Lazaro-Bsed-E 1-1-Detailed Lesson Plan - g10 - Conceptual Method
Lazaro-Bsed-E 1-1-Detailed Lesson Plan - g10 - Conceptual Method
Lazaro-Bsed-E 1-1-Detailed Lesson Plan - g10 - Conceptual Method
(Conceptual Method)
At the end of the discussion 80% of the student should be able to:
1. Identify the figure of speech used in the sentence (Simile, Metaphor, and Personification)
2. Create their own poems using different types of figurative language (Simile, Metaphor, and
3. Interpret the meanings of similes, metaphors, and personification in context.
2. Greetings
“Good morning everyone!” “Good morning ma’am/sir, Bongga!”
“You may now visited.” “Thank you po ma’am/sir.”
“Kindly pick up the piece of trash under your chair.”
(students picked up the trash and arrange the chair)
3. Classroom Management
•Checking of attendance “Present po!”
•Arrange your chair properly.
4. Drill
“ok are we are now going to talk a new lesson.”
-Identify the sentence. What types of figure of 1. Mike is a chef when he is in the kitchen.
speech (Simile, Metaphor, and Personification) of 2. Barbara is as hungry as a horse.
the given sentences? 3. The car was a jet when it passed by us.
4. Kenny played the violin like an expert.
5. The music was as soothing as rain.
Give the jumble letter of (Simile, Metaphor, and Students will arrange the jumble letter (Simile,
Personification), student try to arrange the letter to form Metaphor, and Personification)
the word Simile, Metaphor, and Personification and ask
if they have any idea about that word. 1. MILESI SIMILIE
The student will listen to the discussion.
Present the power point of figure of speech. Read the following given definition.
(Simile, Metaphor, and Personification)
(The students will analyze the sentence by
How are we going to use the figure of speech? answering given examples)
(Simile, Metaphor, and Personification) to a
sentence or poem? 1. He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
We used “simile” when we compare two or more (he is comparing to a funny barrel monkey)
things. 2. The classroom was a zoo.
Used metaphor when one thing is something (the classroom is comparing to a zoo because zoo
else. It is a comparison but does NOT use like or is too noisy place like classroom).
as to make the comparison. 3. The thunder grumbled like an old man.
Used personification when we give human
qualities, feelings, actions, or characteristics to (it gives the human qualities like an anger old man
inanimate (not living) objects. loud and sharp like a thunder)
Part I.
1. Write a sentence that shows personification for each i. lightning
item listed below. ii. car
iii. start
iv. wind
v. fire
Part II.
2. Below are sentences that contain similes and 1. The cat’s fur was a blanket of warmth.
metaphors. Underline the two words in each sentence 2. The lamp was a beacon of sunshine.
that are being compared. 3. The fireworks were a lantern in the sky.
4. John slept like a log.
5. Mary was as sweet as pie.
Create a short poem using the following figure of speech (Simile, Metaphor, and Personification)
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Personification
Prepared by:
Mario R. Lazaro Jr.
BSED-E 1-1