Universidad Internacional de La Rioja: Facultad de Educación
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja: Facultad de Educación
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja: Facultad de Educación
Facultad de Educación
There are some English Foreign teachers, around the world in schools and colleges who have been
implementing the flipped classroom model in order to improve the learners’ speaking skills. Speaking skill
has always been the last focused, practiced, used, and assessed in the English Foreign teaching classes
focusing on the other communicative skills, which has led up to learners having difficulties in speaking
performances in the foreign language. Considering this, there are different researchers who have applied
the flipped classroom to improve the learners speaking skills and that have had excellent results on
different kind of students (children, teenager, and adults). Then, because of that, the current TFM displays
a four-sessions intervention proposal seeking to apply the flipped classroom model in order to motivate,
encourage and promote speaking skills in the eleventh-grade students.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Table of contents
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
1.1 Justification………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
2 Literature review……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
2.1.2 Speaking aspects and factors that affect the speaking skills……………………………….13
2.2.2. Improving the speaking skills through the flipped classroom method………………… 18
3. Intervention proposal………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
3.3. Timing………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
3.6. Assessment………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 41
4. Discussion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 48
5. Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….51
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
List of tables
1. Table 1: Chromogram……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………...24
2. Table 2: First Session Outline………………………………………………………………………………….………..….……26
3. Table 3: Second Session Outline……………………………………………………………………….……………..………..31
4. Table 4: Third Session Outline…………………………………………………………………………….…………..………...34
5. Table 5: Fourth Session Outline………………………………………………………………………..……………….………38
6. Table 6: Checklist…………………………………………………………………………………………..………………….………43
7. Table 7: Rubric for Individual Activities………………………………………………………………………………........44
8. Table 8: Rubric for Groups Activities…………………………………………………………………………………………..45
9. Table 9: Checklist for self-assessment……………………………………………………………………….……………….46
10. Table 10: Checklist for peer-assessment…………………………………………………………………………….……..46
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
This intervention proposal has the purpose to propose four-session pedagogical design in order to develop
the learners’ oral skills: comprehension, production, and interaction in the foreign language, because
English skills have not received the importance of teachers, students, and even the education system as
the most important part to achieve real communication. Furthermore, this work will be presenting The
Flipped Classroom Model as a response to the oral communication difficulties that eleventh-grade
students from Nicolas de Federman School, in Guataqui Town in Colombia have.
This model has the intention to change the teaching and learning process; place, environment, time, and
how teachers and students work in the learning of the second language; where the learning process is on
learner centered. This model establishes that teacher introduces activities to be developed by the
students before the class which could be mediated by internet tools, in order to engage the student’s
prior knowledge with the activities that are going to develop during the class. In addition, after class there
will be a reinforcement of the topics, skills and contents that have been working in class.
According to the research done by Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams, American teachers who had
created and applied the model in science; its main objective is to flip class and change students and
teacher actions, in order to achieve their interest and the way of how learners participate in their learning
process. They do not promote the change of contents but give the possibility of using the model in other
subjects. In this way, some studies show that the model has been applied in learning of foreign languages
mediated by web 2.0. A technology that today’s teenagers love.
Through the development of this intervention proposal, it will be presented the concepts related to the
learning process of a second language and a foreign language, the skills that the learner must acquire,
how they will be acquired and the method and model that will be useful to achieve accuracy and fluency
in the oral skills, which is the main purpose of this work.
The present globalization asks that current and future generations develop a real oral communication in
English in which everyone can communicate and understand a different kind of messages in different kind
of contexts. Because English is used as lingua Franca “the common language uses it as a regular means of
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
communication in scientific, technological, and academic contexts” (Alcaraz; Navarro, 2006) among others
such as business, politics, etc. This trend is expected to continue so it is essential to develop and achieve
real communication in this foreign language.
Considering the importance of English around the world is import to ask, if through the Traditional
Education students have achieve to develop the speaking skills: production and interaction? Because of
that, the main problem that introduces this TFM is the difficulty to achieve oral skills in the foreign
language due to many reasons; the student’s learning process has focused on reading and writing skills,
without taking into account the oral skills. Moreover, the lack of knowledge of the language (grammar,
vocabulary, phonetics, discourse); due to the students have not received the correct teacher’s instruction
or because the mistakes that were made occurred during the student’s interlanguage process and were
not corrected. Actually, according to Selinker (cited by Hernandez 2020; p. 6), on the path of acquiring a
second language learners go through an interlanguage, this means the process to get their oral skills in
order to produce real communication may be affected for interferences in L1 or lack of knowledge in L2.
Moreover, as this process is not taking into account the learners, they do not feel comfortable
communicating orally in the foreign language.
In addition, in public schools in Colombia, the teaching-learning process of the foreign language does not
receive enough time, actually, the school and grade which is going to be this study’s object; it just has
three hours of English class per week, then, it is necessary to promote a different class model that can
take advantage of the few that the English class receive, in order to develop the whole communicative
For decades, the deductive method has not been useful in the learning of a foreign language. Actually, it
has demonstrated that the same topics were explained and worked during their scholar process; but they
have not been learned by the students, because they have just repeated what the teacher said; that is to
say it never occurred real learning. Then, it is necessary to introduce and apply another method that may
achieve the main purpose; develop oral skills in the students based on the Flipping Classroom Model which
involves changing the environment, the time, and students - teachers’ interventions during the learning
process of the foreign language.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Then, a good answer is The Flipped Classroom where time, actions (students and teacher), and
environment of the learning process change being improved, as it is explained by Jonathan Bergman and
Aaron Sams who had established the model and explained model’s origin thought their book Flip your
classroom: reach every student in every class every day (2012), in which the authors got into the
conclusion that teachers must be always asking themselves what is the best do the students in the
classroom, then the teachers have the responsibility to always think into the students’ needs.
Moreover, the book is explained how the model works and how can be improved in different contexts.
To create this model their authors took into account some ideas which later were gathered in the review
of flipped learning; a white paper written by Noora Hamdan, Patrick McKnight, Katherine McKnight, and
Kari M. Arfstrom which based their study on The flipped classroom model literature, such as changing the
learning process from teacher-center to learner-center, which conduces to the zone of proximal
development, where the teacher guide the process and promote activities that can help the student to
achieve what he cannot learn by himself, and finally, set the base that there always must be an objective
in each content.
On the other hand, there were some researches that have studied the model, such as The effectiveness
of flipped classroom by Raymond Szparagowski (2014) who studied, analyzed, and proved that students
can have great result though this model. Actually, through interviews and surveys the researchers found
learners felt great with this learning because they really felt involved. This study was on match class.
Although, the model was created for Math and Science by means of different studies and researches it
has been proved that the model can be useful in other subjects such as social studies, language, and
learning a foreign language, which is the main purpose of the current study. The article the
implementation of a flipped classroom in foreign language teaching written by Ahmet Basal (2015)
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
established that through this model: time could be approachable because the class could be extended for
hours because the class is going to start before the class, students will be engaging to the class. Moreover,
through this study the researchers discovered that students will learn at their own pace, advanced
students will feel more comfortable and the class would not be imitated, taking into account the main
model’s characteristics.
Recently, there were other research: Does the flipped classroom improve student learning and
satisfaction? A systematic review by Torstein Låg Rannveig and Grøm Sæle (2009) and The Flipped
classroom: for action, how effective and increased learning especially for low achievers by Jalal Nouri
(2016), who thought that with the Flipped classroom model students will feel motivated and also have a
lot of satisfaction with their learning process.
In addition, there were other studies that have focused on the model’s application directly to the learning
of a foreign language such as Use of flipped classroom technologies in language learning (2015), their
authors, Arina Euseeva and Anton Solozhenko showed how the use of the model with the technologies
can increase the learners’ motivation. Moreover, there is another study: Present research on the flipped
classroom and potential tools for the EFL classroom written by Jeff Mehring (2016) which shows different
tools that can be useful to promote an active communication, learning environment, which is learner-
centered. There was another research: Flipped classroom in English learning teaching: a systematic review
by Zeynep Turan and Birgul Akdad (2020) which has studied how through the model can be increased the
production communicative skills (speaking-writing).
Moreover, the article, The era of flipping learning promoting active learning and higher-order thinking
with innovative flipped learning strategies and supporting systems written by Gwo-Jen Hwang, Chengjiu
Yin and Hui-Chun Chu (2020) shows how the learning process has changed the last years; because it
achieve how students got engaged with different contents and how they feel about their own learning
process. Actually, they have the impression of being active the whole time.
Finally, there are other studies such as Integration of Flipped Classroom Model for EFL Speaking (Li,
Suwanthep, 2017) who examined the effects of integrating the flipped classroom to the development of
the speaking skills. As well as there is EFL Flipped-Classroom: Promoting HOTS in (Riza, 2019) which
promote the use of flipped classroom in order to promote different kind of conversations in class,
considering HOTS. And even, in Latin America, in Ecuador this model has also been proving by Telenchala
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
(2019) in her study Speaking Skill The Flipped Classroom Method in English Speaking Skill Development,
she also discover the positive effects that the use of flipped classroom can bring in the development of
the speaking skills in the foreign language.
In conclusion, it is demonstrated that this classroom’s model is very useful. Nevertheless, there is still a
lot of research to do about the application of the flipping classroom model in the teaching-learning
process of a foreign language. There is reason to promote this study and future researchers.
