yjala Bakou, the “Queen Slummer”.
ruins, factory islands, and estates, which in turn eventually Rumors have it that more and more cells supporting her
give way to residential districts and the splendor of Covenant rebellion are forming. The Nestera defense forces have blocked
City (see page 288 of the Coriolis core rulebook). off Bakou’s route to Ara-Ara, and as a result, her movement
is expanding in Little Algol instead. The conflict between
y DISTRICTS AND FACTORY ISLANDS Nestera and the slummers is visible everywhere around the
There is a fair amount of confusion going around as to what Khabal docks. The fighting has intensified over the last few
distinguishes a factory island from a residential district, but weeks, largely due to a recent influx of cheap firearms. The
the only ones who really care are probably the Zenithian recruiters for the armed slummer resistance are targeting
bureaucrats and corporations as business permits differ younger and younger age groups, some of the new fighters
between the two types of zone classification. A factory island barely more than kids. Nestera fights fire with fire and has
usually houses countless manufacturing units and workers’ begun staging public executions of accused Bakou fighters,
barracks, and there is often a tall tower somewhere on the despite claims of innocence and only circumstantial evidence.
island where the company or family who owns the factories Voices are being raised saying that it has all gone too far, but
have their headquarters. Beautiful gardens, ornate balconies, neither side seems to be willing to listen.
and impressive mosaic walls usually surround the central
offices, in stark contrast to the simple exterior of the factories. NPCS
Residential districts – usually referred to as just districts During the scene, the PCs will encounter slummer fighters
– are often more a mix between apartment buildings, shan- and the Nestera defense forces. The number of combatants
tytowns, tent camps, and factories. Smaller companies tend on either side is left to the GM to decide. The PCs should
to operate here rather than on the islands, owning or renting also be able to track down a survivor from Hassam from
a single factory. Businesses run by “free” hands are also whom they can get more information about the deliveries
common here. to Leod dol-Quassar.
200x200 meter
The Sultra
MIBEA Ramishah
BAKOU’S FIGHTERS, SLUMMERS WEAPONS: Dura knife, Vulcan carbine, Vulcan machine gun, frag
APPEARANCE: One of Yjala Bakou’s many armed cells preparing an GEAR: Frag grenade, stun grenade, battering ram (FORCE +2),
offensive in Little Algol. Dressed as mercenaries with djellabas and medkit (MEDICURGY +2), sensor sights (RANGED COMBAT +1)
extra AP can only be used when the soldier is up to act in the turn
GEAR: D6 Vulcan carbine reloads (roll if looted). One fighter per Tubra is a half-Sogoi who came to seek her fortunes in the
cell has a stun grenade. Conglomerate after most of her village was wiped out by hemor-
rhagic fever ten cycles ago. She worked her way up from slave-like
house servant to carrier for the previous owner of Hassam, Niobe’s
ATTRIBUTES: status. Becomes quiet and obedient if she feels threatened. Speaks
STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3 very little but commands her work teams with an iron fist.
esting so as not to stand out. Faint Zalosi accent when she speaks.
WEAPONS: Sawed-off grape rifle, light axe (weapon damage 3, extra MP.
CRIT 3, not Heavy) ◆◆ CHAMELEON: She blends in wherever she goes and is extremely
GEAR: Carrying harness, worn tabula with work orders and good at adjusting her behavior to new social codes. When dis-
schedules guised, she gets a +2 to INFILTRATION and if she has to negotiate
with someone, her Reputation counts as being the same as that
of her opponent.
◆◆ FANATIC: The blind faith of Zalos’ agents enables them to get back
One of many such sleeper agents placed by the Order of the Pariah
around the Horizon. She was activated after the events on Coriolis
exposed the splinter group’s operations. Her orders are to shut
down the Kua operation by disposing of all witnesses – and she is
extremely good at what she does.
EVENTS ◆◆ The Bodies: A successful OBSERVATION test lets the PCs find two
The events in the scene are mostly optional, but the first additional bodies nearby. Two stevedores got trapped inside the
– Arrival – and the last – The Last Pallbearer – should be burning building and fought each other for what they believed to
regarded as more or less mandatory. The first event estab- be the safety of the stasis unit. The winner stabbed her coworker,
lishes the threat against potential witnesses and leads the emptied out the thawing body from the pod on the floor and
PCs to begin their search for hidden survivors, and the last climbed in, unaware of her imminent and terrible fate – she was
event describes the meeting with Tubra Ghutan. The goal of boiled alive in stasis fluid minutes later. The stab victim crawled
the scene is for the PCs to find someone who can tell them away and bled out behind some crates nearby. Both workers
that the stasis pods are being taken to Leod dol-Quassar’s appear to be Sogoi. One of them has a tag with a week’s wages
palace in Dignitary City. The events listed as Investigative on it (25 birr). A successful DATA DJINN test can trace the transfer
contain important clues. back to Hassam’s payroll account. When the PCs examine the
two bodies on the floor, they see that one of them is still alive –
y ARRIVAL the kidnapping victim from Coriolis. She has terrible burns and
Pier 58 is bustling with activity. The smoldering ruins of can hardly breath, much less talk. All that remains for the PCs is
two warehouses sit there as reminders of a terrible fire just to say a prayer and put her out of her misery.
prior to the PCs’ arrival. The fire was the work of Ataia, the
Order’s agent, who placed two firebombs on the pier set to After this event, the PCs should begin to follow up on the
go off just as the Hassam carrier crew were to transport the leads from Act I. Asking around the markets about the fire
latest shipment of abducted prisoners to Leod dol-Quassar’s is a good – but dangerous – start. Artyr’s manifest lists
palace. Dark smoke hangs over the pier and charred pieces the address of the Hassam company, which also might be
of wood and plastic float around in the water. of interest. The search for the survivors hiding from Ataia
◆◆ Artyr on the Run: If Artyr managed to escape Baybasin, the PCs should be pretty straightforward, with a few events thrown
will find his boat sunk just next to the pier. Inside, in the dark, in here and there for dramatic effect.
waterfilled engine room, they also find Artyr with his throat Cost: 0–1 DP (Mandatory)
cut. Getting to the body requires a successful DEXTERITY test.
◆◆ Charred Ruins: The warehouses appear to have been empty at y RESONANCE – VOICES IN THE MIST
the time of the fire. A strong scent of ammonia can be smelled PCs who have been affected by mystic resonance in the pre-
if the collapsed doors are pried open (FORCE). An enamel sign on vious scenario or the opening scene in Act I may experience
the door displays the logo of the Hassam company, matching additional dreams if you wish to give them a hint that they
the one found on Artyr’s manifest. Moving around inside the are on the right track.
still burning building requires a DEXTERITY test. Failure means ◆◆ At some point during their time in Little Algol – most likely
fire damage (D6 damage first turn, then Fire (D6) for two turns during either a stressful situation or the complete opposite, such
or until the victim or someone within Close range successfully as sleep or intoxication – the mystic PC suddenly feels the now
tests DEXTERITY). Alternatively, the PCs may attempt to put out the all too familiar anxiety and nausea setting in. Her vision blurs,
fire before entering (DEXTERITY –2), after which they can examine sounds are distorted, and she loses her balance.
the ruins without the risk of injury. ◆◆ At the cost of 1 DP, have the PC test MYSTIC POWERS to remain
◆◆ The Stasis Pod: Closer examination reveals that the warehouses conscious. Failure means suffering a strength 2 poison attack
are not completely empty after all. Under the debris, a tank (see page 113 of the Coriolis core rulebook) and D6 minutes of
of some sort is leaking an unknown liquid that contributes to seizures and vomiting. At the cost of 2 DP, this happens during
the strong smell of ammonia. A successful TECHNOLOGY test a conflict of some sort.
reveals the container to be a broken tank of coolant liquid ◆◆ In her mind’s eye, the affected PC sees a foggy mirror image
for a stasis unit, and at the back of the room, the PCs find a of the world, and out of the mist comes the distant echoes of
cracked and blackened stasis pod with a burned body inside, a song. At first, it is just a ringing in the ears, but it gradually
twisted in agony. changes into an enormously powerful voice delivering a sad,
◆◆ A Final Message: The PCs find the bloody Niobe on the floor brigade are working together is hard to know, but the mere
in the inner room, face down with her arms underneath her. If possibility that they are is deeply troubling for the upper classes.
they turn her body over, they find her clutching a communicator Cost: 0 DP (Investigative)
in her hands.
◆◆ Niobe’s Communicator: The com contains a message from y 10 BIRR FOR A DREAM
Tubra sent this morning asking Niobe to leave the Souk Habra Little Algol is full of them – proxy dens. The PCs pass a discreet
and meet her at the Hamam Tamina baths near Dignitary City. establishment where dreams (and nightmares) are sold. The
Niobe had replied, saying she couldn’t leave yet as she was still den is crammed full, and some of the patrons look as if they
waiting for payment from dol-Quassar. have been there a long time – far too long.
Cost: 0 DP (Investigative) Cost: 0 DP
“Your fate in Sky City would be much, much worse than if you y THE WITNESS
go the markets – do not take off these bandages, okay?” In the crowded souk, the PCs suddenly spot one of the scav-
engers who raided the warehouse ruins on Pier 58. She sits
The boy was then brought up to a see a well-dressed man outside one of the Souk Habra’s many chai houses, examining
(Leod dol-Quassar) who sighed and waved him off as damaged her haul from the pier while sipping on a hot cup of tea. In
goods. He was returned to the basement and brought to a front of her are also two containers of coolant liquid identical
rickety jetty where men in a boat waited for him. to the ruptured one found at the scene by the PCs, but the
Cost: 0 DP (Investigative) scavenger is very reluctant to tell them where she got them.
She claims to have found them in the debris on the pier,
y THE NESTERA PATROL but they are much too clean to have been through the fire.
A Nestera patrol sweeps the area where the PCs are, behav- ◆◆ Silver Tongues: A friendly approach and a difficult (–2) MANIPULATION
ing very cruelly toward the locals. The brutality with which test is required to convince her to tell the PCs the truth. If they suc-
innocent slummers are treated is shocking to the PCs. If they ceed, she admits to getting them from two of Hassam’s workers in
interfere, you can spend DP to escalate the situation, all the exchange for letting them hide at her cousin Shamoud’s fight club.
way to a firefight if you feel like it. At the cost of 1 DP, the Shamoud is a pit dog trainer working out of a basement storage
patrol has three members, and at the cost of 2 DP, it has five. in a condemned building in Dignitary City. Where the workers
Cost: 0–2 DP got the canisters from, she doesn’t know, but they are worth 300
birr each on the black markets in the Marzu Khala spaceport.
This event happens just as a funeral procession passes down A donation of a couple of birr buys the PCs the address to
the street: a Nestera squad attacks one of Yjala Bakou’s armed Shamoud’s fight club (see below) and a dirty Gambler talis-
cells. An intense firefight breaks out. Hired mourners and man which they will need to show at the door to be let in.
grieving relatives of the deceased flee for their lives. Most make Cost: 0 DP (Investigative)
it, but some are cut down by bursts of Vulcan fire. Pools of
blood form in the muddy street, shoes and torn clothing are y SHAMOUD’S FIGHT CLUB
strewn everywhere. The PCs find themselves in the middle of Shamoud’s gambling den and arena is located underneath a col-
the battle and may have to choose sides, or shoot their way out. lapsed customs office on the border between the flooded Mibea
Cost: 1 DP and Dignitary City. The house is in bad shape and surrounded by
walls of sandbags and sheets of metal to keep the rising waters of
y THE ASSASSIN STRIKES Lake Ytamara at bay. The entrance is hidden under a semi-collapsed
Unless the PCs’ investigations are conducted discreetly, Ataia colonnade surrounded by shacks and huts. A Sadaalian bouncer
will become interested in them and their affairs. As they are is hidden in the shadows by the door with scars and face tattoos
searching for clues about the fate of Tubra, the assassin will identifying her as a former Legionnaire (use the soldier stats).
try to kill them. Ataia knows that her key targets are Tubra ◆◆ Getting In: Getting in requires either a successful MANIPULATION test
Ghutan and Leod dol-Quassar and won’t risk exposure by at –1, the Faction standing: The Syndicate talent or having helped
facing the PCs in person. She plants an explosive device the Birbasils in Baybasin. If the PCs acquired the Gambler talisman
either in their lodgings or in a place they visit often. It is a in the The Witness event above, they are let in straight away.
motion-triggered bomb placed under a bed or a table.
◆◆ The Explosion: Have the PC closest to the bomb test OBSERVATION The club is a large two-story basement with stairs along the
to sense that something isn’t right. If the roll fails, she spots walls leading up to balconies overlooking the steel cages in the
nothing out of the ordinary and the bomb goes off when a PC middle where the fights take place. The old desks once used
comes too close or makes a sudden move (triple satchel charge, by the customs officers have been cannibalized to construct
blast effect 4, weapon damage 1, CRIT 2, Close range). a sturdy bar and few rows of low benches where visitors can
Cost: 2 DP sit down to drink, smoke, and watch the matches.
◆◆ Asking Around: If the PCs start asking around about where given towels and washbowls and shown to the Water temple,
they might find the stevedores working for Hassam, a heated where their clothes are also taken away. The establishment
argument in Algolan breaks out around them. Tensions run high is very discreet and professional, and Tamina can proudly
and people ready themselves to fight. Calming the situation say that she never accepts bribes or shares any information
requires a successful MANIPULATION test at –2. If any of the PCs about her clients. After sweating through the mandatory
speak Algolan, the test is without modifiers. sauna stop, the PCs enter the main baths, where they must
◆◆ High-Strung Patrons: If the PCs fail the test, you may spend be careful as they go about their investigation. They can either
1 DP to escalate the argument to a fistfight (use the slum- subtly converse with the regulars and test MANIPULATION at –1
mer stats) or 2 DP to sic four pit dogs (page 102) on the to find out which room to go to, or test OBSERVATION if they
PCs. If a fight breaks out, Shamoud will shout at the group: have previously encountered or helped someone who might
“You follow in Death’s footsteps! No good will come from have described Tubra to them.
Hassam’s dealings with that false Zenithian. Leave now – or ◆◆ Tubra’s partner: If the PCs met with Wala and were friendly to
we’ll make you leave.” her, she will tell them which room she and Tubra usually meet in.
◆◆ De-Escalation: If the PCs manage to calm the situation down,
Shamoud and his staff will reveal that the two workers who When they find Tubra, the situation becomes very tense.
hid in the club were found dead in one of the dog cages a She thinks that the PCs are here to kill her and gets ready to
few hours ago. Noticeably nervous patrons can also share fight. A successful MANIPULATION or COMMAND test is required
that they have heard about other members of Hassam’s work to calm Tubra down, after which she becomes her normal,
crew turning up murdered around Little Algol. The workers’ obedient self and shares the following:
foreman, Tubra Ghutan, has gone into hiding, and people ◆◆ The Pods: Her work crew have been shipping stasis pods with
who know her are scared. Tubra is a respected name in the people inside from Artyr’s rented warehouses on Pier 58 to the
hands’ community in the Khabal district and someone who basement in Leod dol-Quassar’s palace.
many turn to for guidance. Why her workers are ending up ◆◆ The Nobleman: Leod is a Dabaran noble running much of Little
dead is not known, but many suspect that Niobe Hassam has Algol’s slave trade for the Syndicate. He dreams of leaving his
somehow soured her relationship with Little Algol’s slummer run-down palace and moving to Covenant City.
prince, Leod dol-Quassar. ◆◆ The Arrangement: Leod and Artyr have struck a deal which
Cost: 0–2 DP (Investigative) allows Leod to keep some of the pods for himself. All pods
are inspected by Leod’s engineer, Jarja Dougha – a well-
y TUBRA’S PARTNER known gunsmith in the area – before Hassam gets paid,
If the PCs at some point during their investigation make it sometimes in birr and sometimes in bars of some kind of
obvious that they are trying to help the remaining stevedores strange metal.
working for Hassam, they will eventually be approached by ◆◆ The Final Destination: Tubra has heard rumors that some of
a young half-Zenithian: the people in the pods have been sold as slaves to the Monolith,
◆◆ She introduces herself as Wala and asks to speak to them in but that others have been transported to an unknown location
private. Wala explains that she and Tubra are life partners in in the Sultra marshes by Leod’s own workers.
secret and that they often meet in one of the private rooms in ◆◆ The Assassin: A few days ago, two of Tubra’s workers failed to
the back of the Hamam Tamina baths in Dignitary City. show up for their shift, but she thought nothing of it at the
Cost: 0 DP (Investigative) time. Just as the rest of the crew had finished up shipping
Artyr’s latest delivery to dol-Quassar’s palace, the warehouses
y THE LAST PALLBEARER burst into flames and some of her workers were trapped
Eventually, the PCs will figure out that Tubra is likely to be inside. Tubra started suspecting foul play and began hiding
hiding at the Hamam Tamina and go there to speak to her. her workers, but was constantly one step behind the killer.
