Dungeon Alliance
Dungeon Alliance
Dungeon Alliance
Monsters.............................................................................. 5
Dungeon alliance store:
Traps..................................................................................... 5 https://dungeon-alliance2.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
There are also rules in the Rules Supplement for quest mode,
campaign mode and permadeath mode, any or all of which can
be applied to competitive, cooperative, or solo modes.
They are meant to be used as card dividers to ease in setting up 12. although our group is new to the game, we are all
and cleaning up your game. experienced gamers. Do we need to bother with the basic
Game Rules when setting up the game?
7. Why don’t the Dungeon frame segments use more complex
jigsaw connections to better prevent jostling? Yes, it is strongly recommended that you play with the Basic
Game Rules for your first game. Dungeon Alliance requires a
The printer for Dungeon Alliance informed us that, since we use unique deck-building strategy that takes at least one game to fully
both sides of the Dungeon Frame Segments interchangeably, jig- manage for most players, even if they are experienced gamers.
saw connections would not line up properly for several of the
configurations. We have recently created Dungeon Frame Play- 13. We are unsure if we are using all of the required Dungeon
mats to help players avoid this issue. frame segments for our player count. How many total Dungeon
Tile spaces are there for each set of players, including the
8. Why do the illustrations on the Monster encounter Cards starting Tiles?
feature a different style of art than on the rest of the cards?
1 Player = 9 spaces 3 Players = 20 spaces
2 Players = 15 spaces 4 Players = 25 spaces
During our playtests, we discovered that players had a very
difficult time recognizing the monochromatic monster icons on
the Dungeon Tiles. Once we switched to a simpler art style, HeRo aCTiVaTion
players no longer experienced this difficulty.
14. What constitutes a hero’s “turn”?
We plan to create alternate art Monster Cards in the future for
experienced players who want more complex art. These cards A single hero’s activation during a game cycle is referred to as the
would still display a small version of the monster’s icon as it hero’s turn. A hero’s turn includes choosing the hero, removing
appears on the Dungeon Tiles. her hero Token, moving the hero, attacking with the hero, drafting
1 Upgrade Card, discarding cards, and drawing cards.
18. Can i play an Upgrade Card with two different card types
beneath a hero if only one of those card types has been played
previously during the same round?
25. Does a weapon attack count as my hero’s one attack for the
turn? Can i use the bonus or base attack number from a Weapon
No. You cannot play an Upgrade Card such as the “Iron Golem” if
Card more than once per turn?
either of its card types has been played previously by that hero
during the same round. A Burst of Strength will only allow you to
Yes, a weapon attack is similar to a player’s primary attack in that
play one of the card types again, not both card types.
it counts as your one normal attack per turn. You can use either
the bonus or base attack number from the weapon every time you
19. if i play a Reaction Card with a text ability, does the text
make an attack during the same turn.
ability continue to trigger for the rest of the round?
26. Can i use the base attack number on an attack spell more
No, only the ability bonus icon(s) remain in effect for the rest of
than once per turn? Can i add other bonuses to increase the base
the round. So Zelled’s “Roll with the Blow” would only protect
attack strength of an attack spell?
him from a single source of damage. If a Reaction Card features
both an ability bonus and a text ability, such as Holgar’s “Holy
Unlike weapon attacks, an Attack Spell can only be used once per
Shield,” then only the ability bonus remains in effect for the rest of
turn, even if a player has access to multiple attacks during that
the round, not the text.
turn. However, you can use other bonuses to increase the base
attack strength of your Attack Spell, even if the bonuses don’t
MoVeMenT specify that they enhance or modify an Attack Spell, as long as
they match the proper attack type (melee or ranged).
20. is spinning in place considered a form of movement?
27. if something increases my overall damage when i attack,
Yes. Therefore, you cannot spin in place after attacking since you does it also affect my pet’s damage when it attacks?
are not allowed to move after attacking. However, because spin-
ning in place does not cost any Speed points, doing so by itself No, unless the effect specifically mentions that it increases the
does not prevent you from making two attacks against different damage of Pet Attacks.
enemies during your turn.
28. if i gain additional attacks during my turn, does my pet also
21. Can i open a normal Treasure Chest if there are monsters in gain extra attacks?
the room? What if there is a monster standing on top of the
Treasure Chest? No.
This is just a reminder that the card’s effect lasts until the end of
29. is it possible to advance the Upgrade Deck in the middle of
the round, so you may want to keep the text for this card visible.
the round, instead of waiting until the end Phase?
