Moulding Sands: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kerem Altuğ GÜLER
Moulding Sands: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kerem Altuğ GÜLER
Moulding Sands: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kerem Altuğ GÜLER
Natural sands
• Includes natural clay as binder and used as
extracted. In case of some bentonite addition its
called semi synthetic sand.
• Natural sands do not have regular properties, they
are variable.
Synthetic sands
• Washed (cleaned) and sized sands. Clay content is
decreased to very low levels with washing.
• Used with bentonite addition for green sand
Types of sand binders
Acid demand
The chemical composition of the sand affects the acid demand
value which has an important effect on the catalyst
requirements of cold-setting acid catalysed binders. Sands
containing alkaline minerals and particularly significant amounts
of sea-shell, will absorb acid catalyst. Sands with acid demand
values greater than about 6 ml require high acid catalyst levels,
sands with acid demand greater than 10–15 ml are not suitable
for acid catalysed binder systems.
Bonds in green sand moulds are produced by the
interaction of clay and water. Each of the various clays
has different properties, as described below.
The most common clays used in bonding green sand
moulds are bentonites, which are forms of
montmorillonite or hydrated aluminum silicate.
Montmorillonite is built up of alternating tetrahedra of
silicon atoms surrounded by oxygen atoms, and
aluminum atoms surrounded by oxygen atoms. This is a
layered structure, and it produces clay particles that are
flat plates. Water is adsorbed on the surfaces of these
plates, and this causes bentonite to expand in the
presence of water and to contract when dried.
There are two forms of bentonite: Western (sodium)
and Southern (calcium). Both are used in foundry
sands, but they have somewhat different properties.
Sodium bentonite has higher dry and hot strength
while calcium bentonite has higher green strength.
Main properties
• Green strength
• Dry strength
• Permeability
• Moisture content
• Clay content
• Grain size and distribution
Other properties
Hot strength, sinter point, thermal stability, flowability
and plasticity, collapsibility, ability of reuse
Green strength: Strength of the moulding sand just
after addition of tempering water.
Factors effects green strength:
Permeability: Passing ability of air, gas and vapour
through the mould wall.
Factors control permeability:
Moulding sand additives