No one is allowed to enter the baths armed, and all gear will She eventually contacted Niobe Hassam, her employer, and
be taken care of by the staff in the foyer. The PCs are then warned her about the threat.
◆◆ The Closed Palace: When arriving at the palace with the last of a killer on the loose in Little Algol have him worked up
delivery (if the final delivery of kidnepped victims got this and paranoid.
far), the guards initially refused to let Tubra’s workers in. The ◆◆ Aid: If the PCs can help Tubra escape Little Algol, preferably
smuggler prince has a huge banquet planned to celebrate together with Wala, she will do anything they ask in return.
his son’s betrothal to a wealthy Zenithian, but the rumors Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory)
After encountering a surviving member of the Hassam work y QUID PRO QUO
crew, the PCs continue their hunt for the stasis pods through The PCs might be able to call in favors from people they
the Conglomerate. They must now locate the palace of Leod have helped earlier in the campaign to get inside the palace,
dol-Quassar and find Jarja Dougha, the engineer responsible or to get an audience with Leod dol-Quassar. If they have
for inspecting the pods upon arrival at the palace. The PCs must ties to the Syndicate or helped the Birbasils in Baybasin,
infiltrate a banquet full of neo-Zenithian dignitaries, unimpressed they can be added to the guest list. If they helped the
hegemonists, wealthy Algolans, and networking Dabaran royalty. Shaukar guerilla, the organization’s ties to Yjala Bakou
can get them smuggled in through a staff entrance. The
y THE CYCLADE same goes for if they fought Nestera in the souk during
If the PCs have been quick, you could let the banquet coin- the Only the Dead event above. Have the PCs test CULTURE
cide with the Cyclade celebrations. If they have been slow to understand the intricate ties between Leod and the
on the other hand, the celebrations are almost over and life hegemonists, and MANIPULATION to introduce themselves
is returning to normal. properly to the local Syndicate representatives or the
agents from the slummer brigade. A final option might
THE SITUATION be to contact judicator Akouba Kosha, who can help them
The last surviving stevedore has identified Leod dol-Quassar as get in through a service entrance by using her contacts
the next person in the chain of secretive middlemen between in the Astûrban.
the martyr cell on Coriolis and the stasis pods’ unknown final
destination. The Dabaran nobleman has ties to the Syndicate, IMPORTANT FACTS
but his drive to be accepted into the Zenithian Hegemony The clues clearly indicate that the abducted mystics are
is what really motivates him. The Birbasils secretly regard being brought to Leod dol-Quassar’s palace and that is
Leod’s dreams as a possibility to start doing business with the where the PCs finally find some of the pods and further
hegemonists and pretend not to notice his split allegiances. details of the mysterious end customers. As the GM,
Leod’s slave-trading and smuggling have been lucrative, and start to reintroduce Akouba Kosha at this point in the
he has made sure to always save his best merchandise for scenario and present her as a trustworthy ally to the PCs.
the more prominent Monolithean families. His grovelling It is important that they believe her to be on their side as
toward the higher-ups is finally paying off, and a deal is being it makes her possible betrayal later in the scenario much
finalized regarding the betrothal of his oldest son Marok to more dramatic. At the end of Act II, the PCs should have
Theda Din Hrama, the fifth daughter of Aedon, leader of the the following information:
mighty Din Hrama clan. The arrival of a Zalosian assassin in ◆◆ The Mystics: The stasis pods marked with black crosses are
Little Algol has Leod spooked however, and he has increased treated differently than the rest of the cargo. The prisoners are
security around his palace in Dignitary City with both extra kept on ice and after the pods are inspected, they are sent to the
guards and hired mercenaries. The PCs must take this into Sul-Mahala, a grand palace in the Sultra marshes. The palace was
account when trying to find a way inside the palace. flooded long ago after the collapse of Cataract 27 (see Act III).
The stasis units are brought from Pier 58 to Jarja’s workshop
in the palace basement.
◆◆ Inspection: Jarja inspects the pods and their occupants carefully.
Artyr’s payment from Salamah depends on her approval of the
condition of the cargo. She is also in charge of the logistics
of shipping the marked pods to the Sultra marshes, and has
accompanied the shipments there on two occasions.
◆◆ The Cargo: Apart from the stasis pods, Tubra’s crew have also
transported slave labor to the palace on several occasions to earn
some extra birr. The slaves, as well as all white-marked pods,
are separated from the black-marked units and kept by Leod as
payment for his services.
◆◆ Frequency: There have in total been six deliveries of pods marked
with black crosses made to Leod’s palace. The first four runs
contained three pods each but the last two have been packed
– eight and six mystics respectively – putting the sum total
at twenty-six suspected mystics (not counting the Emissary).
Around fifty Sogoi and thirteen people from Coriolis have also
reached the palace, either to be sold in the markets or given as
gifts to Zenithian families in the Monolith.
◆◆ Murders: Leod’s pallbearers – the workers used by Jarja to ship
the pods to the marshes – have recently gone missing. Leod
only knows that they are missing, but Jarja has heard that at
least one of their bodies has been pulled up by fishermen on
Lake Ytamara.
Jarja is the only one still alive who knows about the special
arrangements that surrounded one of the pods:
◆◆ The Emissary: The last delivery, which was a few days before the
Cyclade, contained special cargo. Jarja was called down to Pier 58 to
inspect one of the pods there instead of at the palace. There were
twelve stasis units at the warehouse when she arrived, of which eight
were marked in black. The transparent lid of the pod in question
was painted over and Jarja was only allowed to inspect it using her
tabula. The pod’s coolant system had a back-up battery attached
to it. Salamah’s orders to Artyr regarding the pod explicitly stated
that it be shipped directly to the marshes, but the other pods were
brought to the palace for a more thorough inspection as usual.
The PCs might also find out a little bit more about the history
of the smuggling operation (below). Further details might
also be revealed in Leod’s death scene, The Statesman’s Last
Dance, or by speaking to Jarja if she accompanies the PCs to
the Sultra marshes (see Act III).
◆◆ The Deal: Jarja (or Leod, if appropriately motivated) can reveal
that the deal regarding the stasis units has been struck with a
Baybasin merchant, Artyr Gholâm, and his Coriolis associate,
someone named Salamah ach-Abaud.
◆◆ The Martyr Warriors: Jarja and Leod believe that Salamah,
the likely mastermind of the operation, is a smuggler akbar
on Coriolis. They know that Artyr gets paid by Salamah’s rep-
resentatives on Kua only after Jarja has reported the results of
Behind the curtains, the marriage of Theda Din Hrama to her cargo inspection.
Marok dol-Quassar has actually been orchestrated by min-
isters in the Cabinet of Thousands along with Lenove Astir, LEOD DOL-QUASSAR’S PALACE
the Astûrban’s spy chief. Astûrban agents implied to Leod Years of groveling at the feet of the Monolitheans have finally
that a very beneficial marriage proposal might be coming paid off – Leod is moving up in the world. The banquet he is
his way if he accepted Salamah ach-Abaud’s contract. The about to throw, Alsirsah, is the formal acknowledgement of
Din Hramas are fully aware of Leod’s intentions while going his son’s betrothal to a prominent Zenithian. Leod is under
forward with the betrothal, and intend to break off the much pressure to present himself as a worthy father-in-
engagement as soon as the martyr commando have played law, both economically and socially, which has prompted
their part in the Hegemony’s plans. As Aedon never intends a meticulous cleaning of the entire palace and many costly
to see the marriage contract fulfilled, the disdain he and renovations. The new rugs have gold fringes, exotic plants
his fellow hegemonists feel toward the “slummer prince” fill his garden and clusters of hanging sugar globes illumi-
might shine through their polished facades in the small nate the palace’s many dark rooms. The last shipment of
hours of the night as wine and narcotics begin to loosen the delicacies has just arrived and an enormous red carpet with
visitors’ tongues. Din Hrama’s bodyguards are part of the embroideries depicting the Zenithians’ blessed arrival into
security detail for the party, but are only focused on the the Third Horizon – specially commissioned for the occasion
well-being of the Zenithian guests and won’t lift a finger to – covers the steps by the main entrance.
help Leod’s family or any of the other party-goers.
Inside the front doors, visitors are greeted by courtesans
and members of the house staff and escorted through a
marble colonnade with tasteful floor mosaics. The hallway
is dimly lit and the cracked walls are covered with large
draperies. The party-goers are taken to the atrium, which
the palace’s former owner spent a fortune on renovat-
ing – white marble walls and floors with inlaid Algolan
calligraphy in gold. Eight fountains discreetly praising the
Icons serve as natural hubs for mingling. An assortment
of dates, exotic fruits, nuts, and refreshing beverages are
served here – with servants ready to sample everything
before the more paranoid guests partake. Shaded alcoves y THE BASEMENT
line the walls, occupied by important hegemonists reclining The service corridors also lead to the staff residential areas, from
on divans, attended to by their own staff. In the middle of where spiral staircases lead down through storage rooms and wine
the atrium, a dance troupe dressed in swirling burras per- cellars and eventually reach the basement. Deep underground, thick
form a tastefully modern take on Tempestuous, a classical duralite beams support the enormous weight of the palace above.
religious masterpiece, in stark contrast to the statuesque The corridors here are dark, damp, and smell of stale water and
household guards positioned around the room. rotting seaweed. The Ramishah’s brown waters run underneath the
palace, and an old loading dock allows for easy transportation of
y THE BANQUET HALL goods in and out. Jarja Dougha’s home and workshop are located
After some light refreshments in the atrium followed by near the docks (see the Jarja’s Workshop event below).
Leod’s welcome speech, the golden gates to the banquet
hall are opened. The hall is a grand courtyard lined with NPCS
palm trees and flower beds. In the center, a fountain If the PCs run into trouble during the banquet, it likely involves
showing a stylized Monolith in black obsidian rises high either the dol-Quassar household guards or a hegemonist
into the air, with a miniature Covenant City in mother party-goer’s security detail.
of pearl clinging to the base. Flowering vines climb the
statue toward the high mosaic ceilings, through which HOUSEHOLD GUARDS AND MERCENARIES
the night sky and the distant lights of the actual Monolith
can be seen. Leod’s worship of the Zenithians is almost Leod’s personal guards and those of some of the hegemonist guests
embarrassingly evident. are the best money can buy. Their care and loyalty are more or less
A large open space at the other end of the hall holds absolute, as a reputation for being a sloppy bodyguard would ruin any
several long tables. Bread sculptures, trays of fruit, and chances at future employment, or end up getting them killed.
ice statues complete the dinner service, and servants in
the shadows stand ready to bring the guests whatever APPEARANCE: Leod’s guards are stone-faced soldiers in red coats
they desire. On an elevated stage, tables and divans are and white turbans. The hegemonist guards prefer more practical
especially prepared for the Din Hramas and dol-Quassars. uniforms with tasteful embroideries and usually wear berets with
their employer’s family sigil on them.
Several discreet doors lead from the banquet hall to the CHARACTERISTICS: Quiet and stern, but respectful toward people of
staff corridors that connect it to the heart of the palace; high status.
the kitchens. The corridors are strictly guarded, and
security only allows people dressed as either waiters ATTRIBUTES:
or slaves through, plus members of the dol-Quassar STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2
family of course. Curious or lost guests who wander HIT POINTS: 7
into the staff areas are kindly but firmly escorted back MIND POINTS: 5
to the banquet hall. The corridors have simple draperies
or panels covering the walls and are dimly lit by strip
SKILLS: Ranged Combat 3, Melee Combat 2, Observation 2,
lights. By following the smell of cooking one can find Dexterity 1
one’s way to the kitchens, via detours to the preparation ARMOR: 0
rooms where the food artists tend to the aesthetic side
WEAPONS: Expandable baton, Vulcan carbine
of the dishes before they are brought out to the guests.
Here and there, alcoves for small Icon statues or altars GEAR: Cuffs
and capture Krahin humanites in the Marfik system. Business was arm when nervous.
booming as the construction of the Coriolis station and much of the
early heavy industry around the Monolith wore out slaves faster than ATTRIBUTES:
they could be replaced. Leod’s father was less successful however, STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 4
and lost much of his inherited business around the Conglomerate, to HIT POINTS: 6
the point where he was no longer welcome to trade in Covenant City.
When Leod assumed the title of dar and head of the family, he took
it upon himself to make up for his father’s mistakes and get back on
SKILLS: Culture 5, Manipulation 4, Command 2, Science 1
the Monolitheans’ good side. By cooperating with the Birbasils, he
TALENT: Smuggler, Favors Owed
gradually took over Little Algol, out-maneuvering the Algolan slavers
GEAR: Communicator with pulse function, expensive clothing.
who used to run the district. His pursuit of Zenithian acceptance led
him to renounce his Dabaran origins and change his name to the
more suitable dol-Quassar. Leod’s operation in Little Algol is virtu- ◆◆ SMUGGLER: At the cost of 1 DP, Leod can come up with a clever lie
ally unchallenged, and he makes an enormous profit from the slave to avoid conflict, giving him an extra six on his MANIPULATION roll,
trade he runs with the help of both the Syndicate and several smaller, in addition to the result of his dice.
independent groups. He knows many dirty secrets about important ◆◆ FAVORS OWED: Over the course of a long career, Leod has gath-
people in the Monolith, which has enabled him to orchestrate the ered outstanding debts and favors from the top of the Monolith to
marriage of his only son to the fifth daughter of Aedon Din Hrama. the alleys of Little Algol. At the cost of 1 DP, he can either halve or
double the price of a contract he is negotiating, whichever is the
most favorable to him.
APPEARANCE: A meticulous woman who looks much older than she ◆◆ ADAPTIVE CYBERNETIC EYE: Jarja’s right eye was destroyed years
actually is thanks to burn scars that never healed properly. She ago, and Leod paid for surgery to replace it with a cybernetic
usually wears a dark green kameez with gold details and a simple, one. The implant can zoom in on details and gives Jarja a +1
lighter green shawl around her head. She keeps her cybernetic eye to TECHNOLOGY when making fine repairs, and a +1 to RANGED
closed or fixed on the ground when speaking to strangers. COMBAT and OBSERVATION (Slow action).
