June 2019 Keynote: Cautious Buying Persists As Mills Attempt Price Hikes
June 2019 Keynote: Cautious Buying Persists As Mills Attempt Price Hikes
June 2019 Keynote: Cautious Buying Persists As Mills Attempt Price Hikes
Attempts, by a number of EU mills, to lift prices cautiously, concerned about their own tight
for strip mill products, were limited, during the resale margins. They lack confidence that they
past four weeks. Buyers across northern Europe will be able to pass the producers’ proposed
inform MEPS that they were able to negotiate price hikes on to their customers.
rollover values, or even small discounts, with
regional steel producers. Meanwhile, a small Nonetheless, European coil values appear to
price upturn is noted in the Italian market. have reached the bottom of the current cycle.
Elevated mill input expenditure should prevent
Steelmakers’ profit margins are being squeezed. steel prices from falling further. Moreover,
Nonetheless, the current imbalance between steelmakers are actively trying to redress the
supply and demand is restricting the mills’ ability supply/demand imbalance by cutting production.
to lift steel selling figures. Furthermore, several
regional steel producers, needing to fill their ArcelorMittal had previously announced its
order books, did not follow the recent price hike intention to reduce output from its sites in Italy,
initiative of the first tier suppliers. Spain and Poland. Subsequently, the company
issued details of additional supply restrictions
Many EU steel distributors continue to purchase in Spain and production cuts in France and
ISSN 1369-8583
MEPS International Ltd
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Sheffield S10 2GZ [email protected] No information contained in this report may be reproduced in any
United Kingdom www.meps.co.uk manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher.
Germany. Other EU steelmakers are, reportedly, product categories, to be tightened up, and for it to be
reducing output by bringing forward, or extending, set country by country, rather than being on a global
summer maintenance programmes at their facilities. basis. Others want the reverse of these proposals.
Another factor affecting supply is the European Although unlikely to be altered, one feature of the EC
Commission’s import quotas. The EC is currently measures that appears to be to the detriment of the
expediting a scheduled review of the safeguard majority of affected groups is the quarterly aspect of the
measures, which was originally intended to be quota system. Having three-month periods encourages
concluded by September 30, 2019. Various groups buyers to rush to purchase material, which can then
are lobbying for their own proposed amendments, languish at the ports waiting for the opening of the new
with the current measures, seemingly, satisfying the quota allowance. This disrupts the traditional steady
requirements of few steel supply chain participants. flow of material into the market, which is an important
Some parties wish for the quota allowances, for certain feature of the supply chain.
Flat Products
Hot Rolled Coil producers are expected to limit the size of the decreases
as selling values in the spot market are bottoming out.
Prices stabilised, in Germany, this month. Steelmakers In Italy, prices increased, modestly, in June. Buyers
are attempting to implement increased selling values, report that they are able to conclude deals at figures
but buyers claim that demand does not justify the below the mills’ target levels. Material can be obtained
proposed hikes. Nonetheless, the mills’ initiative promptly from local sources. Distributors’ inventories
should prevent further price erosion, in the short are reducing. Nonetheless, they continue to highlight
term. Local delivery lead times are short and steel weak demand from their customers. Import offers are
producers are exporting to customers outside Europe quoted at €470-500 per tonne, CIF, depending on the
to try to ease pressure on the home market. Indian country of origin. These offers, combined with their
and Taiwanese suppliers are offering hot rolled coil associated extended delivery times, are considered
into Germany, but their quotations are above the unattractive.
prices that can be secured from domestic sources.
In the UK, prices softened, this month, but are believed
A marginal reduction is noted in French selling values, to be at the bottom of the current cycle. Buyers can
as not all mills followed the recent price rise initiative. obtain material on short delivery lead times. Stock
Decoilers lowered their sheet prices. As a result, levels are adequate. Downstream demand is steady.
