Extra Dosed Bridges

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January 2012

On The Development Of The Extradosed Bridge

Steven Lynn Stroh
University of South Florida, [email protected]

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Stroh, Steven Lynn, "On The Development Of The Extradosed Bridge Concept" (2012). Graduate Theses and Dissertations.

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On the Development of the Extradosed Bridge Concept


Steven L. Stroh

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering
University of South Florida

Major Professor: Rajan Sen, Ph.D.

William Carpenter, Ph.D.
Autar Kaw, Ph.D.
Austin Gray Mullins, Ph.D.
Kandethody M. Ramachandran, Ph.D.

Date of Approval:
February 8, 2012

Keywords: Prestressed Concrete, External Prestress, Stay Cable, Fatigue, Aesthetics

Copyright © 2012, Steven L. Stroh


This Dissertation is dedicated to Beth Stroh, my wife. She has provided care,

support, reassurance, inspiration, motivation, encouragement, patience and has been my

constant partner in the long adventure of completing this work.


The author would like to recognize and thank the Connecticut Department of

Transportation and Federal Highway Administration for funding the study tour of

Japanese Extradosed Bridges attended by the author in 2001.

An important part of the information used in preparing this dissertation came from

the design and construction of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge in New Haven,

Connecticut. The author would like to recognize the Federal Highway Administration and

the Connecticut Department of Transportation for permitting that information to be

utilized. The author would also like to thank and recognize the assistance of URS

Corporation, the designer of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, for making available the

detailed design information and for access to specialized computer software necessary to

analyze this bridge.

As with many large infrastructure construction projects, the design and

construction can extend over many years. For the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge this

time has spanned more than a decade, including unplanned delays. The author would also

like to acknowledge the patience of his graduate committee in allowing the necessary

time for the needed information to become available, and for their encouragement and

confidence that this dissertation would be eventually completed.

Table Of Contents

List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... iv

List of Figures .................................................................................................................... vi

Abstract ............................................................................................................................. xii

Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 “Extradosed” Concept Origination ............................................................. 1
1.2 Extradosed Bridges As A Unique Bridge Type ......................................... 4
1.3 The First Extradosed Bridge ...................................................................... 7
1.4 Definition Of The Extradosed Prestressed Bridge Concept ...................... 8
1.5 Current Status Of Extraosed Bridges World-Wide.................................. 11
1.6 Current Status Of Extraosed Bridges In The United States ..................... 14
1.7 Discussion ................................................................................................ 16
1.8 Objectives ................................................................................................ 18
1.9 Organization Of The Dissertation ............................................................ 18

Chapter 2: Representative Extradosed Bridges ................................................................. 19

2.1 General ..................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Odawara Port Bridge (Also Called Odawara Blueway Bridge) .............. 22
2.3 Shinkawa River Bridge ............................................................................ 31
2.4 Miyakodagawa Bridge ............................................................................. 37
2.5 Kiso And Ibi River Bridges ..................................................................... 44
2.6 Okuyama Bridge (Also Known As Shin-Karato Bridge) ........................ 55
2.7 Tsukuhara Bridge ..................................................................................... 62
2.8 Discussion ................................................................................................ 68

Chapter 3: Extradosed Bridge Design Parameters, Characteristics And Features ............ 71

3.1 General ..................................................................................................... 71
3.2 Introduction To The Behavior Of Extradosed Prestressed Bridges ......... 73
3.3 Materials .................................................................................................. 74
3.4 Extradosed Bridge Typical Span Lengths................................................ 77
3.5 Main Span/Side Span Ratio ..................................................................... 80
3.6 Multi-Span Extradosed Prestressed Bridges ............................................ 82
3.7 Extradosed Bridge Applicability To Curved Bridge Alignments ............ 85
3.8 Tower Height ........................................................................................... 87
3.9 Deck Depth/Haunch Arrangements ......................................................... 94
3.10 Bridge Deck Width .................................................................................. 99
3.11 Aesthetics ............................................................................................... 100

3.11.1 Stay Cable Configuration........................................................ 100
3.11.2 Stay Distribution ..................................................................... 102
3.11.3 Tower Configuration............................................................... 103
3.11.4 Other Architectural Features On Extradosed Bridges ............ 105
3.12 Summary ................................................................................................ 108
3.12.1 Materials ................................................................................. 108
3.12.2 Applicable Span Range ........................................................... 109
3.12.3 Main Span/Side Span Proportions .......................................... 110
3.12.4 Applicability Of Extradosed Bridges To Multi-Span
Bridges .................................................................................... 110
3.12.5 Applicability Of Extradosed Bridges To Curved Or Tapered
Bridge Alignments .................................................................. 111
3.12.6 Tower Height .......................................................................... 112
3.12.7 Girder Depth/Haunch Proportions .......................................... 112
3.12.8 Bridge Deck Width ................................................................. 113
3.12.9 Aesthetics ................................................................................ 113

Chapter 4: Stay Cable Design Issues ............................................................................... 115

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 115
4.2 Fatigue Performance Of Individual Seven-Wire Prestressing Strand.... 116
4.3 Current Stay-Cable Design Criteria For Cable Stayed Bridges ............. 122
4.4 Current Stay Design Criteria For Extradosed Bridges ........................... 125
4.5 Extradosed Bridge Design Approach Based On Single Element
Acceptance Criteria................................................................................ 129
4.6 Cable-Stayed Bridge Fatigue Testing .................................................... 135
4.7 Consideration For Extradosed Bridge Cable Fatigue Testing –
Individual Tensile Element Test ............................................................ 138
4.8 Extradosed Bridge Cable Fatigue Testing – Assembled Cable Test ..... 140
4.9 Stay Anchorages .................................................................................... 146
4.10 Saddles ................................................................................................ 147
4.11 Stay Corrosion Protection ...................................................................... 149
4.12 Cable Dynamics/Vibration Issues/Damping .......................................... 150
4.13 Summary ................................................................................................ 151

Chapter 5: Prototype Design ........................................................................................... 153

5.1 Introduction/Goals ................................................................................. 153
5.2 Concept Development And Prototype Description................................ 155
5.3 Design Parameters, Characteristics And Features ................................. 161
5.3.1 Materials ................................................................................. 161
5.3.2 Main Span Length ................................................................... 165
5.3.3 Main Span/Side Span Ratio .................................................... 165
5.3.4 Applicability To Curved And/Or Tapered Alignment ............ 167
5.3.5 Erection Method ..................................................................... 168
5.3.6 Tower Height .......................................................................... 172
5.3.7 Deck Depth/Haunch Arrangement .......................................... 172
5.3.8 Bridge Deck Width And Selection Of Girder Cross Section.. 173

5.3.9 Tower Shape ........................................................................... 175
5.3.10 Stay Cable Arrangement ......................................................... 178
5.3.11 Aesthetics ................................................................................ 179
5.4 Stay Cable Design (Using Single-Element Strand Criteria) .................. 181
5.5 Stay Cable Design (Using Variable Φ Factor) ...................................... 187
5.6 Stay Cable Design (Using Single Element Strand Criteria With
Variable Φ Factor) ................................................................................. 188
5.7 Aerodynamic Considerations ................................................................. 190
5.8 Discussion .............................................................................................. 193

Chapter 6: Conclusions And Recommendations ............................................................. 196

6.1 Objectives Of This Dissertation ............................................................. 196
6.2 An Assessment Of Representative Extradosed Bridges That Have
Been Constructed ................................................................................... 197
6.3 Extradosed Bridge System Parameters, Characteristics And Features .. 200
6.3.1 Materials ................................................................................. 201
6.3.2 Applicable Span Range ........................................................... 202
6.3.3 Main Span/Side Span Proportions .......................................... 203
6.3.4 Applicability Of Extradosed Bridges To Multi-Span
Bridges .................................................................................... 203
6.3.5 Applicability of Extradosed Bridges To Curved Or Tapered
Bridge Alignments .................................................................. 204
6.3.6 Tower Height .......................................................................... 205
6.3.7 Girder Depth/Girder Haunch Proportions............................... 205
6.3.8 Bridge Deck Width ................................................................. 206
6.3.9 Aesthetics ................................................................................ 206
6.4 Proposed Stray Cable Design Criteria ..................................................... 207
6.5 Application Of The Criteria And Recommendations To A Prototype
Design ...................................................................................................... 208
6.6 Concluding Remarks And Future Opportunities ..................................... 210

References ............................................................................................................... 213

Appendices ................................................................................................................. 221

Appendix A: Database Of Existing Extradosed Bridge Proportioning And
Design Parameters ............................................................................................... 222
Appendix B: Calculation Summary For Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge ............ 230
Appendix C: 3rd Party Authorizations ................................................................. 245

About The Author .................................................................................................. End Page

List Of Tables

Table 1-1: Extradosed Highway Bridges Worldwide ..................................................... 12

Table 2-1: Project Data For Odawara Port Bridge .......................................................... 30

Table 2-2: Project Data For Shinkawa River Bridge ...................................................... 36

Table 2-3: Project Data For Miyakodagawa Bridge ....................................................... 43

Table 2-4: Project Data For Kiso River Bridge ............................................................... 51

Table 2-5: Project Data For Ibi River Bridge .................................................................. 53

Table 2-6: Project Data For Okuyama Bridge ................................................................. 60

Table 2-7: Project Data For Tsukuhara Bridge ............................................................... 67

Table 4-1: Single Element Fatigue Test At 0.55 f’s Maximum Stress.......................... 131

Table 4-2: Summary Of Stress Ranges For Single Element Fatigue Tests ................... 136

Table 4-3: Test Results For Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Cable Testing .................. 142

Table A-1: Database Of Existing Extradosed Bridge Proportioning And Design

Parameters .................................................................................................... 222

Table B-1: Unfactored Cable Forces for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge –
Cable Plane A .............................................................................................. 232

Table B-2: Unfactored Cable Load Groups and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane A ............................................................................... 233

Table B-3: Unfactored Cable Forces for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge –
Cable Plane B............................................................................................... 234

Table B-4: Unfactored Cable Load Groups and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane B ................................................................................ 235

Table B-5: Unfactored Cable Forces for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge –
Cable Plane C............................................................................................... 236

Table B-6: Unfactored Cable Load Groups and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane C ................................................................................ 237

Table B-7: Unfactored Cable Forces for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge –
Cable Plane D .............................................................................................. 238

Table B-8: Unfactored Cable Load Groups and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane D ...........................................................................................239

Table B-9: Factored Load Groups, Phi Factors and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane A ...........................................................................................240

Table B-10: Factored Load Groups, Phi Factors and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane B ...........................................................................................241

Table B-11: Factored Load Groups, Phi Factors and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane C ...........................................................................................242

Table B-12: Factored Load Groups, Phi Factors and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane D ...........................................................................................243

List Of Figures

Figure 1-1: Ironton Russell Cable-Stayed Bridge (900 Foot Main Span)......................... 1

Figure 1-2: Tsukuhara Extradosed Bridge (890 Foot Main Span) .................................... 1

Figure 1-3: First Generation Of External Post Tensioning In A Concrete Box Girder
Bridge ............................................................................................................. 2

Figure 1-4: Arch Terminology .......................................................................................... 3

Figure 1-5: Bridge Terminology ....................................................................................... 3

Figure 1-6: Span Range For Common Bridge Types ........................................................ 6

Figure 1-7: Barton Creek Fin-Back Bridge ....................................................................... 7

Figure 1-8: Ganter Bridge, Switzerland ............................................................................ 7

Figure 1-9: The Odawara Port Bridge, Japan. The World’s First Extradosed
Prestressed Bridge .......................................................................................... 8

Figure 1-10: Comparison Of Bending Moments For Different Bridge Types .................... 9

Figure 1-11: Number Of Extradosed Prestressed Highway Bridges By Country ............. 11

Figure 1-12: Progression Of Constructed Extradosed Prestressed Bridges Per Year ....... 13

Figure 1-13: Computer Image Of The Completed Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge,
New Haven, Connecticut .............................................................................. 14

Figure 1-14: Author At Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge On September 16, 2011,
Showing Construction Progress ................................................................... 15

Figure 1-15: Image Of Planned St. Croix Extradosed Prestressed Bridge ........................ 16

Figure 2-1: Bridges Visited By Delegation ..................................................................... 21

Figure 2-2: Odawara Port Bridge .................................................................................... 22

Figure 2-3: Saddle Arrangement At The Top Of Tower ................................................. 24

Figure 2-4: Odawara Port Bridge Elevation View .......................................................... 24

Figure 2-5: Typical Section ............................................................................................. 25

Figure 2-6: The Essence Of The Extradosed Bridge Concept Is Expressed In Its
Structural Form – A Girder Bridge Witrh External Prestressing ................. 27

Figure 2-7: Color Grading Of The Stay Cable Sheathing ............................................... 28

Figure 2-8: Shinkawa River Bridge Under Construction ................................................ 31

Figure 2-9: Image Of Completed Shinkawa River Bridge .............................................. 31

Figure 2-10: Shinkawa River Bridge Elevation View ...................................................... 32

Figure 2-11: Form Traveler For Girder Casting ................................................................ 33

Figure 2-12: Girder Cross-Section .................................................................................... 33

Figure 2-13: Saddle Mock-Up ........................................................................................... 35

Figure 2-14: Mock-Up Of Stay Cable Anchorage ............................................................ 35

Figure 2-15: Miyakodagawa Bridge.................................................................................. 37

Figure 2-16: Miyakodagawa Bridge Elevation View........................................................ 38

Figure 2-17: Typical Section ............................................................................................. 39

Figure 2-18: Completed Towers........................................................................................ 40

Figure 2-19: Ibi River Bridge (Kiso Bridge Similar) ........................................................ 44

Figure 2-20: Hybrid Span Layout ..................................................................................... 45

Figure 2-21: Concrete Grider Typical Section .................................................................. 45

Figure 2-22: Steel Orthotropic Girder Typical Section ..................................................... 47

Figure 2-23: Stay Details At Deck Level Showing Cover For Rubber Dampers ............. 48

Figure 2-24: Tower Suggesting A “Sail-Shape” ............................................................... 50

Figure 2-25: Author At Okuyama Bridge, Kobe ............................................................... 55

Figure 2-26: Okuyama Bridge Typical Section ................................................................ 56

Figure 2-27: Stay Anchorage Detail .................................................................................. 57

Figure 2-28: Typical Tower Layout .................................................................................. 59

Figure 2-29: Tsukhuara Bridge ......................................................................................... 62

Figure 2-30: Tsukhuara Bridge Elevation View ............................................................... 63

Figure 2-31: Girder Typical Section ................................................................................. 64

Figure 2-32: Tsukhuara Bridge Tower .............................................................................. 66

Figure 3-1: Main Span Length For Extradosed Bridges Worldwide .............................. 79

Figure 3-2: Span Range For Common Bridge Types ...................................................... 80

Figure 3-3: Correction Of Span Length For Two-Span Cable Stayed Bridges .............. 81

Figure 3-4: Rion-Antirion Bridge In Greece – Multi-Span Cable Stayed Bridge

With Stiff Towers ......................................................................................... 83

Figure 3-5: Ting Kau Bridge In Hong Kong – Multi-Span Cable Stayed Bridge
With Crossing Cable From Central Tower................................................... 84

Figure 3-6: Ibi River Bridge In Japan, A Multi-Span Extradosed Prestressed Bridge ... 84

Figure 3-7: Torsional Demand On Bridge Cross Section Due To Vertical Loads ......... 85

Figure 3-8: Stay Force In A Cable Stayed Bridge .......................................................... 88

Figure 3-9: Prestress Action On Girder Bridge ............................................................... 89

Figure 3-10: Prestress Action On Extradosed Bridge ....................................................... 89

Figure 3-11: Assumed Distribution Of Stay Cables Along Span ...................................... 90

Figure 3-12: Tower Height To Main Span Ratios (H/L) For The Population Of
Existing Extradosed Prestressed Bridges ..................................................... 93

Figure 3-13: Plot Of Depth/Span Ratio As A Function Of Span Length .......................... 96

Figure 3-14: Plot Of Depth/Span Ratio As A Function Of Span Length

(300-600 Foot Spans) .................................................................................. 96

Figure 3-15: Extradosed Bridge Deck Widths For The Population Of Existing
Bridges.......................................................................................................... 98

Figure 3-16: Narrow Bridge Deck Extradosed Bridge ...................................................... 99

Figure 3-17: Wide Deck Extradosed Bridge ..................................................................... 99

Figure 3-18: Ibi River Bridge With One Plane Of Stay Cables ...................................... 101

Figure 3-19: Odawara Blueway Bridge With Two Planes Of Stay Cables..................... 101

Figure 3-20: Miyakodagawa Bridge With Three Planes Of Stay Cables ........................ 102

Figure 3-21: Tsukuhara Bridge With Fan Arrangement Of Stay Cables ........................ 102

Figure 3-22: Sunniberg Bridge With Harp Cable Arrangement ..................................... 103

Figure 3-23: Tsukuhara Bridge Towers .......................................................................... 104

Figure 3-24: Ibi River Bridge Tower, Japan ................................................................... 104

Figure 3-25: Rittoh Bridge Tower, Japan ........................................................................ 105

Figure 3-26: Entry Markers For Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge .................................... 106

Figure 3-27: Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Aesthetic Lighting .................................... 107

Figure 3-28: Color Graded Stay Cables For The Odawara Blueway Bridge, Japan ....... 107

Figure 4-1: Stress Range Versus Number Of Cycles For Structural Steel
(S-N Curve) ............................................................................................... 118

Figure 4-2: S-N Curve For A Seven-Wire Single-Strand Stressed To A Maximum

Stress Of 0.45 F’s ....................................................................................... 119

Figure 4-3: S-N Curve For Seven-Wire Strand At A Maximum Stress Of 0.6 f’s,
From Various Literature Sources ............................................................... 121

Figure 4-4: PTI Fatigue Safety Philosophy For Stay Cables Of 7-Wire Strand ........... 123

Figure 4-5: Variable Φ Factor For Total LL+W/MUTS Ratios Less Than 7.5% ......... 127

Figure 4-6: S-N Curve For Single Element 7-Wire Strand For Various Tested
Maximum Stress Levels ............................................................................. 131

Figure 4-7: Allowable Fatigue Stress Range As A Function Of Maximum Strand

Stress For 2 Million Cycle Stress Range .................................................... 132

Figure 4.8: Allowable Fatigue Stress Range As A Function Of Φ Factor For

2 Million Cycle Stress Range ..................................................................... 134

Figure 4.9: Stay Cable Test Set-Up For Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge...................... 141

Figure 4-10: Single Element Seven-Wire Strand S-N Curves At 0.6 f’s ........................ 145

Figure 5-1: Existing I-95 Bridge Over Quinnipiac River, New Haven, CT ................. 155

Figure 5-2: Computer Image Of The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge .......................... 159

Figure 5-3: Computer Image Of The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge (Adjacent
Tomlinson Bridge Removed From View For Clarity) ............................... 160

Figure 5-4: Composite Steel Girder Cross Section ....................................................... 163

Figure 5-5: All-Concrete Girder Cross Section............................................................. 164

Figure 5-6: Bridge Erection Sequence .......................................................................... 169

Figure 5-7: Assumed Form Traveler For Casting Girder Segments ............................. 171

Figure 5-8: Twin-Deck Arrangement ............................................................................ 174

Figure 5-9: Girder Cross Section Details ...................................................................... 174

Figure 5-10: Method Of Transverse Load Transfer From Girder Webs To Stay
Cables ......................................................................................................... 175

Figure 5-11: Tower Cross Sections ................................................................................. 176

Figure 5-12: Tower Leg Cross Section (Section A-A).................................................... 177

Figure 5-13: Tower View From Roadway ...................................................................... 177

Figure 5-14: Elevation View Showing Stay Cable Arrangement ................................... 178

Figure 5-15: Sketch Of Visual Form Of Piers And Towers ............................................ 180

Figure 5-16: Entry Markers At Beginning Of The Bridge .............................................. 180

Figure 5-17: Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Aesthetic Lighting .................................... 181

Figure 5-18: RM2000 Computer Model Of Bridge ........................................................ 182

Figure 5-19: Detailed Computer Sequencing Of The Erection Stages ........................... 183

Figure 5-20: Maximum Stay Stress For Group I Loading .............................................. 185

Figure 5-21: Determination Of Maximum Allowable Strand Stress Based On A

Fatigue Demand Of 4.9 KSI ....................................................................... 186

Figure 5-22: Wind Tunnel Model ................................................................................... 191

Figure B-1: RM2000 Model of Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge .................................... 230
Figure B-2: Stay Cable Numbering Scheme for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge .......... 231
Figure C-1: Exhibit A .................................................................................................... 246

Figure C-2: Exhibit B..................................................................................................... 247

Figure C-3: Exhibit C..................................................................................................... 248

Figure C-4: Exhibit D .................................................................................................... 249

Figure C-5: Exhibit E ..................................................................................................... 250

Figure C-6: Exhibit F ..................................................................................................... 251

Figure C-7: Exhibit G .................................................................................................... 252

Figure C-8: Exhibit H .................................................................................................... 253

Figure C-9: Exhibit I ...................................................................................................... 254

Figure C-10: Exhibit J ...................................................................................................... 256

Figure C-11: Exhibit K .................................................................................................... 259


The Extradosed Prestressed Bridge represents a relatively new bridge type. The

first of this type bridge was constructed in Japan in 1994, and Japan has since built at

least 29 examples of this bridge type. Throughout the rest of the world, another 34 of this

bridge type have been built, with most countries having only one, or at most a few,

examples. A broader application of this bridge type has been hampered by lack of design

information and in particular lack design criteria for the stay cables. The purpose of this

dissertation is to progress the understanding and application of this bridge type by

providing (1) a summary and discussion of extradosed bridges constructed worldwide, (2)

an assessment and recommendations on proportioning parameters, characteristics and

features of extradosed prestressed bridges, and (3) a contribution of a new design

approach for the stay-cable design for extradosed prestressed bridges. Also presented is

an application of the above to a real-world prototype design to assess and comment on

the application of the recommended proportioning parameters, characteristics, features

and the new approach to stay cable design criteria.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 “Extradosed” Concept Origination

The introduction of “extradosed prestressed bridges” is a new and exciting

development in bridge engineering, extending the application of prestressed concrete

bridge principles into new areas. The extradosed prestressed bridge has the appearance

of a cable stayed bridge with “short” towers, but behaves structurally closer to a

prestressed girder bridge with external prestressing. See Figures 1-1 and 1-2. The

extradosed prestressed bridge in essence provides a transition structure type between

conventional prestressed girder bridges and cable stayed bridges.

Figure 1-1: Ironton Russell Cable- Figure 1-2: Tsukuhara Extradosed Bridge
Stayed Bridge (900 Foot Main Span) (890 Foot Main Span). (Photo By Author)
(Image Courtesy URS Corporation)

Early post tensioned concrete bridges placed the prestressing tendons within the

concrete cross section, that is, within the webs of the box girder or within the top or

bottom flanges. The past 50 years has seen continued development in prestressed

concrete bridges. One of the major themes in recent years has been towards lightening of

the structure by the use of external prestress – where the prestressing tendons are placed

external to the cross-section of the concrete element. In what can be considered as the

first generation of external prestressing is to place the prestressing tendons external to the

concrete, but within the open cell of a concrete box girder cross section, as shown in

Figure 1-3. This concept offers several advantages to conventional prestress that is

placed within the concrete cross section. It simplifies casting of the concrete and allows

thinner sections since the tendon ducts do not need to be accommodated in the concrete

webs or slabs. It makes it possible to inspect and replace a tendon that is damaged or

corroded. Cracking of the concrete also has no effect on the prestressing steels,

improving long term durability (Podolny, 1982).

External Post-Tensioning

Figure 1-3: First Generation Of External Post-Tensioning In A Concrete Box Girder


The development of the extradosed prestressed bridge concept is a second

generation external prestrssed bridge concept that takes the idea of external prestress to

the next logical step. The name extradosed comes from the French word extradosssé,

which is derived from the Latin roots extra, beyond, and dorsum, back. In architecture for

example, extrados can represent the upper convex surface of an arch or vault (Figure 1-

4). In the context of an extrados prestressed bridge, the prestressing is external to the

concrete (Figure 1-5).

The earliest documented discussion of an extradosed prestressed bridge concept in

the literature is by Jaques Mathivat in a 1988 FIP Journal article, “Recent Developments

in Prestressed Concrete Bridges” (Mathivat, 1988). Mathivat describes a cable layout

scheme consisting of two types of prestress for box girder type bridges erected in a

balanced cantilever technique:

Figure 1-4: Arch Terminology Figure 1-5: Bridge Terminology

Semi-horizontal prestress internal to the concrete and arranged within the area of

the upper flange of the deck and countering the cantilever moments, and

Prestress external to the concrete but within the concrete box girder void, placed

after mid-span closure, running from pier diaphragm to pier diaphragm and

deviated by means of special arrangements and countering the positive moments.

This type of system represents a mixed system, with a combination of internal and

external prestress. Mathivat proposed to substitute for the first type of prestress, cables

placed above the running surface of the deck and deviated by stub columns or towers

above the deck. He calls this type of construction “extradosed prestress”, and suggests

that this type of construction would offer an economical transition between traditional

concrete box girder structures built by cantilevering, and cable-stayed bridges.

The extradosed prestressed concept provides several potential advantages for

bridges of a transitional span length between the conventional girder bridges and cable-

stayed bridges:

Prestress material savings compared to a conventional girder bridge, as a

consequence to the larger eccentricity and more effective use of prestress.

The deviator columns for the extradosed prestressed ridges are lower that the

towers on a stay cable bridge, and are easier and cheaper to construct

Extradosed cables are not subject to the relatively large fatigue loading that

traditional cable stays are subject to. This means that extradosed cables can be

stressed to near the same values as conventional prestress, unlike traditional stay

cables that must be stressed to reduced levels to assure adequate fatigue


1.2 Extradosed Bridges As A Unique Bridge Type

Bridges are commonly classified into a relatively few categories by the way they

carry their principal loads.

Beam bridges, which carry their loads through flexure, or bending of the beam.

Truss bridges which carry loads primarily through axial tension or compression of

the individual truss members.

Arch bridges, which carry their loads primarily through compression in the arch


Suspension bridges with carry their load through a catenary cable

Cable-stayed bridges, which carry their load by multiple stay cables in direct


Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), through its National Bridge Inventory

System (NBIS) catalogues bridges into these categories, and with this data one can

summarize the typical span range for each bridge type (Figure 1-6) (Poldony 1994).

These are not absolute limits of the span ranges for these bridge types, but represent what

can be considered the “economical” span range based on the inventory of existing bridges

in the U.S. It is noted that there is in general a trend to push these values to the right,

with improved materials and analysis methods, striving for longer spans for each bridge


There is only a small overlap between the girder bridge type and the truss, arch

and cable stayed bridges, meaning that at the upper end of economical girder bridges, we

are at the lower end of the longer-span bridge options that include arch, truss and cable-

stayed bridges. Engineers are constantly striving for opportunities to extend the

economical span range for girder bridges, or for alternative bridge types that fill this gap,

providing an economical bridge type in the 400-600 foot span range. One such

opportunity is the extradosed prestressed bridge, which through the use of external
prestressing provides a more efficient structural system and allows girder bridges to

economically provode longer spans in the 300 to 600 foot range.

Figure 1-6: Span Range For Common Bridge Types. Adapted From Poldony, 1994.

There are other variations on girder bridges that have also endeavored to extend

the span length for girder type bridges. These include “finback” type bridges, such as the

Barton Creek Bridge near Austin Texas (Figure 1-7), and bridges with external cables

encased in concrete, such as the Ganter Bridge in Switzerland (Figure 1-8). These bridge

types have the stays encased in concrete and exhibit different behavior under live loads,

as compared to behavior of an extradosed prestressed bridge, where the stays are un-

encased. These bridge types will not be considered as part of this study.

Figure 1-7: Barton Creek Fin-Back Figure 1-8: Ganter Bridge, Switzerland
Bridge (Photo Courtesy Todd Wilson, (Photo Courtesy Structurae.De,
Bridgemapper.Com) Photographer Nicolas Janberg)

1.3 The First Extradosed Bridge

The Odawara Port Bridge (sometimes called the Odawara Blueway Bridge) was

completed in 1994, and was the first constructed extradosed prestressed bridge in the

world (Shirono, 1993). A 400 foot main span was required at this bridge location in order

to provide sufficient navigation clearances. Bridge types appropriate for this span length

that were studied at this location included a conventional rigid frame girder bridge, a

cable-stayed bridge, and a more cutting-edge design, an extradosed prestressed.

The extradosed prestressed design had several advantages for this location


Provided local landmark and “gateway” to the port, similar to a cable stayed

bridge, but at a lower cost as compared to a cable stayed bridge.

Provided a lower cost compared to a girder bridge, when considering the

total cost (which included the required raising of the bridge elevation to

provide for the deeper girder of a conventional rigid frame girder bridge).

Provided superior appearance to a conventional rigid frame girder bridge.

Figure 1-9: The Odawara Port Bridge, Japan. The World’s First Extradosed
Prestressed Bridge (Photo By Author).

Although no examples of this bridge type had been built, the Japan Highway

Public Corporation made a bold decision in selecting this bridge type for the Odawara

Port Bridge. Figure 1-9 shows the completed bridge, photographed by the author during a

study tour of extradosed bridges in Japan in September 2001.

1.4 Definition Of The Extradosed Prestressed Bridge Concept

Mathivat, in his 1988 article referenced in Section 1.1, makes the fundamental

distinction that extrados prestress cables are different than cable stays since their basic

role is to provide horizontal prestress to the deck and not to develop elastic vertical

actions, as is the case for traditional cable stays. Figure 1-10 that shows a schematic

moment diagram for a conventional girder bridge constructed in cantilever. The moment

is a typical cantilever moment from self-weight, modified by the opposing prestress



Girder Bridge Moment Cable Stayed Bridge Extradosed Bridge

Figure 1-10: Comparison Of Bending Moments For Different Bridge Types

In the case of a cable stayed bridge, the stay cables provide elastic vertical support

at each cable location that essentially balances the superstructure dead load between the

stays. In this case prestress is applied to essentially counteract the dead load moments,

and to allow a margin for live loads. In the case of an extradosed prestressed bridge the

external cables favorably modify the moment diagram, greatly reducing the demand for

supplemental prestressing and allowing a smaller negative moment at the pier location,

and consequently, a shallower superstructure depth. The girder is still designed as a

flexural element, but as one with prestress acting at a large eccentricity and with smaller

moment demand.

The definition of an extradosed prestressed bridge must make a fundamental

distinction from a cable stayed bridge and from a girder bridge in the structural behavior.

Mathivat, in his paper proposing the extradosed bridge as an alternative bridge concept

suggested that the tower height as a differentiating feature between the two bridge types.

Cable stayed bridges were defined by tower height (H) to span (L) ratios of H/L of

approximately 1/5. He suggested that extradosed prestressed bridges are defined by H/L

ratio of approximately 1/15.

Ogawa and Kasuga in their paper “Extrados Bridges in Japan” (Ogawa, 1998)

suggests that the definition of an extradosed prestressed bridge can be defined by a

stiffness ratio between stay cables and the girders. They define this ratio by β:

This ratio, β, was plotted for several examples of cable stayed bridge and

extradosed prestressed bridges to establish a boundary between the two bridge types.

Based on this representation, a boundary of β=30% is recommended between cable

stayed and extradosed prestressed bridges (β<30% represents a extradosed prestressed

bridge), with the consequence that for cable stayed bridges the stays are designed to a

maximum allowable tensile strength of 0.4 fpu (where fpu is the ultimate tensile strength

of the cable) and for extradosed prestressed bridges a value of 0.6 fpu may be used.

More recently in Japan, a direct design method for stay cables is allowed in the

design code that varies the allowable tensile strength for the stay cable based on the

fatigue demand (Kasuga, 2006). Kasuga notes that this knowledge is reflected in the

Japanese Specifications for Design and Construction of Cable-Stayed Bridges and

Extradosed Bridges, but this reference is only available in the Japanese language. This

method does not strive to define an extradosed bridge, but provides a transition between

an extradosed bridge cable and a stay cable.

In general, there is no widely accepted definition of extradosed prestressed

bridges, and with the exception of Japan, there are no widely accepted design rules in the

codes that provide design standards for this bridge type.

1.5 Current Status Of Extradosed Bridges World-Wide

During the period from 1994 to 2010 more than 60 extradosed prestressed

highway bridges in 26 countries were constructed or are under construction (Figure 1-

11). Japan is by far the most advanced in this technology, with 29 extradosed prestressed

highway bridges constructed during this period.

Figure 1-11: Number Of Extradosed Prestressed Highway Bridges By Country

Table 1-1: Extradosed Highway Bridges Worldwide
Completion Main Span No.
Bridge Name Year Country (ft.) Spans Status
1 Odawara Blueway Bridge 1994 Japan 400 3 Completed
2 Tsukuhara Bridge 1997 Japan 590 3 Completed
3 Kanisawa Bridge 1998 Japan 590 3 Completed
4 Shin-Karato Bridge 1998 Japan 459 3 Completed
5 Sunniberg Bridge 1998 Switzerland 459 5 Completed
6 Pont de Saint-Remy-de-maurienne 1999 France 172 2 Completed
7 Mitanigawa Bridge 1999 Japan 304 2 Completed
8 Second Mandaue-Mactan bridge 1999 Philippines 607 3 Completed
9 Shikari Bridge 2000 Japan 459 5 Completed
10 Matakina Bridge 2000 Japan 359 2 Completed
11 Sajiki Bridge 2000 Japan 344 3 Completed
12 Yukizawa Bridge 2000 Japan 233 3 Completed
13 Surikamigawa Bridge 2000 Japan 276 1 Completed
14 Pakse Bridge 2000 Laos 469 5 Completed
15 Hozu Bridge 2001 Japan 328 6 Completed
16 Nakanoike Bridge 2001 Japan 197 2 Completed
17 Miyakoda River Bridge 2001 Japan 436 2 Completed
18 Kiso River Bridge 2001 Japan 902 5 Completed
19 Ibi River Bridge 2001 Japan 891 6 Completed
20 Shinkawa Bridge 2002 Japan 426 5 Completed
21 Fukaura Bridge 2002 Japan 295 5 Completed
22 Sashikubo Bridge 2002 Japan 374 2 Completed
23 Koror-Babeldaob Bridge 2002 Palau 810 3 Completed
24 Deba River Bridge 2003 Spain 216 3 Completed
25 Shin-Meisei Bridge 2004 Japan 401 3 Completed
26 Himi Bridge 2004 Japan 590 3 Completed
27 Matakina Bridge 2004 Japan 357 2 Completed
28 Tatekoshi Bridge 2004 Japan 185 2 Completed
29 Tobiuo 2004 Japan 426 5 Completed
30 Brazil-Peru Integration Bridge 2005 Brazil 361 3 Completed
31 Rittoh Bridge 2005 Japan 558 9 Completed
32 Sannohe Bridge 2005 Japan 656 3 Completed
33 Pyung-Yeo 2 Bridge 2005 South Korea 394 3 Completed
34 Rio Branco third Bridge 2006 Brazil 295 3 Completed
35 Homeland Bridge 2006 Croatia 394 3 Completed
36 Korong Extradosed Bridge 2006 Hungary 203 2 Completed
37 Yanagawa Bridge 2006 Japan 429 2 Completed
38 Tagami Bridge 2006 Japan 263 2 Completed
39 Tokuyama Bridge 2006 Japan 721 3 Completed
40 Nanchiku Bridge 2006 Japan 361 3 Completed
41 Second Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge 2006 Laos 361 6 Completed
42 Kack-Hwa First Bridge 2006 South Korea 377 3 Completed
43 Nymburk Bypass Bridge 2007 Czech Republic 433 3 Completed
44 Bridge of the European Union 2007 Poland 262 3 Completed
45 Puh Bridge 2007 Slovenia 328 3 Completed
46 Shindae Bridge 2007 South Korea 256 4 Completed
47 Second Vivekananda Bridge 2008 India 361 7 Completed
48 Riga South Bridge 2008 Latvia 361 9 Completed
49 Kum Ga Bridge 2008 South Korea 410 7 Completed
50 Cho-Rack Bridge 2008 South Korea 426 5 Completed
51 Ma-Tsu Bridge 2008 Taiwan 406 2 Completed
52 Trois-Bassins 2008 France 344 3 Completed
53 Catumbela Bridge 2009 Angola 525 3 Completed
54 Karnaphuli Bridge 2009 Bangladesh 656 6 Completed
55 Golden Ears 2009 Canada 793 5 Completed
56 Xianshen River Bridge 2009 China 446 2 Completed
57 Keong-An Bridge 2009 Korea 886 3 Completed
58 Orkojahuira Bridge 2010 Bolivia 337 3 Completed
59 Choqueyapu Bridge 2010 Bolivia 303 3 Completed
60 Kantutani Bridge 2010 Bolivia 372 3 Completed
61 Povazska Bystrica D1 Motorway Viaduct 2010 Slovakia 361 3 Completed
62 La Massana Bridge 2012 Andorra NA 2 Under Construction
63 Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge 2012 USA 515 3 Under Construction

Table 1 provides a summary of the extradosed prestressed highway bridges either

completed or under construction between 1994 and 2012. This list is likely not all-

inclusive, in that information regarding bridge construction in several countries is not

widely available. Several other bridges are in the planning stage, and are not included

here. Also not included are extradosed bridges that are for railway loading, pedestrian

only loading or pipeline bridges, since their loading and proportioning would not

necessarily representative of highway loading that is the subject of this study.

Figure 1-12 graphs the number of extradosed prestressed bridges constructed

word-wide per year. There is an increasing trend in construction of this bridge type,

which is consistent with what may be expected for introduction of a new and untested

bridge type. The dissemination of design information, experience and standards for any

new structural concept requires some time, and an increasing growth pattern indicates

that this is a viable bridge type that should have continued application world-wide.

