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Robot Vision

Automating Automation.
Robot Guidance With Machine Vision
A Complete Range Of Products From One Source
s i o n
t V i t
o b o e s
R t s B
at i
The World of Robot Vision

The Optimal Solution for Every Demand The Optimal Solution for Every Branch
The demands on Robot Vision Systems start at the two-dimen- Based on the complete portfolio of technologies, systems, prod-
sional recognition of the translation and rotation of an object on ucts and components, as well as project experience from vari-
a conveyor belt and extend beyond container unloading, to the ous branches, we are expanding our portfolio continuously in
recognition of all 6 degrees of freedom of the position of a mov- order to meet the branch-specific demands of our customers.
ing object in space.

Applications for 2D Robot Vision: Applications for 3D Robot Vision:

• Loading and unloading presses • Controlling painting robots
• Loading and unloading processing machines • Mounting glass, roofs, front modules, cockpits, etc.
• Sorting from the conveyor belt • Controlling the application of seams, sealant and adhesive
• Loading and unloading latticed boxes • Controlling loading cranes
• Filling barrels • Loading and unloading racks
• Commissioning pallets and containers • Loading and unloading boxes
• Controlling sanding and milling robots • Filling the tanks of stationary and moving vehicles
• Guiding filleting machines • Mounting wheels on stationary and moving vehicles
• Controlling labeling and marking systems • Seam tracking in welding, gluing and sealing processes
• Controlling packaging machines • Controlling laser cutting robots
• Positioning Pick & Place systems • Spatial collision monitoring
• Controlling flame impingement robots • Controlling the stamping process
• Guiding slaughtering machines • Loading and unloading baggage
• Controlling riveting robots • Guiding milking and shearing robots
• Guiding harvesting machines • Controlling harvesting machines
ISRA Robot Vision

Cutting-Edge Technology for Automation

Machine Vision gives robots intelligent eyes. Using these eyes,
robots can recognize the position of objects in space and adjust
their working steps accordingly.
Our constant goal as the market leader of Robot Vision is to Robot Vision is comprised of the following technologies :
design systems for automating automation - everything from • Contrasting of all relevant optical features of the component
simple pick & place applications to complex 3D tasks - and with illumination and image acquisition technology that is
implement these cost-effectively. Our technological expertise, optimal for the application
our experience and our innovative components support the • Fast and precise position determination of points, features or
cost-effective production of our customers worldwide. bodies in the plane or space using robust algorithms
• Coordinate transformations between the coordinate systems
Core Competencies from the Start of the camera, the robot, the object and the cell, and the
Since the company was founded in 1985, the technology of calibration of the entire system
robot guidance has been one of ISRA's core competencies. • Time-efficient communication, resistant to transmission errors,
Time and again, we are setting a new course for the global mar- between the image processor and the robot via various
ket with innovative developments. One of the primary reasons interfaces and protocols
for this is our longtime combination of expertise in Robotics and • Integration of additional procedures for quality measurement
Machine Vision. and inspection including the documentation of all relevant
Today, industrial robots have become a major economic factor results.
in industrial automation. With Robot Vision, the number of appli- • Clear structuring of the software and concise user-interface
cation possibilities for these automation components increases in order to make complex technology available in a simple
exponentially. manner