38. if i play a card or attack with a pet that features the “no line
Yes, a new variant introduced in the second printing of Dungeon
of sight required” icon, can i affect a target even if there is no
Alliance allows you to do so. When one of the XP Pools runs out,
open passage to the target?
you may choose to immediately advance the Upgrade Deck to the
next level instead of waiting until the End Phase. When playing
No, when counting the number of spaces to the target, you cannot
competitively or cooperatively, all players must agree to do so.
go through walls or closed doors, although you may bypass other
characters without penalty.
HeRo abiliTies (sTaRTinG DeCk & UPGRaDes)
39. When a card refers to attacking the target’s “side” or “back,”
30. When a card refers to “you,” is it referring to the actual such as bartholomew’s “stealth strike,” can i attack the enemy
player or the hero that the card is placed beneath? diagonally to reach those areas?
All XP Tokens are received face up unless the text specifies Although a diagonally adjacent room is not considered
otherwise. “connected” to your room, it is considered adjacent, which
qualifies the room for the “Scroll of Teleportation.” You cannot,
33. Can i move, play a card (such as a Healing spell), and then however, teleport to a blank tile space.
keep moving?
42. “bestial form” says i can make a 6 melee attack “as needed.”
Yes, as long as the card does not initiate an attack on its own, such What does this mean?
as an Attack Spell or a Pet Attack, since you cannot move after
attacking. “Bestial Form” is an Enhance Spell, not an Attack Spell, and so it
doesn’t provide an attack on its own. Each time you attack while
34. if my hero is defeated, do i still draft, discard, and draw at enhanced by this spell, you can use the 6 melee attack, including
the end of that hero’s turn? when you are entitled to multiple attacks.
bURsT of sTRenGTH 53. When an enemy’s ability inflicts automatic damage or places
a certain number of Wound Tokens, such as the Gargoyle’s
46. if i perform a burst of strength to add +1 to my melee or “swoop” attack, does the ability ignore the hero’s armor and
ranged strength, does this apply to all of my attacks of this type dodge defense?
during the turn (assuming that i am entitled to multiple
attacks)? Yes, whenever an ability specifies that it inflicts automatic damage
or places wound tokens, the target cannot deflect the attack with
Yes, except for Pet Attacks. its Armor and/or Dodge Defense.
47. Can i perform a burst of strength to allow myself to play 54. after making its “swoop” attack, does the Gargoyle make a
two attack spells during the same turn? normal attack?
Yes, but only if you are otherwise entitled to two attacks during Yes, and he can even attack the target he just swooped through if
your turn. For example, if you do not spend any Speed points, the player controlling him wishes to.
you may use a Burst a Strength to cast two Attack Spells as long
as each spell targets a different enemy. 55. When playing solo, can the Minotaur activate during every
monster activation segment? if so, why is there text that
48. Can i perform a burst of strength to play more than 1 specifies that it only attacks “once per cycle”?
enhance spell on the same hero?
Yes. The “once per cycle” text clarifies that during multiplayer
Yes, in this case the target of the Enhance Spell would receive the games, the Minotaur cannot activate more than once per monster
two face down cards. You could then play another Enhance spell activation segment, even though multiple monsters can activate
(with or without a Burst of Strength) during the same turn, as during each monster activation.
long as it benefited a different Hero.
56. following the spirit of the Monster Protocols, should the
49. Can i perform a burst of strength to play more than 1 lizard Men introduced in the adventure Packs try to move into
Reaction card on a hero during the same round, even if it isn’t position such that they can attack with the maximum attack
the defending hero’s turn? bonus possible?
Yes, as long as the hero did not previously perform a Burst of Yes, but you may still choose any Lizard Man, even if he cannot
Strength during that round. This ruling is an exception to the rule achieve the same bonus as one of his brethren.
that you must play a Burst of Strength during the active player’s
turn. 57. The Wyvern’s card lists Dodge defense and its token lists
armor defense. Which is correct?
50. if a hero falls unconscious in the middle of his turn (such as
from a trap or a Mimic attack), can i immediately use a burst of The Wyvern has Dodge defense, so the card is correct, not the
strength to revive that hero? token. We’ll correct this in future printings, and also add a
corrected version of the token to a future expansion.
No. Although you can normally use a Burst of Strength to heal
your hero at any point during her turn, once a hero is knocked TRaPs
out, her turn moves immediately to the drafting, discarding, and
drawing segments. You cannot use a Burst of Strength to revive
58. if i reveal a “Pit Trap” in an adjacent room and then attempt
that hero until her following turn.
(and fail) to disarm it, does the pit really appear in my space,
even though i am outside the room?