Figure 1-12: Progression Of Constructed Extradosed Prestressed Bridges Per Year

1.6 Current Status Of Extradosed Bridges In The United States.

The technical development of extradosed bridges in Japan has been closely

followed in the United States. In 1997 a 3-country scanning tour of Asian bridge

structures reported on Japan’s innovative extradosed bridge technology noting that this

bridge type is an evolution beyond U.S. practice and may have future application in the

United States (TranScan, 1998). In 2001 a study team traveled to Japan (including the

author) to gain information for the design of the first example of this bridge type in the

United States, the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge in New Haven, Connecticut (Chilstrom,

2001). This bridge will carry I-95 over the Quinnipiac River and was designed by URS

Corporation. The author was the lead designer and engineer-of-record for this design.

The bridge is currently under construction with the first of the twin decks expected to be

completed in the spring of 2012. Figure 1-13 shows a computer image of the completed

bridge and Figure 1-14 shows construction progress as of September 2011.

Figure 1-13: Computer Image Of The Completed Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, New
Haven, Connecticut. (Image Courtesy URS Corporation)

Figure 1-14: Author At Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge On September 16, 2011, Showing
Construction Progress. (Photo By Author)

At least one additional extradosed prestressed bridge is planned in the United

States, the Stillwater Bridge between Minnesota and Wisconsin over the scenic St Croix

River (also called the St Croix River Bridge) (Figure 1-15). This project has progressed

through the concept development phase and the preparation of the environmental

documentation, with a recommendation of the extradosed prestressed bridge type. The

project is awaiting funding and final environmental clearances and a construction date

has not been set.

Figure 1-15: Image Of Planned St Croix Extradosed Prestressed Bridge (Courtesy
Minnesota DOT)

The bridge development process in the United States can require a decade or more

from initial planning, through environmental clearance, design and construction. Many

of the projects being planned today are considering the extradosed bridge type, and it is

expected to see this bridge type to be proposed in the U.S. with increasing frequency.

1.7 Discussion

Extradosed bridges as a new bridge type are in their formative stage of

development. Although Japan is a leader in this technology, with at least 29 examples of

this bridge type constructed and representing over half of the extradosed bridges

constructed worldwide, their codes and design standards have not been made available to

a wider audience. Much of their detailed design information is only available in the

Japanese language. The extradosed bridges constructed in the remaining parts of the

world generally represent a single structure, or at most a few structures, and code

development or design guidelines have not developed to the point of providing guidance

to engineers for this new bridge type. In general these bridges are constructed to project-

specific design criteria that are agreed upon by the owner, designer and reviewing


It should be noted that the author has a deep interest in this subject, and the

research and assessment of the material for this topic has spanned more than a decade.

This has included a study tour of extradosed prestressed bridges in Japan in 2001,

ongoing review of literature related to extradosed bridges, the authors personal

experience as lead designer and Engineer-of-Record (and development of project-specific

design criteria) for the first extradosed prestressed bridge in the United States, the Pearl

Harbor Memorial Bridge during the period from 2002 through 2009, ongoing

correspondence with designers of other extradosed bridges worldwide, the authors

participation the Post Tensioning Institute’s committee on stay cables (in particular their

consideration of design considerations for extradosed prestressed bridges) and the authors

ongoing responsibility for design assistance during construction for the Pearl Harbor

Memorial Bridge, with the first of the twin bridges scheduled for completion in mid-

2012. While this time frame may be unusual for a Ph.D. dissertation, it was necessary to

envelope the scope and breadth of this particular topic.

1.8 Objectives

The goal of this dissertation is to organize and expand the knowledge base for

extradosed prestressed bridges, taking advantage of the authors experience over the past

decade, and with the intention of fostering their future application. To that end, the

specific objectives of this dissertation are as follows:

Provide a summary of representative extradosed bridges worldwide, to provide a

cross section of examples of this bridge type and their range of applicability

bridge layouts and details.

Provide an assessment and recommendations on proportioning details for this

bridge type, based on the established practice representing the population of

existing constructed bridges worldwide.

Provide as assessment and specific recommendations for stay-cable design criteria

for extradosed bridges, which can be used to define the classification of

extradosed prestressed bridge behavior, and can be used as a model for design

criteria for the cables.

Apply the stay-cable design criteria and proportioning recommendations to a

prototype extradosed bridge design.

1.9 Organization Of The Dissertation

This dissertation is organized to follow the objectives of the study. This Chapter 1

provides an introduction and overview of extradosed bridges and defines the scope and

objectives of this dissertation. Chapters 2 through 5 focus on each of the objectives

above. Chapter 6 provides a summary of the conclusions and recommendations of this


Chapter 2: Representative Extradosed Bridges

2.1. General

The introduction of a new bridge type (or even a new bridge technology) can be a

slow process. Bridges are typically funded by public money, and have public oversight

on the use of these funds. The owners of the bridge are typically a state department of

transportation, the federal government agency or a quasi-public tolling agency. These

groups are the stewards of this public money and have oversight responsibility and

ultimately must answer to the public on how the funds are spent. They are generally

careful to not recommend untested or untried ideas in their decision about selection of a

bridge type, because this can present an unnecessary risk. Typical questions asked about

a proposed “new” idea or bridge type include:

Where has this been successfully done before?

How many of these bridges have been built?

How many of these bridges have been built your location (country or state)?

Are there other bridge types that could be used here rather than this new type?

As presented in Chapter 1, the first Extradosed Prestressed Bridge was the Odawara

Port Bridge, in Japan, completed in 1994. In the decade that followed this opening, at

least 28 extradosed prestressed bridges were constructed in the world; however, all but 5

of these were constructed in Japan. Clearly, the world has been slow to embrace this new

bridge type. This is not viewed as a result of shortcomings on the bridge concept, but

rather, the slow and careful introduction process. Even today, nearly 20 years after the

first extradosed bridge was built, most countries have only one or a very few examples of

this bridge type. In addition to the general reluctance of owners to embrace a new bridge

type, other factors that tend to slow the introduction of these new ideas include:

Lack of codes and design guidelines

Lack of design examples

Lack of or limited information available on previously built bridges

Lack of understanding of the design and implementation of this new bridge type

The initial work in Japan which currently includes at least 29 completed

extradosed bridges clearly provides the best representative examples of this technology;

from the initial introduction of the extradosed bridges concept and the first few bridges,

to the refinements and improvements that have come from continued use of this bridge

type. This chapter is to provide a brief overview of some of the selected extradosed

bridge designs in Japan, to provide data for further consideration of proportioning

parameters and for the purpose of providing designers of future extradosed bridges the

ability to answer some of the questions posed by owners about this bridge type.

To this end, the author was a member of a delegation that traveled to Japan from

September 8-16, 2001, for the purpose of reviewing extradosed bridge technology in

Japan. This trip was funded by the Federal Highway Administration and the Connecticut

Department of Transportation. It was not the “typical” scanning tour; it was specific to

gathering information for implementation of the design of the first extradosed bridge in

the United States, The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge in New Haven Connecticut (see

Chapter 5 for details on this bridge). The delegation met with owners, designers and

builders of extradosed bridges. Field visits were made to six extradosed bridges that

included extradosed bridges under constructed and completed bridges. These bridges that

were visited are shown in Figure 2-1


Figure 2-1: Bridges Visited By Delegation (Image Courtest Of And Adapted From Joe

The opportunity to discuss these bridges with the designers, owners and builders

and to personally visit the bridges presented an opportunity to go beyond the information

provided in the literature about these bridges, and to gain a deeper and first-hand

understanding of the design of these bridges. The delegations findings were published in

a report titled: “Extradosed Bridge Technology in Japan and the New Pearl Harbor

Memorial Bridge” (Chilstrom, 2001). The information in this chapter draws from the

delegations report, published information on the bridges, unpublished information

provided by the owners, designers and builders during the tour, and personal experiences

of the author from the study tour.

2.2 Odawara Port Bridge (Also Called Odawara Blueway Bridge)

The Odawara Port Bridge (Figure 2-2) was the first extradosed bridge constructed

in in Japan and in the world. It is located the Kanagawa Prefecture in the coastal

Odawara City, southwest of Tokyo.

Figure 2-2: Odawara Port Bridge (Photo By Author)

The Odawara Port Bridge is a three-span continuous structure with two planes of

extradosed cables connecting the tower to the girder in a fan arrangement. The cables are

provided over only a portion of the spans, to assist the girder to carry the loads. The Main

span is 400 feet and the side spans are 236 and 243 feet. The towers rise 35 feet above

the deck.

This groundbreaking structure took the basic idea of an extradosed prestressed

bridge from Mathivat (Mathivat, 1998) and produced a practical, economical and

aesthetically pleasing design. In doing so the designers were faced with many

challenges. These included establishing basic structure proportions girder depths, girder

haunch details, tower heights and stiffness, numbers of cables and cable geometry,

statical arrangement of the structure, establishing stressing limits and performance

criteria for the stay cables, assuring wind and seismic performance of the structure,

assuring the vibrations of the cables are suppressed, and developing practical and

economical erection procedures. Being a new structure type, the designers had to solve

numerous unique technical problems challenges in order to execute this design, which

they solved through a combination of engineering analysis and physical testing.

In addition to being the first extrdosed prestressed bridge in the world, this

structure incorporated several innovative features. The stay cables used epoxy coated

strand as a corrosion protection layer for the stay cables, a first for cable supported

bridges in Japan. This was also the first application of a saddle arrangement for cable

supported bridges in Japan (Figure 2-3). The saddle provides a continuous curved cable

path over the tops of the towers, rather than providing the termination of each stay cable

with individual anchorages at the tower location. This allowed a less congested

reinforcing for the tower in the stay anchorage region,

which proved less costly. Furthermore, an innovative

double pipe arrangement was used for the cable saddle

that permits future replacement of the cables. The

successful completion of this structure with this new

technology paved a path for bridge construction in

Japan for the next several decades and has led to dozens Figure 2-3: Saddle
Arrangement At The Top Of
of extradosed prestressed bridges to be constructed in Tower (Photo By Author)


242.7’ 400.0’ 242.7’

73’ 83.6 83.6 60.6 83.6 83.6 73’

’ ’ ’ ’ ’
7 at 12.3’
= 86.1’

Figure 2-4: Odawara Port Bridge Elevation View

The Odawara Port Bridge was constructed in balanced cantilever, similar to the

construction method commonly used for concrete box girder bridges. The girders are

cantilevered 84 feet out from the towers using conventional internal post-tensioning

tendons. At this distance the capacity of the cross section in negative moment over the

tower is maximized. At a distance from the tower of 84 feet to 170 feet, the external

cables are used to provide efficient post tensioning of the girder. These cables essentially

give an eccentricity to the post tensioning that
is larger than the depth of the section, and

provide sufficient reserve capacity that the


girder can continue to be cantilevered to mid-

span, 200 feet from the tower. The cable at mid-span at tower

Figure 2-5: Typical Section

layout is shown in Figure 2-4. The cross

section is a two-cell concrete box girder section as shown in Figure 2-5. The typical

cantilever slab that is typically seen in concrete box girders cross sections is not provided

in the extradosed bridge cross section since the cables must be attached near the exterior

webs. Sufficient rigidity must be provided in the transverse section to transfer a portion

of the load from the center web to the outer webs, and on to the cables, in proportional to

the stiffness balance between the stays and the girder. The stay cables are anchored

inside the box girder, as shown in Figure 2-5.

The design of the stay cables were a key design consideration. The design of the

cables for cable-stayed bridges is governed by the Japanese Highway Bridge

Specifications and is based on a factor of safety of 2.5, resulting is a stay stress of 0.4 f’s.

Based on a detailed comparison of the fatigue demand for extradosed bridge cables

versus cable-stayed bridge cables, a reduced factor of safety of 1.67 was recommended

for the Odawara Port Bridge, resulting in a higher allowable stress in the cables of 0.6 f’s,

and more efficient use of the cable materials. The fatigue demand for the Odawara Port

Bridge was computed based on the code-recommended vehicles and stress cycles, and

was verified by site specific traffic data and projections to assure the 50 year design life

of the cables (Kasuga, 1994). This essentially places the design stress level for the cables

at the same level as conventional post tensioning. However, the corrosion protection of

the stay cables was recommended the same as would be provided for a cable-stayed


The design of the cable saddles at the top of the towers presented a special design

challenge, both for the saddle itself and the load transfer to the surrounding concrete in

the tower. The saddle was assembled as a double-pipe structure to provide replacement

capability of the cables as required by the Japanese codes. It was necessary not to allow

the cables to slip through the saddles given the unbalanced loads on either side of the

tower. Since the replacement requirement precluded grouting the cables in the tower, the

solution adopted was to anchor the cables on the outside of the towers by bearing of the

saddle assembly on the tower face. The load transfer to the concrete was analyzed using

two-dimensional finite element analysis. The design required horizontal prestressing of

the tower concrete to control tensile stresses in the concrete. Considering the unique

design condition of the saddle, full scale physical testing of the saddle assembly was

conducted to verify the design (ref. JHPC(d))

The designers also focused considerable attention to the aesthetics of this bridge,

both in the overall proportioning of the structure and in the details (Oishi, 1996). They

were quite aware that being the first extradosed bridge, this structure would set the stage

for judging the structural form possibilities with this structure type.

A extradosed bridge is at its roots a girder bridge, albeit, one that is assisted by

cables. Fortunately this allows the designer to provide a relatively slender girder, as

compared to what would be required for a traditional bridge. This allows a certain

elegance in the design. The designers were careful to provide a clean and simple form

for the girders and the towers. They studied numerous options, and selected a

trapezoidal-shaped variable-depth girder with an integral connection at the towers (i.e.,

no bearings). This provided a visually integrated appearance of the tower and the girder.

A number of tower forms were studied, some including struts between the tower legs

above deck. The selected shape is a simple tapered octagonal shape that is tightly

integrated with the girder. The result is a very direct expression of this structural form

(Figure 2-6).

Figure 2-6: The Essence Of The Extradosed Bridge Concept Is Expressed In Its
Structural Form - A Girder Bridge With External Prestressing (Photo By Author)

The detailing of the structure was an important part of the visual development of

the structure. There are numerous examples of the attention to details that are not

necessarily seen at first impression, but without them the structure would lose its


For example, the cable vibration dampers that were developed for this structure

consists of high damping rubber disks that are placed radially around the cable at the

lower anchorage an attached so as to deform in shear as the cable attempts to vibrate.

These new dampers were tested to prove their effectiveness as part of this project

(Kasuga, 1995). This damper arrangement allowed the dampers to be concealed within

the external pipe surrounding the stay cable, and avoided the external “shock-absorber”

type anchors used on so many cable stayed bridges. Those anchors are effective, but

detract from the visual appearance of the structure.

Figure 2-7: Color Grading Of The Stay Cable Sheathing (Photo By Author)

Another example is the detailing of the stay cable sheath. The outer sheath is a

fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) sheath that was color impregnated. The color was graded

from blue at the top of the tower to near white at the bottom, blending with the sky

(Figure 2-7). Also, an open steel railing was adopted in order to provide both driver

safety and the visual slenderness of the bridge. Ordinary light poles would be taller than

the towers and would visually conflict with the lines of the cables. To avoid this conflict,

longitudinal line lighting was incorporated into the railing at a 6.5 foot height. A dark

blue color was chosen for the painted railing (Figure 2-7).

The Odawara Port Bridge, as the first example of an extradosed bridge in Japan

(and the world) set important precedents for the design and proportioning of the new

structure type. Its success is a testament to the care and attention to detailing of its

designers and constructors. The success of this project led to continued application of the

extradosed bridge type in Japan, as well as other parts of the world.

Table 2-1 provides a summary of project data for the Odawara Port Bridge.

Information sources for Table 2-1:

Chilstrom, 2001
Ikeda, 2000
Japan Highway Public Corporation (undated)
Kasuga, 1994
Kasuga, 1995
Kasuga, 2006
Ogawa 1998 (a)
Ogawa 1998 (b)
Oishi, 1996
Yoshiaki, 1993

Notes for Table 2-1:

1. $18 million construction contract excluding foundations and including 0.9 miles
of approaches. 1991 dollars.
2. Total prestress weight divided by deck plan area
3. Girder equivalent thickness = Girder concrete volume divided by deck area

Table 2-1 Project Data For Odawara Port Bridge

Bridge Name Odawara Port Bridge

Location Kanagawa Prefecture in coastal Odawara City,
southwest of Tokyo.
Owner Japan Highway Public Corporation
Designer (Basic) Japan Bridge and Structure Institute, Inc.
Designer (Detailed) Joint Venture of Sumitomo Construction Company
General Details

and Kajima Corp.

Builder Joint Venture of Sumitomo Construction Company
and Kajima Corp.
Year Completed 1994
Number of Spans 3
Span Layout 236 ft. - 400 ft. - 243 ft
Contract Value (Note 1) $18 million
Construction Schedule 35 months (Dec. 1991 – Oct. 1994)
Number of planes of stay-cables 2
Alignment Tapered on east backspan from 42.6 ft. to 72 ft.
Tower Height 35.1 ft.

Span/Tower Height Ratio 12:1

Stay attachment detail at tower Continuous cable with saddle (replaceable)
Tower/Girder connection Integral
Number of box girder cells 2
Girder Width 42’-8”
Girder Details

Girder Depth at Tower 11.48 ft.

Girder Depth at Mid-span 7.22 ft.
Girder span/depth ratio at tower 34.8:1
Girder span/depth ratio at mid-span 55.6:1
Deck Construction Cast-in-place using form traveler
Erection Method Balanced cantilever
Type of stay main tension element (MTE) 19- 7-wire 0.6” strand
Stay Arrangement Fan
Stay Spacing 12.3 feet
Stay Cables

Stay Supplier Dwyidag

Stay Corrosion Protection Flo-bond epoxy coated strand in polymer-cement
grouted fiber reinforced plastic sheath
Stay maximum allowable stress 0.6 f’s
Stay Damping High-damping rubber dampers (3-5% logarithmic
Total Longitudinal prestress (stay + 11.1 psf

longitudinal PT) (note 2)

Stay Quantity (note 2) 3.2 psf
Longitudinal prestress quantity (note 2) 7.9 psf
Girder equivalent thickness (note 3) 3.33 ft.
Testing Performed Fatigue testing of stay cables
Fatigue testing of dampers

Aesthetic Details Aesthetic lighting

Color transitioned stay cables

2.3 Shinkawa River Bridge

The Shinkawa River Bridge was under construction in September 2001 at the time

of the field visit, and was completed in 2002. Figure 2-8 shows the bridge under

construction and Figure 2-9 shows an image of the completed bridge. The bridge is

located between Odawara City and Nagoya and carries a new ring-road connecting

Hamamatsu-Nishi I.C. (The Tomei Freeway) with National Road Route No. 1.

Figure 2-8: Shinkawa River Bridge Under Construction (Photo By Author)

Figure 2-9: Image Of Completed Shinkawa River Bridge (Image Provided by Joe
Chilstrom, Courtesy Of Japan Public Highway Corporation)

126’ 148’ 295’ 426’ 264’

7 at 11.5’ = 80’
126’ 89 89 89 126’
89 89
’ ’ ’ ’ ’

Figure 2-10: Shinkawa River Bridge Elevation View

The Shinkawa River Bridge is a five-span continuous girder bridge with span

lengths of 126’ / 148’ / 295’ / 426’ / 264’. The first two spans are conventional box

girders and the last three spans are extradosed prestressed girders (Figure 2-10). The first

two spans and a portion of span 3 are on a horizontal curve with a 4,100 foot radius. The

towers are single pylons in the middle of the cross-section,extending 42.6 feet above deck

level, and the bridge is supported by two closely-spaced parallel planes of stay cables at

the centerline of the girder (in the roadway median). The bridge is constructed in

balanced cantilever, cast-in-place concrete using a traveling form system. The traveling

form and scaffolding supporting the stay cable erection is shown in Figure 2-11. The

traveling form is supported off the end of the cantilever, and is self-launching.

The girder is a three-cell box girder section that supports four lanes of traffic, two

in each direction, and a 10 foot wide sidewalk on each side. The girder has a parabolic

haunch in the extradosed spans, the girder depth at the towers is 13.1 feet and 7.87 feet

deep at mid-span. Since the section is supported by a single plane of stays in the median,

the girder cross can have typical cantilever slab extensions as shown in Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-11: Form Traveler For Girder Casting (Photo By Author)

Figure 2-12: Girder Cross-Section (Photo By Author)

The stay cables are each comprised of 37- 0.6” dia. Grade 270 seven-wire epoxy

coated strand. The cable system was provided by the company Dywidag. A saddle is

used at the top of tower with each continuous stay cable continuing over the tower. The

saddle detail is a double-pipe arrangement similar to that described for the Odawara Port

Bridge. A mock-up of the saddle assembly was on-site and is shown in Figure 2-13.

These saddle systems are prefabricated and placed as a unit in the tower. This procedure

provides good accuracy on setting of the cables, avoids field issues and is faster to

construct than individual saddle installations.

The girder rests on high-damping rubber bearings (rubber bearing with an internal

lead plug) at the piers and towers. The towers are integral with the girder, but “pinned”

with respect to the lower portion of the tower. This is in part due to the stiff lower tower

and foundation that prohibits a rigid frame arrangement. The bearings also provide a level

of base-isolation for seismic loading.

This project provided a good opportunity for the study delegation to observe the

construction techniques and workmanship of extradosed bridges built in Japan. The

general workmanship, inspection procedures, quality control and attention to worker

safety were excellent. Substantial efforts were expended to providing good access to the

construction site. This included construction of a temporary work bridge over the water,

parallel to the bridge for foundation access and material supply, construction of full

scaffolding to support the stay cable erection and good access to the work-front at the

traveler, around the end of the superstructure cantilever. The project was supported by an

on-site conference center that included field personnel offices and mock-ups of key

bridge features, such as the saddles and anchorages (Figure 2-13 and 2-14). Table 2-2

provides a summary of project data for the Shinkawa Bridge.

Figure 2-13: Saddle Mock-Up (Photo By Author)

Figure 2-14: Mock-Up Of Stay Cable Anchorage (Photo By Author)

Table 2-2: Project Data for Shinkawa River Bridge

Bridge Name Shinkawa River Bridge

Location Between Odawara City and Nagoya
Owner Japan Public Highway Corporation
Designer (Basic) PS Corporation and CTI Engineering
General Details

Designer (Detailed) Sumitomo Construction Company, Ltd.

Builder Sumitomo Construction Company, Ltd.
Year Completed 2002
Number of Spans 5-span continuous (3-spans extradosed)
Span Layout 126’ / 148’ / 295’ / 426’ / 264’
Contract Value (Note 1) $50 million
Construction Schedule 33 months
Number of planes of stay-cables One central plane
Alignment Straight, constant width.
Tower Height 42.64 feet

Span/Tower Height Ratio 10:1

Stay attachment detail at tower saddle
Tower/Girder connection High-load rubber bearings
Number of box girder cells 3
Girder Width 82 feet
Girder Details

Girder Depth at Tower 13.12 feet

Girder Depth at Mid-span 7.87 feet
Girder span/depth ratio at tower 54:1
Girder span/depth ratio at mid-span 32.5:1
Deck Construction Cast-in-place using form traveler
Erection Method Balanced Cantilever
Type of stay main tension element (MTE) 37-0.6” Seven Wire Grade 270 Strands
Stay Arrangement Semi-fan
Stay Cables

Stay Spacing 11.5 feet

Stay Supplier Dywidag
Stay Corrosion Protection Epoxy Coated Strand
Stay maximum allowable stress 0.6 f’s
Stay Damping High-damping rubber dampers
Total Longitudinal prestress (stay + N/A

longitudinal PT)
Stay Quantity N/A
Longitudinal prestress quantity N/A
Girder equivalent thickness N/A

Information sources for Table 2-2:

Chilstrom, 2001
Japan Public Highway Corporation, undated
Kasuga, 2006
Sumitomo, 1998
Sumitomo, 2001

Notes for Table 2-1:

1. 1999 dollars.

2.4 Miyakodagawa Bridge

The Miyakodagawa bridge is part of the second Tomei Expressway near

Hamamatsu city in the Shizuoke prefecture crossing the Miyakodagawa River. The

bridge is a two-span continuous concrete bridge with three tower pylons supporting two

parallel decks with four planes of stay cables. The spans lengths are each 436 feet (Figure

2-15 and 2-16). Design began in 1996, and the extradosed portion of the bridge was

completed in 2001 (just before arrival of the study delegation). The free cantilever length

of 317 feet represents the largest all-concrete extradosed bridge in Japan at the time of its


Figure 2-15: Miyakodagawa Bridge (Photo By Author)


436’ 436’

Figure 2-16: Miyakodagawa Bridge Elevation View

The girder is comprised of twin two-cell concrete box girder sections, each 65.3

feet wide, carrying three lanes of traffic in each direction (Figure 2-17). The girder

segments were cast in typical 10 foot long sections in balanced cantilever, using a

traveling form system. A few segments near the towers were 8.2 foot long, to reduce

weight. The girder is 21 feet deep at the tower and 13 feet deep at the end piers, with a

linear haunch over 10 segments out from the tower.

An unusual design condition was that a no-collapse condition for the girder was

required under an extreme event case of loss of all cables. This was investigated at

ultimate strength using a non-linear fiber model analysis. With the cables all severed, the

superstructure displaced 24 inches, but without collapse. This is an extreme design

condition that is not normally imposed on other extradosed bridges in Japan (Tsuchida,


54’ 54’


Half-Section at Tower Half-Section at mid -span

Figure 2-17: Typical Section

The cables are 27 – 0.6” diameter seven-wire grade 270 strands with a maximum

stress of 0.6 f’s. The strands are individually encased in a high density polyethylene

(HDPE) sheath, and then bundled together into a separate outer HDPE sheath. The

annulus between the cables and the sheath is filled with cement grout. High density

rubber dampers similar to the Odawara Port Bridge are used. At the towers prefabricated

saddles are used.

The spatial arrangement of the cables was studied in detail, including variations

on the distance from the tower to the first cable and the number and spacing of cables. It

was concluded that the system was not too sensitive to these values, and within a

reasonable range the spatial arrangement could be selected based on appearance without

affecting the economy of the system. An arrangement with the first cable 98 feet from

the tower and with 11 cables at 20 foot spacing was selected based on appearance.

Figure 2-18: Completed Towers (Photo By Author)

An unusual feature of this bridge is the tower detailing (Figure 2-18). The bridge

deck is 297 feet above the Miyakodagawa River, resulting in very tall tower legs. The

seismic criteria in Japan was modified after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in Kobe

on January 17 1995, to a two-level seismic performance criteria. The two performance

levels required:

No damage for low intensity earthquake

Minor damage for high intensity earthquake, but no collapse

After extensive dynamic analysis, a unique design with the vertical tower legs of a

composite design, consisting of multiple 5 foot diameter steel pipes encased in concrete

with post-tensioning hoop tendons for confinement and vertical mild steel reinforcing for

crack-control. During construction the steel pipe core supports the concrete formworks

and scaffolding. The design provided superior seismic performance while minimizing

cost and improving constructability. This was considered a new construction method for

Japan. Figure 2-18 shows the completed towers. The foundations are a spread footings.

The aesthetic goal for this project was to provide a moderately symbolic main

tower. The success of this goal is evidenced by the award of the 2001 “Tanaka Prize” for

the Miyakodagawa Bridge. The Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) established the

Tanaka Prize in honor of the late late Dr.Yutaka Tanaka, the first head of the Bridge

Division of The Board of Capital Reconstruction / The Bureau of Reconstruction during

reconstruction of the capital following the Great Kanto Earthquake. He is widely known

as the man responsible for the construction of many famous bridges familiar to the

general public that have become symbols of Tokyo.

This prize is awarded annually and is considered one of the highest honors for

bridges in Japan. Projects receiving the prize must demonstrate as having also contributed

greatly to the dissemination of bridge engineering technology. The Miyakodagawa

Bridge was cited for being the first extradosed bridge combined with tall steel

pipe/concrete composite towers and for contributing to the advance of technology for

design and construction of bridges with long spans and high elevated bridge piers in the


Table 2-3 provides a summary of project data for the Miyakodagawa Bridge.

Information sources for Table 2-3:

Chilstrom, 2001
Kasuga, 2006
Tsuchida, 2001

Notes for Table 2-3:

1. $55 million ($17 million superstructure and $38 million substructure)

2. Span x 1.8 is used for calculation of ratios. (for 1.8 factor see discussion in
Section 3.3)
3. HDPE = high density polyethylene
4. Total prestress weight divided by deck area
5. Girder equivalent thickness = Girder concrete volume divided by Deck area

Table 2-3: Project Data For Miyakodagawa Bridge

Bridge Name Miyakodagawa Bridge

Location Near Hamamatsu City in Shizuoka Prefecture
Owner Japan Public Highway Corporation
Designer (Basic) CTI Consultants
General Details

Designer (Detailed) CTI Consultants

Co-Builders Sumitomo/Mitsui Construction Company, Ltd.
Year Completed 2001
Number of Spans 2
Span Layout 436’ / 436’
Contract Value (Note 1) 55 million
Construction Schedule NA
Number of planes of stay-cables 4 planes supported by 3 tower legs
Alignment Straight, constant width
Tower Height 65.6 feet

Span/Tower Height Ratio (note 2) 12:1

Stay attachment detail at tower Continuous cable with saddle (replaceable)
Tower/Girder connection Integral
Number of box girder cells Twin girders, two-cells each
Girder Width 65.30 ft. each deck
Girder Details

Girder Depth at Tower 21.3ft.

Girder Depth at Mid-span 13.1 ft.
Girder span/depth ratio at tower (note 2) 36.8:1
Girder span/depth ratio at mid-span (note 2) 59.9:1
Deck Construction Cast-in-place using form traveler
Erection Method Balanced Cantilever
Type of stay main tension element (MTE) 27 – 0.6” dia. seven-wire grade 270 strand
Stay Arrangement Semi-fan
Stay Spacing 10 feet
Stay Cables

Stay Supplier NA
Stay Corrosion Protection (note 3) Strands in individual HDPE sheaths, encased in
an overall HDPE sheath and with annulus
Stay maximum allowable stress 0.6 f’s
Stay Damping High-damping rubber dampers
Total Longitudinal prestress (stay + 28.31 psf

longitudinal PT) (note 3)

Stay Quantity (note 3) 6.38 psf
Longitudinal prestress quantity (note 3) 21.93 psf
Girder equivalent thickness (note 4) NA
Testing Performed Wind Tunnel Testing
Stay Cable Fatigue Testing

Aesthetic Details 2001Tanaka Prize award

2.5 Kiso And Ibi River Bridges

Also known as the Kisogawa and Ibigawa bridges, these two sister bridges are

multi-span extradosed bridge that push the limit of span length for extradosed bridges,

with a 902 ft. maximum main span length (Figure 2-19). This feat is accomplished with a

state-of-the-art hybrid design – the first hybrid extradosed bridges in the world. The

portion of the girder extending from the tower out to the last cable (called the forestay

cable) is a concrete box girder section similar to previously discussed extradosed bridges,

But the girder section between the forestay cables is a orthotropic steel section (Figure 2-

20). This was done to save weight, and allow the long spans needed at this site.

Figure 2-19: Ibi River Bridge (Kiso Bridge Similar) (Photo By Author)

The Ibi River Bridge is a six-span structure with span lengths of 505’ / 891’ / 891’

/ 891’ / 891’ / 515’. The Kiso River Bridge is a five-span structure with spans of 525’ /

902’ / 902’ / 902’ / 525’. In both bridges the steel box sections are 328 feet long.

Concrete Steel Concrete

Figure 2-20: Hybrid Span Layout (Photo By Author)




Half-section end of concrete section Half-section at tower ’

Figure 2-21: Concrete Girder Typical Section

The concrete box sections that cantilever out from the towers are a precast

concrete box girder segments. These are three-cell box girders, and were cast at a 20 acre

casting yard about 6 miles from the site. Four casting cells were set up to cast the 375

segments using the short-line casting method. The segments are 108 feet wide 16.4 feet

long and vary in depth from 13 to 23 feet. The segment weight varys from 300 to 400

tons. Transportation of these heavy segments to the site was by barge. Typical concrete

segment cross section is shown in Figure 2-21.

The concrete used in the segments was 8700 psi compressive strength, which was

the first time such a high strength concrete ws used in Japan. Thes project included

material testing of the concrete to confirm its properties, and fabrication of two full sized

segments as a test to assure the practicality of the proposed segment fabrication. These

tests confirmed:

Concrete workability

Measurement of the bowing effect for wide segments

Measurement of concrete curing temperatures

Measurements of stress during lifting and storage

Measurement of slab deflection during transverse prestressing

The superstrure is integral with the above-deck portion of the tower and sits on

rubber bearings atop the lower tower legs. The erection procedure is to place the first

segments atop the tower lower legs using a floating crane. Segments are the transported

by floating barge and then lifted by an erection/jacking frame that is isntalled on the

leading edge of each cantilever. Once the last cable is installed, the 328 foot long 2000

ton orthotropic girder section are lifted from the leading edge of the concrete sections.

The final riding surface is 3-inch asphalt overlay with a waterproof membrane. The

typical steel cross section is shown in Figure 2-22.


Figure 2-22: Steel Orthotropic Girder Typical Section

The stay cables are located in the median of the roadway and are comprised of

two closely-spaced parallel cables at each location. The distance between the cables is

20-inches at the top and 40 inches at the bottom. The closely-spaced cables were wind

tunnel tested to investigate several potential aerodynamic instability phenomena,


Galloping (individual cable)

Wake galloping (pairs of cables)

Wake induced flutter

Vortex-induced motions

Wind-rain induced motions

Inclined cable vibration

It was discovered that for a transverse spacing ratio W/D of 4.3 the most

significant vibrations occurred (W is spacing on centers of the cables and D is diameter

of cable). For W/D ratios of 6.5 and 8.7, no significant vibrations occurred. A log-

decrement damping of 3% was sufficient to suppress all vibrations.

The W/D ratio for the Kiso and Ibi bridges varies from 4.3 to 8.7. Therefore, high

damping rubber dampers with a 3% log-decrement damping were provided for all cables

(Tokoro, 1999). These dampers are placed in a ring around the lower portion of the cable

(at deck level) then covered with a reinforced plastic cover (Figure 2-23).

Figure 2-23: Stay Details At Deck Level Showing Cover For Rubber Dampers (Photos By

The longitudinal spacing of the stays is 16.5 feet. The stay cables are galvanized

seven-wire 0.6-inch strands that have individual HDPE sheaths filled with wax. The

strand groups are bundled inside an outer HDPE sheath and the annulus filled with HDPE

beads. Hi-AM anchorages were prefabricated onto the cables. The cables were designed

to a maximum stress of 0.6 f’s. In discussions with the bridge designer, the cable stress

change due to live load fatigue was the most important element of the cable design.

No helical bead was provided around the stay sheath. Cable vibration, including

wind-rain and galloping of the closely places cable pairs, was investigated in the wind

tunnel, and high-damping rubber dampers were provided to control vibration effects.

The towers above roadway were shaped to visually suggest a sail looking from

the river (Figure 2-24). They are 5’-9” wide and 33 feet long at the base and 98 feet tall.

Individual stay anchorages were used at the top of the tower. Saddles were not used for

this bridge.

Tables 2-4 and 2-5 provide a summary of project data for the Kiso and Ibi

Bridges, respectively.

Figure 2-24: Tower Suggesting A "Sail-Shape" (Photo By Author)

Table 2-4: Project Data For Kiso River Bridge

Bridge Name Kiso River Bridge

Location New Meishin Expressway over Kiso River, Mie
Owner Japan Highway Public Corporation
Designer Sumitomo Construction Company
General Details

Builder Joint venture of: Sumitomo Construction

Company, Ltd., D.P.S. Bridge Works Company
and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Year Completed 2001
Number of Spans 5
Span Layout 525’ / 902’ / 902’ / 902’ / 525’
Contract Value (Note 1) $37.5 million
Construction Schedule 33 months
Number of planes of stay-cables Two closely spaced cables in median
Alignment Straight, constant width
Tower Height 98.4 feet
Span/Tower Height Ratio 9.3:1

Stay attachment detail at tower Individually anchored cables

Tower/Girder connection Integral with upper tower. Rubber bearing with
lower tower.
Number of box girder cells 3
Girder Width 108.2
Girder Depth at Tower 22.96 ft.
Girder Details

Girder Depth at Mid-span 13.12 ft.

Girder span/depth ratio at tower 39.3:1
Girder span/depth ratio at mid-span 68.7:1
Deck Construction Hybrid girder, with precast segmental concrete box
girder sections near towers and steel orthotropic
box girder for drop-in section at middle of main
Erection Method Balanced cantilever with drop-in steel section.
Type of stay main tension element (MTE) Galvanized seven-wire Grade 270 strand
Stay Arrangement Modified fan
Stay Spacing 16.4 feet
Stay Cables

Stay Supplier Skinko/BBR

Stay Corrosion Protection Individually HDPE sheathed galvanized strand
with wax filler. Strands grouped in HDPE outer
sheath, filled with polyethylene beads.
Stay maximum allowable stress 0.6 f’s
Stay Damping High-damping rubber with logarithmic damping
decrement of 3%
Total Long. prestress (stay + long. PT) N/A

Stay Quantity (note 2) N/A

Longitudinal prestress quantity (note 2) 16.44 psf
Concrete Gdr equivalent thickness (note 3) 3.20 ft.
Steel Girder 124 psf
Testing Performed Full-size segment casting test
Fatigue test for steel-concrete girder connection

Fatigue test for slab stringer

Fatigue test for steel slab
Full-scale wind tunnel testing for stay cable
Aesthetic Details Tanaka Prize, 2002

Information sources for Table 2-4:

BD&E, 1999
Chilstrom, 2001
Hirano, 1999
Ikeda, 2000
JHPC(a), undated
JHPC(b), undated
JHPC(c), undated
JSCE, 2000
Kasuga, 2006

Notes for Table 2-1:

1. $37.5 million construction contract includes superstructure and substructure. 1998
2. Total prestress weight divided by deck area
3. Girder equivalent thickness = Girder concrete volume divided by Deck area

Table 2-5: Project Data For Ibi River Bridge

Bridge Name Ibi River Bridge

Location New Meishin Expressway over Kiso River, Mie
Owner Japan Highway Public Corporation
Designer Sumitomo Construction Company
General Details

Builder Joint venture of: Sumitomo Construction

Company, Ltd., D.P.S. Bridge Works Company
and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Year Completed 2001
Number of Spans 5
Span Layout 505’ / 891’ / 891’ / 891’ / 891’ / 515’
Contract Value N/A
Construction Schedule 33 months
Number of planes of stay-cables Two closely spaced cables in median
Alignment Straight, constant width
Tower Height 98.4 feet
Span/Tower Height Ratio 9.3:1

Stay attachment detail at tower Individually anchored cables

Integral with upper tower.
Tower/Girder connection Rubber bearing with lower tower.
Number of box girder cells 3
Girder Width 108.2 feet
Girder Depth at Tower 22.96 ft.
Girder Details

Girder Depth at Mid-span 13.12 ft.

