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Chapter 17

Pre-Engineered Structures
1.0.0 Pre-Engineered Buildings
2.0.0 K-Span Buildings
3.0.0 Steel Towers
4.0.0 Antenna Towers

To hear audio, click on the box.

The primary mission tasking of the Seabees is the construction of advanced bases
during the early phases of crises and other emergencies. It is our job to move swiftly to
build temporary facilities and structures to support U.S. military and humanitarian
operations. The most widely used structure is the pre-engineered building. This chapter
covers the process involved with the erection of such buildings, as well as k-spans and
In this chapter, we will examine the materials and methods used in building and
disassembling pre-engineered structures. We will also discuss the methods and
techniques of using guy lines and anchors for securing towers and antennas.
When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
1. Describe the purpose, types, and procedures of pre-fabricated buildings.
2. Describe the purpose, types, and procedures of k-span buildings.
3. Describe the purpose, types, and procedures of steel towers.
4. Describe the purpose, types, and procedures of antenna towers.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-1

This course map shows all of the chapters in Steelworker Basic. The suggested training
order begins at the bottom and proceeds up. Skill levels increase as you advance on
the course map.

Introduction to Reinforcing Steel

Introduction to Structural Steel S

Pre-Engineered Structures: T
Buildings, K-Spans, Towers and Antennas E
Wire rope W
Fiber Line

Layout and Fabrication of Sheet metal and Fiberglass Duct K

Welding Quality Control R

Flux Cored Arc Welding-FCAW

Gas-Metal Arc Welding-GMAW A
Gas-Tungsten Arc Welding-GTAW
Shielded Metal Arc Welding-SMAW C

Plasma Arc Cutting Operations

Soldering, Brazing, Braze Welding, Wearfacing

Gas Welding

Gas Cutting

Introduction to Welding

Basic Heat Treatment

Introduction to Types and Identification of Metal

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-2

Features of this Manual
This manual has several features which make it easy to use online.
• Figure and table numbers in the text are italicized. The figure or table is
either next to or below the text that refers to it.
• The first time a glossary term appears in the text, it is bold and italicized.
When your cursor crosses over that word or phrase, a popup box displays
with the appropriate definition.
• Audio and video clips are included in the text, with an italicized instruction
telling you where to click to activate it.
• Review questions that apply to a section are listed under the Test Your
Knowledge banner at the end of the section. Select the answer you
choose. If the answer is correct, you will be taken to the next section
heading. If the answer is incorrect, you will be taken to the area in the
chapter where the information is for review. When you have completed
your review, select anywhere in that area to return to the review question.
Try to answer the question again.
• Review questions are included at the end of this chapter. Select the
answer you choose. If the answer is correct, you will be taken to the next
question. If the answer is incorrect, you will be taken to the area in the
chapter where the information is for review. When you have completed
your review, select anywhere in that area to return to the review question.
Try to answer the question again.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-3

The pre-engineered building (PEB) discussed here is a commercially designed structure
fabricated by the civilian industry to conform to armed forces specifications. The
advantage of a pre-engineered structure is that it is designed for erection in the shortest
possible time. Each PEB is shipped as a complete building kit, including all necessary
materials and instructions for erection.
Various types of pre-engineered structures are available from numerous manufacturers,
and all are similar because each is built to military specifications. However, it would be
impractical to try and include all of the structures that each company fabricates, so this
manual will use a description of the basic procedures for erecting and dismantling only a
40-foot by 100-foot building as an example.
The typical PEB is a 40 by 100 foot structure, but a smaller 20 by 48 foot version PEB
uses the same erection principles. Layout and erection of either size PEB is normally
assigned to Builders, working in conjunction with Steelworkers.
The basic pre-engineered metal building shown in Figure 17-1 is 40 feet wide by 100
feet long. Although the unit length of the building is 100 feet, the length can be
increased or decreased in multiples of 20 feet, which are called 20-foot bays. The true
building length will be equal to the number of 20-foot bays plus 6 inches, since each end
bay is 20 feet 3 inches. The building is 14 feet high at the eave and 20 feet 8 inches at
the ridge.

Figure 17-1 — Completed pre-engineered building.

Pre-engineered buildings are ideal for use as repair shops or warehouses because they
have a large, clear floor area without columns or other obstructions, as well as straight
sidewalls. This design allows floor-to-ceiling storage of material and wall-to-wall
placement of machinery. The column-free interior also permits efficient shop layout and
unhindered production flow.
After a building is up, it can be enlarged while in use by 20-foot bays, providing
additional space under one roof. If desired, PEBs can be erected side by side in
multiples, and when a building is no longer needed it can be disassembled, stored, or
NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-4
moved to another location and re-erected because only bolted connections are used,
with no welding or riveting. The rigid frame is strong, designed for working loads of 20
pounds per square foot load, plus the dead load and the load from a 70-mph wind.
The building can be easily modified to varying lengths and purposes by taking out or
adding bays, or by substituting various foundation and wall sections. A bay is the
distance between two column centers or between the end wall and the first column
center in from the end wall.
Formulas used to determine the number of bays, frames, and intermediate frames in a
building are as follows:
Length divided by 20 = number of bays
Bays + 1 = total number of frames
Total number of frames - 2 = number of intermediate frames

1.1.0 Pre-Erection Work

Extensive pre-erection work is required before you start the actual erection of a building,
and this often includes almost all of the Seabee ratings. After the building site is located
and laid out by the Engineering Aids, it will be cleared and leveled by Equipment
Operators. Batter boards are set up in pairs where each comer of the foundation is
located. Builders fabricate the forms for concrete while Steelworkers are cutting,
bending, tying, and placing reinforcing steel. If this particular building requires under
slab utilities such as plumbing and electrical service, the Utilitiesman and Construction
Electricians will also be on the jobsite. Last, all under slab work must be completed and
pass all Quality Control inspections before concrete is placed and finished.
Most importantly, as far as ease of erection is concerned, before the concrete is placed,
templates for the anchor bolts are attached to the forms, and the anchor bolts are
inserted through the holes in each. Then the anchor bolts and template forms are tied
as necessary to make sure the bolts remain vertical. You will have only a tolerance of
plus or minus one eighth of an inch to work with.

Proper anchor bolt placement is absolutely critical when erecting a PEB.