Judicator Akouba Kosha is an undercover Astûrban agent working
for the hegemonists to spy on the Consortium. She has allied her-
self with Judge Kurahan to make sure important missions are sent
SKILLS: Technology 4, Science 3, Data Djinn 2, Medicurgy 2,
Manipulation 1 her way. Her objective in this scenario is to make sure the PCs come
to the right conclusions and expose the martyr commando’s oper-
TALENT: Gunsmith, Adaptive Cybernetic Eye, Reputable Employer
ation, thereby forcing the Order of the Pariah and the Consortium
GEAR: Simple tools (+1 on TECHNOLOGY tests), simple clothing,
tabula, tag with 250 birr into conflict. If the PCs’ investigation seems to be turning up other
evidence, Akouba will intervene and make sure that all witnesses
that could implicate the Astûrban in any way are taken care of. She
◆◆ GUNSMITH: Jarja loves guns and understands them better than has chosen to attend Leod’s banquet to meet with the PCs there to
she understands people. She gets a +2 to TECHNOLOGY when it check up on their progress.
comes to making or repairing guns and ammunition.
APPEARANCE: Dark hair in a knot. Zenithian face-paint. Quiet and
WEAPONS: Judicator-model acc pistol (+1 to Initiative), power their names can be added to the guest list and they are allowed
in without problem. If they aren’t properly dressed however, they
GEAR: Personal communicator with pulse function
will be the focus of numerous muttered comments and head
shakes by the other guests throughout the evening.
◆◆ Concealed Weapons: Guest list or not, if the PCs try to smuggle
weapons into the banquet and are caught, they will be regarded
as trespassers and treated accordingly. PCs who wish to push
their luck must win an opposed INFILTRATION vs OBSERVATION test
(as the guards have the bio scanner, they roll seven dice, and the
normal bonus from a Small item is negated).
EVENTS ◆◆ Uninvited: If the PCs try to enter through the front door without
Few of the events below require DP to activate, but several invitations, the guards quickly lose their patience. The PCs are
of them contain opportunities for the GM to spend points to told to leave, and unless they do so immediately, the guards will
challenge the PCs further. The PCs may attempt to infiltrate use batons and handcuffs to escort the group away from the
the banquet in a number of ways, either via the main entrance palace, back toward the Souk Habra.
– the The Red Carpet event – or through a service entrance, ◆◆ The Judicator Intervenes: If there is a fight between the PCs and
as described in Behind the Scenes. The events that take place the guards by the door, Akouba Kosha will try to step in and cool
inside the palace describe several different chains of events. things down. She thanks the guards for their excellent sense of
duty but says she can take it from here, escorting the PCs away
y THE RED CARPET from the crowds. She then helps the PCs get in through one of
Rows of armed guards surround the palace, dressed in red the service entrances (see Behind the Scenes below).
caftans and white turbans. Their Vulcan carbines are polished
and shine in the light from the setting sun. A closer look does At the cost of 2 DP, one or more of the PCs have accidently
however reveal that the rest of their gear varies, and a trained been erased from the guest list. The guards will quickly
soldier (with at least COMMAND 1) will immediately recognize raise their voices and pull out the batons, but a demanding
the group as a mix of household guards and hired guns. (–1) MANIPULATION test can calm the situation, after which an
On the night of the banquet, the palace gates are opened. additional scan reveals that the PCs in question belongs on
Braziers and sugar globes floating in bird baths illuminate the invitation list after all.
the night. The red carpet leading up the stairs is packed with Cost: 0, 2 DP
people – wealthy merchants with their families in tow next
to hegemonists in palanquins surrounded by bodyguards in y BEHIND THE SCENES
strict formation. Five guards and a bio scanner by the door Dignitary City is an exclusive community and attending Leod’s
make sure no uninvited guests are let in. banquet is nothing but a dream if you lack the proper contacts
◆◆ Outraged Guest: As the PCs make their way through the crowd, or social status. Without the hard work of the many slaves
a commotion up ahead catches their attention. An outraged and hands who carry the food trays, tend to the gardens, and
merchant walks up to the guards by the door, screaming angrily: wait at the tables however, there wouldn’t be much of a party
“By the Judge’s mercy, I shan’t suffer such slander from the likes of to speak of. The palace staff live a quiet life in the shadows,
you! Do you have any idea of who I am? Leod dol-Quassar’s third sharing over-crowded dorms, grubby kitchens, and moldy
cousin – that’s who! Now let me in at once…”. A baton strike to bathrooms. Deliveries intended for the party are admitted
the stomach cuts off the indignant trouble-maker mid-sentence through the many service entrances around the palace or
and four strong hands quickly haul him away down some side arrive by water directly to the basement warehouses. In the
steps toward the dark waters of the river. days leading up to the banquet, an endless stream of carriers
◆◆ The Guest List: If any of the PCs have either the Faction standing: have shuttled back and forth from the Souk Habra or the black
The Zenithian Hegemony talent or contacts within the Syndicate, markets by the Marzu Khala spaceport to the palace. Even as
the guests are starting to arrive, the last shipments of exotic amongst themselves about Leod’s complete lack of honor. Some
beverages – Sadaalian honey, Dabaran highland wine, and of them look uneasy when the Icons are mentioned, but proudly
juice made from Miran fruits – are still on their way. Leod sip their wine when the Monolith or the Zenithian way of life is
has also hired extra security for the evening, bolstering the praised in the speech.
ranks of his household guards with a group of mercenaries. ◆◆ The Gunsmith: The PCs might also spot Jarja Dougha among
◆◆ Security: All cargo brought inside is inspected – two guards are the guests. She is not formally dressed, nor does she appear
posted at every entrance with an open line to Khalim al-Arim, to belong to the staff – her clothes are practical but discreet.
the head slave in charge of all party purchases. Convincing the She approaches Leod after his speech and they exchange a few
guards to let something in without them checking with Khalim words, after which she returns to the shadows. Later during the
first requires a successful MANIPULATION test at –2. If the roll fails, evening, she exits the party and heads down to her workshop.
the PCs are asked to leave, and more guards will arrive to arrest ◆◆ Tense Host: Jarja and Leod share an important feature – when
them if they refuse (see the At the Prince’s Mercy event below). not conversing with someone or entertaining the guests, they
◆◆ The Judicator: Akouba Kosha keeps an eye on the PCs from a look nervously around the room and seem on edge.
distance regardless of whether the group have contacted judge
Kurahan by now or not. As the GM, you can have the judicator After the speech, a group of musicians begin to play and
contact the PCs and help them get inside if they are struggling. courtesans escort Marok and Theda to the center of the
Her status as a judicator will enable her to convince both suspicious room. They perform a formal betrothal dance, kept far apart
guards and Khalim al-Arim that the PCs are special detectives by a swirling sea of hired dancers to illustrate the distance
brought in to neutralize the threat of the rumored assassin. between their aching hearts that will soon be over. The first
This ruse won’t give the PCs full access to the palace, but might dance of the Alsirsah is a prelude to the couple’s Dance
get them an audience with the paranoid Leod after the party is of the Union, a traditional dance at their coming wedding
over. After helping the PCs get inside, Akouba enters through symbolizing their melding into one.
the front gates and mingles with the other guests. Cost: 0 DP (Mandatory)
◆◆ In the Shadows: Inside, the PCs can move relatively freely
throughout the staff areas, but guards block their way down y LADY IN RED
to the basement and keep them from taking part in the actual If the PCs haven't met judicator Akouba Kosha in this scenario
party. Listening from the shadows, they can vaguely make out yet, she will approach them during the banquet. It doesn’t
the gist of Leod’s welcome speech. matter if the PCs are there as guests or disguised as staff. One
◆◆ Disguises: If the PCs acquire waiter or entertainer disguises, they of them will suddenly bump into her and meet her fiery eyes
can move between the staff areas and the party unhindered. Getting or spot a group of guests parting as a woman in a red dress
the disguises requires either a MANIPULATION test or the use of force, heads across the floor straight toward them. She pulls them
as well as an INFILTRATION test to blend in properly (one test for the aside and informs them that judge Kurahan has sent her to
entire group is enough). Each indiscretion or breach of etiquette guarantee their safety and help them with their investigation.
while in disguise will remove one six from their roll, and when no ◆◆ Coriolis: If this is the first time since the end of In the Footsteps of
sixes remain, a guest will loudly challenge their professionalism the Martyr that the PCs have met someone from Coriolis, Akouba
and a group of guards will take them away for questioning. will update them on the current state of affairs. The Order of the
Cost: 0 DP Pariah’s cathedral cruisers Nimbus and Burana have conducted
weapons tests, and the Cyclade celebrations have been plagued
y THE BETROTHAL DANCE by riots. The disappearance of the Emissary has the Council on
When all guests have arrived, Leod delivers his welcome edge and accusations of incompetence and sloppy security have
speech and raises a cup to Aedon Din Hrama, his daughter shaken the Consortium. Legion cruiser Sandrif and a flotilla of
Theda, and his own son Marok (see the box below). torpedo ships have taken up positions around the Kua system’s
◆◆ The Hegemonists: If the PCs look around the crowd during the portal station as a show of force.
speech, they will spot several hegemonists talking and joking Cost: 0 DP
The PCs spot a group of neo-Zenithians sitting around Marok
dol-Quassar’s table, complimenting him for the grand party
and toasting in his honor. It is getting late and spirits are
The Alsirsah is originally a Dabaran traditional feast where high. They give him wine and stuff a hookah for him, but a
the families of the betrothed meet to finalize the terms closer look reveals shady intentions behind their smiles. The
of the wedding. The life bond concerns not only the happy wine in Marok’s cup comes from one of the guest’s private
couple but their families as well, and the Alsirsah marks cooler and there is a faint smell of opor oil in the air.
the end of an often lengthy period of negotiations over the ◆◆ Blood Purity: As the drugs kick in, the group laugh at Marok’s
two sides’ respective duties toward one another. The party ramblings and some of them spit demonstratively on the floor while
is usually thrown by the family who marries upward, to making scornful remarks about how the Din Hramas won’t go through
show that they are worthy of the coming union. with the wedding. No hegemonist bloodline would ever dream of
During the banquet, Leod makes a welcome speech prais- marrying into a clan of degenerate Firstcomes. They theorize amongst
ing both the Din Hramas and the other guests – they will act themselves about the motivations for the union, and agree that Leod
as witnesses when the final contract is signed, making their is either blackmailing a high-ranking Din Hrama family member, or
opinions of the host very important. that the Cabinet of Thousands have plans that for now require the
help of the smuggler prince. In any case, they find the prospect of the
“Honored guests and friends, I welcome you with all my Din Hramas honoring the marriage contract laughable.
heart to the Alsirsah. Tonight, we celebrate the union of
the dol-Quassars and the noble Din Hramas, paragons of At the cost of 1 DP, you can have the group spot the PCs
Zenithian light and wisdom, whom we have to thank for eavesdropping. They will loudly accuse the PCs of making
opening our eyes to a new Horizon. threatening comments about their families and signal their
Marok dol-Quassar of the proud Dabaran blood – exalted bodyguards to remove them from the party. At the cost of 1
Dabaran who stalwartly fought off the darkness during the additional DP, the bodyguards take the PCs to the atrium and
Long Night! – seeks the hand of Theda Din Hrama, a child of rough them up a bit (a couple of baton strikes and punches for
Ardha, a bringer of light from humanity’s cradle. a PC of your choice). A successful MANIPULATION test by a PC with
Honored guests, today is a proud day. May the Icons hear a high Reputation score can calm the situation down, but if the
us as we raise our glasses toward the Monolith and pray for PCs try to defend Marok’s honor, the household guards will
their blessing of this blood bond. May they guide us to honor be alerted to the commotion and cause a scene. Alternatively,
our history and welcome the future. have Akouba Kosha intervene before things get out of hand.
Dearest of friends, may your cups never run dry, your Cost: 0, 1–2 DP
plates never be empty and your spirits lose themselves
in music and dance – may this Alsirsah be a fond memory y UNDER THE JACKBOOT
for all of us until She the most Merciful comes to grace us On the dance floor, a member of the Din Hrama party bumps
with her slumber. May this day mark the birth of a brighter into one of the waiters who drops a bottle of wine on the
tomorrow.” floor. The hegemonist’s djellaba darkens with stains, and as
the waiter bends down to pick up the shards of glass from
– Leod dol-Quassar, Dabaran Nobleman the floor, a foot stamps down hard on his hand, further
shattering the glass underneath his palm. The bleeding
waiter desperately tries to get the foot off his hand, but the
Zenithian alerts some nearby guards and accuses the waiter
of assaulting a guest. The guards brusquely shove the waiter
away toward an entrance to the staff corridors.
Cost: 1 DP
11 10
1. Altar 08
2. Bedroom
3. Main Workshop and Warehouse 07
4. Loading Docks
5. Empty Stasis Units
6. Cages
7. Spare Part Storage
8. WC
9. Jarja's Workshop
10. Elevator
11. Stairs
12. Nekatra
13. Weapons Locker
1x1 meters
A spiral staircase and two elevators lead down to the basement. kitchen unit in a corner and a few cupboards.
Visitors are immediately greeted by a heavy odor of mold and An open garage door from the first room connects to a
rotting seaweed, inadequately masked by burning incense larger hall with a crane on rails in the ceiling and high shelv-
and dried fruit. The worn corridor ends at an anonymous ing lining the walls. In the back, another large door leads to
door, beside which an alcove houses a wooden Dancer statue a stone pier. One of Dignitary City’s many canals diverted
on a makeshift altar surrounded by little bowls of dried fruit from the Ramishah runs through a tunnel underneath the
and sticks of burning incense. palace. The workshop room is packed full of empty stasis
Jarja can be seen in the shadows during the first part of the units. Eight metal cages in the far corner stand ready for the
banquet, but she quickly tires of the party and heads back next group of thawed slaves. Vats of coolant liquid stacked
downstairs. Four large rooms make up Jarja’s apartment/ on top of each other sit next to the cages, some of them
workshop. The lock on the door is not that advanced, and leaking their corrosive content onto the floor.
a successful DATA DJINN or TECHNOLOGY test can circumvent ◆◆ Frozen Corpses: Two of the stasis units are active, humming
the security system, opening the door without setting off faintly. An easy (+1) MEDICURGY or TECHNOLOGY test reveals that
the alarm (see below). Jarja lives mainly in the first, sparsely the people inside are dead. The pods have been damaged during
furnished room – it holds a simple bed in an alcove in the transport, with fatal interruptions to the stasis cycle as a conse-
wall, some worn rugs, a table, and a low divan, plus a modest quence. One of the pods has white markings, the other black.
