Impact Different Level of Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3) On Growth and Yield of Oyster Mushroom

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Impact different Level of Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3) on Growth and yield of

Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Spp.)

Article  in  International Journal of Engineering and Technology · August 2019

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050


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1 author:

Berivan A Garib
University of Raparin


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Impact different Level of Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3) on Growth and yield of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Spp.) View project

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ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Impact different Level of Calcium

Carbonate (CaCo3) on Growth and yield of
Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Spp.)
Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb
Raparin University /Horticulture Department/Assistant lecture
Abstract - This experiment conducted in Location of Horticulture department / Raparin university
during 21th December to 15thfebruary, to study the effect of different level of Calcium carbonate
(CaCO3) on growth and yield of Oyster Mushroom. This experiment included the study of four level of
lime (CaCO3) that (0, 10, 15, 20)gm /15 kg with three replication. The experiment was laid out in a
completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications and six treatments The effect of lime relate
with pH media that mushroom grow in it. The pH is an important factor for good production of Oyster
mushroom. Most of the mushrooms grow and perform well at pH near to neutral or light basic. Lime
(CaCO3) is an important constituent in mushroom cultivation, commercial cultivation of mushroom
depends upon proper adjustment of pH of substrate. Most of the substrates used for the cultivation
ofmushroom have pH approximately near to neutral.
Key Words: Mushroom, Lime,Oyster Mushroom,Calcium Carbonate, Pleurotus Spp.
Mushroom cultivation is an appropriate technology for the management of agroindustrial residues (Miles
and Chang, 2004). through bioconversion processes. Mushroom which is a fleshy saprophyte fungus are found
growing in nature on damp rotten log of wood trunk of trees, decaying organic matter and in damp soil rich in
organic substances. It is cultivated for its food value world-wide. More than 2000 species of edible mushrooms
exist in nature, but only approximately 22 species are intensively cultivated (Manzi, et al, 1999).
Mushrooms are eaten by people for their flavor, texture as well as for the health benefits that they accord.
Mushrooms are healthy foods, poor in calories and in fat, rich in proteins, chitin, vitamins (niacin, riboflavin,
vitamin D, C, B1, B5, B6 and K and sometimes vitamins A and C) (Ahmed, et al, 2009). , folic acid and pro-
vitamin D ergo sterol (Kurtzman, 2005), ( Moharram, et al, 2008). and minerals (potassium, phosphorus,
calcium, sodium) (Manzi, et al, 1999). , (Stamets. ,2005) and some essential amino acids, fiber and have low
cholesterol and fat levels (Rafique, 1996) .
Mushroom normally ranges between 20 and 40% protein which is better than many legume sources like
soybeans and peanuts, and protein-yielding vegetable foods (Chang, & Buswell, 1996),(Chang, & Mshigeni,
2001) . Moreover, mushroom proteins contain all the essential amino acids needed in the human diet and are
especially rich in lysine and leucine which are lacking in most staple cereal foods, (Sadler, 2003).. Increasing
consumption of mushroom is good for preventing malnutrition, although mushrooms cannot be an alternative
protein source for of meat, fish, and egg (Çağlarırmak, & Ötles, 2002).
Due to their unique and subtle flavor, these mushrooms have been used as food and food flavoring material
in soups for centuries(Shin, &et al .2007). The common name “oyster mushroom” comes from the white shell-
like appearance of the fruiting body. Oyster mushrooms are a diverse group of saprotrophic fungi belonging to
the genus Pleurotus( Kong, 2004). According to Croan (Croan, 2004), these mushrooms are a good source of
nonstarchy carbohydrates, with high content of dietary fiber and moderate quantity of proteins, including most
amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. The protein content varies from 1.6 to 2.5%, and the niacin content is about
ten times higher than that of any other vegetable. Moreover, Randive( Randive, 2012). reported that oyster
mushrooms are rich in Vitamin C, B complex, and mineral salts required by the human body. Pleurotus
ostreatus is a mushroom of pleasant flavour and possesses several proteins, minerals (Ca, P, Fe, Mg), and low
carbohydrate quantities and fat, constituting excellent dietary food (Silva, et al, 2002)..
Mushrooms are useful against diabetes, ulcer and lungs diseases. (Quimio, 1976). Mushrooms are the good
source of protein, vitamins and minerals (Khan et al., 1981). Contain about 85-95% water, 3% protein, 4%
carbohydrates, 0.1% fats, 1% minerals and vitamins (Tewari, 1986). And contain appreciable amount of
potassium, phosphorous, copper and iron but low level of calcium. (Anderson and Feller, 1942). Mushroom
protein is intermediate between that of animals and vegetables. (Kurtzman, 1976).