The threads of the bolts are greased and the nuts placed on them to protect the
threads. Concrete is then poured into the formwork and worked carefully into place
around these bolts, so they remain vertical and in place. Finally, according to the plans
and specifications, the slab is poured.
While the foundation is being prepared, the crew leader will assign personnel/crews to
perform various types of preliminary work, such as uncrating and inventorying all
material on the shipping list, bolting up rigid-frame assemblies, assembling door eaves,
and glazing windows. Box 1 contains the erection manual, the drawings, and an
inventory list; it should be opened first. If all of the preliminary work is done correctly, the
assembly and erection of the entire building is accomplished easily and quickly.
All material, except the sheeting, should be uncrated and laid out in an orderly manner
so the parts can be located easily. Do not uncrate the sheeting until you are ready to
install it. When opening the crates, use care not to cause any damage to the lumber.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-5

This is important since the lumber can be used for sawhorses and various other items
around the jobsite.
In most situations, after the building foundation has been prepared, building materials
should be placed around the building site near the location where they will be used
(Figure 17-2). This action provides the greatest accessibility during assembly.

Figure 17-2 — Material layout.

Girts, purlins, eave struts, and brace rods should be equally divided along both sides of
the foundation. Panels and miscellaneous parts which will not be used immediately
should be placed on each side of the foundation on pallets or skids and covered with
tarps or a similar type of covering until needed. Parts making up the rigid-frame
assemblies are laid out ready for assembly and in position for raising.
Always use care in unloading materials. Remember that damaged parts will cause
delays in getting the job done. To avoid damage, lower the materials to the ground
slowly and do not drop them.
Figure 17-3 will help you identify the structural members of the building and their
location. Each part has a specific purpose and must be installed in its designated
location to ensure a sound structure.

Never omit any part called for on the detailed erection drawings.
Each of the members, parts, and accessories of the building is labeled by stencil so it is
not necessary to guess which one goes where. Refer to the erection plans to find the
particular members you need as you work.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-6

Figure 17-3 — Location and identity of structural members.

1.2.0 Erection Procedures

When all the pre-erection work is completed, inspected, and passed by Quality Control,
and your inventory is completed, you are ready to start erecting the PEB. To give you a
general guide to follow, this phase of the discussion will introduce you to the basic PEB
erection procedures. However, keep in mind that the drawings provided by the
manufacturer must be followed in all cases, even where they might differ from
information in this training manual. The manufacturer’s standard practice is to pack an
erection manual and a set of drawings in the small parts box (Box 1) shipped with each

1.2.1 Bolting Rigid Frames

Before bolting up the rigid-frame assembly, clean all the dirt and debris from the top of
the foundation, and then lay out and bolt the base shoes firmly to the concrete. Use
appropriate washers between the shoes and nuts. Lay out an assembled column and
roof beam at each pair of base shoes, using one bolt on each side of each base shoe to
act as pivots in raising the frame (Figure 17-4). Use drift pins if needed to line up the

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-7

1.2.2 Frame Erection
You can use a gin pole to raise
the end frame of the building. To
prevent distortion of the frame
when it is being raised, attach a
bridle securely to each side of
the frame below the splice
connection and also to the ridge
on the roof beam. Drop a drift
pin in the frame to prevent the
bridle from slipping up. Set up
the gin pole with a block at the
top. If a gin pole is not available,
nail together three 2 x 6’s, 20
feet long, from the longest
shipping crate.
Attach a tag line to the frame
(Figure 17-5). Now, pull the end
frame into the vertical position,
using a crew of four or five
people on the erection line. A
tag person should have Figure 17-4 — Frame assembly.
something to take a couple of
turns around, such as a pole anchored to the ground. Then if the frame should go
beyond the vertical, the tag person would be able to keep it from falling.
To get the frame started from the ground, it should be lifted by several people and
propped up as high as practical. Bolt an eave strut to each column (Figure 17-5). The
eave struts allow the frame to be propped at every stage of the lifting. After the frame is
in a vertical position, install guy lines and props to it so it cannot move.

Figure 17-5 — Frame erection.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-8

Now raise the second frame in the same way, and hold it vertically in place by installing
purlins, girts, and brace rods.
You can use a crane or other suitable type of power equipment to hoist the frames into
place where such equipment is available. When power equipment is used, use the
following suggested procedure:
1. Raise the columns, bolt
them to the base shoes,
and brace them in place.
2. Install all sidewall girts to
keep the columns as rigid
as possible.
3. Bolt the roof beams
together, and install the
gable posts and end-wall
4. Secure the guy lines and
tag lines to the roof beams
(Figure 17-6). Attach a
wire rope sling at
approximately the center
of each roof beam.
5. Hoist the roof beams into
position on top of the
columns and bolt them in
Figure 17-6 — Using power equipment.
6. When the second rigid-
frame section is secured
in position, install all the roof purlins, gable angles, and louver angles. Note:
attach the gable clips to the purlins before raising the section into position.
7. Install the brace rods and align the first bay.

The first bay must be aligned before erecting additional bays.

1.2.3 Brace Rods

Brace rods must be installed in the first bay erected (Figure 17-7). These rods are of
paramount importance since they hold the frames in an upright position.

Never omit the brace rods, either sidewall or roof.
The diagonal brace rods are attached to the frames in the roof and sidewall through the
slotted holes provided. Use a half-round brace rod washer and a flat steel washer under
the nuts at each end of the rods. With the rods installed, plumb each frame column with
the carpenter’s spirit level.
Check the distance diagonally from the upper corner of one frame to the lower corner of
the adjacent frame. When this distance is the same for each rod, the columns will be

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-9

plumb. After the sidewall rods are installed, install the roof rods. The length of the roof
rods can be adjusted by tightening or loosening the turnbuckle. When the two diagonal
measurements are the same, the end bay will be square.

Figure 17-7 — Frame erection.

After the two frames have been plumbed and braced square with the diagonal rods, and
the purlins, girts, and eave struts have been installed, the guy lines or props can be
removed and the remaining frames of the building can be erected. Note the following
• Do not omit the diagonal brace rods that are required in the last bay of the
• Be sure to bolt the girts, purlins, and eave struts to the inside holes of the end
• Install the eave struts, girts, and purlins in each bay as soon as a frame is
• Exercise care to see that the diagonal brace rods are taut and do not project
beyond the flanges of the end frame to interfere with end-wall sheeting.
• To raise the next frame, attach blocks to the last frame raised and proceed to the
next bay frame.

1.2.4 Sag Rods

Sag rods are used to hold the purlins and the girts in a straight line. First install the sag
rods that connect the two purlins at the ridge of the building. Each rod must be attached
from the top hole of one purlin through the bottom hole of the adjacent purlin. Use two
nuts at each end of the sag rods, one on each side of each purlin. Adjust the nuts on
these rods, so the purlins are held straight and rigid.
Next, install the sag rods between the purlins below the ridge with the rod attached from
the top hole of the upper purlin through the bottom hole of the lower purlin. Use two nuts
on each end, one on each side of each purlin. Follow the same procedure with the
sidewall sag rods.
NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-10
Remember, the roof purlins should show a straight line from end to end of the building.
Do NOT tighten the sag rods so much that the purlins are twisted out of shape.

