Proc No. 300-2002 Environmental Pollution Control

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f~TV-*f t..1..t-It-£ Jt tJOtM.fLf-£ tT1Ii\.h

~Yo&.1A ~ ,;JtT ;JUff1


"m~~ ,\oo.}- cfl1'CII 9th Year No. 12

OJ\. -rV- k I 4..1..&.1\ -£ Jt'l"h t-ft.1-£ t T1IlLh
"Jll' "Otl-lJSC t)!I +') nifj~ ADDISABABA 3n1December,2002
','h1l1l +ml1V-~ 9"hc n..}- ml1ct~.}-'mil)


".,~ cfl'PCrf/Iifj~ ,\.9" Proclamation No. 300/2002

'''I1I1f1. 1Ihi\.}- cfl1''PC Environmental Pollution Control
".,~ , 1K'lia.i f.2i PrQClamation Page 1959

".,~ -k'Pcrf/ PROCLAMATION NO.300/2002

WHEREAS, some social and economic development
"'~') ~ ""I:hOt--£'" J\.ttlf"tfce ,/.\",.}- 'Pl"':y. A""11:') endeavors may inflict environmental harm that could make
'''7.+i\1Ih 1~ "1111f1.f-£+b()lf lL1hh.}-tr 'Ot~tr 00011' the endeavors counter-productive;
'i:ftD- f
WHEREAS, the protection of the environment, in
O"m.~I\~ ",",I1f1.') ODmO:" i n+i\1-r ,I"tm-') m.,)~.}-'i general, and the safeguarding. of human health and well-
01 v-~;J- "')1.lI.o-fD ','h1.,,')1 1.,'h')~""'i '+~'PC',) P'~ being, as well as the maintaining of the biota and the aesthetic
6)-0.}- ""I"".}- 'o-tr'r +..,I1C'i ~1\4.~.}- OODII'~: value of nature, in particular, are the duty and responsibility of
foo111\h1 f""lhlD1j{ "C9"j{sP~') OODm-"'~ 00l/iM1
WHEREAS, it is appropriate to eliminate or, when not
t-ce'i OJ\.ttlf"t1-£ A""I.}- 'Pl"'~~ "l.1.T '''7.hl''t+m-''}'i ,01/f.t.
possible. to mitigate pollution as an undesirable consequence
i\1m-') -oh"'}- "7hm1~ "1-~A oohi\hA +1f1. OoPII'~ : or social and economic development activities;
0"--1-'"*1 4..1..t-I\-£ Jt'l"ht-ft.1-£ tT-fllLh ','h1 NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55(1)
00')'1P'.}- 1\')+" !~(li) oolPl.}- f"7.h+l\m- ;J-m-~A II of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
hC;:A 1\,)~
ji. ,,~C C()h PART ONE
1-tJ ".,~ "''',",I1f1. 1Ihl\.}- -k1"rc ck'J'C 1. Short Title
[f/Iifj~" +111\0 lLm+h 1-~I\A : This Proclamation may be cited as the.' 'Environmental
.}-C:}1I1 Pollution Control Proclamation No.300/2002".
Oll.tJ ".,~ m-h'P : 2. Definitions
In this Proclamation:
il "11i\P'AII)')" ""II\.}- f",",I1f1. '1'0'+ I1I\P'AII)1 ~m-; 1) "Authority" means the Environmental Protection
II "\1."7.I1A" ""11\:" h./\OI1').}- : mf.1jO lA+.,.".,.1\1jO Authority;
f,o-") ,+.,.".,.1\ m-o-J': : mf.1jO -t.,.1j01fO n...m- 2) "Chemical" means an element or a compound
'+IPt- : m1-9" 1."''l'' h+t.'PC' '+17 : ckh"tlA whether by itself, or in a mixture or a preparation,
whether manufactured or obtained from nature;
1"}P,. «P;J ., ;J~."t ;JH.tfJ ;r.Ut.~.
Unit Price 3.40 Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
~ liif.itf~ J...Y.t.A ~;Jt"" ;J1J.fl) ~'I'e II "'.<;ell~ n Iim~ 'i.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 12 3n1December, 2002-Page 1960