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050 Vol 11 No 4 Aug-Sep 2019 785

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Also contain appreciable amount of Niacin, pantothenic acid and biotin (Subramanian, 1986). It can be
grown on agricultural and industrial waste. More then the total produce from the land remain unused as waste in
the form of straws, leaves, stems, roots etc. (Zadrazil, 1978). These waste can be recycled into food and
environment may be less endangered by pollution (Hayes, 1978 ). Mushroom cultivation is highly labour
intensive, short duration crop and land saving, can be welcomed by the poor farmers. At present mushroom
production is approximately 1.5 million tons in the world.
Mushroom is an excellent source offolic acid, the blood building vitamin thatprevents anaemia (Alemu, &
Fisseha, 2015), (Tripathi, et al, 2018). Mushroom protein iscomparable to muscle protein in terms ofnutritive
value (Alemu, & Fisseha, 2015). Various bioactive compoundsisolated from P. ostreatus culture extracts
ofEthiopian higher fungi showed other biologicalproperties such as antiprotozoal, anthelmintic,phytotoxic and
brine shrimp lethality activities(Alemu, & Fisseha, 2015).
Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3)
Lime is used incultivation of mushroom to enhance the pH of substrate.Rapid mycelia growth of mushroom
(Pleurotus sajor-caju) takes place at pH 6.4-7.8 (Iqbal & Shah, 1989).
Materal and Method
This experiment was conducted at the field of Horticulture department/ R aparin university During 21th
December to 15thFebruary. By using dry wheat straw , Mushroom spor and lime. The dry wheat straw
sterilized for three hours in barrel by fire, After cooling were distributed and equally into plastic bags of 50x90
cm size at the rate of 15kg substrate in triplicates,the wheat straw after drying 70% then mixed with four level
(0, 10, 15,20)gm of the lime for 15kg of wet wheat straw , the Spor is getting ready from the market healthy
without any infection, it were mixed with the wet wheat straw in layers then it was pressed tightly and hung the
bag.Cultivation conditions.
The bags were subsequently placed, long side down, into a spawn running room at 20 - 25° C in the dark
and 65 - 70% relative humidity until completion of spawn running. After completion of spawn running the
temperature and relative humidity was changed to 19 to 20° C and 80 - 90% RH, respectively. The bags were
slit and the cut portions folded back. Water was sprayed for maintaining moisture up to the desired level in the
form of fine mist from a nozzle.
After one week the thread and holes were made over the polythene bags for aeration. Then, they were incubated
in the dark at 270C and mycelia development in the bag was observed and noted within 5 days . These bag must
be watered one time in the first week then after make holes the watered must be twice daily. After one month
the mushroom ready to harvest and this characters was measured: (Mesillium filaments wet weight , Mushroom
surface area , number of pinhead ).
Each cultivating bags were irrigated using tap water every morning and evening until 2 flushes of Pleurotus
ostreatus fruiting bodies appears.
Harvesting of mushroom
The first primordia appear 2-4 days after scratching depending upon types of substrate, which were
recorded. The harvesting date also varied depending upon types of substrate. Matured mushroom identified by
curl argin of the cap was harvested by twisting to uproot from the base. Mushroom matured generally 48 hours
after appearing the primordia. Data were recorded periodically during culture.
Statistical analysis
The data of actively mycelium growth during spawn making and formation of full morphology of Pleurotus
streatus mushroom and fruiting body were observed during cultivation on substrate.
1. Mesillium filaments
Noted in table (1)Meselium filaments are the main part of the emergence of mushrooms, during the study it
was observed that the emergence of meselium filaments faster in the bags in which the lime and the varietal
varies with the concentrations of lime added to the bags where the concentration of (T1) 10 gm lime 3.333c
and (T0) with out lime 4.000c faster the period of appearance of threads compared to the other
concentrations where it took seven days for (T3) 20gm lime take 6.667a for the emergence of threads, and
then the concentration of (T2 )15 gm lime get 5.333b, This indicates that lime modifies the acidity of the
medium and raised the heat of the bag This confirms the validity with khan as the lime leads to a high
acidity of the middle and thus reduces the speed of emergence of the threads of mycelium (Khan, et al

