WEEK 3 - Intelligence and Creativity Are Pretty Similar After All
WEEK 3 - Intelligence and Creativity Are Pretty Similar After All
WEEK 3 - Intelligence and Creativity Are Pretty Similar After All
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Psychology Review
Paul J. Silvia
Abstract This article reviews the history of thought on how intelligence and creativity, two
individual differences important to teaching and learning, are connected. For decades, intelligence
and creativity have been seen as essentially unrelated abilities. Recently, however, new theories,
assessment methods, and statistical tools have caused a shift in the field's consensus. New lines of
work on creative thinking strategies, executive cognitive processes and abilities, and cognitive
neuroscience have revealed that intelligence and creativity are much more closely linked than the
field has thought. The deep connections between these concepts offer opportunities for a more
fertile conception of both intelligence and creativity, one that emphasizes similarities between
solving problems with right answers and thinking flexibly, critically, and playfully.
Anyone who teaches encounters individual differences: students are so variable in so many ways.
Understanding what these ways are, how they work, and how they can be assessed has been one
of the major projects of educational theory and research during the past century. This article
considers intelligence and creativity, two ways people differ that are deeply embedded in teaching
and learning. Until recently, intelligence and creativity have been seen as essentially unrelated
abilities, as distinct strengths that students bring to the classroom. This view is founded on some
good evidence—including landmark studies and a high-quality meta-analysis—so it is not a mere
myth. Recently, however, some new theories, assessment methods, and statistical tools have
sparked interest in an alternative view: intelligence and creativity are probably much more alike
than we have thought. The past decade has seen a reconsideration of past work, and the consensus
is thus shifting. We will consider some of the new sources of evidence and some implications of
viewing intelligence and creativity as similar cognitive strengths.
A Brief History
Intelligence and creativity have traveled on different tracks. For the most part, they are studied
by different scholarly communities that seek to influence different audiences. At a few points,
P. J. Silvia (E3)
Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, P. O. Box 26170, Greensboro, NC
27402-6170, USA
e-mail: p [email protected]
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A Contemporary Réévaluation
Statistical Advances
One simple reason to think that the relation between intelligence and creativity is larger comes
from recent statistical models for studying cognitive abilities. Most studies have examined
correlations between observed variables—and understandably so, for latent variable models
have only recently become widespread. Latent variable models allow researchers to model a
construct's true score and error separately (Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh 2004). As a result, they
allow researchers to separate the variance due to an underlying trait (such as "creativity") from
variance due to task-specific and rater-specific factors. By distinguishing true trait variance
from error, latent variable models give more accurate estimates of effect sizes. In most cases,
the effects will be somewhat larger. One example comes from the classic study by Wallach and
Kogan (1965). When the data are reanalyzed using structural equation models, the correlation
between creativity and intelligence rises from r=0.09 to around r=0.20 (Silvia 2008b), thus
illustrating how observed correlations can deflate relationships.
Assessment Advances
Uniqueness scoring became firmly entrenched. Between the Wallach and Kogan
approach and the similar TTCT approach, most divergent thinking research from the
1960s to the present has used some form of it. But many researchers over the years
have leveled serious criticisms at uniqueness scoring, and in hindsight, it is seriously
The first flaw is the confounding of fluency and uniqueness. As people generate more
responses, their probability of having a unique response goes up. Researchers pointed out this
problem long ago (e.g., Clark and Mirels 1970; Hocevar 1979a, b; Hocevar and Michael
1979). In even modest sample sizes, the correlation between fluency and uniqueness becomes
very large. In the reanalysis of Wallach and Kogan's data, the correlation was r=0.89 (Silvia
2008b). In the TTCT's national norm samples (Torrance 2008), it is r=0.88. Clearly, there is
little unique variance to be found in uniqueness scores—they are basically the same as fluency.
A creativity task that assesses only the quantity of ideas, not their quality, seems impractical.
The second serious flaw is the confounding of uniqueness with sample size. People receive
one point if their response was unique within their sample. As a result, the likelihood that any
particular response is unique declines as the sample size increases. As a result, the sample's
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Since the 1960s, psychology became increasingly interested in executive processes. Huge
literatures have developed around self-regulatory concepts in different areas of psychology,
from motivation to social psychology to health behaviors to cognitive psychology. In partic
ular, cognitive psychology sowed the seeds of the new look at creativity and intelligence, with
its sophisticated models of how executive abilities (e.g., working memory capacity, inhibition,
and fluid intelligence) and executive processes (e.g., interference management and strategy
use) affect reasoning and problem solving.
Several researchers began to suggest that divergent thinking tasks should involve abilities
associated with intelligence. Gilhooly et al. (2007) examined people's spontaneous strategies
when confronted with a divergent thinking task. People were asked to come up with unusual
uses for a common object and to "think aloud" while doing so. The verbal protocols were
coded and distilled into a core set of strategies. Many of the findings suggested a strong role for
executive processes. First, and simply, people who came up with better responses were using
abstract strategies, indicating that the ideation process was at least somewhat controlled.
Second, the strategies that predicted better responses (e.g., mentally disassembling an object
and using its parts) were more abstract and harder to deploy than strategies that did not (e.g.,
simply repeating the name of the object to oneself).
Other researchers conducted latent-variable studies of how different executive abilities
predicted divergent thinking. This body of work has generally anchored itself in the Cattell
Horn-Carroll (CHC) approach to cognitive abilities (Carroll 1993; McGtew 2005), which
distinguishes between a higher-level general intelligence (g), a middle level of cognitive
abilities, such as fluid, crystallized, and visuospatial intelligences, and a lower level of narrow
abilities (e.g., inductive reasoning as a facet of fluid intelligence). By differentiating intelli
gence into components, the CHC model offers a useful framework for thinking about how
creativity relates to the many cognitive abilities studied in modem intelligence research.
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Practical Implications
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Jauk, E., Benedek, M., Dunst, B., & Neubauer, A. C. (2013). The relationship between intelligence and
creativity: new support for the threshold hypothesis by means of empirical breakpoint detection.
Intelligence, 41, 212-221.
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