C. "~,?fHI ooF1,1 n.""" a<J1I."" f.U ltlOfJ. 3) "Competent Agency" means any Federal or
f1'm.,.(lfl"" f:'} :11. 0lPJ.~'1ar "'~f. I)f. Oih'? f1'l'1m Regional Government organ entrusted by law with a
;}I)&'~"" f~YoIrA OJf.l)" fhAA foo'}'?F"" responsibility related to the subject specified in the
~'1A ~ar ! provision where the term is used;
"P'A.trl') ~Cf: 11""" a<J1I."" O~1..IrA 4) "Competent Court" means, in the case of the
OO'},?F"" 1'1.1f,} foo1.ool,l f.l}f ~c~ n."" : Federal Government, a first instance court and in the
'h '} Jtv. 9" case of a national regional state, a court designated
011 dblr If h AI) If oo'} '? F"" 1'1.1f,} 0 h A ftc on the basis of the law of that state;
i'h"l ooLPl"" flPJ.l'1f9" ~C.~ n."" ~ar ! 5) "Effluent" means waste water, gas or other fluid,
l; . "~It 0" II...,. l' trJC.,. OJf.9" ltf.trJ Ir I 0.,.'1';t-
treated or untreated, discharged directly or indirectly
OJf.9" "'T1,?1 flAIf~ 00'}1f: OJf. ~'1flO- flPJ.II."'~ into the environment;
~ifif ar'l OJf.9" 11..1'\
~7fif tA7i OJf.9" ;rtl ~ar :: 6) "Environment" means the totality of all materials
}. "~'1flo." a<J1I.""ooot."" : Ohflo. ~fC : O~fC I,.~;t- whether in their natural state or modified or changed
'hCj O~fC '}lIl"" : Oarv : OU1'P,} :-0f:9"~ OO;t- : by humans, their external spaces and the interactions
OtrJ'h9": Oa<JUOIrIf "'~f-:f 'hc,'OM aro"" Itf.OJI'1,} : which affect their quality or quantity and the welfare
01.t.TC'hlf v.1;t-:far OJf.9" O(}ar ~a<J'1~~"" of human or other living beings, including but not
1'if7it\ar OJf,9" 1't\armar flPJ.11- ~1C':f Ooo-ftc'l restricted to, land, atmosphere, weather and climate,
1 ftcO"" (1;t- : 'h') Jtv.9" 00 m 'I :far'} OJf,9" v.~;t- water, living things, sound, odour, taste, social
:far'} OJf.9" f.°1IfP fl'1ar OJf,9" ffbfl.o"f i'hl'P,} 0-) factors, and aesthetics;
7) "Environmental Inspector or Inspectors" means the
u-~;t-'} flPJ.~h- 1'lt1' ;1l1C'..y.;F:far f:9"C ~CD-!
body designated under Article 7(1) of this
7:. "f ~ '1fln. 1'~ trJtrJI, OJf,9" 1'.y.ll} ff)I, ?J:f" a<JII...,. Proclamation;
OttU h'P~ ~,}"'R" 7: /~/ oolPl"" flPJ.()fooar ~'1A 8) "Hazardous material' means any substance in solid,
~ar ! liquid or gaseous state, or any plant, animal or micro
:S. "hf.1?1 ~1C" a<Jt\""Ol'1ar m.' OJf,9" O~i1flo. I\f, organism that is injurious to human health or the
"'~f. flPJ.lf.Clt mtrJC : t."'tO OJf,9" ;111 OJf,9" environment;
1'hA: h '}ltlt OJf.9" let:" i'h'Plt ~ar :: 9) "Hazardous Waste" means any unwanted material
it. " ~f.1?1 ~ if if" a<JII. 1't. I)1. ~..,. f fbt\ ar If tj that is believed to be deleterious to human safety or
health or the environment;
0 ~ '1 fl 0. OJf.9" 01'1ar f. U'}~..,. OJf,9" m. 'I I)f, .,.J;""
If.CltA 1'lIfI.o flPJ.;t-oo'} a<J'}?1ar9" ~1C ~ar :: 10) "Person" means any natural or juridical person;
11) "Pollutant" means any substance whether liquid,
I' "l'1ar" a<Jt\"" f1't.TC' l'1ar OJf,9" Oi'h'? fl'1ar~""
solid, or gas which directly or indirectly:
0011"" f1'l'1mar h'1A ~ar ! (a) alters the quality of any part of the receiving
I~' "0'1f." a<Jt\"" t.lto : mtrJC OJf,9" ;111 flf~ : environment so as to effect its beneficial use
0.,.'1';1"9" If~ "'T1'?1 flAIf~ 00'}1f: : adversely; or
v) Ilt.n..,.'} t'~'1flo. h~A TIr"" Oooll.OJT (b) produces toxic substances, diseases, objec-
m.,.OfJ.;t- fooltm"" ~:"oo-'} flPJ.l~f:A : OJf,9" tionable odour, radioactivity, noise, vibration,
11.) Ol'1ar mS mf.9" Ofbfl.o:f tltl'P,} I)f, .,.~..,. heat, or any other phenomenon that is hazar-
flPJ.Yf.(tlt OJf.9" lLlf.Clt flPJ.:fA ODC1I'} : dous or potentially hazardous to human health
Oo;t-'} f hc ,.'} : ~lC'} : f:9"~,} : '}1Il""'} : or to other living things;
oo-.,.""'} m f.9" fbl) h It1''''''} flPJ.l 00 ~6J!' :- 12) "Pollution" means any condition which is hazar-
1If/'}?1 ar9" ~ 1 C ~ CD-'! dous or potentially hazardous to human health,
IIf/II.:t- OILU h'P~ OJf.9" ~'?flll flt\ar safety, or welfare or to living things created by
Ill' "-oht\""" altering any physical, radioactive, thermal, chemical,
"'I) tit'? f1:1. ~11'} 1If/'}?1ar'}9" '?Yo;J- : 1If/f).,.1I biological or other property of any part of the
. mf.9" 1f.1I '1'1"fllf/'}?1ar'}9" h'1flo. h~A ckltlf :
environment in contravention of any condition,
~llrlf : ""'.,.;1-1f : '}Tl ~11r1f : F~i'hf.,OJ;1-1f limitation or restriction made under this
mf.9" flUCf.'} Ooot\mT f1'Lml : Ol'1ar mS Proclamation or under any other relevant law;
OJf.9" (11~..,. m f,9" 1.'?IfP 0 fbfl.o:f i'hl'P,) I)f. 13) "Region" means any of those parts of Ethiopia
h1.1?1 flf~ mf.9" hf.1?1 lLlf,} flPJ.:fA v.~;J- ~ID-! specified as such under Article 47(1) of the Cons-
Ie' "hAA" IIf/II."" O}t.""f-kl t..1..Irl)1f Jt'l"h1r1'1.11f titution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
&TlIlLh tlt1 oo'},?F"" ~,}"'1\ ifJ7:/i/ f1'OOll.h-J:"" Ethiopia and, for the purpose of this Proclamation,
fh1&:I; ht;:fI.o:f IIf/II.""1'1.(f'} : t\ttU h'P~ 1\t. '°9" includes the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa Adminis-
f~Jtlt hO(} 'h'}1.ttv.9" ff:~'P hlt1'~f.C':fJ9" trations;
f.~9" irA 81
14) "Regional Environmental Agency" means any
regional government organ entrusted, by the govern-
IQ' "fhAA fh'1flo. 00",1,1 0."" "IIf/II."" t\~'1flo.Cj
t\1't.TC' V{I"" '1'0:1' mf.9" cJf1'TC OhAftc
ment of that region, with responsibility for the
oo'},?F"" ;}I)&'~"" f1'l'1mar 1If/'}?1ar9" fhAA protection or regulation of the environment and
oo'}'1F"" ~'1A ~ar ! natural resources;
IIf/II."" OarA ;1-lt(19" f,o-'} 1tf.;1-1'111 15) "Release" means placing any pollutant in the
I~' "ooA"':"" environment in any way be it intentionally or
0t}1.'} 011. 1If/'}?1ar9" f~'1flo. h~A oo~ooC
~ IJ)4II
h~A 0-11.""
Control of Pollution
f{lht\-1- cJfTTC
f{l h 11.""ch'l''I'C 3. Control of Pollution ,
1) No person shall pollute or cause any other person to
Ii' 1If/'}9" (}ar 1'10. ') fh'1flo. 1.l}f Ooo1'I)t\~ pollute the environment by violating the relevant
h'1l1o. '} I\.OhA mf.'r 0""" l'1ar Oh-A "'}JtOhA
environmental standard.
1\.11.e'1hf..c.'" f:t\""9" II
2) The Authority or the relevant Regional environ-
I- tit'? nllD1'''t\~ 1If/'}~ar'}9" O'1f. mf. ~t}flo.
mental agency may take an administrative or legal
O"'l.t\:" (}ar "f. fl""'AtrJ). mf.9" f"'l.IIDII.h+ar
measure against a person who, in violation of law,
fhAA fhl1flo. IID",I,! 0."" hlt"'~1.Ir'e mf.9"
tIt;1,£ 6C9"~ IIDIJ)4(}f:f."fl)Au release any pollutant to the environment.
Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 12 3'dDecember, 20OZ-Page 1961
1X' {iititf;!{i ~~t-A ";J~'1- ;JtLlIJ ~'I'e III 'vle?i§"" Iiltl~ ,}'9'"

