ABRITES Commander For Renault Manual

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Abritus 72 Ltd.

Date: 11-October-2012

ABRITES Renault Commander

User Manual



issued by:

Abritus 72 Ltd
Document number 1/20081111
Date: 11.10.2012

List of Revisions
Date Chapter Description Revision
11.11.2008 Release version of the document 1.0
18.03.2009 Update to V1.1 of the software 1.1
17.06.200 Update to V2.0 of the software 1.2
20.01.2010 Update to V2.3 of the software 1.3
31.05.2010 Update to V2.6 of the software 1.4
28.07.2010 Update to V2.8 of the software 1.5
02.11.2011 Update to V5.0 of the software 2.0
11.10.2012 Update to V5.2 of the software 2.1

Version 2.0 2
Document number 1/20081111
Date: 11.10.2012

1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................................4

2 INSTALLATION.............................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 INSTALLING USB INTERFACE DRIVERS...............................................................................................................................4
2.2 INSTALLING “ABRITES RENAULT COMMANDER”.............................................................................................................4

3 DIAGNOSTIC WITH “ABRITES RENAULT COMMANDER”.............................................................................7

3.1 STANDARD DIAGNOSTIC REQUESTS.....................................................................................................................................7
3.1.1 Identification......................................................................................................................................................8
3.1.2 Read History information.................................................................................................................................10
3.1.3 Read Diagnostic Trouble Codes......................................................................................................................10
3.1.4 Clear Diagnostic Trouble Codes......................................................................................................................12
3.1.5 Read Memory...................................................................................................................................................12
3.1.6 Live data (screens)...........................................................................................................................................13
3.1.7 Manual requests & Response...........................................................................................................................14
3.1.8 Output control..................................................................................................................................................15
3.2 KEY LEARNING............................................................................................................................................................15
3.2.1 Key Learning X95 based cars..........................................................................................................................17
3.2.2 Key Learning X95 based cars with update SW................................................................................................18
3.2.3 Troubleshooting: .............................................................................................................................................22
3.3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................................................................................23
3.3.1 “Dump Tool”...................................................................................................................................................23
3.3.2 “Change ID”....................................................................................................................................................23
3.3.3 “PIN Calculator”.............................................................................................................................................23
3.3.4 “Clio PIN by dump”.........................................................................................................................................24

4 TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................................................................26

Version 2.0 3

“Abrites Renault Commander” is a Windows PC based diagnostic software for the Renault
vehicles. With this tool you're able to learn new key/cards to the car without need of PIN code. The
“Abrites Renault Commander” also provides basic diagnostic capabilities for Renault vehicles.

Your set consists of one interface (USB to OBDII). Optionally you might have a programmer which
is connected either to the USB port of the PC, or to the interface (USB to OBDII).

2.1 Installing USB Interface drivers

The drivers are installed automatically when installing the software.
In case of some problem with the drivers you might download latest drivers from www.ftdichip.com

2.2 Installing “ABRITES Renault Commander”

The “ABRITES Renault Commander” is contained into the installation package, so please run the
setup program. It will create a program group in the start menu and optionally a desktop icon.

Now you are ready to start the "ABRITES Renault Commander"

When starting the software, there is a splash screen appeared, where the connection with the
hardware is examined. If no problem appear, then a message “Connection OK” should

The main screen looks like this:

Make sure you are running the “ABRITES Renault Commander” from its folder. If you
are using a shortcut to the “ABRITES Renault Commander”, please be sure that the
“working folder” parameter is set to the folder where the executable is placed! If the
“working folder” of the shortcut is not set the K-Line may function incorrectly.
The “ABRITES Renault Commander” consists basically of two parts:
– Standard diagnostic functions like device identification and reading/clearing trouble codes.
– Key-learning
– Special functions like dump tool, PIN Calculator, etc.

All devices, which can be installed into the car are listed in the main screen of the “ABRITES
Renault Commander”. If you want to connect to some device please double click on it. The
“ABRITES Renault Commander” supports communication through CAN and K-Line with fast init.

3.1 Standard diagnostic requests

When double-clicking on the desired device in the main “ABRITES Renault Commander” window,
you connect to the device to proceed standard diagnostic requests. Before you connect to the
device, there is dialog where to select the platform and database for the module. This database
contains description of the DTCs, requests available to the device, description of live data
(screens), etc. If incorrect database is selected, it is possible that some DTCs are not displayed
with human description, or the description is wrong, respectively also the screens and requests
may be not 100% valid.