The corpse in the black-marked pod is twisted in quiet agony and with schematics. A gun locker and a high shelf in a corner
frozen fingers have clawed in vain against the lid. Loose objects display Jarja’s finished projects, waiting to be sold by Leod,
and pieces of clothing also seem to have attempted escape and but she keeps much of what she builds secret from her
are frozen to the lid in a strange manner (the deceased mystic master (see below).
inside was telekinetic). ◆◆ The Gunsmith: If Jarja is home, she can be found in her pri-
◆◆ The Tabula: There is a tabula on a workbench nearby. It is locked vate workshop, hunched over her latest project. She works
and requires a successful DATA DJINN test to open. It contains on a Vulcan stock in a metal lathe while glancing at a tabula
miscellaneous notes about stasis units and spare part orders as and will only notice the PCs when they enter the room. She
well as a manifest listing all pods that have passed through the quickly realizes that fighting her way out isn’t an option, and
palace. The manifest lists twenty-five pods with black markings will try to ascertain what the PCs want instead, in the hopes
(Jarja didn’t register the Emissary), of which six have been clas- that they will let her go if she helps them out. Unless the PCs
sified as “damaged in transit”. Of the thirteen white-marked pass a MANIPULATION test however, she will lie and look for
pods that are included in the manifest, four show as damaged an opportunity to escape. If they achieve a critical success,
(one of them is the young slave the PCs may have met in the Jarja realizes that the PCs are her best shot at escaping her
Souk Habra earlier). The manifest also states that fifty-two Sogoi indentured servitude under Leod’s cruel reign and will trade
slaves have been delivered from Artyr to Leod as compensation all her knowledge about the smuggling operation for safe
for the damaged goods. passage out of the palace (see the Important Facts section
◆◆ Nar’sh – the Prisoner: The cages are simple constructions made above). As the GM, you could also decide that Jarja is out
from welded-together steel rods. The doors have simple code when the PCs search her workshop, instead introducing
locks and the narrow space inside is just enough for a bed and her during the audience with Leod or in the next scene, The
a bucket. One of the cages contains a nekatra, gnawing desper- Statesman’s Last Dance.
ately on a bone. Torn clothing and more pieces of bone in the ◆◆ The Gun Locker: The room contains 3D6 Vulcan reloads – that
cage suggests that the prisoner is chewing on the remains of look very much like the special ammunition used during the
former cellmates – three of them to be exact, which a successful attack on the Emissary’s residence – and a gun locker. The locker
MEDICURGY test can reveal. The nekatra is famished and has been is locked and very hard to force open. If Jarja is convinced of the
treated very cruelly by Leod’s people for many segments. She PCs’ noble intentions, she will open it for them, but opening it
cannot talk and is very scared and aggressive. A critical success without her help requires passing both a normal SCIENCE test
on a MANIPULATION test is required to make her trust the PCs, and a difficult (–2) DATA DJINN test. The locker contains a Vulcan
but if they also give her food and dress her infected wounds carbine equivalent of a Legion Dayal-3 (see page 124 of the
(MEDICURGY), she actually becomes rather attached to the group. Coriolis core rulebook), two Vulcan crickets, a smoke grenade
She manages to convey to the PCs that her name is Nar’sh. Use and some important new leads (see below).
the nekatra stats from page 317 of the Coriolis core rulebook, ◆◆ The Smuggler: The gun locker holds a file containing the
but in her current conditon, Nar’sh has only 1 MP and 4 HP. Her contact information of a smuggler in Little Algol called Dara
claws have been surgically removed and her paws are scarred Hirsha. Dara is a Sadaalian mercenary turned smuggler using
and twisted. At the cost of 2 DP, you can have Nar’sh attack old connections within the Lama gang on Coriolis to ship
the PCs when they let her out, even if she first appeared calm. contraband camouflaged as medical supplies onto the station.
The file also contains an order placed by Salamah ach-Abaud
Next to the open garage door to the main workshop, for ten Vulcan carbines, four protective vests, and several cases
a second door leads to a storage room for spare parts of special ammunition, signed as delivered to Coriolis about a
that also contains a toilet and shower. A PC who passes segment ago. A complementary order for more ammunition
a TECHNOLOGY test can scavenge D6 ordinary spare parts and an assortment of tools was placed and delivered about a
here. A small door behind a shelf leads to the last room, week later. Jarja has kept her dealings with Salamah secret from
Jarja’s private, smaller workshop. The workbenches in Leod, hoping to put aside enough money to be able to escape
here are covered in gun parts, ammunition, and tabulas the palace at some point in the future.
At the cost of 2 DP, Jarja has rigged her home with a silent storm the workshop and the risk of a firefight is high. If the
alarm that goes off as the PCs enter even if they passed the PCs are defeated or give up, they are brought upstairs in
test to open the door (if they failed, the alarm goes off with- chains (see the At the Prince’s Mercy event).
out it costing you the DP). After a few minutes, four guards Cost: 0, 2 DP
1. Fontain 05
2. Walkway
3. Servants Area
4. The Grand Stairs 04
5. Statues
6. Door to Kitchen
7. Dol-Quassar's Seat 07
2x2 meters
03 02
witness Leod’s death and that the ensuing chaos makes OBSERVATION test spots the soothsayer they saw outside
their escape both dangerous and dramatic, but they should the Hassam offices earlier in the scenario. She is dressed
eventually make it out and head for the docks to continue as a household servant, standing in the shadows at the
their journey to the Sultra marshes. far end of the hall. The PC also see that she is the one
who shoots at the bodyguards with a silenced acc pistol
y THE DYING DANDY after Leod’s collapse (see below) and then disappears
Over the course of the evening, the final marriage negotia- into the crowd.
tions between the Din Hramas and the dol-Qaussars have
taken place. Read out the text below or use it as inspiration: As Aedon Din Hrama rises with clenched jaws and a sullen face
to acknowledge the legality of the contract, Leod suddenly slumps
Leod gets up and walks over to the steps leading down from the forward in a convulsive spasm. Bloody saliva sprays across the
head tables. He looks out across the room and raises his hands floor as he gasps for air, and he stumbles toward his bodyguards
toward the Din Hramas in a welcoming gesture. but falls to the floor. He hits his head hard on the steps, and
“Honored guests, an accord has been signed. Dabaran and a pool of blood quickly begins spread across the white marble.
Zenith shall become one. The nobleman’s house guards lunge toward the stairs as the
Ours will be a line courtesans will sing of for centuries to come. rest of the guests let out a collective scream and the wealthier
This is the beginning of something new – a beautiful, more party-goers’ bodyguards get in formation around their clients.
harmonious Horizon. As Leod’s guards near their master, they also suddenly fall to the
Witness, friends, the miracle we call unity.” ground, turning the elevated platform by the head tables into
a massacre as blood splatters across the white linen. Akouba
Just before Leod collapses, an alert PC who passes an Kosha gets into cover behind a nearby column and shouts at you
to do the same as the bulk of the crowd start to flee toward the (see page 97 of the Coriolis core rulebook), but he remains
nearest exit. Leod lies alone and bleeding on the steps, stretching conscious.
a trembling hand out toward you. ◆◆ Akouba: Akouba really doesn’t want Leod to say another word
to the PCs, and if they approach the dying prince, she will as
If the PCs move toward Leod, you can spend 1 DP to well. She offers to carry him toward an exit if the PCs protect
have three guards approach them, guns drawn, shouting at her. After a hectic escape to the atrium, they find that Leod has
them to get away from him and throw down their weapons. passed. Unbeknownst to the PCs, Akouba hastened his demise
The group must either buy one PC enough time to speak during the run. If a clever PC somehow catches onto this and
to the dying prince by stalling the guards, or prepare to confronts her with it, she will deny it and, if all else fails, turn on
fight them. the PCs. She would prefer not to blow her cover however, as she
◆◆ At Death’s Door: If a PC gets to Leod in time and manages wishes to remain close with the group to steer their suspicions
to stabilize his wounds, he will reveal more details about the toward the Order.
operation (see Important Facts above). He is at 0 HP and has Cost: 0–1 DP (Mandatory)
suffered a critical injury equivalent of Severed carotid artery
A group of between three and f ive guards – either
household guards or some par ty guest’s personal
security forces – get in the PCs’ way. The guards feel
threatened and shout at the PCs to drop their weapons
(if they have any). Unless they obey, combat is immi-
nent. The same situation might also arise if the PCs
get too close to, or in the way of, a dignitary being
escorted out of the palace.
◆◆ Threat Level: At the cost of 1 DP, the guards are threatening
but cautious, and a fight can be avoided by successfully
testing COMMAND, or MANIPULATION at –1. At the cost of 2 DP, What the PC is experiencing is the Emissar y being
the guard immediately open fire. tor tured. In the mar tyr commando’s secret base in
the Sultra, the warriors are trying to interrogate the
This event can be used multiple time during the PCs’ escape Emissary, but the wounds from the torture heal as fast
from the palace. as they are inf licted.
Cost: 1–2 DP Cost: 0, 1 DP
When you end Act II, the PCs will have figured out that the After escaping the carnage in Dignitary City, the PCs leave
pods they have been chasing all the way from Coriolis even- the shadow of the Monolith and venture out into the sunken
tually are intended for a palace in the Sultra marshes. They ruins that once housed the wealthiest district in the entire
have acquired details regarding the smuggling operation, city – the Sultra.
and may have started to suspect that not just the Order
are behind all this. Akouba will want to accompany the PCs
for the rest of the mission, but they are free to decide for
themselves if they wish to have Jarja guide them through
the marshes or not.
THE SULTRA MARSHES The closing act of The Kuan Connection takes the PCs from
the Monolith to the sunken Sul-Mahala palace. They make
their way through the ruins of the Sultra valley and find the
Emissary’s deathbed in an abandoned hospital.
the third act begins with a scene that brings IMPORTANT CHARACTERS
the PCs into the dead marshlands of the Sultra The journey through the Sultra is lonely and
and into a mysterious skip zone. They investigate dangerous. Apart from scattered marshland
the final destination of the stasis pods and find locals, the PCs will only interact with the people
the ruins of an old hospital. They confront the they might have brought with them:
remaining members of the martyr commando ◆◆ Akouba Kosha – judicator and Astûrban agent
and find the body of the Emissary as well as a (page 143)
terrifying darkmorph. ◆◆ Jarja Dougha – Leod dol-Quassar’s engineer
whom the PCs might have helped to escape
OVERVIEW (page 142)
The leads found during Leod’s banquet have
provided the PCs with a destination. They head y THE MARTYR COMMANDO
for the Sultra marshes and find the martyr com- ◆◆ Darius and Nepotha – martyr commando scouts
mando’s outpost. This is where the abductees positioned at the Sul-Mahala (page 164)
are brought out of stasis, after which they are ◆◆ Chabaun Kheml – leader of The Warriors of the
drugged and taken to an abandoned Foundation Holy Light (page 175)
research facility nearby, a hospital for the treat- ◆◆ Gaddar-e-Abrar – undercover Astûrban agent
ment of hyper sickness. At the hospital, the PCs inside the commando (page 177)
face off against the martyr commando and find
Darkness Points in the third act should be
KEY INSIGHTS used to force the corrupting power of the
◆◆ The martyr commando are a splinter group dark between the stars on the PCs. The GM
from the Order of the Pariah called The Warriors gets 1 DP per player when the group enters
of the Holy Light and they are acting on their the marshes.
own in the hopes of stopping the spread of the
mystic’s disease. y GROWING DARKNESS
◆◆ The PCs catch a glimpse of the mighty White From the Heart of Darkness scene and onward,
Butterfly and hear of the Vestals – an unknown prayer rerolls generate 1 additional DP for
group that have convinced the martyr com- the GM.
mando that they are the Serafs, angels sent by
the Martyr to purify the Horizon. y A MIGHTY FORTRESS
◆◆ The Vestals have studied, tortured, and even- If the PCs say preparatory prayers to a certain
tually killed the Emissary, and in doing so, they Icon, or wear its talismans, they are protected
released a terrifying darkmorph into the world. against some of the darkness, negating the extra
ACT ◆◆ In a vision, the PCs learn more about the back-
ground of the Emissaries and the mysterious
DP generated when praying to that specific
Icon for a reroll.
◆◆ The Flood: The catalyst for the dam disaster was when the captain Little Algol. Most who managed to escape the valley suffered
of the Abdusala, Yasin Sabaaha, convinced the hospital staff that terrible losses. Heartache is the only constant in the lives of
the group should be allowed to visit the nearby Cataract 27. Later ordinary Kuans.
in the evening, the floodgates opened and the dam collapsed.
◆◆ The Cause: Rumors further claim that when the first respond- NPCS
ers – a Colonial Marines squadron – arrived, they found dead The journey through the Sultra is lonely and dangerous.
bodies sitting in a half-circle around a singing Yasin Sabaaha. Apart from scattered marshland locals, the PCs will only
The cause of death was found to be a massive heart attack interact with the people they might have brought with
in all cases. Yasin was alive, but she had clawed her eyes out them. As they get closer to the Sul-Mahala, the darkness
and burned off her ears. Everything about the investigation grows stronger around them and encountering darkmorphs
into what happened at the dam and regarding the current become a threat.
whereabouts of Yasin is classified and only known to senior
Special Branch officers. THE SOGOI GLOBE DIVERS
Parts of the valley are today below water and have few remain- The Sogoi who have decided to stay in the valley are hardened
ing inhabitants. Locals who survived the flood either scattered loners or small, tight-knit families. They have either made an ele-
across the Horizon or went to live in enormous refugee camps vated ruin their home or travel between the less toxic islands in
throughout the Conglomerate. The camps have turned into small canoes. They carry an oil lantern, a torch, or firebombs to be
permanent parts of the slums in Djindabo, Marzu Khala, and able to defend themselves against darkmorphs.
After the dam disaster, darkness corrupted the Sultra. From the
SKILLS: Survival 5, Dexterity 3, Melee Combat 2, Observation 2 depths of the muddy waters, a new breed of twisted worm-like
TALENTS: Jungle Dweller creatures has risen to the surface. They move in huge schools
ARMOR: 0 just below the surface of the water, reflecting the dim sunlight
WEAPONS: Spear or axe, firebomb (equivalent of a thermal gre- like multichrome patches of boiling oil. Local Sogoi call them
nade, Blast Power 6) Thu’ban.
◆◆ JUNGLE DWELLER: The divers have an Armor Rating of 2 against
the damp heat and can always find food or shelter in the jungle APPEARANCE: Huge schools of black, eye-less worms. Each indi-
without testing SURVIVAL . vidual ranges from between thirty centimeters to a full meter in
length. They climb on each other to encapsulate and drown their
prey. Their skin looks like a shimmering mesh of stringy muscles.
woman; Harian the engineer, a nerdy young man from Altai, and the is required to spot them. If they are active, the test becomes easy
agendered humanite siblings Janïr (sensors) and Sundï (deckhand). (+1). The schools vary in size – from a few meters in diameter (no
modifier) through about ten meters in size (+1) up toward the size of
APPEARANCE: Scruffy, in worn coveralls or djellabas. a small pond (+2).
MIND POINTS: 4 WEAPONS: Cocoon attack (weapon damage 3, CRIT 3), suffocation
(see atypical damage on page 95 of the Coriolis core rulebook)
of worms. The victim may attempt to evade the attack (normal engineer can assist Ghûr inside the ship by testing TECHNOLOGY
action) by testing DEXTERITY at –1. Failure means suffering 2 to reroute additional power to the thrusters. The ship’s engi-
points of stress and that the worms start to suffocate the person neer is trapped underneath one of the sinking ekilbri cages
(see Weapons above). The suffocating victim or a nearby ally may and will suffer the effects of drowning (page 97 of the Coriolis
try to break open the cocoon by testing FORCE . The roll is insane core rulebook) unless someone successfully tests DEXTERITY
(–3) from the inside and difficult (–2) from the outside. at –2 to get him up.