[. (IJf,'j" {,,,, httl1fi.Ylf '}-o.';.}, h.Yllh.}A 3) Any person engaged in any field of activity which is
(li't 1--A f i'<1 11C OD IIh f i'(}0IJ ~ 0IJ19" (}CD-: f 4'>if if likely which is to cause pollution or any other
0000'}lJ.1..}1l\OIJllco1Y: (IJf,9" (IJf,i't./\1.CD- oom1 environmental hazard shall, when the Authority or
l\ 004>'III Ol1l\P' A lJ)'" (IJf,9" 0 tPJ.00 l\ h .f'CD-fh A A the relevant regional environmental agency so de-
fhttl1fi. ooP'tY n..} .}iJtJlI OOlPl.} Oi'1fi. -f:htf cides, install a sound technology that avoids or
00 A (I OIJcPA
it"'P:.Cj {}.:r A 9" 4'>if if 1 0'1':" 9" 1\f, l\ reduces, to the required minimum, the generation of
OtPJ.Yll1--l\~"~9'1-- oom4>9" hl\O'-":: waste and, when feasible, apply methods for the
2' -ohl\""') Y1.l(} 0IJ1'1CD-9" (}CD-:l1l\P'AlTI'" (IJf,9" recycling of waste.
ftPJ.ool\hi'CD- fh AA f h tt 11fi. (TiJ P' t Y £1'-" 0 01J.. (IJ 4) Any person who causes any pollution shall be
ll'tCD- 1r).;rCj 11.11 oolPl.} httl1fi.CD-1 hOttf, required to clean up or pay the cost of cleaning up the
OIJiJ.';.} 1 (IJf,9" l\ OIJiJ ~ f (IJlJ) lD'1 (IJ{J;\. 00 Iit. '} polluted environment in such a manner and within
h l\ 0"":: such a period as shall be determined by the Authority
?;. Om.Cj (IJf,9" Ohttl1fi. I\f, h1.:1 h1.';Yllh.}A or by the relevant regional environmental agency.
htPJ.Y(};J fP'~ h'}:"ll:J>fI. h.00lJ) ftPJ.1--A '}-o.';.}1 5) When any activity poses a risk to human health or to
l\oohl\hA l1l\P'A/J)'" (IJf,9" ftPJ.ODl\hi'CD- fhAA the environment, the Authority or the relevant
fhttl1fi. ooP'tY £1"" Y:C~'-"') hllh 001,;J'-" (IJf,9" regional environmental agency shall take any neces-
(IJ1. l\A p;r hllh OIJtJ(IJC ftPJ.1.Cll 0IJ1'1CD-19" sary measure upto the closure or relocation of any
hllt.l\1. hC9"~ OOCD-(}y,,' f,"1'I\!A:: enterprise in order to prevent harm.
2' 1ll\h1.1'14'>ifif1 h.O'J.ttACj (J;1.lC h(JIJ'}{J;\. ~ll hYYlI
ji. hf1l\P'AlJ)'" (IJf,l}" htPJ.ool\hi'CD- fhAA fhttl1fi.
4. Management of Hazardous Waste, Chemical and
I}f, YlI OIJ"}'1CD-19" "1.1 '1 Radioactive Substance
P' t Y £1.} t.:J>Y:
1 OIJhOlJ T"" 1 OIJ ~ ~ 11 1 1) / The generation, keeping, storage, transportation,
4'>7i if'} "'I oo'} (J;1..} 1 OIJ 114> 00'1' .
0IJ9"h1 (IJf,9" OIJllW1y,,' f.f'hl\h/\ 'tCD-:: treatment or disposal of any hazardous waste without
~. 0IJ'}~CD-19" hJ.'.1'1 .,. 7iif {l00(}11(}111 OOA~ a permit from the Authority or the relevant regional
(IJf,9" environmental agency is prohibited.
~~111 OOlJ
0'1':" 9" 1\f, OOlJl' A 1 OOlJ 9" h1
OOlJll(IJ1y,,' P'lr fi'(tOlJlr 0IJ1~CD-9" (}CD-Ohtal1fi. 2) Any person engaged in the collection, recycling,
(IJf.9" (l(}CD- m.Cj (IJf.9" 00) lJoo~;r I\f, '}-o.';:" transportation, treatment or disposal of any hazar-
h'}.';,f.1.Cll i'1fi.CD-1 f'l'1:J>4: hC9"~ {/DlD'(}Y: dous waste shall take appropriate precaution to
hl\O"":: ' prevent any damage to the environment or to human
[. (J;1.lC h001{J;\. ~ll,) lD1. h1C lD'1'l'l' l\0If1l111-t1 health or well-being.
l\ OIJ111~:"I l\ OIJ114>OD'I' 1 3) The importation, mining, processing, keeping, dis-
h h C (} 9" Y:C it "'1 ONJ)""I
OIJhOl/ T.} 1
h'} 1. H.lJoo9"0 h 1 C tD-ll'l' l\ OIJ(}lr (J;1..} 1 f\ tribution, storage, transportation or use of radioac-
l\ OIJ~ ~ 11i 0'1':" 9" 1\f, l\ trycPA lDf.9" l\ II(IJ1Y: 1 tive substances shall be subject to a permit from the
h<111.0 ttl\lD' ooP't! £1"" t.:J>Y.' 0fJ11'T hl\O.}:: competent agency.
!!. h1.1'1 1.{tl\" f1'00 1.O'} (IJf,9" "i'(IJ(}'t h1 A <11\".} 4) The importation, preparation, keeping, distribution,
{I:r h 1-'t0>- A f l' (IJ(}'I ') h. D'f..ttA (IJ1. h 1 C o>-l!'I' storage, transportation or use of a chemical
l\O71l1 (1""1 l\004>009"1 l\tPfll4>oo'l'1 nh1C o>-ll'l' categorized as hazardous or of restricted use, shall be
l\ OIJ(}tr Q;\,"" 1 l\ OIJhOlJT.} 1 l\ ~ ~ 111 (IJf,9" 0 '1':" 9" subject to a permit from the Authority or the relevant
I\f. l\OIJCPA' h 11l\P' A lJ)'" CDf,9" 1. <1lfP hO'/..00 l\ regional environmental agency or from any other
(IJf,9" h<1'111 competent agency.
h'f'ro- fhAA fhill1fi. tPJP't! £1""
\1l\ 0>- h /\.1\ 00 P' t Y £1"" t.:J>Y: 0011''} h l\ O.}:: 5) Any person engaged in the preparation, production,
?;. "'1.','1 flf't (IJf,9" l\i'(IJ(}'t h1A<1l\""" ftPJ.o>-A manufacturing or transportation or in trading in any
h. A') 0004> 00 9" 1 OOlJ9" l"" (IJf,9" OOlJ~ ~ 11 hazardous or restricted chemical may ensure that the
(IJf,9" 0 h. /\' 000 'I1 Y: P'lr I\f, f i'(}0IJ ~ chemical is registered, packed and labeled as per the
OIJ')'10>-9" (}0>- h. /\' 01'1 n. 9':t: 1.G~ 9':f applicable standards.
OOlPl"" oooP1I1fi"11 tPJ;rIi'}-o1Cj 9"Ah'-" fi'l\m
5. Management of Municipal Waste
LO"" 0011'.,.1 0"/l;J1'1' hl\O'}::
fhi'OIJ 4'>if7ihY 111
1) All urban administrations shall ensure the collection,
ji. fhi'OIJ hll''''~1.C:1-- f1''''Cj~ fh1'0IJ 4'>7iif hfYlI transportation, and, as applOpriate, the recycling,
OOlJ0>-lJ)""1 fh 1.oy .y.if if 00 (}11 (}11'1 1 treatment or safe disposal of municipal waste
P' C~.}1
oo~~tr'}: h11.i'1fi.'t1:9" 0'1':"9" I\f, OOCP/\'11 through the institution of an integrated municipal
00 9"h .,.'} (IJf,9" '}-o.';.} h'}.'; Y 00 fl) i'1. Co) 00 (IJ1.&;.') waste management system.
l;J1'1' hl\l1T0>-1 2) In collaboration with the relevant regional environ-
h"tool\hi'O>- fhAA fhttl1fi. ooP'tY £1.} ;JC mental agency, the Authority shall monitor and
OODi'110Ct l1l\P'AlJ)'" fhi'lfP"1' f4'>7iif hYYlI hCj evaluate the adequacy of municipal waste
hm:J>4>9" P'C'H'1--,}l1:J>-r 0000H1Cj fhi'111n~ management systems and ensure the effectiveness
Cj of their implementation.
T0>-19" lD'm. ;r"'1't"" 0019"19" 1 ODh;ri' A
ll'/l;J1'1' ht\O"":: 3) Any person responsible for the maintenance of any
[. l\,n1l11 htt:-r fl'" P;t''} ftPJ.Yil'I'.';,ftC 0IJ19" (}O>-i premise to which the public has access shall, at all
9",) 1. tf.9" 0 <t Cj 1'1l0lJ tPJ. f 00 8.'; ~ £1.}1 f 4'>if if times, ensure that adequate and suitable toilets and
OIJmlr4>"'l..Y iJ:J>9'1--Cjhllt.l\1. flf.,. /\.l\"'f 001A1 containers and other required facilities are provided
Y9'1--/0P;rlD' {/DH;J~;rTlD-'} OIJl;J1'1' ht\O"":: for the disposal of waste.
11t iif.if~1 ~~&-A ~;lt"" ;In.''! ~'I'e II 'vle f)'!!.,., Iilfj?i '}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta ~ No. 12 3rdDecember, 2002~Page 1962

