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The Induced Current Density Calculation by Charge Simulation Method For Grounded and Isolated Man Model Exposed Under 500 KV Transmission Line

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2014 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

24-25 November 2014, Bali, Indonesia

The Induced Current Density Calculation by Charge

Simulation Method for Grounded and Isolated Man
Model Exposed Under 500 kV Transmission Line

B. Anggoro and A. Qodir

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Bandung Institute of Technology
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung – Indonesia
E mail: [email protected], [email protected].

Abstract—The electric and magnetic fields always be produced the FEM theory has difficult problem at boundary condition.
by all electric apparatus and can induce the current induction in Charge Simulation Method (CSM) is a simple numerical
to human body. These induced current densities must be theory, especially for the problems which have potential
calculated/measured for determining the permission limit value surfaces [1]. So in these problems, we used the CSM theory
of electric/magnetic fields. so we can define that the type of for calculations the induced current (densities). The
electric/ agnetic fields are dangerous to human being or not. The calculation of induced current in human body is caused by
calculation of induced current densities in human body are done electric or magnetic fields, must be done accurately, especially
as result of electric field from 500 kV transmission line for for determining the permission limit value of these magnetic
grounded and isolated of man model, with the condition of or electric fields. According to ICNIRP (International
ground surface without any tree or other object surronding the Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) standard,
man model. Because of the character of model skin of the human the permission limit value of the induced current in human
body is conductive, so the result of this calculation for grounded body is 10 mA/m2 at ƒ = 50 or 60 Hz. or Extremely Low
and isolated is deference. For the grounded man model, the skin Frequency (ELF).
potential equals zero and the skin as equipotential surfaces. The
illustration of the result are curved between induced current The assumptions of this calculation are:
densities and section of the human body.
a. The body man model is placed beneath the
Keywords: CSM; induced current; 500 KV Transmission. transmission line directly. For isolated man model,
the potential of the man model skin is not equal zero,
I. INTRODUCTION but the skin is equipotential surfaces. For grounded
Since the Electric Power Company (PT.PLN) had installed man model, the potential of the man model skin is
the 500 KV transmission lines, especially in Java Island, many equal zero.
social problems occurred by these transmissions. Once of b. All of electric quantities as phasor so they have the
these problems is the biological effect of electric fields. real and imaginary quantities , these assumptions
Although until now there is no body can decide that the make the calculation more accurate than without
electric / magnetic effects is dangerous or not, but the phasor
international standard i.e. ICNIRP had decided the permission c. Because of the frequency of the system 50 Hz, or
level of the electric fields. These permission level are 5 KV/m Extreme Low Frequency (ELF) so the quasy static
(public) and 10 KV/m (occupational) for up to 24 hours per analysis had used for calculating
day [6] According to our survey result by measuring the d. At near ground level, the electric field is homogeny
electric fields beneath 500 KV transmission line, the electric
and perpendicular (⊥) to ground surface and the
fields is less than 3 KV/m [7] Actually the main problem of
the electric fields is the induced current into human body, ground surface as equipotential with zero potential
because this current can change the total condition of human. e. The height of transmission conductor is constant ,
To measure the induced current in the human body is difficult, equal 36,25 m
so we have to calculate the current. f. The environmental humidity held on constant
Many numerical theory can be done, i.e. Finite Element
Method (FEM); Finite Different Method (FDM). Change II. EXPERIMENTATION
Simulation Method (CSM) etc, for calculated the induced The configuration of 500 KV transmission line had 3
current. FEM is a accurate numerical theory, but for this phases and 4 conductors/phases as a bundle system (please see
problem we have to discretize space (the model of human Fig. 1).
body and air) larger than CSM theory. Beside this problem,

978-1-4799-8478-7/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

ϕ⏐S = Uο
24 m = Potential of surface of isolated man model skin (3)
16.6 m
ϕ⏐tan⏐S = 0
N N = Tangent Potential of skin surface of man model
equal zero (skin as equipotential) (4)
12.325 m
The equations are the boundary conditions of surface of
R S T man model.
0.225 m
A. Grounded Man Model
a. From the boundary condition for conductor. The
36.275 m equation (1) becomes,

