VStep Writing
VStep Writing
VStep Writing
Abstract: In the context of rapid regional and international integration, particularly the official
establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, English capacity has become essential for
Vietnamese people to create their competitiveness in employment, education and other opportunities. In the
reform of English education and assessment in response to this demand, VSTEP tests were developed and
introduced by the Ministry of Education and Training as national English assessment instruments. VSTEP
tests are meant to be alternative to the existing expensive international standardised English tests (e.g.
IELTS, TOEFL). But this requires VSTEP developers to take action to assure test validity. They also need
to accumulate and disseminate evidence of validity of the tests to gain international recognition. By doing
so, they have taken meaningful action to contribute to the nation’s international and regional integration.
The paper highlights the commitment of ULIS-VNU as a VSTEP developing institution in this mission. It
reports a recent VSTEP validation study as an example of this commitment1.
Keywords: VSTEP, test validation, scoring validity, assessing writing, English for ASEAN integration
1. Background 12
Community (AEC) in 2015, the connotation of
Regional and international integration is regional and international integration becomes
nothing new to all Vietnamese citizens. The more pressing for Vietnamese government, its
impact and evidence of this process can be seen every sector and any ordinary person. On the one
in every corner of the country, ranging from the hand, the establishment of the AEC is a major
presence of foreigners who come to Vietnam milestone in the regional economic integration
for various purposes with their increasing agenda in ASEAN, offering opportunities in
number and greater access to all parts of the the form of a huge market of US$2.6 trillion
land, to the increasing number of Vietnamese and over 622 million people2. In 2014, AEC
labourers from different areas and professions was collectively the third largest economy in
in the country to work overseas such as in Asia and the seventh largest in the world. On
Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Particularly, with the the other hand, this means that citizens of one
official establishment of the ASEAN Economic ASEAN nation can go and work in another.
Employment now becomes more competitive
not only within one nation’s borders, but in the
Tel.: 84-904322142, Email: [email protected]
whole region. In this context, English capacity
This study was completed under the sponsorship
plays a critical role, and language is often an of English context and use in Vietnam. The
assumption in ASEAN documents (Dudzik latter, Vietnamese Standardized Test of
& Nguyen, T.N.Q, 2015). Article 34 of the English Proficiency (VSTEP), is a test of
ASEAN Charter designates English as the general English proficiency developed based
working language of ASEAN (ASEAN, 2008). on the Common European Framework of
The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Reference. Two VSTEP test formats, one
explicitly states English language capacity- measuring levels 3-5 and the other measuring
building in its blueprint, along with educational level 2 according to the CEFR-VN, have
investment, life-long learning, human resource recently been issued by Vietnam’s Ministry
training and capacity-building, and applying of Education and Training as national test
technology (ASEAN, 2007). instruments for English assessment. The test
In response to growing regional and consists of sections assessing reading, writing,
international demand for foreign languages, speaking, and listening, with all four sections
the government of Vietnam issued a decision taken by all test takers. In fact, VSTEPs are
to “thoroughly renovate the tasks of teaching the first ever locally-produced standardised
and learning foreign languages within the English proficiency tests in Vietnam.
national education system” in order to One major goal, among several others, of
produce graduates who “gain the capacity these initiatives is to assure fairness in English
to use a foreign language independently” assessment in Vietnam, both because they are
(Government Decision 1400 I.1, 2008, p. made suitable for Vietnamese learners and
1). Decision 1400, entitled Teaching and the context of English education and use in
Learning Foreign Languages in the National Vietnam, and because they are of lower cost
Educational System, Period 2008-2020, gave and thus more accessible for the majority
birth to the National Foreign Language 2020 of English learners in the country (Nguyen.
Project (NFLP 2020). Major goals of this T.N.Q. & Do. T.M., 2015). At least the latter is
project are to reform the teaching, learning and evident. Since the arrival of the VSTEP, a great
assessment of foreign languages, especially number of Vietnamese people, not limited to
English in the education sector. the education sector, have been assessed on
To date, two of the most significant their English proficiency against the CEFR-
achievements of the NFLP 2020 have been VN, aligned to the CEFR. Let alone at the
the development of the Vietnam’s Framework University of Languages and International
of Foreign Language Competency aligned Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
with the Common European Framework (ULIS-VNU), about 8,000 people took the
of Reference (CEFR-VN) and the locally- VSTEP test in the year 2016.