General Objective
Propose a four-sessions pedagogical design based on the model of flipped classroom in order to reinforce
the oral skills of eleventh-grade students from Nicolas de Federman’s school in Guataqui Town, Colombia
during the current year, 2021.
Specific Objectives
-To recognize the existent theory about the model flipped classroom, its definition and characteristics.
-To identify possible difficulties that a teacher and her/his learners may face in the application of the
flipped learning while working speaking skills.
-To suggest possible activities using the model flipped learning in order to improve the chosen students’
oral skills.
-To establish possible results related to the application of the flipped learning model, considering previous
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
2.1 Learning English as a Foreign Language
During the development of the current globalized world, English has become the lingua franca; which is
used for education, politics, science, economics among others. Then, in order to achieve and participate
in the world, learning English is essential. Actually, Crystal defines it that “English is the global language”
(2012, p. 1) and it is the language use it for international communication between people who does not
speak the same mother language. Because of that, English is more taught as a second language or foreign
language in schools around the world. In order to develop and achieve the learning of another language
is essential to take into account the CEFR, as it gives guides about the learning, teaching, and assessment
of another language.
Moreover, The CEFR (2018, p.26) “promotes the teaching and learning of languages as a means of
communication, empowering the learner” into the process where one of the objectives is to achieve
communicative competence, considering other competencies such as general and communicative
language competences; in order to develop a real communication; because of that, it is necessary that the
learner acquire the communicative skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing, that will allow him/her
to interact in the other language, in this case, English. In order to achieve communicative competence,
he/she must acquire linguistic competence (form of the language), sociolinguistic competence, and
pragmatic competence. Nevertheless, in order to become competent in the foreign language, the learner
should never forget that unless he/she can communicate or interact orally in the foreign language his/her
learning about the language will not be effective. Because of that, it is very important to take into account
the oral skill (listening and speaking), therefore, this study is going to focus on oral productive skill in order
to improve it.
According to Burns and Joyce (cited by Torky 2006, p. 33); “speaking is an interactive process of
constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information;” that can occur in
different contexts and different situations, where “the speaker must have the ability to carry out a
conversation in the language” (Nunan, 1991, p.39). And must be able to promote and interact between
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
people. Moreover, as he/she will be able to develop different kinds of conversations he/she will really
achieve real communication, as well the speaker will be developing a relationship in communication
because in order to achieve an interaction is necessary to have a speaker, but also a listener. Actually, in
Wilson’s words (1983, p.5) “speaking is a relationship between a speaker and a listener.” And considering
that before a person (child) learns to speak to people, he/she learns to listen. In Risnadedi words (2001,
p.56-57); speaking must be taught as well as is the learning process in the mother tongue; first listening,
then speaking.
The end goal of teaching a foreign language is to improve communicative skills in order to achieve real
communication; in this way, learners will be able to express themselves and interact with other people;
who do not speak the same mother language, in different kinds of contexts, situations, and circumstances.
Considering that, the learner may face different difficulties while he/she is speaking, such as “not knowing
conversation rules; how and when the interlocutor must speak” (Harmer, 2007, p. 276). As well as the
“lack of knowledge on socio-cultural rules; how men and women address each other, whether there is
any difference between talking to people of the same age or people who are considerably older or it is
familiar to them or not” (Harmer, 2007, p.276). Moreover, it could present other difficulties if the learners
do not know about how to “perform certain common speech events such as agreeing, inviting, suggesting,
etc.” (Harmer,2007, p. 276)
In another hand, according to Brown (2000, p. 270) the learner can face other difficulties such as the
speech is phrasal, not word by word, English uses reduced forms: contractions, elisions, reduce vowels.
The use of fillers that are common while the person thinks what he/she is going to say, e.g., well, un, you
know, among others. As well, the use of colloquial language: idioms and phrases that are common in
natural speaking, but not common on formal English; but are useful in the spoken language. As well, the
pronunciation could be an issue, because of stress, rhythm, and intonation that can be found in English
pronunciation. Because of all of these difficulties, it is necessary for the teacher to implement different
kind of classroom activities and talks with useful techniques in contexts appropriate to the age of the
students that allow both improving speaking and feeling comfortable. Otherwise, the teacher will face
other difficulties in the classroom as “students are often reluctant to speak because they are shy and are
not predisposed to expressing themselves in front of other people especially when they are being asked
to give personal information and opinions” (Harmer, 2007, p. 345). As well is a good recommendation to
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
develop speaking tasks in small groups, because a major reason for the reluctance of some students to
take part in speaking is “the anxiety generated over the risks of blurting things out that are wrong, stupid,
or incomprehensible. Because of the language ego, learners are reluctant to be judged by the hearers”
(Brown, 2000, p. 269). Then, the teacher must create a great atmosphere that encourages the learner to
participate in the speaking activities, but in which making mistakes while he/she is learning is not a bad
thing (Brown, 2000, p.269).
2.1.2. Speaking Aspects and Factors that Affect the Speaking Skills
In order to achieve the speaking skill is essential to acquire its sub-skills that will improve the speaker’s
oral communication; Brown establishes two categories: accuracy and fluency. The first one “reflects on
the real level of the speaker” Perez (2020, p. 4) involving the correct use of vocabulary, which according
to Hornby (1995) who is cited by Asyiah (2017, p. 294) it could be defined “in three senses that cover; the
total number of the words which make up a language; all the words known to a person or used in a
particular book, subject, etc; and a list of words with their meaning”. As well, grammar; which according
Chomsky (cited by Perez 2020, p. 5) is defined “a set of finite rules which if learned and mastered can
generate an infinite set of sentences”. And the pronunciation; that refers “to how people produce the
sounds that they use to make meaning when they speak” (Yates, Zielinski; 2009, p. 11). On another hand,
fluency is the ability to keep going speaking spontaneously. Actually, Nation described it as” the ability to
process language receptively and productively at a reasonable speed” (2014, p. 11). As well, Ho (2018,
p.15) cited, Bailey, (2003) and Byrne, (1986), who conceived fluency as “the ability to use the language
quickly and confidently without too many hesitations or too many unnatural pauses to cause barriers in
Moreover, it is necessary that the speaker must be able to have appropriateness; which is related to some
variables. When people are communicating, they have to see what effects to can cause, in other words,
which is the communicative purpose. Those variables are gender, setting, participants, channel, and topic
(Harmer, 2007, p.28). That is necessary to know how to speak correctly in each context and in each
situation; as well the learner must know how and when to speak in a conversation; in other words; “follow
conversation rules; for the topic nomination, maintain a conversation, turn-taking, interruption, and
termination” (Brown, 2000, p. 268) in order to understand and build meanings through the
communication process.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Recognizing a different kind of speaking performances in the classroom is essential to achieve the main
objective; learner achieves communicative competence. Nevertheless, there are other factors that could
affective the effective learning of the speaking skill; learners speaking can be influenced by conditions,
affective factors, listening skill, and feedback during the speaking process (Tuan, Mai, 2015, p. 9). Those
conditions can be related to “time pressure, the quality of the performance, and the support that they
receive,” according to Nation and Newton (2009), who are referenced by Tuan and Mai (2015, p. 9);
moreover, the motivation could be an affective variable; (Tuan and Mai cited Krashen 2015, p. 9), that
could have benefited or affected the speaking learning process. As well, if the listening ability has not
grown, the learner will have difficulties in his/her speaking skills (Tuan; Mai cited Doff, 2015, p. 9), and
Finally, the teacher must use corrective feedback, which must be after the speaking skill in order to
achieve the learner fluency, in this way the teacher will be avowing cutting the flow of the learner’s speech
(Tuan; Mai cited Harmer, 2015, p.10).
The different types of speaking performance in the classroom must be used according to the stage of the
learning process and the objective of each class. According to this, Brown (2000, p. 271) has established
the following categories; imitative, that acts as “human-type recorder”, in which the learner is a listener
who receives a lot of input, especially on pronunciation or elements of the language form; and when he
feels comfortable, he will be able to imitate. As well, “Intensive speaking goes one step beyond imitative
to include any speaking performance to practice some phonological and the form of the language”
(Brown, 2000, p. 273). In order to raise the speaking skills, responsive and transactional performance are
very important, as they are going to promote interaction between learners; in the responsive performance
the student learns short expressions in order to ask or answer in short conversations, but it not extends
into dialogues (Brown, 2000, p. 273).
Furthermore, in the transactional performance, the conversation is expanded, and the learners start to
share and exchange specific information, which is extensive for responsive language, conversations may
have more of a negotiate nature than responsive speech (Brown, 2000, p. 273). On the other hand, it is
very important to achieve interpersonal performance, according to Brown it is a conversation with “the
purpose of maintaining social relationship,” which could be very useful to encourage the development of
fluency in the learner’s speaking process. Nevertheless, this kind of conversation could be tricker to the
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
learners; they can involve; a casual register, colloquial language, emotionally charged language, slang,
ellipsis, sarcasm, and a covert “agenda” (Brown, 2000 p. 274). And the extensive process has the objective
to achieve the learner’s oral speech, in which he/she probably will have an audience and he must use a
more formal register (Brown, 2000, p.275). Such as oral reports, oral presentations, and oral discourses.
