Health Behavioral Theory

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1. Health Behavioral Theory

Initiating and sustaining healthy lifestyle behaviors and adhering to prescribed therapies
are key to optimal health. There is growing awareness of the importance of multiple health
behaviors and their impact on health, longevity and quality of life.(Bryne et. al., 2016) Moreover,
chronic illness impacted by health behaviors comprised seven of the top causes of death in 2015,
including heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke ( National Center for
Health Statistics, 2017)

Health behavior model has been used to explore a variety of health behaviors in diverse
population. For instance, researchers have applied the HBM to studies that attempt to explain and
predict individual participation in programs for influenza inoculations, high blood pressure
screening, smoking cessation, seatbelt usage, exercise, nutrition, and breast self –
examination.(Rosenstock et al., 1994)

Health behavior plays in maintaining one’s health and wellbeing, it evolved from a
primary focus on understanding predictors of engaging in positive impact of health behavior
change, including attention to preventive health behaviors and the role of technology in assessing
and promoting health behaviors and disseminating interventions to increases accessibility and
impact. Interrelationships among culture, health disparities and health behavior change programs
and policies must address to the growing cultural diversity in the country. Challenges in
changing and maintaining these health behaviors as well as the evidence-base intervention
strategies that may found to support health behavior change.

The reality now days that people rarely need to change only one health behavior and the
barriers to lasting behavior change are often complex and multifaceted.

Submitted By: ALKHALDI, LUCILLE BSN RN Course: MAN-DL Page 1


Byrne, D. W., Rolando, L.A., Aliyu, M. H., McGown, P. W., Connor, L.R., Awalt, B. W.,
Yarbrough, M.I. (2016). Modifiable healthy lifestyle behaviors: 10-year helath outcomes
from a health promotion program. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 51, 1027-

National Center for Health Statistics, (2017). Health, United States, 2016: With chartbook on
long term trends in health. Hyattsville, MD..,

Rosenstock I., Strecher,V and Becker, M.(1994). The Health Belief Model and HIV Risk
Behavior change. In R.J. DiClemente, and J.L. Petersons (Eds.). Preventing AIDS
Theries and Methods of Behavioral Interventions (pp. 5-24). New York: Plenum Press.

Submitted By: ALKHALDI, LUCILLE BSN RN Course: MAN-DL Page 2

2. Nursing Theory applicable to be utilized as guidance in
management of Covid-19 in relation to the following:
A. Control of the spread of infection
B. Emotional Support and Behavior Improvement
C. Compliance to quarantine protocol
A. Control of the Spread of Infection – Dorothea Orem Theory entitled “Theory of self-care
deficit”, Self-care is defined as the individual’s ability to perform actions for his/her
benefit. When it is not completely accomplished or when the demands exceed the
individual’s basic skills concerning the activities, the self-care deficit is characterized,
with consequent demand for nursing action (Orem 2001)
In this perspective, the nurse can guide the following types of care: frequent hand
washing or when it is impossible to wash, alcohol-based hand sanitizer; respiratory
protocol when sneezing or coughing, covering mouth and nose with tissue paper or with
the inner side of the arm; avoid touching the face, especially eyes, nose and mouth; and
keep a distance of at least two meters from people who cough or sneeze (Orem 2001).
When considering the perspective of self-care mentioned in this theory, the nurses’
attitudes foster the patient’s autonomy, a crucial element for their empowerment when
facing their health decisions. Furthermore, health education highlights, a tool that enables
the construction of knowledge by the user and collectivities, given their self-care, through
the Support-Education System(Orem 2001)
B. Emotional Support and Behavior Improvement

Adaptation Model: Nurse Callista Roy’s adaptation model is a lot like Myra Levine’s
theory which focused on human’s ability to adapt. Humans are holistic adaptive systems
which have parts hat function in unity for a purpose. In her theory, Callista Roy stated
that a person’s adaptive level is constantly changing and depends on the focal, contextual
and residual stimuli. Based on the four meta paradigms common to other nursing

Submitted By: ALKHALDI, LUCILLE BSN RN Course: MAN-DL Page 3

theories, which are the assumptions related to the person, the environment, health, and
nursing. As for the person, the theorist states that the person is submitted to a scheme that
includes the stimulus, which generates the coping mechanisms and results in the response
of the individual, family or community, which end up supporting another stimulus
(Mcewen 2016) (Roy 2008).The coping mechanism of the interdependence mode, it is
necessary to think what health professionals, especially nursing, who are at the frontline
in facing this pandemic, are going through this current situation, as many of these
professionals are unable to return to their homes, have contact with relatives and friends
and constantly experience the fear of transmission, the exhaustive workload and the
precarious infrastructure of many health institutions. This flagellant context that,
considering Roy’s assumptions, directly interacts in the confrontation of this group needs
to be better addressed by health authorities. Concerning the responses that reflect the
individual’s adaptive process, they are subdivided into adaptive and ineffective. The
adaptive ones promote the integrity of the human being, positively affecting health. The
ineffective response, on the other hand, is when the individual is unable to coping
effectively, compromising his/her self-care and development (Mcewen 2016) (Roy
2008).Therefore, it is through the answers that the nurse can identify the individual’s
coping mechanisms. Therefore, interventions are designed to obtain adaptive responses
(Mcewen 2016) (Roy 2008).

C. Compliance to quarantine protocol

Florence Nightingale brings along postulates that transcend time and become vital
observations for prevention measures for transmission of the COVID 19 and the nursing
care to infected patients. Under the perspective of disease prevention and health
promotion, the postulates considered by the theory emphasize a point called “home
health”, which deals with the importance of basic sanitation, ventilation, household
cleaning and the influence of the cleaning of the residence’s surrounding areas. Also,

Submitted By: ALKHALDI, LUCILLE BSN RN Course: MAN-DL Page 4

they suggest the importance of personal hygiene, considering that many microorganisms
communicate through the skin. Finally, they highlight the need for handwashing
(Mcewen 2016) .
The preference for environmental and personal hygiene in Nightingale’s theory brings to
date the usual practice in health, standing out the current practice experienced in the
pandemic period by COVID-19, when the preventive measures adopted guiding for the
hygiene of people and environments, also to the isolation of the individuals, through
social distancing and, in extreme cases, lockdown, which is configured as the total
blocking of non-essential activities(MOH 2020).
From this perspective, it was possible to understand the interface of the theories
mentioned before the pandemic by COVID-19, to indicate that care actions can be guided
by assumptions and concepts. Thus, the theoretical constructs of Dorothea Orem, Callista
Roy and Florence Nightingale, envision a performance of nursing in different aspects,
contemplating the individual, the family and the community in their health needs from
the biopsychosocial perspective.


Ministry of Health (BR). Secretariat of Science, Technology, Innovation and Strategic Health

Supplies. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. Brasília (DF); 2020.

Mcewen M. Theoretical bases of nursing. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2016. 608p.

Orem DE. Nursing: concepts of practice. Saint Louis: Mosby; 2001. 542p.

Roy SC, Andrews HA. The Roy adaptation model. Londres: Pearson; 2008. 576p.

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