produced standardised English proficiency However, a big challenge in the
tests, so-called VSTEP. As for the former, development of VSTEP tests is to assure
instead of the six levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 their quality so that their test scores are valid
and C2 as described in the CEFR introduced and meaningful indicators of Vietnamese
by the European Union, the CEFR-VN learners’ English ability levels as compared
consists of levels 1 to 6 with similar to international standards. That is, a level-3
descriptors of competences to the CEFR, learners according to the CEFR-VN should
but with adaptation to match the features be equally proficient in English to those
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.4 (2018) 115-128 117
(Messick, 1989, 1998; Weir, 2005; Shaw CAE), Vietnamese people can now choose
& Weir, 2007). For example, version X of a to take VSTEP, which is of lower cost and
writing test may be strong in theory-related tailored to English use and English teaching
validity and cover more content specified in and learning context in Vietnam, to gain
the test specification, but its rater reliability is certification of their English proficiency
weak; while version Y covers less content, but (Nguyen. T.N.Q. & Do. T.M., 2015). Thus,
is rated with higher rater reliability coefficient. it is justifiable to say that the development
However, now comes the question of of VSTEP tests has both technical, practical,
what types of evidences and for what types and humanitary meanings. These are new EFL
of validity test validators should collect tests that are made in Vietnamese context,
in order to claim the validity of a test. In by Vietnamese experts and for Vietnamese
this regards, Weir (2005) presents a socio- English users.
cognitive framework for test validation. However, as stated above, a challenge
He distinguishes theory-based validity, for VSTEP developers is to assure its validity.
context validity, scoring validity, and the two And what’s more important is that they should
external validities, criterion-related validity be able to provide sufficient evidence of its
and consequential validity of a test. He also validity. According to Messick (1992), it is
suggests the types of a priori (i.e. taken before a responsibility of test developers to provide
the test administration) and a posteriori (i.e. evidence of validity of their test. However, the
taken after the test event) validity evidence. fact is that not many of test developers in the
Weir’s (2005) socio-cognitive framework world have done so. They may have thousands
has been further developed by himself and of different reasons for not doing so, including
his colleagues to provide validation porfolios constraints in terms of technical and financial
specific to tests of different macro skills: resources for validation work, or simply their
listening, reading, speaking, and writing. lack of commitment in providing transparent
These models are very practical and useful for information of their tests. However, as for
test developers. Vietnamese test developers of VSTEP, this is
identified as an emphasized mission. Within
3. VSTEP validity evidence for international the national borders, the use and recognition
recognition: an emphasized mission of VSTEPs are assured by the legal documents
The first section of this paper stresses the by Vietnamese governmental and education
demand for English capacity of Vietnamese sectoral agencies. However, when it comes to
people in the new era of international and regional and international contexts, sufficient
regional integration. For various types of evidence of VSTEP validity is essential to
purposes such as overseas employment the recognition of international and regional
and education, Vietnamese are to be able to counterparts. Foreign stakeholders, i.e.
provide the information and evidence of their foreign employers, education institutions,
English ability to gain their competitiveness. researchers, etc., have their own right and
As discussed in the first section, instead of choice whether to trust VSTEP test scores
taking expensive English proficiency tests and their equivalent levels of English
provided by international language testing proficiency reported based on these scores
organisations such as IELTS, TOEFL or or not. For their recognition consideration
Cambridge main suite tests (i.e. PET, FCE, and decision, they deserve the right to know
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.4 (2018) 115-128 119
about how the tests are developed, delivered, is 60 minutes long, with the recommended
and scored, and whether these tests are up time allowance for Task 1 of 20 minutes and
to international quality standards and can Task 2 40 minutes.
be used alternatively to the already widely- The study was to answer the two
known and recognised international tests following research questions:
(e.g. IELTS, TOEFL).
1. How consistent are the ratings of the
Fully understanding the above VSTEP writing test?
responsibility, as one of the biggest VSTEP
2. How do various facets of the rating
test developer nationwide, ULIS-VNU is
process contribute to score variation in
committed to providing transparent and
credible information of VSTEP validity,
as a concrete action to gain regional and 4.2. Methodology
international recognition of their test results
with an ultimate goal to contribute to the 4.2.1. Data collection
national reform of English education and The study examined three forms of the
assessment led by the NFLP 2020, and VSTEP writing tests administered in late
the integration of Vietnam to the world. 2015 (hereinafter called as Test A) (with 546
A series of validation studies have been participants), mid 2016 (1212 participants)
being conducted by ULIS researchers and in (Test B), and late 2016 (476 participants)
collaboration with international experts. The (Test C).
