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Part 3
111911 KERTAS 1 (Reading and Use of English) Free Tuition
Every student should to have the best education they can get.
1C 2C 34 4 C5 B
However, sometimes it is not possible due to their family
6B 7C 8A 9 D10 C
background or individual issues. Therefore, think that
11D t2D 13A t4 c15 B
providing students with free tuition in school is a good idea.
16D t7C 18A t9 A20 A
The school should offer free tuition for the core subjects
2tc 228 23D 24 825 D
268 27C 28D 29 E30 A of Mathematics, Science, English, Bahasa Melayu and
History. These core subjects are crucial not only in order for
31B 32F 33C 34 F35 B
students to progress in their studies but also for everyday life
36D 37 attention 38 laughed
and when they enter the workforce.
39 speech 40 patient
While all students should be allowed to benefit from the
free tuition in school, priority should be given to the students
11'1912 KERTAS2(Nriting) who are facing major public examinations, Some of these
(Suggested answers/Accepl all suitable answers) students may have financial difficulties and their families
Part I cannot afford to pay for any additional tuition, so they
deflnitely should get first choice. If schools offer students
Question 1
free tuition for Bahasa Melayu and History which are
Hi, compulsory pass subjects, it helps to improve their chances
of passing these subjects.
You're right, the school holiday is just around the corner!
These free fuition classes can be conducted maybe three
Yes, I agree it would be nice to make some extra money.
We could do extra chores such as washing the car or times a week after school in empty classrooms or the school
cutting the grass. My neighbours would pay for someone hall. Each class could last for ninety minutes, so that students
to weed their gardens, so we can do that too. Let's aim have time to ask questions. This sort of regular assistance
to make at least RM50 each. Then we can spend it on a would be invaluable to the weaker students, who would
nice meal and have a fun outing. benefit from more focused attention from teachers outside
normal school hours.
Let me know what you think.
Personally speaking, I would be very thankful for the
Bye! free tuition because I consider it a way to develop my full
(80 words) potential and improve my academic performance.
(250 words)

Part 2 Question 4

Question 2 Review of Mahua Waterfall

My daily routine after a long day at school usually involves Last December, my family and I went for a picnic at Mahua
dividing my time between studies and leisure activities. Waterfall. Located in the Tambunan district in central Sabah,
I usually have my lunch immediately after I come home it's a pleasant, family-friendly destination.
from school. Then I have a shower and a nap, because it I'll start my review by saying that the drive to Mahua
helps me to recharge and feel fresh again. After my nap, I was smooth, as the roads are perfectly tarred and in good
will complete my homework. I feel better once everything is condition. It is well signposted and easy to flnd, The entrance
done and out of the way. After that, if the weather is clear, fee of RM3 per local visitor and RMl per child is very
I piay some outdoor games like football or basketball with affordable.
my neighbours. Since we live near a nice field, we always The walkway to the waterfall is short, easy and well-
play there or at the community centre. We enjoy exercising maintained, suitable for all ages. The waterfall itself is a
together because health is weaith. Then I do an hour of 20-metre cascade of crystal-clear water. Although it isn't
revision at night after dinner before I get to play games on my that huge, it is still very pretty, refreshing and surrounded
laptop or smartphone. by lush tropical forest. Swimming here is for those who can
I think it is important to have a good balance between withstand the cold water!
physical activity and schoolwork daily. To me, the most impressive thing about the Mahua
(l 50 words) Waterfall area is the wildlife. The many varieties of birds,