Innovative Power for Customer´s Benefit

Since the beginning, ISRA has aspired to regularly introduce The Entire Equipment from One Source
new processes and applications to the market by means of sys- Robot Vision Systems are an integral part of production technol-
tematic development of our know-how, thereby contributing to ogy. Without a sound functioning system, the process comes to
cost-effective production. Therefore, we regularly invest a large a halt. The demands on the availability of these systems are cor-
percentage of our turnover in Research & Development. The respondingly high. The fact that all core components of the sys-
specialists in the ISRA R&D team make use of dedicated knowl- tem come from one source is another reason why ISRA sys-
edge in the fields of optics, hardware and software develop- tems can guarantee a high degree of availability with low
ment, lighting technology, engineering, numerics, algorithms, demands on maintenance and robust measuring and inspec-
precision mechanics and sensor construction when developing tion results.
highly complex Robot Vision Systems. In doing so, the team
works closely with the applications and in close cooperation
with our customers. Robot Vision Core Components
• High-performance Frame Grabbers developed by ISRA,
Robot Vision Basics, from the Technology to the System hardware-supported, fast processing with integrated FPGAs
Machine Vision for robot guidance provides the robot or han- • Sensors optimal for the application from the robot-suited
dling system with information of where the component to be miniature camera, to stereo sensors and 3D form matching
processed or moved is located spatially. This way, it is possible sensors, to sensors for the combination of robot guidance and
to automate handling, assembly and processing without having quality inspection
to precisely position and fix the components. This saves pre- • Application know-how in the entire process, implemented in
cious cycle time in production and reduces costs significantly. high-performance, robust and easy-to-use software with the
components: calibration, measuring, inspecting, communica-
tion, data archiving and user support
Robot Vision Sensor Innovations
RGS Features:
Robot Guidance and Gauging Combined • Multi-line 3D form matching
• LED projection technology
The family of Robot Guidance Sensors (RGS) can be • Integrated LED area illumination, controllable
implemented as either stationary or mobile power and adjustable intensity
(attached to the robot) 2D/3D position and coor- • Stationary and mobile use
dinate measurement system. For very complex • Complete sensor family for various working
tasks, several sensors can be combined in a distances
multi-sensor system. All sensors are calibrated
internally and temperature compensated. The
sensors are used for 3D robot guidance and
seam tracking, for assembly tasks, for best-fit
installation, and integrated quality measure-
ments, including inline measurements.

Robot Camera Features:

Compact – Robust – Economical • Compact construction
• Fast assembly and exchange
Cameras and lighting units integrated on the robot or • Miniaturized, robust case
in the gripper are subject to intense stresses. The • Own power LED lighting units
components must be compact, quick to assem-
ble and reproducible for replacing and must be
able to withstand high accelerations and strong
vibrations. As to cameras, ISRA relies on tested
standard components that are integrated in
ISRA's own robot-suited housings. LED lighting
modules have been developed and produced
in-house in order to obtain the optimal contrast
in every application.

Stereo Sensor Features:

Two Eyes for the Three-Dimensional World • Stereo sensor with integrated stripe light
Spatial vision with stereo sensors works accor- • Freely configurable sensor arrangement
ding to the same principle as the human eye. • Stationary and mobile use
ISRA's LOCMES (Location Measurement Sensor) • One sensor for various working distances
determines the 3D coordinates of a point in
space using two camera images. LOCMES reg-
isters objects that can be described using dis-
tinctive points, corners, lines or polynomial-like
web contours. For definite measurements on
areas, additional stripe light projectors are used.
For large objects or increased accuracy, several
LOCMES sensors are integrated in one network.

EASI3D Features:
3D Multi-Function Sensor: • 3D position determination using stereometry
Guidance and Inspection • Integrated stripe light projector
• 360° inspection within the application area
Want 3D determination of the position and orien- around the nozzle
tation of objects while simultaneously carrying • Adhesive and sealant inspection while
out a fully automatic inspection of adhesive and in motion during the application, without
sealant applications during the application reorienting the sensor in curves.
process itself? With EASI3D, the functionalities for
both tasks are integrated into one sensor head.
This makes it possible to control and monitor the
entire process of fully automatic adhesive and
sealant application using only one sensor.
ISRA Robot Vision
2D Position Recognition and Identification
on the Plane
The 2D Robot Vision System is the standard sys-
tem for identification and position recognition. It
provides information about the position, rotation,
and component type that are arranged on a
defined plane. The system distinguishes itself
from others through its extreme speed. Contour
extraction – accurate down to the subpixel – pro- 2D Robot Vision
vides the highest precision, even in the case of
fluctuating features. Applications for the system Features of the 2D
include de-palletizing from the running conveyor and 2 1/2D Robot Vision System:
belt, sorting and removing objects from the belt, • Subpixel accuracy
loading and unloading machines, and much • Contour-based recognition
more. • Independent of scaling
• Integrated impact control
2 1/2D Position and Orientation Recognition • Robust against contrast fluctuations,
size fluctuations, rotation and distortion
The 2 1/2D Robot Vision System provides infor-
mation about the height of the object in addition
to the position and rotation. Here the configurable
scaling comes into play. Tasks such as de-pal-
letizing or automatically unloading latticed boxes
can be solved economically by the lean system
construction. A sorting scheme and impact con-
trol inspection can be specified.