51. During the end Phase, if i discard a face down card that was
used in a burst of strength, does that trigger any text that occurs
Yes. Before being revealed, the token signifies that the pit is nearby,
“when you discard this card from play,” such as on the “Minor
not necessarily in the actual destination room.
scroll of Teleportation”?
59. are monsters affected by a Pit Trap that has been placed face
up on the game board?
MonsTeRs Yes, monsters must maneuver around the Pit Trap just as heroes
52. if a monster’s attack strength has been reduced to 0, such as
from jypzy’s “Drain Vigor,” can that monster still technically 60. Can i always defend against a trap (such as the “Dart Trap”
attack? or the “Pendulum Trap”) that specifies that it makes a melee or
ranged attack?
Yes. This is different from a monster that cannot move in range of
a hero, or who has an effect that specifically says that it “cannot Yes, you can defend against the trap as long as it doesn’t
attack.” inflict automatic damage (like the “Pit Trap”).
61. if a trap specifies that it makes a melee or ranged attack, 68. if we are playing co-op, do we still follow the rule that tells
does my hero’s proximity to the trap matter? for example, can a us to remove cards from the Upgrade Draft area that are not
ranged trap affect a hero who is adjacent to the Trap Token? usable by any heroes?
The hero’s proximity to the trap does not matter. Consider that Yes, this rule is only ignored during solo play (not co-op).
you are in the target space of the attack, but the actual source of
the attack does not necessarily correspond to the Challenge 69. if i am playing co-op, am i still forbidden from choosing a
Token’s original space; it can conceptually be coming from across monster that is in the same room or an adjacent connected room
the room, for example. to one of my heroes?
62. Can i attempt to reveal and/or disarm a Challenge Token No, that rule only applies to competitive play. In fact, you
from outside the room if there are no monsters in my room but completely ignore ownership of heroes during co-op Monster
there are monsters in the Challenge Token’s room? Activation.
No, unless you have special card text that allows you to do so, 70. if i am playing solo or co-op and the highest XP ready
both your room and the target room must be clear of monsters. monster cannot attack any heroes, what do i do?
solo / CooPeRaTiVe RUles You do not activate or move the monster in this case. If there are
no other ready monsters on the table, then you must perform the
activities on the “Otherwise” section of the Solo/Co-op Card.
63. Do the Monster Protocols described in the Rules
supplement force me to always choose the target who will
If, however, there are other ready monsters still on the table, then
receive the most damage during solo and Cooperative play?
you may choose either to activate the next highest XP ready
monster or to perform the “Otherwise” section of the Solo/Co-op
No. If both the top or bottom category of targets shown on Section
Card. The choice is yours. This rule was updated during the
II of the Solo/Co-op Card are valid, you may choose either
second printing of Dungeon Alliance based on player feedback.
category. Once you have chosen a category, and if that category
has multiple possible targets, you may choose any of the targets
71. When playing with the new solo/Co-op cards from the
as long as you conform to the Monster Protocols. For example,
adventure Packs, do i still receive -4 XP for each Dungeon Tile
once you choose a category of targets for the Death Fairy, the fairy
that remains in the Master Dungeon stack and Tile Draft area?
will choose the target from among those in that category that
requires the least amount of movement, as per its protocols.
No, the general rules were adjusted during the 2nd printing so
that you instead receive -4 XP for each empty tile space inside the
64. When following the rules for section ii of the solo/Co-op
dungeon frame. This is especially important if you are playing
Card, the middle example in the rulebook says that i only add
with the new Solo/Co-op cards, as it is possible to completely
+3 to the monster’s attack strength if the monster’s attack type
explore the dungeon and still have tiles left over.
matches the one indicated on the solo/Co-op Card. Does this
mean i am free to choose this option even if the monster does
72. When playing a solo game with Permadeath rules, if one of
not have the indicated attack type?
my heroes has died, do i still activate the solo/Co-op Card when
i must “pass” during that hero’s activation?
Yes, even if you qualified for the first option in Section II, you may
choose the second option instead regardless of the monster’s
Sadly, yes.
attack type, which may be to your advantage.
67. if i am playing solo or co-op and there are no ready monsters
left on the game board, does the Monster activation segment
immediately end?
Yes. Also, you may choose whether or not to peek at any Chal- 96. When a final enemy Deck runs out of cards, do you shuffle
lenge Tokens on the game board each time you place a Wound it and draw from it again in the future?
Token beneath this quest.
88. When triggering “The Dark empress,” do the spells i play
against the enemies still have their full effects? 97. if a final enemy’s special attack does not specify that it
requires line of sight (such as the Dark empress’ “Dark aura”),
Yes. can it attack enemies around corners?