◆◆ Fight: The PCs can choose to stay out of the smugglers’
way, help them, or take advantage of their perilous situation
and attack. If they try to help, Jor is first suspicious of their
EVENTS intentions and draws his pistol, but he quickly realizes that
The journey to the Sul-Mahala is not meant to take up too he is running out of time and needs all the help he can get.
much time. The important thing is to use it to establish the At the cost of 1 DP, something startles the captain and he
ambiance of the swamp – fear and corruption closes in on opens fire on the PCs.
the group the nearer they get to their goal. Before the group
reaches the palace gardens, use one or two of the events below. If the PCs succeed in helping the smugglers rescue Harian
and the ekilbri, they are treated as heroes. The smugglers
y SMUGGLERS IN DANGER offer them food, basic medical supplies, and other handy
The PCs suddenly hear voices through the mist ahead. On gear if they need it. If they managed to save all the ekilbri,
a semi-collapsed roof sits a small freighter about to slide Jor promises them a cut of the profit once the delivery has
into the water, and her crew is working as fast as they can been made (1,500 birr). If the PCs decline his offer, he instead
around the ship to keep it from happening. By the ship’s promises to recommend them to his secret benefactor,
loading ramp, two crew members are desperately trying antiques dealer Lea Marhoun on Coriolis. Lea can be used
to fasten ropes and wires to five large cages that have as a potential future employer.
fallen out of the cargo hold and into the mud. Shrill cries Cost: 0, 1 DP
can be heard from the cages – about ten ekilbri (page 318
of the Coriolis core rulebook) in each cage are minutes y THE GLOBE DIVERS
away from death. The PCs reach an area where the water is deeper and the
◆◆ The Ship: The freighter Odina’s Flower is a refitted class III courier vegetation not as dense. Cracked concrete spires and bent
vessel of the Oryx model (use the express freighter configuration dura beams from an old factory protrude from the water like
from page 158 of the Coriolis core rulebook). the broken ribs of some ancient leviathan. The group spots a
◆◆ The Smugglers: Captain Jor Andela is a Zenithian born and long canoe tethered to one of the beams and catch a glimpse
raised on Coriolis but the crew appears to originate from the of a faint light deep in the water. The light seems to emanate
Quadrant of the Pillar. from clusters of small spheres climbing the ruins. Two Sogoi,
◆◆ The Pilot: Mogul-descendent Ghûr an-Sarai is wrestling with a man and a woman, suddenly breach the surface, dressed in
the thruster controls to try to maneuver the ship to safer primitive diving gear and carrying nets full of sugar globes.
ground. Her engineer, former Altai corsair Harian, fell out The divers are frightened at the sight of the strangers and
of the ship along with the ekilbri and is slowly sinking into reach for their weapons in the canoe unless the PCs act calmly
the dark water. and in a friendly manner. If a fight breaks out, use the stats
◆◆ The Crew: Deckhand Sundï and sensor operator Janïr are agen- of Ramses’ Jackals from Blood on the Leaves on page 102.
dered humanites from the Khôban portal station in the Odacon The divers are armed with long rifles and bows. If the PCs
system. They are trying to rescue the sinking ekilbri. instead strike up a conversation with the two Sogoi, they are
◆◆ A Helping Hand: The PCs can help the smugglers in a number soon invited back to the diver camp nearby.
of ways. They can help save the ekilbri by testing FORCE at –2, ◆◆ The Sogoi Diver Camp: The divers belong to a group that chose
or coordinate the crew’s efforts by testing COMMAND at –1. An to stay in Sultra after the Cataract failure. The family consist
of two adult men, four adult women and two young children. y DARK WATERS
They have three canoes and a few tents, but have recently The water is dark but appears quite shallow. At first glance, it
moved into the top floor of a ruined apartment building. They looks as if a web of thick roots and seaweed grow just below
have discovered that the moss covering the house somehow the surface of the water, but a successful OBSERVATION or SCIENCE
purifies the polluted water just enough to make it drinkable. An test reveals that it must be much deeper; the ruins that are
older, sinewy woman introduces herself as Unkra, the group’s visible nearby are the tops of towers and high buildings.
matriarch. Her Zeni is slighly better than the others’ and she ◆◆ It’s Alive: Suddenly, the roots below the water seem to move
offers to barter with the PCs. The Sogoi can offer food, sugar – twisting and slithering in a snake-like fashion. The sunlight
globes, and tabak of a very high quality in return for medicines, is reflected in cascades of bright colors as if the surface was
medical supplies, and ammunition. covered in oil, and the calm surface stirs all around the PCs. If
◆◆ Sugar Globes: The divers usually sell the sugar globes for about they are in a boat, they hear scratching noises from underneath.
25 birr a piece at the markets around the Conglomerate. A PC ◆◆ Darkworms: The PCs find themselves in the middle of a slum-
with at least CULTURE 1 will know that the globes are worth around bering school of Thu’ban, lying in wait just below the surface of
500 birr on Coriolis however, and the rarer red ones can bring as the water. If the PCs remain completely still and pass an easy
much as 1000 birr. The globes are large enough to hold with two (+2) INFILTRATION test each, the water calms down again and they
hands and are sometimes used by scryers at the souks who believe can escape slowly and carefully. Alternatively, they can choose to
them to hold magic powers. If the globes are “fed” – rubbed with move away as fast as possible (PILOT –1). If either of the tests fail,
sugar water for example – they give off a strong, warm light for the darkworms attack – see The Terror From Below.
about an hour. They are commonly found in nicer restaurants Cost: 1 DP
placed in jars of sugar water to shine for a whole evening. They
count as artifacts, but are easy to comprehend (SCIENCE +3). The y THE TERROR FROM BELOW
globes are fragile and breaking one is considered a bad omen. The PCs are caught in the middle of a school of Thu’ban,
The white slime inside is very sticky and has a potent, sweet darkworms living and hunting in huge, merciless groups.
smell that lingers for days. They are attracted to sound and motion, but can sense living
◆◆ The Curse: The divers have moved away from the central area of things nearby after they have awoken.
the swamp after hearing frightening tales of dark creatures and ◆◆ Schools: See the description of the Thu’ban above. The DP cost
ancient curses. They fear the evil, fire-breathing djinn that live in depends on the size of the school; 1 DP for a small school, 2 DP
the darkness beyond the palace. The djinn rumors started after for an average-sized one, and 3 DP for a large school.
the martyr commando rigged traps with flame throwers and ◆◆ Slumbering Death: If you choose to let the PCs encounter a
thermal grenades around the hospital (see the A Great, Winged slumbering school of Thu’ban, the DP cost is reduced by one
Shadow scene). The divers also avoid the old palace as angered (0–2 DP). The PCs might spot the worms and avoid them by
ancestral spirits have awoken to haunt its dark corridors. The testing OBSERVATION (see modifiers above). If the worms are awake
spirits are in reality darkmorphs that have woken up in the palace and ambush the PCs however, the cost is 1–3 DP, depending on
basement after the martyr commando set up their operation the size of the school.
nearby. The Sogoi group are unaware of the martyr commandoes, Cost: 0–3 DP
but have noticed an increased number of travelers in the area
over the last segments, including boats carrying stasis pods. y THE PALACE GARDENS
◆◆ The Living Darkness: The Sogoi also wish to warn the PCs of the After many hours in the dark swamp, the Sul-Mahala and
Thu’ban who live in the swamp. They describe the phenomenon the broken Cataract appear out of the mist. Hundreds of tiny
as water brought to life by evil djinn. The surface of the water can brooks and waterfalls from the northern plateau cut through
suddenly rise up and swallow you, pulling you down below to the ruins in the valley. The water becomes shallower and when
drown you. Sudden movement and noises attracts the Thu’ban the palace’s towers and aqueducts dominate the view ahead,
(see the Dark Waters and The Terror From Below events below). the boat reaches shore. Moss-covered trees and bushes grow
Cost: 0 DP among the once beautiful marble benches and pavilions.
Low walls and paths run through the area, but the tasteful
landscaping has been turned into an overgrown maze by the
flood. The PCs have reached the palace gardens, the ring of
terraces and architectural marvels that used to be the heart
of the Sultra. Several of the terraces have collapsed and the
road up to the palace is covered in thick undergrowth and
loose gravel and mud. The ground looks steady but has been
hollowed out in many places and might collapse.
If Jarja has accompanied the PCs here, she pales in horror
upon seeing the palace and asks if she can wait by the boat.
If the PCs insist she comes along, she will, although trem-
bling with fear.
The last stretch of road up to the palace must be walked
and climbed, which might prove difficult and dangerous.
Use one or more of the unpleasantries below:
◆◆ Landslide (1 DP): When the group climbs onto the next terrace,
If the PCs used their ship to travel to the Sultra and man- the earth beneath them suddenly shifts and moves. Loose
aged to navigate all the way to the palace, they can land on soil and mud begin sliding down the slope. Finding a root
one of the terraces outside. Landing safely requires a PILOT to grab onto is the only way to keep upright. All characters
test at –1. Failure results in 2 points of damage to the ship. caught in the slide must pass a DEXTERITY test or get swept
As the PCs disembark, you could choose to subject them away, suffering a strength 6 attack (weapon damage 1, CRIT
to either the Landslide or Sinkhole effects above without 3, armor may be tested).
spending DP. The landing has made the surrounding area ◆◆ Sinkhole (1–2 DP): The ground suddenly disappears under the
unstable. feet of one (1 DP) or several (2 DP) PCs. The affected characters
must pass a demanding (–1) DEXTERITY test or get sucked down
into an underground river beneath the terrace. A PC who achieves
a critical success can help a comrade who failed her roll. A failed
roll means landing in thick mud and risks drowning after three
turns (page 97 of the Coriolis core rulebook). Escaping the mud
requires passing an insane (–3) DEXTERITY test, or for the other
PCs to help the trapped person by testing FORCE at –1. Rope or
other climbing gear provide a bonus to the roll.
◆◆ River (1–3 DP): A wide stream has separated two terraces,
blocking the PCs’ path. At the cost of 1 DP, the makeshift
bridge set up earlier by Jarja’s crew is still there, but at the
cost of 2 DP, the bridge has collapsed. Crossing the bridge
requires passing a DEXTERITY test, and at the cost of an additional
2 DP (for a total of 3 points), the bridge collapses while one
or several of the PCs are on it. The affected PCs first suffer
damage from the fall (six meters, strength 4 attack, weapon
damage 1, CRIT 3) and then the effects of drowning (page 97
of the Coriolis core rulebook) unless they pass a demanding
(–1) DEXTERITY test to climb back up.
Cost: See above
After an arduous climb up the terraces, the PCs reach the Today, the palace and the surrounding gardens have been
Sul-Mahala. The ruins of the palace are used by the martyr reclaimed by nature. The Cataract failure swept much of the
commando as a collection point for supplies and prisoners, gardens away, and over the years since the flood, many of
and it is here that they have set up their jamming equipment. the brooks and rivers that come down from the plateau have
The PCs find the stasis pods they are hunting – but none carved out new paths through the area. Deep trenches cut
of the prisoners. through old roads and plazas, and hundreds of tiny waterfalls
slowly transport the water down through the palace grounds
THE SITUATION toward the black waters of the marshlands below.
The PCs have reached the pods’ final destination. The
martyr warriors have thawed their prisoners here, drugged ENTRANCES
them, and brought them to their base in the nearby What used to be the highest of the walled terraces has
Foundation hospital. The empty pods are dumped in collapsed, forming a dark pond from which broken ruins
a chasm that opened when the basement was flooded protrude here and there. Broken glass and shattered mosa-
and collapsed. Inside the palace, the PCs encounter two ics glimmer just below the surface in the faint light that
commando scouts, Darius and Nepotha, but they are not penetrates the mist. In the middle of the pond, the central
alone; the immense suffering and despair witnessed by tower of the palace looms, dark in the distance. The main
the palace has corrupted it, and haunted shrieks can be entrances are deep underwater, but some of the higher
heard from the lower levels where darkbound remnants balconies are accessible and connect to the interior of
of former palace residents have taken refuge, trapped in the palace. The area is still and eerily quiet. If one listens
a living nightmare. The darkbound keep to the shadows, very closely, a strange hissing sound can be heard coming
and the martyr commando have so far been able to keep through the cracks in the walls.
operating on the upper floors.
IMPORTANT FACTS The palace interior consists of wide, dark chasms and
The PCs should somehow figure out that the abductees slippery, winding marble stairs. Vines and thorns suck
have been thawed at the palace and brought to the nearby tainted life from the dark waters and climb the broken
hospital. Most of this information can be found in the room pillars inside the palace toward the broken stained glass
used by the martyr scouts as a reloading point for incoming windows above. The air is thick with dust and soot. On
deliveries (see the Terminus event). the lower levels, one finds fragile coal statues that dis-
integrate on touch and thick layers of grimy ash (see
THE SUL MAHALA the Ghosts of the Sultra NPCs below). The upper levels
The Sul-Mahala palace is located next to the beautiful Mahala of the central tower are full of long halls and corridors,
terrace gardens. Many hundreds of years ago, prince Mahala cracked balconies, silent fountains, and galleries filled
Em ab-Dalak used the palace as a summer residence and the with broken marble statues, columns, and empty pools.
gardens were home to fantastic birds said to sing in per- The mosaics tiles break beneath the feet of the PCs, apart
fect harmony ever since the day the prince met his beloved from in the rooms where old draperies and paintings
Sharim. After an incident involving the prince’s brother Alakh, have fallen to the floor and degraded into a fine layer
Mahala had Sharim executed and all the birds suddenly fled of soil. It is one of these rooms – on the upper levels,
the gardens. Their final song contained a prophecy saying in order to get away from the smell of the bog and the
that all things the prince had built and cherished would one cries from the basement – that the martyr commando
day be destroyed. have set up their outpost.
y THE OUTPOST they believe the PCs to be allies, and anyone who wishes to perform
The room chosen by the martyr warriors has high ceilings a suspicious-looking action must pass a difficult (–2) MANIPULATION
resting on pillars. Two large trees grow in the middle, sup- or INFILTRATION test to do it undetected. Darius keeps to the shadows
porting the cracked outer wall that looks like it is about to while Nepotha does the talking, ready to attack at the first sign of
collapse. Workbenches and a tent have been set up along the trouble. The scouts can be convinced to give up if a fight breaks out,
inner wall by the only entrance to the room, an open doorway after which they will tell the PCs how to get to the hospital.
leading to a wide staircase. Shattered glass and clay mosaics
have been collected and arranged in the shape of a martyr’s APPEARANCE: A man and a woman dressed in black caftans worn
crown on a clean stone table. Candles and sticks of incense tightly over their armasuits. Darius has a martyr’s crown tattoo
surround the altar. In the back of the room, a broken balcony across his torso, with holy glyphs covering the entire chest and
overlooks one of the deep chasms. The martyr scouts have back. Nepotha has small, white scars covering her back – nine hun-
pushed the empty stasis pods over the edge and let them fall dred and thirteen to be exact – one for each of mantras spoken by
into the darkness. The thawed prisoners have been drugged the prophet Iria Urahuk.
at a makeshift medstation – a couple of cots and a table with
some basic medical equipment. More information can be CHARACTERISTICS: Fight in silence. They act as one and have no
found in the Terminus event below. need for verbal communication. Both preach about the Martyr’s
greatness if captured and interrogated, but their strong front soon
NPCS gives way to doubt.
The palace first appears empty, but inside, the PCs run the
risk of encountering the darkbound or walking into an ambush ATTRIBUTES:
set by the martyr scouts. Judicator Akouba Kosha will follow STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 4, EMPATHY 3
the PCs to the end, always making sure to point out that the HIT POINTS: 7
evidence uncovered seems to point toward the Order being MIND POINTS: 7
behind the operation.
looking like statues sculpted in tar. Black ooze drips from their EVENTS
bodies. Their eye sockets and wide mouths burn red like fire when The PCs’ goal in the scene is to get inside the palace and
they hiss and snarl, trying to catch the scent of potential prey. If find the martyr warriors’ outpost there. As the GM, you are
they detect something living nearby, they begin to twitch and lunge free to make the scene longer (by adding combat with the
screaming at their victim. darkbound or the martyr scouts for example) or keep it short
to enable the PCs to find the clues they need straight away.
CHARACTERISTICS: The black, grimy residue is in some places
collected in heaps so high that the PCs have to climb over them or y RESONANCE – THE DEATH OF THE EMISSARY
smash them to pieces to continue. The ghosts keep their eyes and This is the final resonance event reserved for mystic PCs.
mouths closed except when they search for prey, and their internal ◆◆ When the PCs enter the palace, or the room used by the martyr
fire burns white hot if they detect something. They attack with fear- commando, the group’s mystic feels uneasy and faint. Her skin
some howls. crawls and the world seems gray and distant.