following section is a report on a recent study Each task of the test was rated separately
on the scoring validity of the VSTEP Writing with a four-subscale analytic rubric: task
Test as an example of ULIS-VNU effort and fulfillment, organization, vocabulary and
commitment in carrying out this mission. grammar. Raters provided scores for every
subscale for each task out of 10. The score for
4. Example: A study on scoring validity of
each task was the average of four subscales
VSTEP Writing Test3
and calculated out of 10. An exception was
4.1. Overview of the study with Test A form, in which Rater 1 provided
The aim of the reported study was to analytic scores, but Rater 2 only provided
examine the consistency of scoring in the holistic scores of each task. The composite
VSTEP Writing Test. This test consists of score of the Writing test was calculated as
two tasks: Task 1 asks test takers to write a follows: (Task 1 + Task 2 x 2)/3. This final
correspondence of at least 120 words for an score was rounded to 0.5.
intended purpose that is described in the task; As a measure to improve scoring validity,
Task 2 asks test takers to write an essay of at at ULIS-VNU, every student paper is double-
least 250 words about a given topic. The test rated by two raters at different times. If any
ratings are disparate by 1 point or more (out of
This study examines VSTEP.3-5 tests under the
3 10), the paper is marked by a third, lead rater.
sponsorship of the University of Languages and In addition, 15% of the papers are remarked
International Studies (ULIS-VNU) in the project No. by third rater for quality assurance. This rating
N.16.22. This was jointly conducted with a language procedure was applied at all the three studied
testing specialist sponsored by the Regional English test forms.
Language Office, US Embassy in Hanoi.
120 N.T.N. Quynh / VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.4 (2018) 115-128
4.2.2. Data analysis provided by generalizability theory.
A review of literature shows that in Therefore, this study adopts the
estimating the scoring consistency of rated tests, triangulation approach employed in other
there are a number of methodological options, studies (e.g., Bachman, Lynch, & Mason, 1995;
none of which presents entirely satisfactory Lynch & McNamara, 1998) of combining many-
results by itself. Inter-rater correlations, for facet Rasch measurement with generalizability
example (see, e.g., Bachman, 2004; Carr, 2010), theory, while adding consideration of inter-
while perhaps the simplest and most commonly rater score correlations as an additional source
used approach, tell nothing about the effects of information on scoring consistency.
of other aspects of the testing process, such
Specifically, for each of the three test
as differences in task difficulty or test takers’
forms, the following statistical analyses were
language ability. Generalizability theory (see
conducted: (1) the descriptive statistics for
Brennan, 2001; Shavelson & Webb, 1991), in
every subscale of the writing scores through
contrast, tells us how such aspects of the testing
SPSS; (2) Cronbach’s alpha and correlations
process contribute to score variation, and to
also through SPSS; and (3) generalizability
dependability, but yields no information on the
theory (mGENOVA), many-facet Rasch
ability of individual test takers, the severity or
leniency of individual raters, or the difficulty
of specific tasks. Finally, the many-facet 4.3. Results
Rasch model (see, e.g., Bond & Fox, 2001;
4.3.1. Descriptive statistics
Linacre, 2014; McNamara, 1996) does provide
information at the individual level, but without Tables 1-5 show the descriptive statistics
the information at the facet level and the clearly for every subscale and the composite of the
interpretable estimates of overall consistency writing scores of the three test forms.
It can be seen from Tables 1-5 that the 4.3.2. Traditional reliability analyses
means of the test scores were very similar The Cronbach’s alpha and inter-
across all the subscales and to those of the rater correlations (by subscale and for
composite scores of all the three test forms. composite) were calculated for the three
122 N.T.N. Quynh / VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.4 (2018) 115-128
Table 8.1. Variance components results for Rater 1 analytic writing scores using the plx tl model
for Test A
As seen above, the major source of Table 8.2. Variance components results for
variance in Rater 1’s analytic scores of Test Rater 2 writing scores: plx tl model
A across all four subscale was test-taker
variability with the percentages for p were all Source of variance Composite
above 70%. p 2.26824 80.40%
t 0.0012 0.00%
pt, e 0.55167 19.60%
Total 2.82111 100.00%
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.4 (2018) 115-128 123
Table 8.2 shows that Rater 2’s holistic Table 9.1. Index of dependability (Φ)
scores of Test A writings also varied mostly due results for Rater 1 writing scores from the
to the differentiation among test takers (80.40%). Test A administration: plx tl model
Table 8.3. Variance components results for ho- Subscale Φ
listic (task means for Rater 1 and holistic scores Task fulfillment 0.824
for Rater 2) writing scores: p x r x t model Organization 0.866
Vocabulary 0.884
Source of Grammar 0.901
Composite Composite 0.893
p 2.20644 94.40% Table 9.2. Index of dependability (Φ)
r -0.00017 0.00% results for Rater 2 writing scores: p x t model
t 0.00148 0.10% Scale Φ
Rater 2 (holistic) 0.891
prt, e 0.13079 5.60%
Total 2.33871 100.10% Table 9.3. Index of dependability (Φ) results
for holistic (task means for Rater 1 and holistic
As seen from Table 8.3, test-takers’ scores for Rater 2) writing scores: p x r x t model
variance accounted for 94.40% the cause of
the variation between Rater 1’s task mean Scale Φ
Holistic scores 0.876
scores and Rater 2’s holistic scores in Test A.