they are struggling to pay the steelmakers’ proposed Distributors are in “wait and see” mode as they assess
advances. Buyers are confident of securing price if the market will accept the mills’ attempts to lift selling
reductions for their second half contracts, compared values. A small price reduction of €5 per tonne was
with the January/June agreements. Nonetheless, recorded in Belgium, in June. Steelmakers would like
MEPS - Steel Purchasing Price Index MEPS - Steel Purchasing Price Index - Automotive
API Line Pipe X60/65 Composite Auto Body Parts Composite Index
Hot Rolled Plate Hot Rolled Coil Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19
Q1/19 Q2/19 Q1/19 Q2/19
EU Average EU Average 86.5 85.0 84.4
* Q4/06 = 100 - based on euro values * Jan 07 = 100 - based on transaction prices
** p = Provisional ** STEELPPI - Steel Purchasing Price Index
to lift selling figures, but buyers suggest that demand The Belgian market is described as stable. Prices are
is not strong enough to warrant the initiative. They unchanged, month-on-month. Confidence is relatively
expect relatively stable prices, in the short term. weak, due to international economic and political
Spanish hot rolled coil selling values are unaltered, difficulties. Plate demand in Spain is soft, amidst
this month. Buyers hold mixed views regarding the a quiet trading climate. Selling values fell by €5 per
prospects for the mills achieving their proposed rises. tonne, in June. Imported material is available at the
Import offers are in line with domestic quotations, at a ports but traders are struggling to sell it. New import
minimum of €480 per tonne, CIF. Local sheet prices quotations are unattractive, but several local buyers
have fallen as re-rollers are under pressure to finalise expect foreign mills to cut their offers quite soon.
Cold Rolled Coil
Hot Rolled Plate
German prices slipped, this month. Stock levels are
In Germany, inventories are very high. Distributors high, and supply is plentiful. Import offers are more
report a slowdown in their order intake. Ex-works competitive than in recent months. In France, cold
prices are stable. Pressure from imports is minimal. rolled coil selling figures softened by €5 per tonne, in
Consumption by the machine building industry is poor. the past four weeks. Distributors continue to purchase
The performance of the wind tower sector is mixed. cautiously, concerned that they will be unable to pass
Offshore activity is healthy but the onshore segment producers’ list price hikes on to their customers. In Italy,
is weak. MEPS notes only a small number of projects the mills are attempting to lift selling values. A marginal
in the tube market. In France, mills are struggling to increase was secured, this month. Soft demand is
contend with high input costs and they are, therefore, undermining the producers’ initiatives. Activity in the
attempting to lift prices. Nonetheless, they lack home appliance market is lacklustre. Re-rollers report
orders. Delivery lead times are short. In contrast with tight margins. Steelmakers are cutting production in
last month, distributors report steady demand from an attempt to support prices. Import offers are at a
the infrastructure sector, but a slight downturn in the
yellow goods industry. Flame-cutters have reduced
Comparison of Low Market
their steel requirements for seasonal reasons. Traders
Domestic Basis Prices - Cold Rolled Coil
are keen to sell off previously purchased imported
plate that they have in stock. Local currency US dollars
metric ton Last This Last This
Month Month Month Month
Supply is abundant in the Italian market. Material
Germany 570 565 641 633
can be obtained very quickly from local producers.
Prices inched down, in June. Import price offers France 560 555 630 622
exceed domestic quotations. Tentative signs of
demand improvement are noted, but service centres Italy 535 540 602 605
and end-users continue to purchase cautiously. In
the UK, distributors report severe competition for the UK 500 495 654 624
commodity grades. In contrast, demand is improving
Belgium 560 560 630 627
for the high specifications. Sales to the infrastructure
and construction sectors are fair. Domestic suppliers Spain 565 565 636 633
are offering competitive prices, with material available
for June/July arrival. Delivery from mainland European Note: Exchange rates used for conversion are based on the figures
given in our currency exchange rate table.
plate producers is quoted for late August.
Hot Dipped High 625 605 590 545 614 635 605
Galvanised Coil Low 585 565 540 505 569 585 565
Stainless CR Coil High 855 815 730 800 901 820 780
Type 304 (a) Low 755 745 680 700 788 750 730
Hot Rolled Coil Low 0.0 -1.0 2.2 -1.1 -4.4 -1.0 0.0
Hot Rolled Plate Low 0.0 0.0 -0.9 -0.9 -4.2 0.0 -0.9
Cold Rolled Coil Low -0.9 -0.9 0.9 -1.0 -4.3 0.0 0.0
HD Galv Coil Low -0.8 -0.9 0.9 0.0 -3.2 0.0 0.0
EZ Coated Coil Low -0.8 -1.7 0.0 0.0 -3.2 -1.7 0.0
SS CR Coil 304 Low 0.0 0.0 -6.8 -4.1 -7.3 -2.6 -5.2
Notes: (a) Stainless Basis - 1.5mm thickness. Stainless prices refer to deals concluded in the previous month. Many deals
for stainless steel are, presently, settled using effective pricing, whereby an all-inclusive value is agreed. In these cases,
the MEPS published price tables for stainless steel are constructed by subtracting the alloy surcharges from the negotiated
effective prices, to arrive at nominal basis figures.