◆◆ At the cost of 1 DP, the affected PC must test MYSTIC POWERS
cost of 2 DP, the whole group risks falling off. Affected PCs must only used by tactical forces and elite units. Turning it off without
pass a DEXTERITY test or suffer damage from the fall (strength it sending a warning to the martyr commando is an easy (+2)
6 attack, weapon damage 1, CRIT 3, armors may be tested). A TECHNOLOGY test. Keeping it on but limiting its jamming spectrum
critical success achieved by one PC can be used to negate the requires a demanding (–1) DATA DJINN test.
failure of a comrade. ◆◆ The Workbenches: By the inner, less damaged wall, a simple
Cost: See above tent and two workbenches have been set up. Boxes of ammu-
nition and food are scattered around the benches, as well as
leadership”. If the PCs press the scouts on this issue, one of them than what should be possible in the Kuan jungles. You feel your
eventually reveals a piece of shocking information: the Astûrban chests tightening as a wave of fear and anxiety washes over
are in on the operation. If this is the first the PCs hear of this, it will you, and as you turn to look up, you see it: a hazy apparition
probably change their view of the investigation, but it also puts illuminating the ruins of the Sultra – a white butterfly in the
them in the crosshairs of the hegemonist conspirators through darkness. Its great wings seem to bend light around them in an
their double agent, judicator Akouba Kosha. impossible way, and it ascends like no other ship you’ve seen
◆◆ The Judicator’s Betrayal: If the interrogation of the scouts begins before. For a moment, it seems to hang motionless above the
to turn up damning information on the Hegemony or the Astûrban, trees, and then the wings come alive with brightly glowing, per-
Akouba will – if present – try to dismiss and silence the scouts by fectly symmetrical glyphs – like blood vessels filled with liquid
saying that they are trying to con the PCs. Unless the PCs buy this, light. A halo of light forms around the ship as it sets off for the
she realizes that the only way forward is to eliminate them and bring dark void – leaving Kua, but going where?
the evidence against the Order to the Council herself.
Cost: 2 DP At the cost of 1 DP, the event severely affects the mental health
of the PCs. Have them test MYSTIC POWERS (or Empathy, if they
THE WHITE BUTTERFLY lack the skill). Failure results in 3 points of stress. Success
During the PCs investiagtion of the Sul-Mahala, they witness results in (3 minus number of sixes on the roll) points of stress.
something extraordinary. As the GM, you are free to play this Cost: 0, 1 DP
event at any time – perhaps as the PCs realize where the laser
communicator is pointing to, or as they leave the palace to You and your group will encounter the Vestals and their ship,
head for the Foundation hospital. Read out the text below White Butterfly, again in coming scenarios in the Mercy cam-
or use it as inspiration: paign. This scene is merely designed to hint at the awesome
powers they wield, and to assure the PCs that they are on
In the darkening sky, high above the still waters around you, the the right track – the hospital is very close, and that is where
stars slowly become visible, one by one. Your breath suddenly their investigation finally ends.
hangs in clouds before you as the mist turns cold, much colder
04 ★ The Prophet
✱ Martyr Warriors
♦ Sensor Operator
07 ✱
✹ Chabaun
✱ 1. Walkway from Palace
08 10
14 ✱ 2. Grav Loader
✱ 07 3. Entrance (Terrace and
13 ♦
06 06 Defense System)
✱ 4. Backdoor
15 ✱ 5. Sentries
6. Water-Filled Elevator
Shafts and Stairs
11 7. Neodym Chests
8. Admission Hall (Laser
16 ✱ 03 Communicator in
Eastern Corner)
9. Corridor
10. The Temple
✱ 07 11. Dormitory
12. Chabaun's Room
13. Waiting Room
14. Altar
15. Drug Lab
16. Cells
17. The Emissary
3x3 meters
The commando cell set up their base in the abandoned
hospital after being advised to do so by Gaddar-e-Abrar.
The false prophet’s motivation for suggesting the location is
that the Astûrban already knew the layout of the facility and
had installed secret surveillance gear there to keep tabs on
The campaign began with the PCs going off to find their the warriors’ affairs. The fac tech the commando has been
missing friend Noor, and you could consider giving them supplied with through the prophet’s “friends” comes directly
some good news as a reward at their journey’s end – Noor from the Astûrban’s armory: hyper-modern ammunition,
might still be alive. If you are a benevolent GM, replace one deadly defense systems, the laser communicator, advanced
of the surviving prisoners above with Noor. Should you interrogation equipment – such as drugs and bio scanners
wish to give them a completely different sense of closure – and the powerful radio jammer set up at the Sul-Mahala
however, have them find their friend dead among the flayed (which is secretly programmed to keep a certain frequency
bodies on the floor. chosen by the Astûrban open, enabling the secret police to
receive data from their spy gear at the hospital).
The martyr warriors have electronic ID tags in their armor
to be able to pass through the security perimeter without
being shot at by their own defense systems. The tags also
protect against friendly fire in combat, as their homing
Vulcan rounds will avoid hitting anyone wearing them, giving
them an additional +1 to their initiative rating each round. If
the PCs get their hands on one of the ID tags, its frequency
pattern can be copied by passing a difficult (–2) DATA DJINN
test. It requires access to a tabula or a computer, and the
copy must be uploaded to a suitable com unit, such as a
personal communicator. Having the right ID signature will
Since the flooding of the basement and the collapse get a person through the perimeter (see below), but not
in the east wing, the main entrance is no longer without prompting a log entry at the central computer set
the only way in. Agile PCs could attempt to climb up in the main admission hall. If the PCs are in luck, the
the rubble to get to the roof of the east wing and guard at the computer might be elsewhere when they pass
then attack the sentries from above. This approach the outer sensors.
requires that they first swim up to the wall without
being seen (INFILTRATION –1) and then climb the y GUARDS
unstable rubble (DEXTERITY, critical success or There are ten martyr warriors at the base, not including
spotted by the guards). Chabaun or Gaddar. Below are some suggested positions
Another way inside is to dive down and find a crack around the area, but if the PCs trip the alarms around the
in the wall leading into the flooded basement. This base, or if the scouts at the palace radioed ahead to tell their
requires diving gear, or some equivalent cybernetic superiors that trouble is coming, the martyr warriors may
or bionic sculpt, plus a successful DEXTERITY test instead attack the PCs before they make it inside the hospital.
at –1. Once inside, sneaking past guards is resolved ◆◆ South Courtyard: Two warriors, either busy adjusting the Firestorm
with opposed INFILTRATION vs OBSERVATION tests. system installed above the entrance, or keeping an eye on the two
gravcraft they use to transport prisoners and gear from the palace.
◆◆ Admission Hall: Chabaun and two warriors, one of whom is The weapons are connected to a whole series of sensors that
keeping an eye on the computers and the laser communicator measure things such as heat fluctuations and movement. If
aimed at the Sul-Mahala through a crack near the ceiling in the the PCs have acquired one of the warriors’ ID tags, they can
south wall. The room is full of crates of ammunition, weapons, get close enough to disconnect the weapons by testing DATA
and all sorts of gear. DJINN or TECHNOLOGY at –1. Failing the test means setting
◆◆ West Wing: Two warriors, at the top of the stairs in what used to off a silent alarm, alerting the commando to their intrusion.
be a waiting room. They are alert, but at least one of them is either
praying at the small altar in the north corner or making more NPCS
of the interrogation drug at the workbenches by the south wall. Priot Chabaun Kheml is head of the remaining cell of the
◆◆ East Wing: Three guards. Two act as sentries at either side of the commando. After the death of the Emissary, they are pre-
collapsed main corridor where lookouts have been constructed paring to pack up the operation and leave the Sultra. They
from sheets of durasteel. The sentries have sensors and watch the have heard the news of the Order assassin in Little Algol,
northern and southern approaches, respectively. The lookouts but Chabaun’s zeal blinds him to any political fallout that
are manned around the clock. The third warrior is keeping an might come from his operation. The remaining warriors
eye on Gaddar-e-Abrar in the temple. will fight to the death, except for Gaddar-e-Abrar, who very
◆◆ Sleeping Warriors: At least one warrior can usually be found much wishes to survive his mission. He might be open to
in the dormitory, but during the night, you could decide that negotiations with the PCs if they promise him safe passage
the two guards in the courtyard as well as one from both the out of the marshes.
admission hall and the west wing are there as well, to sleep, cook,
or eat. Chabaun only visits his private room five short times a CHABAUN KHEML, PRIOT OF THE WARRIORS OF THE HOLY LIGHT
day, to take off his armor and whip himself to honor the Martyr.
Chabaun is an experienced soldier with many campaigns on
Unless the PCs are especially clumsy, they should be able Zalos-B behind him. He descends from a long line of defenders of
to infiltrate the base and attack a scattered and surprised the Order of the Pariah, and can trace his lineage back to the Portal
enemy. If they trip the alarms however, the warriors quickly Wars. When the current operation was launched, he was appointed
get ready for combat and set up an ambush (page 85 of the head of the commando and elevated to priot by his uncle, Khaleem
Coriolis core rulebook). How the commandoes do this is up Hydarnes, who understood the need for firm leadership during
to you as the GM to decide, but they likely stage one ambush such a difficult assignment. The Warriors of the Holy Light adhere
in the admission hall and one in the west wing, close to the to a very literal interpretation of Iria Urahuk’s Statutes – a collection
Emissary’s body. of prophecies warning about the return of darkness to the Horizon
as well as describing the sacraments necessary to cleanse the
y THE DEFENSE SYSTEMS world from evil. The radical beliefs and methods of the commando
The entrance to the admission hall is guarded by a sen- differ so much from those of the rest of the Order that they have
sor-guided Firestorm system (page 127 of the Coriolis core been shunned by the faction and are classified as a splinter group.
rulebook), and two motion-triggered flamethrowers are Chabaun has always loved poetry, and dedicates what little free
mounted on the outer north wall. The area of the swamp time he has to sacral poems and ancient prose. During his time in
surrounding the hospital is booby-trapped with thermal the Sultra, darkness has corrupted his mind, and he is now lost in
grenades. Spotting the defenses requires OBSERVATION tests the Vestals’ dreamscape. They have forced him to do unspeakable
for each of the three systems (with a –1 to spot the grenades). things, and in his brief lucid moments, he is overcome by shame
The grenades can be disarmed by passing a demanding (–1) and guilt.
TECHNOLOGY test, or one can carefully avoid them by testing
DEXTERITY . Failure means setting off a grenade (see Thermal APPEARANCE: Shaved head with tattooed glyphs running from
grenade, page 127 of the Coriolis core rulebook). Getting temple to neck. His back is terribly scarred from flagellation.
past the automated weapons by the main entrance is trickier. Always dressed in a suit of animate armor inherited from his
muscles typical of the Order’s holy body armor.
The Alsirsah is originally a Dabaran traditional feast where CHARACTERISTICS: Speaks to the Martyr constantly, praying and
the families of the betrothed meet to finalize the terms grovelling before the might of the One. He is very aggressive and
of the wedding. The life bond concerns not only the happy quick to resort to violence, and he demands absolute obedience
couple but their families as well, and the Alsirsah marks from his acolytes. Before the arrival of the Vestals, he was calmer
the end of an often lengthy period of negotiations over the and more methodical, but he has always been a fanatic.
two sides’ respective duties toward one another. The party
is usually thrown by the family who marries upward, to ATTRIBUTES:
show that they are worthy of the coming union. STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 5, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3
During the banquet, Leod makes a welcome speech prais- HIT POINTS: 15
ing both the Din Hramas and the other guests – they will act
as witnesses when the final contract is signed, making their
opinions of the host very important.
SKILLS: Command 5, Melee Combat 5, Ranged Combat 5,
Manipulation 3, Infiltration 2, Observation 2
“Honored guests and friends, I welcome you with all my
TALENT: Relentless, The Way of the Martyr, Holy Armor
heart to the Alsirsah. Tonight, we celebrate the union of
ARMOR: Animate glyph armor
the dol-Quassars and the noble Din Hramas, paragons of
Zenithian light and wisdom, whom we have to thank for
opening our eyes to a new Horizon.
Marok dol-Quassar of the proud Dabaran blood – exalted
Dabaran who stalwartly fought off the darkness during the
Long Night! – seeks the hand of Theda Din Hrama, a child of
Ardha, a bringer of light from humanity’s cradle.
Honored guests, today is a proud day. May the Icons hear
us as we raise our glasses toward the Monolith and pray for
their blessing of this blood bond. May they guide us to honor
our history and welcome the future.
Dearest of friends, may your cups never run dry, your
plates never be empty and your spirits lose themselves
in music and dance – may this Alsirsah be a fond memory
for all of us until She the most Merciful comes to grace us
with her slumber. May this day mark the birth of a brighter
a zealous preacher fighting the good fight, always with a suitable a jewelled beard. A small piece of wood is fastened through the skin
spin on some ancient religious text ready to justify the actions of just below his lower lip. Bald and with fake facial tattoos. He wears
the commando. Unbeknownst to him, his orders are given to him a caftan with religious, Zalosian patterns covered with many layers
by moles within the Astûrban working for Nazareem’s Sacrifice. of expensive shawls around his torso.
His orders have recently become more and more extreme, and
although he views the operation as more or less successful, CHARACTERISTICS: Tries to act calm, but looks around nervously
he can feel his power over the commando slipping through his and sweats a lot. When he manages to compose himself, he
fingers. Chabaun has started to suspect him, and he fears for wipes his forehead and face with beautifully embroidered silk
his life. He keeps a thermal cricket ready under his robes at all handkerchiefs.
SKILLS: Observation 5, Culture 4, Manipulation 4, Ranged Combat SKILLS: Melee Combat 4, Infiltration 3, Medicurgy 3, Observation
4, Data Djinn 3, Melee Combat 3 3, Ranged Combat 3, Manipulation 1
TALENT: Hardened, False Prophet, Agent TALENT: Fanatics, Spray and Pray
WEAPONS: Astûrban M-III thermal cricket (Small, Silenced, WEAPONS: Vulcan carbine, concussion grenade, dura knife
GEAR: Two reloads of homing Vulcan rounds (RANGED COMBAT +2),
GEAR: Martyr talisman (not blessed), hidden class II communica- throat-mounted link
tor, incense burner, prayer tower
◆◆ HARDENED: Gaddar is trained for the mental strain of undercover ◆◆ FANATICS: The blind faith of Zalos’ agents enables them to get
operations. He gets 2 additional MP. back up at 2 HP after having been broken in combat. Costs 2 DP.
◆◆ FALSE PROPHET: Gaddar is very empathic which – combined ◆◆ SPRAY AND PRAY: The warriors are trained for intense firefights.
with his great knowledge of the Horizon – makes him very They ignore the first one rolled when firing Automatic fire (page
convincing. He gets his CULTURE skill level as a bonus to 89 of the Coriolis core rulebook).
Reputation when trying to convince someone of something
◆◆ AGENT: Gaddar is trained for infiltration as well as for stealthy
assassinations. He gets an extra six to all attacks made within EVENTS
Close range, both melee and ranged, as long as he rolled at least In this scene, the PCs must infiltrate or assault the hospital.
one six. Information about layout and guards can be found above,
as well as a map of the complex along with descriptions of
the different rooms.
vessel. This event caused a permanent tear to open in HIT POINTS: 10 (see Darkborn below)
the Third Horizon. Corruption and darkness can leak in SIZE: The creature has four different sizes that define its stats
(see Size shift below).
through the crack and manifest itself in the area around
◆◆ “One-dimensional” – unable to attack, moves two meters per
the hospital. A horrifying darkmorph breaks through, action, cannot be damaged.
attacking anything that moves – PCs and martyr warriors ◆◆ “Humanoid” – attacks within Close range, moves twenty
alike. The creature remains in the world as long as you meters per action, inflicts 5 points of stress, armor 3
◆◆ “Small room” – attacks within Short range, moves ten meters
have DP left to spend. per action, inflicts 3 points of stress, armor 6
◆◆ “Large hall” – attacks within Long range, unable to move,
inflicts 1 point of stress, armor 12
WEAPONS: see the Darken Mind ability below
The darkmorph known as Ayaam’sha was created as a result
of human manipulation of the dark between the stars. The First ◆◆ DARKBORN (2 DP): As Ayaam’sha is a manifestation of pure
Horizon have been harnessing energy from the great darkness darkness, it relies on Darkness Points for all its actions. It
for many centuries. The use of their powers to torture and kill the cannot be killed in any traditional sense of the word, and only
Emissary permanently corrupted the area around the hospital, cre- disappears if the GM has no more DP left to spend. Critical
ating a tear in reality. If living matter approaches the tear, the dark- injuries sustained are noted down, and when the creature’s
ness on the other side can push through the crack. Ayaam’sha has HP are reduced to 0, it disappears for as many turns as the
not been seen in the Third Horizon before and only ancient Mogul number of critical injuries suffered. It then returns at full
texts mention the shapeless shadow in references to the previous health at the cost of 2 DP.