Q' fJt\FAll}}. hfOl/.oot\hTO>- fhAA fhi]fJn. ooFl.f 4) The Authority shall, in collaboration with the
n...,. h"} Jt u.9" h "1fJ11 i] 1\ro>- /bft->"f 00 F l.f n..y."f relevant regional environmental agencies and any
;JC OooTfJOCI fhTqo"f f~7i7i D?ltlD1jf 001A1f other competent agencies, monitor the situation with
5P"f"} 0019"19"e; Okr;Jo. u.~'+ oo"JA,+ro>-"} regard to the <t"ailability of waste disposal facilities
t\D?t.;J1'1' hltt.I\'L flf}. hC9"jf5P"f"} ooo>-()~ and take the necessary measures to ensure that their
ht\O"":: availability is satisfaCi:(\ry.
h fj:A (llt..,.
Environmental Standards
ltt\hi]fJo. f.t.jf5P"f.
6. Environmental Standards
}. ltt\h i] fJ0. f.t.jf 5P"f 1) In consultation with competent agencies, the
6' h"1l111 i]l\ro>- OOFl.f n..y."f ;JC OOOOOi]hCI Authority shall formulate practicable environmental
fJt\FAll)}. oPtf,"}/tcee; Ohi]fJo.fce OOClf5P"f I\f. standards based on scientific and environmental
f TOO IPt. -I:e; 1'''1 fJt- ce t\ 00 If"} f 01/."f t\- f h i] fJ0. principles. The sectors that require standards shall
f.t.jf5P"f"} fH;JjfA:: hHlU9" f.t.jf5P"f o.f"}lt fOl/.h include at least the following:
Tt\-"""} D?i] 1''''' h t\ fJrO>-I (a) Standards for the discharge of effluents into
U) lDf. 0>-'1h i]1\..,.e; lDf. fj:/t 7i 00'" Of 00 It oo~"f water bodies and sewage systems.
f 01/.t\ .,. <kfj:/t 1i"f f. t.jf 5P"fI (b) Air quality standards that specify the ambient
t\) fhi]l1o. hfC 'l't-"""} f0l/.1Afl-e; t\D?f,'}.,./t air quality and give the allowable amounts of
., e; t\ 01/."}.,./t., f h f C 11h t\..,. 9""}~"f f l' t. emission for both stationary and mobile air
.,..&;...,."}fA.,."" 00 mtj"f f OI/.lD It}. f h f C 'l't-"" pollution sources.
f.t.jf5P"f' (c) Standards for the types and amounts of substan-
tit) lDf. ht.C fOl/.moo~ h.0I/.i]ft->"f"}lDf.9" Oht.C ces that can be applied to the soil or be disposed
I\f, lDf,9" o>-lt'l' fOl/.lD1'&;' <k(l"f") ~ f, '1..,.e; of on or in it.
oom"} fOl/.lDlt}. fht.C 'l't-"" f.t.jf5P"f' (d) Standards for noise providing for the maximum
(0) fh()4.t.C u.~,+"}e; fh1l.-I: fPtf,"}lte; fi:h allowable noise level taking into account the
tj ft->:( h:" 9""} 0D?1 e; H11 f OI/.t.'" f.o>-"} h fj:T ~ settlement patterns and the availability of scien-
f~9"iJ oom"} fOl/.lDlt}. f~9"iJ A.,."" f.t.jf5P"fI tific and technological capacity in the countty.
IP) t\Tt\ff. f~7i7i ~f,'1.y."f hOO'165J,m""I hff1fI (e) Waste management standards specifying the
hhoo:Fr"'" J\OOi]h"}I h~~1fe; hlD;J1~ fOl/.f levels allowed and the methods to be used in the
1t\"1t\- foom"}e; fhT1fJOC f.t.jf5P"f:: generation, handling, storage, treatment, trans-
fOl/.flth""t\o>-"} m"}:" t\00"1,+"" OOl/.ht.4. 7i,+ port and disposal of the various types of waste.
9""}~"f I\f. <k'l''I'C ooi]~~ ht\O"":: 2) Sources of noxious odour shall be regulated so that
r. l1t\FAII)}. hi]l1o."} t\oomO:" lDf,9" ooA(l h"}Jtf the nuisance they cause is prevented.
1 "19" t\ D?~ t. "1 h"}f.h ltt.1\ 1..'1-I: t\ l' t\ff. Ffj:t-5P"f
3) The Authority may prescribe different environmen-
fTt\ff. fhi]l1o. f.t.jf5P"f"} /\'flDlI) f,"fI\A:: tal standards for different areas as it may find
necessary to protect or rehabilitate the environment.
Q' 11th.t--e hAl\ce OO"}"1F,+"" Oft-/tro>- Af. u.~,+
OooooFt."" 0~1..t-t\- hch"} hTlD()}."" fmO<k
4) National regional states may, based on their specific
f.t.jf5P"f"} hO>-'I'TO>- OFt- I\f. /\.fo>-t\- f,"fl\t\-:: situation, adopt environmental standards that are
more stringent than those determined at the Federal
0~1..t-t\- hch"} hTlD()}."" fl\t\- f.t.jf5P"f h"}Jt
f lDIll' "I"} hf,t. .,.1:1\ ro>-9":: level. However, they shall not adopt standards which
are less rigorous than those determined at the Federal
~. ft'h1l11 'I'''''9''"} t\D?1AO..,. f1.fJA h"1fJl1 ft\o>-"}
f h i] 110. f.t.jf h "}~f"J. t\- fOl/.m 0:"11rO>-"} fTlD()}.
5) The Authority may, for a fixed period of time,
l' t.1\ 1. u.~'+ 5P"f"} l' t. ,01/. '1"" fJt\F A II)}. t\ TlD"'" authorize the waiver of the duty to comply with some
'LH. h"}Jt,+t\4- /\.t.:"1: f,"fI\A:: requirements of specified environmental standards
h fj:A h t-"" in order to promote public benefit.
ltt\h i] 110. T~II)ll} l. 5P"f
%. It t\h i] 110. T~ lI}II) l. 5P"f Environmental Inspectors
6' fhi]fJo. T~II)ll}l.5P"f /hH.U O~I\ "T~ll}II)l.5P"f"
7. Environmental Inspectors
h f Tl1 t\- fOl/.m ~/ Ol1t\F A II)}. m f,9" 001/.00t\ h TfD-
1) Environmental inspectors (hereinafter referred to as
fhAA fhi]l1o. ooFl.f 0."" f,()fD?t\-i
T~II)II) l.5P"f 0 II.U h 'P~ 00 IPt."" po'A 1I)"}e;1'''1 fJt- "inspectors") shall be assigned by the Authority or
I' by the relevant regional environmental agency.
TlD-"} f1.mill' F t-TlD-"} 0"" ;J..,.e; f t\h1:A5P
2) Inspectors shall exercise due diligence and impar-
oiJt.8?" ht\l1TlD-1I
tiality in the discharge of their powers and duties
~. f T~II) II)l. 5P"f po'A II)"}e; T"1l1C
i] 110. T~II)II) t.5P"T fOl/.h Tt\-"" FA II)"}e; under this Proclamation.
6' f h 8. Powers and Duties of Inspectors
T"1l1 t-"" f,tj ~T'P AI
1) Inspectors shall have the following powers and
u) fhi]l1o. f.t.jf5P"fe; T"D?~ "11..,+5P"f OF t-I\f,
OO'Pl\rlD-"} OI/t.;J1'1'i
(a) ensure compliance with environmental stan-
t\) fH.U h"}"'1\ "}o-lt h"}"'1\ (r) he; (I) 1:"};J'l.5P"f
dards and related requirements;
h"}f.Tmfi<k I1'tjI /tf/tlD-<k mf,?" fj:C1: 0."" (b) without prejudice to Sub-Articles (3) and (6) of
""6.,11 /tf,'" fiOl/"}~lD-?" 1'10. ooltft-> 001/.,+ this Article, enter any land or premises at any
fTlD- 1.", lDf. 0I/"}~lD-?" f1,+ lDf,?" ""'1'C "10.
time which seems appropriate to them without
OD"1l1""I prior notice or court order;
'lit !iititf~r A..1..&-A ~:MT :J/i.1lJ .1'C I~ ..,.I;C1;11.,.,. Iitf1~ '}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 12 3'"December, 2002-Page 1963