Prices in this table may relate to deliveries in different time periods. It is important that this table is read in conjunction with
the text in the newsletter.
The data contained in this newsletter has been obtained from respondents who we consider provide accurate intelligence on
the steel market. We make our best endeavours to be assured that the information is correct and that our analysis is reliable.
MEPS (International) Ltd cannot be made liable for any loss resulting from the use of our published data, however it may arise.
Long Products
scrap costs, this month. Buyers are ordering very in July, is expected to be exhausted quickly. Despite
cautiously. Domestic traders are offering third country steady construction activity, wire rod suppliers are
material to local customers at competitive prices. keen to secure orders. As a result, they are offering
price concessions. Spanish mills are having difficulties
In the UK, demand for low carbon wire rod is subdued. filling their production schedules. Further discounts
Nevertheless, supply concerns, resulting from British were conceded, this month, for both drawing and
Steel’s collapse, are exerting upward pressure on mesh quality material. Demand is soft.
prices. Offers from EU sources are uncompetitive.
For mesh grade material, local selling values drifted Medium Sections & Beams
down, in June. Suppliers are struggling to widen the
narrow price premium that the product has over rebar. In Germany, effective figures declined by €10 per
In Belgium, buyers report a lack of quotations from tonne, this month. Mills had hoped to lift prices, but
third country sources due to the full utilisation of the they are keen to fill their order loads. Inventories are
safeguard quota. The new allowance, commencing high. Buyers are purchasing cautiously. Extended
Medium Sections High 620 615 600 530 597 620 625
and Beams (c) Low 580 585 580 500 563 570 575
Wire Rod Low -0.9 -1.7 -1.0 2.1 -1.3 -1.7 -3.6
Medium Sections Low -1.7 -2.5 -2.5 -2.0 -5.2 -1.7 -4.2
Merchant Bar Low -4.3 -4.2 -4.5 -2.1 -5.3 -4.5 0.0
Extras for size, cutting, testing etc. are excluded except where specified. UK prices include size extra.
Prices in this table may relate to deliveries in different time periods. It is important that this table is read in conjunction with
the text in the newsletter.
Household Appliances 75.6 74.7 -1.2 In Germany, several mills are attempting to lift basis
values, but other producers are undermining these
Machinery Sector 81.4 80.1 -1.6 efforts by offering rollover prices, or even small
Shipbuilding Industry 74.4 73.4 -1.3 discounts. Inventories are low. Buyers anticipate that
they will have to pay more during the next round of
Shipping Containers 81.4 80.2 -1.5
negotiations. In France, merchant bar prices remain
Yellow Goods 86.2 85.5 -0.8 on a downward trend, this month. Demand is soft,
and supply is plentiful. Competition from Spanish
suppliers is noted. Italian producers are undertaking in the short term. Competitive quotations are available
production cuts to address the oversupply situation. from sellers in Spain. Mainland European customers
Buyers envisage further price reductions from report that they are dissuaded from purchasing
domestic suppliers as scrap costs continue to decline. merchant bar from the UK due to uncertainties
No pickup in demand is expected before the summer surrounding Brexit. In Belgium, producers conceded
holiday period. a small discount, in June, as they are keen to attract
orders. Buyers are content to use up their stocks and
In the UK, reductions of around £10 per tonne were keep purchases to a minimum. The Spanish merchant
agreed, this month, but domestic producers have bar market is weak. Nonetheless, prices stabilised,
stated that they intend to offer no further concessions, this month, albeit at a low level.
Hot Rolled Coil 497 500 505 520 530 520 520
Hot Rolled Plate 581 580 585 600 615 610 605
Cold Rolled Coil 572 570 575 595 605 595 595
Wire Rod (Drawing) 550 545 545 560 560 555 555
Wire Rod (Mesh) 503 500 500 525 525 515 515
Merc Bar (Round) 532 530 530 545 550 545 545
Merc Bar (Eq Angle) 528 525 525 540 545 540 540
Price Definitions
Steel prices are computed from a weighted average (based on consumption) of the low transaction values identified in
Germany, France, Italy, UK and Spain, collected in national currencies and converted into euros using currency exchange
rates effective at the start of each month to provide a basis for comparison.