If during the start-up of the software the model was automatically detected, from this dialog you
don't have to select the model. If model was not autodetected, you've to select the model from a
list of all renault models.
For some model there are more than one database for the concrete device (e.g. Megane III UCH
device). The customer has to select which of all possible databases to use. Normally all of them
are near the same and these databases are reflecting to the historical development of the device.
Normally you've to use the database with the most major number.
After specifying the database, the connection to the device is established and the following dialog
is opened:

This dialog provides you the possibility to execute the following diagnostic requests:

3.1.1 Identification
“Identification” will provide you the device identification and VIN number if present.
3.1.2 Read History information
Pressing the “History” button will read the re-flashing information for the selected device

3.1.3 Read Diagnostic Trouble Codes

“Read DTCs” read the diagnostic trouble codes currently stored into the device
The total number of DTCs being set is also reported.

NOTE: If “Show extended DTC information” is unchecked (default), then only the name of
the stored DTC is reported. If it is checked, then detailed information is reported for each
3.1.4 Clear Diagnostic Trouble Codes
“Clear DTCs” clears the diagnostic trouble codes.

3.1.5 Read Memory

“Read Memory” allows to read/write the device memory. There are three memory types which can
be read/write – EEPROM, RAM and Flash. The user has to put manually the address space where
the desired memory is mapped.
NOTE: This function is applicable only for devices which don't have memory protection.
3.1.6 Live data (screens)
This function shows the so called live and configuration data (called also screens) for the concrete
device. This screens are taken from the selected database when you establish the connection.
Please pay attention that some configurations are read-only, but some of them are also writable.
Also the screens are including some diagnostic procedures with respective description of the
3.1.7 Manual requests & Response
This function is dedicated to the advanced users. It provides to the customer a list of all possible
requests for the device, as defined in the selected database. User can see also the request and
response data in binary view, and also the decoded request/response data.
It is possible also to specify to send some requests cyclically.
3.1.8 Output control
This function is dedicated to make actuator test, you can specify to start/stop some tests, e.g.
gauge test, telltale test, lights test, etc. For some tests there are also additional parameters.

3.2 Key Learning

3.2.1 Common procedure

There is function for auto-detection of the vehichle model. Nevertheless if you don't succeed to
learn the key using the auto-detection, please try to make it by selection the model manually.

When this function is opened, the “ABRITES Renault Commander” opens the following dialog:
When you press the “Start” button then application connects to the immobilizer and reads the keys
which are currently accepted from the car. If you want to learn a key/card, then you need to press
the “Learn” button and you've to specify how many keys/cards you want to learn.

After that you should follow the instructions.

Normally the procedure goes in that way:

1. When pressing the start button the application is connecting to the immobilizer and
displaying the present keys/cards. In most cases it is not required that the car is on ignition,
for some cars the immobilizer is awake directly from the diagnostic. But on some cars it
may happened that the ignition is given when connecting to the device.
2. After pressing the “Learn” button and specifying the number of keys you will be invited to
remove the key/card from the ignition. Please be sure that the key/cards is really removed
after this. Otherwise immobilizer will reject the key-learning procedure.

3. After that you will be invited to insert each next key/card and give the ignition ON. For each
key there are several seconds required until the immobilizer recognize the key/card.
NOTE: For some models there are two ways to learn keys/cards – regular procedure
or using direct writing to the EEPROM memory. For Clio III Direct, Modus Direct and
Traffic III Direct the keys are put into the programmer, not into the ignition. When
putting the key into the programmer please be sure that it is correct placed as
showed on the pictures below:

4. Step “3” is repeated for each key you want to learn.

5. After inserting all keys which have to be learned you will be asked whether you want to
store the result or to reject the whole procedure (use-full if you made some mistake during
the key-learning procedure like forgot to put some key).

If you don't have an original key for the model, you can use PCF7936 transponder to make a key
for the car. Please note that PCF7936 might be used only on cars with key, not on cars with cards!
Also if you learn PCF7936 transponder there will be no remote control for that key! So if you want
to use such PCF7936 transponder, you should connect your programmer, put a factory new
transponder inside and press the “Prepare PCF7936 transponder”.

3.2.2 X95 based cars

For X95 based cars (Megane III/ScennicIII/Fluence, etc) there is a difference in step “2” from
the common procedure. The rule is that if you will learn a new (virgin) key/card, put the
card in the ignition lock (without giving IGNITION ON), if you will learn an already pre-
coded or working keys/cards - there should be no key/card in the ignition lock. Here are
some examples:

- if you will learn a virgin card, put this card in the ignition lock. For example if car has two
working cards, and you want to add one, you should specify 3 cards for the key count, put
the virgin card in the ignition, then when invited to put first key/card – do nothing. Then
when invited to put second and third key/card, put the original working keys into the
ignition. If you want to add two virgin cards, you need to execute the whole procedure

- if you will learn only cards which are working (e.g. car has three working cards, one of
them is loosed and you want to relearn that only the other two cards continue to work), in
that case no card should be on the ignition for this step.