Horizons’ Exile Wars. ◆◆ DARKEN MIND (1–3 DP): The being’s attacks cost 1 DP each,
count as normal actions and only inflict stress (armor may not
APPEARANCE: Ayaam’sha is a two-dimensional being, consisting be tested). A swarm of dark folds whirls around and through
of strings or flaps of darkness assuming physical form. They the victim. The attack automatically hits and inflicts stress
bend and twist around each other to form a three-dimensional depending on the creature’s current size. If the victim hasn’t
body. Light bends around the creature, making it appear as yet acted in the turn, she uses a reaction (1 AP) to test EMPATHY
complete darkness with shimmering edges. The being is hollow, or MYSTIC POWERS . The test is the equivalent of an armor roll,
and the flaps can be rearranged to be closer or farther apart, and each six rolled negates 1 point of stress. The victim may
enabling it to change in size from a one-dimensional dot to a pray for a reroll, but this will only strengthen the creature (see
cloud as large as a house. Darkborn above). At the cost of 2 additional DP, the attack can
be made to inflict a critical injury as a result of the intense
CHARACTERISTICS: When the creature materializes, the pressure terror experienced by the victim. Blessed talismans automati-
in the surrounding area is affected – powerful winds come out cally protect someone from an attack, but are destroyed in the
of nowhere and people usually experience ear pain, headaches, process.
and nosebleeds. The being makes no sound, but it makes its ◆◆ SIZE SHIFT (1 DP): At the cost 1 DP, Ayaam’sha can shift between
victims hear their own fear and anxiety as a hissing, sickening any of the four sizes above. Each step shifted counts as a fast
breath coming from the creature. action (1 AP).
◆◆ ONE-DIMENSIONAL: As a normal action, Ayaam’sha can pass
ABILITIES: The darkmorph has no attributes or skills, instead through solid objects thinner than two meters. To do so, it
only using its abilities. It can be damaged by sharp melee weap- must first size shift to a one-dimensional dot (see Size shift
ons, fire and explosions, as well as by non-traditional firearms above).
such as thermal and Vulcan weapons. There are ancient rituals
that banish Ayaam’sha, but they are not yet known in the Third
The PCs have seen a vision of the Second Horizon and landed on Xene, and used their incredible powers to
its golden world, Argonnas. The singer in the field was keep their new host bodies alive during their escape
Urni en-Argonnas, a mystic from the highest ranks of from the depths of the gas giant. Urni is the mystic
the Symmetry known as a Santulan – “They who bal- whose vessel would become known as Nabi-mu-Qad,
ance the universe”. Five of these spiritual leaders man- the Messenger Emissary. None of this is for the eyes of
aged to transport their minds to the Third Horizon using the players of course, but it will feature more promi-
an ancient mystic power called resonance, originally nently in future installations of the Mercy campaign. In
discovered after the Portal Wars by the Symmetry’s the meantime, it is enough if the players begin to real-
chief mystic, Rima en-Aldaan. The five mystics inserted ize that their story is much more complex than it first
their minds into a group of explorers that had crash appeared.
The song leads us to the truth,
under a great, winged shadow.
A moment’s reprieve for my brothers and sisters,
united in the waves in the void.
The PCs have caught their first glimpse of the Second Horizon and
Argonnas, its golden world. They have met Urni, one of the Symmetry’s
head mystics. The remaining four Emissaries, risen from Xene and spread
out across the Third Horizon, are now in mortal danger from the Vestals.
The PCs leave the Sultra with many unanswered questions and Urni’s final
message on their minds.
After the death of the Emissary and the destruction of the marshes have likely spawned more questions than answers.
martyr commando, there is nothing more to do in the The PCs must leave the swamp and seek the truth about
sunken flooded city of Sultra and the events in the dark the mystery of the Emissaries elsewhere.
This is the end of the f irst part of the Mercy of the ◆◆ The Messenger: The Messenger Emissary has lost its host
Icons campaign. The PCs leave the Sultra and return body and only remains as an echo in the void around Coriolis
to other adventures in the Horizon. As the GM, you and Kua. If your group wishes to explore the story of this
are free to let your players explore other planets and particular Emissary, there are two paths to investigate. The
systems. Some of the questions they may have will not first one revolves around the mystics drawn to Coriolis by
be answered until the second installation of the Mercy the echo, and around the Children of the Song, a cult of
of the Icons campaign, but until then, the search for mystics growing stronger on the station. They are under
the other Emissaries may be used to create thrilling the protection of the Circle of Seekers and can be used as a
adventures. The political consequences of the events focal point for political drama on the station, or as possible
in the scenarios above may also be used as a backdrop employers in the search for the remaining Emissaries. The
for further play. second path will take the PCs to Mira to investigate the
origins of the Messenger’s host body, the explorer Alam
THE FIVE EMISSARIES Dania. This could reveal more information about the group
Five Emissaries emerged from the depths of Xene. The of prospectors who went down to Xene as humans, and
minds of f ive Symmetry mystics traveled through the returned as something else.
mystic node at Xene and possessed a group of explorers ◆◆ The Judge: The Emissary known as the Judge residing on the
working on a Foundation probe researching the gas Foundation’s Xene station is featured in one of the mission
giant. Since then, the Emissaries have scattered across suggestions below but will also play an important part in
the Horizon to find out more about the plans of the First coming scenarios in the campaign. If the PCs travel to Xene,
Horizon. They have all chosen to present themselves they will therefore find that the Judge has been evacuated
as an incarnation of one of the nine Icons, but only from the station. Keep the focus on the political consequences
the Emissaries known as the Messenger and the Judge this might lead to, and on the stories shared by those who
have received large-scale public attention. The coming have met the Judge. As the GM, think carefully before using
scenarios in the Mercy of the Icons campaign will feature the actual Judge Emissary in your game.
more Symmetry mystics, so for your own scenarios
in the meantime, you should only use the Emissaries
found in the tables below. The circumstances regarding
the two best known Emissaries are somewhat special:
The tables and descriptions below can help you introduce
the Emissaries into your game. A few of the plots below
also suggest ways in which to connect them to further
explorations of mysteries the PCs might have caught
glimpses of during the first part of the campaign. The
missions can be generated using dice rolls or by choosing
the table entries you like. You can either construct a plot
of your own around one of the Emissaries, or choose one
of the mission suggestions.
The groups and factions involved in the plot shape the
conflict. The plot should contain one allied force and one
antagonist group for the PCs to interact with. Choose
from the list below or let the dice decide. Also choose a
suitable entourage for the Emissary, and determine the
type of location for the scenario.
* THE CHILDREN OF THE SONG: Bear in mind that the death of the Messenger Emissary changes much on Coriolis.
** THE SPIDER’S WEB: The Judge Emissary disappears from the Xene station, leaving much political uncertainty in its wake.
*** THE IMPOSTER: Someone is impersonating an Emissary: a mystic gone mad, someone lusting for wealth and power, or a
Nazareem’s Sacrifice cell setting a trap for the PCs.
11–12 The Curse of the Abdusala Yasin Sabaaha and the dead crew Kua and one location of your choice
13–14 The Faceless Scavenger Emissary, the Faceless One Yastapol/Odacon
15–16 The Caged Dancer Emissary, the Dancer Sadaal/Zalos
21–24 The Miran Explorer Alam Dania, possessed prospector Mira
25–26 The Kuan General Emissary, the Dancer/the Merchant Uharu/Algol
31–32 In the Shadow of the Monolith Emissary, the Merchant/the Faceless One Menkar/Kua
33–36 The Spider's Web Emissary, the Judge Xene/Border Space
41–42 Izar's Prisoner Emissary, the Dancer/the Faceless One Erequ
43–44 The Merchant from Kalidha Emissary, the Merchant Dabaran/Uharu/Hamura
45–51 The Imposter Choose an Emissary from table XY Anywhere
53–55 The Miner's Dilemma The Asteroid Exports mining company Any system with an asteroid belt
56–62 The Fate of the Sultra – Kua, Cataract 27
63–66 The Children of the Song Emissary, the Messenger Coriolis/Kua
wish to decide beforehand how they fare in specific conflicts. TABLE 03: MAJOR PLAYERS (CHOOSE ONE OF EACH)
CHARACTERISTICS: An Emissary is focused and collected, calmly
aware that it has the necessary tools to handle any situation that D66 ALLIES ANTAGONISTS
might arise. Its slumbering manias might however prompt strange 11–15 The Foundation The Zenithian
and erratic behavior from time to time. Hegemony
16–23 The Legion A Dabaran pasha
a crude, basic form of what the Symmetry refers to as 3 FOLLOWERS: THE EMISSARY IS ACCOMPANIED BY A
resonance. Unlike the First Horizon’s manipulation of the
dark between the stars, the Symmetry mystics prefer to BY A GROUP OF FANATICS
let their minds follow the vibrations of the universe and 5 WATCHED: THE EMISSARY IS EITHER TRAVELLING
are therefore capable of interacting with mass and energy WITH AN ESCORT OR WITH ITS CAPTORS
◆◆ II – Mystic: Powers capable of affecting a small number of 3 A CAMP: SOUK, REFUGEE CAMP, REBEL BASE
Symmetry mystics are as stated above not reliant on DPs, but This generates no DPs but costs 2 RSPs. Unless the mystic
instead draw power from successful dice rolls and medita- has 2 RSPs to spend, she may not reroll a skill test.
tion. Each time the mystic meditates or makes a successful
dice roll, Resonance Points (RSPs) are generated (see below). Meditation: The mystic’s pool of RSPs wanes over time
(2 points per twenty-four hours), but it may meditate to
Resonance: Sixes rolled in a skill check not used to achieve refill the pool. Test MYSTIC POWERS (may not reroll) once per
bonus effects there and then can be saved as RSPs – one four hours of meditation. All sixes rolled are converted
extra six equals 1 RSP. Activating a resonance power costs into RSPs. The mystic may “store” as many RSPs as its
RSPs equal to the level of the power (for levels I, II, and Empathy score plus its MYSTIC POWERS skill level combined.
III). A critical success automatically increases the effect
of the power one level without extra cost, and it is the Experience: Each level of a resonance talent costs 5 EXPs.
only way to activate a level IV power. However, the mystic Mastering all four levels of one power thus costs 20 EXPs.
cannot increase the effect of her power beyond its talent When purchasing level IV of a resonance talent, the mystic
level by achieving a critical success. gets 1 additional HP and may raise one attribute of its
choice by 1.
Rerolls: The Symmetry equivalent of praying for rerolls is
for the mystic to focus and merge with its surroundings.
11–22 Latent divinity The Symmetry mystic and the explorer share control of the host body without knowledge of each other,
taking turns at the wheel. This results in the host body never sleeping. The mystic can only use its
powers when in control of the vessel.
23–31 Blind faith The Emissary has convinced itself that it actually has become the Icon it presents itself as. It for-
gets everything about its past, both as explorer and mystic. Empathy and MPs are raised by 1 and
Reputation is raised by 2.
32–34 Decay The host body is dying, but the mystic's mind is clear. It is forced to replace parts of the body with
cybernetics and bionics. Choose five cybernetic or bionic talents but lower Reputation, Strength, and
HPs by 2.
35–41 Blood lust The mystic has been corrupted by the darkness and suffers fits of murderous rage (costs 1 DP). Lower
Reputation by 4, but raise Agility and HPs by 2.
42–44 Wanderlust The mystic is no longer fixed to its original host body, and wanders temporarily between the different
worshippers that surround it. When the mystic switches bodies, use the stats of the new vessel but
raise Wits and Empathy by 2 and MPs by 4. When the mystic forces itself into the mind of a new host
(costs 2 DPs) it must win an opposed MYSTIC POWERS test. Failure means its spirit is scattered across
the cosmos.
45–54 Under the influence The mystic can only control its host body when it is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The
explorer tries to stay away from the strange blackouts, but the mystic spirit keeps tempting it with just
one more hit. Lower Wits and MPs by 1, but raise Agility and HPs by 2. The mystic may act normally
when in control of the drunk body.
55–66 Phobic The mystic is more or less in control of its vessel, but has developed an uncontrollable phobia. Can be
activated as a Personal problem at the cost of 1–3 DPs, depending on its severity.
* Recreate (I): REGENERATION Test MYSTIC POWERS instead of MEDICURGY when treating the mystic's own injuries. May
test even if broken, but at –2.
11–12 Recreate (II): SOOTHING TOUCH Test MYSTIC POWERS at +2 instead of MEDICURGY when treating any form of injury, on
13–15 Recreate (III): SCULPT The cells are instantaneously recreated. 10 HPs and 4 MPs are restored, one critical
injury of your choice is healed and the mystic gains a natural armor rating of 6 for four
16 Recreate (IV): RESTORATION All HPs and MPs are restored, all RPs and critical injuries healed. Permanent effects
from previous injuries are also healed. The power can be used on the mystic itself or
on another person within Close range.
21 Translocation (I): MIND WALKER Equivalent to the Mind Walker talent on page 78 of the Rulebook.
22–23 Translocation (II): SPIRIT SHIFT The mystic can enter a trance and have its spirit leave the body. The spirit moves ten
meters per slow action and experiences visual, auditory, and rudimentary emotional
input from within ten meters. The spirit cannot affect the physical world but can move
through thin objects. If the host body is damaged, the spirit immediately returns to it.
24–25 Translocation (III): ASTRAL TRAVEL The mystic can enter a trance and have its spirit leave the body. The spirit moves freely
through any material as well as through vacuum at its normal movement rate. Tiny and
Small objects can be lifted. Winning an opposed MYSTIC POWERS test allows the mystic
to temporarily possess another being. Damage to either of the host bodies results in
the spirit returning to the original vessel.
26 Translocation (IV): TRANSLOCATION The mystic can send its spirit to a place it has previously visited in the flesh, regardless
of distance. Winning an opposed MYSTIC POWERS test allows the mystic to possess
another being for an indefinite time, or until the new host body dies. If the original
vessel is destroyed while the mystic is away, its stays in the new body but suffers a
mania (see page 337 of the Rulebook).
31 Telekinesis (I): TELEKINESIS Equivalent to the Telekinesis talent on page 78 of the Rulebook.
32–33 Telekinesis (II): TELEKINETIC BLAST A blast capable of knocking people to the ground. A MYSTIC POWERS attack (weapon
damage 3, CRIT 2, Short range). Sixes rolled may be divided between targets within
Close range of each other.
34–35 Telekinesis (III): BARRIER Reaction. Concentration. Loose objects from the surroundings form a shield around
the mystic. Armor rating 6. Each extra six rolled adds a +3 to the armor rating. Passing
through the barrier requires winning an opposed FORCE vs barrier armor rating test.
36 Telekinesis (IV): MASTER BARRIER Concentration. Heavy objects from the surroundings such as rocks, metal, and the
ground itself form a shield around the mystic. The barrier has 10 HPs, covers everyone
within Close range of the mystic and cannot be passed through. People on the outside
risk losing loose items or weapons unless they pass a FORCE test. The barrier can be
moved or hurled at targets within Short range as a mystical attack (weapon damage 4,
CRIT 1). This destroys the barrier.