750 750
Forecast Range: Jul 2019 - Jun 2020 Forecast Range: Jul 2019 - Jun 2020
650 650
550 550
450 450
350 350
6/17 12/17 6/18 12/18 6/19 12/19 6/20 6/17 12/17 6/18 12/18 6/19 12/19 6/20
Hot Rolled Coil Hot Rolled Plate Medium Sect ions Mercha nt Bar
Hot Dipped High 722 731 711 705 658 741 711
Galvanised Coil Low 679 691 671 655 618 696 671
Stainless CR Coil High 825 855 815 730 800 901 780
Type 304 Low 743 755 745 680 700 788 730
Stainless CR Coil High 1055 1120 1070 950 930 1047 940
Type 430 Low 1010 1070 1020 900 905 1019 910
Long Products
price/metric ton EU AVG Germany France Italy UK UK Spain
(€) (€) (€) (€) (£) (€) (€)
Wire Rod High 577 605 600 535 530 597 550
(Drawing Quality) Low 550 575 570 515 490 552 530
Wire Rod High 527 535 535 505 495 557 520
(Mesh Quality) Low 503 515 505 485 465 524 490
Medium Sections High 613 620 615 600 530 597 625
(I Beam) Low 577 580 585 580 500 563 575
Medium Sections High 658 675 655 650 570 642 645
(H Beam) Low 614 625 615 615 530 597 605
Merchant Bar High 562 575 560 550 495 557 555
(Round) Low 532 535 540 530 475 535 515
Merchant Bar High 557 570 555 545 495 557 550
(Equal Angle) Low 528 530 535 525 475 535 510
Copies of our main basis price tables can be M Sect (H Beam) 180.8 175.9 -2.7
supplied by email direct to your desktop. These Reinforcing Bar 213.7 211.5 -1.0
are available within hours of completing our
research. They will reach you approximately one Merc Bar (Round) 203.0 200.0 -1.5
week before the publication dispatch date. Merc Bar (Eq Angle) 207.8 204.7 -1.5
Note: Based on low transaction values. Stainless Steel - Excluding alloy surcharge.
Hot Rolled Coil Low 0.0 0.0 -1.0 2.1 -1.1 -4.2 0.0
Hot Rolled Plate Low -0.7 0.0 0.0 -0.9 -0.9 -4.1 -0.9
Cold Rolled Coil Low -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 0.9 -1.0 -4.2 0.0
HD Galv Coil Low -0.9 -0.7 -0.7 0.8 0.0 -3.2 0.0
EZ Coated Coil Low -1.2 -0.7 -1.5 0.0 0.0 -3.2 0.0
SS CR Coil 304 Low -2.6 0.0 0.0 -6.8 -4.1 -7.3 -5.2
SS CR Coil 430 Low -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3.3 0.0
Wire Rod (Drawing) Low -2.7 -3.8 -1.7 -1.0 -0.4 -3.7 -3.6
Wire Rod (Mesh) Low -2.1 -1.9 -1.9 -2.0 -1.1 -4.2 -2.0
M Sect (I Beam) Low -3.0 -1.7 -2.5 -2.5 -2.0 -5.2 -4.2
M Sect (H Beam) Low -2.7 -1.6 -2.4 -2.4 -1.9 -5.1 -3.2
Reinforcing Bar Low -1.0 -1.0 -1.9 0.0 -1.1 -4.3 -1.1
Merc Bar (Round) Low -1.5 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -2.1 -5.3 0.0
Merc Bar (Eq Angle) Low -1.5 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -2.1 -5.3 0.0
Transaction values relate to those agreed by steelmakers and service centres for prime material in the specified steel
products. Prices are for regular business between customers and their local/regional steel mills, negotiated during the
current month for delivery in the future.
Transaction prices include extras for size and coating, where applicable, for the lowest priced grade of steel - sold ex-
works/ex-mill. Additional extras for processing, packaging, testing and inspection are excluded. Delivery charges and local
taxes are not included in the quoted prices. Contract deals arranged in the domestic market, or deals for lots of imported
steel, are specifically excluded from our price evaluation.
Hot Dipped Galvanised Coil - 1mm thickness, width over 1.1 metres, coating thickness 275gm/m².
Electro-Zinc Coated Coil - 1mm thickness, width over 1.1 metres, standard coating.
Stainless CR Coil Type 304 and 430 - 1.5mm thickness, width over 1.25 metres (excluding alloy surcharges).
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