Health Behavioral Theory
Health Behavioral Theory
Health Behavioral Theory
Health behavior model has been used to explore a variety of health behaviors in diverse
population. For instance, researchers have applied the HBM to studies that attempt to explain and
predict individual participation in programs for influenza inoculations, high blood pressure
screening, smoking cessation, seatbelt usage, exercise, nutrition, and breast self –
examination.(Rosenstock et al., 1994)
Health behavior plays in maintaining one’s health and wellbeing, it evolved from a
primary focus on understanding predictors of engaging in positive impact of health behavior
change, including attention to preventive health behaviors and the role of technology in assessing
and promoting health behaviors and disseminating interventions to increases accessibility and
impact. Interrelationships among culture, health disparities and health behavior change programs
and policies must address to the growing cultural diversity in the country. Challenges in
changing and maintaining these health behaviors as well as the evidence-base intervention
strategies that may found to support health behavior change.
The reality now days that people rarely need to change only one health behavior and the
barriers to lasting behavior change are often complex and multifaceted.
Byrne, D. W., Rolando, L.A., Aliyu, M. H., McGown, P. W., Connor, L.R., Awalt, B. W.,
Yarbrough, M.I. (2016). Modifiable healthy lifestyle behaviors: 10-year helath outcomes
from a health promotion program. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 51, 1027-
National Center for Health Statistics, (2017). Health, United States, 2016: With chartbook on
long term trends in health. Hyattsville, MD..,
Rosenstock I., Strecher,V and Becker, M.(1994). The Health Belief Model and HIV Risk
Behavior change. In R.J. DiClemente, and J.L. Petersons (Eds.). Preventing AIDS
Theries and Methods of Behavioral Interventions (pp. 5-24). New York: Plenum Press.
Adaptation Model: Nurse Callista Roy’s adaptation model is a lot like Myra Levine’s
theory which focused on human’s ability to adapt. Humans are holistic adaptive systems
which have parts hat function in unity for a purpose. In her theory, Callista Roy stated
that a person’s adaptive level is constantly changing and depends on the focal, contextual
and residual stimuli. Based on the four meta paradigms common to other nursing
Ministry of Health (BR). Secretariat of Science, Technology, Innovation and Strategic Health
Supplies. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. Brasília (DF); 2020.
Orem DE. Nursing: concepts of practice. Saint Louis: Mosby; 2001. 542p.
Roy SC, Andrews HA. The Roy adaptation model. Londres: Pearson; 2008. 576p.