Taking into account the different speaking performances, the use of them in the classroom could help the
learner to arise on his/her speaking skill, passing through stages.
In order to improve the speaking activities of learners, it is necessary to create activities that promote the
development of productive oral skills, these must be attractive and enjoyable to the learners. According
to this, Harmer (2007, p. 348) has established these types of activities:
Acting from a script, these kinds of activities will be suitable to improve the pronunciation intonation and
learners’ stress; in other words, it is essential to improve speaking accuracy. Moreover, there are
communication games, which are useful to improve interactions between students; there are always
based on information that is given by the teacher, such as a picture, a situation, and videos, among other
things (Harmer, 2007, p. 349). In addition, there is the discussion, which is one of the most common
activities, that could be developed in small groups or with the whole course. The discussion is developed
using a certain topic, where the participant can give their opinions until they build a meaning; this oral
skill is useful to the students in order to improve fluency (Harmer, 2007, p. 350-351). Moreover, prepared
talks are useful; the learners prepare a speech about a topic; using a formal language; in this kind of
activity, the learner can show his/her accuracy and fluency in the foreign language (Harmer, 2007, p. 351-
352). In addition, there are questionnaires that can help the learner to learn how to ask and answer
questions about different topics (Harmer, 2007, p. 350-351) Finally, there are role-plays, where the
teacher establishes different real situations, where learners can act and simulate real situations; in this
way, the learners will improve their learning skill, taking into account the speaking aspects that are
necessary to express and interact properly in the foreign language (Harmer, 2007, p. 352-353).
According to Rodgers and Richards (2001, p. viii), “the teaching process of any subject depends on the
nature of the subject, on its application of the teaching and learning principles, and on the research that
has been done on its educational theory” which will bring a method or an approach of how the subject
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
must be taught. Taking into account that the main objective of teaching and learning a foreign language,
is that the students will acquire communicative competence; in which he/she must be able to
communicate and interact orally in different situations there are some methods or approaches that can
be useful in this process.
As It was already said the approaches and the methods that are designed depending on the main objective
that the teaching of the foreign language has. Starting with the grammar-translation method which the
end goal was to learn the language in order to “read the literature or benefit from the discipline and the
intellectual development from the foreign language study” (Richards, Rodgers, 2001, p. 5). A method in
which reading and writing were the skills that were learned, but only focusing on accuracy in written
language. As well, people realized that learner will not be really competent, unless the learner is able to
communicate orally; then, the first innovation was the direct method, a method in which the importance
goes on oral communication, where the main goal was to promote the classroom interaction, but focusing
on the accuracy in the speaking language; where there was establishing, that before the learner could
speak, he needed to listen, then the input that they teacher on the foreign language must be intensive
(Richards and Rodgers, 2001, p. 12).
Later, Situational Language Teaching is introduced establishing that vocabulary and grammar are very
important, but they must be taught orally. Moreover, the learning process begins with simple structures
to complex, and all of these are taught inductively (Richards and Rodgers, 2001, p. 37-38), even the focus
was the accuracy on the productive skills, there were used possible real situations where people will
communicate in order to learn the formal aspects of the language. In the same way, the audio-lingual
method still was focusing on achieving oral accuracy but seeing the learning language as a mechanical
process of a habit, where the learned through time will be able to communicate avowing mistakes (Rodger
and Richards, 2001, p. 57).
Nevertheless, the teaching-learning methodology was always focusing on achieving real communication
and there were other methods and approaches started to appear; TPR, in which speech stated to be
coordinated with action, and if the action was done the comprehension will be achieved (Rodgers and
Richards, 2001, p. 75). As it can have been seen, each method brings some new characteristics that will
be important; in order to achieve real communication; starting that the foreign language first must be
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
taught orally, it must use real situations it had to be comprehensible and it must start working on the
listen activity in order to reproduce through speaking. Then, community language learning where it was
established that the communication process only occurs when there is an exchange of messages that
promote interaction (Richard and Rogers cited La Forge, 2001, p. 91).
Moreover, the method established that interaction between people is the main goal and the only way to
learn is collaborative through different kinds of social interactions. Finally, there was the competency-
based language teaching, where the language is taught according to a fictional and interactional
perspective, where the learning process of a foreign language will only be possible if the learner acquires
essential skills; communicative, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in order to learn how to communicate
in real situations of life (Rodgers and Richards, 2001, p. 143).
Even, the different methods and approaches which have been presented as a background the innovation
on teaching a foreign language only have been seen with the following approaches and methods;
communicative language teaching, the natural approach, cooperative language learning, content-based
instruction, and task-based language teaching; where the first one established the communicative
competence as the main goal of language teaching (Rodgers and Richards, 2001, p. 159), where the
learner has the ability to use the linguist system effectively and appropriately; putting to the learner as
the center of his/her process and where communication becomes a negotiation between the learner, the
learning process and the object of the learner; processed that it cannot be done by himself, he/she must
learn in a cooperative approach (Rodgers and Richards, 2001, p. 173). As well, the teacher started to
become a facilitator who promotes the learners’ interaction, learning, and negotiation of different
In the same way, the natural approach sees the “language as a vehicle for communicating meaning and
messages,” (Rodgers and Richards cited Krashen, 2001, p. 180) where there are some characteristics that
could help to achieve communication in L2; Learning the formal aspects of the language in a natural way,
where learners receive a lot of input in order to produce output. Motivation is very important. Because of
that, the foreign language is been taught in a natural or artificial context, and the input that the learner
receives in the foreign language always must be in the foreign language, in order to achieve the acquisition
or the learning of the foreign language. (Rodgers and Richards cited Krashen, 2001, p. 180-182). In another
hand, cooperative language learning provides opportunities in order to create groups for the acquisition
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
of communicative competence in the foreign language through group activities where the ability to
express, interact, give an opinion and develop critical thinking is possible (Rodgers, and Richards, 2001, p.
Likewise, a content-based instruction approach sees the language as a vehicle, where the learning of the
foreign language is possible through the learning of another subject (Rodgers, and Richards, 2001, p. 206).
In the same way, task-based language teaching uses tasks in order to go through which will be able to
interact in the foreign language; talking into account real situations, and because of that authentic
material will be useful, in addition promoting cooperative work (Rodgers and Richards cited Feez, 2001,
p. 224). The last models have been a base over the focusing on the process that is necessary to achieve
the goal, being able to interact in different kinds of situations and contexts.
In another way, blended learning will become very important as it promotes a fusion of face-to-face
learning and online learning, which will be useful to attract learner motivation and interest, nevertheless
it is necessary to find the way of connecting these two learnings, in which one helps the other. Such is
happening with the flipped classroom.
An approach that addresses the learner needs and different students’ situations who have difficulties in
school subjects (Bergman and Sams, 2012, p. 6); which changes how the class must be developed; where
the main point is that the class time could be more productive in order to achieve real knowledge; actually,
that can be developed to any subject. The main idea is that before the class, the learner could receive all
the content that will be necessary for the class (Bergman and Sams, 2012, p. 13-15); in the case of the
foreign language (formal aspects of the language, expression useful in conversations or speeches) in order
that the time class can be useful to promote activities that actually achieve communication between
students; where the cooperative learning will become very important: as well it will be useful for the
teacher because in this way he/she will easily focusing his/her attention on the students who have
As It was said before, the flipped classroom is redirecting attention from the teacher and putting attention
on the learner and on his/her learning process (Bergman and Sams, 2012, p. 16-17). The way to do this, is
giving to the learners the context before the class through videos, lectures, or even learner researches;
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
which they have used as a tool in which the learner can achieve the subject content; where are able to
understand as we can see it, read it as many times as the learner needs; as well, it gives the opportunity
to repeat the class in many occasions (Bergman and Sams, 2012, p. 23). Moreover, as the learner is
watching the content before, even if he/she has doubts when the class began can be resolved and the
time class could be improving in order to practice the knowledge (Bergman and Sams, 2012, p. 15). In the
case of the learning of a foreign language, it can be useful to promote different communicative activities,
where the communicative skills can be practiced even more.
Even, that in this model the class is restricted; and the students receive the content knowledge before the
“class”; the teacher’s role is still very important; as learner could have doubts about the context, and the
teacher must resolve at the beginning in the class; in this way, the teacher will correct learner’s
misconceptions about the topics which were study before the class and in this way, the classroom practice
will improve it (Bergman and Sams, 2012, p. 16). Moreover, as it can be seen the classroom is going to be
centered on the learner, not the teacher; because the student will begin his/her learning process with the
videos or lectures that the learner will watch before the class. Then he/she will be responsible for his/her
own learning process; although the teacher in this class will be able to provide feedback on what the
students have learned.
One of the biggest challenges that teachers have nowadays is to achieve learners’ attention and
motivation; that is because they are talking the same “language”, they are not learning the same way. The
current children and teenagers are” digital natives who were born, grew up, or are growing up with
technologies as an integral part of their daily lives” (Alsúa cited Prenski, 2020, p. 5); then, a good option
is to use that technology and that number of tools that learners use to achieve their interests, motivation
and that really achieve their learning process. In this way, through different material such as videos,
lectures, articles that learners will find on the web (they were done by the teachers or recommended by
them). Allowing that learners can watch once or many times as it is necessary. Actually, as this process it
will be developing apriority; students who learn slowly will be to learn at the speed that is appropriate for
them, as well it will happen with faster learners and during the “class time” the learners and the teacher
interactions will increase and be effective (Bergman and Sams, 2012, p. 25); and in the teaching of the
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
foreign language will promote the communicative process between the learners during the class, instead
of been learning content, they will be practicing in real conversations between learners.