Girder span/depth ratio at tower 39.3:1
Girder span/depth ratio at mid-span 68.7:1
Deck Construction Hybrid girder, with precast segmental concrete box
girder sections near towers and steel orthotropic
box girder for drop-in section at middle of main
Erection Method Balanced cantilever with drop-in steel section.
Type of stay main tension element (MTE) Galvanized seven-wire Grade 270 strand
Stay Arrangement Modified fan
Stay Spacing 16.4 feet
Stay Cables

Stay Supplier Skinko/BBR

Stay Corrosion Protection Individually HDPE sheathed galvanized strand
with a wax filler. Strands grouped in HDPE outer
sheath, filled with polyethylene beads.
Stay maximum allowable stress 0.6 f’s
Stay Damping High-damping rubber with logarithmic damping
decrement of 3%
Total Long. prestress (stay + long. PT) N/A

Stay Quantity N/A

Longitudinal prestress quantity (note 1) 17.87 psf
Concrete Gdr equivalent thickness (note 2) 3.52 ft.
Steel Girder 111.7 psf
Testing Performed Full-size segment casting test
Fatigue test for steel-concrete girder connection

Fatigue test for slab stringer

Fatigue test for steel slab
Full-scale wind tunnel testing for stay cable
Aesthetic Details Tanaka Prize, 2002

Information sources for Table 2-5:
BD&E, 1999
Chilstrom, 2001
Hirano, 1999
Ikeda, 2000
JHPC(a), undated
JHPC(b), undated
JHPC(c), undated
JSCE, 2000
Kasuga, 2006

Notes for Table 2-1:

1. Total prestress weight divided by deck area
2. Girder equivalent thickness = Girder concrete volume divided by Deck area

2.6 Okuyama Bridge (Also Known As Shin-Karato Bridge)

The Hanshin Expressway Kita-Kobe Route links Dai-ni Shinmei and Chugoku

Expressways. The Okuyama Bridge is part of this route, located in the Karato area

adjacent to Mount Rokko, Kobe. The Okuyama Bridge is actually twin bridges with

adjacent alignments, carrying the eastbound and westbound traffic (Figure 2-25). This

was the only extradosed bridge visited on the study tour that was not a waterway


Figure 2-25: Author At Okuyama Bridge, Kobe (Photo By Author)

Both bridges are on a curved alignment with a 1,312 foot radius. The span

lengths for the eastbound bridge are 217’ / 394’ / 236’ and the span lengths for the

westbound bridge are 243’ / 459’ / 227’.

The typical girder cross-section is a two cell concrete box girder. The eastbound

structure is constant width of 37.3 feet. The westbound structure is typical width of 47.0

feet wide. The westbound structure widens in the western side span and a portion of the

main span to accommodate an exit ramp. In the widened area a three-cell box is used

with closely spaced center webs (Figure 2-26). The stay cables anchored at the girder on

the exterior face of the outer web at a 13.1 foot spacing (Figure 2-27). The say cables are

uncoated seven-wire grade 270 strand encased in a high density polyethylene (HDPE)

sheath with the annulus between the sheath and the strands filled with cement grout. The

stays were stressed to a maximum working stress of 0.6 f’s and fatigue assessments were

made to confirm this design condition.

37.3’ Eastbound Varies – Westbound tapered

Varies 8.2’ to 11.5’

Varies 8.2’ to 11.5’

47.0’ Westbound

Figure 2-26: Okuyama Bridge Typical Sections

Figure 2-27: Stay Anchorage Detail (Photo By Author)

The bridges are located at a site with difficult foundation conditions that include

construction on on an unstable mountain slope and potential landslide area. The

Okuyama Bridges were designed immediately following the Kobe earthquake (January

17, 1995 Magnitude 6.8), and the design was strongly influenced by seismic design

considerations and the difficult site conditions. The extradosed bridge provides a lower

mass structure than a conventional girder bridge which was important for seismic design.

In order to further reduce seismic demand, the lower tower legs were de-coupled from the

superstructure by seismic isolation bearing (rubber bearing with a lead core) between the

superstrucure and the lower tower legs. This arrangement provided design control of the

seismic forces transferred from the superstructure to the lower tower legs under seismic

loading (Figure 2-28).

The towers are 39.4 feet tall above deck level, resulting in span/tower ratios of

10:1 for the eastbound bridge and 11.7:1 for the westbound bridge. The towers are

integral with the superstrucre and include a stiff cross-strut above deck level. This

arrangement provides a very stiff tower that assists in resisting the torsional forces from

the bridges curvature and the lateral seismic demands.

A double-pipe prefabricated saddle was used at the top of towers for the stay

cables (Sumitomo, 1998). This detail allowed future replacement of the stays, while

providing the necessary resistance against slippage and necessary corrosion protection.

Because of scheduling of the overall Hanshin Expressway construction, it was

desirable to minimize the construction period for this bridge. Access on the steep

mountain site prohibited the use of heavy presast superstructure elements, so a cast-in-

place erection method was used for the girder, using a traveling form system and

balanced cantilever construction. However, to accelerate construction, reinforcing cages

were pre-assembled in a nearby casting yard and delivered by truck to site and inserted

into the formwork. This allowed construction time to be shortened and provided

improved quality since the reinforcing cages were assembled in a controlled environment.

A novel feature used for this project was pre-grouted transverse prestressing of

the slab to reduce site labor and accelerate construcion. The tendons were installed with

an epoxy resin pre-injected into the tendon ducts. A slow-cure epoxy was used with a

cure time of three to six months, which coincided with the required construction lag time.

This project achieved a remarkably short construction time of 23 months; 8

months for the substructre and 15 months for the superstructure. Tables 2-6 provides a

summary of project data for the Okkuyama Bridge.

Figure 2-28: Typical Tower Layout (Photo By Author)

Table 2-6: Project Data For Okuyama Bridge

Bridge Name Okuyama Bridge

Location Near town of Shin-Karato, Kobe
Owner Hanshin Expressway Public Corporation
Designer Joint Venture of PS, Oriental, and Nippon Koatsu
General Details

Builder Joint Venture of PS, Oriental, and Nippon Koatsu

Year Completed 1998
Number of Spans 3
Span Layout (Eastbound) 217’ / 394’ / 236’
Span Layout (Westbound) 243’ / 459’ / 227’
Contract Value (Note 1) $34 million
Construction Schedule (Note 2) 23 months
Number of planes of stay-cables 2
Alignment Curved, 1,312 foot radius; and tapered
Tower Height 39.4 feet (both bridges)
Span/Tower Height Ratio 10:1 Eastbound; 11.7:1 Westbound

Stay attachment detail at tower Saddle

Tower/Girder connection Integral, with rubber bearings between girder and
lower tower.
Number of box girder cells 2 typical. 3 in tapered region of Westbound Bridge
Girder Width (Eastbound) 31.8 feet
Girder Details

Girder Depth (Westbound) Varies (41.5 feet minimum)

Girder Depth at Tower 8.2 ft.
Girder Depth at Mid-span 11.5 ft.
Girder span/depth ratio at tower 34:1 (Eastbound); 40:1 (Westbound)
Girder span/depth ratio at mid-span 48:1 (Eastbound); 56:1 (Westbound)
Deck Construction Cast-in-place using form travelers
Erection Method Balanced Cantilever
Type of stay main tension element (MTE) Uncoated seven-wire grade 270 strand
Stay Arrangement Fan
Stay Cables

Stay Spacing 13.1 feet

Stay Supplier Dwyidag
Stay Corrosion Protection Grouted inside a HDPE sheath
Stay maximum allowable stress 0.6 f’s
Stay Damping N/A
Total Longitudinal prestress (stay + N/A

longitudinal PT) (note 2)

Stay Quantity (note 2) N/A
Longitudinal prestress quantity (note 2) N/A
Girder equivalent thickness (note 3) N/A
Novel Features Pre-grouted transverse deck slab tendons
Construction Stage Monitoring Tensile forces in stay cables
Stresses in girders

Inclination of the piers

Temperature of the stay cables and the girders

Information sources for Table 2-6:

Chilstrom, 2001
Hanshin, 2001
Sumitomo, 1998
Tomita, 1999

Notes for Table 2-6:

1. $34 million includes both bridges. 1995 dollars.

2. Foundations = 8 months; Superstructure = 15 months
3. Total prestress weight divided by deck area
4. Girder equivalent thickness = Girder concrete volume divided by Deck area

2.7 Tsukuhara Bridge

The Tsukuhara Bridge (Figure 2-29) was originally planned as an arch bridge, but

the design was changed to an extradosed prestressed bridge following the success of the

Odawara Port Bridge. The re-design as an extradosed bridge closely followed the design

concept and the technology of the Odawara Port Bridge. (Honma, 2001). The design

change was made to save costs, because it provided better seismic performance that the

previously designed arch bridge and because the extradosed design was felt to fit better

visually with a nearby cable-stayed pedestrian bridge. This was the second extradosed

prestressed bridge by this owner, the Japan Highway Public Corporation.

Figure 2-29: Tsukhuara Bridge (Photo By Author)

The Tsukuhara Bridge is on the Sayno Expressway in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture.

The 590 foot main span was necessary to span Lake Tsukuhara, which provides drinking

water. Because of the local topography, the side spans were shorter than desirable to

avoid uplift conditions at the ends of the side spans. Because of the relatively short side

spans, counterweights were placed inside the box girders of each side span to avoid uplift

conditions and to reduce the overturning moment at the towers. The bridge is twin

parallel three-span continuous rigid frame extradosed bridges (Figure 2-30).

This bridge was designed soon after the 1995 Kobe earthquake (Magnitude 6.8).

Following this event, new provisional seismic design provisions were drawn up in Japan.

The Ksukuhara Bridge was designed to these new provisions. This required non-linear

seismic response analysis that modeled cracking of the concrete and yielding of

reinforcing, in transverse and longitudinal directions.

215’ 590’ 251’

11’ 7@16. 89’ 90’ 7@23. 90’ 7@23. 90’ 89’ 7@19. 24’
4’ 0’=160’ 0’
=160’ 7’=138’

Figure 2-30: Tsukuhara Bridge Elevation View

The superstructure of the Tsukuhara Bridge is comprised of twin parallel girders

that are each 42 feet wide, accommodating two lanes of traffic in each direction. This is

about the same width as the Odawara Port Bridge width; however the Tsukuhara Bridge

uses a single cell box girder instead of the two cell box girder used for the Odawara Port

Bridge. This change was an outcome of lessons learned on the Odawara Port Bridge, and

was to enhance the efficiency of the form travelers used for casting the girder.

The elimination of the third web also reduced the dead-weight of the girder.

However it resulted in a 30 foot top slab span. A finite element analysis was used in the

analysis and design of box girder cross section to ensure durability with this long slab

span. The girder has a parabolic haunch, with a depth at the towers of 18 feet and a depth

at mid-span of 9.8 feet (Figure 2-31).



Half-Section at Tower Half-Section at Mid-Span

Figure 2-31: Girder Typical Section

For the Odawara Port Bridge the anchorages were inside the box girder. For the

Tshkuhara Bridge the stay anchorages at the girder were revised to be placed outside the

box girder. This allowed tensioning the cables before moving the form traveler and

shortened the construction time since the stay cables can be installed while curing the


The transverse prestressing used the “after bond” pre-grouted tendons, similar to

the Okuyama Bridge. This system is comprised of a single 1.1-inch diameter strand that

has a slow curing epoxy injected in the tendon sheath prior to placement of the strand.

This epoxy cures over a period of 3 to 6 months. This system avoids cement grouting of

these tendons, and saves both time and cost.

The towers are “V-Shaped” and provide a direct load path from the stay force

introduction at the top to the foundation (Figure 2-31). Cross beams were not necessary

due to the stiffness provided of the free-standing legs. Saddles are used at the tower top

to avoid congestion and simplify the reinforcing.

The Tsukuhara Bridge was erected in balanced cantilever. The girder was cast-in-

place using a form traveler. The traveler was about twice the size of a typical traveler

and allowed a large 23 foot segment length. This was to shorten the construction time.

An advantage of the extradosed bridge system is that the stay cables could be installed to

their final force with no adjustment of the cables needed during construction. This means

that special devices for holding the jacks were not needed and the jacks could be housed

in the form traveler.

The stay cables are 27 – seven wire Grade 270 strands. Corrosion protection is

provided by encasing the individual strands in a layer of polyethylene, then encasing the

strand bundle in an un-grouted outer polyethylene sheath. Polyethylene filler in used in

the annular space between the outer sheath and the cables. The maximum stress in the

cable was set at 0.6 f’s and the maximum fatigue stress was confirmed with this

maximum working stress in the cables. The designers of this bridge did not use stay

anchorages that have high fatigue strength, such as used for cable-stayed bridges, because

of the low fatigue demand. Damping of the stays was provided by high damping

capacity rubber dampers placed at the lower end of the cables. The damping provided is

a log decrement of 3%. Table 2-7 provides a summary of project data for the Tsukuhara


Figure 2-32: Tsukuhara Bridge Tower (Photo By Author)

Table 2-7: Project Data For Tsukuhara Bridge

Bridge Name Tsukuhara Bridge

Location Sanyo Expressway over Lake Tsukuhara in Kobe,
Hyogo Prefecture
Owner Japan Highway Public Corporation
General Details

Designer Sumitomo Construction Company, Ltd.

Builder Sumitomo Construction Company, Ltd.
Year Completed 1997
Number of Spans 3
Span Layout 215’ / 590’ / 251’
Contract Value (Note 1) $42 million
Construction Schedule 36 months
Number of planes of stay-cables 2 per bridge deck (four total for twin decks)
Alignment Straight, constant width
Tower Height 42.6 ft.

Span/Tower Height Ratio 13.8:1

Stay attachment detail at tower Saddle
Tower/Girder connection Integral
Number of box girder cells 1
Girder Width 42 ft.
Girder Details

Girder Depth at Tower 18.0 ft.

Girder Depth at Mid-span 9.8 ft.
Girder span/depth ratio at tower 60:1
Girder span/depth ratio at mid-span 32.7:1
Deck Construction Cast-in-place using form traveler
Erection Method Balanced Cantilever
Type of stay main tension element (MTE) 27 – 0.6” dia. Seven wire grade 270 strand
Stay Arrangement Semi-fan
Stay Spacing Varies, 14.4 ft. to 22.8 ft.
Stay Cables

Stay Supplier N/A

Stay Corrosion Protection Strands individually encased in HDPE sheath, and
bundled in a cement grout filled outer sheath.
Stay maximum allowable stress 0.6 f’s
Stay Damping High-damping rubber dampers with log decrement
of 3%
Total Longitudinal prestress (stay + 11.8 psf

longitudinal PT) (note 2)

Stay Quantity (note 2) 4.84 psf
Longitudinal prestress quantity (note 2) 6.96 psf
Girder equivalent thickness (note 3) 4.10 ft.
Girder Conventional Reinforcing (note 2) 37.3 psf

Information sources for Table 2-7: Notes for Table 2-7:

Chilstrom, 200 1. $42 million. 1994 dollars.
Honma, 2001 2. Steel weight divided by deck area
JHPC(g), undated 3. Girder equivalent thickness = Girder
JHPC(h), 1996 concrete volume divided by deck area
Kasuga, 2006
Ogawa, 1998
Sanyo, undated

2.8 Discussion

The bridges presented in this chapter represent a sampling of extradosed bridges in

Japan constructed over the first decade of extradosed bridge development. They were

selected because of the significant amount of information available for these structures,

including personal on-site observation by the author and direct contact with the owner,

designer and constructors of these bridges. Several observations can be made from the

observations and reviews provided in this chapter:

This type of structure can be cost effective for several reasons:

o For an extradosed bridge the prestressing is more effectively than a girder

bridge in terms of eccentricity of the prestress over the negative moment

region at the towers

o The prestresing is used more effectively in terms of a higher maximum

stress limit (0.6 f’s for extradosed versus 0.45 f’s for cable stayed, a 33%

reduction in cable material

o Extradosed bridges require no backstay cables and no anchor pier

o The dead load of extradosed bridges is substantially reduced as compared

to girder bridges. This can have important consequences for seismic


o Lower towers are easier to construct than cable stayed bridges, can be

constructed with conventional cranes as opposed to complex jump form

systems typically required for cable stayed bridges.

o For a given span length, the girder depth for an extradosed bridge will be

substantially less than a girder type bridge. This can have important cost

implications for the approaches to the bridge.

The line between cable stayed and extradosed is sometimes blurred. Kiso and Ibi

can be considered more advanced versions of extradosed that are could also have

been designed as cable stayed if conventional design standards were applied.

Although the stay cable criteria was the same for all the bridges discussed, the

basis for that criteria was evolving. Rather than simply assuming that an

allowable stress of 0.6 f’s could be used, it became obvious that some structural

rationale was needed for establishing the cable design criteria.

New technology and ideas were tried on almost every new bridge. This new

bridge type was, and continues to be, ripe for innovative ideas.

Extradosed bridge can be adapted to a wide range of cable/girder layouts,

including single plane of cables in the median or multiple planes of cables

supporting single or multiple decks.

Extradosed bridges were considered an aesthetic opportunity, with visual

characteristics superior to a conventional girder bridge.

The wide range of difficult geometric conditions that are commonly encountered

in the alignment of highways can be accommodated in extradosed bridges. These

bridges are not just viable for straight and constant width alignments. They can

be adapted to curved bridges and bridges with tapered widths.

The extradosed bridge types was proven as a viable and cost effective new bridge

type, that is continuing to be developed in Japan as well as exported to other parts

of the world.

Chapter 3: Extradosed Bridge Design Parameters, Characteristics And Features

3.1 General

It is common for many bridge types to have standard design parameters for the

proportioning of the main elements of the bridge. These are sometimes called “rules of

thumb” and are useful for initial proportioning of a proposed bridge and for verification

of the reasonableness of designs. They are not intended as hard rules, but as general

guidelines to assist an experienced engineer. An example are a set of proportioning rules

for segmental prestressed box girder bridges that were developed when this bridge type

was being introduced in the United States, titled “Feasibility of Standards for Segmental

P/S Box Girder Bridges” (FHWA, 1982). These rules are ideally developed based on

experiences from existing practice that represents actual bridge construction experience,

rather than academic parametric studies. Fortunately, the construction of extradosed

bridges worldwide represents more than 60 bridges, which gives us a database for making

some meaningful statistical evaluations of some important bridge parameters.

This section explores several of these bridge parameters and other characteristics

and features of extradosed prestreseed bridges that may be used to assist in the

proportioning or definition of an extradosed prestressed bridge. Proportioning

recommendations should be used in conjunction with the engineering judgment of an

experienced engineer.

Specifically the following will be explored in this chapter:


Span Length

Side Span Ratios

Multi Span Bridges

Curved Alignment

Tower Height

Girder Depth/Haunch Arrangements

Bridge Width


Appendix A provides a summary of the database for the existing population of

extradosed bridges worldwide, with key proportioning and design parameters tabulated.

Not all of the desired information has been available for every bridge, given the

worldwide distribution of bridges and the difficulties of obtaining the information,

language barriers, etc. However for most of the bridges, some important information has

been obtained. Also included in Appendix A is a source listing of the tabulated

information. The information comes from a variety of sources, including published

technical papers, conference proceedings, owner, designer or constructor brochures, web

based sources, and in a few cases, personal contact information. Information in

Appendix A has been cross verified by different sources, whenever possible.

Questionable or non verifiable information was not used in the comparisons.

3.2 Introduction To The Behavior Of Extradosed Prestressed Bridges

As discussed in Section 1.4, the extradosed bridge type is an intermediate bridge

type between a girder bridge and a cable-stayed bridge. In theory the extradosed bridge is

an externally prestressed girder bridge, where the cables prestress the girder with a large

eccentricity. However in practice, the extradosed bridge is a complex bridge system

where in addition to prestressing the girder the loads are shared between the cables and

the girder in proportion to their stiffness, as a function of the erection procedures, and

following the time dependent deformations that occur in response to creep and shrinkage

of the concrete over the life of the structure. The efficient analysis of extradosed bridge

was probably not possible, at least from a practical viewpoint, until sufficiently powerful

computer software became available in the 1990’s. Most extradosed bridges are analyzed

using sophisticated time-dependent two or three-dimensional computer software that can

handle large numbers of degrees of freedom resulting from complex structural systems.

They build the structure in the computer following a similar erection procedure that will

be used on the actual bridge, accumulating built-in erection stresses, including those

locked-in from the assumed erection equipment and erection procedures. And they

maintain a history of the casting and loading history of each element of the bridge, so that

time dependent creep and shrinkage calculations can be made and applied back into the

indeterminate structural system.

Because so many of the design parameters are under the designers control for this

structural system, abstract parametric studies that vary a single element of the design are,

in the opinion of this author, of limited value. The thought of optimizing the tower height,

girder depths, or other parameters while holding other values constant do not provide the

designer with practical information that help develop their design. There are simply too

many variables. For example, a taller tower may provide a more efficient utilization of

the cables for strength considerations, but that geometry can also increase fatigue demand

on the cables. The higher fatigue demands can be accommodated in various ways. The

size of the cables can be increased to lower fatigue stress, the allowable stress of the

cables can be lowered, resulting in higher fatigue capacity, or the girder stiffness can be

increased by either increasing the depth or by changing the haunch proportions to take

some load away from cables.

So rather than approaching the discussion of extradosed bridge design parameters,

characteristic and features from the development of parametric studies, this section

approaches this discussion from a survey of extradosed bridges that have been

constructed. This permits statistical studies of some important parameters, recognizing

that other parameters are not necessarily held constant within the statistical analysis. This

gives the designer better real-world information of the variability and reasonable ranges

of certain parameters. Beyond the design parameters, some other characteristic and

features of extradoses bridge are discussed to stimulate thought on what is possible with

this new bridge type.

3.3 Materials

Extradosed prestressed bridges were originally envisioned as prestressed concrete

bridges (Mathivat, 1982), i.e. bridges made of concrete. The purpose of the extradosed

cables are to efficiently prestress the girder and a concrete girder, as a material, can

clearly benefit from efficient forms of prestressing. Of the 63 extradosed bridges built to

date, 57 have been all-concrete bridges. Four are hybrid designs using a combination of

steel and concrete and two of the bridges are a concrete box section that utilizes

corrugated steel webs. The circumstances for these decisions are discussed below. Also,

one additional bridge, the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge was prepared with two different

designs, one all-concrete (which is being constructed) and one innovative design of a

composite steel/concrete girder. This special case will be discussed separately below.

Four of the existing extradosed prestressed bridges utilized hybrid concrete/steel

designs. These designs use an all-concrete girder for the side spans and a portion of the

main span near the towers, and use either an all-steel orthotropic girder or a composite

steel girder, meaning a steel girder with a concrete composite deck slab, for the middle

portion of the main span. These bridges are:

The Kiso Bridge with a main span of 902 feet

The Ibi Bridge with a main span of 891 feet

The Koror-Babeldoab Bridge with a main span of 810 feet, and

The Golden Ears Bridge with a main span of 793 feet.

The idea of a hybrid bridge is not new, and has been applied to cable-stayed

bridges for the same purpose of reducing the mass of the main span bridge, such as the

Kap Shui Mun Bridge in Hong Kong (Stroh, 1995). The application of hybrid designs

for extradosed bridges represent some of the longest of the extradosed bridges that have

been constructed, and the reason for using the hybrid designs was to reduce the dead load

in the middle of the main span, allowing the extradosed bridge type to be utilized beyond

its normal upper span range. When considering the extradosed bridge type for spans

exceeding the normal span range, designers should consider a hybrid design. Another

advantage of this hybrid design is that it allows a shorter side span to be utilized.

Typically, the design provides a balance in the weight of the side span vs. main span to

balance the cantilever construction. By using a lighter main span, the side span can be

shorter, while still providing a balanced design. This may be useful when site constraints

dictate shorter than desired side span lengths.

Two of the existing designs, the Rittoh Bridge and the Himi Bridge, both in

Japan, were designed and constructed with corrugated steel webs. The potential

advantages of using a corrugated steel web include weight savings (with associated

foundation savings for reduces superstructure mass), simplified fabrication and erection

and cost savings (Yasukawa, 2002). These designs can probably best be viewed as

prototype designs to explore this new technology.

The other special case for extradosed bridges was the case for the Pearl Harbor

Memorial Bridge. For this structure with a 515 foot main span, two complete designs

were prepared and were competitively bid by contractors. The first was a “conventional”

all-concrete design. The second was a composite girder design that incorporated a steel

girder with a composite concrete slab over the entire length of the structure. This was the

first attempt of a steel composite extradosed bridge in the world (Stroh, 2003). The Pearl

Harbor Memorial Bridge was competitively bid in 2009 based on offering the two

different designs to contractors. The intention for these alternative designs was to

stimulate bid competition and ultimately result in a lower cost for the State of

Connecticut. Three bids were received. Two were for the concrete alternative design

and one for the steel alternative design, as follows (reference State of Connecticut, 2009):

Bid No. 1 (Concrete) $417 million

Bid No. 2 (Concrete) $429 million

Bid No. 3 (Steel) $519 million.

Although the steel alternative was more costly in this bid competition, the

prevalent market conditions for steel raw materials, the competitive labor markets at the

time of bid and a number of other factors can affect individual bid results. The weight

savings for foundations could not be capitalized on this project because the foundations

were let on an advanced contract that must incorporate either the concrete or steel

alternative. However this design demonstrated that a composite steel alternative is viable

for an extradosed bridge, and can be considered for future applications when weight

savings or construction techniques are favorable for the steel composite design.

In general, extradosed prestressed bridges should be considered as, and are most

appropriate for, concrete bridges. For special circumstances, composite steel designs

(steel girders with concrete slab), concrete girders with steel corrugated webs or hybrid

designs with a portion of the main span in steel, may be appropriate for consideration.

3.4 Extradosed Bridge Typical Span Lengths

Extradosed Prestressed bridges are generally considered in the transition region of

span lengths between traditional girder bridges and the longer span bridge types such as

truss, arch and cable-stayed. Sources in Japan, where most of the extradosed bridges

have been constructed, have set the applicable span range for Extradosed Prestressed

bridges to be generally between 100 and 200 meters, or 328 and 656 feet. (Kasuga, 1994

and Komiya, 1999). Although even in Japan, a number of these bridges have been

constructed outside of this span range.

Appendix A summarizes 63 extradosed prestressed bridges worldwide where span

length information is available. The spans for extradosed prestressed bridges range from

172 feet to 902 feet, however several of the longer spans are a hybrid design, with a steel

middle section of the main span.

The longest all-concrete extradosed bridge has a span of 886 feet. Figure 3-1

shows the distribution of span lengths for extradosed bridges. The mean span length for

extradosed bridges is 435 feet. The standard deviation of the range of span lengths is 171


Assuming a normal distribution of a random variable, this means that within one

standard deviation each side of the mean (giving a span range of 265 to 606 feet) we

capture 68% of the data. This range is shown on Figure 3-1. Based on this data a span

range from 300-600 feet would seem a reasonable expected span range for typical bridges

of this type.

Figure 3-2 expands Figure 1-4 to include extradosed bridges. These bridges fill an

important niche between girder bridges and the longer span bridge types of arch, truss

and cable stayed, giving designers another option for bridge type.

Figure 3-1: Main Span Length For Extradosed Bridges Worldwide

Figure 3-2: Span Range For Common Bridge Types, Adapted From Podolny 1994

3.5 Main Span/Side Span Ratio

The ratio of span length between the main span (L) and side spans (L1) has

influence on the vertical reactions or anchoring forces at the anchor pier, the moment

demands on the deck (positive moments in main span vs. side span, and negative

moments at the tower), and stress changes in the stay cables. A good choice of the ratio

between main and side spans is important for a good design. This ratio is commonly

expressed as the ratio of side span to main span (L1/L)

For cable stayed bridges, Leonhardt provides recommendations on economical

span ratios in graphical from based on a function of dead load to live load ratio of the

bridge, main span length and live load change in stay cable stress (fatigue stress)

(Leonhardt, 1980). For the common case of a steel cable stayed bridge the L1/L ratio

works out to about 0.35. For a heavier concrete cable-stayed bridge this ratio works out

to about 0.42.

For three span concrete girder bridges the side/main span ratio should range from

about 0.8 for conventional cast-in-place-on-falsework construction to about 0.65 for

balanced cantilever construction (Poldony, 1982).

Appendix A summarizes the span lengths for 63 extradosed bridges worldwide.

This data was trimmed to 50 bridges for the span length evaluation, due to insufficient or

conflicting information related to side span lengths for 13 of the bridges.

In using this data a distinction must be made between a two span bridge and a

bridge of 3 or more spans. A two-span cable stayed bridge or two-span extradosed bridge

(with only one tower) essentially behaves as one-half of a typical three span (two tower)

arrangement (Figure 3-3), meaning hypothetically we should double the span length

reported for a two-span bridge in order to make a comparison with a three-span bridge.

Three-Span Cable
Stayed Bridge

2L Two-Span Cable
Stayed Bridge
behaves as half a
much longer three-
span bridge

Figure 3-3: Correction Of Span Length For Two-Span Cable Stayed Bridges

Based on a more accurate comparison of the two bridge types for cable-stayed

bridges, Leonhardt recommends that a two span bridge have the span length increased by

a factor of 1.8 when comparing span ratios with a bridge of 3 or more spans (Leonhardt,

1980). This same correction was applied to all two-span extradosed bridges, i.e. for two

span bridges, their main span length was increased by a factor of 1.8 when computing

L1/L ratios.

The L1/L ratios for extradosed bridges varied from 0.33 to 0.83 with a mean of

0.57. The standard deviation is 0.12, so one standard deviation each side of the mean

gives a range for L1/L of 0.45 to 0.69. This places extradosed bridges essentially between

the envelope of concrete cable stayed bridges, at 0.42, and balanced cantilever

constructed concrete girder bridges at 0.65.

It should be noted that when evaluating these span ratios, for some bridges

geometric and site constraints set the span ratio rather than structural efficiency. The

good news is that these shorter or longer side span ration can be accommodated in the

design without a major impact. The data of existing bridges indicates a wide range of side

span ratios.

So it would seem that a reasonable recommendation for side to main span ratios

for an extradosed bridge is about 0.6, unless geometric or site constraints would dictate


3.6 Multi-Span Extradosed Prestressed Bridges

Crossings of wide rivers many times have poor foundation conditions, deep water,

large vessel impact considerations, large navigation clearances, or other factors driving

the decision to use a long span bridge. And for very wide rivers or waterways, several

long spans may be required in order to span the waterway.

Cable stayed bridges are typically either a two-span or three span arrangements.

These arrangements are ideal for this bridge type in that back-stay cables can be provided

from the anchor pier to the top of tower to stiffen and the tower. Of the more than 1200

examples of cable stayed bridges shown on the Structurae website

http://en.structurae.de/structures/stype/?id=1002, only seven of these cable stayed bridges

are multi span bridges (more than 3 spans). Design of a multi-span cable stayed bridge

presents a special challenge, in that for the central spans there is no opportunity for

backstay cables, and special design considerations must be made to address the resulting

flexibility of the structural system (Leonhardt, 1980). Solutions include the provision of

very stiff towers, as was done for the Rion-Antirion Bridge in Greece (Figure 3-4), or

providing crossing backstay cables that are anchored to adjacent towers multiple main

spans, as was done for the Ting Kau Bridge in Hong Kong (Figure 3-5).

Figure 3-4: Rion-Antirion Bridge In Greece – Multi-Span Cable Stayed Bridge With
Stiff Towers (Photo Courtesy Structruae.De, Photographer Inge Kanakaris-Wirti)

Figure 3-5: Ting Kau Bridge In Hong Kong - Multi-Span Cable Stayed Bridge With
Crossing Cable From Central Tower (Photo Courtesy Structurae.De, Photographer Frank

Extradosed prestressed bridges do not rely on backstay cables. So, unlike cable

stayed bridges, multi-span extradosed bridge arrangements do not require special

measures. Referring to Appendix A, 19 of the 63 bridges built to date (representing some

30% of the bridges built) were multi-span bridges having between 4 and 9 continuous


Figure 3-6: Kiso River Bridge In Japan, A Multi-Span Extradosed Prestressed Bridge
(Photo By Author)

The extradosed bridge type is well suited to long multi-span bridge arrangements,

and provides a viable bridge alternative for this design condition. An example multi span

extradosed bridge is shown in Figure 3-6.

3.7 Extradosed Bridge Applicability To Curved Bridge Alignments

Modern highway construction frequently required bridges that conform to curved

roadway alignments. For longer span bridges, this becomes a challenge for designers

from both the viewpoints of structural demand and accommodation of the curved


From a structural demand

viewpoint, a curved bridge sees torsional

demands resulting from the vertical loads.

These torsional demands are statically

equivalent to a radially directed couple of

forces, (P x e for a single span, see Figure

3-7). This couple acts as a torque and must

be resisted by the structural system. For a Figure 3-7: Torsional Demand On Bridge
Cross Section Due To Vertical Loads
closed cross section, like a box girder, this

torque is carried by shear flow around the closed cross section. For an open cross

section, like individual “I” girders is carried primarily by differential bending of the

webs, referred to as warping. For significant torsional demands, as would result from

tight curvatures or long span bridges, a closed cross section is significantly more efficient

in carrying these torsional demands, and is the preferred structural system (Menn, 1986).

The geometrics of design must also accommodate the curvature. This can be a

challenge for some bridge types. For example, a curved cable stayed bridge deck must be

detailed so that the stay cable avoids conflicts with the roadway traffic, considering the

stay cable is essentially a straight line from the top of tower to the connection at the deck

level. This can result in geometric conflicts on the outside radius of the curve and can

require the bridge to be widened along the outside curve to accommodate stay clearances.

In general girder bridges, especially large concrete box girder bridges, can

efficiently accommodate curved roadway alignments. They are commonly used on

curved alignments, although for longer-span conditions the curvature demands can

become quite significant and may limit the span length that can be economically

accommodated. Cable stayed bridges, with a couple of notable exceptions, are not used

for curved roadway alignments. Many cable stayed bridge have relatively flexible open

cross-section decks that are not efficient for resisting torsional demands. As mentioned

above, the stay cable geometry usually creates clearance issues with the roadway traffic

on curved alignments, requiring widening of the structure and limiting the amount of

curvature that can be accommodated to a relatively modest curved alignment. For arch

and truss bridges, the curvature of the main structural elements is in general not desirable

or practical, and modestly curved alignments are sometimes accommodated by

constructing a curved deck on a straight main structural element. This usually requires

some widening or over-building of the arch or truss elements. So in general,

accommodation of curved alignments on any of the longer span bridge types, arch, truss

or cable stayed, is not desirable. Commonly, alignments are adjusted to provide a

straight section for construction of the long-span bridge.

Extradosed prestressed bridges offer an added opportunity for the longer-span

bridges in that they can accommodate at least a modest curvature of the roadway

alignment in an efficient manner. Five of the existing extradosed bridges noted in

Appendix A were constructed on curved alignments with radius of curvature as small as

1,312 feet.

The extradosed bridge type can inherently accommodate a modest curvature

without special consideration of the structural system. The girder for extradosed bridges

is typically a concrete box girder section, which can efficiently resist the torsional

demands by shear flow around the closed cross section. The stay cables for extradosed

bridges are typically only provided over a limited region of the span, and do not extent all

the way to midspan of the main span or to the anchor piers in the side spans. Therefore

the geometry conflicts between the stay cables and traffic are minimized.

3.8 Tower Height

An important parameter for extradosed bridges, and one that differentiates them

from cable stayed bridges, is the tower height. The tower height directly influences

several other parameters, such as the stay stress variation under live load (fatigue range),

the cable inclination, and the proportion of loads shared between the deck and the cables.

As discussed in section 1.4, the fundamental distinction between a cable-stayed bridge

and an extradosed bridge is the role of the stay cables. The basic role of the cables in a

cable stayed bridge is to develop elastic vertical reactions. In an extradosed bridge they

are to prestress the girder. As shown in Figure 3-8, the force in a stay cable, “P”, can be

express as vertical and horizontal components;

Pv = P x sinα α Pv

Ph = P x cosα Ph

Figure 3-8: Stay Force In A Cable-Stayed Bridge

The taller the tower, the smaller the size of cable is required to carry a given load.

As discussed by Leonhardt there is a limit to the economical tower height because even

though the cable cost reduces with higher towers, the tower cost increases. Leonhardt

places the optimal ratio of the tower height (H) to main span (L) for cable-stayed bridge

between 1/4 to 1/5 (Leonhardt, 1980).

For extradosed bridges, the role of the cables is to act as external post-tensioning

tendons and provide prestress to the deck. For a prestressed girder bridge, as shown in

Figure 3-9 the post tensioning provides beneficial axial compression and a beneficial

prestress moment that counteracts the dead load by the commonly recognized expression

for the extreme fiber stresses due to prestress.


Where: σ = extreme fiber stress

P = prestress force

A = cross-sectional area of girder

S = section modulus of girder

e = eccentricity of prestress (distance from CG of girder to line of action

of prestress force.


CG Girder CG Girder

Figure 3-9: Prestress Action Figure 3-10: Prestress Action

On Girder Bridge On Extradosed Bridge

For an extradosed bridge, the post tensioning is elevated using a short tower and

provides a much larger eccentricity, and therefore more efficient use of the prestressing

steel (Figure 3.10). However, if we continue raising the tower, at some point the vertical

component of the cable reaches a force level that starts to significantly carry the vertical

live load of the structure. This also means that the fatigue stress in the cable becomes

more significant, and the bridge starts to behave more like a cable stayed bridge, rather

than an externally prestressed girder. According to Mathivat, the optimal ratio to tower

height to span length should be on the order of 1/15 (Mathivat, 1988). Although Mathivat

did not provide a basis for this recommendation, one may derive an approximation for the

tower height limit based on a simple relation of the stay geometry and target fatigue


If we assume a geometric distribution of stays as shown in Figure 3-11, we can

determine, based on a tower height to span length ratio of 1/15, that the vertical

component of stay force, equal to about 17% of the total stay force (the sin of the steepest

stay angle).