2 1/2D Robot Vision

Features of Photogrammetry:
3D Photogrammetry • High accuracy, even with large components
• All camera arrangements possible
The system links the information from several • Low amount of configuration work
cameras photogrammetrically to produce precise • Color-independent
recognition of the object's spatial orientation. • Short measurement times
Deviations from a given target orientation are pre-
cisely calculated in all six degrees of freedom
and robots, in particular, those that process large
format components, such as the robots in an
automobile painting line, are controlled.

3D Robot Vision Photogrammetry

Features of MONO3D:
3 Dimensional Vision with One Camera • Reduced hardware use
• High flexibility
MONO3D is the economical alternative to proce- • High cost-effectiveness
dures and equipment for 3D measurements with • Quick integration
two or more cameras. With one camera and one • Position determination, even while moving
image only, all six degrees of freedom (position
and orientation) can be determined precisely for
a three-dimensional object using only three fea-
tures. This can be used, for instance, for de-rack-
ing of complex components from transport and
storage racks.

Monocular 3D Robot Vision

The Art of Robot Vision
Features Stereo Measurement Technology:
• Scaleable measurement volumes and measure- 3D Stereo Measurement Technology
ment distances while using the same sensors
• Feature and surface detection 3D Stereo Measurement Technology is used
• High measurement distances where the quality and efficiency of highly auto-
mated robots and handling systems can be
increased through quick and precise position
determination, for example, in processes for
mounting glass, roofs, cockpits, etc. The systems
can be stationary or mobile and can, depending
on the demands, control any number of stereo
sensors in a network.

3D Stereosystem

Features Multi-Line 3D Form Matching

• High measurement accuracy 3D Form Matching – Robot Guidance
• Simultaneous registration of position & In-Line Measurement Technology
and coordinates
• Very short measurement cycles The use of multi-line projection sensors with inte-
• Multi-sensor system and grated area illumination allows for the combina-
multi-tasking system tion of 2D/3D robot guidance and 2D/3D in-line
measurement technology. The high level of
redundancy of the measurement lines ensures
robust and precise measurement results. The
systems can be stationary or mobile. Assembly
processes with simultaneous coordinate meas-
urement technology for quality inspections are
automated with these systems.
3D Form Matching

Features Visual Servo:

• 3D in-line tracking Visual Servo and Seam Tracking
• Optical conveyor synchronization
• Adaptive track corrections during Visual Servoing describes the conveyor synchro-
the running process nization of the robot using the 3D vision system.
This enables processing and assembly process-
es to take place during component feed, for
example, wheel assembly or the filling of the gas
tank on a moving vehicle.
In seam tracking, the robot is moved exactly
along the component geometry; for instance for
the precise sealing of seams that do not run in a
straight line.

Visual Servo

Features AURA:
• Learning system Learning Robot Guidance
• Simple and quick set up
• Adjustable to various image features AURA (Adapted Uncalibrated Robot Automation)
and shapes is a new method for 3D robot guidance. The pro-
• No calibration targets cedure is distinguished by its automatic learning
ability at various robot positions. Calibration of the
cameras is not necessary.