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050 Vol 11 No 4 Aug-Sep 2019 786

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Table (1) Effect lime of on Mesillium filaments

Mesillium filaments
Treatment Lime concentration gm
T0 0 4.000c±0.000
T1 10 3.333c±0.333
T2 15 5.333b±0.333
T3 20 6.667a±0.333

Means with same letter for each characters are not significantly different at 5% based on Duncan s Multiple rang
2. Yield of mushroom
In table (2) noted that During the study After 40 days, the yield of the product was measured. It was noted
that the bags containing 10 g lime gave the largest yield2.533 and it is nearly to T0 control that give 2.100
compared to the other concentrations. While in the (T2) 15gm lime the yield was 1.967compare with (T3)
20gm lime that was 1.767 This confirms an analysis with (Alemu, 2015 )as the high acidity leads to less
the mechillium filaments and reduced the result due to increased acidity.
Table (2) Effect Lime of on Yield of mushroom

Treatment Lime concentration gm yield of mushroom (kg)

T0 0 2.100b±0.058
T1 10 2.533a±0.033
T2 15 1.967bc±0.088
T3 20 1.767c±0.145

Means with same letter for each characters are not significantly different at 5% based on Duncan s Multiple rang
3. Mushroom surface area
In table 3, the area of the surface of the mushroom indicates the quality of the mushroom. In this
experiment, it was observed that the area of the surface of the mushroom was larger in the bags where the
concentration of lime in which (T1)10gm that 6.767cm give the highest area in the surface of the
mushroom compared to other concentrations and (T3) 20gm of lime give the lowest area of mushroom
surface 5.367cm this study agree with (Mowafaq 2015 ), (Bakowsky 6040) that the type of plant medium
has a significant effect in the synthesis of amino acids in the fungus,White buttons, and found differences in
the content of amino acid alanine
Table (3) Effect Lime of on surface area

Treatment Lime concentration gm surface area (cm)

T0 0 6.133b±0.088
T1 10 6.767a±0.145
T2 15 5.767b±0.145
T3 20 5.367c±0.088

Means with same letter for each characters are not significantly different at 5% based on Duncan s Multiple rang
4. Number of pinheads
The Table described the statistical data about number of primordia (pinheads) formed. Analyses of
variance for number of pinheads showed that number of primordia differ significantly. The comparison of
treatments means showed that treatments T0, T1, T2 and T3 showed maximum number of primordia
(pinheads) 28.33, 30.66, 20.26 and 20.267. Treatment means of T1(10gm lime) showed maximum number
of primordia (pinheads) 30.8 followed by T0 (28.2), T2 (20.4) and T3(11.8). Treatments with 10gm (T1)
and without lime addition (T0) showed same level of significance ,maximum number of primordia 30.8 and

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050 Vol 11 No 4 Aug-Sep 2019 787

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

28.2, but differ significantly from T2 (15gm lime) and T3 (20gm lime,) respectively. These results are
similar with the results of different scientists. Khan et al., (2001) examined the cultivation of oyster
mushroom using different lingo cellulosic substrates and found that pinhead formations take place after 7-8
days while sporocarps formation take place after (10-12) days of spawn running. Further studies reviled
that highest yield of mushroom was observed in moderate acidityand the formation of pinhead and fruiting
bodies per bag were also more in moderate acidity. Kimenju et al., (2009) described the suitability of
different substrates for the good production of oyster mushroom.
Table (4) effect of lime on number of pinheat

Lime concentration
Treatment Number of pinhead
T0 0 28.333b± 0.333
T1 10 30.667a± 0.333
T2 15 20.267c± 0.067
T3 20 11.933d± 0.067

Means with same letter for each characters are not significantly different at 5% based on Duncan s Multiple rang
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DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050 Vol 11 No 4 Aug-Sep 2019 788

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)


DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050 Vol 11 No 4 Aug-Sep 2019 789

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050 Vol 11 No 4 Aug-Sep 2019 790

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050 Vol 11 No 4 Aug-Sep 2019 791

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050 Vol 11 No 4 Aug-Sep 2019 792

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