Tables 9.1 - 9.3 all show that both Rater 1’s
For further examination of the Test scores (across subscale and composite) and Rater
A, index of dependability (Φ) results were 2’s were all highly dependable (all above .80).
calculated, using plx tl model for Rater 1 scores,
p x t model for Rater 2 holistic scores, and p x As for the remaining two administrations
r x t model for holistic (task means for Rater 1 Test B and Test C, plx rl x tl model was used to
and holistic scores for Rater 2) writing scores. calculate the variance components and index
of dependability.
Table 10.1. Variance components results for Test B: plx rl x tl model
Source of
Task fulfillment Organization Vocabulary Grammar
p 1.86524 75.20% 2.08608 76.80% 2.08366 78.40% 2.13199 79.20%
r 0.00385 0.20% -0.00003 0.00% -0.00004 0.00% 0.00081 0.00%
t -0.00011 0.00% 0.00755 0.30% 0.00628 0.20% 0.00081 0.00%
pr 0.08443 3.40% 0.06851 2.50% 0.07966 3.00% 0.08541 3.20%
pt 0.28353 11.40% 0.30433 11.20% 0.27013 10.20% 0.23847 8.90%
rt 0.00209 0.10% 0.00108 0.00% -0.00012 0.00% 0.0005 0.00%
prt, e 0.2409 9.70% 0.24995 9.20% 0.2165 8.20% 0.23465 8.70%
Total 2.48004 100.00% 2.7175 100.00% 2.65623 100.00% 2.69264 100.00%
Table 10.2. Dependability and reliability The above table shows that raters’
results for writing scores for Test B adminis- writing scores for Test B were highly
tration: plx rl x tl model dependable and reliable for all four subscales
Subscale Φ Eρ2 and the composite, with the dependability and
Task fulfillment 0.883 0.884 reliability results all above .80.
Organization 0.892 0.893
Vocabulary 0.9 0.901
Grammar 0.906 0.906
Composite 0.914 0.914
Test A
Test B
Test C
It can be seen that the measurement This shows that there may have been
results were all close to zero in all three above something confusing about the prompt (which
Rasch analyses. was expected to be a little on the easy side).
However, the inter-rater correlations for
4.4. Discussion
writing scores were all very high, for both
4.4.1. Research question 1: How consistent individual subscales (≥ .889) and composite
are the ratings of the VSTEP writing test? scores (≥ .937).
With the exception of Test C, writing 4.4.2. Research question 2: How do various
scores exhibited very high dependability facets of the rating process contribute to score
levels. As for the Test C test form, the writing
variation in writing?
scores were less dependable than the desirable
Five facets were considered: person
rate of .80 (.736), and a bit lower than the
(i.e. test taker), rater, task type, test date, and
other two administrations, yet still acceptable.
Task 2 (essay) scores generally tended
Person: It was clear from the results
to be close to Task 1 (correspondence) scores,
that person (i.e. test-taker) majorly
but for Test C, they were markedly lower (.5
contributed to score variation in all three test
points for mean composite, .6 for median
administrations. The person-task interaction
composite). For this administration only, the
effect made a noticeable contribution to total
task facet contributed a noticeable proportion
score variance in the three administrations
of total score variance (7.4%); person-task
for which it could be estimated (29.8%,
interaction was 33.4%.
11.4%, 33.4%).
126 N.T.N. Quynh / VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.4 (2018) 115-128
Rater: The rater facet contributed very employment or any other relevant purposes
little to total score variance. In addition, in international contexts. It is believed that
rater-person and rater-task effects were also the accumulation of such empirical evidence
minimal. will help to convince the world of the quality
Task type: The task facet contributed very and seriousness of VSTEP tests. These are
little to total score variance, aside from tasks also concrete and meaningful contributions
in Test C (σ2t = 7.4%). In the Rasch analyses, of ULIS-VNU and its VSTEP development
the correspondence and essay tasks were both team to the nation’s will for international and
very close to 0 in difficulty. Therefore, based regional integration.
on both G theory and Rasch results, task type References
does not seem to affect scores in any important
ASEAN (2007). ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
way, although individual prompts may do so.