Robot Vision Brainware
Robot Vision Software – Coded Application Know-How High Levels of Clarity:
• Structured, ergonomic layout
Our experience from hundreds of Robot Vision projects • User-interface can be customized flexibly
worldwide and in various fields of application manifests itself • Context-sensitive, clear user-operation
in the software for our systems. That is what we at ISRA call • Image-oriented overview display with the presentation
Brainware. • All production-relevant data for the
current component
Calibration • Understandable, user-oriented nomenclature
The systems provide all the classic calibration methods, and
some innovative ones, too. Depending on the application
and surrounding conditions, you can choose between fully
automated calibration with a fixed or moving calibration
plate, calibration without the calibration plate, or uncalibrat-
ed self-learning operation.

Position Determination

Contrast-oriented, feature-oriented, contour-oriented or pro-

jection-oriented algorithms are used to recognize the fea-
tures for determining the position of the component.
Photogrammetrical, stereo-based and 3D form matching-
based calculations of all 6 degrees of freedom of the
object's position are available.


The large number of processes employed guarantee the

feature recognition at a high degree of reliability. All Direct Diagnosis:
processes work redundantly, offer automatic alternative • Display of the system status using colored
strategies and allow manual correction in emergencies. status light signals
Every measurement is subject to a quality inspection and a • Extensive logging area
plausibility inspection before it is used to control the robot. • Overview image with graphical visualization
All results are documented and archived. of all measurement features and their status

High Flexibility:
• Quick teach-in
• Point, edge and surface detection
• Automated self-control
• Automatic and manual compensation
Innovations for Robot Automation

World class automation A summary of the advantages

ISRA VISION has been a leading supplier of high-performance Customers choose ISRA over the competition for the following
quality inspection, robot guidance and production logistics systems reasons:
for more than 20 years.
• Our development activities are fully focused on the needs of
These systems are used all over the world in such industries as our customers.
automotive, tier 1 automotive suppliers, packaging, aerospace, food, • We consistently invest in our own know-how in all of the core
logistics, mechanical & plant engineering, and robotics. areas of machine vision.
Our goal is to offer a complete portfolio of standard solutions which • At our company, the customer relationship does not end when
meet the full spectrum of requirements along the entire process a new system leaves our shipping dock. The Customer Support
chain. Center operates a range of services including a telephone hotline,
teleservice, on-site service and maintenance to support our cus-
Thousands of successful installations worldwide demonstrate tomers during operation of their systems and equipment and to
ISRA’s experience and technological expertise in machine vision. help them increase their productivity.
• More than 400 team members at our locations in Europe, the
Americas and Asia are committed to helping you achieve

Germany Italy USA P.R. China Japan
Tel. : +49 (6151) 948-0 Tel. : +39 (0464) 490 603 Tel. : +1 (248) 499-6468 Tel. : +86 (21) 6891 6286-0 Tel. : +81 (3) 3253-5771
Fax: +49 (6151) 948-140 Fax: +39 (0464) 498 875 Fax: +1 (248) 499-6463 Fax: +86 (21) 6891 6286-888 Fax: +81 (3) 3253-5772

UK France Brazil Korea Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Tel. : +44 (1322) 520410 Tel. : +33 (4) 7211 4067 Tel. : +55 (11) 3476-1132 Tel. : +82 (2) 790-1326 Tel. : +886 (3) 2500-148
Fax: +44 (1322) 559419 Fax: +33 (4) 7211 4068 Fax: +55 (11) 3476-1132 Fax: +82 (2) 790-1329 Fax: +886 (3) 2500-149

Turkey Belgium
Tel. : +90 (216) 688 1015 Tel. : +32 (2) 6523-866
Fax: +90 (216) 688 1016 Fax: +32 (2) 6523-728

Spain Ireland
Tel. : +34 (93) 589 71 79 Tel. : +353 (61) 748411
Fax: +34 (93) 589 71 79 Fax: +353 (61) 748411

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