Caed Lab Report
Caed Lab Report
Caed Lab Report
Introduction and Project Overview
List and Brief Description Of Components
Methodology and Working
Circuit Diagram
Power Supply using Zener Diode
This basic purpose of this project is for the constant supply of voltage to electronic components.
Zener diode does that work as it works in reverse bias for the regulation purpose. Zener diode
work as normal diode in forward bias and work as voltage regulator which means it will
overcome the ripples in voltage and will make it stable to used as a supply voltage and can be
provided to the electronic components. Here we have used bridge rectifier circuit for conduction
in both half cycles and a capacitor to overcome the ripples.
7. Oscilloscope:
Oscilloscope is an electronic instrument used to view the graphs and waveforms of
electronic/electrical signals. Here we have used it in order to check the waveform how much
constant DC we are getting.
8. Resistor:
Resistor is an electronic component which resists the flow of current. It offer opposition to the
flow of current.
After this we have used Full Wave Bridge Rectifier in which we have used four diodes. In these
diode two diodes forward bias at a time and conduct for the first half cycle, i.e. D1 and D4
forward bias and conduct for first half cycle.
And for 2nd half cycle diodes D2 and D3 forward bias and conduct for the other half cycle.
Then the voltage flow through the capacitor and capacitor charges and also overcomes the
ripples to some extent.
Then it flow through the resistor which is used because of surge current which may damage the
components. Then AC voltage passes through the zener diode where it overcome the ripple to
complete extent and provide a constant dc to the load with desired required voltage.
Power Supply using Zener Diode
From above it is clear and we can see that we are applying AC input and getting constant DC at
the output.
From above we can conclude that zener diode is working as a power supply for the load LED.
Power Supply using Zener Diode