NOTE: For Renault Fluence if you want to learn a virgin key, put it in the ignition lock
(without giving ignition ON) and perform the procedure (this is the original procedure). If
you've message "PIN code not accepted! Make sure ignition is OFF!" - then repeat the
procedure from the beginning with the SAME VIRGIN KEY, and this time the key should be
outside the ignition lock! (i.e. the exception here is that the virgin key is not in the ignition

3.2.3 X95 based cars with update SW

Starting from about 2011 these cars have updated software in the immobilizer and it is no more
possible to make them by OBDII. Starting with V5.2 of the ABRITES Command for Renault, it is
possible to make cards for them, but you should first read them with the ABPROG. You can easily
recognize these immobilizers since they are showing “09090909” for the existing key-IDs.

If you press “Learn” or “Read PIN Code” for such immobilizer, there will be a warning that first you
need to read the immobilizer with the ABPROG. You should press here “Yes” after you already
read the immobilizer dump.
To read the immobilizer with the ABPROG you need to solder as showed on the pictures below.
In the ABPROG you should select “MCU” and the “Renault (X95) BCM” option.
3.2.4 Troubleshooting:
Two possible error messages may appear when trying to learn a new key/card:
− Error “$E001” - this error means that the immobilizer is not ready to perform the key-learning
procedure. Typical reason for this message is when you try to make the procedure while the
engine is started. Another reason for that message may be that the card is not removed from
the ignition lock when you're invited to do this. Another reason for this message is when an
invalid security code was entered previously into the immobilizer – after such operation the
immobilizer is blocked for a log time and you've to wait until it is unblocked.
On some cars (typically Scenic and Megane) this error may appear by some other reason. You
can try to perform the key-learning procedure as described above but without giving on ignition
during step “1” - try the following sequence: close the doors of the car and if possible lock the
car, then open the door and go to the key-learning procedure. Press “Start” button but
WITHOUT GIVING ON IGNITION before that. After that you can continue with step “2” of the
procedure described above. If this also doesn't help you can try to leave the card in the ignition
lock during step “2”.
− Error “$E002” - the key-learning procedure is accepted from the immobilizer, but the some of
the cards which you tried to learn were invalid. This can typically happen when you try to learn
a car from one model to another. This error may also appear if you've selected wrong model –
e.g. you've “Laguna II” but you've selected “Laguna II Phase 2”

NOTE: When you're trying to program a key to e.g. Laguna II Ph2, it is possible that you got
an error. Please try the Laguna II type then – there is no risk to damage the immobilizer. The
reason for this is that some cars in the greater phase are equipped with older immobilizer. This
may apply also to Espace IV Ph2 and Velsatis Ph2.
3.3 Special functions
The following special functions are available:

3.3.1 “Dump Tool”

The dump tool give to the user the ability to make modification in the dump files of different
devices (e.g. airbags). But you will need to read EEPROM/flash with a programmer, and after
modifications in the dump tool the resulting file has to be write back to the EEPROM/flash with a

3.3.2 “Change ID”

Calling this function will bring you a dialog, where all devices for the selected model are available.

For each device you can try to read and change the Vehicle Identification Number.
When changing this number there is also a checksum which is calculated automatically.
Please note that in the most of the device there will be no such number present.

3.3.3 “PIN Calculator”

This is a calculator which can evaluate the immobilizer security code from the vehicle model and
the code written on the key itself (when you open the key). This calculator is used for cars with 4
digit PIN till 2001 year.
3.3.4 “Clio PIN by dump”
This is a calculator for getting the Clio PIN code from the immobilizer dump. After starting this
special function you will need to select the EEPROM dump file and after that you will get the
security (PIN) code.
Below you can find a list of typical problems and how to solve them:

Problem: When starting the “ABRITES Renault Commander” on the splash screen “Interface
NOT found” is displayed
- Please be sure that the USB interface drivers are installed properly. You can look at the
device manager, the USB interface should appear as “USB Serial Port (COMxx)” where
“xx” is the number of the port
- If the interface is recognized OK, then please try to unplug and plug it again into the USB
slot and restart the “ABRITES Renault Commander”.
- If the problem is still present, please report about the problem to Abritus72 Ltd.

Problem: Error is occurred when trying to program a key to “Renault Laguna II Ph2” (or Espace IV
Ph2, Velsatis Ph2)
Solution: Please use “Laguna II” (respectively Espace IV or Velsatis)

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