tit) D'J1~lD-19" (tlD- 11:rlD-1 m~9" ll9"llhc &.-r (c) question any person alone or in the presence of
oomf.p: witnesses;
(0) h11ht\"".'1C "'Tf.~"" ft\lD-1 D'J1~lD-19" (d) check, copy or extract any paper, file or any
m~.,...,.: D'J:I1Y..Cm~9" t\A IP ~f: 00 ~ l' 7i: other document related to pollution;
001All'P m~9" t\~-f oo.p~"": (e) take, free of charge, samples of any material as
IP) fD'J1~lD-19" <kll Cjoo-Cj9'"f h1Y..hll~I\'L~-f: required and carry out or cause to be carried out
ft\hlJ:f OOlD-(tf:Cj llhttflll. m~9" ll:l1~m-r tests to determine whether or not it causes harm
I\~ "'~-r fUIJ.fY..Cll ootf1 ht\ootf.,.1 t\oom(t1 to the environment or to life;
oooocooC (D~9" D'JlloocooC: (f) take photographs, measure, draw, or examine
~) ~U htp~ hCj h..,fl11 ft\lD- D'J19" "'1\ :11.., any commodity, process or facility in order to
oohll~1 t\D'J~.'11'P 1I"''P1: fhoo&-~-r 'l.Y..-r1 ensure compliance with this Proclamation and
m~9" 001A1f1 llG:-f..,&-lJ: D'J1Pt"" : oot\tt-r: with any other relevant law;
ooltA m~9" OOL1'7i: (g) seize any equipment or any other object which
f't) ~U1 htp~ m~9" h..,fl11 ft\lD-1 "'1\ :11.., is believed to have been used in the commission
lloo1'I\t\lJ: 'P4...,. 1'~~qull;t-A f1'flt\ ooPtt.f1 of an offence under this Proclamation or any
m~9" 1\.1\ ~1C1 OOf1H other relevant law.
f1'ooY..lllD- 1'<¥>ll)ll)t. flLU1 htp~ m~9" D'J1~ 2) When a person contravenes any of the provisions of
lD-19" h "I fl11 f t\lD-1 :11"1 f:1.'11. t\ 1'1\t\~ (tlD- this Proclamation or of any other relevant law, the
fOO1'I\t\~1 9"1~"" ~"~1fCt\;t-A: ~U1'" 001'I\t\lJ: inspector on duty shall specify the matter cons-
ll1'm (t ~ 'LtL lD-1l'P t\D'J11.,.~ ..,. 00 lD-(tf: f t\ ll""'} tituting the contravention and may also specify the
hC9"~ lloo'?t\R"9" hC9"~lD- h 1Jtm(tf: iLf1f measures that shall be taken to remedy the con-
~"fl\A:: travention within a given period of time.
[. f 1'00 Y..lllD-1'<¥>ll)ll)t. D'J1~ lD-9" h 1 .p1l:J>f1.IIh tt fill. 3) When an inspector on duty suspects that any activity
I\~ .,.~..,. iLf Y..CII ~"fl\ fA 11fr> I'1.m~ 'PC h 1 .p1l:J> may cause damage to the environment, he shall order
f1.lD-1 hllh D'J1l<¥>9" fUIJ.Y..CllfhC9"T hC9"~ h 1Jt the taking of corrective measures upto the immediate
m(tf: ""t'Jtf1f ~(tll)AII cessation of the activity.
!!. 1171~ lD-9" f 1'00 Y..ll ll) ll) t. II fIt\ P' All)'" m ~9" 4) Every inspector shall have an identity card issued by
llUIJ.oot\h1'lD- fhAA fhttflll. ooP't.f n."" f1'(tm: the Authority or by the relevant regional environ-
fooP't.f 0.1: D'JU1'9" ft\ll-r oo;t-m'tf oof1f : mental agency, bearing its official seal and show it
I'" D'JItf"" ht\ ll"" II when requested;
t. Cjoo-CjI'1.m(tf: flt\111~1: f0011'-r m~9" mh.A 5) Whenever a sample is to be taken, the proprietor has
fOOl\h 0011"" 1l1\t\lD- .eU1.,. 0011"" h1JtflD-"'lD- the right to be present or to send his representative
00 Y..~'? ht\ll"":: and he shall be informed accordingly.
1;, f P' &- h~ '89" .pA'PlJ:CjlD-1 fUIJ.llf:All"" ttAtf~ 6) When an inspector on duty visits an undertaking, he
llll1''''C D'J1~ lD-9" f 1'OD Y..ll l' <¥>ll)ll) t. mY.. D'J19" shall notify the proprietor unless he considers that
Y:C~"" .p'PC "Ill. m~9" fl;t- 1'1.1f1 t\flt\111~1: such notification may be prejudicial to the efficient
D'Jll;t-m.p h t\ ll"" II performance of his duty.
J!' llt\~'?fI:-S 9. Right to Appeal
(i. 1'<¥>ll)ll) t.lD- llm (tY..lD- D'J1 ~ lD-9" hC9"~ .pC f 1'(t1' 1) Any person dissatisfied with any of the measures
D'J1~lD-9" (tlD-: hC9"~lD- h1'm(tY..ll"" .,.1 h11l-f taken by the inspector may appeal to the Head of the
llhp'C "'Cj"" lD-1l'P t\flt\P'All)'" m~9" t\UlJ.oot\ Authority or the relevant regional environmental
h1'lD- fhAA fhttflll. ooP't.f 0."" flll\~ :}I\&. agency, as the case may be, within ten days from the
.e'? fI:-SD'Jt\"" .e"fl\ A:I date on which the measure was taken.
lllLU h1"'~ 1o-ll h1"'~ /{i/ OOIP~"" lD-lt~ 2) Any person dissatisfied because no decision has
fA1'(tm llootf.,. lDPr f1'ltmlD- lD-Pt~ 1'1ll. beell given as provided under Sub-Article (1) ofthis
flt\ootf.,. .pC f1'(t1' (tlD- lD-Pt~lD-h1'(tmll"" m~9'" Article, or feels that the decision given is inap-'PO"" f'LtL 1Y..11 ttt\Lll"" .,.1 h 11l-f ll(tl\ Pt propriate, may institute a court case within thirty
"'Cj"" lD-ll1' hll ooooll~"" ~"fl\A: days from the date on which the decision was
I' llt\ D'Jll~;t-:r given or the deadline for decision has elapsed.
(i. 11ht\""1 t\oohl\hA m.e9" oom.,.1 t\oo"'~ll llUIJ.f 10. Incentives
ll"fA OD'J1~lD-9" "1.. oom"'9" t\UIJ."f..9"C t\D'J1 1) Incentives for the introduction of methods that
~lD-9" ~flC f:C~""'P D'Jll~;t-:r lllLU htp~ enable the prevention or minirnizatin of pollution
P'C llUIJ.lDll)Y..111 .em(tCjA:: into an existing undertaking shall be determined by
I' llflt\P'All)"'I'1.~;J1'P l1ht\""1 t\oohl\hA I'1.flA mY.. regulations issued hereunder.
h1C lD-ll1' fUIJ.1f1 OOUft.f h1ll. t'J:J>9'"f f"'9"~h 2) Importation of new equipment that is destined to
"'~'P hlJ:f ~, .eITCjAIl control pollution shall, upon verification by the.
I{i' llt\oohltll 0011"" Authority, be exempted from payment of custom
{i. "1~ fUIJ.ooAh1'lD- 001T.,.1 D'J1l~~"" lt~mll.pll"": duty.
D'J1~lD-9" ltlD- O"ttflll. I\~ .,.~..,. hf:C!tt\ m~9" 11. Right to standing
,..c;..,. iLfllh""A fUIJ."fA 1''?flC h f ~Koo ~lD- 1) Any person shall have, without the need to show any
OUIJ.AlD-OD'J')~lD-9" (tlD- I\~ t\flt\P'All)'" m~9" vested interest, the right to lodge a complaint at the
t\UlJ.OOAh"'lD- fhAA ooP't.f 0."" .p~;t- fD'J.p~11 Authority or the relevant regional environmental
-110}- "AID-II agency against any peron allegedly causing actual or
potential damage to the environment.
1X'!!! t..f..~A ~;lt-r ;lUll) 4!'I'CIg 1.<1C?I!!"',}Iitfj?; 'Ho. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 12 3'd December, 2002-Page 1964