Blueprint. Jakarta, Indonesia: ASEAN Secretariat.
Test date: In the Rasch analyses, test date Retrieved September 1, 2017 from http://www.
difficulty ranged from -.12 to .07, very close asean.org/communities/asean-socio-cultural-
to 0, so it was not an important contributor to community.
ASEAN (2008). ASEAN Economic Community
Subscale: Subscales all had difficulty Blueprint. Jakarta, Indonesia: ASEAN Secretariat.
measures from -.15 to .10, so this facet was Retrieved September 1, 2017 from http://www.
also not important to total scores. asean.org/archive/5187-10.pdf.
Clearly, overall the VSTEP Writing Test Bachman, L. F. (1990). Fundamental considerations
is demonstrating sufficient score dependability in language testing. Oxford: Oxford University
for high-stakes decisions. The dependability Press.
levels of the writing test also generally display Bachman, L. F., Lynch, B. K., & Mason, M.
high dependability, sufficient to support (1995). Investigating variability in tasks and
important decisions. rater judgments in a performance test of foreign
language speaking. Language Testing, 12(2),
5. Conclusion
The above report of a validation study
of VSTEP tests is an example of how VSTEP Bonk, W. J. & Ockey, G. J. (2003). A Many-Facet
developers at ULIS-VNU are endeavoring Rasch Analysis of the Second Language Group
to contribute to the process of regional and Oral Discussion Task. Language Testing, 20(1),
international integration of Vietnam. As
elaborated earlier, it is critical that these Dudzik, L. Diana. & Nguyen Thi Ngoc Quynh
made-in-Vietnam English proficiency tests (2015). Vietnam: Building English competency
be proven to be valid and reliable so as to be in preparation for ASEAN 2015. In Stroup, R. &
recognized not only by Vietnamese people, Kimura, K. (Eds.), ASEAN integration and the
but also by stakeholders in the broader role of English language teaching. Phnompenh:
world. Such recognition would pave the IDP Education (Cambodia) Ltd.
way for Vietnamese learners of English Koizumi, R., In’nami, Y., & Fukazawa, M. (2016).
to use their VSTEP test results (instead of Multifaceted Rasch Analysis of Paired Oral
expensive international tests) as proof of Tasks for Japanese Learners of English. In Q,
their English capacity, either for educational, Zhang (Eds), Pacific Rim Objective Measurement
VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.34, No.4 (2018) 115-128 127
Tóm tắt: Trong bối cảnh hội nhập khu vực và quốc tế mạnh mẽ, đặc biệt là việc thành lập
chính thức của Cộng đồng Kinh tế ASEAN năm 2015, năng lực tiếng Anh đã trở nên thiết yếu đối
với người Việt Nam để tạo ra tính cạnh tranh trong tuyển dụng, giáo dục và những cơ hội khác. Để
đáp ứng nhu cầu này, trong công cuộc đổi mới dạy học và kiểm tra đánh giá tiếng Anh, các định
dạng đề thi VSTEP đã được xây dựng và ban hành bởi Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, được xem như
là các công cụ kiểm tra đánh giá tiếng Anh quốc gia dành cho người Việt nhằm thay thế cho các
đề thi đánh giá năng lực tiếng Anh chuẩn quốc tế rất đắt đỏ hiện nay như IELTS, TOEFL... Tuy
nhiên, điều này đòi hỏi những đơn vị xây dựng đề thi VSTEP phải có những biện pháp cụ thể để
đảm bảo tính giá trị của đề thi. Họ cũng cần phải thu thập và quảng bá những minh chứng về tính
giá trị của các đề thi này để đạt được sự công nhận của quốc tế. Đây là nhiệm vụ có ý nghĩa quan
trọng, góp phần vào công cuộc hội nhập khu vực và quốc tế của Việt Nam. Thông qua một nghiên
cứu xác trị đề thi VSTEP được thực hiện gần đây, bài viết nhấn mạnh cam kết của Trường Đại học
Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội với tư cách là đơn vị phát triển VSTEP trong nhiệm vụ này.
Từ khoá: VSTEP, xác trị đề thi, tính giá trị của quá trình chấm thi, đánh giá kỹ năng viết, năng
lực tiếng Anh cho hội nhập ASEAN