S/8 S/4 S/8 S/8 S/4 S/8

Figure 3-11: Assumed Distribution Of Stay Cables Along Span

Insert H/S = 1/15

We can also establish a limit on the vertical component of the stay force based on

a target fatigue limit. In simple terms, AASHTO provides a nominal 18 ksi fatigue stress

limit for conventional prestress (presumably a cable stressed to the 0.6 f’s limit for

extrasosed cables should be acceptable for this fatigue limit) (see section 4.2). We can

express this as a fraction of the total stay force by dividing by the maximum permissible

stay force of 60% f’s, which gives a live load limit to compare with the vertical load limit

based on geometry in the preceding paragraph. However, we need to recognize that the

fatigue truck is lighter than a conventional live load truck in AASHTO, and it has a lower

impact factor (AASHTO 2010). So we need to increase the 18 ksi fatigue stress target by

the difference in load factors for service vs fatigue loading (1/0.75) and by the ratio of the

service vs fatigue impact factors (1.3/1.15). Therefore we can calculate the target vertical

limit on live load as a fraction of total stay force as:

This is the same limit on the vertical component of live load that results from Mathivat’s

limit of span to tower height of 1/15.

Of the 64 extradosed bridges summarized in Appendix A, 40 have sufficient data

to be included in the tower height evaluation. However, it is noted that some adjustments

and interpretation of the data must be made to properly evaluate the tower height


As with the side span ratio (Section 3.5), a distinction must be made between a

two span bridge and a bridge of 3 or more spans. A two span cable stayed bridge, or

extradosed bridge (with only one tower) essentially behaves as one-half of a typical three

span (two tower) arrangement. This means that the H/L ratio cannot be treated the same

way for these two span arrangements. For cable-stayed bridges, it is recommended that a

two span bridge have the span length increased by a factor of 1.8 when comparing tower

height H/L ratios with a bridge of 3 or more spans (Leonhardt, 1980). This same

correction was applied to all two-span extradosed bridges when including their tower

height data in the tabulations, i.e. for two span bridges, their main span length was

increased by a factor of 1.8 when computing H/L ratios.

The tower height reported in the literature is the height to the physical top of

tower. Structurally, we need to relate the tower height at the upper cable to the span

length, since that upper cable sets the stay inclination and structural behavior of the

bridges. So a minor correction is applied to the reported tower heights, reducing the

reported heights by 1 meter (3.28 feet) when including the tower height in computing the

H/L ratios. This one meter is an approximation, based on review of several extradosed

bridges where detailed information was available, and was applied to all bridge data.

Also, four of the bridges in Appendix A were excluded from the data base

because their tower height to span ratio clearly placed them in the cable-stayed bridge

category, and the author did not want to skew the data. These bridges are the Xianshen

River Bridge, Orkojahuira Bridge, Choqueyapu Bridge, and Kantutani Bridge (Janberg,

2010). Each of these has a span/tower height ratios ranging from 2.5 to 3.2, clearly in the

range of cable stayed bridges, even though in the literature they are identified as

extradosed bridges.

Figure 3-12 summarizes an evaluation of the remaining 40 extradosed prestressed

bridges that have span length and tower height data. The numerical calculation for mean

and standard deviation is based on a discrete random variable calculation using the actual


Figure 3-12: Tower Height To Main Span Ratios (HL) For The Population Of Existing
Extradosed Prestressed Bridges

The mean tower height ratio for extradosed bridges is 1/9.75 and going one

standard deviation each side of the mean gives a range of tower height ratios from 1/6.9

to 1/12.6. Clearly, the population of existing extradosed bridges has not followed

Mathivat’s original suggestion that a 1/15 height/span ratio would be the optimal value.

Based on existing bridges tower heights have been used are slightly taller that

recommended by Mathivat and a suggested typical H/L ratio of 1/10 would appear

appropriate, or a H/L range of 1/7 to 1/13, based on the population of existing bridges..

3.9 Deck Depth/Haunch Arrangements

For cable stayed bridges, the stay cables carry most of the dead and live loads and

the deck structure (girder) is proportioned with adequate strength and stiffness to span

between and carry any local load effects between the stays, to carry the overall global

flexural loading from the entire stay/girder structural system deflections and to carry the

horizontal compression from the stays. For cable-stayed bridges the depth to span ratio

can range from values to 50 to more than 250, representing very flexible decks (Poldony,


For a girder bridge the loads are carried by flexure and shear in the girder, and the

girder depth is proportioned for strength and stiffness to carry these loads. The

proportioning of girder bridges is directly dependent on the construction method, and

whether the girder is constant depth or variable depth (haunched). For balanced cantilever

erection methods, recommended girder depth/span ratios are as follows (from Menn,


For constant depth sections: depth/span = 22

For variable depth sections: depth/span = 17 at supports

depth/span = 50 at midspan

Extradosed prestressed bridges are typically constructed in balanced cantilever

and their behavior is similar to a girder bridge constructed in balanced cantilever, but

with more efficient external prestressing. Therefore we would expect a reduction in the

structural depth at the support. Mathivat recommended a depth/span ratio between 30

and 35 for extradosed bridges (Mathivat, 1982).

Of the population of existing extradosed bridges shown in Appendix A, 29 of

those structures are variable depth girders (haunched) and have sufficient information

available to examine the depth span ratios. For those bridges, there is a wide range of

deck depth/span ratios ranging from 13 to 40 with a mean ratio 28.2. Based on an

assumption of a normal distribution of the data, the standard deviation of the data is 8,

giving a range to depth/span ratios from 20 to 36 for one standard deviation each side of

the mean.

In general, we would expect that the depth/span relation should be nearly a

constant, based on the efficient design of the structural system. An example is for

concrete box girder bridges, where there was shown to be strong correlations between

girder depth and span length (FHWA, 1982). However for extradosed bridges, when the

data is plotted for the depth/span ratio as a function of span length, there is a clear trend

for increasing depth span ratios for longer spans (Figure 3-13).

This indicates that for extradosed bridges, the structural proportioning is more

under control of the designer, meaning that the designer can control the load distribution

between the girder and cable system. For longer-span extradosed bridge the stay system

is controlled more by fatigue demands, placing more demand on the girder and trending

towards a slightly deeper girder for longer span bridges.

Figure 3-13: - Plot Of Depth/Span Ratio As A Function Of Span Length

Figure 3-14: Plot Of Depth/Span Ratio As A Function Of Span Length (300-600 Foot

If we limit the span range for the data to the 300 to 600 foot span range that is

considered most viable for extradosed prestressed bridges, then the existing depth span

data is plotted as a function of span length as shown in Figure 3-14. This is only slightly

shifted from Mathivat’s recommendations of a depth/span range of 30-35 for extradosed

bridges. Based on the existing bridges a slightly wider span range of 25-35 would seem


The girder depth at mid-span for an extradosed bridge should be similar to a

girder bridge constructed in balanced cantilever. The moment and shear demands of both

systems are similar at the mid-span location. As previously noted Menn recommends a

depth/span ratio of about 50 for the mid span region of continuous girder bridges

constructed in balanced cantilever. Analyzing the data in Appendix A, the mean mid-

span depth ratio for variable depth bridges is 46, agreeing closely with Menn’s

recommendations. Therefore, a recommended mid-span depth/span ratio for variable

depth extradosed bridges is 50.

About 10% of the existing extradosed bridges use a constant depth girder, rather

than a haunched, variable depth arrangement. As previously noted, for a constant depth

girder bridge a depth/span ratio of about 22 would be expected. The depth/span ratio

used for extradosed bridges ranges from 25 to 39.8, with a mean ratio of 32. It is noted

that a constant depth girder was typically used for shorter span length extradosed bridges,

with a mean span length of only 285 ft. for the constant depth bridges.

In general a variable depth girder section would be expected for extradosed

bridges, in recognition of the higher negative moment demand at the towers. However

for short-span extradosed bridges (less than 300 ft. span) a constant depth section may be


Figure 3-15: Extradosed Bridge Deck Widths For The Population Of Existing Bridges

3.10 Bridge Deck Width

Extradosed prestressed bridges have been used for a wide variation of bridge deck

widths, ranging from 30 to 112 feet wide. Appendix A has 44 bridges with deck width

data as shown in Figure 3-15. The mean deck width is 65 feet and there is a relatively

uniform distribution of deck width variations between the two extremes.

One would expect that the extradosed bridge concept would function better with

relatively narrow deck widths, due to more direct load path from the girder webs to the

cables on a narrow bridge (Figure 3-16). For a wide bridge, either a strong diaphragm or

an external arrangement of post-tensioning must be provided to transfer the intermediate

web loads to the stay cables (Figure 3-17). Either of these adds cost and complexity to the

design and construction.

Figure 3-16: Narrow Deck Figure 3-17: Wide Deck Extradosed Bridge
Extradosed Bridge

However, even with the added complexities, there is a relatively even distribution

of constructed bridge deck widths for extradosed bridges. It is the author’s opinion that

this is probably a reflection of the construction of bridges to the required roadway widths

in response to traffic demands, as opposed to structural efficiency, and that given the

option, a narrow extradosed bridge that allows a direct force transfer between the box

girder webs and the stay cables, is preferable.

3.11 Aesthetics

A common theme for the selection of exradosed bridges are the aesthetic

opportunities for this bridge type, for example the Odawara Blueway Bridge as discussed

in Oishi, 1996; The Tskuhara Bridge as discussed in Ogawa, 1998; The Rittoh Bridge as

discussed in a Japan Public Highway Corporation reference (undated); and the Pearl

Harbor Memorial Bridges, as discussed in Stroh, 2003, all list the aesthetic opportunities

of this bridge type as a factor in the bridge type selection decision.

The aesthetic or visual development of an extradosed bridge design can be

approached on two levels. First, the overall proportioning of the bridge includes

selection of the span layout, stay cable configuration (one or multiple planes of stays),

and stay arrangement (harp or fan arrangement), tower height, and girder depth and

haunch arrangement. Then on a more detailed level, the tower shape can be selected to

provide visual interest and other architectural features of the design can be refined, such

as railings, colors and textures, aesthetic lighting, or other design features.

3.11.1 Stay Cable Configuration

An extradosed bridge can be developed with one plane of stay cables supporting

the deck, two planes or multiple planes. Examples include the Ibi River Bridge in Japan

with one plane of stay cables in the median of the roadway (Figure 3-18), the Odawara

Blueway Bridge in Japan with two plans of stay cables (Figure 3-19) and the

Miyakodagawa Bridge in Japan with three planes of stay cables (Figure 3-20).

Figure 3-18: Ibi River Bridge

With One Plane Of Stay Cables
Photo By Author

Figure 3-19: Odawara Blueway

Bridge With Two Planes Of Stay
Cables Photo By Author

Figure 3-20: Miyakodagawa
Bridge With Three Planes Of Stay
Cables. Photo By Author

3.11.2 Stay Distribution

The stays can be distributed along the tower either in a fan arrangement, where

the cables are concentrated to the tops of the tower and radiate towards the deck, or in a

harp arrangement where the cables are parallel and evenly spaced. An example of a fan

arrangement if the Tsukuhara Bridge in Japan (Figure 3-21), and an example of a harp

arrangement is the Sunniberg Bridge in Switzerland (Figure 3-22).

Figure 3-21: Tsukuhara Bridge

With Fan Arrangement Of Stay
Cables. Photo By Author

Figure 3-22: Sunniberg Bridge
With Harp Stay Cable
Arrangement. Photo Courtesy
Of Structurae.De,
Photographer Nicolas Janberg

3.11.3 Tower Configuration

Towers for extradosed bridges do not have the same design flexibility as cable-

stayed bridge towers due to their smaller scale. For a cable-stayed bridge, the towers are

substantially taller, and can use “A” shapes or delta shapes that join the tower legs over

the roadway. Extradosed bridge towers are not tall enough for this type of arrangement

and tend to be essentially free-standing vertical leg towers. Nonetheless, this has not

limited designers’ creativity and the towers for extradosed prestressed bridges have been

a focal point for the visual expression of this bridge type. Many extradosed bridges have

incorporated visually striking tower arrangements, ranging from simple but elegant

shapes and shown in Figures 3-23 and 3-24 for the Tsukuhara Bridge and Ibi River

Bridge in Japan to the more stylized tower of the Rittoh Bridge (Figure 3-25), that is

located in the Shiga Prefecture Nature Park in Japan. This bridge is themed as a “Bridge

in Flight” with the shape of the tower as the image of cranes in flight (Yasukawa, 2002).

Figure 3-23: Tsukuhara Bridge Towers. Photo By Author

Figure 3-24: Ibi River Bridge Tower,

Japan. Photo By Author.

Figure 3-25: Rittoh Bridge Tower, Japan. Photo Courtesy Of Takashi Kosaka

3.11.4 Other Architectural Features On Extradosed Bridges

Extradosed bridges are frequently considered as signature bridges or landmark

bridges, that warrant attention to visual detail beyond the basic structural form of the

bridges. This can take several forms, such as non-structural architectural elements,

handrail or pedestrian walkway features, or feature aesthetic lighting. The unique visual

signature and above-deck feature of the towers and cables on extradosed bridges has

encouraged and inspired designers to incorporate many creative architectural features in

the visual development of this bridge type.

Examples of these features include entry markers for the Pearl Harbor Memorial

Bridge in New Haven Connecticut, commemorating this structure as a memorial to the

December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor (Figure 3-26). These markers are highlighted

in gold leaf lettering and illuminated at night.

Figure 3-26: Entry Markers For The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge. Image Courtesy Of
URS Corporation

Also for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, aesthetic lighting is provided to

reinforce the memorial quality of the bridge. Subdued white lighting washes the tower

and anchor pier surfaces and “port-hole” lights are illuminated along the deck. On

special days, such as Pearl Harbor Day and 4th of July, brilliant light cannons are

illuminated from the central towers, shining towards the heavens (Figure 3-27).

Figure 3-27: Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Aesthetic Lighting. Image Courtesy URS
For the Odawara Blueway Bridge located at the mouth of Odawara Port, the

coloring of the stay cables were graded from blue near the top of the towers to white at

the girder level (Figure 3-28), providing a harmony with the natural setting at this site

(Oishi, 1996).

Figure 3-28 Color Graded Stay Cables For The Odawara Blueway Bridge, Japan.
Photo By Author.

The decision to use an extradosed bridge is many times a complex decision

including several considerations. Cost, constructability, and durability always are key

factors. However many owners and communities are seeking their infrastructure projects

to enhance their quality of life, in addition to providing basic mobility. The aesthetic

opportunities for this bridge type provide a fresh opportunity for bridge engineers to

explore a new bridge form, and continued creativity in structural form and details will

undoubtedly continue as the use of these bridges become more widespread.

3.12 Summary

This chapter has provided an assessment of a number of design parameters,

characteristics and features that can assist the designer in the general proportioning of

extradosed bridges and the assessment of the applicability of extradosed bridges to a

particular set of site conditions. They are not intended as fixed design rules, but rather

rules-of-thumb to help guide the experienced designer.

3.12.1 Materials

The grider of extradosed prestressed bridges is most commonly concrete. The

basic premise of extradosed bridges is to prestress the girder with external post tensioning

cables (the stay cables), and concrete is an ideal material for this application. Concrete is

strong in compression and weak in tension, and the combination of the axial compression

and the flexural moment counter to the applies moments can be tuned to optimize this

material. However there can also be special applications of steel to extradosed bridges;

in several forms:

A hybrid design, with an all-concrete girder except the central portion of the main

span uses a orthotropic or composite steel girder. The weight savings for the

main span can allow extradosed bridges to be used for longer spans or for cases

where short side spans are required by site conditions.

A composite design that uses a corrugated steel web with concrete top and bottom

flanges, for weight savings. This can be important for high seismic regions.

A composite design that uses a steel box girder with a composite concrete deck

slab. The resultant weight savings can reduce stay cable, tower and foundation


3.12.2 Applicable Span Range

Extradosed bridge have been typically applied to main-spans ranging from 300 to

600 feet. This provides an alternative to conventional girder bridges that tend to have

larger girder structural depths for long spans, and an option to the traditional long-span

bridge types of arch, truss and cable-stayed bridges, that are at the low end of their

applicability in this span range. These limits represent one standard deviation from the

mean of the existing population of extradosed bridges, and should not be construed to be

maximum limits. Extradosed bridges have been constructed with span lengths as little as

200 feet or up to 900 feet, and depending on site conditions may be appropriate for the

wider range of span lengths.

3.12.3 Main Span/Side Span Proportions

The ratio of side span to main span lengths can be an important parameter for the

economical design of the girder. For a three-span girder bridge this ideal ratio is about

0.65 in order to balance the positive and negative moments. For a three-span cable

stayed bridge this ration is about 0.42 to balance cable demand and to prevent large

uplifts at the anchor pier.

For extradosed bridge there is a wider range of acceptable side span/main span

ratios because the cables and girder share the load and can have some design flexibility in

their proportioning. An assessment of the existing population of extradosed bridge gives

a recommended side/main span ratio of 0.6 with a range between 0.45 and 0.69.

It is noted that there can be important consequence at the low end of this range. If

the side span is too short, then uplift can result at the end piers under some live load

conditions. This must be resisted by mechanical hold down devices, by ballasting the

girder to give a positive reaction on the bearings, or other means.

3.12.4 Applicability Of Extradosed Bridges To Multi-Span Bridges

Cable stayed bridge rely on backstay cables that connect the anchor pier to the top

of tower in order to stiffen the tower. They are ideal for a two-span or a three-span

application since these backstay cables naturally exist. However for multi-span bridge,

such as a four-span cable-stayed bridge, the central tower does not have backstays, and

presents a particular design challenge. Solutions include provision of a stiff central

tower, or providing additional cables from the top of the central tower to adjacent towers

(called cross-cables). Neither of these solutions are particularly elegant, and there are

very few examples of multi span cable stayed bridge in the world.

For extradosed bridges, the structural system does not rely on backstay cables,

and they are ideally situated for multi span applications. Extradosed bridge can be

economically used for long over-water crossings requiring long-spans and several towers,

providing an important option to bridge engineers for this design condition.

3.12.5 Applicability Of Extradosed Bridges To Curved Or Tapered Bridge Alignments

The real-world alignment of roadways often required bridges to be on curved

alignments or alignments that include tapering widths of the roadway to accommodate

entrance and exit ramps. For most of the longer-span bridge types, such as cable-stayed,

arch and truss bridges these alignmets can present a challenge or even a limitation of the

applicability of the bridge type to a particular site. The stay cables can conflict with the

vehicle clearance envelope, or the torsional demands of the curved alignment can put

high demands of the structural system.

For extradosed bridges, the cables extend over only a portion of the spans, and

they typically are in a vertical plane or are inclined outward, both of which minimize

clearance conflicts with the vehicle clearance envelope. Extradosed bridges typically

utilize large box girders, that are very efficient in resisting the torsional demands of a

curved or tapered alignments. The existing population of extradosed bridge has several

examples of extradosed bridge on complex curved or tapered alignments. They provide

the designer with an added bridge type option for these challenging alignments.

3.12.6 Tower Height

The height of the tower, or more specifically the ratio of the tower height to main

span length, is an important design parameter for extradosed bridges. In fact it is one of

the key defining parameters for the definition of an extradosed bridge as it affects the

design load in the cable and the fatigue stress in the cable. As the tower height increases,

the bridge begins to behave more like a cable-stayed bridge.

As assessment of existing extradosed bridges places the tower height to main span

ratio between 1/7 to 1/13, with a typical value of 1/10.

3.12.7 Girder Depth/Girder Haunch Proportions

Another important design parameter for the initial sizing of bridge is the girder

depth proportions. This also includes the decision in whether to use a constant depth

(parallel flange) girder, or a variable depth (haunched) girder.

Extradosed bridges typically are constructed by a balanced cantilever erection

method that cantilevers the girder out from the towers. There is an advantage for using a

deeper girder at the tower, as it allows the larger cantilever before the installation of the

first stay cable. Therefore extradosed bridges typically use haunched girders, except for

very short spans, or for special cases that are not constructed in balanced cantilever.

An evaluation of existing extradosed bridge reveals a typical span/depth ratio

between 25:1 to 35:1 at the tower and 50:1 at midspan.

3.12.8 Bridge Deck Width

The bridge deck width is not a design parameter; it is typically set as part of the

roadway traffic design requirements. It is, however, a design feature in that it can affect

the economy of the design and could influence choice of bridge type for a particular site.

Existing Extradosed brides have been used for a wide range of bridge widths,

ranging from 30 to 110 feet in width. It is observed that even though extradosed bridges

have been used for wide bridges, there are special design considerations to this

application. The vertical load in the box girder is basically carried by shear in the webs.

At each stay cable location, a portion of that load is carried by the stay cable. This means

for box girders that have more than two webs (wide bridges) a load path must be

provided from the interior webs to the stay cables. There are several options for this load

transfer (transverse diaphragms, draped transverse post-tensioning), but they all add

complications (and cost) to the design. It should be noted if the designer has a choice, the

most efficient cross section for an extradosed bridge with be for a relatively narrow

bridge with two webs. For example, a bridge carrying two lanes in each direction can be

more efficiently designed as two separate decks, rather than one wide deck. However,

this should not be considered a hard design rule, as extradosed bridge can (and have)

been designed to a wide range of bridge widths.

3.12.9 Aesthetics

For a number of existing extradosed bridges, one of the factors in choosing an

extradosed bridge was the opportunity with this bridge type to provide a visually striking

bridge. The extradosed bridge type has the above deck features of towers and stay cables

that can provide an interesting visual character to the bridge crossing experience. And

the relatively thin deck (compared to a conventional girder bridge) can provide a graceful

and well-proportioned bridge for a long-span application.

Examples of several extradosed bridge are provided in the chapter that have

special architectural features to enhance the visual experience of the bridge. These

include, in addition to the basic form of the bridge, architectural shaping of the towers,

visual enhancement features (such as entry columns and colored cables), and aesthetic

lighting to feature the bridge at night.

Chapter 4: Stay Cable Design Issues

4.1 Introduction

The previous Chapter reviewed a variety of general proportioning and detailing

factors that “define” extradosed bridges, among which was the tower height. The tower

height is a particularly important parameter because it influences how the loads are

shared between the cables and the girder. Specifically how the live loads are carried, and

how much change in live load, or fatigue, the cable is subjected to. The cable fatigue

demand is central to the definition of extradosed prestressed bridges because the fatigue

capacity of a cable is directly related to the maximum stress limit in the cable. For cable

stayed bridges, the allowable maximum stress on the cable is set in order to provide an

appropriate fatigue range. That is, the maximum stress in the cable is set low enough that

there is an appropriate fatigue range available for live load variation. For an extradosed

we can set the maximum stress of the cable higher, because there is less fatigue demand.

This provides a more efficient use of the cable material for extradosed bridges, and

consequently, cost savings.

The tower height alone does not sufficiently control the fatigue stress range in the

stay cables to a level of accuracy to safely and consistently establish appropriate

maximum stress limits. In order to provide a more comprehensive assessment of

extrasosed bridges, there needs to be extradosed-bridge-specific criteria on the design of

the stay cables, specifically, the establishment of the maximum allowable stress and the

establishment of appropriate fatigue ranges based on that maximum stress. The primary

purpose of this chapter is to investigate these requirements and provide recommendations

on appropriate maximum stress and fatigue stress design criteria for extradosed bridges.

As a secondary purpose, this chapter will also address some of the design and testing

issues necessary for consideration of extradosed bridges.

Stay cables can be assembled by combining a number of individual tensile

elements to make a cable. These tensile elements of the cables can be of several forms

including seven-wire grade 270 post-tensioning strands, high strength bars, parallel wires,

or locked-coil wires. Around the world, and almost exclusively in the United States,

seven-wire grade 270 post tensioning strand have in recent times been the stay cable

material of choice. This applies both to cable-stayed bridges and extradosed bridges.

These seven wire strands are the same type of strand that is used for conventional post-

tensioning applications, and are quite common, economical, and widely available. For the

purposes of this dissertation, we will limit our discussion to stay cables that are

constructed of multiple seven-wire grade 270 post-tensioning strands. So to begin, we

will first investigate the performance of an individual 7-wire strand that makes up the

stay cable.

4.2 Fatigue Performance Of Individual Seven-Wire Prestressing Strands

In the United States, prestressing strand is manufactured and tested to American

Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards, typically ASTM A416 for uncoated,

stress-relieved or low-relaxation seven-wire strand. Today, the strand used is almost

exclusively of grade 270, meaning the tensile strength (f’s) is 270 ksi. (Some older

structures, however, may have used grade 250 strand.) This seven-wire strand is used in a

wide range of applications, including prestressing applications where the individual

strands are stressed before placement of the concrete, then released after concrete

hardens; and post-tensioning operations where the strands are grouped into tendons that

are placed in ducts in the concrete and stressed after the concrete hardens. The post

tensioning ducts are typically grouted after stressing. Both prestressing and post-

tensioning are used for a wide variety of concrete beams, slabs and other structural

elements, for concrete piling, and for use in temporary works such as strand jacking and

other lifting operations. Seven-wire strand is also used and the main tension element for

cable stayed bridges and for extradosed prestressed bridges.

For typical prestressing or post tensioning applications, fatigue is not generally a

controlling load condition. However AASHTO Bridge Specifications (AASHTO, 2010)

provide guidance on the permissible stress range for post tensioning strand that is curved

to prescribed radii. In Section AASHTO limits the stress range as follows:

18.0 ksi for tendon radius greater than 30 ft.

10.0 ksi for tendon radius not less than 12 ft.

Interpolation between these values is allowed. For radius less than 12 ft., or where metal-

to-metal fretting of the strands is a concern, then AASHTO refers the designer to the


The stress limits for strands in the above typical prestress and post tensioning

applications are limited to 0.74 f’s at the time of release of prestress, although the average

stress level in the tendons is usually less than this due to friction between the strand and

duct, and due to prestress loss due to creep and shrinkage time-dependent effects. The

average tendon stress is commonly on the order of 0.6 f’s after all losses.

The fatigue performance of the prestressing strand is similar for all steels, in that

the allowable fatigue stress range (S) is a function of the number of stress cycles (N).

This relation shows a reduction in in the allowable stress range as the number of repeated

stress cycles increases. It is usually plotted on a log-log scale and is called the S-N

diagram, or sometimes called the Wöhler Curve, after August Wöller, a German engineer

who was noted for his systematic investigations on metal fatigue. An S-N diagram for

common structural steel is shown in Figure 4-1 (Adapted from AASHTO, 2010)

Carbon Steel Fatigue Performance Category A
Infinite Fatigue Life
Stress Range (KSI)


1.00E+05 1.00E+06 Number of Cycles 1.00E+07 1.00E+08

Figure 4-1: Stress Range Versus Number Of Cycles For Structural Steel (S-N Curve)
Adapted From AASHTO, 2010

For an individual 7-wire strand, the fatigue performance is function of the

maximum stress in the strand. A strand stressed to a higher maximum stress will have a

reduced fatigue stress range capacity, at a given number of stress cycles, as compared the

same strand that is stressed to a lower maximum stress. As applied to cable stayed bridge

design, this is discussed in Recommendations for Stay Cable Design, Testing and

Installation (PTI 2007). PTI limits the maximum stress in the strand for stay cables to

0.45 f’s, and by doing so provides a permissible single element stress range of 33 ksi for

the strand at 2 million cycles, as shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2: S-N Curve For A Seven-Wire Single-Strand Stressed To A Maximum Stress
Of 0.45 f's

This fatigue range is usually adequate for the design of cable stayed bridges

without controlling the design to an excessive degree. This single-element S-N curve

also provides the basis of fatigue design for the multi-strand cables in cable stayed


For an extradosed bridge, we are interested in stressing the cables to a higher

maximum stress, since the fatigue stress range demand is less than for cable-stayed

bridges. There is limited information on the development of S-N curves for prestressing

strand with other maximum stress limits. There was a comprehensive study published in

1983 that investigated the fatigue performance of prestressing strand (Paulson, 1983).

This study summarized a large amount of data from 13 previous studies concerning

strand fatigue performance, and supplemented that data with a series of tests with wire

from different manufactures. Most of these tests were conducted with maximum strand

stresses at or above 0.6f’s. The goal of this study was to develop a S-N curve for

prestressing strand, and did so without regard to variances in the maximum strand stress.

The curve was set as a “lower limit” that had a 95% probability that 97.5% of the failure

points fell above the line. The resulting S-N expression is Eq. 4-1 and is plotted on

Figure 4-3 (Paulsen):

............................................. Eq. 4-1


N = Number of fatigue stress cycles

S = Stress Range (ksi)

In Japan, where there have been a number of extradosed bridges built with cables

that have a maximum stress of 0.6 f’s, Kasuga reported the S-N curve shown in Figure 4-

3 (Kasuga,1994). This curve was developed by the Express Highway Research

Foundation in Japan, and has been used for many of the extradosed bridges constructed in


Figure 4-3: S-N Curves For Seven Wire Strand At A Maximum Stress Of 0.6 f's, From
Various Literature Sources Shown Above

In recognition of this limited data, the first extradosed bridge in the United States,

The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, included single strand fatigue testing at maximum

stress levels of 0.6 f’s (Schwager, 2010). These results are also plotted on Figure 4-3.

This curve is based on three test-specimens.

It should be noted that Grade 270 prestressing strand is a material that has near

universal application worldwide. Typical strand sizes of 0.5” and 0.6” are soft converted

over to metric sizes of 12.7 and 15.2 mm and the maximum tensile strength of 270 ksi is

soft converted to 1860 MPa. So the strand material used in the Unites States, or in Japan,

is the same, and the S-N curve data would be expected to be consistent.

The results of the three sources of information for single strand fatigue

performance for seven-wire strand at a maximum stress level of 0.6 f’s do not provide a

precise agreement, as may be expected from experimental data collected under varying

conditions. They do, however reinforce that use of the S-N data from Kasuga is

conservative, and therefore appropriate for further development of multi-strand cable

criteria for extradosed bridges.

4.3 Current Stay-Cable Design Criteria For Cable-Stayed Bridges

The current basis in the United States for design of the multi-strand cables in

cable-stayed bridges is the Post Tensioning Institute “Recommendations for Stay Cable

Design, Testing and Installation”. The most current edition is the 5th Ed., dated 2007

(PTI, 2007). This specification was developed specifically for cable-stayed bridges,

meaning, among other things, that it was developed to conform to the expected fatigue

demands for cable-stayed bridges.

The fatigue capacity discussed in Section 4.2 is based on an individual 7-wire

strand. This is sometimes called the single-element fatigue performance. The design of

the stay cable, however, must be based on the performance of the group of bundled

strands that make up a cable. The philosophy adopted by PTI for performance of the

cable, is to start with the single 7-wire element fatigue capacity of 33 ksi (Figure 4-2),

then reduce this by a value, Δ1, to cover quality assurance considerations, and a value, Δ 2,

to cover length effects, anchorage stress risers and factor of safety. The quality assurance

value considers the difference from the performance of an individual strand element

compared to a group of strands forming a cable. It includes interaction effects, cable

twist, and assembly variances, and is based on experience from load testing results of

many assembled cables. For strand cables the Δ1 correction used by PTI is 10 ksi, and the

Δ2 correction is 4.93 ksi. Figure 4-4 shows application of these corrections, resulting in

an allowable fatigue stress range for a cable comprised of multiple 7-wire strands of 19

ksi at 2 million cycles, based on a maximum stress of 45% of the ultimate strength of the

strand (PTI, 2007).

Figure 4-4: PTI Fatigue Safety Philosophy For Stay Cables Of 7-Wire Strand.

The PTI 3rd edition and earlier was based on an allowable stress design procedure

where the cables were sized based on a maximum stress of 0.45 f’s for Group I loading,

then a check of the fatigue range of 18.1 ksi based on the selected cable size. If based on

this check the fatigue limit is not met, then fatigue governs, and the cable size is

increased to reduce the stress range.

The current PTI specification is based on a Load Resistance Factor Design

(LRFD) philosophy, meaning that the four basic limit states of service, strength, fatigue

and extreme event must satisfy for the following expression:

…………..………….Eq. 4-2


η= Load modifier for operational importance, redundancy, and

ductility; taken as 1.0 for stay cables.

γi = Load factor for load “i”

Qi = Load force effect “i”

ϕ= Material factor

Rn = Nominal Resistance

Rr = Factored Resistance

The load factors are as specified in Table 3.4.1-1 of the AASHTO Bridge Code

(AASHTO, 2010). The ϕ factors are given in PTI as:

Strength A (Axial only) ϕ = 0.65

Strength B (Axial + Bending) ϕ = 0.75

Fatigue ϕ = 0.95

Extreme Event ϕ = 1.0

No ϕ-value is provided for service, implying no service check is required for the

cables. The Strength A case, considering the combination of η, γ i, and ϕ factors, was

intended to give a similar design as a cable designed by service conditions in the previous

allowable stress versions of the specification.

4.4 Current Stay Design Criteria For Extradosed Bridges

As noted in Section 4.2, in the United States the current governing design criteria

for stay cables is the Post Tensioning Institute “Recommendations for Stay Cable Design,

Testing and Installation”, 5th Edition. Although this specification was developed

specifically for cable-stayed bridges, there has been in recent years an attempt to include

extradosed bridges in the specification. The 5th edition was the first PTI specification to

mention extradosed bridges. A new section 5.10 was introduced with a commentary that


“Cable stay systems that are employed on relatively short towers and stiff
girder systems and at relatively flat horizontal angles represent a subset of
cable-stays subject to more limited demands than for more traditional configu-
rations. This subset of cable-stayed bridge is generally termed an "extradosed"
bridge. For the purposes of design criteria, the primary distinction is that these
stays do not experience appreciable stress range due to live load, wind load, or
bending effects at the anchorages from either primary effects, or from secondary
bending associated with bridge displacements. In this case of limited stress
range, the bending reserve in the strength limit state may be utilized throughout
the service range. This allows design based on ϕ = 0 .75 alone.”

Under the section 5.10 design provisions this 5th edition recommends that where

fvs is less than 2.5% of the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the main tension

element, for all stays in a bridge, stays may be sized based on Strength B alone

with the requirements of Strength A waived. fvs is the maximum stress range in a stay

due to all service load effects, including but not limited to the static and dynamic

stresses due to traffic and wind loads. This provision essentially allowed design to an

equivalent allowable stay stress of 0.6 f’s for the very specific class of bridges where the

fatigue stress range is less than 2.5%. While this went part way in recognizing

extradosed bridges, it allowed no flexibility on intermediate conditions where the

fatigue stress is more than 2.5% but less than a typical cable-stayed bridge. Many

bridges that have been termed as extradosed prestressed bridges fall outside these stress

limits and would not be considered as an extradosed bridge under the 5 th edition


The PTI committee that is responsible for this document has a 6th edition of the

specification that is under development (PTI, 6th Ed.). This edition proposes to remove

the specific references to extradosed bridges in the 5th edition, and to include

provisions that address bridges with relatively low live load demands on the stay cables

in a more general manner. This is proposed to be accomplished by allowing a

transition in the stay capacity for low demand cables, expressing this as a function of

the total live load plus wind stress to maximum ultimate tensile strength ratio (Total

LL+W/MUTS) for the cable. It is proposed to modify the material factor (ϕ) in

Equation 4-2 to recognize the lower live load fatigue demand on bridges that have

relatively small live load demand on the cables. For the total LL+W/MUTS ratio over

7.5% the material factor is 0.65 as for a normal cable stayed bridge. For a Total

LL+W/MUTS ratio of 1.0% a ϕ factor of 0.78 is allowed, essentially allowing a

maximum stay stress of 0.6 f’s. A linear transition is permitted between these two

limits (Figure 4-5).


Phi Factor

Phi Axial



0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Total LL+wind stress level / MUTS

Figure 4-5: Variable Φ Factor For Total LL+W/MUTS Ratios Less Than 7.5%
(Adapted From Proposed PTI 6th Edition).

The result of this variable ϕ can be illustrated by a simple example. For a low live

load fatigue demand extradosed bridge we would anticipate designing under a service

load condition to an allowable cable stress of 0.6 f’s. That is:

DL+LL 0.6 f’s ………………..……………Eq. 4-3

Based on the proposed PTI 6th edition provisions, the cables would be sized for

strength Group I loading (the load group typically governing the strength design of the

cables) (AASHTO, 2010). Inserting the Group I load factors into Equation 4-2 and using

the ϕ-factor of 0.78, determined from Figure 4-5 for a bridge with a low LL+W/MUTS

ratio (<1%) gives:

1.25(DL) + 1.75(LL) 0.78 f’s…….……………….Eq. 4-4

In order to compare equations 4-3 and 4-4, we need to consider a typical ratio of

dead to live load forces in the cables. Experience for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

(Chapter 5) would place this ratio at about 92% dead load and 8% live load. Inserting

these ratios in the left side of equation 4-4, we can compute a blended load factor (x) on

(DL+LL) as follows:

1.25(DL) +1.75(LL) = x(DL+LL)

Inserting the DL and LL ratios:

1.25(.92) + 1.75(.08) = x(1.0)

x = 1.29

Inserting this blended load factor into equation 4-4 gives:

1.29(DL+LL) 0.78 f’s

And dividing through by 1.29 gives:

DL+LL 0.605 f’s

This gives essentially the same result as designing as a service level stress of 0.6

f’s as shown in equation 4-3. The variable ϕ-factor approach serves to provide a simple

means of transitioning the cable design criteria between the typical cable-stayed stress

limit of 0.45 f’s to a stress limit of 0.6 f’s that would represent a low fatigue demand

condition. However this approach takes an indirect consideration of the fatigue demand

on the cable. The variable ϕ-factor is based on the total live load plus wind stress on the

cable. While this gives an indication of the fatigue demand on the cable, a more direct

determination of the cable performance should be based on the actual fatigue demand of

the cable (recognizing that the fatigue live loading is different that the strength live

loading in AASHTO). This more rational approach is possible based of recently available

fatigue test data for strand stressed to values intermediate to the common 0.6 f’s and 0.45

f’s limits.