~. Qt\P'AlI]~ OJf.9" fD?oot\tl1'OJ- ftlAA f1\t}Qo. 2) When the Authority or regional environmental
ooP'~f~"" 001\'" ~tj:" OJ-ft'P OJ ,). t}AOlO OJf.9" agency fails to give a decision within thirty days or
:,. ~;t' 1\:,. t. 0. OJ- 0 OJ-"').OJ- t}A l' ft01/01/ : OJ-"').OJ- when the person who has lodged the complaint is
h1'OlOO'-" OJf.9" fD?O'PO:" f1.H. 11.11 t}t\LO:" ~'} dissatisfied with the decision, he may institute a
1\'}ft.y. Oft.('... ~tj:" OJ-ft'P O~C.(' 0.:" tift court case with in sixty days from the date the
ooODP'l'-" f.":fI\A::
decision was given or the deadline for decision has
tI~A 1\9"ft:"
'P4.'-"tj :"1lJ:"
Offences and Penalties
I~' lO:"1\1\
li' f.O'} 1\tp~ OJf.9" 1\..,QlI ft\OJ-'} t\,i\ ;,..., f1-I\t\L : 12. General
..,'} 'P4.i: OOJ'}J!t\~ 00:"65J, ;""'9" If., OltO 1) A person who, under this Proclamation or under any
1\tp~ :"1lJ'-" fA1'oo1.Ot\:" 1ft;' f1'11 0I/'}9" OOJ- other relevant law, commits an offence for which no
penalty is provided for either in the Penal Code or
'P4.1'~"i: o.l;J1'P:
u) f1'J.'P~ OOJ- o.lf,}: h1\9"ft'-" a.O lIC 001/f under this Proclamation, is liable on conviction:
'}fttj h1\ftC a.O lIC OOl/f.OA'P f1'}HlI oo~"'"
(a) in the case of a natural person, to a fine of not
OJf.9" h1\,}.(' f}oo:" 001/f.0 A'P 'hI'" t--'-" OJf.9"
less than five thousand Birr and not more than
ten thousand Birr or an imprisonment of not
0u-t\i:9" f.~llJA:
more than one year or both;
t\) 0;"'" foOJ-"'-" 0011'-" f1'olOOJ- o.lf'} h1\P'C
(b) in the case of a juridical person, to a fine of not
a.O lIC OOl/f'}fttj hY f a.O lIC OOl/f.OA'P
less than ten thousand Birr and not more than
f1'}HlI oo~"'" f.~IlJA:: twenty thousand Birr.
~. OltO 1\,}~?\ '}o-ft 1\'}.,.?\ llil oolPl'-" 0;"'" 2) Where a juridical person is convicted pursuant to
f 0 OJ-'1'-"0011'-" f 1'om OJ-1\t}A 'P4.1'~" -I: o.l;J1'P Sub-Article (1) of this Article, the officer in charge
f l' LO 00 OJ-'} 'P4.'-" 01/OJ:" f., 0 l O'-"tj ;}I\&. -I:'} who should have known the commission of the
011:1''-'' fA 1'OJIlJOJ-f I'" t-- ;}I\&. h1\ 9" ft'-" a. 0 11C offence, and who failed to fulfill his duty ap-
OOl/f'}fttj h1\ftc a.O lIC OOl/f.OA'P f1'}HlI oo~"'" propriately shall be liable to a fine of not less than
OJf.9" h u-t\ .-,. f}(JIJ.-,. 001/f. 0 A'I' 'hI'" t--'-" OJf.9" five thousand Birr and not more than ten thousand
nu-t\-I:9" f.~IlJA: Birr or an imprisonment of not more than two years
C' OOJ'}J!~ 00:"65J, ;,..., oolPl'-" fh01. :"1lJ:" fD?f or both.
ft~1lJ t}AIf., Oft1'~C : OltO 1\tp~ f1'1. "".,.:,, 3) Unless the provisions of the Penal Code provide
:"llJ.y.":f 1'L 'ID? f.lftj ~:: more severe penalties, the penalties laid down under
h'''~IlJIlJ~~":f ;JC 01' f fH ftt\D?LOOD- 'P4..y.":f this Proclamation shall be applicable.
li' f1'oo1.O 1'~IlJIlJ~') P't--OJ-'} 'h'}~fhtjOJ-'} 13. Offences Relating to Inspectors
OJf.9" !otjht\ : 1''''llJllJ~OJ- 0;"'" oolPl'-" flOf 1) A person commits an offence if he hinders or
~OJ-'} OJf.9° fHHOJ-'} fALOoo : OOl/ftoooA obstructs an inspector on duty in the execution of his
1'~flJllJ~ "(Dc t\..QA flfPhl : 1'~llJllJ~OJ- OJY. duty, fails to comply with a lawful order or
~ OJ-9" {1:t' OJf.9" :"'PC .., 0. 'h'} ~ f. 1 Q OJf.9" requirement made by an inspector, impersonates an
ootf..,lI'-" 'h'}~f.ool9"C 0I/'}~OJ-9" inspector, or refuses an inspector entry into any land
OJl ~.-,.: 01/;"1.C : OJf.9" t\,i\ 0".(' 'h') ~ f.L .-,.7i : or premise or hinders an inspector from getting
'h'}~f.1t\11'P : mf.9" t\M 'h,}~.e~~ fht\ht\ : access to records, 'prevents an inspector from
t\1'~IlJIlJ~ ool)f fht\ht\: f"''''1' OJf.9" f-t' 1- checking, copying or extracting any paper, file or
ool)f fllm 0I/'}9" OOJ-'P4.'-" L?\":l..A: any other document, withholds, misleads or gives
~. OltO 1\'}~1\ '}o-ft 1\,}~?\ llil oolPl'-" 'P4.:" fLOoo wrong information to an inspector.
(}OJ- 'P4.1'~"-I: o.l;J1'P h{\ft'-" a.O -f)C 2) A natural person who commits an offence under
OOl/f'}fttj h1\P'C a.O l1C W'7f.OA'P f1'}HlI Sub-Article (1) of this Article is liable, on convic-
oo~ .e~llJ AI 'P4.-I:') fLOODOJ- Ot"h.., f 0 OJ-":,. tion, to a fine of not less than three thousand Birr and
0011'-" f1'om OJ- 1\t}t\ hlf., 1...,IfP 'P4.1'~"-I:
not more than ten thousand Birr, and, in the case of a
juridical person, to a fine of not less than ten
o.l;J1'P hllC 1\P'C a.O W'7,'}fttj hllc Yf a.O
thousand Birr and and not more than twenty
OOl/f.OA'P f1'}HlI oo~~ f,~IlJA: fP't-- ;}1\&.OJ-9"
thousand Birr, and imprisonment of the officer in
h1\ '}.(' f}oo.-,. 0", f') ft 'htj hu-t\'-" f}oo'-" 001/f.OA 'P
charge for a term of not less than one year and not
'hP't--'-" OJ.e9" 111\9"ft'-" a.O lIC OOl/f'}fttj h1\ftC
more than two years or a fine of not less than five
~ 0 {lC 001Jf.OA'P f1'}HlI 00"'''''' OJ"9" ou-t\-I:9" thousand Birr and not more than ten thousand Birr or
12' ootf..,lIT'} 01'00t\h1' itt\D?LOOD- 'P4..y.":f
1\,}.(' OOJ- OltO 1\CP~ OJ"9" OP'~ OD?OJm- 1.'}{1:f 14. Offences Relating to Records
oolPl'-" 00011111 'h'}Jl,Olj:C f1'lOf"'OJ-'} f'h '}:,. A person commits an offence if he fails to comply with
il:l>l1.: f9"C'-" : f~7i7i f}"",-" Q;"C.e. OJ"9" oolo'} this Proclamation or any regulations issued hereunder to
mf.9" t\.1\ 1'LI\1. ool)f 01'10.OJ- ",,,ooH..,lI h~l keep records of activities or products or of the types,
characteristics or amounts of waste or of any other
OJ"9" 00011111 fOLlOJ-'} ht\lDlO : h1\ilC a.O lIC
OOl/f,}iltj hYf a.O l1C OOl/.eOA'P f1'}HlI oo~"'" information, or if he alters any record shall be liable, on
conviction, to a fine of not less than ten thousand Birr and
not more than twenty thousand Birr.
11t {ii'f.itf~~ ~1.("1A '';It.} ;lt1tlJ <II'1'CII! ..,.I\Ct1i 4'1 Iim~ '}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 12 3'dDecember, 2002-Page 1965