1.2.5 Brace Angles and Base Angles

After two or more bays have been erected, part of the erection crew can be assigned to
install the diagonal brace angles. To install the brace angles, lay the notched portion
against the frame flange and bend it into position (Figure 17-8). Diagonal brace angles
are needed to support the inner flange of the frame. Be sure to install them so that they
are taut.

Figure 17-8 — Diagonal brace angles.

Never omit diagonal brace angles. They are needed to support the inner flange
of the frame. Install them so they are taut.

While some members of the crew are installing brace angles, other members can be
installing base angles. When assigned this duty, first sweep off the top of the concrete
foundation so the base angles will set down evenly. Bolt the base angles in place with a
flat steel washer under the nut. Leave the nuts loose to permit later adjustments after
the wall sheeting has been applied.

1.2.6 End-Wall Framing/Doors/Windows

Refer to the manufacturers’ specifications for proper assembly and installation
procedures for end-wall framing, doors (both sliding and roll-up), and windows, as these
procedures will vary with available building options.

1.2.7 Sheeting
Always start the sheeting, both sidewall and roof, at the end of the building toward
which the prevailing winds blow. For example, if the winds are predominately easterlies
(from the east), start your sheeting on the west end of the building to ensure that the
NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-11
exterior joint in the side laps is away from the blowing of the prevailing winds. When
installing roof sheeting, always use a generous amount of mastic on the upper side of
all roof sheets just before moving them to the roof. Turn the sheet over and put a bead
of mastic on the lip of one side of the corrugation and along one end--near the end but
never more than one 1 inch from the end. Be sure to apply a horizontal bead of mastic
between all sheets in the end laps below the lap holes. The roof sheets must be dry
when mastic is applied. Mastic is extremely important, and you must exercise care
whenever applying it to ensure a watertight seal. Apply generous beads, especially at
the comers of the sheets. Finally, install the ridge cap, ensuring proper watershed. As
previously stated, the information in this manual is general information common to pre-
engineered buildings.

1.2.8 Building Insulation

You can insulate a pre-engineered building by any of several methods. You can install a
blanket type of insulation in 2-foot wide strips to match the width of the roof and wall
sheets between the sheets and structural panels at the same time the sheeting is
installed. Alternatively, you can apply a hardboard insulation directly to the inside
surface of the structural panels, attaching it by helix nails or by sheet metal screws in
holes prepared by drilling the structural panels. A third option is a wood framing
attached to the structural panels, and hardboard insulation nailed to the wood.

1.2.9 Multiple buildings Set Side by Side

Pre-engineered buildings can easily be set up side by side to increase the working area
under one roof. When this is done, the adjacent rigid frames should be bolted back to
back with a channel spacer at each girt location (Figure 17-9).
The eave struts are moved up the roof beam to the second set of holes to provide a
gutter. This arrangement provides a space between eave struts, and you can install a
field fabricated gutter.
Flat, unpainted galvanized steel of 24- to 26-gauge material should be used for the
gutter, with downspouts located as required. Gutter ends should be lapped and braze-
welded for watertightness. Note that wall sheets can be used to form a gutter if the
outside corrugations are flattened and all the end laps are braze-welded.
Roof sheets must be cut shorter where they overhang the gutter. The corrugations can
be closed with the continuous rubber closure with mastic applied to the top and bottom
surfaces of the closure. An alternate method is to flatten the corrugations at the gutter
and seal them with a glass fabric stripping set in plastic.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-12

Figure 17-9 — Buildings side by side.

1.3.0 Disassembly Procedures

Disassembling a pre-engineered building is not difficult once you are familiar with the
erection procedures. However, when you disassemble a building, be sure to clearly
mark or number all of the parts so you will know where the parts go when reassembling
the building. The following are the main steps of the disassembly procedures:
• Remove the sheeting.
• Remove the windows, door leaves, and end wall.
• Remove the diagonal brace angles and sag rods.
• Remove the braces, girts, and purlins.
• Let down the frames.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-13

1.3.1 Marking
It is obvious but worth repeating: In disassembling a building, be sure to clearly mark or
number all parts. You will then know where the parts go when reassembling the
Carefully handling the building components during disassembly is very important. You
may have to reuse these same components at another location. As you complete
disassembly, protect those components from damage. Any damaged components will
have to be replaced, and time might not be on your side.
In planning a disassembly, remember, you probably no longer have the original shipping
containers in which to repack. As offered earlier, the shipping material makes good
sawhorses, and sometimes runners for stairs, so it is not likely to be around any longer.
If the disassembled PEB will have significant rehandling or lengthy storage, consider
making secondary shipping crates of available materials for handling ease and parts
The K-span building has been used in the Seabee community for years (Figure 17-10).
The intended uses of these buildings are as varied as the PEBs. Training key personnel
in the operation of the equipment associated with the K-span is essential. Once trained,
these same personnel can instruct other members of the crew in the safe erection of a
K-span. The following section gives you some, but not all, of the key elements
associated with K-span construction. The ABM 120 and 240 and the UBM 120 and 240
are the machines used in K-span construction. The UBM differs from the ABM in

Figure 17-10 — Typical K-span building.

several ways but the two major differences are the computer input system and the
seaming system used by the UBM which eliminates the need for bolting the sections
together saving workers and time needed for construction. All other aspects are the
same when comparing the ABM and the UBM. ABMs will be discussed in detail below.
As with other equipment, always refer to the manufacturer’s manuals.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-14

2.1.0 ABM 120 System
The K-span building system consists of a self-contained, metal building manufacturing
plant, known as the ABM 120 System/Automatic Building Machine 120. This machine is
mounted on a trailer, forming a type of “mobile factory” that is easily towed to even the
remotest construction sites (Figure 17-11). An important aspect of this machine is that it
can easily be transported by air anywhere in the world. In fact, the ABM System has
been certified for air transport by the U.S. Air Force in C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17

Figure 17-11 — Automatic Building Machine (ABM) 120.

aircraft. Once the machine is delivered on site, it can be set up in minutes and turn coils
of steel into structural strength arched panels. The panels are then machine seamed
together to form an economical and watertight steel structure.
The final shape and strength of the fabricated materials eliminate the need for columns,
beams, or any other type of interior support. All of the panel-to-panel connections are
joined using an electric automatic seaming machine. Because of this, there are no nuts,
bolts, or any other type of fastener to slow down construction or create leaks.
Once delivered to the jobsite, the “on-site” manufacturing abilities of the machine give
the ABM operator complete control of fabrication as well as the quality of the building.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-15

2.1.1 Operating Instructions
The main component of the K-span system is the trailer-mounted building machine.
Figure 17-12 shows the primary components of the trailer as well as the general
operational steps.