4.5 Extradosed Bridge Design Approach Based On Single Element Acceptance


The approach of developing the fatigue design criteria for the stay cable, based on

single element (strand) acceptance criteria forms the basis for the stay design criteria

developed for cable stayed bridges, as illustrated in Figure 4-4. The single element

acceptance for an individual 7-wire strand is based on the S-N curve for that element, and

that curve is a function of the maximum stress on the strand. As noted in the Section 4-2,

for cable-stayed bridges this acceptance criteria is based on an maximum stress in the

strand of 0.45 f’s. This same approach can be applied to extradosed bridges.

For an extradosed bridge, the fatigue demand on the cables is much less that for a

cable stayed bridge, and therefore the maximum stress can be greater than 0.45 f’s. In

fact, many of the existing extradosed bridges in Japan have been designed with maximum

stress of 0.60 f’s, the same typical stress limit used for 7-wire strand in post tensioning

applications. However, this can result in fatigue governing the stay cable design (leading

to inefficient use of materials) or the bridge proportioning strictly controlled to limit the

fatigue stress (for example, by limiting tower height). Optimally, the cables for an

extradosed bridge should be sized based on balancing both their fatigue demand and the

maximum stress value by the designer. This requires flexibility in matching the

maximum cable stress and resulting fatigue capacity of the cable to the structural

demand. In order to give the designer maximum control over these conditions, this

requires consideration of fatigue performance of cables stressed to intermediate values,

between 0.45 f’s and 0.60 f’s.

There is limited information available in the literature for S-N curves for the

performance of 7-wire strand at various levels of maximum stress. Information is

available for single element fatigue performance of strand in the literature at maximum

stress of 0.6 f’s (Kasuga, 1994) and 0.45 f’s (PTI, 2007), but not at intermediate levels.

The fatigue limit can be interpolated for a strand with an maximum stress of 0.55

f’s from the values available at maximum stresses of 0.6 f’s and 0.45 f’s. For example,

based on a log-log interpolation the fatigue limit for an individual strand stressed to 0.55

f’s is 24.1 ksi.

The design criteria for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge (the first extradosed

bridge in the United States), established a maximum stay force of 0.55 f’s, and the fatigue

limit was used based on an interpolated value of 24.1 ksi, as noted above. At part of the

construction phase for this bridge, single-element fatigue testing of the 7-wire strand was

performed based on a 0.55 f’s maximum stress in order to verify this design criteria

assumption. The results of this test are summarized in Table 4.1 (from Schwager, 2010).

Table 4-1: - Single Element Fatigue Test At 0.55 f's Maximum Stress
Fatigue Tests Tensile Test Overall
No. Upper Range Completion Status Pass/ Cycle Ct. Load Pass/
Limit (ksi) Cycles Fail Failure Mode (kips) Fail
1 55% 64.2 100,000 Done Pass _ 60.4 Pass Pass

2 55% 64.2 100,000 Done Pass _ 60.4 Pass Pass

3 55% 24.5 2,000,000 Done Pass _ 61.0 Pass Pass

4 55% 64.2 Free Stopped _ 1,000,000/- 60.8 Pass Pass

5 55% 64.2 Free Done _ 255,912/FL - - -
6 55% 64.2 Free Done _ 164,555/FL - - -
FL Free Length Failure
G Grip Failure
Samples 5 and 6 were intentionally fatigue tested to failure beyond the 100,000 cycle target for
this maximum stress range.

Figure 4-6: S-N Curve For Single Element 7-Wire Strand For Various Tested
Maximum Stress Levels

These tests confirmed the interpolated data, with the 24.5 ksi stress range at 2

million cycles having good agreement with the interpolated value of 24.1 ksi. These

results are plotted on Figure 4-6 and confirm that an interpolated value for the allowable

stress range based on maximum stress levels between 0.45 f’s and 0.60 f’s are reasonable

for single element acceptance criteria.

Based on this confirmation, the fatigue performance of an individual 7-wire strand

at intermediate stress levels between 0.45 and 0.6 f’s is constructed in Figure 4-7 based

on a polynomial curve fit of the published data for fatigue performance at 0.45 and 0.6 f’s

maximum stress levels, and the results from the testing shown in Table 4-1 for a

maximum stress level of 0.55 f’s.

Figure 4-7: Allowable Fatigue Stress Range As A Function Of Maximum Strand Stress
For 2 Million Cycle Stress Range

The values of the single element stress range can then be taken from Figure 4-7,

then reduced by 10 ksi for quality assurance considerations (Δ1 correction) and 4.93 ksi

for length effects (Δ2 correction) to obtain the allowable fatigue range based on variable

maximum stress levels. This approach provides a more direct determination of the

combination of fatigue performance and maximum stress level for cables

For example, a cable stressed to 0.56 f’s has single-element allowable fatigue

stress range at 2 million cycles of 23.5 ksi from Figure 4-7. This is reduced by 10 ksi for

quality assurance and 4.93 ksi for an allowable stress range of 9.6 ksi for the cable

element. Similar curves can be prepared for other number of cycles of stress range.

In order to put this approach in the LRFD format used by the current design

codes, Figure 4-7 is modified to provide a calibrated ϕ-factor, based on the allowable

stress range. The LRFD Load Group I expression is shown in Eq. 4-5. The ϕ-factor

must be calibrated such that the targeted allowable stress limit of 0.45 f’s is achieved for

cable stayed bridges and allowable stress target of 0.60 f’s is achieved for extradosed

bridges with low fatigue demand. This requires consideration of the dead load to live load

ratio for these two classes of bridges.

1.25(DL) + 1.75(LL) ϕ f’s………………………….Eq. 4-5

For cable stayed bridges we must consider the class of bridges with a high live

load to dead load ratio, in order to be conservative (meaning bridge with relatively light

superstructures). An example of such bridges is the Fred Hartman Bridge in Baytown

Texas (Stroh, 1990). This bridge had a relatively light composite steel superstructure,

with about 38% of the weight attributed to live load and 62% to dead loads. Using these

ratios in Eq. 4-5 and with a target allowable stress (under service conditions) of 0.45 f’s,

we can calculate a ϕ-factor of 0.65. This agrees with Figure 4-5 (from PTI).

For extradosed bridges with a low fatigue demand, we need to consider a higher

dead load proportion. As noted in section 4-4, a representative distribution of loads for an

extradosed bridge is about 8% live loads and 92% dead loads. Using these ratios in Eq. 4-

5 and with a target allowable stress (under service conditions) of 0.60 f’s, we can

calculate a ϕ-factor of 0.78 Again, this agrees with Figure 4-5 (from PTI).

Figure 4-8: Allowable Fatigue Stress Range As A Function Of Φ Factor For 2 Million Cycle
Stress Range

Therefore, rather than selecting a ϕ-factor based on the live load plus wind ratio

as shown in Figure 4-5, Figure 4-8 allows a direct relation between the ϕ-factor and the

allowable stress range for fatigue. The designer can either select a target ϕ-factor, then

check the fatigue design against the allowable range from Figure 4-8, or they can begin

with the required fatigue range and then select the appropriate ϕ-factor for strength


4.6 Cable-Stayed Bridge Fatigue Testing

The acceptance and testing of the fatigue performance of stay cables is required to

be demonstrated on a project-by-project basis in accordance with the PTI specifications

(PTI, 5th Ed.). This is both a quality control measure, and to also recognize that the

fatigue performance of the cable is dependent on the specific anchorage hardware, the

specific manufacturer, size of cable and installation procedures and these can vary form

project-to-project. The PTI specification are written for cable-stayed bridge cables,

meaning that the stress conditions specified for acceptance testing are appropriate for

cable stayed bridge fatigue demands.

The current PTI specification requires quality control testing at two levels: for the

individual tensile element (the strand) and for quality control testing for the assembled

cable. For the individual tensile element the PTI specification requires one test for every

2.75 tons or portion thereof shall be made for the following:

Minimum specified ultimate tensile stress

Minimum yield stress

Elastic Modulus


Fatigue and static strength

For the fatigue test, the wires are required to be tested at an upper stress of 0.45

f’s and a stress range, as shown in Table 4-2 for the selected number of test cycles. At

least 5% of the wire tests shall be to 2 million cycles. A static test to failure shall be

conducted after each wire fatigue test. Wire specimens are required to provide not less

than 0.95 MUTS (MUTS = f’s x nominal area of steel) in the static test.

When choosing the fatigue stress range for the quality control tests, the PTI

Specification allows the values from Table 4-2 to be plotted on a log-log plot and straight

line interpolation between points on such a plot may be used to select stress range values

and the corresponding required number of load cycles for accelerated testing.

Table 4-2: Summary Of Stress Ranges For Single Element Fatigue Tests (From PTI,
5th Ed.)
Number of Cycles Fatigue Stress Range (ksi)
Greater than 2 million 30.9
2,000,000 33.1
500,000 43.8
100,000 64.2

For the assembled cable, the PTI specification requires that tests of at least three

representative stay cable specimens be carried out. The stay cables are to be tested with

all load bearing appurtenances. The three stay cable test specimens should represent the

largest, the smallest, and the average sizes of all the bridge cables, based on the area of the

main tension element (MTE).

The stay cable specimens are tested for 2 million cycles for an upper stress of 0.45

f’s and a stress range of 23.1 ksi (this corresponds to the cable criteria test limit on Figure

4-4). During fatigue testing, not more than 2% of the number of individual wires (rounded

to the nearest whole number) may fail and no failure shall occur in the anchorage.

It is recommended in PTI that stay cable specimens be tested at the stress ranges

specified in this section even when the stress range values in the cable stays due to truck

loading are lower. This is to ensure that all cable systems have uniform and high levels of

quality and reliability. Fatigue stresses calculated by designers may not include all the

actions and conditions present in the real structure. This may result in higher fatigue stress

ranges and/or number of cycles than calculated. Also, the lengths of test cables are far

shorter than the bridge cables. Short-length cables will have a smaller probability of fatigue

failure than long cables (due to smaller angular displacements due to catenary

displacement effects). The duration of testing is also very short compared to the design life

of the cable-stayed bridge. Therefore, the effects of time and service environment (such as

corrosion) on fatigue are not considered. Finally, the quality of workmanship and materials

during installation of test cables in the laboratory is likely better than that achieved in the

field. Therefore, the fatigue testing requirements serve as both a quality control and

performance standard for the proprietary anchorage design offered by the supplier.

After fatigue loading, the test specimen are required to be reloaded and are

required to develop a minimum tensile force equal to 92% of the actual ultimate tensile

strength of the cable or 95% of the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the cable,

whichever is greater. The actual ultimate tensile strength of the test cable is calculated

based on results of tensile tests on the individual wires, strands, or bars. Any failure of

anchorage components during the static test is considered cause for rejection of the test.

PTI recognized the significant costs of these tests, and allows the use of acceptance

tests of stay cable specimens from previous projects when those tests were conducted on

specimens similar in design and details to those proposed for a new project.

4.7 Considerations For Extradosed Bridge Cable Fatigue Testing – Individual

Tensile Element Test

The draft 6th edition of the PTI specifications (PTI, 6 th Ed.) is intended to

accommodate cable supported bridges that have lower live load plus wind ratio, including

the variable ϕ-factor provisions for low fatigue demand applications that meet our

definition of an extradosed bridge. For the individual tensile element requirements, the

draft 6th edition notes that maximum strand stress up 0.6 f’s in service is already be

allowed by the specification and additional testing is not required for the higher

maximum stress conditions prevalent for low-fatigue range applications. The

commentary provides further support to this position as follows:

“When choosing the fatigue stress range for the quality control tests,
the [target stress range] values may be plotted on a log-log plot and
straight line interpolation between points on such a plot may be used
to select stress range values and the corresponding required number
of load cycles for accelerated testing…

The variable phi factor provisions for low fatigue demand

applications may allow up to a 0.6 f’s upper stress range in service.
For strand meeting the material performance requirements of this
section, the variation in fatigue strength represented by the normal
Wohler curve also addresses the material requirements for the low
fatigue range case. As a result, additional testing is not required for
the low fatigue demand case.”

What is not recognized in the specification or commentary is that the Wohler

curve (or SN curve) is a function of the maximum strand stress, as shown on Figure 4-6.

There are actually a “family” of Wohler curves that represent the fatigue performance of

an individual strand that is stressed to different maximum stress limits. The implication

in the specification is that the relative position of the family of curves is a constant. In

other words, as long as you verify the fatigue performance of one curve of the family (for

a given material sample), then the entire family of curves with different maximum stress

limits is also verified.

The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge was designed under an earlier version of the

PTI specifications that did not include provisions for extradosed bridges, and project-

specific specifications required the individual strand be tested stress limits corresponding

to the design stress limits for that project (as opposed to testing based on testing along the

Wohler curve for a maximum stress limit of 0.45 f’s). Specifically, the strand was tested

at an upper stress limit of 0.55 f’s with a stress range of 64.2 ksi for 100,000 cycles and a

stress range of 24.5 ksi for 2 million cycles. These conditions represented the expected

performance of the strand at a 0.55 f’s stress limit, based on the projected relative

position of the family of S-N curves, based on interpolated data from tests at 0.45 f’s and

0.6 f’s. This comparison was discussed in Section 4.5, and confirmed the interpolated


It is the author’s opinion, based on the verification testing from the Pearl Harbor

Memorial Bridge project that it is a reasonable position to not require additional

individual tensile element fatigue testing that is conducted at the design maximum stress

limit. Strand verification testing conducted at any of the maximum stress levels (ranging

from 0.45 f’s to 0.6 f’s) should be adequate to establish the performance of the “family”

Wohler curves representing a strand sample stressed to different maximum stress limits.

The provisions of the draft PTI 6th Ed. are considered adequate for the low fatigue

demand case extradosed bridge fatigue requirements.

4.8 Extradosed Bridge Cable Fatigue Testing – Assembled Cable Test

As previously noted, the design of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge represents

the first extradosed bridge constructed in the United States and the cable fatigue

requirements were prepared based on a project-specific specification. The testing for the

assembled cable were based on testing two fully assembled stay cable specimens of the

specified 48 – 0.6” strand cable size in the bridge (all cables were the same size in the

bridge). The fatigue testing was conducted for two million cycles at an upper stress limit

of 0.55 f’s and for a stress range of 14.1 ksi. This stress range corresponds to the test

criteria limit as shown on Figure 4-7 (meaning the single element stress range limit

reduces by the Δ1 Quality factor of 10 ksi). During the fatigue test, it was required that

not more than two percent of the number of individual wires may fail (rounded to nearest

whole number),and no failure may occur in the anchorage. After the fatigue test, one

specimen was reloaded and required to develop a minimum tensile force equal to 92% of

the actual ultimate strength and 95% of the minimum ultimate strength of the stay cable,

with the actual ultimate strength determined from testing for individual strands used on

the project. Leak testing was also required to confirm the stay cable corrosion protection

system; however this is not discussed in detail here.

The testing for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge was conducted by the CTL

Group in Skokie, Illinois in the summer of 2010 (ref. CTL Group, 2010). The cable test

set-up is shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9: Stay Cable Test Setup For Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge (Photo Courtesy
Connecticut DOT)

Table 4-3 summarizes the results of the cable testing. No wire breaks were

detected for either specimen during the 2 million cycles of fatigue testing. There were no

visible cracks or damage found in the anchorage components or in the free length of the

cable after fatigue testing. The results were that the both stay cable specimens passed the

required tests. Specimen 2 was subjected to ultimate tensile testing after the fatigue test.

The cable was loaded to 95.1% of the minimum ultimate tensile strength without any

wire breaks. At this point the loading was terminated, since the test criteria was met.

Upon disassembly of the cable after the tests, there were no wire breaks found and no

cracks or damage to the anchorage components. There was cracking of the wedge

assemblies anchoring the strand, however this was not criteria for failure in the test (this

is consistent with PTI recommendations (PTI,2007).

Table 4-3: Test Results For Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Cable Testing (From CTL, 2010)
Item Unit Specimen 1 Specimen 2
Nominal Diameter of Strand Inch 0.6 0.6
Number of Strands Each 48 48
Cable Nominal Breaking Load (MUTS) Kips 2812.8 2812.8
Fatigue Test Upper Limit (%MUTS) - 55% 55%
Fatigue Test Upper Limit Kips 1547 1547
Fatigue Stress Range ksi 14.07 14.07
Number of Cycles - 2,000,000 2,000,000
Limit criteria for wire breaks Each 7 7
Fatigue Test Start Date - June 11, 2010 July 27, 2010
Fatigue Test Finish Date - July 1, 2010 Aug 24, 2010
Actual Wire Breaks in Fatigue Test Each 0 0
Fatigue Test Pass/Fail - Pass Pass
Cable load at 92% tested ultimate strength Kips - 2670.2
Cable load at 95% MUTS Kips - 2672.2
Load Required in Tensile Test Kips - 2672.2
Load Reached in Tensile Test Kips - 2674.9
Load Reached in Tensile test (%MUTS) - - 95.1%
Displacement at Maximum Load - - 2.7%
Tensile Test Pass/Fail - - Pass

After the design was completed for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge draft PTI

specifications were prepared (PTI, 6th ed.) that address low fatigue and extradosed bridge

conditions. The requirements for fatigue testing for the assembled cable retains the

requirement for tests of at least 3 representative stay cable specimens representing the

largest, the smallest, and the average sizes (areas of MTE) of all the bridge cables. It

requires that 2 of the 3 stay cable specimens shall be tested for 2 million cycles for an

upper stress of 0.45 f’s and a stress range of 23.1 ksi, similar to the previous versions of

the specification. However for the third cable specimen, the provisions were revised to

require that testing be made for 2 million cycles at an upper stress of 0.60 f’s and a stress

range of 6.5% f’s for strand or bars (for grade 270 strand this gives a range of 17.55 ksi).

As with previous specifications, the requirements can be demonstrated by testing

for each project, or by acceptance of previous tests under the same conditions. It has

always been the intent of PTI to allow an inventory of previous tests to be accumulated so

that new testing does not have to be done for each project. The proposed PTI 6th ed.

changes are intended to allow a pre-qualification of the cabled in include both the low

and high fatigue stress range conditions, by demonstrating fatigue performance with

bracketed maximum stress conditions.

Based on results of additional testing for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge and

based on the author’s independent evaluations, a few of observations and

recommendations can be offered.

First, the specification as written requires testing of at least 3 representative stay

cable specimens representing the largest, the smallest, and the average sizes (areas of

MTE) of all the bridge cables. For extradosed bridge applications, it is common that all

cables are the same size. Given the requirement that 2 of the 3 tests be conducted at 2

million cycle and an upper stress limit of 0.45 it would be reasonable to only require two

tests when a single cable size is used for the entire project. This was the approach for the

Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge. However, the author would recommend that both of

these specimens be tested for ultimate tensile strength as well as fatigue testing. For the

Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, only one of the specimens was tested for ultimate tensile

strength, because it was felt that the leak test for the corrosion protection system should

be done on a specimen that was not subjected to the ultimate tensile strength. As it

turned out, for the Pearl Harbor memorial Bridge the first leak test failed, and a second

leak test was performed on the 2nd specimen after ultimate tensile testing and passed. It is

recognized that performing the leak test on a specimen that has been subjected to ultimate

tensile testing is a more severe criteria, it is also recognized how critical the leak test it to

the long term performance of the structure and performing this test on a sample that has

been subjected to ultimate tensile testing places a somewhat higher level of

conservativeness on this test, and is not considered detrimental.

Second, Section 4.5 developed an extradosed bridge stay criteria based on single

element performance at various maximum stress limits in the strand. Figure 4-7 shows

the results of this development. Based on the PTI philosophy for cable stayed bridges of

reducing the single element performance by a 10 ksi allowance to address quality

assurance issues (Δ1), Figure 4-7 (based on data from Kasuga) would indicate an

appropriate fatigue test range of about 9.0 ksi, rather than 17.55 ksi, for strand with a

maximum stress level of 0.6 f’s. Figure 4-3 shows the single element S-N curves for

seven wire strand at 0.6 f’s. The 17.55 ksi stress range from PTI represents the cable test

criteria. To relate this back to a single element value, we need to add back in the 10 ksi

quality adjustment giving a single element stress range of 27.55 ksi. Figure 4-10 shows

this value plotted with the data from Figure 4-3. The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

tested the single element strand at 24.5 ksi and passed. The target 27.55 ksi fatigue range

limit for testing indicated by PTI would appear that it is at the upper limit of what might

be expected for single element fatigue performance, and may not be achievable. Until

more information is available, the author would recommend reducing this value. As

previously noted the data from Kasuga has been used on several extradosed bridges and

is probably the best information currently available. This would indicate a target fatigue

stress range of 9.0 ksi, rather than 17.55 ksi.

Figure 4-10: Single Element Seven-Wire Strand S-N Curves At 0.6 f’s

And finally, PTI has taken the approach of integrating the low fatigue/extradosed

cable testing requirements with the cable-stayed bridge testing so that the same tests will

qualify either system. This is a desirable goal, as it maximizes the use of prior testing to

fulfill future project testing requirements. The cable system used for the Pearl Harbor

Memorial Bridge is the same cable system details that are have been used for cable-

stayed bridge applications. This system was tested at a higher 0.55 f’s maximum stress

level and passed both the fatigue and tensile strength tests. It is likely that even at a 0.6

f’s maximum stress level the stay system will perform acceptably, or if not, only minor

changes will be needed to assure adequate performance at both a 0.45 f’s maximum stress

level and a 0.6” maximum stress level. The author agrees that this single combined test

approach has merit, and would encourage its adoption.

4.9 Stay Anchorages

The anchorages for stay cables are addressed in the PTI specifications (PTI,

2007). They are fundamentally different that the anchorages for simple post-tensioning

tendons in that they must accommodate the fatigue demands of cable stayed bridges,

special corrosion protection requirements and relatively large number of strands. The

anchorage design is considered to be part of the stay suppliers system and governed by

performance criteria that assure adequate tensile capacity, fatigue performance, corrosion

protection and water tightness. These performance criteria are verified by testing for each

specific project. Anchorage designs are considered proprietary systems that are unique to

each cable supplier.

Anchorages for extradosed bridges likewise must accommodate demands beyond

that attributed to simple post tensioning anchorages, and typically the same types of

anchorages used for cable stayed bridges are used for extradosed bridges. Even though

the fatigue demand is less for extradosed bridges, separate anchorage designs have not

been developed by suppliers. With the imposed testing requirements by the draft PTI 6 th

edition of the specifications (PTI, 2010) as discussed in section 4.8, the testing for cable

stayed bridge cables and extradosed bridge cables are proposed to use a common testing

requirement, and therefore the same anchorages will likely be employed.

4.10 Saddles

Cable saddles are devices used to allow the cable to be continuous over the top of

the tower, meaning that there is no anchorage of the individual stays on each side of the

tower. This requires that stressing of the cable requires simultaneous and coordinated

jacking of the cable at both ends (at the deck stay anchorage points on each side of the

pylon), It requires special considerations for a non-interrupted corrosion protection

system for the stay cables, it requires fatigue consideration for the curved cable passing

over the saddle, but also has the substantial advantage of eliminating two costly

anchorages for each cable. Saddles are frequently used on cable stayed bridge

worldwide, but have seen limited application in the United States. Federal Highway

Administration has expressed several concerns on the use of saddles for cable-stayed

bridges, including:

Design details are critical to assure appropriate fatigue behavior.

Inability to use grease or wax encased corrosion systems for the cables due to

slipping issues at the saddle

The closer stay spacing allowed at the tops of towers by the use of saddles can

inhibit access by stay cable inspection equipment.

Less control on deck erection geometry than with individually anchored cables.

Although saddles have apparent material cost saving, the true savings are small

when all erection costs and other factors are considered.

For these reasons, FHWA has a Technical Advisory that recommends that all

stays should terminate at the pylon in appropriate anchorages and that saddles should not

be used for cable-stayed bridges (Lwin, 1994). These recommendations apply to bridges

whose funding includes federal dollars. Saddles continue to be used for some cable

stayed bridge funded from other sources.

Designers have differing opinions on use of saddles versus separate anchorages in

the two faces of the tower, with strong advocates for both solutions. The PTI

specifications (PTI, 2007) include design recommendations for saddles and continue

consider saddles a viable design detail.

Extradosed bridges have lower fatigue demands, flatter cable angles meaning less

curvature demand over the towers, and stiffer decks and hence less geometry control

issues. These factors favor the use of saddles for extradosed bridges. In fact, most of the

extradosed bridges constructed in Japan use saddles with continuous cables over the

towers. The saddles allow a more compact cable arrangement at the tops of towers, which

has aesthetic advantages. In Japan they have pioneered prefabricated saddle systems that

have large resistance to differences in cable tension between the two sides of the tower.

These differences can be due to unbalanced service load conditions or due to erection

conditions (Sumitomo, 1998).

The first extradosed bridge in the United States was partially funded with Federal

monies, and the recommendation against saddles was imposed. However it is the author’s

opinion that extradosed bridge should not be included under Federal Highways objections

to saddles, and that saddles should be considered for future extradosed bridges in the

United States.

4.11 Stay Corrosion Protection

The corrosion protection of the stay cables has long been recognized by designers

and a key requirement for successful cable supported bridges (Saul, 1990). The cables

are a primary structural component of the bridge, and must be either designed for the

same service life as the bridge, or designed for replacement. The corrosion protection of

stay cables is addressed in the PTI specifications (PTI, 2007). These specifications

require two nested and independent corrosion barriers for the main tension element to be

provided in both the free length and anchorage regions of the cables. The PTI

specification is a performance specification, with project specific testing requirements to

assure that the specification is met.

Examples of common corrosion protection systems for seven-wire strand cable

systems include:

Layer 1: Grease (or wax) filled PE sheath on each individual strand, and
Layer 2: Outer PE sheath encasing all strands.

Layer 1: Epoxy coating of individual strand, and

Layer 2: Outer PE sheath encasing all strands.

Layer 1: Galvanized Strand

Layer 2: Outer PE sheath encasing all strands.

The PTI requirements also require that cable stayed bridges be for the replacement

of any individual cable with a reduction of the live load in the area of the cable under exchange.

They also must be designed for loss of any one cable without the occurrence of structural

instability. The cable loss must include impact dynamic force resulting from the sudden rupture

of a cable of 2.0 times the static force in the cable, or the force as determined by non-linear

dynamic analysis of a sudden cable rupture.

The corrosion protection for extradosed bridges is considered essentially the same

as for cable stayed bridges, and should require the same specifications and design criteria

for the corrosion protection of the cables, and the same cable replacement/cable loss

design criteria.

4.12 Cable Dynamics/Vibration Issues/Damping

Cable vibrations can potentially be excited by a variety of dynamic wind forces

acting on the cable. Such forces are caused by turbulence in the on-coming air flow

(buffeting), vortex shedding in the wake behind the cable, self-induction (galloping), fluid-

elastic interaction between neighboring cables (wake galloping), or by interaction between

rain, wind and cable. Cable vibrations can also arise from forced vibrations that are

caused by dynamic forces acting on other parts of the structure, such as the deck,

tower under traffic induced loads.

The PTI Specifications (PTI, 20017) address stays cable vibrations design

requirements for cable stayed bridges. These include requirements for evaluation of

potential aerodynamic excitations, recommendation on wind tunnel or other physical

testing where appropriate and recommendation for countermeasures to suppress cable


These countermeasures can include provision of cable damping which can

include the placement of damping material in the ring space between cable and steel exit

pipes of pylon and deck anchorages is recommended, or by supplemental mechanical

damping devices attached to the deck. They can also include the use of stabilizing cables

that connect the main cables with transverse elements such adjacent cables or at the deck

(tie-down cables).

The design of extradosed bridges faces similar challenges and cable stayed bridges

for cable vibrations, although to a lesser degree due to the shorter cables and flatter cable

angles. In Japan, the use of high-damping rubber inserts between the cable and the steel

exit pipes at the deck or the tower have proven to be a simple and economical solution to

these vibration issues (Kasuga, 1995). However some of these damping elements are

proprietary items and are not widely available in the United States.

4.13 Summary

The design of the stay cables represents a key differentiator between cable-stayed

and extradosed bridges. The cables for extradosed bridges experience lower fatigue

demand, and consequently can be stressed to a higher tensile limit than cables of cable-

stayed bridges. This chapter provides several suggested improvements to current design

practice and specifications related to the design of the stay cables:

Recommendations are provided for single element fatigue performance for seven-

wire strand as a function of the maximum strand tensile stress are provided (Figure


An alternate procedure for fatigue design of the stay-cable of extradosed bridge

based on single element fatigue performance is provided, both in an allowable

stress format and an LRFD format (Figures 4-7 and 4-8).

Proposed PTI requirements for single element testing are confirmed. (Section 4.7)

Modifications to proposed PTI requirements for stay cable testing are

recommended (Section 4.8)

Stay anchorage details similar to cable-stayed bridge are proposed (Section 4.9)

It is recommended that the FHWA moratorium on the use of saddles for cable-

stayed bridge be lifted for extradosed bridges (section 4.10)

Stay corrosion protection details similar to cable stayed bridges are recommended

(Section 4.11)

Stay damping requirements for extradosed bridges are compared with the

requirements for cable-stayed bridges (Section 4.12)

Chapter 5: Prototype Design

5.1. Introduction/ Goals

In this chapter the design of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge in New Haven

Connecticut is outlined. This bridge is the first extradosed prestressed bridge designed in

the United States, and as such provides a test bed for the adaption of the extradosed

bridge concept to the United States. This includes the adaptation of design codes and

standards, the definition of new design criteria where none previously existed for this

bridge type, the implementation of appropriate testing requirements, as well as design of

the first extradosed bridge to U.S. loading, codes and standards.

The previous chapters have reviewed the state of practice for extradosed bridges

worldwide, and have discussed in detail some of the important design parameters and

features of extradosed bridges. However, the real proof of a design concept is its

application of these design parameters to an actual prototype bridge…in the real world.

To that end the author has had the opportunity to serve as the lead designer and engineer

of record for the design of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge. This prototype bridge

concept was finalized in 2001 and design of this bridge was performed from 2002

through 2004. The bridge was initially bid for construction in 2006, but a contract was

not awarded due to the poor economic conditions for bidding at that time. After making

a few design revisions, the project was re-bid in 2009 and was awarded for construction.

Construction is progressing on schedule with completion of the first of the twin span

expected in mid-2012, and completion of the second bridge in 2015.

The incorporation of the prototype design into this dissertation has expanded the

time-frame for the work to more than a decade. Large bridge projects represent

substantial investment of public funds, and it is not unusual for their development from

concept to completed facility to span a decade or more. That means the introduction of a

new bridge concept can require a decade or more to be introduced. It is considered

important to the treatment of the subject of extradosed bridges to address not only the

theoretical aspects of the bridge concept but to also address the application of the concept

to a real-world design. The author has been in the position to parallel this dissertation on

extradosed bridges with the design development of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge,

and in doing so brings a unique perspective to the subject of extradosed bridges. The goal

of this chapter is use the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Design to:

Describe the prototype and the thought process leading to selection of the

extradosed bridge type

Apply to the prototype design the design parameters, characteristics and features

of extradosed bridge design that were discussed in the previous chapters

Review the stay cable design based on an allowable stress design and single

element acceptance criteria

Apply the LRFD stay design criteria proposed in the draft PTI 6th edition

specification to the prototype design

Apply the authors’ proposed LRFD stay design criteria based on single element

acceptance criteria to the prototype design

Discuss the aerodynamic behavior and aerodynamic design of the prototype

Outline the recommended physical testing program performed during design and

construction of the prototype.

5.2. Concept Development And Prototype Description

As part of the Connecticut Turnpike, a crossing of the Quinnipiac River in New

Haven Connecticut was opened to traffic in 1958. This bridge is located at the

confluence of the Quinnipiac and Mill Rivers and was known locally as the “Q-Bridge”.

It is a steel plate girder bridge that has a 387 foot main span that was the longest plate-

girder span in North America at the time of completion. This bridge was eventually

integrated as part of I-95, serving the northeast corridor between New York City and

Boston (Figure 5-1). The Q-Bridge was designated by the Connecticut legislature a

Memorial Bridge and renamed the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge in 1995, to

commemorate the heroes of Pearl Harbor.

Figure 5-1: Existing I-95 Bridge Over Quinnipiac River, New Haven, CT. (Photo By
The existing I-95 Bridge presently carries in over of 160,000 vehicles per day,

well in excess of the 40,000 vehicles it was designed for. At an age of over 50 years, it is

at the end of its service life and is classified as both structurally and functionally


The I-95 New Haven Harbor Crossing (NHHC) Corridor Improvement Program

is one of Connecticut’s largest multi-modal transportation improvement initiatives. The

$2.2 billion program includes operational, safety and capacity improvements to 7.25

miles of I-95, a new signature bridge over the Quinnipiac River, a new commuter rail

station, reconstruction of the I-91/I-95/Route 34 Interchange, and other numerous

transportation system management (TSM) components. The centerpiece of the Program

is the new bridge crossing the Quinnipiac River.

The Quinnipiac River crossing has a number of physical constraints. Some of the

more important of these include:

Limitations of the profile grade of the bridge in order to meet adjacent

interchange profiles

Limitations on tower heights due to clearances from a nearby Tweed Airport

Requirement to provide 10 lanes of through traffic plus full shoulders plus a

tapering ramp lane across the structure.

Limitation of horizontal alignment to place the new bridge in between an adjacent

lift bridge (Tomlinson Bridge) and adjacent high tension power lines.

A desire to provide a longer span, since the west pier of the existing bridge had

been struck several times by barges.

A desire to avoid the same locations as the existing piers, due to interference

concerns with the existing foundations

A desire to minimize in-water impacts for environmental reasons, in particular to

avoid sensitive oyster beds.

The need to phase-construct the bridge to maintain at least the existing number of

lanes of traffic. i.e., build one half of the new bridge while maintaining traffic on

the existing bridge. Shift two-way traffic on the one-half new bridge and remove

the existing bridge. Construct second half of new bridge in existing alignment,

then shift traffic to final configuration.

An initial screening process eliminated cable stayed bridge (due to height

restrictions), arch bridges (due to complications with width variations and cost), and

narrowed the viable bridge types to the following:

Composite Steel Plate Girder;

Composite Steel Box Girder;

Cast-in-Place Segmentally Post-Tensioned Concrete Box Girder;

Precast Segmentally Post-Tensioned Concrete Box Girder;

Extradosed Cable Stayed Steel Box Girder;

Extradosed Cable Stayed Concrete Box Girder

A detailed bride type study was prepared to study these alternatives. All of these

alternatives were viable, and each had advantages and disadvantages. In the final

analysis the extradosed bridge alternatives were recommended for the following reasons:

The girder bridges were limited in span length to an adequate but less than

desirable span length due to structural depth limitations. The extradosed bridge

could provide longer span lengths that improved navigation clearances, while

avoiding existing piers and still meeting the profile grade requirements (due to

their relatively shallow girder depth).

The longer spans resulted in fewer piers in the River, and lessened environmental


The extradosed bridge provided an opportunity to build a landmark bridge worthy

of the designation of as the “Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge”

The estimated construction cost for the extradosed bridge was within 15% of the

least costly girder alternative, which was judged acceptable, given its other


Computer images of the extradosed bridge alternative are shown in Figure 5-2 and

5-3. The final recommendation was to prepare two complete designs to be competitively

bid for construction. These two options were a “conventional” concrete extradosed

bridge and a steel composite steel extradosed bridge. The composite steel bridge would

be the first of this bridge type in the world. Its advantage for this site was a simplified

erection method, a lower mass superstructure that translates to reduced seismic demand

on the substructure and potential cost savings. It was also felt that having a steel and

concrete alternative would foster bid competition between the steel and concrete

industries, and yield further savings. So the final design was developed with two

complete competing designs. The owner chose to have the same designer prepare both

the concrete and steel-composite designs, in order to assure that the designs were treated

in similar manners and developed on a competitive basis.

Ultimately, the concrete alternative was the successful bridge in the bid

competition and is currently under construction. The details in this chapter will be

focused primarily on the concrete alternative.

Figure 5-2: Computer Image Of The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge (Image Courtesy Of
URS Corporation)

Figure 5-3 Computer Image Of Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge (Adjacent Tomlinson
Bridge Removed From View For Clarity) (Image Courtesy Of URS Corporation)

The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge is a three span continuous cast-in-place

segmental concrete box girder structure with 515 foot main span and 248.8 foot side

spans. A vertical clearance of 60 feet is provided. Modular Expansion joints are provided

at the ends of the three-span continuous unit. The superstructure is supported on pot/disk

bearings at the towers and end piers. The structure is fixed against longitudinal

translation at Tower 3 and free to move at the other locations.

The northbound and southbound roadways are carried on separate parallel

structures, accommodating 5 lanes a tapering auxiliary lane and 10 foot shoulders on a

deck that varies in width from 95.4 feet to 107.6 feet. Each deck is a 5-cell concrete box

girder section. The depth varies through a parabolic haunch from 9.84 feet at midspan to

16.4 feet at the towers. The superstructure box section is post-tensioned both

longitudinally and transversely. Longitudinal tendons are internal to the concrete.

Transverse slab tendons are internal to the concrete. Draped external transverse post

tensioning is provided at each stay anchorage. This external tendon is anchored near the

stay and deviates near the bottom of the inner two webs.

The stays are anchored at the edges of the cross section in reinforced edge beams.

The tower legs are spaced slightly outside the superstructure, to allow the deck to pass

through, and the stay cables are therefore slightly inclined outward from the vertical


The twin decks are supported by a common tower, each comprised of with three

pylons above deck and two additional intermediate columns below deck. The tower legs

are constant cross section, elliptical in shape and hollow in cross-section. The stay cables

are anchored in steel frames erected prior to pouring the tower sections. Foundations are

supported by 8-foot diameter drilled shafts founded on rock.

5.3. Design Parameters, Characteristics And Features

5.3.1 Materials

As discussed in section 3.3, most extradosed prestressed bridges are all-concrete

bridges. The basic premise of extradosed prestressing it to use the cables as external

prestressing to provide both axial compression and a prestress moment with a large

eccentricity of the girder, and a concrete girder is well suited to take advantage of this

beneficial pre-compression since concrete is strong in compression and weak in tension.

