The Study On Blockchain Based Library Management and Its Characterization
The Study On Blockchain Based Library Management and Its Characterization
The Study On Blockchain Based Library Management and Its Characterization
Volume 5 Issue 3, March-April 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD41115 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 1147
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
within library could be computerized. For example, adding
new books to the library, or students ordering or returning
books from the library.
The characteristics of the library management system based
on blockchain are listed in the below section.
Details of actions and members must be properly recorded.
1. The system should be easy-to-use and simple software.
2. You need to provide the information you need on time.
3. You need to provide order work to users. If there is no
merchandise, you must allow users to place an order.
4. When a specific inventory is available, members must be
Figure1: Contract for Library Management written in notified on time. The system should be able to provide
Remix IDE using solidity language reports on demand.
The code for Smart Contract of library management system in 5. The system should scan the entire library in seconds.
Blockchain is provided in the below section. It has been 6. Branches should be divided by name as the author,
written in Remix IDE using solidity language as shown in publisher, genre, and so on.
above Figure 1. This uses Solidity compiler version 5.0.3.
7. You must provide access to the library and users.
pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
8. The system is automated when it checks the due date of
/*Contract for library management using Blockchain the leased resource and must calculate the final penalty
technology */ correctly.
contract books {
string private book_id="";
string private book_name="";
//Default Values for contract
constructor( ) public {
//Get book details for contract
function getBookData() public view returns(string memory,
string memory){
return (book_id, book_name); Figure2: Contract for Library Management deployed on
} JavaScript VM
//Set book details for contract The contract with its characteristics has been validated in the
JavaScript VM environment as shown in Figure 2. It has
function setBookData(string memory _book_id, string designed to take book id and book name as input. The data
memory _book_name) public{ are stored on the block. It could be fetched using the function
book_id=_book_id; “getBookData()”. The idea of a basic Blockchain- based book
data storage and retrieval mechanism has been validated in
book_name=_book_name; this paper.
} This paper has discussed Blockchain-Based Library
Management that is depending on the Smart Contract for
The code has a constructor, two functions, and two variables Library Management and is deployed on JavaScript VM of
for book ID and book name. It provides a basic structure for Remix IDE written in solidity language. Blockchain library
future complex and completes the implementation of a management system restricts the use of copyright digital
Blockchain-based library management system. materials with errorless auditing of records of books. Hence,
CHARACTERIZATION OF BLOCKCHAIN BASED blockchain-based library is the genesis for the next-
LIBRARY MANAGEMENT generation Library management system. Thus, blockchain-
The use of library management services provides the library based library management is Library 2.0 technology.
all the information about a book with one click. By storing Acknowledgment
books and accessing them through library management The author is thankful to Dr. Namburi E. Prasad, Director
software, libraries can reduce their workload. All functions DMSRDE, Kanpur for permitting this work. The author is
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD41115 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 1148
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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