Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Neurocysticercosis
Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Neurocysticercosis
Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Neurocysticercosis
Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of
Nayab Mustafa Dania Al Ayyat Mazin Awad Maha Elamin Entisar Bin Haider
Samia Alkhoori
Psychiatry Department, Rashid Hospital, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE
Keywords Introduction
Psychiatry · Emergency · Neurocysticercosis · Neurology ·
Infectious disease · Tapeworm Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is known for being the
commonest and severest parasitic infection of the central
nervous system. It is also a major public health problem
Abstract in Asian, African and Latin American countries, where
A common scenario in the Emergency Department shows prevalence rates vary from 0.1 to 4%. The infection is
patients presenting with abnormal behavior and agitation. caused by the larval form of the pork tapeworm Taenia
A full workup is performed to rule out organic causes for the solium, which is transmitted feco-orally through eggs in
patients’ presentation after which they are referred to the contaminated water and food (especially raw vegetables,
Psychiatry Department for further assessment regarding undercooked and infected pork) [1].
major mental disorders. Similarly, the aforementioned pro- NCC typically first presents as seizures (70–90% of
tocol was followed for our patient and he was admitted to acutely symptomatic patients) or headache. The severity
the psychiatry ward but was later referred to the Neurology of brain pathology depends on several mechanisms in-
and Infectious Diseases Unit as he developed altered mental cluding quantity of cysts, type, and location as well as the
status. He was then diagnosed as having neurocysticercosis host’s immune response itself [2]. At the time of the first
(NCC), which is a common parasitic infection of the central seizure, most patients have an active cyst, either a vesicle
nervous system. In a multiethnic city like Dubai, NCC should cyst or a colloid cyst. NCC is reported to be responsible
always be considered as a differential diagnosis for abnormal for nearly half of the late-onset cases of epilepsy in the
behavior. Symptomatic NCC carries a mortality rate of more endemic areas [3].
than 50%, making early detection and treatment very impor- NCC has been associated with a plethora of psychiatric
tant. Hence, it is encouraged to screen patients with a high manifestations such as organic psychotic conditions [4,
pretest probability using brain CT and MRI. 5], mania, schizophrenia-like symptoms or catatonic
© 2020 The Author(s) symptoms [6]. Periodic cases of NCC have been reported
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel after assessing patients with a first episode of schizophre-
nia in the Western world [7].
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