Il;' h1.1~ flf') .y.?fi'j''}Cj 11A ~fl,} (I"'oOt\h.,. flt\D?&..fJ9" 15. Offences Relating to Wastes and Other Materials that are
'l'ot--r Hazardous
{;.~Y: (\m- h1.1~ .y.i'j'i'j'')lD~9" hf.1~ ')1C'} h"11111 1) A person commits an offence if he fails to manage a
1ll\:flD- ih1"f OOIPl.-r ltAfll: oot\m~ fMI-r hazardous waste or another substance according to
1IC1IC'} hltfl.,. 11t\m&.. lD~9" 6lht.n.'} ltAt\m~. : the relevant laws, mislabels or fails to label or in any
lD~9" 1."lCf" 0Ij'} ~ m-'}9" h 1.1~ cf> i'j'i'j''} -: lD~9" It'" way withholds information about any hazardous
'11C'} (I"'ODt\ 11.,. 00 l.jf 11')&..1 lD~9" fA .t. &..
<f>f . waste or other material or attempts to take part or
fh1.1~ .y.i'j'i'j' 1Im-m-c'} t\OIjlt'tf..' hlfDhl. lD~9" takes part or attempts to aid or aids in the illegal
ltlt't1. lD~9" 1."1Cf" "h'}.I;.tt'tf..' t\OOC~:t. hlfDhl. traffic of any hazardous waste or other material.
lD~9" hl.~ 'l'ot-"'~ ')m-:: 2) A natural person who commits an offence under Sub
Article (1) ofthis Article is liable, on conviction, to a
!l' (ltlU h,}<f>?t.'}lJ-fl h1<f>?\ /Ii/ OOIPl.-r 'l'ot--r f&"OOO
f.,. &.. fine of not less than twenty thousand Birr and not
'I' C' (t m- 'l'ot-'" ~ '1'f: (\.l.;J1'I' h Yf it u 11C
flOIjf'}flCj hV9"lt itu 'flC flOIj~nA'I' f1'}U.n more than fifty thousand Birr and in the case of a
oo<f>~-: 'l'ot-of:') f&..fJOO(Jr flih"1 f(tlD.H. OO.fI-r
juridical person to a fine of not less than fifty
thousand Birr and not more than one hundred
f"'(\mm- hltA hlf,) f."1Cf"hV9"lt itu .nc flOIjf1{(c"
thousand Birr, and to a term of imprisonment of the
hh,}Y: 00'" itu l1C flOIj~flA'I' f11l1.n oo<f>~
officer in charge of not less than five years and not
~<f>ff)A:: fP'1r ~l\km-9" hY'fl:t. a,oo:t. flOIjf1M'
more than ten years, or a fine of not less than five
hflY:fl-r a,OO-r flOIj~(lA'I' "hP't.:t'lD~9" h(tl\lt itu thousand Birr and not more than ten thousand Birr of
l1C (lOIjf,}flCj h(\f) itu l1C flOIj~flA'I' f11l1.(1 both.
oo"'~ lDf.9" (lo-t\of:9" ~<f>flJA:: 16. Offences Relating to Pollution
I?;' 11t1t\-r') flDtoot\h-r flt\°'l.t..09" 'l'ot-:t. A natural person commits an offence if he discharges any
h1Y: fT&..'I'C' (\m. f'lU') hq>~ lD~9" flP'-r fDtro pollutant contrary to tbe provisions of this Proclamation
m-r'} 1.,}(1"f floo"'I\t\~ fllt~1 lDf. hltlln. flovA<f>:" or regulations issued hereunder and is liable, on convic-
'l'ot-.,.~ 1fti' (\.1~-: hh1f..' itu l1C (lOIjf1flC,' hh9"fl.} tion, to a fine of not less than one thousand Birr and not
itu l1C (lOIj~(lA'I' f1'}Hl1 oo"'~ lD~9U hh'}Y: a,ov.} more than five thousand Birr or to an imprisonment of not
(lOIjf,}ilCj h1\p'C a,oo:t. flOIj~flA'I' "hP't.:t. lD~9" less than one year and not more than ten years or both
flo-t\-f:9" ~"'ff)A:: Tot-of:1 f ~.fJoom- flih"l f(tm-H' and, in the case of a juridical person, to a fine of not less
oolI-r f"'(\mm- hltA hlf,) hn9"fl:t. itu -ftc flOIjf,}M' than five thousand Birr and not more than twenty five
thousand Birr and an imprisonment of the officer in
hVf h9"fl:" itu l1C flOIj~flA'I' f111111 oo<f>~ ~<f>flJA-:
charge for a term of not less than five years and not more
fp'1r ~I\km-9" hh9"fl-r U,oo:t. flOIjf'}flCj hhflC a,oo-r
than ten years, or a fine of not less than five thousand Birr
(lOIj~(lA'I' "hP'Ir-r lD~9" hh9"fl:t. itu l1C flOIjf1M'
and not more than ten thousand Birr or both.
hhflC itv l1C flOIjf,(lA'I' f1'}1111 oo<f>~ lD~9"
flo-t\of:9" ~<f>ff)A:: 17. Forfeiture and Restoration
flt\oom-l.iI"hCj lDf. ')(I/.(I-r f}o~;r flt\OOOOt\fl The court, before which a person is prosecuted for an
J,'.U') "q>~Cj flP'-r fDtlDm:t.'} 1.,}(1"f flovflJiI 'l'ot-.t.
offence under this Proclamation or regulations issued
~,)of: (I.,.l.;J1mfl-r (\m- i\~ hDtro(t,}fI'~' 0Ij'}~m-9" hereunder, may, in addition to any penalty it impose upon
:,.ff)-r (I'" tJ.1.0Ij~ ~ CY: fl.of: -: the convicted person, order:
(a) the confiscation of any thing used in the commission
u) t\'I'ot-of: "'''lIlC fq>t\ 0Ij'F/m-9U ')1C .f'roc" t\OD1
of the offence in favor of the state or to dispose of it
"lP'-r 1n. "h1.1;.1.r1lD~9" flttA OO'}1f..' "h1)i.ro1f..': in any other way;
t\) hltlln.m-'} fOlj{)jf ro~9" OV"1~fm-'} -: \1.OIj.ltt\.'} (b) that the cost of cleaning up and the disposing of the
lD~9" ":J>m-'} fOljillD1~ lDtJ;l. .H11'ln. "h'}.I;.h~A: substance, chemical or equipment seized be borne
"h'}1.tlo-9"-: by the convicted person; and
m) "'~-r f1.l.(\fI'~',} htllln. "'hlto. nt.(}. lD{;I.1.lDf. (c) the convicted person to restore to the state in which
')(ll.(I-r o-~;r "h1.1;.OOAfllD~9" f."lCf" ~U fOlj~Y:A. the environment was prior to the infliction of the
hlf,) "'1n. It''1 "h'}.I;.h~A OIjll1' ~1'I\A:: damage, and when such restoration is not possible to
tJ~A flf..'fl'~' pay appropriate compensation.
A~ Af. f:1;J'I.91-:". PART SIX
It. foofi;J1~f f..''};J1. Miscellaneous Provisions
flp'1r ,,~ ft\- ,,'*0Ij:t. ~U1 hq>~ "h,}fu')' .,.&..'OIj.
18. Transitory Provision
"h,}f.Dtff.C1"} fI,LU hq>~ P'C flOIj.lDflJ f.'}.n Regulations to be issued hereunder shall determine the
~lD(\CjA:: manner in which existing undertakings shall comply with
H!' OOl.j{ fooflm:t. "lfu:1' this Proclamation.
Ii' fllU'} hq>~ lD~9U hllU hq>~ ;J/,. "I'}].,)'} ft\m-1
f t\A ih"l f..''};J1. fOlj,OOt\h')' "'''lltC'} fOlj.fhCilD'1 19. Duty to Provide Information
0Ij1<;:m-9" (tm- llt\P'AflJ~ ro~9" fOlj,oot\tl'f.m- 1) Any person engaged in an activity pertaining to any
of the provisions of this proclamation or any other
ftJAA fhtll1fl, OOp'~f fl..). flOIj.~.A1m- OOIPl.'}
related law shall provide any information on his
fp't. "h1:"iI.'J>(l.lD''}OOl.jf °'l:"l..n ht\fI.).::
activity as required by the Authority or the relevant
~. llt\P'AII)'). 0Ij'}<;:lD'19Uhtlf1n,'} fOlj,oot\h'} OOl.j{ I
regional environmentalagency.
fOlj"l'f.). OD.fI.} ht\lD'::
2) The Authority shall have access to all environmental
data and information.
'lit liitiif~ U.~A ~.?&.'f- .?/LlIJ eIITC II '1J;C~1! .,., Iiifj?; Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 12 3n1December, 2002-Page 1966