However, there have been a few examples of extradosed bridge that have used steel in the

girder, either as an all-steel element over a portion of the span, or a composite girder

cross-section using a steel corrugated web; the advantage being a weight savings, which

has several important consequences. The lower weight of the composite steel or all-steel

girder obviously reduces the structural demand, and therefore cost, for the cables, towers

and foundations. But it also reduces the seismic mass, and therefore has additional

reductions of the demands for the towers and foundations.

For the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge the weight of the girder was particularly

important due to the large width of the structure, due to certain limitation on erection

access, and considering the significant seismic accelerations at the site. It was therefore

considered a potential advantage to develop a steel or steel composite alternative for this

bridge. Initially an all-steel orthotropic cross section similar to that used for the Kiso and

Ibi Bridges (Section 2.5) was considered. However the fabrication shops in the United

States are not experienced in this type of construction. Recent orthotropic bridge girders

in the U.S. such as the Carquinez Bridge between Crockett and Vallejo California or the

East Bay Bridge in San Francisco have been fabricated outside the United States. The

Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge utilized federal funding for its construction and therefore

must adhere to strict buy-American requirements in the procurement of the major cost

elements of the bridge, i.e., the girders must be fabricated in the United States. It was

therefore considered uneconomical to pursue this bridge type.

As an alternative, a steel composite girder that uses steel girders mated with a

composite concrete deck was developed for this bridge (Figure 5-4). This is a novel

solution for an extradosed bridge, and is believed to represent the first composite steel

design developed for an extradosed bridge in the world.

11.5 ft. Steel Edge-Girder

Steel Box-Girders
Varies 95.4 to 107.6 ft.

Figure 5-4: Composite Steel Girder Cross Section

There were several potential advantages for this alternative composite girder


Reduced girder weight for savings in cables, tower and foundation quantities

Reduced girder mass for improved seismic performance, and savings in tower and

foundation quantities

Simplified erection method that allowed erection of the entire steel girder without

cables. Then installation and stressing of all cables. Then casting of deck.

A constant depth section could be economically utilized, since the flexural and

shear demands from balanced cantilever construction were not required.

The weight savings between the steel and concrete alternatives was significant. The

concrete alternative superstructure on average weighs 54.2 kips per foot (each deck), and

the steel composite alternative weighs 28.7 kips per foot. Over the 1,013 bridge length

and considering the twin decks this represents a 52 million pound weight savings

between the two alternatives. This is 52 million pounds less the cables, towers and

foundations need to carry.

The composite steel alternate compared favorably with a more traditional all-

concrete girder as shown in Figure 5-5. It was decided to prepare two complete designs

for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, one all-concrete girder and one composite-steel

girder, and to bid these two designs competitively and let the marketplace decide which

was more economical. This alternative bidding was also viewed as an opportunity to

foster price competition in the market between the steel and concrete industries.
Varies 11.5’ to 16.4’

Varies 95.4 to 107.6 ft.

Figure 5-5: All-Concrete Girder Cross Section

The project was bid in 2009. Three bids were received; two for concrete alternative

and one for the steel alternative (Ref. State of Connecticut, 2009):

Bid No. 1 (Concrete) $417 million

Bid No. 2 (Concrete) $429 million
Bid No. 3 (Steel) $519 million

Although the steel alternative was more costly in this bid competition, the

prevalent market conditions for steel raw materials, the competitive labor markets at the

time of bid and a number of other factors can affect individual bid results. In the final

bid, the weight savings for foundations could not be capitalized on for the steel alternate

because a last minute decision was made to let the foundations on an advanced contract

that must incorporate either the concrete or steel alternative, and therefore the heavier

concrete foundations were used. However this design demonstrated that a composite

steel alternative is viable for an extradosed bridge, and can be considered for future

applications when weight savings or construction techniques are favorable for the steel

composite design.

For the remainder of this chapter, we will focus the design development of the

concrete alternative that was advanced to construction.

5.3.2 Main Span Length

The main span of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge was set at 515 feet in

response to the site requirements, including avoidance of the existing foundation

locations, and providing a sufficiently large main span to improve navigation clearances.

As discussed in Section 3.4, the typical span range for extradosed bridges is in the range

of 300-600 feet. The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge falls well within this limit, and is

therefore expected to provide a viable and economical crossing solution.

5.3.3 Main Span/Side Span Ratio

As discussed in Section 3.5, a desirable main span/side span length ratio for

extradosed bridges is 0.6, with typical extradosed bridges in the range of 0.45 to 0.69.

This ratio for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge is 0.48, which is at the low end of the

range. The span length was selected for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge based on

geometric constraints. There is a horizontal curvature on the bridge approaches, and the

side span was set to avoid significant encroachment into the horizontal curvature on the

cable supported bridge. Also the roadway continues to taper (widen) on the approaches,

and the side span length was set in order to provide a reasonable design width for the


In final design, the consequence of this relatively short side span was that there

was an uplift condition at the anchor piers under certain live load conditions. This uplift

was about 5% of the maximum reaction at the anchor pier, or about 570 kips. A concrete

counterweight was cast inside the box girder to balance this uplift condition and result in

a net positive reaction under all load conditions on the bearings. The use of a

counterweight was considered preferable over a mechanical hold-down device (such as

tie-down cables of a pinned bearing) because the hold down device would require

ongoing future maintenance. There is also an issue of redundancy of hold-down devices,

since their failure could lead to collapse of the bridge. Typically a second, redundant tie

is required, adding a further complication. This all led to the decision to use a

counterweight. There was however a negative consequence of the counterweight in that it

adds mass to the superstructure which increases the seismic demands on the structure.

However in this case the counterweight was not too large and the added mass was judged

acceptable. If the geometric constraints were not present, a longer side span would be


It is noted that if the side spans were shortened even more, this uplift condition

would become s significant design issue. Therefore the lower range limit to the side span

ratio is an important design parameter.

5.3.4 Applicability To Curved And/Or Tapered Alignment

As discussed in Section 3.7, the designs of bridges are frequently required to

conform to complex roadway alignments. For the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, the first

30 feet of the east side span is on a 1528 foot radius. The remainder of the alignment is

on a tangent. The bridge width tapers over the entire bridge length, with each of the twin-

decks varying linearly in width from 95.4 feet to 107.6 feet over the length of the three-

span bridge. This width variation accommodates entrance/exit ramps over the length of

the bridge. The taper in bridge width for the two bridge decks is symmetrical.

The vertical alignment of the main span and a portion of the side spans of the

bridge is on a 820 foot long parabolic vertical curve. The first 103 feet of each side span

is on a tangent vertical alignment with a 2.7% grade. The two bridge decks are each on a

constant cross slope (superelevation) of 2%, except the first 60 feet of each side span is

on a variable cross slope, linearly transitioning from the 2% slope to a 2.6% cross slope at

the end of the bridge.

The extradosed bridge type excels at the accommodation of these complex

alignment requirements. From a geometric viewpoint, the spatial locations of the cables

do not extend over the entire side span lengths, and therefore do not conflict with the

horizontal curvature at the ends of the side spans. The bridge width and superelevation

transitions are accommodated in the casting of the girder segments. From a structural

viewpoint, the girder is a closed box cross section that has substantial torsional stiffness

that can readily accommodate the eccentricities resultant from the tapered bridge width

and the small curvature on the ends of the side spans.

5.3.5 Erection Method

In bridge design, one of the early considerations for the designer is to establish

how the bridge will be built. The erection method, sequence, and weights of erection

equipment need to be considered in the design. Generally, an erection method is chosen

such that the erection conditions do not control the design, or if they do control, they do

so only by a small margin. As with many design situations, the development of the

erection method, sequence and equipment weights can be an iterative process since all of

the structural members will not have been sized until the analysis is completed, and the

analysis is a function of the erection methods.

For the concrete alternative of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, a cast-in-place

construction of the girder using a traveling form system was chosen. The other option

would be to precast the segments at an off-site casting yard, then transport and assembly

the precast segments. This was not chosen because (1) the segment size for this bridge is

very large and precasting of such large and complex segments is unprecedented, (2) the

transportation of such size segments could be challenging, (3) the site access is limited

and erection of the segments would be challenging, and (4) a sufficient quantity of land

for a casting yard with river access was not available within a reasonable distance from

the project site. It was judged that a cast-in-place erection method would be more

economical and practical for this bridge.

Pier Table Falsework Stage 1: Construct
towers, anchor
piers from
temporary access
platforms in river.
Construct pier
Access Platforms Form Travelers table from on
Stage 2: Install
form travelers,
supported on pier
Stage 3: Cast
girder segments
using form
traveler in
cantilever from
towers. Install and
stress stay cables
after casting girder
segment that
anchors the stay.

Stage 4: Continue
balanced cantilever
erection and stay
installation and
stressing until
closure of side
span at anchor pier.
Remove falsework
at tower.
Stage 5: Continue
erection of main
span. With one
remove one form
traveler and use
Stage 6: Remove
remaining traveler.
Install barriers,
wearing surface
and finishing
works. Open
bridge to traffic.

Figure 5-6: Bridge Erection Sequence

The girder is constructed in a balanced cantilever manner beginning at each

tower, until the anchor piers are met and side span closure is made, and continue

cantilevering in the main span until the two cantilevers meet and closure is made at mid

span. Figure 5.6 shows the schematic erection sequence assumed for design.

Four form travelers were assumed to be used, two per tower, with the cantilevers

off of the two towers progressing simultaneously. Although cost could be saved by using

only two form travelers and constructing the cantilevers at the two towers in sequence,

the project schedule would be extended to what was considered an unacceptable time

frame. Therefore it was elected to use four form travelers in the design. The northbound

roadway is constructed first. Then the existing bridge is removed and the southbound

roadway is constructed with the same erection sequence. The length of the girder

segments that are cast for each segment is 14’-3” (the segment length). This is the same

length as the stay cable spacing, so there is one stay per segment. The maximum weight

of a segment (concrete plus reinforcing and embedded items) is 715,000 pounds.

The erection traveler moves with each casting stage. It is a significant load on the

bridge during construction and must be considered in the design. The assumed layout of

the form traveler is shown in Figure 5-7. A preliminary design is made for the erection

traveler to estimate its weight. The weight of the formwork is estimated to weigh 200,000

pounds and the form traveler supporting the formwork is estimated to weigh 308,000

pounds. So the total estimated weight of the form traveler assembly (forms plus traveler)

is 508,000 pounds.

Form Traveler

Girder Form
Segment s


Form Traveler


Figure 5-7: Assumed Form Traveler For Casting Girder Segments

5.3.6 Tower Height

As discussed in Section3.8, the suggested tower/span (H/L) ratio is 1/10, with a

range of 1/7 to 1/13. The tower height selected for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

(measured from deck level to the uppermost cable) is 60 feet. This gives an H/L ratio of

1/8.6. The tower height for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge was selected with a

slightly taller tower height than the suggested value, but well within the suggested range

The consequence of this taller tower is that the stay system will be somewhat stiffer, due

to the slightly steeper cable inclination, which will place more demand on the cables

(especially for fatigue). This is discussed in more detail in section 5.4

5.3.7 Deck Depth / Haunch Arrangement

As discussed in section 3.9, most extradosed bridges use a variable depth cross

section. The recommended girder depth/span ration at the tower is in the range of 25-35

and the recommended depth span ratio at midspan is 50.

For the concrete superstructure of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge a variable

depth girder was chosen. The haunched section maximizes the girder capacity for the

cantilever construction prior to installation of the first stay cable, while reducing the

section size to save weight and cost for the lower moment demand sections near mid-

span. A depth 16.4 feet is selected at the towers, which was selected in order to provide

adequate negative moment capacity for the cantilever construction of the girder prior to

installation of the first stay. This gives a depth span ratio of 31.4, in the middle of the

recommended range. At mid-span a depth of 11.5 is selected. This depth was in part

chosen to provide a 6.5 foot internal clear height within the box girder for inspection

access purposes. This depth gives a span depth ratio of 45, close to the recommended


5.3.8 Bridge Deck Width And Selection Of The Girder Cross Section

The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge requires a very wide deck. The structure

carries 10 lanes of traffic and four full shoulders. Including the additional width required

for the barriers and the exposed edge girders for the stay cable attachment, this gives an

overall width requirement of 190 feet. The bridge must also accommodate two tapering

lanes across the bridge to provide ramp access, increasing the width to over 215 feet at

the west end.

Referring to section 3.10, the widest examples of extradosed bridges worldwide is

in the range of 112 feet. Clearly, the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge is well outside this

range. Therefore it was decided to essentially separate the structure into two halves,

carrying the northbound traffic on one bridge and the southbound traffic on a second

bridge. Each of these twin-decks has a width that varies from 95.4 feet to 107.6 feet,

putting each bridge at the upper limit of bridge width for existing extradosed bridges

(Figure 5-8 and 5-9).

The wide, multi cell cross section must address the transverse load transfer

between the girder webs and the stay cables. The vertical loads on the cross section,

including dead loads and traffic live loads are carried in vertical shear in the webs. A

portion of that load must be transferred transversely to the stay cables. One option for this

load transfer is to design the transverse cross-section as a moment frame (or also called a

vierendeel truss). This proved uneconomical, and the design forces exceeded joint

capacities without substantial size increases of the members.

Varies 95.4 to 107.6 feet 9.8’ Varies 95.4 to 107.6 feet

Figure 5-8: Twin-Deck Arrangement

9.84’ 9.84’
Shld 5 lanes at 9.84’ + Ramp Lane (Varies) Shld
r. r.
Varies 11.5 to 16.4

1.64’ Typ.

Varies 16.6’ 23’ Varies 16.6’

to 22.6’ to 22.6’

Varies 95.4 to 107.6 feet


Figure 5-9: Girder Cross Section Details

A second option is to provide a transverse diaphragm at each stay cable location.

While this could work structurally, it adds a lot of unnecessary weight to the system. A

third option (and the one chosen) is shown in Figure 5-10. The load from the exterior

web is transferred to the stay cable using truss action of the box girder flanges (force

balance as shown in blue arrows) stiffened by a triangular diaphragm. The shear in the

interior web is transfers to the stay cable by a transverse post-tensioning cable that is

anchored near the stay cable and deviated at the interior web to provide an uplift

component that balances the shear in the interior web. This arrangement provided an

efficient load transfer mechanism for the exceptionally wide cross section.

Stay Cable

Concrete Diaphragm


Exterior Interior
Web Web

Figure 5-10: Method Of Transverse Load Transfer From Girder Webs To Stay Cables

5.3.9 Tower Shape

The basic form of the tower for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge is governed by

the demands of the deck arrangement and the cables. The twin decks must be supported

by two planes of cables each, leading naturally to a three leg tower with the center leg

accommodating cables from both decks. Figure 5-11 shows a cross section of the tower

and the relationship to the deck. The stay cables have a slightly outward inclination in

order to accommodate the vertical tower legs and to pass the deck between the tower


The tower legs are hollow elliptical shaped sections of constant cross section to simplify

forming (Figure 5-12). The shape of the tower legs was chosen based aesthetics. In

keeping with the Pearl Harbor Memorial theme, they are intended to suggest the shape of

the stacks on a ship (Figure 5-13). The tower legs are somewhat oversized to provide the

correct visual proportion, which allowed adequate room for anchorage and jacking of the

stay cables in the tower head, and served to minimize any reinforcement congestion in

the tower legs.


Tower Transverse Section Tower


Figure 5-11: Tower Cross Sections (For Section A-A See Figure 5-12)

9.8' 23’

Figure 5-12: Tower Leg Cross Section (Section A-A)

Figure 5-13: Tower View From Roadway (Image Courtesy URS Corporation)

5.3.10 Stay Cable Arrangement

The stay cables on extradosed bridges are spaced along the deck in response to the

prestressing demands of the girder, as opposed to cable stayed bridges where the cables

are typically spaced evenly over the length of the spans. For the Pearl Harbor Memorial

Bridge the stay cable arrangement is shown in Figure 5-14. The 105 foot distance from

the tower to the first cable was set based on the girder capacity in negative moment

during balanced cantilever construction from the tower.

249’ 515’ 249’

44’’ 7 spa. 105’ 105’ 7 spa. 105’ 7 spa. 105’ 105’ 7 spa. 44’
at at at at
14.3’ 14.3’ 14.3’ 14.3’

Figure 5-14: Elevation View Showing Stay Cable Arrangement

The provision of seven stays introduced a positive prestress moment at the tower

that represented the limit of the girder capacity at the tower in positive moment during

cantilever erection. The main span cantilever erection then continued to main span

closure using conventional internal post tensioning.

5.3.11 Aesthetics

One of the decision points for the choice of an extradosed bridge for the Pearl

Harbor Memorial Bridge was opportunities for visual expression that this bridge type

offered. Large bridge projects provide a necessary transportation utility role, but they

also represent a large expenditure of public funds and warrant care and attention to visual

detail in their execution. Major bridges often become part of the identity for

communities, and a source of local pride.

This bridge was planned to carry on the identity of the existing I-95 bridge as a

memorial bridge. As such, there was a focus on developing a design that had “memorial

quality”. What this meant to the designers was a bridge that has a simple and clean

structural form, devoid of unnecessary or elaborate ornamentation. The goal was to

provide some subtle visual queues to Pearl Harbor in the design and details of the bridge.

As mentioned previously, the detailing of the towers a s simple oval shapes was

intended to suggest stacks on a ship. To accentuate the tower shape, and to tie it into the

footing and cross-beams, “V-groves” were cast in the concrete at construction joint lines

to accentuate the visual impression one might from a ship fabricated from sections of

steel plate (Figure 5-15).

To mark the arrival on the bridge, the anchor piers were extended above deck

level and are inlayed in gold leaf with the words “Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge” and

“December 7, 1941” as a reminder to the attack on Pearl Harbor (Figure 5-16).

Figure 5-15: Sketch Of Visual Form Of Piers And Towers (Courtesy Of Connecticut

Figure 5-16: Entry Markers At The Beginning Of The Bridge (Images Courtesy Of URS

It is also desirable to consider the appearance of the bridge at night. Aesthetic

lighting is provided for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge to reinforce the memorial

quality of the bridge. Subdued white lighting washes the tower and anchor pier surfaces

and “port-hole” lights are illuminated along the deck. On special days, such as December

7th and 4th of July, brilliant light cannons are illuminated from the central towers, shining

towards the heavens (Figure 5-17).

Figure 5-17: Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Aesthetic Lighting. (Image Courtesy Of
URS Corporation)

5.4. Stay Cable Design (Using Single-Element Strand Criteria)

There are presently no code criteria in the United States for the design of the stay

cables for extradosed bridges. As discussed in Section 4.5, a project specific criteria can

be established based of similar philosophy as the PTI criteria for stay cable bridges (PTI,

2007), based on single-element acceptance criteria. However, instead of limiting the

maximum stress in the strand to 0.45 f’s as for cable-stayed bridges, a higher value can be

used for extradosed bridges because they have a lower fatigue demand that cable-stayed

bridges. The load demands on the stay cables are calculated based on AASHTO loading

criteria (AASHTO, 2010) and based on a three-dimensional, time-dependent finite

element structural model of the bridge. The software utilized for this analysis is RM2000,

a software package specifically tailored to complex bridge analysis.

Figure 5-18: RM2000 Computer Model Of Bridge

The analysis approach modeled the structure in three-dimensions using beam

elements (Figure 5-18). A spine element was used for the girder that is modeled to

represent the bending stiffness of the girder about the two principal axes and the torsional

stiffness. The cables are modeled in their correct spatial position, and then attached to

the girder spine using rigid links. The bridge is constructed in the model following the

general erection sequence shown in Section 5.3, including the locked-in stress effects of

placement and removal erection equipment loads and erection sequence effects. Figure

5-19 shows eight of the detailed erection steps that accomplish the installation of one

Figure 5-19: Detailed Computer Sequencing Of The Erection Stages

pair of segments and activation of its stay cable each side of the tower. The analysis is a

time dependent analysis that also considers the locked-in effects of creep and shrinkage

deformations on the member deformations and stresses. The structure is modeled on a

time scale from beginning of erection to opening to traffic plus 10 years, which

essentially takes the structure to a stable state from a creep and shrinkage effects.

A summary of the results of the computer analysis results for the stay cables of

the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge is shown in Appendix B. The bridge has four planes

of stay cables, identified as planes “A” through “D” (see Appendix B). Cable planes A

and B support the southbound roadway, and cable planes C and D support the northbound

roadway. Each plane of say cables is comprised of a total of thirty-two cables, sixteen

cables radiating from each tower leg. From each tower there are eight cables to the side-

span and eight cables to the main span. The central tower leg anchors both cable planes B

and C.

The cables in an extradosed bridge are intended to primarily provide post-

tensioning of the girder. For extradosed bridge the stay cables are typically all sized the

same size (meaning the same number of strands), since the force variation in the cables

does not warrant variable stay size. However the construction of the bridge does need to

recognize that the erection procedure, as well as creep and shrinkage deformations effects

the final stay cable force distribution, and in order to provide a consistent final force

distribution to the cables, the cables may need to be installed to different initial jacking


The cables were all sized with 48 – 0.6” seven-wire Grade 270 strands in each

cable (ultimate tensile strength of 270 ksi). The cables are stressed to an initial value

between 1,093 kips and 1.534 kips (0.39 f’s to 0.54 f’s) as shown in Appendix B (Jacking

Force). This is the initial force the cable is jacked to the time of installation. This force

changes in response to the ongoing erection conditions of the structure, creep and

shrinkage effects and in response to live load demands. The initial jacking forces were

determined by a manual balancing process interactively using the software. A summary

of the AASHTO Load Group I results (permanent loads plus live load) for the stay cables

are shown in Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20: Maximum Stay Stress For Group I Loading

The demand is relatively constant (except there is a slightly lower demand locally

at the side-span side tower 3). For this cable stress demand, a stay cable maximum load

limit of 0.55 f’s (148.5 ksi) was targeted.

The fatigue demand on the stay cables is also summarized in Appendix B. The

fatigue stress range is based on truck loading, considering multiple lanes loaded. The

resulting live load stress range for the individual cables varies from 0.9 ksi to a maximum

range of 4.9 ksi calculated for a stress range of 2 million cycles. From Figure 4-7 we can

determine the permissible maximum strand stress based on a fatigue demand of 4.9 ksi.

Figure 5-21 shows that relation, resulting is a permissible maximum strand stress of

0.593 ksi. However, a maximum stress level of 0.55 f’s was conservatively chosen for

design for sizing the cables, given that there had been limited testing on the individual

strand specimens at maximum stresses other than 0.6 f’s and 0.45 f’s.

Figure 5-21: Determination Of Maximum Allowable Strand Stress Based On A Fatigue

Demand Of 4.9 KSI.

5.5. Stay Cable Design (Using Variable ϕ-Factor)

As discussed in Section 4.4, approach to extradosed bridge cable design that is

proposed in the draft 6th edition of PTI’s recommendations for Stay Cable Design (PTI,

6th Ed.) is to use a variable ϕ-Factor that is determined based on the total live load + wind

to MUTS ratio. This approach presumes that the design is based on the LRFD design

approach in the 2010 AASHTO Bridge Specifications (AASHTO, 2010).

In section 5.4 the design of the cables was developed based on allowable stress

design and with the fatigue limits and maximum stay stress developed from single

element test results. Using those same cable sizes, but using the design approach using

the variable ϕ-factor, the stay loading in Appendix B is revised to the LRFD design

approach, meaning that the loads have been factored to the appropriate load

combinations. The results of this analysis are shown in the spreadsheets titled “Factored

LRFD Load Summary with Variable phi-Factor” in Appendix B. For the A, B and D

cable planes all stay stresses are within the factored resistance limits using the variable ϕ-

factor. For cable plane C there are 7 cables (C-18 through C-24) that are overstressed up

to 6.2% for Group I loading (dead plus live load) and up to 9.6% for Group V loading

(including wind).

It is noted that the variable ϕ-factor calculation is based on the ratio of live load +

wind stress divided by the maximum ultimate tensile strength of the cable (MUTS).

Reviewing the load summaries, the reason these seven cables are overstressed is related

to their wind loading, and its effect on the ϕ-factor. For these cables, the wind stress is

relatively high, and this results in a reduction of the ϕ-factor to nearly that of a

conventional cable stayed bridge, and hence the overstress.

AASHTO has historically assessed wind loads for a fewer number of fatigue

cycles than for live loads. Wind fatigue is typically assessed at few hundred thousand

cycles, whereas live loads cycles are based on actual traffic loading and the service life of

the structure, often reaching 50 million or more cycles of fatigue. By including the wind

stress in the determination of the ϕ-factor, the wind effects on cable fatigue are treated

the same as live load effects, which is not the case. Referring to Figure 4-4, the fatigue

capacity of the cable at a few hundred cycles of fatigue is substantially higher that the

design limit of the cables. Fatigue effects from wind will not typically govern the design

of the cables, and therefore need not be included in the assessment of the maximum stay

cable stress. If we re-calculate the ϕ-factor as a function of live load/MUTS (leaving the

wind stress out of the equation), then the overstress would not occur and the design

would be acceptable.

It is the authors opinion that the approach to the variable ϕ-factor presented in the

draft PTI specifications (PTI 6th ed,) are overly conservative in the inclusion of wind

stress in the determination of the variable ϕ-factor, and shown for the Pearl Harbor

Memorial Bridge, will in some cases result in designs being unnecessarily controlled by

the wind provisions.

5.6. Stay Cable Design (Using Single Element Strand Criteria With Variable Φ-


Section 4.5 presents the authors proposed approach to adaptation of the single

element acceptance criteria to the LRDF design approach.

Based on this approach, we extract the maximum cable stress from the

spreadsheets in Appendix B titled “Factored LRFD Load Summary with Variable phi-

Factor”. We use the Group I loading case, since live load stress variations are the

appropriate load case for fatigue considerations. That stress is 191 ksi for Group I loading

for cable C-8. Solving for the required ϕ-factor (from Eq. 4-5):

1.25(DL) + 1.75(LL) ϕ f’s

191 ϕ 270

ϕ 0.71

From Figure 4-8 with ϕ=0.71 we get an allowable fatigue range of 12.5 ksi. From the

above referenced spreadsheet in Appendix B, the maximum fatigue demand is 4.9 ksi <

12.5 ksi, therefore the design is acceptable.

The design could also be approached with the determination of the ϕ-factor based

on the required fatigue stress range. Working from a required fatigue demand of 4.9 ksi,

we determine the ϕ-factor of 0.775 (say 0.77) from Figure 4.8. This gives a factored

resistance of 0.77(270) = 208 ksi, which meets all of the demand requirements in the

referenced spreadsheet in Appendix B.

The authors approach to a LRFD design approach using single element strand

criteria to relate the allowable strand stress to a variable ϕ-factor provides a simple and

direct method of relating the cable maximum stress limit and fatigue resistance, based on

single element strand criteria that has been verified by physical testing. This method

which uses a LRFD design approach was applied to a real-world bridge example of the

Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge and gave results that are consistent with the original

design which was based on an allowable stress design procedure.

5.7. Aerodynamic Considerations

Cable stayed bridges are typically “flexible” and represent a class of potentially

aerodynamically active structures that can exhibit a variety of undesirable responses to

wind induced vibrations. These can include behaviors of the overall bridge system, such

as vortex shedding motions, buffeting motions and aerodynamic instabilities due to

flutter; and can also include local behaviors of the stay cables including buffeting, vortex

shedding, galloping, or wind/rain induced motions. The local cable behaviors have been

typically addressed in extradosed bridges, similar to what is typically addressed in cable

stayed bridges. However the behaviors of the overall system have in most cased not been

addressed in extradosed bridges. The experience (in Japan, for instance) has been that the

extradosed bridges exhibit sufficient stiffness to perform as a girder bridge and do not

exhibit the class of aerodynamic responses that result in aerodynamically active


As the first extradosed bridge design in the United States, and considering that

there are not specific guidelines on the definition of where special aerodynamic

considerations need to be applied, The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge was subjected to an

evaluation of the wind performance of the structure including wind tunnel testing

(Raggett, 2007). Figure 5-22 shows the wind tunnel model.

The wind tunnel modeling technique was to use a section-model test. This type of

testing only models a short section of the bridge, rather than the full bridge. The section

Figure 5-22: Wind Tunnel Model (Courtesy West Wind Laboratory)

model can be constructed to a much larger scale than a full bridge model due to wind

tunnel size limitations. The section model provides aerodynamic coefficients that are

used analytically to predict full bridge behavior.

The overall structure was investigated in its completed state and for four erection

stages that were judged most critical. Those erection stages were:

Northbound bridge only: maximum cantilever prior to side span closure with one

segment unbalance

Northbound bridge only: maximum cantilever prior to side span closure balanced.

Northbound bridge complete and southbound bridge at maximum cantilever prior

to side span closure with one segment unbalance

Northbound bridge complete and southbound bridge at maximum cantilever prior

to side span closure balanced.

The results of the wind tunnel testing can be summarized as follows:

The overall bridge in its completed stage or erection stages was found to be stable

against high speed flutter instabilities.

No incidence of low-speed vortex shedding motions was noted for the overall

bridge for the completed bridge or during the various erection stages.

Buffeting motions were analyzed for the completed bridge and for erection stages.

These essentially provided the “gust factor” that static wind is modified by in

order to account for the effects of turbulence, wind gusts and structure dynamic

response. These effects were found to result in a significant magnification static

wind effects that were included in the design at the completed stage. For the

erection stages the structure was designed for a 10 year recurrence wind, with a

provision that hurricane tie-downs were provided is winds in excess of specified

levels were anticipated (in general, an impending hurricane).

The wind stability analysis also included an analytical evaluation of the local

aerodynamic performance of the stay cables. This study concluded that the two stays

each side of the tower did not require supplemental dampers. All other cables required

supplemental damping that was provided with hydraulic damper assemblies. Dapper

displacement ranges, maximum force, maximum velocity and power requirements were

provided at each cable, and grouped into practical ranges for the plans.

Extradosed bridges clearly represent a different class of structure as compared to

cable stayed bridge, and the results of the testing for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

reinforced the idea that these structures are not susceptible to high speed flutter

instabilities or vortex shedding responses. However the evaluations for the Pearl Harbor

Memorial Bridge clearly indicated the value of aerodynamic testing with regard to

buffeting response and evaluation of the erection stages.

5.8. Discussion

The design for the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Design provided an opportunity

to apply many of the design parameters, characteristics and features that are

recommended to guide developing designs to a real-world bridge example. Key results

from this exercise can be summarized as follows:

Although most extradosed bridges are all-concrete structures, there can be

significant advantages to using composite or hybrid structures, depending on the

specific project conditions.

The recommended in Chapter 3 for such design parameters as span length ranges,

main/side span ratios, tower height/span ration, deck depth and deck haunch

proportions were confirmed to provide reasonable limits for setting bridge

proportions for extradosed bridges.

The importance of establishing a detailed and accurate erection method was

validated. This includes casting assumptions for the concrete members, detailed

placement sequences and stages of erection, weights and configurations of

erection equipment and establishing reasonable time-scales for erection activities.

The importance of selection of the proper cross-section of the girder/deck

assembly was emphasized. Extradosed bridges are more efficient for relatively

narrow bridge decks, but can be designed with very wide decks with proper

design considerations.

A key design decision is to establish the design criteria that will govern the stay

cable strength and fatigue design. There presently is no code guidance on these

criteria. Three design procedures were presented and compared. All three

procedure yielded acceptable designs.

The importance of wind tunnel testing for extradosed bridges was presented.

Extradosed bridge can provide excellent opportunities for providing visually

striking landmark bridges. However the design development must recognize the

structural form requirements of this bridge type, it should take in to consideration

the unique site conditions and opportunities they provide, and require careful and

thoughtful attention to detailing.

Chapter 6: Conclusions And Recommendations

6.1. Objectives Of This Dissertation

The title of the dissertation, “On the Development of the Extradosed Bridge

Concept” previews at the broad objective of this dissertation. The Extradosed Bridge is a

relative new type of bridge, and there is very limited treatment of the subject in the

literature. Most of the literature provides superficial descriptions of projects, and

provides very little discussion of the detailed design requirements for this bridge type. As

such, the scope of this dissertation is necessarily broad. That is to organize and discuss

the current state of practice for this bridge type, to identify any knowledge areas where

the current practice is lacking, and to contribute to the advancement of the state of

knowledge in those areas identified; to provide a treatise on the development of this

bridge concept.

This broad objective was further focused as four specific objectives that provide

the organization of this dissertation:

Provide a summary and discussion of extradosed bridges constructed worldwide

Provide an assessment and recommendations on proportioning parameters,

characteristics and features of extradosed prestressed bridges

Provide an assessment and recommendations of stay-cable design criteria for

extradosed prestressed bridges, and

Apply the recommendations to a prototype design to assess the application of the

recommended proportioning parameters, characteristics, features and stay cable

design criteria.

Each of these specific objectives has been addressed in detail in Chapters 2

through 5, with a chapter dedicated to each of these topics. In each of these chapters there

have been several important contributions to the further understanding and advancement

of knowledge concerning extradoned bridge types. This chapter provides a summary of

those discussions, conclusions, recommendations and contributions.

6.2. An Assessment Of Representative Extradosed Bridges That Have Been


There are more than 60 extradosed prestressed bridges that have been constructed

worldwide, however due to the very recent advancement of information on this bridge

type most countries have only one, or at most a few, of this bridge type. The exception is

Japan, which has at least 29 examples of this bridge type. Japan constructed the first of

this bridge type, and has actively promoted the continued development of this bridge

type. They are clearly the world leaders in this bridge technology. It follows that Japan

would be the best source of information about extradosed bridges. However there is

limited literature on the application of this bridge type. This is likely due in part to

language barriers, basic differences in design codes, and limited opportunities for in-

depth technical exchanges between Japan and the United States concerning design of

extradosed bridges.

As part of the preparation for this dissertation the author traveled to Japan as a

member of a delegation to gather information on extradosed prestressed bridges. This

included meeting with owners, designers and builders of this bridge type and included

field visits to five extradosed bridge that were either completed of under construction.

This in-depth exposure to these bridge projects and the people responsible for their

design, construction and maintenance, provided a unique opportunity to contribute to the

general understanding of the extradosed bridge type. Chapter 2 provides a detailed

summary of those visits and the information gained about each of the projects. Those

insights can be summarized as follows:

The extradosed bridge type can be cost effective for several reasons:

o For an extradosed bridge the prestressing is more effectively than a girder

bridge in terms of eccentricity of the prestress over the negative moment

region at the towers

o The prestresing is used more effectively in terms of a higher maximum

stress limit (0.6 f’s for extradosed versus 0.45 f’s for cable stayed,

representing a 33% reduction in cable material)

o Extradosed bridges require no backstay cables and no anchor pier

o The dead load of extradosed bridges is substantially reduced as compared

to girder bridges. This can have important consequences for seismic


o Lower towers are easier to construct than cable stayed bridges, can be

constructed with conventional cranes as opposed to complex jump form

systems typically required for cable stayed bridges.

o For a given span length, the girder depth for an extradosed bridge will be

substantially less than a girder type bridge. This can have important cost

implications for the approaches to the bridge.

The line between cable stayed and extradosed is sometimes blurred. Some

longer-span extradosed bridges could also be designed as a cable stayed bridge if

conventional design criteria and standards were applied.

Although the stay cable criteria were the same for all the bridges discussed, the

basis for that criteria was evolving. Rather than simply assuming that an

allowable stress of 0.6 f’s could be used, it became obvious that some structural

rationally was needed for establishing the cable design criteria.

New technology and ideas were tried on almost every new bridge. This new

bridge type was, and continues to be, ripe for innovative ideas.

Extradosed bridge can be adapted to a wide range of cable/girder layouts,

including single plane of cables in the median or multiple planes of cables

supporting single or multiple decks.

Extradosed bridges were considered an aesthetic opportunity, with visual

characteristics superior to a conventional girder bridge.

The wide range of difficult geometric conditions that are commonly encountered

in the alignment of highways can be accommodated in extradosed bridges. These

bridges are not just viable for straight and constant width alignments. They can

be adapted to curved bridges and bridges with tapered widths.

The extradosed bridge types was shown to be a viable and cost effective new

bridge type, that is continuing to be developed in Japan as well as exported to other parts

of the world.

6.3. Extradosed Bridge System Parameters, Characteristics And Features

The goal of this section is to provide some preliminary design rules for

proportioning extradosed bridges. These are sometimes called “rules-of-thumb”, and they

help the designer set some initial structural proportions, or assess the applicability of the

extradosed bridge type to a particular set of site conditions. These “rules-of-thumb” do

not presently exist for extradosed bridges, or are presented in a variety of sources with a

number of contradictions..

To that end, this section makes an assessment of extradosed design issues,

focusing on three general areas:

basic system parameters that can be quantified, such as applicable main span

lengths, tower height ratios and appropriate girder depths;

design characteristics which are treated in a more qualitative approach, such as

applicability of extradosed bridges to curved alignments, application to multi-span

bridges and application to different girder material choices; and

design features of extradosed bridges, such as aesthetic opportunities.

With more than 60 examples of extradosed bridges worldwide, there is sufficient

data to make some statistical assessments draw come conclusions on appropriate limits of

the important system parameters. This is considered a preferable approach over

parametric studies of hypothetical designs, since the real-world examples are subject to

the nuances of design that sometimes are not realized is a parametric study. This also

provided an opportunity to assess and comment on several design characteristics and

features applied to real-world design situations.

6.3.1 Materials

The girder of extradosed prestressed bridges is most commonly concrete. The

basic premise of extradosed bridges is to prestress the girder with external post tensioning

cables (the stay cables), and concrete is an ideal material for this application. Concrete is

strong in compression and weak in tension, and the combination of the axial compression

and the flexural moment counter to the externally applied moments can be tuned to

optimize this material.

However there can also be special applications of steel to extradosed bridges; in

several forms.

A hybrid design, with an all concrete girder except the central portion of the main

span uses a orthotropic or composite steel girder. The weight savings for the

main span can allow extradosed bridges to be used for longer spans or for cases

where short side spans are required by site conditions.