Figure 17-12 — Trailer-mounted machinery.

The key position is the operator’s station at the rear of the trailer (Figure 17-13). The
individual selected for this station must thoroughly understand the machine’s operations
and manuals, because from there, the operator controls all the elements required to
form the panels. The operator must remain at the controls at all times; forming panels is
a complex operation that becomes easier with a thorough understanding of the
The operator first runs the coil stock through the machine to form the panel shape and
then cuts it off at the correct length. This length is the required length for one arched
panel to run continuously from one footer to the other. After cutting the panel to length,
the operator runs it back through the machine to give it the correct arch. From the
placement of the trailer on site to the completion of the curved panels, attention to detail
is paramount.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-16

Figure 17-13 — Rear of K-span trailer.

If you are selected for the operator’s position, as you operate the panel, you will be
adjusting the various machine operating components. Make adjustments for thickness,
radius, and the curving machine according to the manuals. Do not permit short cuts in
adjustments. Any deviations in adjustments or disregard for the instructions found in the
operating manuals will leave you with a pile of useless material and an inconsistent

2.1.2 Machinery Placement

To avoid setup problems, preplanning of the site layout is important. Uneven or sloped
ground is not a concern as long as the bed of the trailer aligns with the general lay of
the existing surface conditions. Using Figure 17-14 as a guide, consider the following
items when placing the machinery:
• Allow maneuvering room for the towing of the trailer, or leave it attached to the
vehicle (A).
• The length of the unit is 27 feet 8 inches long by 7 feet 4 inches wide (B).
• Allow enough room for run-out stands to hold straight panels. Stands have a net
length of 9 feet 6 inches each (C).
• Find point X: From the center of the curve, measure the distance equal to the
radius in line with the front of the curved frame. From point X, scribe an arc equal
to the radius. This arc will define the path of the curved panel. Add 10 feet for
run-out stands and legs (D).
• Allocate room for a storage area required to store coil stock and access for
equipment to load it onto the machine (E).
• Consider the direction the curved panels must be carried after being formed (F).
NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-17
• Allocate a level area in which to lay the panels on the ground for seaming. The
building will not be consistent if the panels are not straight when seaming is done
• Allocate space required for crane operations (H).

Figure 17-14 — Machinery placement calculations.

2.1.3 Foundations
While the design of the foundation for a K-span building depends on the building’s size,
existing soil conditions, and wind load, the foundations are simple and easy to
construct. With the even distribution of the load in a standard arch building, the size of
the continuous strip footing is smaller and more economical than the foundations for
conventional buildings.
The provided concrete forms and accessories to form the foundations are sufficient for a
building 100 feet long by 50 feet wide, and forms are available upon request from the
manufacturer for different configurations.
The actual footing construction is based, as all projects are, on the building plans and
specifications. The location of the forms, placement of steel, and the psi (pounds per
square inch) of the concrete are critical. Since the building is welded to the angle in the
footer prior to the concrete placement, all aspects of the footer construction must be
thoroughly checked for alignment and square. Once concrete is placed, there is no way
to correct mistakes.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-18

As mentioned above, forms are provided for the foundation. Using Table 17-1 as a
guide, Figure 17-15 gives you a simple foundation layout by parts designation. As noted
in Figure 17-15, the cross pipes are not provided in the kit. They are provided by the
Table 17-1 – Concrete Forms Included in Kit.
Description Part Number
(Each set of forms is sufficient to erect a building
100 feet long by 50 feet wide.)
Side form panels, 1’ x 10’, 12-gauge steel F-1
Transition panels, 1’ x 12”, 12-gauge steel F-2
Transition panels, 1’ x 28”, 12-gauge steel F-3
End wall caps, 1’ x 15”, 12-gauge steel F-4
Side wall caps, 1’ x 19”, 12-gauge steel F-5
Filler form, 1’ x 12’, 12-gauge steel F-6
Sidewall inside stop, 1’ x 12”, 12-gauge steel F-7
End wall inside stop, 1’ x 12”, 12-gauge steel F-8
Stakes, 1/4” diameter, bar steel F-9
All-thread rod, 1/2-13 x 18” F-10
Hex nuts, 1/2-13 F-11
Hex bolts, 1/8-16 x 1-1/2” F-12
Hex nuts, 3/8- 6 F-13
Flat washers, 1/8” SAE F-14
Corner angles, 2” x 2” x 12”, steel angle F-15

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-19

Figure 17-15 — Simple form assembly.

2.1.4 Building Erection

With the placement of the machinery and the forming of the building panels in progress,
your next considerations are the placement and the weight-lifting capabilities of the
crane. Check the crane’s weight-lifting chart for its maximum weight capacity. This
dictates the number of panels you can safely lift at the operating distance or reach. As
with all crane operations, attempting to lift more than the rated capacity, or extending
beyond a rated operating distance can cause the crane to turn over.
Attaching the spreader bar to the curved formed panels is a crucial step (Figure 17-16).
Failure to clamp the panel tightly can cause the panels to slip and fall, with potential
harm to personnel and damage to the panel.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-20

Figure 17-16 — Spreader bar attachment.
With guidelines attached as shown in Figure 17-17 and personnel attending the lines, lift
the panels for placement.
When lifting, consider the following points:
• Lift only as high as necessary.
• Position two crew members at each free end to guide each panel in place.
• Remind crew members to keep their feet out from under the ends of the arches.
• Never attempt lifting any sets of panels in high winds.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-21

Figure 17-17 — Guide rope use.
Place the first set of panels on the attaching angle of the foundation and position it so
there will be room for the end wall panels. After positioning the first set of panels, clamp
them to the angle, plumb them with guidelines, and secure the lines to previously
anchored stakes. Seam each set to standing panels before detaching the spreader bar,
then detach the spreader bar and continue to place panel sets.
After about 15 panels (3 sets) are in place, measure the building length at both ends
just above the forms and at the center of the arch. This measurement will seldom be
exactly one foot per panel, it is usually slightly more, but it should be equal for each
panel. Adjust the ends to equal the center measure. Panels are flexible enough to
adjust slightly. Check these measurements periodically during building construction.
Since exact building lengths are difficult to predict, the end-wall attaching angle on the
finishing end of the building should not be put in place until all panels are set.
After the arches are in place, set the longest end-wall panel in the form, plumb, and
clamp it in place. Work from the longest panel outward and be careful to maintain

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-22

When all of the building panels are welded to the attaching angle at 12 inches on
center, you are ready to place the concrete (Figure 17-18). When you are placing the
concrete, remember that it is extremely important that it be well vibrated, but not over-
vibrated to the point of aggregate separation. This action will help eliminate voids
underneath the embedded items. As the concrete begins to set, slope the top exterior
portion of the concrete cap about 5 inches to allow water to drain away from the building
(Figure 17-19). The elevation and type of the interior floor are not relevant as long as
the finish of the interior floor is not higher than the top of the concrete cap.