According to Bergman and Sam (2012, p. 20) through flipped learning the teacher will be “speaking” the
learners’ language; which is essential for the foreign language teacher; as the main objective of them as
teachers is to help that learners will be able to communicate and interact correctly and effectively in the
foreign language; Actually, there are different studies where this classroom model has been proved doing
experimental researches; where they have compared the improvement of the speaking skill with face to
face instruction to the improvement of spoken skill through flipped learning; and even they used different
speaking techniques during the class time; the results were always the same.
According to Li and Suwanthep (2017, p. 121) when a learner can watch the contents (grammar-
vocabulary) that will help them to be prepared to participate in constructive conversations during the
time class; and they will be able to assess that information before the class, as they can watch as many
times as he/she needs. Actually, the learners will be easily becoming autonomous of their learning process
(Li and Suwanthep; 2017, p. 121).
Moreover, as the learners will be able to learn and study the formal aspects about the language before
the class, the time class will be more to practice the speaking skill (Li and Suwanthep; 2017, p. 121); which
will help the learner to practice his/her speaking skill more time than if he/she will have to learn and
practice only during the class time (face to face education). In this way, the teacher will be using the
current technology; tools, and social networks in order to benefit in a positive way the student’s speaking
learning process in English as a foreign language.
In addition, through “the flipped classroom learner has more attendance in class, have inverse their score
in tests and have positive attitudes towards learning” (Farraw, 2014, p. 285) which it is indeed because
they feel more motivated in the English class, especially; because as It was said before, they are learning
through a blending learning where they are using the technology that they like using to learn then the
class time to practice and the moment to receive the teacher’s feedback in order to improve even more;
According to O’Flaherty & Philips (cited by Tran and Nguyen (2018, p. 91) “the integration in the classroom
is important to enhance academic achievement.”
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Moreover, according to Carreño (2017, p. 78) as the learner will be able to watch a different kind of videos;
not just about vocabulary or grammar they will be able to watch recorders with conversations, speeches
among other which will provide opportunities to learners to master on vocabulary, pronunciation and
communication skills; nevertheless in order to improve conversations strategies the presence of the
teacher is important, in order to end improve the learners’ fluency and accuracy in his/her speaking skill;
in this way, the learners will feel more motivated and secure when they are speaking.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
The current proposal has the main objective of improving speaking skills in the foreign language through
the flipped classroom model in eleventh-grade learners at Nicolas de Federman’s school, who have shown
a lot of difficulties in their speaking. Moreover, they do not have a lot of opportunities to practice orally
the foreign language, English. Then, through flipped classroom, class time will be more productive as
learners are able to practice a variety of speaking activities improving their speaking skill and achieving
performance in different communications skills.
In order to accomplish that, the proposal will be using different kinds of internet tools and social
networking, before and after the class to engage learners with the knowledge that is required for the
different speaking activities that learners will be developing during the class time. Moreover, some other
tools will be useful after the class time, as learners will present other activities where they will show what
they have learned.
Additionally, through the application of the flipped classroom learners will be motivated in order to
participate in oral activities, as they will have the enough systems language background (grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciations, and discourse) that they will need to put into practice during speaking tasks
such as; discussions, role plays, communication games and different kinds of interaction in groups or by
pairs, that learners will be doing during class time; in order to practice the speaking skill, and evaluate
the flipped classroom model effectiveness.
Colombia has some national policies on teaching and learning of foreign languages which are consigned
in several documents where are explained what it is important to teach in the foreign language classroom,
how teacher must do it, when and who are people involved. Those documents are mainly three. The first
one: Los Lineamientos curriculares de los Idiomas Extanjeros (1999); which established the Colombian
context about learning of foreign languages: how is the process, the importance of learning a foreign
language, but also about the foreign culture. Moreover, the document gives some guidance about
methodology, methods, strategies, didactic, and assessment of the foreign language in order to improve
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
the learning-teaching process of the foreign language. The second one is Estandares Básicos en
Competencias de Lenguas Extranjeras; Inglès (2006), which established the competencies that learners
must be acquired when they are learning another language; this document is based on the CEFR. And the
third one is Derechos Básicos de Aprendizaje: Inglés (2016), that expresses which are the basic knowledge
that Colombian learners must acquire to be able to communicate properly in the foreign language. As it
is written in the second Colombia mention it established the competencies that learners must acquire to
communicate properly and the performances that learners must have in the communicative skills;
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All of Colombian schools have to follow an English syllabus based
on a curriculum that is developed following the above standards. Accordingly, communicative and learner-
centered learning and the development of the four skills is a priority in the country.
Despite the fact that the law has established all of that, learners have a lot of difficulties to achieve better
performances especially when speaking. That is the raison for implementing an intervention proposal like
this one.
This implementation is going to be developed with eleventh graders in Nicolas de Federman’s school,
which is located in a Colombian small town, Guataqui, Cundinamarca. It is a public school; the school does
not have a lot of material resources. Nevertheless, the school has internet services where they can access
information through different tools and social networks during class time, but also at their home; because
of that, the use of flipped learning could be easily developed as the learner will be able to watch before
the class videos, lectures, and conversations about different topics and situations in the foreign language.
The class is composed of fifteen students; seven girls and eight boys, whose average age is 15-16 years
old. According to the CEFR references, six learners are at A2 level and the other nine are at A1 level.
During his/her learning process of the foreign language, they have improved on their written skill. In
addition, they understand well that teachers speak in English and they watch conversation videos in
common situations. Nevertheless, even if they want to or have to speak, they show a lot of fear to
participate actively; especially the learners who are at A1 level. Despite this, learners who are at A2 level
are more motivated to interact in the foreign language even though they have fluidity and accuracy
difficulties that will surely improve by flipped classroom model.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
The intervention proposal will be developing for a month. The learners have two English classes per week.
One is for two hours and the other one is for one hour. The intervention proposal in which the flipped
classroom model will be applied to improving the learners’ speaking skills will be developed before,
during, and after the two hours’ class. Then, it will be four lesson plans where the classroom model will
be tested if speaking can be improving through the flipped classroom.
In order to achieve this, the intervention proposal will keep on the following chronogram:
Table 1
The current intervention proposal as it has explained before has the main purpose to improve the
speaking skill through the flipped classroom model which consists of increasing the time class, in order to
give more opportunities to learn and to practice the foreign language before, during, and after class. In
this way, the eleventh graders of Nicolas de Federman’s school will be motivated to speak in the foreign
language because they will have more opportunities to practice orally the foreign language.
As it has been explained by Bergman and Sams (2012) in the book Flip your classroom where they
introduce the model itself as changing the traditional classroom: the activities that were previously taught
in class now going to be developed at home previously. In other words, learners will interact with the class
topic in advance and will practice it during the class session assisted by the teacher. (Bergman and Sams,
2012, p. 13). On the other hand, all this will be possible through the use of internet social media and
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
different technological tools that will be used by teacher and students being able to achieve the
knowledge before the class. Although the learners will probably have some doubts since they are not
going to have the teacher to resolve them. Actually, according to Bergman and Sam, this is a drawback of
the model. Then, it is recommended to take notes about the content that they will later be resolved in
class so that they can develop the class activities easily and they will be learning correctly. An in the case
of the English class they will be able to achieve proficiency in the foreign language.
The process will be the following: before class learners will receive through internet shares sites, where
the teacher will share the contents; grammar, vocabulary, speeches, and conversations (examples) that
would be documents, videos, and podcasts in order that learners will receive formal aspects of the
language that are going to be used as a practice during the class. The learners will access to these contents
from their homes, they will need internet access, in case that they do not have at their houses they will
be able to use the school or the town internet access which are open wireless.
Then, during the class learners will develop three different speaking activities in which learners will
practice individual speaking performances, short interactions, and extensive interactions between
learners, when learners will participate in the interactions they will be organized by pairs and by groups
of four students. During a short interaction they will be by pairs and during the extensive conversations;
the teacher will act as a facilitator; at the same time, she will be assessing if through the flipped learning
students will be speaking better and more during the time class. Moreover, as during the class, they will
develop different kind of speaking performances the learners will be organized in different ways; during
individual activities each will be on their chairs, while they are developing the conversation by pair, they
will be seated on their own chairs and they will be in front of his/her peer. Moreover, during the group
activity, the class will be organizing the chairs around the classroom, they will be sitting in groups on the
floor. The teacher will give a worksheet where is explained the speaking activity, as well the teacher will
explain what learners must do in each speaking activity throughout the class.
After the class, learners will record speeches about the contexts that will have worked on each class, then
they will share the videos through YouTube. Moreover, the peers must watch their partners’ videos and
make comments on what the students have said on the video. In order to achieve this, learners will use
their cellphones to record themselves, they must open an account on YouTube to upload the videos.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
The school Nicolas de Federman follows the English suggested curriculum by the Colombian Education
Mystery which proposes to develop the English learning-teaching through themes: Health, Democracy,
and Peace, Sustainability and Globalization which are derived from official documents that list areas to be
learned by the children in school and are worked transversally in all grades (2016). Through the following
intervention proposal, the main topic will be health: food, sports, illness, and healthy life; which are topics
that can be worked on both as in Biology and in Physical Education.