A composite design that uses a corrugated steel web with concrete top and bottom

flanges, for weight savings. This can be important for high seismic regions.

A composite design that uses a steel box girder with a composite concrete deck

slab. The resultant weight savings can reduce stay cable, tower and foundation


These steel designs should be considered where site conditions favor the

conditions noted above.

6.3.2 Applicable Span Range

Extradosed bridge have been typically applied to main-spans ranging from 300 to

600 feet. This provides an alternative to conventional girder bridges that tend to have

larger girder structural depths for long spans, and an option to the traditional long-span

bridge types of arch, truss and cable-stayed bridges, that are at the low end of their

applicability in this span range. These limits represent one standard deviation from the

mean of the existing population of extradosed bridges, and should not be construed to be

maximum limits. Extradosed bridges have been constructed with span lengths as little as

200 feet or up to 900 feet, and depending on site conditions may be appropriate for the

wider range of span lengths.

6.3.3 Main Span/Side Span Proportions

The ratio of side span to main span lengths can be an important parameter for the

economical design of the girder. For a three-span conventional girder bridge this ideal

ratio is about 0.65 in order to balance the positive and negative moments. For a three-

span cable stayed bridge this ration is about 0.42 to balance cable demand and to prevent

large uplifts at the anchor pier.

For extradosed bridge there is a wider range of acceptable side span/main span

ratios because the cables and girder share the load and can have some design flexibility in

their proportioning. An assessment of the existing population of extradosed bridge gives

a range between 0.45 and 0.69 for extradosed bridges for the side span/main span ratio.

It is noted that there can be important consequence at the low end of this range. If

the side span is too short, then uplift can result at the end piers under some live load

conditions. This must be resisted by mechanical hold down devices or by ballasting the

girder to give a positive reaction on the bearings.

6.3.4 Applicability Of Extradosed Bridges To Multi-Span Bridges

Cable stayed bridge rely on backstay cables that connect the anchor pier to the top

of tower in order to stiffen the tower. They are ideal for a two-span or a three-span

application since these backstay cables naturally exist. However for multi-span bridge,

such as a four-span cable-stayed bridge, the central tower does not have backstays, and

presents a particular design challenge. Solutions include provision of a stiff central

tower, or providing additional cables from the top of the central tower to adjacent towers

(called cross-cables). Neither of these solutions is particularly elegant, and there are very

few examples of multi-span cable stayed bridge in the world.

For extradosed bridges, the structural system does not rely on backstay cables,

and they are ideally situated for multi span applications. Extradosed bridge can be

economically used for long over-water crossings requiring long-spans and several towers,

providing an important option to bridge engineers for this design condition.

6.3.5 Applicability Of Extradosed Bridges To Curved Or Tapered Bridge


The real-world alignment of roadways often required bridges to be on curved

alignments or alignments that include tapering widths of the roadway to accommodate

entrance and exit ramps. For most of the longer-span bridge types, such as cable-stayed,

arch and truss bridges these alignments can present a challenge or even a limitation of the

applicability of the bridge type to a particular site. The main structural members can

conflict with the vehicle clearance envelope, or the torsional demands of the curved

alignment can put high demands of the structural system.

For extradosed bridges, the cables extend over only a portion of the spans, and

they typically are in a vertical plane or are inclined outward, both of which minimize

clearance conflicts with the vehicle clearance envelope. Extradosed bridges typically

utilize large box girders, that are very efficient in resisting the torsional demands of

curved or tapered alignments. The existing population of extradosed bridge has several

examples of extradosed bridge on complex curved or tapered alignments. They provide

the designer with an added bridge type option for these challenging alignments.

6.3.6 Tower Height

The height of the tower or more specifically the ratio of the tower height to main

span length is an important design parameter for extradosed bridges. In fact it is one of

the key defining parameters for the definition of an extradosed bridge as it affects the

design load in the cable and the fatigue stress in the cable. As the tower height increases,

the bridge begins to behave more like a cable-stayed bridge.

As assessment of existing extradosed bridges that have appropriate strength and

fatigue demand on the cables places the tower height to main span ratio between 1/7 to

1/13, with a typical value of 1/10.

6.3.7 Girder Depth/Girder Haunch Proportions

Another important design parameter for the initial sizing of bridge is the girder

depth proportions. This also includes the decision in whether to use a constant depth

(parallel flange) girder, or a variable depth (haunched) girder.

Extradosed bridges typically are constructed by a balanced cantilever erection

method that cantilevers the girder out from the towers. There is an advantage for using a

deeper girder at the tower, as it allows the larger cantilever before the installation of the

first stay cable. Therefore extradosed bridges typically use haunched girders, except for

very short spans, or for special cases that are not constructed in balanced cantilever.

An evaluation of existing extradosed bridge reveals a typical span/depth ratio

between 25:1 to 35:1 at the tower and 50:1 at mid-span.

6.3.8 Bridge Deck Width

The bridge deck width is not a design parameter; it is typically set as part of the

roadway traffic design requirements. It is, however, a design feature in that it can affect

the economy of the design and could influence choice of bridge type for a particular site.

Existing Extradosed brides have been used for a wide range of bride widths,

ranging from 30 to 110 feet in width. It is observed that even though extradosed bridges

have been used for wide bridges, there are special design considerations to this

application. The vertical load in the box girder is basically carried by shear in the webs.

At each stay cable location, a portion of that load is carried by the stay cable. This means

for box girders that have more than two webs (wide bridges) a load path must be

provided from the interior webs to the stay cables. There are several options for this load

transfer (transverse diaphragms, draped transverse post-tensioning), but they all add

complications (and cost) to the design. It should be noted if the designer has a choice, the

most efficient cross section for an extradosed bridge with be for a relatively narrow

bridge with two webs. For example, a bridge carrying two lanes in each direction can be

more efficiently designed as two separate decks, rather than one wide deck. However,

this should not be considered a hard design rule, as extradosed bridge can (and have)

been designed to a wide range of bridge widths.

6.3.9 Aesthetics

For a number of existing extradosed bridges, one of the factors in choosing an

extradosed bridge was the opportunity with this bridge type to provide a visually striking

bridge. The extradosed bridge type has the above deck features of towers and stay cables

that can provide an interesting visual character to the bridge crossing experience. And

the relatively thin deck (compared to a conventional girder bridge) can provide a graceful

and well-proportioned bridge for a long-span application.

Examples of several extradosed bridges are provided in chapter 3 that have

special architectural features to enhance the visual experience of the bridge. These

include, in addition to the basic form of the bridge, architectural shaping of the towers,

visual enhancement features (such as entry columns and colored cables), and aesthetic

lighting to feature the bridge at night.

6.4. Proposed Stay Cable Design Criteria

The design of the stay cables represents a key differentiator between cable-stayed and

extradosed bridges. The cables for extradosed bridges experience lower fatigue demand,

and consequently can be stressed to a higher tensile limit than cables of cable-stayed

bridges. Chapter 4 Reviewed existing cable design criteria, and then provided several

suggested improvements to current design practice and design criteria related to the design

of the stay cables, notably:

Recommendations are provided for single element fatigue performance for seven-

wire strand as a function of the maximum strand tensile stress (Figure 4-6).

An alternate procedure for fatigue design of the stay-cable of extradosed bridge

based on single element fatigue performance is provided, both in an allowable

stress format and an LRFD format (Figures 4-7 and 4-8).

Evaluation and recommendations were also provided for the physical testing of stay cables

of extradosed bridges and how the testing differs from Cable-stayed bridge cables:

Proposed PTI requirements for single element testing are confirmed. (Section 4.7)

Modifications to proposed PTI requirements for stay cable testing are

recommended (Section 4.8)

Several other features of the stay cable designs that are unique to extradosed

prestressed bridges was discussed, and appropriate commentary and recommendations


Stay anchorage details similar to cable-stayed bridge are proposed (Section 4.9)

It is recommended that the FHWA moratorium on the use of saddles for cable-

stayed bridge be lifted for extradosed bridges (section 4.10)

Stay corrosion protection details similar to cable stayed bridges are recommended

(Section 4.11)

Stay damping requirements for extradosed bridges are compared with the

requirements for cable-stayed bridges (Section 4.12)

In general the design of cables of extradosed prestressed bridge must be treated

differenty that the design of the cables of a cable-stayed bridge. Current criteria and

specifications do not fully address these differences, and recommended design criteria is


6.5. Application Of The Criteria And Recommendations To A Prototype Design

Chapter 5 applied the previously discussed lessons, design parameters, design

features and stay design criteria to a real-world bridge example. This exercise provides

important insights to the application of the criteria and the unique design issues related to

extradosed prestressed bridges. Key results from this exercise can be summarized as


Although most extradosed bridges are all-concrete structures, there can be

significant advantages to using composite or hybrid structures, depending on the

specific project conditions.

The recommended in Chapter 3 for such design parameters as span length ranges,

main/side span ratios, tower height/span ration, deck depth and deck haunch

proportions were confirmed to provide reasonable limits for setting bridge

proportions for extradosed bridges.

The importance of establishing a detailed and accurate erection method was

validated. This includes casting assumptions for the concrete members, detailed

placement sequences and stages of erection, weights and configurations of

erection equipment and establishing reasonable time-scales for erection activities.

The importance of selection of the proper cross-section of the girder/deck

assembly was emphasized. Extradosed bridges are more efficient for relatively

narrow bridge decks, but can be designed with very wide decks with proper

design considerations.

A key design decision is to establish the design criteria that will govern the stay

cable strength and fatigue design. There presently is no code guidance on these

criteria. Three design procedures were presented and compared. All three

procedure yielded acceptable designs.

The importance of wind tunnel testing for extradosed bridges was presented.

Extradosed bridge can provide excellent opportunities for providing visually

striking landmark bridges. However the design development must recognize the

structural form requirements of this bridge type, it should take in to consideration

the unique site conditions and opportunities they provide, and require careful and

thoughtful attention to detailing.

6.6. Concluding Remarks And Future Opportunities

Bridge engineers are continually challenged with providing safe and economical

designs that meet a wide range of site-specific conditions and imposed design criteria.

Increasingly, they are also challenged with providing structures that have strong visual

appeal. These so-called “landmark” or “signature” bridges satisfy a public appeal that

our built environment has aesthetic qualities, in addition to the basic requirements of

strength, safety and economy.

Extradosed Prestressed Bridge represents a new bridge type and a new “tool” that

bridge engineers can consider for a relatively broad class of bridge span lengths. In

particular they provide a unique bridge option that can be tailored to some challenging

site requirements while providing an economical structure and a bridge with the potential

for a strong visual presence.

Outside of Japan, this bridge type has seen limited application, due in part to lack

of familiarity and understanding of the features of this bridge type, due to the lack of

available information on this bridge type, importantly due to lack of well-defined stay

cable design criteria. This dissertation has provided a broad treatment of the features and

characteristics of this bridge type; it provides definition of key design and proportioning

parameters, it provides recommendations of stay cable design criteria including original

contributions to this important criteria, and it provides a real-world application of the

recommendations of this dissertation that provides insights to the design requirements of

extradosed prestressed bridges.

As bridge engineers become more familiar with this bridge type and as

information of the design requirements for this bridge type become more widely available

it is expected that extradosed bridges will see increased usage. The first extradosed

bridge the United Stated is under construction at this writing and should be completed by

2015. At least one other extradosed prestressed bridge is planned in the United States.

Many of our existing stream and waterway crossings were built 50 or more years ago and

are reaching the end of their service life. Many of these sites have bridge main span

requirements in the 300 to 600 foot span range where extradosed bridges provide a viable

and cost competitive alternative to more common bridge types. It is expected that over

the next decade in the United States, as the previous decade in Japan, there will be a

significant increase in the application of the extradosed bridge type. This increased

application is also expected bring the opportunity for further innovations with the

resulting improvements in performance and economy for extradosed prestressed bridges.

The future is bright for extradosed bridges, and the next decade will be an exciting time

for bridge engineers involved in the further development of this new bridge type.


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Appendix A:

Database Of Existing Extradosed Bridge Proportioning And Design Parameters

Table A-1: Database Of Existing Extradosed Bridge Proportioning And Design

No. Bridge Country Year No Main Span Side span(s) ft. side/main
Completed Spans Ft ft span ratio span ratio

1 Odawara Blueway Bridge Japan 1994 3 400.1 242.7 242.7 0.61 0.61
2 Tsukuhara Japan 1997 3 590.4 214.5 250.6 0.36 0.42
3 Kanisawa Japan 1998 3 590.4 327.59 327.59 0.55 0.55
4 Shin Karato Bridge Japan 1998 3 459.2 243 226.6 0.53 0.49
5 Sunniberg Bridge Switzerland 1998 5 459.2 193.5 213.2 0.42 0.46
6 Pont de Saint-Remy-de-maurienne France 1999 2 172.2 48.5 0.28
7 Mitanigawa Daini Bridge Japan 1999 2 304.7
8 Second Mandaue-Mactan Bridge Philippines 1999 3 606.8 369 369 0.61 0.61
9 Shikari Bridge Japan 2000 5 459.2
10 Matakina Bridge Japan 2000 2 357.52 291.92 0.82
11 Sajiki Bridge Japan 2000 3 344.4
12 Yukizawa Bridge Japan 2000 3 232.88
13 Surikamigawa Bridge Japan 2000 1 278.2
14 Pakse Bridge Laos/Thailand 2000 3 469 403.4 300.1 0.86 0.64
15 Hozu Bridge Japan 2001 6 328 249.28 249.28 0.76 0.76
16 Nakanoie Bridge Japan 2001 2 198.77 198.77 1.00
17 Miyakodagawa Bridge (or Miyakoda River Bridge) Japan 2001 2 436 436 - 1.00 -
18 Kiso River Bridge Japan 2001 5 902 524.8 524.8 0.58 0.58
19 Ibi River Bridge Japan 2001 6 890.5 505.12 514.96 0.57 0.58
20 Shinkawa Japan 2002 5 426.4 295.2 264 0.69 0.62
21 Fukauara Bridge Japan 2002 5 295.2 203.69 216.48 0.69 0.73
22 Sashikubo Bridge Japan 2002 2 373.92 373.92 1.00
23 Koror-Babeldoab Bridge Palau 2002 3 810.16 268.96 268.96 0.33 0.33
24 Deba Bridge Spain 2003 3 216.48 131.2 131.2 0.61 0.61
25 Shin-Meisei Bridge Japan 2004 3 401.28 293.99 270.11 0.73 0.67
26 Himi Bridge Japan 2004 3 590.4 300.1 300.1 0.51 0.51
27 Tatekoshi Bridge Japan 2004 2 184.66 181.38 0.98
28 Tobiuo Bridge Japan 2004 5 426.4 295.2 264 0.69 0.62
29 Brazil-Peru Integration Bridge Brazil-Peru 2005 3 360.8 213.2 213.2 0.59 0.59
30 Rittoh Bridge Japan 2005 4 557.6 459.2 377.2 0.82 0.68
Rittoh Bridge Japan 2005 5 524.8 508.4 246 0.97 0.47
31 Sannohe Bridge Japan 2005 3 656 3276.67 327.67 4.99 0.50
32 Pyung Yeo 2 Bridge Korea (South) 2005 3 393.6 213.2 213.2 0.54 0.54
33 Rio Branco Third Bridge Brazil 2006 3 295.2 177.1 177.1 0.60 0.60
34 Homeland Bridge Croatia 2006 3 393.6 236.16 236.16 0.60 0.60
35 Korong Extradosed Bridge Hungary 2006 2 203.29 171.41 0.84
36 Yanagawa Bridge Japan 2006 2 428.7 428.7 1.00
37 Tagami Bridge Japan 2006 2 263.06 263.06 1.00
38 Tokuyama Bridge Japan 2006 3 721.6 458.2 458.22 0.63 0.64
39 Nanchiku Bridge Japan 2006 3 360.8 223.2 223.2 0.62 0.62
40 Second Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge Laos/Thailand 2006 6 360.8 360.8 360.8 1.00 1.00
41 Kack-Hwa First Bridge Korea (South) 2006 3 377.2 180.4 328 0.48 0.87
42 Nymburk Bypass bridge Czech Republic 2007 3 432.96 134.48 134.48 0.31 0.31
43 Bridge of the European Union Poland 2007 3 262.4 196.8 196.8 0.75 0.75
44 Puh Bridge Slovenia 2007 5 328 328 328 1.00 1.00
45 Shindae Bridge South Korea 2007 4 255.84 147.6 147.6 0.58 0.58
46 Second Vivekananda Bridge India 2007 7 360.8
47 Abay Bridge (Blue Nile Gorge) Ethiopia 2008 3 476 259.5 259.5 0.55 0.55
48 Riga South Bridge Latvia 2008 9 360.8 360.8 360.8 1.00 1.00
49 Gum-Ga Grand Bridge Korea (South) 2007 7 410 279.9 279.6 0.68 0.68
50 Cho-Rack Bridge Korea (South) 2008 5 426.4 229.6 229.6 0.54 0.54
51 Ma-Tsu Bridge Taiwan 2008 2 410 410 1.00
52 Trois-Bassins France 2008 4 413.3 344.4 0.83
53 Catumbela Bridge Angola 2009 3 524.8
54 Karnaphuli Bridge Bangladesh 2009 6 656 656 656 1.00 1.00
55 Golden Ears Bridge Vancouver (BC) 2009 5 793.8 396.9 396.9 0.50 0.50
56 Xianshen River Bridge China 2009 2 446.08 429.68 0.96
57 Keong-An Bridge Korea (South) 2009 3 885.6
58 Orkojahuira Bridge Bolivia 2010 3 337.84 175.15 214.84 0.52 0.64
59 Choqueyapu Bridge Bolivia 2010 3 303.4 172.2 152.52 0.57 0.50
60 Kantutani Bridge Bolivia 2010 3 372.28 180.4 180.4 0.48 0.48
61 Povacska Bystrica D1 Motorway Viaduct Slovakia 2010 3 360.8
62 La Massana Bridge Andora 2012 2 NA
63 Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge USA 2012 3 515 249 249 0.48 0.48

Appendix A: (Continued)

Table A-1: (Continued)

No. Bridge Tower Height Tower height Var/Con Deck Depth Deck Depth Deck Depth Deck Depth Deck
ft Ratio Depth at Tower (ft) ratio at tower at midspan (ft)ratio at midspan Width ft

1 Odawara Blueway Bridge 35.1 11.4 Var 11.5 34.8 7.2 55.6 42.6
2 Tsukuhara 42.64 13.8 Var 18 32.8 9.8 60.2 42.0
3 Kanisawa 63.14 9.4 Var 18.06 32.7 10.51 56.2 64.9
4 Shin Karato Bridge 39.36 11.7 Var 11.48 40.0 8.2 56.0
5 Sunniberg Bridge 40.6
6 Pont de Saint-Remy-de-maurienne Con 7.05 24.4 7.05 24.4
7 Mitanigawa Daini Bridge 42 7.3 Var 19.68 15.5 9.84 31.0
8 Second Mandaue-Mactan Bridge 59.5 10.2 Var 16 37.9 9.84 61.7 68.9
9 Shikari Bridge 32.5 14.1 Var 19.68 23.3 9.84 46.7 92.1
10 Matakina Bridge 37.1
11 Sajiki Bridge 40.3 8.5 Var 10.5 32.8 6.89 50.0
12 Yukizawa Bridge 41 5.7 Var 18.04 12.9 6.56 35.5
13 Surikamigawa Bridge 54.12 5.1 Var 16.4 17.0 9.18 30.3 30.2
14 Pakse Bridge 37.7
15 Hozu Bridge 29.52 11.1 Con 9.18 35.7 9.18 35.7 53.5
16 Nakanoie BridgeBridge (or Miyakoda River
Miyakodagawa 38.7 5.1 Var 13.12 15.2 8.2 24.2 70.2
17 Bridge) 65.6 12.0 Var 21.32 36.8 13.1 59.9 65.3
18 Kiso River Bridge 96.76 9.3 Var 22.96 39.3 13.12 68.8 108.2
19 Ibi River Bridge 96.76 9.2 Var 22.96 38.8 13.12 67.9 108.2
20 Shinkawa 41 10.4 Var 13.12 32.5 7.78 54.8 84.6
21 Fukauara Bridge 27.88 10.6 Var 9.84 30.0 8.2 36.0 44.9
22 Sashikubo Bridge 72.16 5.2 Var 21.32 17.5 10.5 35.6 37.1
23 Koror-Babeldoab Bridge
24 Deba Bridge 39.03 5.5 Con 8.85 24.5 8.85 24.5
25 Shin-Meisei Bridge 54.12 7.4 Con 11.48 35.0 11.48 35.0 62.3
26 Himi Bridge 64 9.2 Var 18 32.8 9.84 60.0 30.3
27 Tatekoshi Bridge 34.44 5.4 Var 9.51 19.4 5.9 31.3 62.8
28 Tobiuo Bridge 42.6 10.0 84.6
29 Brazil-Peru Integration Bridge 49.2 7.3 Var 10.99 32.8 7.7 46.9 55.1
30 Rittoh Bridge 100.04 5.6 Var 24.6 22.7 14.76 37.8 54.1
Rittoh Bridge 100.04 5.2 Var 24.6 21.3 14.76 35.6 41.1
31 Sannohe Bridge 82 8.0 Var 21.32 30.8 11.48 28.5 44.1
32 Pyung Yeo 2 Bridge 77.1
33 Rio Branco Third Bridge 90.2 3.3 69.2
34 Homeland Bridge 54.12 7.3 Con 11.64 33.8 11.64 20.3 109.9
35 Korong Extradosed Bridge Con 5.25 38.7 5.25 38.7 52.0
36 Yanagawa Bridge 78.72 5.4 Var 21.32 20.1 13.12 32.7 57.1
37 Tagami Bridge 47.56 5.5 Var 14.76 17.8 9.84 26.7 58.4
38 Tokuyama Bridge 73.8 9.8 var 21.3 33.9 11.5 62.7 31.5
39 Nanchiku Bridge 36.08 10.0 Var 11.48 31.4 8.53 42.3 67.4
40 Second Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge 39.4
41 Kack-Hwa First Bridge
42 Nymburk Bypass bridge 51.82 8.4 Var 12.3 35.2 8.2 52.8 54.6
43 Bridge of the European Union 33.78 7.8 82.3
44 Puh Bridge
45 Shindae Bridge 39.36 6.5 74.0
46 Second Vivekananda Bridge 93.8
47 Abay Bridge (Blue Nile Gorge)
48 Riga South Bridge 43.72 8.3 112.4
49 Gum-Ga Grand Bridge 29.03 14.1 75.4
50 Cho-Rack Bridge 45.9
51 Ma-Tsu Bridge
52 Trois-Bassins
53 Catumbela Bridge
54 Karnaphuli Bridge
55 Golden Ears Bridge 131.2 6.1
56 Xianshen River Bridge 173.84 2.6
57 Keong-An Bridge 98.4
58 Orkojahuira Bridge 134.08 2.5
59 Choqueyapu Bridge 119.46 2.5
60 Kantutani Bridge 116.44 3.2
61 Povacska Bystrica D1 Motorway Viaduct 99.7
62 La Massana Bridge
63 Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge 60 8.6 Var 16.187 31.8 11.27 45.7 110.5

Appendix A: (Continued)

Table A-1: (Continued)

No. Bridge Eff Deck Prestressing (psf) Girder ReinfStay allowable Radius of Comments
Thick (ft) Stay deck long deck trans Total long psf Ratio to fpu Curvature

1 Odawara Blueway Bridge 3.33 3.2 7.9 11.1 27.3 0.6 NA

2 Tsukuhara 4.1 4.8 7.0 11.8 37.3 0.6 NA
3 Kanisawa 0.4 NA
4 Shin Karato Bridge 1312 Twin Bridges, curved, tapered
5 Sunniberg Bridge 1650 Curved
6 Pont de Saint-Remy-de-maurienne 1640 Curved R=1640ft.
7 Mitanigawa Daini Bridge NA
8 Second Mandaue-Mactan Bridge 3.44 5.97 8.99 2.28 15.0 45 0.6 NA
9 Shikari Bridge NA
10 Matakina Bridge NA
11 Sajiki Bridge NA
12 Yukizawa Bridge NA
13 Surikamigawa Bridge NA
14 Pakse Bridge NA
15 Hozu Bridge 2.09 NA
16 Nakanoie Bridge NA
17 Miyakodagawa Bridge (or Miyakoda River Bridge) 6.4 21.9 28.3 0.6 NA 3-planes of stays
18 Kiso River Bridge 3.2 16.44 28.4 0.6 NA Hybrid Concrete/Orthotropic
19 Ibi River Bridge 3.5 17.87 31.4 0.6 NA Hybrid Concrete/Orthotropic
20 Shinkawa NA
21 Fukauara Bridge NA
22 Sashikubo Bridge NA
23 Koror-Babeldoab Bridge NA Hyrid with Steel center of main span
24 Deba Bridge 1312 Curved
25 Shin-Meisei Bridge NA
26 Himi Bridge 0.6 NA
27 Tatekoshi Bridge NA
28 Tobiuo Bridge NA 1-plane stays
29 Brazil-Peru Integration Bridge NA
30 Rittoh Bridge NA Tokyo Bound (Corrugared Steel Web)
Rittoh Bridge NA Osaka Bound (Corrugated Steel Web)
31 Sannohe Bridge NA
32 Pyung Yeo 2 Bridge NA
33 Rio Branco Third Bridge NA
34 Homeland Bridge NA
35 Korong Extradosed Bridge NA
36 Yanagawa Bridge NA
37 Tagami Bridge NA
38 Tokuyama Bridge NA
39 Nanchiku Bridge NA
40 Second Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge NA
41 Kack-Hwa First Bridge 3.76 6.6 10.4 2952 Horizontal Curved
42 Nymburk Bypass bridge NA
43 Bridge of the European Union NA
44 Puh Bridge NA
45 Shindae Bridge NA
46 Second Vivekananda Bridge NA
47 Abay Bridge (Blue Nile Gorge) NA
48 Riga South Bridge NA
49 Gum-Ga Grand Bridge NA
50 Cho-Rack Bridge NA
51 Ma-Tsu Bridge NA
52 Trois-Bassins NA
53 Catumbela Bridge NA
54 Karnaphuli Bridge NA
55 Golden Ears Bridge NA Hybrid (Steel/Conc.)
56 Xianshen River Bridge NA
57 Keong-An Bridge NA
58 Orkojahuira Bridge NA
59 Choqueyapu Bridge NA
60 Kantutani Bridge NA
61 Povacska Bystrica D1 Motorway Viaduct NA
62 La Massana Bridge NA
63 Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge NA Twin Bridges

Appendix A (Continued)
Source References for Appendix A Data:

1. Odawara Blueway Bridge

Ikeda, 2000
JHPC(d), undated
Kasuga, 1994
Kasuga, 1995
Kasuga, 2006
Ogawa, 1998
Oishi, 1996
Shirono, 1993
Sumitomo, 1998
Yoshiaki, 1993
2. Tsukuhara Bridge
Ikeda, 2000
JHPC(g), undated
Kasuga, 2006
Ogawa, 1998
Sanyo, undated
Sumitomo, 1998
3. Kanisawa Bridge
JHPC(i), undated
Kasuga, 2006
Kikuchi, 1998
4. Shin Karato Bridge
Kasuga, 2006
Hanshin, 2001
Tomita, 1999
5. Sunniberg Bridge
Janberg, 2011
Kasuga, 2006
Menn, 1998
6. Pont de Saint-Rémy-de-Maurienne
Janberg, 2011
7. Mitanigawa Daini Bridge
Kasuga, 2011
8. Second Mandaue-Mactan Bridge
Sumitomo, undated
9. Shikari Bridge
Janberg, 2011
10. Matakina Bridge
Janberg, 2011
11. Sajiki Bridge
Kasuga, 2011

Appendix A (Continued)

12. Yukizawa Bridge

Kasuga, 2011
13. Surikamigawa Bridge
Kasuga, 2011
14. Pakse Bridge
Janberg, 2011
jica, undated
VSL, 2000
15. Hozu Bridge
JHPC(j), undated
16. Nakanoie Bridge
Kasuga, 2006
17. Miyakodagawa Bridge (or Miyakoda River Bridge)
Kasuga, 2006
Tsuchida, , 2001
18. Kiso River Bridge
BD&E, 1999
Hirano, 1999
JHPC(a), undated
JHPC(b), undated
JHPC(c), undated
JSCE, 2000
Kasuga, 2006
Tokoro, 1999
19. Ibi River Bridge
BD&E, 1999
Hirano, 1999
JHPC(a), undated
JHPC(b), undated
JHPC(c), undated
JSCE, 2000
Kasuga, 2006
Tokoro, 1999
20. Shinkawa Bridge
JHPC(f), undated
Kasuga, 2006
Sumitomo, 1998
Sumitomo, 2001
21. Fukauara Bridge
Kasuga, 2006
22. Sashikubo Bridge
Kasuga, 2006

Appendix A (Continued)

23. Koror-Babeldoab Bridge

Kajima, 2002
Janberg, 2011
24. Deba Bridge
Janberg, 2011
Jaques, 2005
25. Shin-Meisei Bridge
Kasuga, 2006
26. Himi Bridge
JHPC(g), undated
Kasuga, 2006
27. Tatekoshi Bridge
Kasuga, 2006
28. Tobiuo Bridge
Janberg, 2011
29. Brazil-Peru Integration Bridge
Janberg, 2011
Oyamada, 2006
30. Rittoh Bridge
Janberg, 2011
JHPC(e), undated
Kasuga, 2006
Yasukawa, 2002
31. Sannohe Bridge
Janberg, 2011
Kasuga, 2006
32. Pyung Yeo 2 Bridge
Janberg, 2011
33. Rio Branco Third Bridge
Janberg, 2011
34. Homeland Bridge
Janberg, 2011
35. Korong Extradosed Bridge
Becze, 2006
Janberg, 2011
36. Yanagawa Bridge
Kasuga, 2006
37. Tagami Bridge
Kasuga, 2006
38. Tokuyama Bridge
Kasuga, 2006
39. Nanchiku Bridge
Kasuga, 2006

Appendix A (Continued)

40. Second Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge

Janberg, 2011
41. Kack-Hwa First Bridge
Janberg, 2011
42. Nymburk Bypass bridge
Janberg, 2011
LUSAS, 2010
43. Bridge of the European Union
Janberg, 2011
44. Puh Bridge
Janberg, 2011
45. Shindae Bridge
Janberg, 2011
46. Second Vivekananda Bridge
Binnis, 2005
IBT, 2008
Janberg, 2011
47. Abay Bridge (Blue Nile Gorge)
ENA, 2008
48. Riga South Bridge
Janberg, 2011
49. Gum-Ga Grand Bridge
Janberg, 2011
50. Cho-Rack Bridge
Janberg, 2011
51. Ma-Tsu Bridge
Janberg, 2011
52. Trois-Bassins
Janberg, 2011
Reunion, 2007
53. Catumbela Bridge
Angola Press, 2009
Benguela, 2011
Janberg, 2011
54. Karnaphuli Bridge
Janberg, 2011
55. Golden Ears Bridge
Buckland & Taylor, 2005
Janberg, 2011
56. Xianshen River Bridge
Janberg, 2011
57. Keong-An Bridge
Janberg, 2011

Appendix A (Continued)

58. Orkojahuira Bridge

Janberg, 2011
59. Choqueyapu Bridge
Janberg, 2011
60. Kantutani Bridge
Janberg, 2011
61. Považská Bystrica D1 Motorway Viaduct
Janberg, 2011
62. La Massana Bridge
Janberg, 2011
63. Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge
Chilstrom, 2001
CTL, 2010
Raggett, 2007
Schwager, 2010
State of Connecticut, 2009
Stroh, June 2003
Stroh, August, 2003

Appendix B:

Calculation Summary for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

Notes on Computer Modeling of Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge:

Linear FEM model developed for bridge structure using tangent stiffness of stay
cables (Figure B-1)
Longitudinal Analysis performed using RM2000 software
3-D Model Using Beam Elements and a Single Spine Per Girder
Simulated Construction Schedule with a Total of 121 Stages per deck
Time Dependent Behavior uses 1978 CEB/FIP Provisions for Creep and Shrinkage
Post –Tensioning installed to a Jacking Force of 70% f’s
Stay Cables Installed to prescribed Jacking Forces

Figure B-1: RM2000 Model of Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

Appendix B: (Continued)

Figure B-2: Stay Cable Numbering Scheme for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

Appendix B: (Continued)

Table B-1: Unfactored Cable Forces for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Cable Plane A


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
A-1 48 10.42 35.92 1,118 0 1,423 1,386 42 -10 15 -4 64 9 0 0 9
A-2 48 10.42 35.92 1,144 0 1,418 1,375 41 -8 14 -3 60 9 0 0 4
A-3 48 10.42 35.92 1,172 0 1,415 1,366 40 -6 14 -2 57 8 1 1 6
A-4 48 10.42 35.92 1,189 0 1,412 1,356 41 -5 13 -2 55 8 1 1 12
A-5 48 10.42 35.92 1,188 0 1,396 1,331 42 -5 13 -3 54 8 1 1 19
A-6 48 10.42 35.92 1,268 0 1,416 1,341 44 -6 14 -3 57 8 2 2 28
A-7 48 10.42 35.92 1,256 0 1,402 1,314 48 -6 14 -3 62 9 2 3 39
A-8 48 10.42 35.92 1,188 0 1,388 1,285 53 -8 16 -4 72 11 3 3 54
A-9 48 10.42 35.92 1,534 0 1,396 1,393 30 -7 13 -3 73 11 2 3 54
A-10 48 10.42 35.92 1,482 0 1,398 1,388 35 -5 14 -3 74 11 1 2 40
A-11 48 10.42 35.92 1,428 0 1,401 1,385 41 -5 15 -2 76 11 1 1 29
A-12 48 10.42 35.92 1,356 0 1,397 1,375 45 -5 16 -2 78 11 0 0 20
A-13 48 10.42 35.92 1,306 0 1,403 1,374 48 -5 17 -2 80 12 0 0 13
A-14 48 10.42 35.92 1,239 0 1,388 1,354 50 -6 18 -2 80 12 0 0 7
A-15 48 10.42 35.92 1,189 0 1,384 1,345 51 -6 18 -3 79 12 1 1 2
A-16 48 10.42 35.92 1,147 0 1,383 1,338 51 -7 19 -3 77 11 1 1 6
A-17 48 10.42 35.92 1,130 0 1,373 1,323 53 -7 20 -4 88 13 1 1 7
A-18 48 10.42 35.92 1,172 0 1,377 1,331 56 -8 20 -3 92 13 1 1 7

A-19 48 10.42 35.92 1,214 0 1,374 1,333 60 -9 21 -3 95 14 1 1 7
A-20 48 10.42 35.92 1,267 0 1,379 1,341 62 -10 22 -3 98 14 1 1 8
A-21 48 10.42 35.92 1,318 0 1,377 1,343 65 -12 23 -4 100 15 0 1 8
A-22 48 10.42 35.92 1,370 0 1,382 1,350 67 -13 24 -6 101 15 0 1 8
A-23 48 10.42 35.92 1,416 0 1,375 1,346 69 -16 24 -7 101 15 0 0 9
A-24 48 10.42 35.92 1,465 0 1,374 1,345 71 -18 25 -8 100 15 0 0 10
A-25 48 10.42 35.92 1,147 0 1,275 1,202 26 -9 14 -5 39 6 1 1 1
A-26 48 10.42 35.92 1,206 0 1,291 1,227 26 -6 12 -3 39 6 1 1 2
A-27 48 10.42 35.92 1,220 0 1,311 1,254 27 -4 10 -2 40 6 1 2 3
A-28 48 10.42 35.92 1,156 0 1,328 1,279 28 -4 8 -2 42 6 1 2 5
A-29 48 10.42 35.92 1,155 0 1,345 1,301 30 -4 9 -2 46 7 2 2 7
A-30 48 10.42 35.92 1,150 0 1,363 1,324 32 -5 10 -2 51 8 2 2 8
A-31 48 10.42 35.92 1,130 0 1,376 1,342 35 -6 12 -3 57 8 2 2 9
A-32 48 10.42 35.92 1,103 0 1,384 1,355 39 -9 13 -3 63 9 2 2 11





Appendix B: (Continued)
Table B-2: Unfactored Cable Load Groups and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane A


1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
A-1 1465 1487 1468 1474 1441 1477 141 143 I 1.8
A-2 1459 1478 1462 1462 1430 1466 140 142 I 1.7
A-3 1455 1472 1459 1461 1429 1465 140 141 I 1.5
A-4 1452 1467 1457 1464 1431 1468 139 141 I 1.5
A-5 1438 1451 1443 1457 1423 1462 138 140 I 1.5
A-6 1461 1473 1467 1488 1452 1494 140 143 I 1.6
A-7 1450 1464 1457 1489 1450 1496 139 144 I 1.7
A-8 1440 1459 1449 1494 1452 1503 138 144 I 1.9
A-9 1426 1469 1434 1480 1461 1488 137 143 I 1.6
A-10 1433 1472 1440 1474 1449 1480 138 142 I 1.6
A-11 1442 1478 1447 1471 1442 1476 138 142 I 1.7
A-12 1442 1476 1446 1462 1429 1467 138 142 I 1.8
A-13 1451 1483 1455 1464 1428 1468 139 142 I 1.9
A-14 1438 1468 1442 1445 1407 1450 138 141 I 2.0
A-15 1435 1463 1440 1437 1398 1442 138 140 I 2.0
A-16 1434 1460 1439 1440 1400 1445 138 140 I 2.1
A-17 1427 1461 1432 1434 1393 1439 137 140 I 2.2
A-18 1434 1469 1439 1441 1397 1446 138 141 I 2.3
A-19 1434 1470 1440 1441 1396 1447 138 141 I 2.4
A-20 1441 1476 1447 1448 1400 1454 138 142 I 2.5
A-21 1442 1477 1447 1450 1399 1455 138 142 I 2.6
A-22 1449 1482 1454 1457 1405 1463 139 142 I 2.8
A-23 1445 1476 1450 1454 1399 1459 139 142 I 3.0
A-24 1445 1474 1450 1456 1399 1461 139 142 I 3.2
A-25 1301 1315 1305 1301 1282 1305 125 126 I 1.9
A-26 1317 1330 1321 1319 1299 1323 126 128 I 1.5
A-27 1337 1350 1342 1341 1320 1345 128 130 I 1.2
A-28 1356 1371 1361 1361 1340 1366 130 132 I 1.0
A-29 1375 1391 1380 1381 1358 1387 132 134 I 1.0
A-30 1395 1414 1401 1403 1378 1409 134 136 I 1.2
A-31 1411 1433 1418 1421 1394 1427 136 138 I 1.4
A-32 1424 1447 1431 1434 1404 1441 137 139 I 1.6