Figure 17-18 — Building foundation concept.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-23

Figure 17-19 — Concrete foundation.
The K-span building system is similar to other types of pre-engineered or prefabricated
buildings in that windows, doors, and roll-up doors can be installed only when erection
is completed. When insulation is required, you can install (using clips, as shown in
Figure 17-20) insulation boards (usually 4 by 8 feet) of any semi-rigid material that can
be bent to match the radius of the building.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-24

Figure 17-20 — Insulation.

When the integrity of the end-wall panels is continuous from ground to roofline, the end
walls become self-supporting. The installation of windows (Figure 17-21) and aluminum
doors (Figure 17-22) presents no problem because the integrity of the wall system is not
interrupted. The installation of the overhead door (Figure 17-23) does present a problem
in that it does interrupt the integrity of the wall system. This situation is quickly
overcome by the easily installed and adjustable (in height and width) doorframe
package that supports both the door and end wall. This doorframe package is offered by
the manufacturer.
Figure 17-24 shows the fundamental steps in constructing a K-span from start to finish.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-25

Figure 17-21 — Aluminum window installation.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-26

Figure 17-22 — Aluminum door installation.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-27

Figure 17-23 — Overhead door frame.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-28

NAVEDTRA 14250A Figure 17-24 — Steps in K-span construction. 17-29
2.2.0 ABM 240 System
There is another type of K-span building, actually referred to as a Super Span by the
manufacturer, the ABM 240. Even though it can use heavier coil stock and is a larger
version, the construction of the ABM 240 is the same as that for the ABM 120 (K- span).
Figure 17-25 shows the differences between the two.
Keep in mind that the information provided in this section on the K- span building is
basic. During the actual construction of this building, you must consult the
manufacturer’s complete set of manuals.

Figure 17-25 — ABM 120 and 240 comparison chart.


Towers are framework structures designed to provide vertical support. They may be
used to support another structure, such as a bridge, or a piece of equipment, such as a
communication antenna, or to serve as a lookout post or weapons mount. Since the
prime purpose of a tower is to provide vertical support for a load applied at the top, the
compression members providing this support are the only ones that require high-
structural strength. The rest of the structure is designed to stiffen the vertical members
and to prevent bending under load. Primarily, the bracing members are designed to take
loads in tension and are based on a series of diagonals.
Airfield observation towers, harbor shipping control towers, and radio towers are all
erected by Steelworkers. Like PEBs, these towers are manufactured and packaged
according to military specifications, and shipped with all parts, plans, and specifications.
NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-30
The framework of the tower is
made up of fabricated structural
shapes that are bolted together.
Anchor angles with base plates
are furnished for setting in the
concrete foundation (Figure 17-
26). In most cases, the
foundation will be built by the
Builders. The manufacturer also
furnishes square head bolts,
lock washers, and nuts. Spud
wrenches and drift pins are
supplied for each size of bolt.
Field bolts and shipping lists are
prepared and packaged with
each shipment of a tower.
The tower members are
bundled in the most compact
manner possible to keep
shipping space to a minimum,
with erection identification Figure 17-26 — Anchor angles in a concrete
marks and stock list numbers foundation.
painted on all of the pieces. All
the nuts, bolts, and washers are boxed and identified by painted marks.
When you receive a tower shipment, you must inventory all the parts and packages.
Check them against the shipping list to be sure that no boxes or bundles have been
lost, stolen, misplaced, or damaged in shipment. When all are accounted for, sort the
materials. The drawings tell you what is needed for each section. It is smart planning to
lay out all of the materials for each section from the foundation to the top before any
erection is started; this will save a lot of time later.

3.1.0 Assembly and Erection of Sections

Assemble the first section of the tower on the ground alongside the foundation. Start by
assembling the two-column legs on one side of the tower and bolting them loosely, with
one bolt each, to two foundation stubs (anchor angle irons); these will act as pivot
points. Next, loosely join the angle and the cross braces, and then lift the entire side.
You can use a crane or gin pole to rotate it into a vertical position or, if necessary, lift it
by hand. Two people can start by lifting the far end and walking it up, while two others,
with hand lines, can complete the upward journey.
As the column legs fall into position, use drift pins or spud wrenches to line up the holes
with the holes in the embedded anchor angle irons. Then insert the bolts, place lock
washers under each nut, and tighten them; use spud wrenches for this job. When one
side is standing in the upright position, repeat the process for the opposite legs. Finally,
connect the cross braces on the open sides, and add the cross braces on the inside.
When the whole first section, or bay, is in place, tighten the bolts. Figure 17-27 shows
the correct connection of diagonal and center horizontal members; notice the alternate
connections of the diagonal members at all points.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-31

Figure 17-27 — Connection of diagonal and
center horizontal members.

Use a snatch block and line to lift

each piece for the next section.
Do not tighten the bolts until the
entire section is in place. Then
start lifting the pieces for the next
section, shifting the snatch block
as necessary. When the whole
section is in place, tighten the
bolts. Repeat this process until
the whole framework of the
tower is erected. Bolts should be
hoisted by hand lines in buckets
or leather-bottom bolt bags.
Figure 17-28 shows a partially
completed tower.
Assemble the ladder for the
tower on the ground, raise the
sections by hand as the tower is
erected, and bolt them in place.

Figure 17-28 — Partially erected tower.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-32

The wooden cabin section shown
in Figure 17-29 was constructed
and raised in place by the
Builders, but Steelworkers will be
called upon to assemble rails and
After the tower is complete, one
or two people must go over all of
the nuts to confirm the following:
1. Washers are inserted
under each nut.

2. Nuts are tightened to


3. Bolts are center punched

to lock them in place.

You can repeat this after a few

weeks as a final check. Refer
again to Figure 17-29, which Figure 17-29 — Completed tower.
shows the top of a completed
tower with control room and guys
in place.