@ EPH Publishing (M) Sdn. Bhd. (473626-1) 2021 A1 Keias ModelTOP SCORE Bahasa lnggeris SPM
plants and insects along the trails, and a gigantic tree along I do not have any personal experience taking the bus because Candida
the Minduk Sirung trail are all well worth a few photographs. my parents always send me to school and pick me up. They
A nature photography enthusiast will definitely be in heaven! say that this is a better arrangement to ensure my safety
I think the facilities at Mahua are very good. The park especiaily since they also have to pick up my little sister,
itself, the toilets, rest areas and dormitories are all so clean. who is not old enough to take public transport. I do think that
Ovemight visitors can stay at the chalets if they want more public transport is very important for Malaysians because it
comfort, and there are also camping grounds for large is the most convenient and affordable mode of transport for
groups. Staff are friendly and helpful. people to travel to school or work.
Overall, I think Mahua is a hidden gem that is well worth
Candidate B:
a visit if you are in the area. I highly recommend it.
(245 words)
Yes, I usually take the bus to school every day. My parents
do not have a car, so taking the bus is the best choice for
Question 5 me. I usually enjoy the experience except when it is too hot
or when it is raining heavily. I also don't enjoy standing in
AGood Deed Candida
a bus when there are no seats available and when the bus
I go to school in a busy cosmopolitan city. It is usually is too full of passengers.
quite safe and everyone minds their own business. One day,
28: A useful gadget
however, I was walking home from school when I heard
some shouting. I furned the corner and sure enough, there Candidate B:
was a tough-looking teenager pushing a small scrawny boy I'd like to talk about the smartphone. Almost everyone I
up against the wall in a lonely alleyway. know has a smartphone. A smartphone nowadays is more
'I told you to hand over your money,'the bully growled. than just a gadget that makes and receives calls, it is a tool
'Please let me go, my mother didn't give me any money for our own education. More and more classes are being
today. Check my pockets, I'm not lying!'the smaller boy conducted online as we deal with the Covid-l9 pandemic,
pleaded. so having a smartphone allows us to stay connected with
Luckily, I had my whistle with me and I blew it with all our teachers and keep leaming even though we are at home.
my might. The bully was so shocked by the loud, piercing The smartphone is very cool because it has many functions Candidz
blasts of sound that he immediately dropped the other boy such as connectivity to the world wide web and social media.
like a sack of potatoes and rushed off. I stopped blowing Most students like me will also tell you that smartphones
on the whistle and took a moment to catch my breath. are useful for entertainment, like playing games. Of course,
Meanwhile, the boy smiled weakly and wobbled a bit as he it is advisable not to overdo the ptaying games part. When Candidr
tried to catch his balance. He told me he had always been used properly, the smartphone can improve the quality of
harassed by that big bully from the neighbouring school. our lives by helping us stay connected and heighten our
From that day onwards, that boy Faizal and I became knowledge. I think that everyone should own a smartphone.
close friends even though he was two years my junior. I However, I know many are struggling to make ends meet The mor
suppose there is strength in numbers because we walked to now, so a phone for every member of the family might be Candidr
and from school together through the winding city streets beyond the budget. Young children may need to take turns
every day after that and we never encountered the bully to use the family smartphone for their online learning. Yet
again. I may have done a good deed that day, but I had the smartphones and data packages are getting more and more
greater reward of a lifetime friend. affordable, so maybe there will come a time when everyone
(250 words) can have their own smartphone.

Candidate A:
Yes,I concur that the smartphone is probably the most useful
1119/3 KERTAS 3 (Speaking)
gadget for me. It is such a huge part of my life as it enables
(Suggested answers/Accept all suitable answers)
me to do so many things. I would feel lost without it! I
Part 1 agree that so many things can be done using our phones be
it for work or for pleasure. I use my phone to do my online Candidr
(Accept all suitable answers)
homework and studies and also for chatting with friends and
Part 2 playing online games. Online banking and shopping - so
all suitable answers) much can be done online. My smartphone is like my lifeline.
(Suggested answers/Accept In whal
2A: Public transport Part 3 its userr
(Suggested answers/Accept all suitable answers) Candidr
Candidate A:
I'd like to talk about the public bus. I often see people take The reasons why people use social media
the bus. They usually wait at a bus stop and alter some
Candidate A: Personaliy speaking, I believe that most
time, the bus arives to pick them up. It is still very cheap people use social media to connect with
to ride the bus. For example, my friends have told me that friends and family. These days, staying in
the bus fare from the school to their homes only costs one
touch is very important to build or maintain
or two ringgit. good relationships with others.