3" ~'H1 fO'fONf)~ P'AIIJ'}

20. Power to Issue Regulations
fOl/.~ia~C':r ~nc n.~ .e.tJ'}'} 1\CP~ 0+",/\ rr~;t- The Council of Ministers may issue Regulations neces-
+~q~~ ~~~l~ 1\ia~~~ f~~ ~1n:r'} ~lmllJ sary for the effective implementation of this
.e.:r~A:: Proclamation.

3' ~ ' + t.}101/.., ~ f itA:fm- ,no):r 21. Inapplicable Laws

hlltJ 1\CP~ ;JC +.+~~ f~" ;,.~ m.e.~ 1\lP?C OlltJ Any law or practice inconsistent with this Proclamation is
inapplicable regarding matters provided herein.
1\CP~ O+oot\hi:~ .,.~r-:r ~.e. +L '01/.""'" 1\.e.'1lm-9"::
22. Effective Date
3'1' 1\CP~ f0l/.8'10"'" ~H.
This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 3rdday
.e.tJ1\CP~ h"'~c 3'§"',} Iitf1~ '},~ 1.~C' f8'1.e.~'IA:: of December, 2002.

Done at Addis Ababa, this4rd day of December, 2002.

1\Jtia 1\Oq ..,~C ~§ .,.'} Iitf1~ '},~


f1\...,..r-kl t...Y..~"~ Jtqon?""'~ ~T-o~n PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL

ilm'i' Mr "'+1./ ~

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