18 GROUP I = DL + ( LL + I )

19 GROUP II = DL + W1

20 GROUP III = DL + ( LL + I ) + 0.3 ( W2 ) + WL + LF

22 GROUP V = DL + W2 + T

23 GROUP VI = DL + ( LL + I ) + 0.3 ( W2 ) + WL + LF + T


25 GROUP COMBINATIONS II THRU VI: fs = 0.60 f's = 162.0 KSI



Appendix B: (Continued)

Table B-3: Unfactored Cable Forces for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Cable Plane B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
B-1 48 10.42 35.92 1,118 0 1,392 1,323 42 -10 15 -5 31 5 1 1 14
B-2 48 10.42 35.92 1,144 0 1,388 1,312 42 -10 14 -5 31 5 1 1 8
B-3 48 10.42 35.92 1,172 0 1,387 1,305 43 -10 14 -5 33 5 1 1 2
B-4 48 10.42 35.92 1,189 0 1,390 1,299 45 -10 14 -6 37 5 1 1 5
B-5 48 10.42 35.92 1,188 0 1,376 1,276 47 -11 15 -6 43 6 1 2 13
B-6 48 10.42 35.92 1,268 0 1,374 1,262 50 -12 16 -7 51 7 1 2 22
B-7 48 10.42 35.92 1,256 0 1,348 1,220 55 -14 18 -7 61 9 2 2 33
B-8 48 10.42 35.92 1,188 0 1,305 1,159 61 -17 20 -8 74 11 3 3 48
B-9 48 10.42 35.92 1,534 0 1,413 1,470 51 -31 22 -13 123 18 2 3 52
B-10 48 10.42 35.92 1,482 0 1,410 1,455 55 -27 23 -12 123 18 1 2 37
B-11 48 10.42 35.92 1,428 0 1,409 1,444 58 -25 24 -11 124 18 1 1 25
B-12 48 10.42 35.92 1,356 0 1,409 1,435 61 -24 24 -10 125 18 1 1 16
B-13 48 10.42 35.92 1,306 0 1,411 1,429 63 -22 25 -9 125 18 1 1 9
B-14 48 10.42 35.92 1,239 0 1,398 1,409 64 -21 25 -8 125 18 1 1 4
B-15 48 10.42 35.92 1,189 0 1,393 1,398 64 -20 25 -8 123 18 1 1 8
B-16 48 10.42 35.92 1,147 0 1,391 1,389 63 -19 24 -7 121 18 1 1 12
B-17 48 10.42 35.92 1,130 0 1,376 1,347 78 -36 29 -12 145 21 1 2 5
B-18 48 10.42 35.92 1,172 0 1,382 1,359 81 -36 30 -12 149 22 1 2 5
B-19 48 10.42 35.92 1,214 0 1,381 1,362 84 -37 30 -13 153 22 1 2 6
B-20 48 10.42 35.92 1,267 0 1,384 1,369 86 -38 31 -13 156 23 1 2 6

B-21 48 10.42 35.92 1,318 0 1,385 1,374 88 -40 31 -14 159 23 2 2 7
B-22 48 10.42 35.92 1,370 0 1,392 1,384 90 -42 32 -15 161 24 2 2 8
B-23 48 10.42 35.92 1,416 0 1,388 1,383 92 -44 32 -17 163 24 2 2 9
B-24 48 10.42 35.92 1,465 0 1,387 1,385 94 -47 33 -18 165 24 2 3 10
B-25 48 10.42 35.92 1,147 0 1,191 1,103 57 -38 26 -14 87 13 2 2 1
B-26 48 10.42 35.92 1,206 0 1,230 1,151 53 -30 24 -12 77 11 2 2 3
B-27 48 10.42 35.92 1,220 0 1,259 1,188 49 -24 22 -10 68 10 1 2 4
B-28 48 10.42 35.92 1,156 0 1,305 1,241 46 -18 20 -8 61 9 1 2 6
B-29 48 10.42 35.92 1,155 0 1,320 1,262 44 -14 18 -7 54 8 1 2 7
B-30 48 10.42 35.92 1,150 0 1,334 1,281 43 -13 16 -6 50 7 2 2 8
B-31 48 10.42 35.92 1,130 0 1,346 1,298 44 -12 14 -5 47 7 2 2 10
B-32 48 10.42 35.92 1,103 0 1,356 1,311 45 -13 15 -6 45 7 2 2 11





Appendix B: (Continued)
Table B-4: Unfactored Cable Load Groups and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane B


1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
B-1 1435 1424 1438 1448 1411 1452 138 139 I 1.9
B-2 1430 1419 1434 1438 1401 1442 137 138 I 1.9
B-3 1430 1420 1434 1433 1394 1436 137 138 I 1.8
B-4 1434 1427 1438 1440 1401 1444 138 139 I 1.9
B-5 1423 1419 1428 1436 1395 1440 137 138 I 2.0
B-6 1425 1425 1430 1446 1403 1452 137 139 I 2.2
B-7 1403 1409 1409 1436 1390 1442 135 138 I 2.5
B-8 1366 1379 1375 1414 1364 1423 131 137 I 2.7
B-9 1521 1593 1531 1573 1540 1583 146 153 I 3.4
B-10 1510 1578 1518 1547 1510 1555 145 152 I 3.4
B-11 1502 1568 1510 1528 1487 1535 144 151 I 3.3
B-12 1496 1560 1504 1513 1469 1520 144 150 I 3.3
B-13 1492 1555 1500 1502 1457 1509 143 149 I 3.3
B-14 1474 1534 1480 1478 1432 1485 141 147 I 3.2
B-15 1462 1521 1469 1471 1425 1478 140 146 I 3.1
B-16 1454 1511 1461 1466 1420 1473 140 145 I 3.0
B-17 1454 1520 1463 1459 1402 1468 140 146 I 3.9
B-18 1463 1531 1473 1468 1409 1478 140 147 I 4.0
B-19 1465 1534 1475 1470 1409 1480 141 147 I 4.1
B-20 1470 1540 1480 1476 1413 1486 141 148 I 4.2
B-21 1473 1544 1484 1480 1415 1491 141 148 I 4.4
B-22 1482 1553 1493 1489 1423 1500 142 149 I 4.5
B-23 1479 1550 1491 1488 1420 1499 142 149 I 4.7
B-24 1481 1552 1493 1491 1421 1503 142 149 I 4.9
B-25 1247 1278 1255 1249 1205 1256 120 123 I 3.8
B-26 1283 1307 1289 1286 1244 1292 123 125 I 3.4
B-27 1308 1327 1314 1313 1274 1319 126 127 I 3.0
B-28 1351 1366 1356 1357 1320 1362 130 131 I 2.7
B-29 1364 1374 1369 1371 1335 1376 131 132 I 2.4
B-30 1377 1383 1383 1386 1349 1391 132 134 I 2.1
B-31 1390 1393 1396 1400 1363 1405 133 135 I 1.9
B-32 1401 1401 1407 1412 1373 1418 135 136 I 1.9

Appendix B: (Continued)

Table B-5: Unfactored Cable Forces for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Cable Plane C


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
C-1 48 10.42 35.92 1,093 1,412 1,417 1,454 43 -11 15 -5 31 20 1 1 11
C-2 48 10.42 35.92 1,127 1,418 1,421 1,455 42 -10 14 -5 31 20 1 1 5
C-3 48 10.42 35.92 1,162 1,427 1,427 1,459 43 -10 14 -6 32 21 1 1 9
C-4 48 10.42 35.92 1,181 1,432 1,430 1,459 45 -10 14 -6 36 23 1 1 15
C-5 48 10.42 35.92 1,190 1,431 1,426 1,454 47 -11 15 -6 42 27 1 1 22
C-6 48 10.42 35.92 1,276 1,440 1,432 1,458 50 -12 16 -7 49 32 1 2 31
C-7 48 10.42 35.92 1,281 1,437 1,427 1,451 55 -14 18 -7 59 38 2 2 44
C-8 48 10.42 35.92 1,231 1,428 1,416 1,441 61 -17 20 -8 71 46 3 3 60
C-9 48 10.42 35.92 1,567 1,430 1,427 1,359 54 -31 23 -13 121 79 2 2 58
C-10 48 10.42 35.92 1,499 1,407 1,403 1,340 58 -27 24 -12 121 79 1 2 43
C-11 48 10.42 35.92 1,428 1,387 1,381 1,321 61 -25 25 -11 122 79 1 1 32
C-12 48 10.42 35.92 1,400 1,425 1,416 1,359 64 -23 25 -10 123 80 1 1 23
C-13 48 10.42 35.92 1,333 1,416 1,405 1,348 65 -22 25 -9 123 80 1 1 16
C-14 48 10.42 35.92 1,274 1,416 1,401 1,345 65 -21 25 -8 122 79 1 1 10
C-15 48 10.42 35.92 1,220 1,412 1,395 1,338 65 -20 25 -8 121 78 1 1 5
C-16 48 10.42 35.92 1,173 1,408 1,388 1,330 64 -19 25 -7 118 77 1 1 8
C-17 48 10.42 35.92 1,165 1,406 1,363 1,330 78 -35 29 -12 139 91 1 2 10
C-18 48 10.42 35.92 1,207 1,406 1,367 1,335 81 -36 30 -12 144 93 1 2 10
C-19 48 10.42 35.92 1,257 1,409 1,374 1,343 84 -37 30 -12 148 96 1 2 10

C-20 48 10.42 35.92 1,316 1,413 1,382 1,352 87 -38 31 -13 152 98 2 2 10
C-21 48 10.42 35.92 1,375 1,419 1,391 1,361 89 -39 32 -14 155 101 2 2 11
C-22 48 10.42 35.92 1,416 1,419 1,395 1,364 91 -41 32 -15 158 103 2 2 12
C-23 48 10.42 35.92 1,467 1,416 1,395 1,363 93 -43 33 -16 161 104 2 2 13
C-24 48 10.42 35.92 1,517 1,419 1,400 1,365 96 -46 33 -18 164 106 2 3 14
C-25 48 10.42 35.92 1,183 1,290 1,294 1,285 56 -36 26 -13 86 56 2 2 2
C-26 48 10.42 35.92 1,251 1,311 1,318 1,312 52 -28 23 -11 76 49 2 2 1
C-27 48 10.42 35.92 1,265 1,331 1,341 1,339 48 -22 21 -9 67 44 1 2 3
C-28 48 10.42 35.92 1,205 1,368 1,382 1,383 45 -16 19 -8 60 39 1 2 5
C-29 48 10.42 35.92 1,216 1,400 1,417 1,421 44 -13 17 -6 54 35 1 2 6
C-30 48 10.42 35.92 1,198 1,406 1,427 1,434 44 -12 15 -6 50 33 2 2 8
C-31 48 10.42 35.92 1,172 1,419 1,443 1,452 45 -12 14 -5 48 31 2 2 10
C-32 48 10.42 35.92 1,129 1,415 1,442 1,454 47 -13 15 -6 47 31 2 2 12





Appendix B: (Continued)
Table B-6: Unfactored Cable Load Groups and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane C


1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
C-1 1,497 1,485 1,505 1,508 1,485 1,516 144 146 I 1.9
C-2 1,498 1,486 1,506 1,503 1,480 1,511 144 145 I 1.9
C-3 1,503 1,492 1,511 1,511 1,489 1,520 144 146 I 1.9
C-4 1,504 1,495 1,513 1,518 1,497 1,528 144 147 I 1.9
C-5 1,501 1,495 1,511 1,523 1,503 1,533 144 147 I 2.0
C-6 1,508 1,507 1,521 1,539 1,521 1,552 145 149 I 2.2
C-7 1,506 1,510 1,522 1,550 1,533 1,565 145 150 I 2.5
C-8 1,502 1,512 1,521 1,562 1,547 1,581 144 152 I 2.7
C-9 1,484 1,551 1,512 1,542 1,567 1,570 142 151 I 3.5
C-10 1,465 1,529 1,492 1,508 1,530 1,535 141 147 I 3.5
C-11 1,448 1,510 1,475 1,481 1,499 1,507 139 145 I 3.4
C-12 1,489 1,548 1,515 1,512 1,529 1,538 143 149 I 3.4
C-13 1,481 1,539 1,507 1,498 1,513 1,523 142 148 I 3.3
C-14 1,481 1,538 1,507 1,491 1,506 1,517 142 148 I 3.2
C-15 1,477 1,533 1,503 1,482 1,496 1,508 142 147 I 3.1
C-16 1,472 1,527 1,498 1,480 1,493 1,506 141 147 I 3.0
C-17 1,484 1,545 1,514 1,494 1,506 1,524 142 148 I 4.0
C-18 1,487 1,550 1,518 1,497 1,509 1,528 143 149 I 4.0
C-19 1,493 1,557 1,525 1,503 1,515 1,535 143 149 I 4.1
C-20 1,500 1,565 1,533 1,510 1,522 1,543 144 150 I 4.2
C-21 1,508 1,574 1,542 1,519 1,531 1,553 145 151 I 4.4
C-22 1,510 1,577 1,545 1,522 1,533 1,557 145 151 I 4.5
C-23 1,510 1,577 1,545 1,522 1,533 1,558 145 151 I 4.7
C-24 1,514 1,582 1,551 1,528 1,539 1,565 145 152 I 4.9
C-25 1,350 1,380 1,371 1,352 1,352 1,373 130 132 I 3.7
C-26 1,370 1,394 1,388 1,371 1,368 1,389 132 134 I 3.3
C-27 1,389 1,408 1,406 1,392 1,387 1,408 133 135 I 2.9
C-28 1,428 1,443 1,442 1,432 1,426 1,447 137 139 I 2.6
C-29 1,465 1,475 1,479 1,471 1,463 1,485 141 143 I 2.3
C-30 1,478 1,484 1,491 1,486 1,474 1,499 142 144 I 2.0
C-31 1,497 1,500 1,510 1,507 1,493 1,520 144 146 I 1.9
C-32 1,501 1,501 1,514 1,513 1,497 1,526 144 147 I 2.0

Appendix B: (Continued)

Table B-7: Unfactored Cable Forces for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Cable Plane D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
D-1 48 10.42 35.92 1,093 1,404 1,388 1,376 39 -8 14 -4 54 35 0 0 19
D-2 48 10.42 35.92 1,127 1,411 1,392 1,376 38 -6 13 -3 51 33 0 0 13
D-3 48 10.42 35.92 1,162 1,422 1,399 1,379 37 -5 13 -2 49 32 1 1 12
D-4 48 10.42 35.92 1,181 1,429 1,402 1,378 38 -4 12 -2 48 31 1 1 19
D-5 48 10.42 35.92 1,190 1,431 1,399 1,371 40 -5 12 -2 49 32 1 1 27
D-6 48 10.42 35.92 1,276 1,442 1,405 1,372 42 -5 13 -3 53 34 2 2 37
D-7 48 10.42 35.92 1,281 1,442 1,401 1,361 46 -6 14 -3 60 39 2 3 51
D-8 48 10.42 35.92 1,231 1,438 1,391 1,345 51 -8 15 -4 72 47 3 3 68
D-9 48 10.42 35.92 1,567 1,431 1,426 1,419 25 -7 11 -3 64 42 2 3 68
D-10 48 10.42 35.92 1,499 1,406 1,402 1,395 31 -4 13 -3 64 41 1 2 51
D-11 48 10.42 35.92 1,428 1,384 1,379 1,373 37 -4 14 -2 66 43 1 1 38
D-12 48 10.42 35.92 1,400 1,420 1,414 1,408 42 -4 15 -2 69 45 0 0 28
D-13 48 10.42 35.92 1,333 1,410 1,402 1,394 46 -5 17 -2 72 47 0 0 20
D-14 48 10.42 35.92 1,274 1,408 1,398 1,389 48 -6 17 -2 73 47 0 0 13
D-15 48 10.42 35.92 1,220 1,403 1,391 1,380 50 -6 18 -3 73 48 1 1 9
D-16 48 10.42 35.92 1,173 1,399 1,383 1,371 50 -6 18 -3 73 47 1 1 13
D-17 48 10.42 35.92 1,165 1,398 1,376 1,361 54 -7 19 -3 79 51 1 1 12
D-18 48 10.42 35.92 1,207 1,399 1,380 1,367 57 -8 20 -3 82 54 1 1 12
D-19 48 10.42 35.92 1,257 1,403 1,388 1,375 59 -9 21 -3 85 55 1 1 12
D-20 48 10.42 35.92 1,316 1,409 1,397 1,385 62 -10 22 -4 87 57 0 1 12
D-21 48 10.42 35.92 1,375 1,417 1,407 1,396 64 -12 22 -5 88 57 0 0 13

D-22 48 10.42 35.92 1,416 1,420 1,412 1,401 66 -14 23 -6 88 57 0 0 13
D-23 48 10.42 35.92 1,467 1,419 1,414 1,402 68 -16 24 -7 88 57 0 0 14
D-24 48 10.42 35.92 1,517 1,424 1,419 1,407 70 -19 25 -9 86 56 0 0 15
D-25 48 10.42 35.92 1,183 1,290 1,244 1,203 25 -12 14 -6 34 22 1 1 0
D-26 48 10.42 35.92 1,251 1,309 1,270 1,234 23 -7 12 -4 34 22 1 1 2
D-27 48 10.42 35.92 1,265 1,326 1,293 1,262 24 -5 11 -3 35 23 1 1 5
D-28 48 10.42 35.92 1,205 1,362 1,334 1,308 25 -4 9 -2 37 24 1 1 7
D-29 48 10.42 35.92 1,216 1,391 1,369 1,346 26 -3 7 -2 41 27 1 2 9
D-30 48 10.42 35.92 1,198 1,396 1,378 1,359 29 -4 9 -2 46 30 2 2 11
D-31 48 10.42 35.92 1,172 1,407 1,393 1,378 31 -5 10 -2 51 33 2 2 13
D-32 48 10.42 35.92 1,129 1,402 1,392 1,380 35 -7 12 -3 56 37 2 2 14





Appendix B: (Continued)
Table B-8: Unfactored Cable Load Groups and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial
Bridge – Cable Plane D


1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
D-1 1,443 1,458 1,454 1,461 1,458 1,472 139 141 I 1.7
D-2 1,449 1,462 1,460 1,462 1,458 1,473 139 141 I 1.5
D-3 1,460 1,471 1,470 1,472 1,466 1,483 140 142 I 1.4
D-4 1,467 1,477 1,478 1,486 1,479 1,497 141 144 I 1.4
D-5 1,470 1,480 1,483 1,497 1,490 1,509 141 145 I 1.4
D-6 1,484 1,495 1,498 1,521 1,513 1,535 142 147 I 1.5
D-7 1,488 1,502 1,504 1,538 1,532 1,555 143 149 I 1.6
D-8 1,489 1,510 1,509 1,557 1,553 1,577 143 151 I 1.9
D-9 1,456 1,495 1,473 1,523 1,540 1,541 140 148 I 1.3
D-10 1,437 1,470 1,453 1,488 1,498 1,504 138 144 I 1.4
D-11 1,421 1,450 1,436 1,459 1,465 1,474 136 142 I 1.5
D-12 1,462 1,490 1,476 1,490 1,493 1,505 140 144 I 1.7
D-13 1,455 1,481 1,470 1,475 1,476 1,490 140 143 I 1.8
D-14 1,456 1,481 1,471 1,469 1,468 1,484 140 142 I 1.9
D-15 1,453 1,476 1,468 1,462 1,460 1,477 139 142 I 2.0
D-16 1,449 1,471 1,465 1,461 1,458 1,477 139 142 I 2.0
D-17 1,451 1,477 1,468 1,463 1,461 1,480 139 142 I 2.2
D-18 1,455 1,481 1,473 1,467 1,464 1,485 140 143 I 2.3
D-19 1,462 1,488 1,480 1,474 1,470 1,492 140 143 I 2.3
D-20 1,471 1,496 1,489 1,483 1,478 1,501 141 144 I 2.4
D-21 1,481 1,505 1,499 1,494 1,487 1,512 142 145 I 2.6
D-22 1,486 1,508 1,504 1,499 1,490 1,517 143 146 I 2.8
D-23 1,487 1,507 1,505 1,501 1,490 1,519 143 146 I 3.0
D-24 1,494 1,510 1,511 1,509 1,495 1,526 143 147 I 3.2
D-25 1,315 1,324 1,323 1,315 1,313 1,323 126 127 I 2.0
D-26 1,332 1,342 1,341 1,334 1,333 1,343 128 129 I 1.6
D-27 1,350 1,361 1,359 1,354 1,353 1,364 130 131 I 1.3
D-28 1,387 1,399 1,397 1,394 1,393 1,404 133 135 I 1.0
D-29 1,418 1,433 1,429 1,427 1,427 1,438 136 138 I 0.9
D-30 1,425 1,442 1,438 1,436 1,437 1,448 137 139 I 1.0
D-31 1,439 1,458 1,452 1,451 1,453 1,465 138 141 I 1.2
D-32 1,437 1,459 1,452 1,452 1,453 1,466 138 141 I 1.4

Appendix B: (Continued)

Table B-9: Factored Load Groups, Phi Factors and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Cable Plane A

NUMBER Stress (KSI) Factor GROUP I GRP II to VI Resistance TRUCKS
1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
A-1 1864 N/A 1879 N/A 1872 4.95 0.018 0.763 179 180 206 1.8
A-2 1849 N/A 1860 N/A 1856 4.77 0.018 0.765 178 179 206 1.7
A-3 1848 N/A 1855 N/A 1854 4.66 0.017 0.765 177 178 207 1.5
A-4 1852 N/A 1855 N/A 1857 4.67 0.017 0.765 178 178 207 1.5
A-5 1844 N/A 1844 N/A 1848 4.79 0.018 0.764 177 177 206 1.5
A-6 1884 N/A 1883 N/A 1889 5.04 0.019 0.763 181 181 206 1.6
A-7 1887 N/A 1886 N/A 1892 5.44 0.020 0.760 181 182 205 1.7
A-8 1897 N/A 1899 N/A 1903 6.05 0.022 0.755 182 183 204 1.9
A-9 1867 N/A 1912 N/A 1883 3.87 0.014 0.771 179 184 208 1.6
A-10 1861 N/A 1899 N/A 1875 4.43 0.016 0.767 179 182 207 1.6
A-11 1859 N/A 1893 N/A 1873 4.96 0.018 0.763 179 182 206 1.7

A-12 1850 N/A 1881 N/A 1863 5.40 0.020 0.760 178 181 205 1.8
A-13 1854 N/A 1881 N/A 1866 5.73 0.021 0.758 178 181 205 1.9
A-14 1832 N/A 1856 N/A 1844 5.92 0.022 0.756 176 178 204 2.0
A-15 1824 N/A 1844 N/A 1835 6.00 0.022 0.756 175 177 204 2.0
A-16 1827 N/A 1844 N/A 1837 5.97 0.022 0.756 175 177 204 2.1
A-17 1820 N/A 1848 N/A 1833 6.35 0.024 0.753 175 177 203 2.2
A-18 1830 N/A 1858 N/A 1844 6.71 0.025 0.750 176 178 203 2.3
A-19 1832 N/A 1860 N/A 1846 7.05 0.026 0.748 176 179 202 2.4
A-20 1843 N/A 1869 N/A 1857 7.36 0.027 0.745 177 179 201 2.5
A-21 1845 N/A 1870 N/A 1859 7.64 0.028 0.743 177 180 201 2.6
A-22 1856 N/A 1878 N/A 1869 7.87 0.029 0.742 178 180 200 2.8
A-23 1853 N/A 1872 N/A 1865 8.08 0.030 0.740 178 180 200 3.0
A-24 1856 N/A 1870 N/A 1867 8.26 0.031 0.739 178 180 199 3.2
A-25 1642 N/A 1650 N/A 1647 3.01 0.011 0.778 158 158 210 1.9
A-26 1664 N/A 1670 N/A 1668 3.02 0.011 0.778 160 160 210 1.5
A-27 1692 N/A 1698 N/A 1696 3.11 0.012 0.777 162 163 210 1.2
A-28 1718 N/A 1726 N/A 1723 3.26 0.012 0.776 165 166 209 1.0
A-29 1744 N/A 1754 N/A 1750 3.51 0.013 0.774 167 168 209 1.0
A-30 1773 N/A 1785 N/A 1780 3.83 0.014 0.772 170 171 208 1.2
A-31 1797 N/A 1811 N/A 1805 4.19 0.016 0.769 173 174 208 1.4
A-32 1816 N/A 1831 N/A 1825 4.66 0.017 0.766 174 176 207 1.6

Appendix B: (Continued)

Table B-10: Factored Load Groups, Phi Factors and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Cable Plane B

NUMBER Stress (KSI) Factor GROUP I GRP II to VI Resistance TRUCKS
1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
B-1 1833 N/A 1801 N/A 1828 4.49 0.017 0.767 176 176 207 1.9
B-2 1821 N/A 1788 N/A 1816 4.48 0.017 0.767 175 174 207 1.9
B-3 1814 N/A 1783 N/A 1810 4.59 0.017 0.766 174 174 207 1.8
B-4 1824 N/A 1795 N/A 1820 4.79 0.018 0.765 175 175 206 1.9
B-5 1820 N/A 1795 N/A 1818 5.11 0.019 0.762 175 175 206 2.0
B-6 1835 N/A 1815 N/A 1835 5.56 0.021 0.759 176 176 205 2.2
B-7 1824 N/A 1810 N/A 1826 6.13 0.023 0.755 175 175 204 2.5
B-8 1801 N/A 1793 N/A 1805 6.90 0.026 0.749 173 173 202 2.7
B-9 1993 N/A 2072 N/A 2021 6.58 0.024 0.751 191 199 203 3.4
B-10 1962 N/A 2036 N/A 1989 7.00 0.026 0.748 188 195 202 3.4
B-11 1940 N/A 2009 N/A 1965 7.36 0.027 0.745 186 193 201 3.3
B-12 1923 N/A 1988 N/A 1948 7.66 0.028 0.743 185 191 201 3.3
B-13 1910 N/A 1973 N/A 1934 7.83 0.029 0.742 183 189 200 3.3

B-14 1880 N/A 1941 N/A 1904 7.90 0.029 0.741 181 186 200 3.2
B-15 1871 N/A 1930 N/A 1895 7.87 0.029 0.742 180 185 200 3.1
B-16 1865 N/A 1922 N/A 1888 7.75 0.029 0.743 179 184 200 3.0
B-17 1865 N/A 1928 N/A 1891 9.54 0.035 0.729 179 185 197 3.9
B-18 1878 N/A 1942 N/A 1905 9.87 0.037 0.727 180 186 196 4.0
B-19 1882 N/A 1947 N/A 1909 10.17 0.038 0.725 181 187 196 4.1
B-20 1891 N/A 1956 N/A 1918 10.43 0.039 0.723 182 188 195 4.2
B-21 1897 N/A 1962 N/A 1925 10.67 0.040 0.721 182 188 195 4.4
B-22 1910 N/A 1974 N/A 1938 10.89 0.040 0.719 183 190 194 4.5
B-23 1909 N/A 1973 N/A 1937 11.10 0.041 0.718 183 189 194 4.7
B-24 1915 N/A 1977 N/A 1942 11.33 0.042 0.716 184 190 193 4.9
B-25 1593 N/A 1611 N/A 1604 6.65 0.025 0.751 153 155 203 3.8
B-26 1636 N/A 1648 N/A 1645 6.15 0.023 0.754 157 158 204 3.4
B-27 1668 N/A 1675 N/A 1675 5.68 0.021 0.758 160 161 205 3.0
B-28 1721 N/A 1723 N/A 1727 5.23 0.019 0.761 165 166 206 2.7
B-29 1738 N/A 1735 N/A 1742 4.94 0.018 0.763 167 167 206 2.4
B-30 1756 N/A 1747 N/A 1758 4.86 0.018 0.764 169 169 206 2.1
B-31 1775 N/A 1760 N/A 1775 4.86 0.018 0.764 170 170 206 1.9
B-32 1791 N/A 1771 N/A 1790 4.99 0.018 0.763 172 172 206 1.9

Appendix B: (Continued)

Table B-11: Factored Load Groups, Phi Factors and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Cable Plane C

NUMBER Stress (KSI) Factor GROUP I GRP II to VI Resistance TRUCKS
1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
C-1 1908 N/A 1874 N/A 1902 6.01 0.022 0.755 183 183 204 1.9
C-2 1902 N/A 1868 N/A 1896 5.97 0.022 0.756 183 182 204 1.9
C-3 1912 N/A 1880 N/A 1907 6.15 0.023 0.754 184 183 204 1.9
C-4 1922 N/A 1892 N/A 1918 6.52 0.024 0.752 185 184 203 1.9
C-5 1928 N/A 1902 N/A 1926 7.11 0.026 0.747 185 185 202 2.0
C-6 1951 N/A 1929 N/A 1950 7.91 0.029 0.741 187 187 200 2.2
C-7 1966 N/A 1949 N/A 1967 8.94 0.033 0.734 189 189 198 2.5
C-8 1985 N/A 1973 N/A 1988 10.28 0.038 0.724 191 191 195 2.7
C-9 1955 N/A 2026 N/A 1981 12.69 0.047 0.706 188 195 191 3.5
C-10 1915 N/A 1981 N/A 1940 13.10 0.049 0.703 184 190 190 3.5
C-11 1882 N/A 1944 N/A 1906 13.48 0.050 0.700 181 187 189 3.4
C-12 1923 N/A 1982 N/A 1946 13.77 0.051 0.698 185 190 188 3.4

C-13 1905 N/A 1962 N/A 1928 13.91 0.052 0.697 183 188 188 3.3
C-14 1898 N/A 1953 N/A 1920 13.90 0.051 0.697 182 188 188 3.2
C-15 1887 N/A 1941 N/A 1909 13.77 0.051 0.698 181 186 188 3.1
C-16 1884 N/A 1936 N/A 1905 13.50 0.050 0.700 181 186 189 3.0
C-17 1909 N/A 1964 N/A 1932 16.20 0.060 0.680 183 189 184 4.0
C-18 1914 N/A 1971 N/A 1939 16.77 0.062 0.676 184 189 182 4.0
C-19 1923 N/A 1980 N/A 1948 17.29 0.064 0.672 185 190 181 4.1
C-20 1934 N/A 1992 N/A 1959 17.76 0.066 0.668 186 191 180 4.2
C-21 1946 N/A 2004 N/A 1971 18.18 0.067 0.665 187 192 180 4.4
C-22 1951 N/A 2009 N/A 1977 18.58 0.069 0.662 187 193 179 4.5
C-23 1953 N/A 2011 N/A 1979 18.97 0.070 0.659 187 193 178 4.7
C-24 1962 N/A 2019 N/A 1988 19.39 0.072 0.656 188 194 177 4.9
C-25 1722 N/A 1741 N/A 1733 10.78 0.040 0.720 165 167 194 3.7
C-26 1743 N/A 1755 N/A 1752 9.76 0.036 0.728 167 168 196 3.3
C-27 1767 N/A 1774 N/A 1774 8.86 0.033 0.734 170 170 198 2.9
C-28 1815 N/A 1818 N/A 1821 8.08 0.030 0.740 174 175 200 2.6
C-29 1864 N/A 1860 N/A 1867 7.60 0.028 0.744 179 179 201 2.3
C-30 1882 N/A 1872 N/A 1884 7.36 0.027 0.746 181 181 201 2.0
C-31 1909 N/A 1894 N/A 1909 7.28 0.027 0.746 183 183 201 1.9
C-32 1918 N/A 1898 N/A 1917 7.43 0.028 0.745 184 184 201 2.0

Appendix B: (Continued)

Table B-12: Factored Load Groups, Phi Factors and Stresses for Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Cable Plane D

NUMBER Stress (KSI) Factor GROUP I GRP II to VI Resistance TRUCKS
1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
D-1 1846 N/A 1853 N/A 1852 7.12 0.026 0.747 177 178 202 1.7
D-2 1847 N/A 1851 N/A 1852 6.82 0.025 0.749 177 178 202 1.5
D-3 1859 N/A 1861 N/A 1863 6.65 0.025 0.751 178 179 203 1.4
D-4 1877 N/A 1876 N/A 1880 6.66 0.025 0.751 180 181 203 1.4
D-5 1893 N/A 1890 N/A 1896 6.88 0.025 0.749 182 182 202 1.4
D-6 1924 N/A 1921 N/A 1927 7.35 0.027 0.746 185 185 201 1.5
D-7 1948 N/A 1948 N/A 1953 8.13 0.030 0.740 187 187 200 1.6
D-8 1975 N/A 1980 N/A 1982 9.36 0.035 0.731 190 190 197 1.9
D-9 1918 N/A 1959 N/A 1933 6.39 0.024 0.753 184 188 203 1.3
D-10 1876 N/A 1908 N/A 1889 6.96 0.026 0.748 180 183 202 1.4
D-11 1842 N/A 1869 N/A 1854 7.67 0.028 0.743 177 179 201 1.5
D-12 1883 N/A 1906 N/A 1894 8.33 0.031 0.738 181 183 199 1.7

D-13 1866 N/A 1886 N/A 1877 8.86 0.033 0.734 179 181 198 1.8
D-14 1861 N/A 1878 N/A 1870 9.19 0.034 0.732 179 180 198 1.9
D-15 1853 N/A 1867 N/A 1862 9.34 0.035 0.731 178 179 197 2.0
D-16 1853 N/A 1865 N/A 1861 9.34 0.035 0.731 178 179 197 2.0
D-17 1857 N/A 1872 N/A 1866 10.09 0.037 0.725 178 180 196 2.2
D-18 1863 N/A 1878 N/A 1873 10.58 0.039 0.722 179 180 195 2.3
D-19 1873 N/A 1887 N/A 1883 11.01 0.041 0.718 180 181 194 2.3
D-20 1885 N/A 1898 N/A 1895 11.37 0.042 0.716 181 182 193 2.4
D-21 1899 N/A 1910 N/A 1909 11.66 0.043 0.714 182 183 193 2.6
D-22 1907 N/A 1914 N/A 1916 11.87 0.044 0.712 183 184 192 2.8
D-23 1911 N/A 1914 N/A 1918 12.00 0.044 0.711 183 184 192 3.0
D-24 1921 N/A 1919 N/A 1927 12.07 0.045 0.711 184 185 192 3.2
D-25 1657 N/A 1661 N/A 1661 4.48 0.017 0.767 159 159 207 2.0
D-26 1682 N/A 1686 N/A 1685 4.36 0.016 0.768 161 162 207 1.6
D-27 1707 N/A 1712 N/A 1711 4.49 0.017 0.767 164 164 207 1.3
D-28 1757 N/A 1763 N/A 1761 4.75 0.018 0.765 169 169 207 1.0
D-29 1799 N/A 1807 N/A 1804 5.11 0.019 0.762 173 174 206 0.9
D-30 1812 N/A 1822 N/A 1818 5.63 0.021 0.758 174 175 205 1.0
D-31 1832 N/A 1845 N/A 1839 6.19 0.023 0.754 176 177 204 1.2
D-32 1835 N/A 1849 N/A 1843 6.85 0.025 0.749 176 178 202 1.4

Appendix B: (Continued)
Key for Tables B-9 through B-12

18 GROUP I = 1.25DL + 1.75( LL + I )


20 GROUP III = 1.25DL + 0.4 ( W1 ) + 1.2 T


22 GROUP V = 1.25DL + 1.35(LL+I)+0.4W1 + 1.2T







Appendix C:

3rd Party Authorizations

Referenced Item 3rd Party Authorization Reference

Figure 1-1 Figure C-1: Exhibit A

Figure 1-7 Figure C-2: Exhibit B

Figure 1-8 Figure C-3: Exhibit C

Figure 1-13 Figure C-4: Exhibit D

Figure 1-15 Figure C-5: Exhibit E

Figure 2-1 Figure C-6: Exhibit F

Figure 2-9 Figure C-6: Exhibit F

Figure 3-4 Figure C-7: Exhibit G

Figure 3-5 Figure C-8: Exhibit H

Figure 3-22 Figure C-3: Exhibit C

Figure 3-25 Figure C-9: Exhibit I

Figure 3-26 Figure C-4: Exhibit D

Figure 3-27 Figure C-4: Exhibit D

Figure 4-9 Figure C-10: Exhibit J

Chapter 5* Figure C-10: Exhibit J

Figure 5-2 Figure C-4: Exhibit D

Figure 5-3 Figure C-4: Exhibit D

Figure 5-13 Figure C-4: Exhibit D

Figure 5-16 Figure C-4: Exhibit D

Figure 5-17 Figure C-4: Exhibit D

Figure 5-22 Figure C-11: Exhibit K

*General information on the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

Appendix C (Continued)

Figure C-1: Exhibit A

Appendix C (Continued)

Figure C-2: Exhibit B

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-3: Exhibit C

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-4: Exhibit D

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-5: Exhibit E

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-6: Exhibit F

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-7: Exhibit G

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-8: Exhibit H

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-9: Exhibit I

See Next Page

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-9: Exhibit I (Continued)

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-10: Exhibit J

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-10: Exhibit J (Continued)

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-10: Exhibit J (Continued)

Appendix C (Continued)
Figure C-11: Exhibit K

About the Author

Steven L. Stroh is an accomplished bridge designer with more than 35 years

devoted exclusively to bridge design as a consulting engineer. He has worked on the

design of more than 20 cable-stayed bridges, including such landmark structures as the

Kap Shui Mun Bridge in Hong Kong and the Fred Hartman Bridge in Baytown, Texas.

He has the distinction of serving as the lead designer and Engineer of Record for the first

extradosed bridge to be designed in the United States, the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge.

He was honored in 2006 by the American Segmental Bridge Institute with their

Leadership Award for outstanding contributions to the design and use of concrete

segmental and extradosed bridges.

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