Ne Ne+Nm
Σ PI , jQe( j) + Σ PI , jQm( j)=ϕ e(i) i=1..Ne (5)
j=1 j=Ne+1

b. From the boundary condition for man model, the

Figure 1. 500 kV transmission line configuration equation (2) becomes,

The man model Fig. 2 is divided into 4 sections; they are Ne Ne+Nm
head as sphere shape, neck, body and leg as cylinder shape. Σ PI , jQe( j) + Σ PI , jQm( j)=0 i =1…Nm (6)
The ring simulation charges as surface charges for all surface j=1 j=Ne+1
of the human body. Number of ring simulation charges for all
man model Nm is 165. Number of simulation charges of single c. From equations (5)–(6), they give the potential
circuit with 2 ground conductors transmission line Ne is 5. matrix.

[Pe. e]NexNe{Qe}+ [Pe.m]NexNe{Qm}={Qe} (7)

[Pm. e]NexNe{Qe}+ [Pm.m]NexNe{Qm}={O}
x or

x Pee Pem Qe ϕe
x Pme Pmm Qm (8)
(Ne x Nm) x (Nex Nm O
The potential coefficient matrix [P] is the square matrix
which can be calculated if the type and the position of
Figure 2. Man model with Nm = 165 of ring simulation charges collocation points have been selected. The potential matrix [ϕ]
is a known matrix and the charge matrix (Q) is an unknown
The skin surface of human body at low frequency has matrix can be determined uniquely.
permittivity relative higher than air [2,5], so at the boundary
between skin surface and air, the charges would be B. Isolated Man Model
accumulated in the skin surfaces. But the human body is good
conductor, which has conductivity about 0.01 – 1.0 s/m [4]- a. From the boundary condition for conductor, the
[5]. So the induced current can flow easily in the human body. equation (1) becomes,
Basic equation of CSM is Laplace’s equations.
Ne Ne+Nm
∇ϕ =02
(1) Σ PI , jQe( j) + Σ PI , jQm( j) =ϕ e(i) i=1…Ne (9)
j=1 j=Ne+1
and the boundary conditions of surface potential are ϕ⏐L =
b. From the boundary condition for man model, the
ULN = Potential of conductor surface (Line-to-ground
equation (3) becomes,
Voltage). This is a boundary conditions of conductor surfaces
(1) becomes
Ne Ne+Nm Ne
Σ PI , jQe( j) + Σ PI , jQm( j) = Σ PI , jQe( j) +
ϕ⏐S = 0 j=1 j=Ne+1 j=1
= Potential of surface of grounded man model (2)

Σ PI , jQm( j) …i= 2..N m (10) Position data of contour point, charge
j=Ne+1 simulation and transmission Voltage

c. From the boundary condition of potential tangential

for surface, equation (4) becomes, Define the real and imaginary of
transmission voltage
Ne Nm
Σ (f1 , j)tanQe(j) + Σ (f1 , j)tanQm(j) = 0 (11) Determine the potential coefficient
j=1 j=1 matrix [p] as a scalar matrix

d. From equations (9)–(11), they give the potential Calculate the real and imaginary
matrix. charge simulation by matrix
[p] [Q] re [ϕ]e
[Pee] NexNe {Qe}+ [Pem]NexNm{Qm}= {Qe}
[Pmx - P1ie ] N(m-3)xNe {Qe}+ [Pmm P1im ]Nm-1xNm{Qm}= 0 (12)
Calculate the real and imaginary of
[Fie]1xNe{Qe}+ [Fie]1xNe+ {Qm}= 0. induced current density

where [F] is coefficient of matrix of tangential field at contour

point # 1 The contour point # 1 is point at the top of head Calculate the real and imaginary of
which be chosen as a potential reference. Matrix 12 can be the total induced current which flows
written to be (13). into each section of the body