41 Control (I): STOP Equivalent to the Stop talent on page 78 of the Rulebook.
42–43 Control (II): PREVENT The mystic can stop an opponent's action or reaction (including attacks) by winning an
opposed MYSTIC POWERS test. If the mystic wins the roll, each level of success lowers
the opponent's APs by 1. If the opponent is reduced to 0 APs and there are extra sixes
left on the roll, each remaining six results in an Initiative penalty of –2 for the opponent.
44–45 Control (III): FORBID Reaction. Slow action. The mystic can hinder multiple persons in sight from performing
actions. Test MYSTIC POWERS . Each six rolled stops one person from acting in her slot in
the turn order. Extra sixes can be used to lower the Initiative scores or MPs of affected
opponents by 1 per extra six.
46 Control (IV): DOMINATE Like FORBID above, but the mystic may also choose to maintain its control of the
affected characters (concentration). The victims may attempt to break free by achiev-
ing a critical success on a MYSTIC POWERS roll (may roll once per turn in combat, or
once per minute out of combat) but are otherwise unable to perform actions. Each turn
(or minute) under the mystic's dominance, all victims suffer 2 points of stress. When
a victim is reduced to 0 MPs in this way, the mystic can assume direct control of the
person and guide its actions for as long as the victim is in sight.
51 Mind shift (I): PREMONITION Equivalent to the Premonition talent on page 78 of the Rulebook.
52–53 Mind shift (II): MIND READER Equivalent to the Mind Reader talent on page 78 of the Rulebook.
54–55 Mind shift (III): SOUL READER The mystic can read the mind of someone within Extreme range, including her deepest,
most detailed memories and emotions. The mystic remains in control of its own body
while doing so and doesn't have to concentrate.
56 Mind shift (IV): MEMORY STEALER The mystic can alter someone's memories (one strong or a few weaker memories). The
affected memories are permanently replaced with false ones, but turn into echoes that
may appear in dreams around the location where the mystic used the power.
61 Destroy (I): SENSE POSSESSION The mystic can sense if a person or object is possessed. The mystic understands the
intentions of the intruding spirit but not what or who it is.
62–63 Destroy (II): EXORCISM Equivalent to the Exorcism talent on page 77 of the Rulebook.
64–65 DESTROY (III): BIND The mystic can expel an intruding spirit from itself, someone else, or an object and
force it into another person or object by winning an opposed MYSTIC POWERS roll.
The spirit is bound to the new person or object until the mystic falls asleep or loses
66 DESTROY (IV): BANISH Like EXORCISM above, but the expelled entity is altogether destroyed and can never
return. The spirit's intentions and emotions linger like echoes in the location of the
coming out of stasis. If the PCs bring the mystic aboard their The master descends to the floor and its swirling shawls
ship, it can guide them to the hidden sleepers, or to darkmorphs are caught in the wind. With its eyes closed, the Dancer
in forgotten crypts. Emissary becomes one with the moment and begins to
move. A final dance before sunset...
◆◆ An artifact constructed by the Symmetry mystic, such as a The Situation: One of the Emissaries has been working to
Symmetry Helmet (see Artifacts & Faction Tech supplement), or change the minds of the Firstcome factions that refused to
parts of a few simpler artifacts. accept the Emissaries as reborn Icons. From the shadows,
◆◆ The Emissary may act as a future patron and employer for the the Emissary called upon mystics, outcasts, and pariahs,
group. and its worshippers formed the Atbaë Alri – the Followers
of the Wind. The Emissary trained them in the use of
y THE CAGED DANCER mysterious energies and they have become capable of
Twelve people sit in a circle in a dark basement, meditat- changing their surroundings (level II resonance powers,
ing. The dust on the floor vibrates and the air circulates table 07 on page 193). The cultists are now being hunted
around a hovering thirteenth figure in the center of the down one by one, and the Emissary has gone into hiding.
circle. Screams suddenly break the silence. Gunfire echoes. With nowhere left to run, the trap is about to close...
The Mission: The PCs could be guns-for-hire tasked with the expedition has been deleted from the records – but
eliminating the Emissary, or perhaps infiltrators secretly there were witnesses…
planning to kidnap the Emissary for their own gain, or
help it escape? It is also possible that the Emissary has The Mission: The PCs might be curious to find out more
already been found, and that the PCs have been hired to about the true identity of the Messenger Emissary. Perhaps
negotiate a peaceful surrender. After its capture, the PCs they try to investigate the arrival of the Emissaries at Xene
could also be planning to threaten or blackmail the jailers and find dangerous faction agents silencing all witnesses,
for the Emissary’s release. or encounter Zalosian martyr warriors plotting against
the Foundation?
◆◆ Surviving member of the Albaë Alri are running for their lives, Clue:
but tell the PCs where they will resurface. They have realized their ◆◆ The explorers were recruited from prominent institutes and
similarities with the Children of the Song, and aim to seek out scientific academies across the Horizon, but they were all
the Circle of Seekers to learn more about the Emissaries’ powers. without life partners or children – loners whose disappear-
ances would be easier to cover up.
◆◆ A mystic PC may spend 5 EXPs to acquire a resonance power Reward:
at level I (or level II, if she already possesses the regular mystic ◆◆ A relative or friend of one of the missing explorers become
power equivalent of that power at level I). When a PC uses res- a future patron or employer for the group. A portion of their
onance powers, each use generates 1 DP instead of using RSPs. debt is paid off.
Regular mystics can not learn resonance powers above level II.
y THE MIRAN EXPLORER “Hear my words and dream of freedom beyond the
“This is chief explorer Faisal Kham. The data from probe Horizon.” A dark silhouette steps out of the shadows. “No
quadrant 3 is confirmed – the frequency matches the palace can rest on a single pillar.” The tall, red-clad figure
Jarouma pattern. A certain level of deviation is present of looks up toward the smoky skies.“We are come together,
course, but it’s well within the acceptable margin. Dania and the hawks of oppression shall bend before our will.”
is activating the sensor probe now and initiating data The light from the fire falls on a set of ancient signet rings
dump. The winds are picking up but we are continuing on the leader’s hand. A great crowd has gathered around
toward quadrant 4 for the final readings. By the Icons, I the living Icon, greeting their savior with thundering
think we did it…” bursts of Vulcan fire.
The Situation: The SS-7 is a Foundation research station The Situation: Under a new leader, the rebel groups have
on one of Xene’s moons. In CC 60, a group of scientists put their differences aside and united to challenge the
managed to activate the probe network placed in orbit factions. The charismatic general arrived from the Kua
around Xene after the discovery of the similarities between system, without name or history, and entered a political
radio frequency patterns around Xene and the Izar net in minefield. The negotiations soon faltered, and war broke
the Erequ system. The probes were designed to obtain out. Rumors of the mighty warrior prophet spread from
calibrated readings for cross-reference and a group of system to system and the ranks of the insurgents grow
specialists was called in to retrieve the data from the with each passing day...
stormy atmosphere of the gas giant (see table XY). The
explorers got trapped, and the minds of the Symmetry The Mission: The PCs could be hired as negotiators to
mystics possessed their bodies after arriving in the Third broker a peace treaty between the parties involved, or
Horizon at the heart of the storm. All information about perhaps as secret agents tasked with terminating the
rebel leader? Is the Emissary’s war with the factions shoot from the top of the monolith toward the sky. Depending
really about liberty, or is it just the only way to take out on how you play the scenario, the Emissary might explain one
the servants of darkness? of the monolith’s functions to the PCs: it acts as a stabilizer for
the universal balance, and the discharge of lightning counteracts
Clue: the effects of the corruption generated by the nearby portals
◆◆ The Emissaries chose different paths after arriving in the (the GM’s DP pool is emptied when the monolith discharges).
Third Horizon to ready its inhabitants for the schemes of
the agents of the First Horizon. Reward:
◆◆ Regardless of which side they choose, the PCs might impress
Reward: and make friends with people in one of the involved factions
◆◆ The Emissary’s five rings, ancient artifacts from before the Portal (MANIPULATION +2 for future dealings).
Wars. They count as blessed talismans (+1), one for each of the
five Icon Emissaries (see Table XY). y THE SPIDER’S WEB
The well-dressed man places a leather-bound book on
y IN THE SHADOW OF THE MONOLITH the prayer rug. He gently touches the gilded pattern on
A noticeably uncomfortable Bulletin reporter looks into the the spine. His mind wanders across the fields of his home
camera with the towering shadow of a monolith in the back- planet, Darakk – a place he will never see again. Security
ground, pulling her shawl closer around her shoulders. The guards arrive to bring him through a sterile, steel corri-
latest prognoses from the Foundation’s Geo-Physical Institute dor onboard the Foundation’s Xene research station. At
assure us that the seismological activity and extreme weather the airlock, he is greeted by his escort – or perhaps his
witnessed in recent weeks is about to pass.” The reporter captors? With unwavering resolve, the Emissary steps
flinches as lightning strikes nearby and a heavy rain begins through the airlock and boards the ship that will take it
to fall.“There is no reason for concern…” out into the Third Horizon.
The Situation: In the last segment, storms and small earth- The Situation: The protection of the Legion is no longer
quakes have plagued the area around one of the Horizon’s enough to keep the other factions away. Diplomatic pres-
monoliths. Doomsday cults preach about the end-times in the sure and stealth ships threaten the Emissary’s safety.
shanty-towns and the Zenithian scientists try to explain the With much secrecy, it is evacuated from the station, but
phenomena as passing and natural. A prophet in red robes something goes wrong...
moves through the sub-levels of the city, trying to find a way
inside the monolith’s glyph-covered halls. The enormous The Mission: The PCs could be travelling to Xene not
artifacts seems to be protected however, most likely by the knowing that they are about to step on a political hornets’
same factions who seek to use its secrets for their own gain... nest, or they might be part of the plans to divert the ene-
my’s attention while the Emissary is brought to safety.
The Mission: The interior of the monolith is sacred ground. Alternatively, they are secret agents sent to infiltrate the
The PCs have perhaps heard rumors of the prophet trying Xene station, only to discover that the Judge’s chamber
to find a way in, but will they try to help or hinder the is empty!
Emissary’s plans? Are they more concerned about the
safety of the locals, or about the secrets they might unveil Clues:
if they make it inside? ◆◆ The Judge Emissary’s holy book contains ancient Mogul texts
from before the Portal Wars. They speak of the First Horizon’s
Clue: enslaved population and of how the Janhagir fleet left the blood-
◆◆ In the inner sanctum, an octagonal chamber with glyph-covered soaked worlds of the Second Horizon behind for a fresh start as
pillars, ancient machinery is coming alive. Bolts of lightning exiles in the Third Horizon.
The Mission: Are the PCs part of the Emissary’s network, Clue:
for example as couriers or as assassins? They could also ◆◆ The false Emissary has had a real vision, and can share
be impartial in the matter, but trapped on the wrong side insights about the real Emissaries, or clues about the
of the blockade with no way home, or negotiators hired location of a cell of Nazareem’s Sacrifice.
to calm down the situation.
Clues: ◆◆ Local law enforcement or the faction whose interests they
◆◆ The faction agents all have the same secret orders: don’t defended offer the PCs future favors (+2 to MANIPULATION when
draw first blood, and send all sensitive information via special dealing with this group or faction in the future).
couriers. The PCs find evidence linking these couriers to
Nazareem’s Sacrifice. y THE MINER’S DILEMMA
◆◆ Something happens in the chaos at one of the blockades: The glow from the holo com lights up the room. Kara
two butterfly-shaped ships without signatures are caught forces back her tears and looks at the projection. Her son
on camera exiting the portal field, but they disappear into sits on a cold temple floor. His torso is bare and covered
the night before anyone has time to react. in scars. Five silhouettes stand in a half circle on the edges
of the projection men and women Kara has learned to
Reward: identify as the Warriors of the Holy Light. One of them
◆◆ The PCs become friends of Kalidha and are always welcome steps forward and puts a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
to service their ship for free there in the future. “You have the place and time for the delivery. Don’t fail
us. May you travel in the shadow of the Martyr.”
“Have you seen the Emissary and heard its words?” The The Situation: The Warriors of the Holy Light have found
old man pulls up the sleeves of his caftan and leans over an easy way to fund their heinous actions. A sympathizer
toward the proprietor of the chai stand. “Finally, we get working at the Asteroid Exports mining company and a corsair
to hear the truth.” He takes a little sip of the hot tea. “All captain forced into obedience ensure a steady supply of birr.
we have to do is follow, and obey.” The man holds up his The neodym bars are valuable enough to be accepted across
arms to show tattoos of intricate, pre-War design. “Look. the Horizon, with no questions asked.
The Emissary’s love is all-encompassing. Follow the Icon
and walk forever in the light.” The Mission: The PCs might be following up on the martyr
commando’s funding after leaving Kua, or they might be
The Situation: A person either from the bottom of society, hired anonymously by another cell of the same group to
or someone who has been sidelined in the corridors of meet the corsair captain and handle a delivery. Or has
power, wakes up one day believing that she has developed corsair queen Kara tired of the blackmail and hired the
strange powers (perhaps she has been possessed?). By PCs to get her son back?
presenting herself as one of the Emissaries, the person
uses her new-found powers to acquire wealth and status. Clue:
Worshippers flock to her side, but as time passes, a corrupt ◆◆ The corsair captain shares just enough information about
hunger for unlimited power grows inside her... the commando for the PCs to be able to track down the
cell in question.
The Mission: The PCs might be hired to expose the Emissary
as a fraud or to stop the spread of its cult. However, they Reward:
might also believe the Emissary to be genuine, instead ◆◆ The owner of Asteroid Exports, Jabil Samem, will become a
seeking to protect it from its enemies. grateful patron in the future if the PCs helped uncover the
truth about the missing neodym.
Reward: Reward:
◆◆ If the dam is brought back online, it will take a long time ◆◆ The Children of the Song become future patron and employ-
for the valley to come alive again, but the water level drops ers. They hold many clues about the whereabouts of the
and the refugees can start to move back home. Which remaining Emissaries.
faction will swoop in to claim the laurels for this noble
act, and how much would they be willing to pay for the
PCs’ silence?
Nepotha 164
A Nesteras Defense Forces 131
Akouba Kosha 43, 143 Nigelia Kurahan-dol-Fahsra 41
Althea 19
Aqueda 104 R
Aram Yafa 31 Ramas, Brother 55
Artyr Gholâm 117 Ramses 104
Ataia 132 Ramse's Jackals 102
Awl 74 Raquin Birbasil 118
Ayaam'sha 183 Robwah, Sister 53
Bathos Emoud, Mad Poet 79 Salamah Ach-Aboud 88
Beast, The 79 Slummers 80
Sultra, Ghosts of 165
Chabaun Kheml 175 T
Coriolis Guards 22 Tubra Ghutan 131
Dali Osman 119
Darius 164
Banquet Hall 151
E Baybasin 116
Elmeda dol-Parnasso, Slum Queen 72 Conglomerates 131
Crash Site 103
F Emissary's Residence 46
Frax 73 Garden of Seekers 60
Martyr Commando's Base, The Hospital 173
G Spaceport Neoptra 20
Gaddar-e-Abrar 177 Workshop 148
Goba the Lame 73
Haquim 104
Handout #1: Sanatorium Pamphlet 33
Handout #2: The Judge's Invitation 40
J Handout #3: Brother Ramas Map 66
Jarja Dougha 142 Handout #4: The Slummer Queen's Map 77
Jeyla Kuhari 32 Handout #6: Message to Artyr 101
Johar Quassar 52 Handout #5: Artyr's Manifest 123
Kahnara 73
Lenove Astir 53
Leod dol-Quassar 142
Martyr Commando, as Guards 22
Martyr Commando Base 83
Martyr Warriors 88
Martyr Warriors, Garden of Seekers 61
Merk Ahuro 21