@ EPH Publishing (M) Sdn. Bhd. (47s626-T) 2021 A2 Keftas ModelTOP SCORE Bahasa lnggeris SPM @ EPH Pt
Candidate B: Yes, I agree with your point of view because it studying. What do you think?
is very easy for people to communicate with
Candidate A: That's very true. As a young person myself, I
one another now using the many different
am very attracted to the entertainment aspects
apps available these days such as WhatsApp,
Telegram, Facebook and so on.
of social media. I'm always checking for
new posts from or about Korean stars or my
CandidateA:True. I enjoy using Instagram to share my favourite celebrities. I end up spending too
experiences and stories because I can upload much time reading about their exciting lives
pictures and tell my friends and family a little and not enough time on my boring real-life
about them. My parents prefer to use Facebook responsibilities like homework and chores
while my siblings enjoy using TikTok. and so on.
Whatever the app, social media is a good place
to keep connected. What would you say?
Candidate B: If I'm not mistaken, social media addiction
has been acknowledged as a medical condition
Candidate B: How about people who use social media for and can also tum into a serious mental illness
their business needs? I know a lot of people when people cannot focus on anything but
who depend on it to help advertise their their social media ofchoice. They forget even
products and services. Times are hard these to eat and bathe. In some cases, the addiction
days and one of the most convenient ways is so bad they have to seek professional help
of product promotion is by advertising and to try to cure them ofthis sickness.
sharing on social media.
Candidate A: There are many games in social media that
Candidate Al That's right. A lot of people have lost their jobs allow people to chat with others from all over
due to the pandemic and economic slowdown, the world. Online gaming is one of the leading
so buying and selling things via social media causes of addiction amongst the youth.
platforms is very useful for business purposes.
Candidate B: I with your point. There are so many
Candidate B: There are also some people who do not post cases of users addicted to online games like
much on social media, but they seem to scroll PUBG and Mobile Legend that they cannot
the online newspapers or newsfeeds just to function in the real world. They may even
get the latest information and to stay updated. feel lost and depressed if they are banned
Candidate A: Indeed, I think some people simply like using from playing these games and chatting with
social media to leam new things and gain new their gamer friends.
knowledge. Candidate A: Yes, too much time spent on social media
The most popular reason people use social media means less time spent on other more
beneficial things, like sports, games, family
Candidate A: In my opinion, the most popular reason time and reading. Excessive use of social
people use social media is to keep in touch
media is actually a very negative thing for its
with friends and family. It is just so easy to users.
stay connected via social media apps because
everyone seems to have a smafiphone these Candidate B: I agree with you there. Right, I think we are
days. What do you think? finished with this discussion. Thank youl

Candidate B: I do see eye to eye with you on this matter Candidate A: And to you too.
because I myself use my smarlphone mainly
to communicate with friends and family on 111914 KERTAS 4 (Listening)
social media.
CandidateA: Yes, it looks like we can agree that the most Part I
popular reason people use social media is to Questions 1-7
keep in touch with others. 1B 2C 3A 48 5A
ln what ways does excessive use of social media affect
6B 7C
its users? Part 2

Candidate B: If I may begin, I truly think that excessive use Questions 8-15
of social media can cause addiction among 8C 9C 10B 11A 12C
its users. Many young people especially 13A 148 15A
cannot seem to divide their time well between
Part 3
studies and leisure activities. Instead, they
keep opening their social media apps and Questions 16-20
spending hours and hours scrolling instead of
16 D t7F 18A 19G 20B
doing more productive things like wolking or

@ EPH Publishing (M) Sdn. Bhd. (473626-1) 2021 A3 Keftas ModelTOP SCORE Bahasa lnggeris SPM
Part 4 day too, since Pulau Pinang offers a variety of nature-based in taste, 1
activities. IfI'm lucky, I could even see dolphins offthe coast. is obviou
Questions 21-30 always pi
22 friends 23 announced This beautiful island is my preferred holiday destination
21 prepared To
26 exhibition because there is so much there to see and do. sr
24 meal 25 roommate yourself,
(1 50 tvords)
27 experience 28 embarrassing 29 cooperate
30 annually
Part 3