The intervention proposal in which the flipped classroom model will be applied, it is going to be developed
through four sessions hoping that the learners will improve their speaking skill through the main topic;
Health, in which learners will be practicing that skill through individual speeches, short and extended
conversations while improving accuracy and fluency aspects in the foreign language orally. Each session
will take into account three different moments; before, during, and after the class with different activities
seeking to achieve the main objective - to promote the use of the speaking skill through the main topic-
Obviously there are subtopics during each session. Each one will be described in the following epigraphs.
Table 2
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
As the classroom model that is going to apply has three moments: before, during, and after the class, the
learners will develop different activities during each moment.
The videos that they are going to watch before the class are going to be upload eight days before each
class. They are going to watch three videos (vocabulary, grammar, conversation expressions). They can
watch a video per day.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to recognize and pronounce vocabulary about
food and drinks.
The learners will watch a video on YouTube (figure 2.1), which was upload by the teacher. They will watch
vocabulary about food and drinks. They are going to watch, listen and practice the pronunciation of each
word. This activity will take half an hour.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to recognize and practice orally the grammar
useful to express food likes and dislikes.
The learners will watch a video on YouTube (figure 1.2), which was upload by the teacher. They will watch
an explanation about expressing likes and dislikes about food; at the end of the video learners will find an
exercise in order to practice the grammar which is necessary to express likes and dislikes about food; they
must practice written and orally in their homes or in the place where they watch the video. This activity
will take one hour.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to summarize what other people think about
healthy food. Learners will watch a conversation (figure 1.3), which was uploaded by the teacher where
people talk about healthy food. They must take notes about these people’s opinions in order to generate
a discussion in class. This activity will take a half-hour.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
After the learners have arrived at the English classroom, the teacher will greet the students and she will
as to the students to sit in the own chairs and to check if everyone has arrived at the classroom. This will
take five minutes.
Objective. By the end of the activity, the teacher will resolve doubts that learners have about the content
that they have watched and studied on the videos before the class.
The teacher will ask the students to take out the notes that they have done during the videos. And then,
they must ask questions about the doubts that they have about the formal aspects of the language and
its uses. The teacher will resolve doubt by doubt. This will take 15 minutes.
Objective: By the end of this activity, learners will be able to express orally food’s likes and dislikes about
different people.
The teacher will show some pictures (figure 1.4) to the students of different people who are eating and
drinking different kinds of food and drinks: they must pay attention to these people’s expressions in order
to identify if they like or dislike that food. The teacher will ask the students to participate by their own
initiative. E.g., The teacher will show a picture of a boy eating salad, but he has a bad facial expression,
then a learner must say; The boy dislikes salad. The teacher will have many examples. The idea is that all
students will be able to participate. Moreover, the teacher will be listening to the students in order to
assess if they are making an error to correct it at the end of the activity. The teacher will use the Classroom
TV to show the pictures through a PPT. This activity will take 15 minutes.
After the second activity, the teacher will organize the students in pairs.
Objective: by the end of this activity the learners will express orally other people’s likes and dislikes.
After the teacher has organized the students in pairs, the teacher will show other pictures (figure 1.5) on
the TV about people eating and drinking different kinds of food, in the picture the people will show their
likes and dislikes. The students will watch the pictures for two minutes. Then, the teacher will turn off the
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
TV. In the groups, one of the students must say to the other a sentence where express what a picture has
shown and then the other. E.g. There was a picture of a boy eating a hot dog, and he looked happy: the
expression will be; the boy loves eating hotdogs. The teacher will show ten pictures. Each student must
participate for at least five times. The teacher will be passing by each group in order to encourage students
and to check out the difficulties that learners may have. If learners make mistakes, the teacher will correct
them at the end, without mention names. This activity will take 25 minutes.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to express their own likes and dislikes on food.
The teacher will give a worksheet to the learners where appears the food Pyramid (figure 1.6); this will
show different food in each category. They have worked on this topic in biology class. They are going to
develop responsive interactions, where between learners they will be asking questions and answering
about the kind of food they like or dislike. They will also ask about which food that they like eating is
healthy and which is not. In the answers they must give reasons. E.g., I like eggs because they are a good
source of protein (the learners already know how to express reasons). This activity will take 20 minutes.
Activity 5: Discussion
Objective: By the end of the activity, the learners will discuss, giving reasons about why people should eat
healthy food.
The teacher will play the video which was watched before the class. Learners will take out their notes to
discuss the different opinions shown in the video. Moreover, they will discuss why is important to eat
healthy food, especially at their own age. Everyone must participate and give opinions during the
discussion. One of the learners will be taking notes about what everyone says. As each student must
participate, the taking note will be rotating by each student. This part of the activity will take 20 minutes.
The teacher will be passing for each group, checking the fluency and the accuracy of the students on the
content but also on the correct use of the language.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Objective: By the end of the lesson learners will present to the rest of the class a short conversation where
they discuss healthy food and unhealthy food that teenagers eat.
Taking into account the notes that the learners have taken during the fifth activity the students will
prepare a conversation about healthy food teenager habits. The learners must copy the script in order to
prepare and practice easily. They will have 20 minutes to prepare the activity. The dialogue must be short
in length. After, the learners will present the conversation to the rest of the class. They must show
accuracy in the language, but it will be more valued that the content is understood and well explained.
This part of the activity will take another 20 minutes.
Objective: by the end of the activity, learners will record a video where they explain why is important to
eat healthy, explaining the benefits for their lives. They must appear on the video, and they can edit it in
order to show pictures about the topic while they are doing his/her own speech. Then, they must upload
on YouTube as a hidden video, then they will share the link with their classmates and teacher so that it
can be watched by them and make comments on the video.
After they have uploaded the video, they will go to the teacher Padlet and they must answer these
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Table 3
As the classroom model that is going to apply has three moments: before, during, and after class, learners
will develop different activities during each moment.
The videos that they are going to watch before the class are going to be upload eight days before each
class. They are going to watch three videos (vocabulary, grammar, conversation expressions). They can
watch a video per day.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to recognize and pronounce vocabulary about
The learners will watch a video on YouTube (figure 2.1), which was upload by the teacher. They will watch
vocabulary about sports. They are going to watch, listen and practice the pronunciation of each word. This
activity will take half an hour.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to recognize and practice orally the grammar
useful to express abilities and likes/dislikes about sports, giving reasons.
The learners will watch a video on YouTube, which was upload by the teacher (figure 2.2). They will watch
an explanation about expressing abilities, likes/dislikes about sports; at the end of the video leaners will
find an exercise in order to practice the grammar which is necessary to express abilities, likes, and dislikes
about sports; they must practice written and orally in their homes or in the place where they watch the
video. This activity will take two hours. They can work on a grammar topic each day.
After the learners have arrived at the English classroom, the teacher will greet the students and she will
make the students sit in the own chairs and to check if everyone has arrived at the classroom. This will
take five minutes.
Objective. By the end of the activity, the teacher will resolve doubts that learners have about the content
that they have watched and studied on the videos before the class.
The teacher will ask the students to take out the notes that they have done during the videos. And then,
they must ask questions about the doubts that they have about the formal aspects of the language and
its uses. The teacher will resolve doubt by doubt. This will take 15 minutes.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to express sports that different people can do.
The teacher will show to the students a video on the TV where different people express about sports that
they can play and that they cannot play. The teacher will play the video (figure 2.3) twice. Then, the
teacher will turn off the TV and learners will encourage to participate. They must say which sports the
people of the video can do. The teacher will encourage them in order to use full sentences. This activity
will take 20 minutes.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Objective: By the end of this activity, the learners will be able to express abilities related to sports and
their peer’s abilities.
First, the teacher will ask the students to move their chairs, sit down on the floor and make a circle. Each
student will say a sport that he/she can practice, the student who is next to the previous one will repeat
what his/her peer has said. E.g., Learner 1: I can play soccer; learner 2: Natalia can play soccer, I can play
basketball; Learner 3: Natalia can play soccer, Andrés can play basketball, I can play volleyball. This activity
will take 20 minutes.
Objective: By the end of this activity, learners will be able to discuss the sports players’ opinions about the
importance of practicing a sport and why they like to practice it.
First, the teacher will ask the student to go back to their own chairs. She will ask the students to take notes
about some opinions that are expressed in a video that they are going to watch on a video (figure 2.4).
The teacher will play the video three times in order to improve the learners’ understanding. After, the
teacher will ask the students to organize into groups of four students and discuss the different opinions
that the sports players have said on the video. Moreover, they must give their own opinion about the
importance of practicing a sport. In case that any of them do not play any sports, they must give the reason
why he/she does not do that and why he/she does not like it. The teacher will be passing by each group
in order to facilitate the activity. While the activity is developing, the teacher will be assessing learners’
performance through observation and taking notes about learners’ difficulties in order to make a
correction at the end of the class. This activity will take 20 minutes.
Objective: by the end of the activity, learners will express their group opinion about the importance of
practicing a sport to have a healthy life.