3.2.0 Dismantling a Tower

Like PEBs, you can take steel towers down when no longer needed and re-erect them
at a new location. As the first step, remove the electrical conduit for the aircraft red
warning light atop the tower, the cabin, the platform, and any other accessories, then
the guy lines.
Next, set up your rigging gear so that one leg of the section (preferably the leg that the
ladder is connected to) will serve as the gin pole. Proceed to attach a shackle to the top
vacant hole in the gusset plate and have a snatch block in the shackle. Open the snatch
block and insert the fiber line to be used as a hoist line. Tie a bowline in the end of the
line to keep it from unintentionally slipping through the block. Take the line to be used
as the tag line and secure one end to the bowline. Now secure a snatch block to the
base of the tower and run the hoist line from the top snatch block through this block to
your source of power. Be sure the snatch block at the base of the tower is located in a
straight line to a source of power. The source of power can be a dump truck, a weapon
carrier, or some other vehicle.
NOTE: When using a vehicle as a source of power, you must keep it back far enough
so as it comes forward, it does not arrive at the base of the tower before the load is on
the ground.
The tower is dismantled by sections, and the top and second horizontal braces are the
first members of the section to be removed. Start by tying the hoist line and tag line to
the horizontal braces. Then signal the vehicle operator to back up and take a slight
strain on the hoist line. You are now ready to remove the bolts holding the horizontal
braces in place. After all the bolts are removed, lower the horizontal braces to the

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-33

ground by signaling the power source to come forward. Now remove the diagonal
braces in the same manner.
The next step is to remove the legs of the tower section, except the leg being used as
the gin pole. First, shinny up the leg to be dismantled, and hang a shackle at the top.
Tie the hoist line to the shackle and then come back down the leg. Signal the vehicle
operator to take a slight strain on the hoist line, just enough to take up the slack and
remove the gusset plate from one side. Remove the remainder of the bolts that hold the
leg being removed, leaving the two top bolts in place. Now take the tag line and secure
it with a clove hitch and a half hitch to the bottom of the load. Also, take a turn with the
tag line around the horizontal bracing in the section that will be removed next. Then
remove the two top bolts as you slack off on the tag line and take up on the hoist line
until the leg is hanging straight up and down against the gin pole. Release the tag line to
the personnel on the ground who will guide the load as it is lowered to the ground.
Repeat this process with all of the remaining legs until only the ladder and the leg used
as a gin pole are left. To remove the ladder, secure the hoist line to a rung above the
center. Remove the bolts and then lower the ladder to the ground.
When you are ready to start dismantling the leg used as the gin pole, shinny up it and
remove the hoist line from the snatch block. Secure the hoist line to the shackle, remove
the snatch block and hang it in your safety bit, then come back down the leg to the
spliced connection. (Generally, at all spliced connections there will be horizontal brace
connections that can serve as working platforms.)
Signal the personnel on the ground to remove the hoist line from the base snatch block;
then signal the vehicle operator to take up the slack. Remove the gusset plate from one
side of the splice. Remove the remaining bolts in the leg. After all the bolts are removed,
ensure that all personnel are clear of where the load will land. Remove the top bolt, and
release the nut on the other bolt one-quarter turn. Signal the vehicle operator to back up
slowly. As the operator backs up, the leg will pivot downward on the bolt and fall against
the leg it has been standing upon, and which will be used as the gin pole in dismantling
the next section.
Now insert the shackle in the top hole of the gusset plate and hang the snatch block in
it. Put the hoist line back in both snatch blocks. With the hoist line, throw a half-hitch
below the center of the leg. Now secure the tag line. Next, signal the vehicle operator to
take a slight strain to ease the tension off the bolt. You can then remove the bolt and
lower the leg to the ground. This completes the dismantling of an entire section of the
tower, so you can proceed to the next section.
Repeat the above procedure with each section until the tower is completely dismantled.
If the tower will be put up again rather than scrapped, assign a crew to wire brush each
member of the tower to remove all rust, loose paint, and the like. After the wire brush
cleaning, remark each member and store the tower in an orderly manner.
Modern communications in different parts of the world between ships, shore stations,
and aircraft, including United States aerospace efforts, require transmitting and
receiving facilities be erected all over the globe. Often, Steelworkers from battalion
detachments receive the tasking to erect them. This section will describe some of the
common communications antenna towers that are erected, and the procedures for
erecting them.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-34

4.1.0 Guyed Towers
The most commonly used guyed towers are fabricated from steel in straight sections 10
to 20 feet long. These constant dimensional sections are erected one above the other to
form the desired height. Structural stability for this type of tower is provided by attaching
guy wires from the tower to ground anchors.
Base supports for guyed towers vary according to the type of tower to be installed.
Three commonly used base supports are the following:
1. Tapered tower base — concentrates the load from multiple tower legs to a small
area on the foundation.

2. Pivoted tower base — used primarily on lightweight structures for ease of tower

3. Composite base — generally used with heavier towers because it affords much
greater supporting strength than the other two types.
All three are shown in Figure 17-30.
Sections for lightweight towers are usually assembled before delivery to expedite final
tower assembly, whereas heavier weight towers must be assembled completely in the
Tower bracing should include diagonal bracing and horizontal struts in the plane of each
tower face for the full tower height.

Figure 17-30 — Base support for guyed towers.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-35
4.2.0 Freestanding Towers
Freestanding, or self-supporting, steel antenna towers are characterized by heavier
construction than guyed towers, and by a shape that tapers in toward the top from a
wide base. Freestanding towers exert much greater weight-bearing pressure on
foundations than most guyed towers. Consequently, deeper foundations are required
(because of the greater size, weight, and spread of tower legs) to provide sufficient
resistance to the load.
Each leg of a freestanding tower must be supported by an individual foundation. Figure
17-31 shows a typical individual foundation for a freestanding tower, and Figure 17-32
shows a foundation plan for a triangular steel freestanding tower. Bracing and material
specifications for these towers are the same as for guyed towers.

Figure 17-31 — Square self-supporting tower and base.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-36

Figure 17-32 — Base support for guyed towers.

4.3.0 Tower Assembly

For tower assembly and erection, advance planning is absolutely essential to complete
the project safely and correctly. Before commencing, study both the installation plan and
the manufacturer’s instructions to gain a complete understanding of the tower assembly
and the phased erection methods to be used. Observe the following general procedures
and practices for assembly and erection of towers:
1. Assemble the tower sections on well leveled supports to avoid building in twists
or other deviations. Note: Any deviations in one section will be magnified by the
number of sections in the complete assembly.

2. Check all of the surface areas for proper preservation. Cover all the holes and
dents in galvanized materials with zinc chromate or another acceptable
preservative to prevent deterioration.