Pee Pee Qe Output of the real and imaginary E, J, I

Pme – P′i,m Pmm – P’i,m Qe 0 (13)
Qm 0
(Ne + Nm) Figure 3. Flow diagram of electric field and induced current calculation
1e 1m

From the result of [ Qm ] and [ Qe ], the electric field can be 14

calculated (14). 12


Ne Ne + Nm 6

E= Σ(f1.j )rQe( j) + Σ(f1.j )rQm( j) 4

j=1 j=Ne+1 ar 2
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00
Ne Ne + Nm Induced Current

+ Σ(f1.j )zQe( j) + Σ(f1.j )zQm( j) (14) Figure 4. Induced Current Vs Height (section of body) for grounded man
j=1 j=Ne+1 az model

where ρS = εoEn = Surface charges density at skin.

En= Normal electric field at surface of skin. 18
Et = Tangential electric field at surface of skin
.d ρs 12
Height (m)

J= = ωρ = ω εoEn = Induced current densities 10

dt of skin surface. 8
Ik = ∫sk J.ds = Induced current in body of man model. 6
The flow diagram of electric field and induced current 2
(density) calculation can be seen in Fig. 3. 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


From all above equations can be calculated total induced

current which flows at each section of the body of the man Figure 5. Induced Current Vs height (section of body head, neck, body, leg)
model, Fig. 4 for grounded and Fig. 5 for isolated man model. for isolated man model

Because of the electric field is not homogeny beneath the The induced currents and induced current densities
transmission line, where at the center of transmission is higher maximum flows in the section of body can be seen at Table 1.
than outside, so the induced current is not same for any places.
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 are the indication of the induced current TABLE I. MAXIMUM INDUCED CURRENT (DENSITIES) IN EACH SECTION
which flow in each section of body (head, neck, body, leg) if
the man model is placed at any point where have distance x[m] Grounded Isolated
from center to outside with lateral direction, for grounded and Distance
Section I J average I J average
isolated man model. (lateral) (m)
(μA) (mA/m2) (μA) (mA/m2)

14 Head 1.0 0.04 0.8 0.03

a. Head Neck 2.0 0.4 1.5 0.3
b b. Neck 17
Body 12.0 0.09 9.0 0.07
8 c. Body
6 d. Leg Leg 20.0 0.3 12.0 0.17

2 c
d Tenforde and Kaune had measured the induced current
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
densities which flow in the body of man model [8]. The
method of their measurement was a man model exposed to 10
Lateral distance
KV/m electric fields, and the result can be seen at Table 2.


Figure 6. Total Induced current flows in each section Vs lateral distance of GROUNDED MAN MODEL MEASURED BY TENFORDE AND KAUNE (1987) AT E =
exposed position of transmission line. (grounded) 10 KV/M [8]

Induced current densities

25 Section
Head 0,12
Neck 0,39
a. Head
Body 0,29
15 b. Neck
Leg 1,44
c. Body
10 d d. Leg
By comparing to our calculation, the induced current
densities at E = 10 KV/m are higher than the induced current
a densities from calculation at = 3 KV/m [7]
0 b
0 20 40 60 80
Lateral distance
From above calculation and the analysis of result, it
can be concluded as follows.
Figure 7. Total Induced current flows in each section Vs lateral distance of
exposed position of transmission line.(isolated) a. Induced current (densities) which are caused by
electric field from 500 kV transmission line for
The differences of electric field direction for grounded and grounded man model are higher than isolated man
isolated man model can be illustrated at Fig. 8. model.
b. Maximum induced current (densities) are lower than
WHO/ICNIRP standards.
E c. Induced current density is highest in the neck and leg
section of man model.
[1] P-B. Zhou, Numerical Analysis at Electromagnetic Field, Springer
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[2] M. Abdel-Salam and H. M. Abdallah, “Transmission-line electric field
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Figure 8. Illustration of electric field direction

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