The learners of each group will have 10 minutes to prepare a short speech of maximum 2 minutes about
the importance of playing sports. The learners must take into account the discussion during activity 4;
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
then, the learners will decide who is going to present the speech to the rest of the class. In total, this
speech is going to take the last 10 minutes of the class.
Objective: by the end of the activity, learners will be able to explain an extreme sport; giving a reason
about why a lot of people like to practice it. Moreover, the learner will give his/her opinion about the
Before the class has finished, the learners will receive the reading: Extreme sports (figure 2.5). Each
learner will read the text, then he/she must choose an extreme sport from the reading; later, he/she will
record a video explaining why people like to practice extreme sports and giving his/her opinion about
extreme sports. Then, they must unload their videos on YouTube, later their peers will make comments
on each video.
Finally, the learners will go to the teacher’s Instagram and they will answer the exit ticket that she has left
there. Each student must write one thing that they have learned during the second session.
Table 4
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
As the classroom model that is going to apply has three moments: before, during, and after class, the
learners will develop different activities during each moment.
The videos that they are going to watch before the class are going to be upload eight days before each
class. They are going to watch three videos (vocabulary, grammar, conversation expressions). They can
watch a video per day.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to recognize and pronounce vocabulary about
The learners will watch a video on YouTube, which was upload by the teacher (figure 3.1). In it, they will
find vocabulary and expressions related to diseases that they can read, listen and pronounce. This activity
will take half an hour.
Objective: by the end of the activity, learners will be able to express how to give recommendations when
another person is sick.
The learners will watch a video about the correct use of imperatives in order to give advices to another
during an illness. The video (figure 3.2) will show an explanation, examples). Then, the learners will
complete five sentences using imperatives to gain experience in the proper use of them. The short activity
will be at the end of the video and will take one hour of practice. After they have finished it, they will
pronounce those sentences.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to use the modal verb “should” to give
recommendations when someone is sick and to prevent a disease.
The learners will watch a video (figure 3.3) which was upload on YouTube by the teacher; the video is
about a conversation refers to diseases and recommendations. Then, the learners will watch on the same
video the script of the dialogue. Then, the teacher will ask the learners to look for the verbs and read the
word that is before the verb, “should”. She explains that it is used to give recommendations, in this case
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
to take care during and illness or to prevent it. Then, later will read the script and pronounce it aloud. This
activity will take an hour of practice for the student.
After the learners have arrived at the English classroom, the teacher will greet the students and she will
make the students sit in the own chairs and check if everyone has arrived at the classroom. This will take
five minutes.
Objective. By the end of the activity, the teacher will resolve doubts that learners have about the content
that they have watched and studied on the videos before the class.
The teacher will ask the students to take out the notes that they have done during the videos. And then,
they must ask questions about the doubts that they have about the formal aspects of the language and
its uses. The teacher will resolve doubt by doubt. This will take 15 minutes.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will express orally different diseases that different people
The teacher will ask the student to sit in pairs; then she will give to each learner of the group a piece of
paper (figure 3.4) with pictures of different people who have diseases. Each paper is different; one of the
learners will watch the paper and he/she must mimic that disease; then, the other student must guess
the disease. He/she must use complete sentences. As one of the students is going to do the mimic, the
other must say “You have a cough”. Both students must participate at least five times; doing mimic and
guessing a disease. This activity will take 20 minutes.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to give advice using the modal verb “should” of
how to take care during a disease.
The teacher will say to the students that they are going to work again in groups, but she will ask to change
their peers. She will ask to sit on the floor doing small circles in each group. There will be four learners in
each group. Each group will receive a situation of a person who is sick (figure 3.5); they must say a
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
recommendation about how to take care of each disease. The idea is to generate a discussion between
the students, everyone must give different advice. At end of the discussion, one of the students of each
group will introduce the situation to the rest of the group and he/she will tell the advice that the sick
person who is likely to receive. This activity will take 30 minutes. During the first 15 minutes the group
discussion and in the other 15 the speech that is going to be present to the rest of the group.
Activity 4
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to give recommendations about how to take
care during a disease using imperatives.
Learners will be organizing by pairs, and they are going to develop a role-play, where one of the learners
is a doctor and the other is a patient. First, the teacher will show a video, where a person is in doctor’s
appointment; Then, the teacher will give to the student a worksheet where situations and common
expressions to use in doctor’s appointment are presented; these ones have appeared on the video. Later,
using that information learners will prepare a dialogue where one student is a doctor and the other is a
patient; First, they will practice the role-play; they will have 20 minutes. Then, they are going to present
the role play for the rest of the class. They will have another 20 minutes; in this way, every pair of students
will pass.
The learners will use the last ten minutes of the class to do their self-assessment. Every learner will open
a page on Padlet; each student will write on their peer’s homepage Padlet a good aspect of his/her peer
speaking performance during the class. After everyone has written a comment on their peers’ Padlet, each
learner will write about what was made easy for them and what was difficult for them during the class.
Activity 1
Objective: by the end of the activity, learners will be able to give advice about a disease.
Learners will record a video. Then, they will upload it on YouTube. They will choose a disease. They will
prepare a short speech to record it; They will say some symptoms of the disease. Then, they will give some
advice to take into account when the person is sick. After he/she has finished the learners will upload the
video and he/she will share the link with his/her peers, they must comment on their peers’ activity.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Table 5
As the classroom model that is going to apply has three moments: before, during and after the class the
learners will develop different activities during each moment.
The videos that they are going to watch before the class are going to be upload eight days before each
class. They are going to watch three videos (vocabulary, grammar, conversation expressions). They can
watch a video per day.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to recognize and pronounce vocabulary about
healthy habits.
The learners will watch a video on YouTube which was upload by the teacher (figure 4.1). They will watch
vocabulary about healthy habits. After then, they will read it, listen and pronounce it properly. This activity
will take half an hour.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Objective: by the end of this activity, learners will be able to express orally through speeches on
interactions giving advice, necessities, and recommendation about healthy habits.
The learners will watch a video (figure 4.2) on YouTube, which was upload by the teacher where she
explains the use of the modal verbs; “have to” and “should” in order to express necessities. The video will
have a conversation expressing necessities and lack of them in three different grammar structures. After
the learners have watched and listened to the conversation, they must take notes in order to further
After the learners have arrived at the English classroom, the teacher will greet the students and she will
make students sit in their own chairs and check if everyone has arrived at the classroom. This will take
five minutes.
Objective. By the end of the activity, the teacher will resolve doubts that learners have about the content
that they have watched and studied on the videos before the class.
The teacher will ask the students to take out the notes that they have done during the videos. And then,
they must ask questions about the doubts that they have about the formal aspects of the language and
its uses. The teacher will resolve doubt by doubt. This will take 15 minutes.
Objective: By the end of the activity, learners will be able to associate pictures that refer to actions that
are necessarily related to have a healthy life.
The teacher will turn on the TV; she will show the students, pictures-slides- (figure 4.3) Different healthy
habits that have to do with food, exercise, routines, and prevention of diseases are shown in it. While the
teacher is passing the slides, the learners will say which healthy habits are in the pictures; they must raise
his/her hand to participate. This activity will take 15 minutes.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Objective: By the end of this activity, learners will be able to interact with another person and give advice
according to what the other person does.
The teacher will organize the learners by pairs, she will give to each student three situations (figure 4.4):
about food, exercise, and a disease. The other learners must give recommendations using the modal
verb “should”. The teacher will be passing around the whole group, checking the learners’ performance.
This activity will take 15 minutes.
Objective: by the end of the activity learners will be able to discuss necessities in order to have a healthy
The teacher will ask the students to organize in pairs again, but they are going to change his/her peer.
First, they will watch a video (figure 4.5) that the teacher is going to play on the TV. She will play 3 times
in order to achieve a further understanding, then, she will ask the group to discuss what is the health
problem and what the girls need to do; they must discuss other necessities that they would give to the
girl in the conversation. This activity will take 20 minutes; the first 5 will be to watch the video and the
other 15 to improve the discussion. The learners must improve the use of the modal verb “have to” in
order to express necessities.
Objective: By the end of this activity, learners will be able to create a conversation where one person
gives recommendations to another to have a healthy life.
Taking into account the grammar structures of the modal verbs “have to” and “should” and the use of
imperatives: learners will develop a conversation. Moreover, the teacher will give the script of the video
conversations worked before the class in order that they can create their own conversation. They will
have 20 minutes to prepare the activity, the teacher will be passing by each group if they are making
mistakes, she will correct them at the moment as they are going to present the conversation as well, she
will be encouraging learner to participate. Then, they will have 20 minutes to present the conversation to
the rest of the group. After each conversation, the teacher will ask to evaluate their peers, even they must
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
improve the speaking skill of what they did in writing. On a piece of paper, they must write comments
(just one sentence) on their peers’ performance.
Activity 1
Objective: by the end of the activity, learners will be able to give advice on how to have a healthy life.
Learners will record a video. Then, they will prepare a short speech where they give recommendations
about how to have a good life. They must take into account food, exercise, presenting diseases, hygiene
habits some healthy routines. Then, they will upload the video. Moreover, this video will be shared with
the teacher and other students from the school. After that, the learners will develop another video, it is
going to send just to the teacher; they are going to tell her how they feel during the four-sessions, taking
into account what they had learned before the sessions, what they have learned during the sessions and
what they want to learn.