Question 3 Questiol
SPM MODEL TEST SET O Despite decades of progress, our air quality continues to
deteriorate. According to the World Health Organisation
1119/1 KERTAS 1 (Reading and Use of English) (WHO), approximately 4 million people die from otttdoor air The phot
pollution annually. 'Jacl
IC 2B 3A 4C 5B The sources of outdoor air pollution are mainly tied to off.
6A 7B 8A 9B 10A inesponsible human activity. Open burning, emission of 'Ken
11B 12C 13D t4c 15D harmful gases frotn factories and the manufacturing industry gasped b
16A 17B 18A 19C 20D chlorofluorocarbon emissions from cooling equipment like Kent
2tD 228 23C 24D 25A air-conditioning units and refrigerators all contribute to anxiousl'
26D 27F 28B 29E 30H deteriorating air quality and the depletion ofthe ozone layer. 'Bru
31D 324 33A 34B 35D Air pollution harms both human health and the bicycle.
36E environment we live in. Acid rain, the result of harmful Kenl
37 prominent pollutants such as nitric and sulphuric acid, can damage father's
38 information trees and acidify soil and groundwater. Acidic soil and I hadn'l
39 video groundwater can be unsuitable for some flsh and other plant were aw
40 funds and wildlife. Acid rain also conodes buildings or outdoor when I ,
statues and structures. be an ur
111912 KERTAS2PVriting) The harmful effects of air pollution on our environment irrespon
needs to be stopped at a1l costs. We must act as a community 'We
(Suggested answers/Accept all suitable answers)
to reduce the use of things that may emit harmful gasses into Kenneth
Part 1 the environment. Limiting the use of cars, preventing open We
buming, imposing heavy flnes on environmental polluters Bruno. I
are how we can prevent the air quality from being damaged suggest(
Hi Jimmy, futther. site.
Air pollution may not be always obvious to the eye, but its We
Yes, it was great to see you again. I think a weekend art class
effects are just as destmctive to humans and the environment joyous
is a great idea. We could go to the Felicon Arts Centre, which
is opposite our school. They offer nrany different classes at as other types of pollution. It is a cotnmunal responsibility to Kennetl
only RM50 per month. Let's go there this weekend to register identifr the best solutions to this problem for better quality of dumpstr
for the classes. We only need to bring a sketchbook, as the life not only now, but for generations to come. feed Br
centre provides all the art and painting materials. (248 words) quiet, br
we wer(
I'm looking forward to it! Question 4
The Coffee Cup restaurant, situated in the heart oflpoh city,
is a favourite among locals for its ambience and good food.
Sandwiched among the pl'e-war buildings of Jalan Yang 11Iq
(73 words) Kalsom, this restaurant welcomes you into a modem space
with high ceilings and old fuiaiture. Fluffy cushions make
Part 2 you feel at home in every comer, and the chairs just invite Part I
you to sit down and relax. Thumbs up for a good ambience.
Question 2 (Accept
The restaurant serves a wide variety of local and Western
My preferred holiday destination would be Pulau Pinang. It
is deflnitely my flrst choice for a holiday destination because
cuisine. Their deep-fried chicken with dried chilli is a local Part 2
favourite, and the gigantic American burger is a delight for (Sugget
it has so much to offer any visitor.
Firstly, Pulau Pinang has lots ofdelicious hawker food. I a family of flve. My personal favourite is their iresistible
zucchini carpaccio with sundried tomatoes and a mozzarella 2A:Al
would enjoy my favourite dishes like nasi kandar, meeiawa
strudel. Every bite is just exquisite. It's a must-try! The chef Candit
and white curry noodles there, and eat a different dish for
is obviously committed to the freshness of his food. To top it A festir
every meal. Another reason to visit Pulau Pinang is its rich
history and interesting places to visit. I would definitely visit all, the waiters and waitresses are friendly, professional and My fat
provide impeccable selice. with th
architectural gems such as the Cheong FattTze Mansion,
Khoo Kongsi and the century-old water villages. I would I have to say, though, that the prices at The Coffee membe
also take photographs of the street art along the streets of
Cup are about fifteen percent higher than other similar togethe
George Town. I would enjoy hiking or swimming every
restaurants. However, I think the high quality of the food, cooked

@ EPH Pubtishing (M) Sdn. Bhd. (473626-1) 2021 A4 Kertas ModelTOP SCORE Bahasa lnggeris SPM @EPHI

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