3. When high-strength bolts are used in a tower assembly, place a hardened steel
washer under the nut or bolt head, whichever is to be turned. Exercise care that
you do not exceed the maximum torque limit of the bolt. Maximum torque values
of several different sizes and types of bolts commonly used in antenna towers
are listed in Table 17-2.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-37

Table 17-2 — Bolt Torques (foot-pounds).
High-Strength Aluminum Stainless Steel
Size Mild Steel
Steel 24 ST-4 18-8
3/8” — 16 17 — 12 30

3/4” — 13 38 105 26 43

5/8” — 11 84 205 60 92

3/4” — 10 105 370 82 128

7/8” — 9 160 530 184 194

1” — 8 236 850 — —

1 1/8” — 7 340 1100 — —

1 1/4” — 7 432 1800 — —

4.4.0 Erection of Guyed Towers

The following paragraphs present methods that have been successfully used to erect
guyed towers. The most practical method for any particular tower will be determined by
the size, weight, and construction characteristics of the tower, and by the hoisting

4.4.1 Davit Method

Lightweight guyed towers are frequently erected with a davit hoist anchored to the
previously erected section, which then provides a pivoting hoisting arm. The davit arm is
swung away from the tower in hoisting the added section and swung centrally over the
tower in depositing the section before bolting up the splice plates. Figure 17-33 shows a
ground-assembled unit being hoisted for connection to a previously erected tower
section. A snatch block secured to the tower base transmits the hoisting line to a source
of power or hand winch. A tag line, secured to the base of section being hoisted, avoids
possible contact with the erected portion of the tower.

NAVEDTRA 14250A Figure 17-33 — Typical davit installation. 17-38

4.4.2 Gin Pole Method
Light triangular guyed towers
furnished with a pivoted base
may be completely assembled
on the ground and then raised to
a vertical position with the aid of
a gin pole. Figure 17-34 shows
the lower section of a tower that
has an attached pivoted base in
a horizontal position preparatory
to hoisting. The thrust sling
shown counteracts the thrust on
the base foundation from
hoisting operations. Rigging
operations and location of
personnel essential to the raising
of a pivoted base tower are
detailed in Figures 17-35 and 17-
Light towers in lengths of
approximately 80 feet may be
raised with a single attachment Figure 17-34 — Pivoted tower-hoisting
of the winch line. However, preparation.
longer towers frequently are too
flexible for a single attachment, and in the case of Figure 17-36, a hoisting sling
furnished with a snatch block allows for two points of attachment.

Figure 17-35 — Erection plan for a pivoted tower.

A gin pole with a top sheave to take the winch line is mounted close to the concrete
tower base. Permanent guys attached to the tower at three elevations are handled by
personnel during hoisting operations (Figure 17-35). Temporary rope guys provided with
a snatch block anchored to deadmen furnish the necessary lateral stability. As the mast
NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-39
approaches a vertical position, the permanent guys are fastened to the guy anchors,
which were installed before erection.

Figure 17-36 — Erection of a pivoted guyed tower.

4.4.3 Hand Assembly

Erection without a davit or gin pole may be accomplished by assembling the individual
members piece by piece. As the assembler, you climb inside the tower and work with
the lower half of your body inside the previously assembled construction. You then build
the web of the tower section around you as you progress upward. As each member is
bolted in place, you tighten all of the connections immediately so you are never standing
on, or being supported by, any loose member.

4.5.0 Guying
Temporary guying of steel towers is always necessary where more than one tower
section is erected. Under no circumstances should the tower be advanced more than
two sections without guying, and always install permanent guys before removing
temporary guys.

4.5.1 Temporary Guying

Several materials, including stranded wire, wire rope, and fiber line, are acceptable for
temporary guying, but new manila line is the most suitable because of its strength and
ease of handling. The size of the guyed material you need will be determined by the
height and weight of the structure to be guyed, and by weather conditions at the
installation site.
Secure the temporary guys to the permanent guy anchors, to temporary type anchors,
or to any nearby structure that provides the required supporting strength. Again, leave
the temporary guys in place until the structure is permanently guyed and plumbed.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-40

4.5.2 Permanent Guying
Antenna structures are permanently guyed to pre-positioned anchors according to the
installation plan with steel cables or fiberglass sections.
Figure 17-37 shows two methods of guying triangular steel towers. Guys A, B, and C
are secured to a single anchor, while guys D, E, and F are secured to individual
anchors. Both arrangements are satisfactory; however, the anchor that terminates guys
A, B, and C must be capable of withstanding much greater stresses than the individual
guy anchor arrangement.
Triangular tower guys are arranged so that three guys are spaced 120 degrees apart at
each level of guying (Figure 17-37). Square towers require four guys spaced 90
degrees apart at each guying level. The following general elevation requirements apply
to guy attachments for towers:

Figure 17-37 — Tower guying arrangements.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-41 Single-Guy Layer
The cable attachments are placed in position at approximately two thirds of the tower
height. Two-Guy Layers

For towers with two-guy layers, cable attachments are placed in positions at
approximately 30 and 80 percent of the tower height. Three-Guy Layers

For towers with three-guy layers, cable attachments are placed in positions at
approximately 25, 55, and 85 percent of the tower height.

4.5.3 Guy Tension

Setting guy tension and plumbing a tower are done at the same time, and only when
wind forces are light. Guy tension adjustment and tower plumbing are done as follows. Initial Tension

The tension on all of the guys is adjusted after the tower is in a stable, vertical position.
Adjust all of the guys gradually to the approximate tensions specified in the antenna
installation details. If tensions are not specified, adjust guy tension to 10 percent of the
breaking strength of the strand of the guy. Final Tension

In one procedure used for final tensioning of tower guys, the final tension is measured
with a dynamometer (Figure 17-38).
Carpenter stoppers or cable grips of the proper skin designed for the lay of the wire
must be used in the tensioning operation. Do not use any cable grip assembly that grips
the wire by biting into the cable with gripping teeth that could penetrate and damage the
protective coating of guy cables.
In Step A of Figure 17-38, the Coffing hoist is shown in series with a dynamometer to
measure the tension. A turnbuckle is shown in position to receive the guy tail.
In Step B, an additional cable grip and hoist or tackle are attached above the cable grip
shown in Step A. The lower end of this tackle is provided with a second cable grip
attached to the guy tail previously threaded through the turnbuckle. The second Coffing
hoist is operated until sufficient tension is applied to cause the reading on the series
dynamometer to fall off.
Step C shows the guy in final position secured in place with clamps. With the tower
properly plumbed to a vertical position, only one guy at a given level need be tested with
the dynamometer.
On some installations, other procedures for tensioning guys may be necessary because
of the type of guys and hardware supplied with the antenna. For example, preformed
wire helical guy grips are sometimes used for attaching guy wires to the adjusting
turnbuckles. In such cases, the techniques used for the guy assembly, the connection of
the guy wire to the anchor, and the tension adjustments must be determined from the
detailed installation plan or the appropriate antenna technical manual.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-42