Through a further observation of the student’s speaking performance in the class of the foreign language:
English, the teacher could observe that learners have a lot of difficulties in their speaking activities.
Actually, they felt more secure about their performance when they were doing written activities. Then,
through a continued observation, it was remarked that difficulty. Moreover, when the teacher has
assessed different speaking activities, she has realized that learners feel nervous during the speaking
activities, as well she has done questionnaires and short interviews trying to find reasons to explain why
they do not have a great performance on their speaking skill in the foreign language. Actually, as it has
been explaining before it is due to a lack of knowledge of the language, lack of motivation, and the fear
that learners will make mistakes and being bullied because of that. In addition, the instruction that they
have received during their school years has not achieved to motivate them because it has not used tools
that can catch their interest. Because all of those reasons, the current proposal has the main objective to
assess the improvement of the speaking performance in the foreign language through the flipped
learning; as this model introduces the class in a different way; it uses internet tools and social media
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
resources in order to introduce the formal aspect of the language, before each class. In this way, learners
will arrive at the class with the content and during the class, the teacher will be able to encourage the
learners’ participation in speaking activities that will improve the learners’ skill. On the other hand, as the
teachers are using internet tools and social media to introduce the class content and even to develop self-
assessment and peer-assessment they will feel motivated because the teacher is using materials that are
common for them and which are used for them to have fun.
As it has said before, this intervention proposal will have evaluated the speaking performance in the
foreign language of the eleventh-grade learners from IED Nicolas de Federman, a small school in Guataqui,
Colombia, where the learners have few opportunities to practice the speaking skill in English.
Then, in order to evaluate the intervention proposal, the teacher will make a formal and informal
assessment before, during, and after the proposal application. Before the proposal will be applied the
teacher will apply a diagnosis; the students will be interviewed by the teacher, as well she will ask the
learners to do a short speech about a topic or situation that the teacher will give. Moreover, with the
intention of identifying the Proficiency level on the different aspects of the speaking skills’ learners, the
teacher will use the following checklist.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Table 6
Name: _____________________ Grade: _____________________
Item Always Sometimes Never
1. The learner is able to introduce himself/herself with
accuracy and fluency.
2. The learner is able to describe a picture that is shown
by the teacher with accuracy and fluency.
3. The learner is able to interact with accuracy and
fluency with another student during a responsive
4. The learner is able to express an opinion about a topic
that is going to be discussed in groups.
5. The learners are able to interact with fluency and
accuracy during a transactional conversation where
he/she must express their opinion but also discuss
other opinions
6. The learner is able to use discourse markers in order to
develop a free conversation.
7. The learner knows how to use turn-taking in a
8. The learner is able to present a short speech on a topic
that is given by the teacher with accuracy and fluency.
9. The communication purpose of the learner is clear.
The assessment will be individually and by groups during the time that the proposal is applied. In
another hand, during each session the teacher will be observing the learners’ performance in the different
individual, pairs or group speaking activities; besides the observation that the teacher will be doing
through the different activities, she will use the following rubrics (table; 7, 8) with the aim of assessing
learners in speaking skills so that they can produce real communications taking into account fluency,
accuracy, communicative intention, and content. In addition, the teacher will be recording the learners
(audio) performance in order to improve the assessment with the purpose of promoting a further
assessment that can help learners speaking performance; this will be developed in each session. After
each session learner will evaluate his/her own performance during the class which also will get as a
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
consequence that they feel motivated because they will be realizing that they are improving their speaking
performance in each class.
Table 7
Speaking Rubric
Individual activities
Criteria Descriptor Points
Communication purpose The learner expresses properly the main idea on a 2.5
topic proposed.
Appropriateness to the The learner uses expression according to the context, 2.5
communication context gender, and age of the audience.
Total 10
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Table 8
Speaking Rubric
group activities
Criteria Descriptor Points
Communication The learner expresses properly the main idea on a topic 2
purpose proposed during a conversation/discussion with another
student or a group.
Total 10
As well, in order to assess on the learner speaking skills through the intervention proposal in essential that
learners develop self-assessment and peer-assessment. In this way, students will reflect on their advances
and difficulties on their speaking skills. This formative assessment will be developed after the class,
through different social media Apps such as Padlet, Instagram and YouTube. The leaners will use the
following checklists (table; 9,10) during his/her self-assessment and when he/she will be assessing his/her
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Table 9
Name: _____________________ Grade: _____________________
Item Always Sometimes Never
1. I spoke clearly during today’s speaking activities
2. I did interact with accuracy and fluency with another
student during a responsive conversation.
3. I could express my opinion on the class topics through
the different activities.
4. I could interact respecting the turn-taking.
5. I could practice the vocabulary and grammar that was
useful for the class topic.
Table 10
Name: _____________________ Grade: _____________________
Item Always Sometimes Never
1. He/she spoke clearly during today’s speaking activities
2. He/she did interact with accuracy and fluency with
another student during responsive conversations.
3. He/she could express his/her opinion on the class
topics through different activities.
4. He/she could interact respecting the turn-taking.
5. He/she could practice the vocabulary and grammar
that was useful for the class topic.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
As it has been explaining earlier, before starting to apply the proposal the teacher will do an oral diagnosis
test in which the teacher will evaluate the speaking performance through a checklist (table 6) identifying
the speaking level of the students’ speaking performance; taking into account how fluency and accuracy
they have in speeches, transactional conversations, extended conversations and group discussions. As
well at the end of the proposal, the teacher will assess the learners through individual or group interviews
and the development of topics specially prepared for this purpose.
At the moment, that the teacher has finished applying the intervention proposal, after the four sessions,
it is essential that the teacher assess whether there was progress in the students speaking performance,
taking into account all the core aspects of speech; fluency, accuracy, appropriateness of the
communicative situation, among others. Then, with the purpose of establishing the level of performance
achieved after the application of the flipped classroom model the teacher will again use a checklist that
may be the same as the one used before applying this intervention proposal.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
According to previous and different researches that have applied in different countries, where English is
taught as a foreign language, the flipped classroom model has been used to improve speaking skills. But
the condition to establish its effectiveness is the application of tests before, during and after the
implementation of the model. Therefore, they applied a pre-test to observe, analyze, interpret and
measure the speaking performance that learners had at the beginning and other tests allowed to know
the real progress of the learners during and after the application of the approach. Actually, there are some
researches such as The Flipped Classroom Method in English Speaking Skill Development, Flipped Model
for Improving students English speaking performance, and Integrating of Flipped Classroom Model for EFL
Speaking that have done comparative research where two classes were analyzed.
The first one received traditional instruction and in the other one the flipped classroom model was
applied. According to Telechenda (2019, p. 51-61) learners who received instruction through FCM
(experimental group) had a major advance on different aspects on their speaking skill: accuracy, fluency,
interaction, and coherence, than the learners who were in the controlled group who only received the
content during the class and did the activities in the class time. As well as said by Li and Suwanthep (2017,
p. 121) the learners who received flipped instruction and constructive role-plays achieved higher and
more improvement in speaking skills than the group of students who were in a controlled group. Then,
because of that, it will be correct to say that when this proposal is applied the teacher will have similar
results even if she does not do comparative studies between controlled and experimental groups. In other
words, the learners who are in eleventh grade may be able to improve the different aspects of their
speaking skill.
In addition, as one of the characteristics of the flipped classroom is the use of technology with the
intention that learners can access to the class contents before the class through lectures, videos,
conversations, audios, slides, etc. and they will have enough time to watch, understand and practice the
class content; grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, communicative purpose instead of losing time during
the class because the time class will be used on speaking activities. Actually, Singh (2018, p. 33) said that
trainers believe that learning through the flipped classroom approach makes them motivated in the
learning process; as they are learning the language contents before the class activities learners are able
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
to proceed at their own pace, that is appropriate for them, they can pause, review the lectures without
any pressure which help to develop confidence in communicating with friends and with the rest of the
class (Li, Suwanthep, 2017, p. 33).
Then, it is also possible to fancy that the eleventh-graders will happen the same, as they are going to have
many opportunities to access the class contents before the class. Even if they have doubts that it will be
able to be resolved in a class by the teacher, as it has been established in the session of the current
intervention proposal that it will have a good result as it has happened in the study Integration of the
Flipped Classroom Model for EFL Speaking where learners who had difficulties were able to receive help
during the class time from the teacher and from their peers which actually minimize the frustration in the
learning process because they are giving to them the opportunity to improve during the class activities
(Li, Suwanthep, 2017, p.122). Moreover, without forgetting that the current learners are digital natives,
citizens who were born, grew up or are growing up with technologies as an integral part of their daily lives
(Alsúa cited Prenski, 2020, p. 5). Then, it is essential that teachers use them to achieve the objectives of
the class, in this case, improving oral skills.
In another hand, the speaking performance class activities of the current intervention proposal will show
a great improvement because the procedure (before, during, and after the class) that the flipped learning
is using will help to motivate students’ participation and avoiding learners’ anxiety as they will have
enough background in order to take part in the speaking activities. Actually, according to Abdullah (2019,
p. 143), thanks to “the flexibility of learning offered by the flipped classroom environment, the well-
designed in-class and out-of-class activities, the practice of English, speaking learners will feel confident
and they will participate easily in the speaking activities,” in other words, motivation will increase and
anxiety will decrease.