90. When resolving the “staff of the spider Queen,” does the No, only attacks that specify they don’t need line of sight can
active hero need to be adjacent to the staff? Does the burst of attack around corners.
strength provide any other benefits?
98. if a final enemy’s special ranged attack specifies that it
The active hero must be adjacent to the Staff. The Burst of affects “all Heroes within X spaces,” such as the Dark empress’
Strength has no effect other than allowing you to place a Wound “aura of Terror,” does it affect adjacent heroes?
Token beneath the Staff.
Yes, even though it’s a ranged attack, the text “vs. all Heroes
91. When triggering the “Dread orb,” am i still restricted by the within 3 spaces” allows it to affect adjacent heroes.
number of cards i can draft during the same hero activation?
99. if a final enemy’s special attack requires a hero to perform
Yes, you may only draft 1 Upgrade or Story Card during the same an immediate burst of strength to avoid some kind of effect
hero activation. (such as Gorthos’ “aura of Terror) and the hero has already
performed a burst of strength this round, is the hero unable to
92. Does the “Dread orb” really require the active hero to be avoid the attack?
adjacent to it while she acquires Campaign Tokens from the
Campaign Deck? Yes, the hero must suffer the consequences in this situation.
No, this card should have been worded to say “While one of your 100. if a final enemy’s special attack causes a nearby enemy to
heroes is adjacent to the Dread Orb...” So any of your heroes can attack, even if exhausted (such as the Goblin king’s “Goblin
be adjacent to the Orb while your active hero is acquiring Hordes”), will an unexhausted enemy become exhausted after
Campaign Tokens in order to resolve this quest. making this bonus attack?
CaMPaiGn Play 113. When the Deep Dungeon final enemy Room Deck runs out
of cards, do you shuffle it and draw from it again in the future?
104. When recruiting a new hero, do you receive the starting
Deck Cards associated with that hero?
114. after a new minion enters the final enemy Room and
attacks a random hero using the Hero selection Tokens, what
does that enemy do afterwards?
105. Can a player draft more than 1 permanent Upgrade at the
end of each adventure?
After its initial entrance and attack, the minion acts like a normal
Enemy Token controlled by the players.
THe DeCk of Many TReasURes 117. if 2 minions enter the final enemy Room and are instructed
to attack “separate” target heroes, what happens if there is only
109. if i draw a spear Trap or a Gas Trap, do i have to spend 1 1 hero in the room?
speed Point to attempt to disarm it?
Only one of the minions will attack the target hero. The initiative
No, you get to attempt to disarm it for free, although you can player chooses which minion will attack the hero if both are
spend Speed points to increase your chances of success if you eligible.
118. When a trap card (such as the “Chromatic Trap”) is drawn,
110. if i draw a Mimic, the card specifies that it immediately at- who is eligible to attempt to disarm it?
tacks. is it exhausted afterwards?
If the trap is drawn immediately as the first hero enters the Final
Yes, but it will become ready again at the end of the round like a Enemy Room, then only she is eligible to disarm it; this does not
normal monster. cost any Speed points to initiate but she is free to spend Speed
Points to increase her chances of success if she wishes. If she fails,
DeeP DUnGeon final eneMy RooM then the trap is considered sprung and cannot be disarmed.
111. Can a hero leave the Deep Dungeon by spending 1 speed If the trap is drawn where there are already 1 or more heroes in
point when next to the hero entrance area to return to the stairs the room, then only those heroes may attempt to disarm the trap
token? at the start of their turns; this does not cost any Speed points to
initiate but each hero is free to spend Speed Points to increase her
Yes, as long as there are no enemies on the Stairs token. chances of success if she wishes. Until it is disarmed by one of
these heroes, it affects every hero in the room, including new
112. Do enemies ever enter or exit the Deep Dungeon under any heroes who enter the room (who cannot attempt to disarm it).
119. if a trap card is not disarmed, what happens to the trap 125. When a Trait Card refers to “you,” is it referring to the
when the next final enemy Room Card is drawn? player or the individual hero that the Trait is assigned to?
The trap card is discarded and will no longer have any effect on It is referring to the individual hero. For example, the
the game unless the deck is shuffled and the card is drawn again. “Resourceful” Trait provides its Upgrade discount only
during the turn of the corresponding hero.
aDVenTURe PaCks
126. Can a single hero be assigned more than 1 Trait?
120. How long is a full campaign? How often should i use the
No, each hero is limited to 1 Trait.
Deep Dungeon final enemy Room during the campaign?
neW VaRianTs
If every hero in the game lies defeated at the same time, you lose
the game. When playing a campaign, end the game immediately
and consider it a loss. You may still spend Campaign Tokens at
the end of the adventure, however.