Figure 17-38 — Final tensioning of guys.
NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-43
4.5.4 Guy Anchors
Antenna design and installation
plans specify the required anchor
type, location, and hole depth.
Anchor shafts, or rods, must
project above the grade
sufficiently to keep all the
connecting guy wire attachments
free of vegetation and standing
water. Shafts and connecting
attachments should be
thoroughly cleaned and coated
with a petroleum preservative to
retard the effects of weather. Screw Anchor

The screw anchor shown in
Figure 17-39 may be used to
anchor guys for lightweight
towers, or for temporary guying.
This anchor is installed by
screwing it into the ground in line Figure 17-39 — Typical screw anchor.
with the direction the guy will
take. Expansion Anchor

The expansion anchor shown in
Figure 17-40 is suitable for
practically all guying applications
where the soil is firm. This anchor
is placed with its expanding
plates in the closed position in an
auger-drilled inclined hole, not
less than 3 feet deep. The plates
are expanded into the firm,
undisturbed sides of the hole by
striking the expanding bar at
Point B with a hammer and
thereby forcing the sliding collar
downward the distance D shown
in Figure 17-40. The anchor
installation is completed by
backfilling the hole with
thoroughly tamped backfill.
Figure 17-40 — Expansion anchor.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-44 Concrete Anchor
Poured-in-place concrete anchors are normally used for high stress applications and
where multiple guys are attached to a single anchorage.
This chapter discussed the assembly and disassembly of pre-engineered and K-span
buildings. It also discussed steel towers and antennas, and presented information on
how to secure them with different types of guys and anchors.
Falls and falling objects are the leading cause of injuries in the construction industry.
Working with PEBs, K-spans, and towers always includes working with elevated
heights. Use your situational awareness, remember to follow the prescribed safety
precautions, and use your common sense; don’t get under a hoisting load.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-45

Review Questions (Select the Correct Response)
1. For which use is a K-Span building NOT designed?

A. Office space
B. Hangar
C. Supply building
D. Warehouse

2. What are the two types of K-Span building machines?

A. ABM 120 and ABM 240

B. ABM 250 and ABM 260
C. ABM 360 and ABM 380
D. ABM 400 and ABM 410

3. What does the ABM 120 panel-forming machine produce for a K-span building?

A. L spans
B. Straight panels
C. Arched panels
D. Doorframes

4. The design of the foundation for a K-Span building does NOT depend on the

A. size of the building

B. existing soil conditions
C. wind load
D. local construction rules

5. (True or False) Towers are designed to provide horizontal support.

A. True
B. False

6. What is the advantage of a pre-engineered building?

A. Allows floor to ceiling storage of material

B. Allows wall to wall placement of machinery
C. Permits unhindered production flow
D. All of the above

7. (True or False) A PEB is shipped with all materials and instructions necessary for

A. True
B. False

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-46

8. The 40 by 100 foot, rigid frame, straight walled building can easily be
disassembled, moved, and erected again without waste or damage because of
what feature?

A. Pre-stressed concrete pads

B. Large metal C clamps
C. Bolted connections
D. Fiberboard panels

9. Which task should you perform before placing concrete for the foundation piers
of a rigid frame building?

A. Bolt the frames together only.

B. Place templates and anchor bolts only.
C. Uncrate the paneling only.
D. All of the above

10. While the foundation is being prepared for a 40 by 100 foot rigid frame building,
which work assignment can you perform?

A. Glaze the windows only.

B. Bolt the rigid frame assemblies only.
C. Assemble the door eaves only.
D. All of the above

11. Until ready for use, which material should remain crated?

A. Girts
B. Sheeting
C. Eave struts
D. Brace rods

12. What should you do to ensure building materials are accessible during assembly
of a PEB?

A. Keep all building materials in one central location.

B. Keep the building materials on trucks.
C. Place the materials around the building site where they will be used.
D. Maintain at least 50 feet of clearance between the stockpiles of building

13. How is each of the members, parts, and accessories of the building marked so it
is not necessary to guess which one goes where?

A. Painted with a mark across the bottom of the part

B. Notched at the base of each part
C. Embossed with a mark on each part
D. Labeled by stencil on each part

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-47

14. (True or False) Once all the parts have been laid out and checked, erection of a
40 by 100 foot PEB should begin with the center frame member.

A. True
B. False

15. Where must brace rods be installed to hold the frames in an upright position?

A. In the first bay erected

B. In the second bay erected
C. In the center bay of the building
D. In the last bay erected

16. Where must sheeting installation be started on the sidewall and roof?

A. On the first bay erected

B. On the last bay erected
C. At the end of the building toward which the prevailing winds blow
D. Anywhere

17. (True or False) Pre-engineered buildings can be set up side by side to increase
the working area under one roof.

A. True
B. False

18. What space requirements do you consider for K-span operations?

A. Maneuvering room for the towing of the trailer

B. Allocation of space required for crane operations
C. Room for run-out stands to hold straight panels
D. All of the above

19. In a K-span building, installation of which components presents a problem

because it interrupts the integrity of the wall system?

A. Windows
B. Aluminum doors
C. Wood doors
D. Overhead doors

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-48

Trade Terms Introduced in This Chapter
Guy lines A guy-wire or guy rope is a tensioned cable designed to
add stability to structures (frequently ship masts, radio
masts, wind turbines and tents). One end of the cable is
attached to the structure, and the other is anchored to the
ground at a distance from the structure's base. They are
often configured radially (equally spaced about the structure)
in trios, quads (pairs of pairs), or other sets. This allows the
tension of each guy-wire to offset the others.
Shinny American colloquialism--to climb a rope, pole, etc., from the
use of shins and ankles to do so.

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-49

Additional Resources and References
This chapter is intended to present thorough resources for task training. The following
reference works are suggested for further study. This is optional material for continued
education rather than for task training.
Facilities Planning Guide, NAVFAC P-437, Naval Facilities Engineering, Command,
Alexandria, VA, 1990.
Naval Construction Battalion Table of Allowance, TA-01, Department of the Navy, Naval
Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA, 1987.
MIC-120 ABM (K-Span), Training and Operator Manuals, MIC Industries, Reston, VA,
Rigging Techniques, Procedures, and Applications, FM 5-125, Department of the Army,
Washington DC, 2001

NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-50

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NAVEDTRA 14250A 17-51

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