Furth more, as it has established in the proposal the development of the teacher’s assessment, self-
assessment and peer assessment will bring as a consequence that learners’ will be able to reflect on how
they have learned, the facilities that they may have, and also that they will be able to recognize their
progress and their peer’s progress and they will be receiving corrective feedback which at the end will
encourage them to continue improving their speaking skill. Actually, according to Abdullah (2019, p. 143),
“the learners show a high level of acceptance and appreciation to the feedback from their teacher and
their peers on their speaking performance,” in other words, they will be motivated because of the
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
feedback that they are receiving about their performance. Then, according to this, the eleventh-grade
learners through the constant feedback will be more motivated in order to participate in the speaking
class activities and to use the pre-class session because they will be realizing that through this method,
they will be able to learn easily using tools such as apps and social networks that they like and have been
using regularly.
Finally, a disadvantage of the flipping learning to improve the speaking skill could be a difficulty when the
students are watching videos of native people's conversations; especially with begging learners, because
of the “fast speed of speakers and the reduction that they do when they are speaking” (Quyen, Loi; 2018,
p. 95). As a recommendation, the researchers say that at the beginning of the speaking learning process
it will be useful that learners watch videos with English subtitles. In addition, another issue could be the
easy access that learners may have to the pre-class activities because not all students can have access to
the internet. Nevertheless, due to the current pandemic situation, in the town where this intervention
proposal is going to be applied, different places have been establishing with internet access and the school
has given tablets to students, then, the impossibility of accessing the class’ content it would not be a
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
The main object of the current intervention proposal is to design a four- pedagogical sessions based on
the flipped classroom model in order to improve the speaking skill in the eleventh grade of a public school
in Guataquí Colombia. Since this proposal could not be applied, different studies and research that have
worked on the application of the flipped classroom in foreign language classes model, especially in
countries where English is taught as a foreign language, are resumed. For instance, in the study Integration
of Flipped Classroom Model for EFL Speaking, the researchers could conclude that the FC model combined
with constructive role plays is an effective model for teaching speaking skills in EFL context (Li, Suwanthep,
2017, p.122). In other words, applying this blended learning, where learners receive all the resources
before the actual class, they will be able to perform a different kind of speaking activities during each
class; especially the ones that focus on interactions between students. A well as it is going to happened
with the future application of the current proposal.
Other studies have reached the same conclusion, as in Telecnchala (2018, p. 75) who said that The Flipped
Classroom Method developed the speaking skill in English language learners; actually, according to this
study, the speaking level of the students increased after the application of the model. In conclusion,
despite that this current intervention has not been applied yet, the result may be similar to that of the
mentioned investigations, as it is showing a similar context to Colombian Education, English is taught as
well as a foreign language.
In the book Flip your classroom: reach every student in every class every day (2012), where the model’s
origin is explained by its creators as well as its characteristics and the role of the learners and teacher;
authors got into the conclusion that teachers must always be wondering what students do best in the
classroom, then the teachers always have the responsibility to think about the needs of the students. On
the other hand, although the model was created by science and math teachers, it has proved that it also
works for other subjects such as the foreign language. Actually, as it has been proving in the different
studies where the flipped learning has been used in order to improve the English level on learners,
especially speaking skills, this study has concluded that it may be effective in improving speaking skills of
students from Guataqui incorporating notions of The Flipped Classroom Method in English Speaking Skill
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Development, Flipped Model for Improving students English speaking performance and Integrating of
Flipped Classroom Model for EFL Speaking.
As well, another objective was to identify possible difficulties that a teacher and her/his learners can face
in the application of the flipped learning in order to improve the speaking performance; the study
Integration of Flipped Classroom Model for EFL Speaking, points out one of these difficulties, which is that
learners may feel that they need immediate advice from the teacher to understand some points that have
not been clear in videos lectures, out class. (Li, Suwanthep; 2017, p. 122).
Finally, the ultimate goal of this proposal is to design a set of four sessions where the flipped learning that
was already made could be applied to improve the speaking skills; When the proposal is developed with
all its steps (before, during, and after class) it will easily be possible to establish if it really works, although
taking into account other studies it can be said that it will be successful and the objectives will be achieved.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
As the main objective of the English teacher is that the learners are able to communicate effectively, is
necessary to use and improve the new classroom model. It will be very important that the teacher that is
developing the model in school will have support from other foreign language teachers from the school.
Furthermore, it would be desirable that the model was implemented by teachers from other subjects. In
this way, learners will learn easily through real practices and be able to improve not only in the foreign
language but also in all the competencies that they must achieve during their scholar time.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
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MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
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(2018). Flipped Classroom Approach for Improving Speaking Skills of TVET Trainees. International
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Telenchana Carvajal, S. P. (2018). The flipped classroom method in English speaking skill development.
Tran, Quyen & Nguyen, Loi. (2018). Flipped model for improving students’ English Speaking performance.
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Tuan, Mai., N. T. (2015). Factors affecting students’ speaking performance at le thanh hien high school.
Asian Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 8–19.
Yates, L., Zielinski, B., Adult Migrant English Program (Australia), & Adult Migrant English Program
(Australia). (2009). Give it a Go. Amsterdam University Press.
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
1. Session 1: Food
1.1. Figure
Video: food vocabulary
1.2. Figure
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
1.3. Figure
Talking about healthy food
1.4. Figure
People eating and drinking
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
1.6. Figure
Food Pyramid
Group 1: Water and its friends: Water, herbal teas, tea (especially green tea), decaffeinated or lightly
roasted coffee, fruit juice (without added sugar) or vegetable juice can all be consumed in
considerable quantity (1½ to 2 litres per day) throughout the day.
Group 2: Fruit and vegetables: Eat five servings a day. One serving of vegetables is 100–200g, or a
bowl of soup. Beware of very sweet (e.g., bananas or dried fruit) or fatty (e.g., walnuts, pistachios)
fruits and nuts.
Group 3: Starches and legumes: Try to eat starchy foods (e.g., rice, pasta, semolina, and potatoes)
and legumes (e.g., beans, peas, lentils, soya) at every meal. Favour eating pasta al dente (i.e., just
cooked, Italian style) over longer cooking.
Group 4: Protein: (e.g., meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and soya products like tofu) should be eaten
regularly but not in excess. Favour fish and white meats over red meats, and avoid cooking in too
much fat or eating poultry skin. Semi-skimmed or fermented dairy products such as cheeses are
recommended no more than twice a day.
Group 5: Fats: Choose good fats (e.g., olive, sunflower, corn, and nut oils) and limit intake of bad
fats (e.g., animal fats).
Group 6: Delicacies: Eat exceptionally, but these can be good for morale! Ban fried foods.
Note. Text adapted, URL: https://www.feelplus.com/eat-well/the-food-pyramid
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
2. Session 2: Sports
2.1. Figure
Video: sports
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
2.3. Figure
Video: Interview
2.4. Figure
Video: Sports Benefits
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmFQqjMF_f0
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
2.5. Figure
Note. Reading taken from: Dummett, P., Hughes, J., & Stephenson, H. (2013). Life Elementary with
DVD (Life (British English)) (1st ed.). National Geographic/(ELT)
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
3. Session: Diseases
3.1. Figure
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
3.3. Figure
Video: conversation “You should lie down”
URL: https://studio.youtube.com/video/jc6bZxxcQqQ/edit
3.4. Figure
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
3.5. Figure
Ellie N. Ellie, age 57, lives in Florida and never smoked. At 35, she started having asthma attacks
triggered from breathing secondhand smoke at work. The severe attacks forced her to leave a job
she loved.
Annette S. Annette, age 57, lives in New York and began smoking in her teens. At age 52, she was
diagnosed with lung cancer, which required removal of one of her lungs. She was later diagnosed
with oral cancer.
Bill B. Bill lived in Michigan and had diabetes. He started smoking at age 15 and quit at age 39, after
his leg was amputated due to poor circulation—made worse from smoking. Bill died from heart
disease at age 42.
Note. Material taken from the online article Real Stories by Disease/Condition
URL: https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/stories/stories-by-disease-condition.html
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
4.2 Figure
Video: expressing necessities
4.3. Figure
4.4. Figure
Student's name and surname: Natalia Zúñiga Patiño
MD’s title: Improving Speaking Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom: Flipped Learning Approach
Healthy habits
Elle is a girl who is 16 years old, after she goes to the bathroom, she always washes her hands.
Nevertheless, she sometimes forgets to wash her hands before she has lunch.
Thomas and Mike are brothers. They like running in the morning, but Thomas felt down this morning
when he was running, because he was uncomfortable with his sneakers, because they did not cut
his toenails.
Camilla is a teenager. She is 14 years old. She does not drink water; she prefers drinking coke.
Nevertheless, recently she starts having problems with her level of sugar.
George is 30 years old. He always has lunch with pizza, a hamburger, or a hot dog; because of that,
he has been getting fat.
Andrew is a teenager; he must wear a uniform in school. Nevertheless, sometimes his feet smell bad
because he wears the same socks three days in a row.
Sophie is at Vermont College, she recently has been arriving late to class, because she does not go
to bed early.
4.5. Figure
Video: Conversation: she has to be in bed.
Note. Script and pictures are taken from Zervas, S., & Bright, C. (2018). Go Getter 3 Students’ Book. Pearson
Education Australia. Pag 60.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LixPQxTvScA